A HEft?f a?eu is in no fence iv pUiM of chray. It earus twice oyer vtjy dolUr A receives, uud it is second to no enterprise in .contrib uting to tUe tibuilJivg of a com piuwtj. Ita patcyna reap far more benefit from ;ts pages than ita pub lisher!, and iu calling for the sup port of the community-ig which it is published, it asks Cot jto more than ju ail fiumes belongs to it, though geuer&llj it recei?es .Uss. Patronize .and help your paper as you would ny other enterprise kesause it helps you, aud not as au act of .charity. A PKRFkcx joXt'S is that in which jjrou Bee the farmer jpatroniiug the home mcrcaauts, the laborers spendi ng the mouey they cam with their Xiwn tradesmen, aud all .animated Jby a tipiitt that wijl purchase articles abroad if they .can be boughi ,at homo. The spirit of reciprocity between man aud the mechanic, tradesman and laborer, farmer and manufacturer, rosults fiypyy time in jnakiug qhe town a perfect yue to do business in. "Perfection" should .always bo desired, even where at tainment is barely possible, we pre jSume, but a perfect town inust be denominated a great rarity until we jeach a more advanced stjage toward (the isiileniuui th.au has yet been jgained. THANKSGIVING-1 907. 'JhanksgiviDg and the voioa of praig.. To Thee. O Lord, oar God, heloug ; yo Thee our hearts aud voices raise In glad thanksgiving aud in song Oar thauks me due for life aud health. Aud all rich blessiugs we receive, or fruitful fields aud all (he wealth That our abundant harvests give. jNo dire disease, or faniiue sore. Or bloody war afflicts our land ; t?H.i i : 1 1. t i . 1 . j.ui-.ou in iuc cj-viuub a aottuiy ruur. All wero prereuted by II s baud, for peace and plenty we rejoice, . Give thauka and laud Ilia holy p&ine, j&ad with united heart aud voice praise Ilim whoe love is e'er the saga, Selected. CHUECH DIRECTORY Vl. E. Church Services every Sunday at - -j.l!00 o'clock a. oi., and 7:00 o'clock p. in. . Prayer meeting every Wednesday pijbt. r. w tmt i,I I .... ev. Xi. x.aiogieion. pasior. Sunday acLool everv Sunday corning at : r..lr I .... l ." v. .1 , ;iu o eiuus, cu, jl normaii, oupi. Christian Church Preaching exery 2nd pnd 3rd Sunday at 11 a. m , and 7:15 p. m, All are invited to attend, John It. Smith, jnmi9ier. Sunday School every Sunday y.30 a. ui., JH. G. Dardec, Supt Baptibt Church Services eyeyr 1st, 2ud ' ind 1th Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. in., aud J-JO o'clock p. tu. Prayer mee.jpg every tfcDtsday night. Kev. J. W. Nobles, pastor. Sunday eobool every Sunday afternoon ' 3-00 o'clock, W. K. White, Supt. Grace Episcopal Church Sunday school pvery Sunday 9 45 a in., Clarence Latham, puperinlendeut ' Second and Fifth Sundays Morning service. 11 00 a. in ; Evening service, 7 30 -jr. m. Hev. w. J. Gordon, Kector. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ail pienta, cau be quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists every where bs Dr. Shoop's Kestorative. The prompt and tmrprixlng relief which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due (o its Kestorative action upon the control ling nerves of the Stomach, tc A weak Stomach, causing dyspepsia, a Weak Eeart with palpitation or intermit fifpt pulse, always means weak Stomach perves or weuk Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop's ltestorative and Bee how quickly Iheae aUmente disappear. Dr. Bhoop of Racine, Win, will mail flampJes free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is pertainly worth this eiciple trial. Sold by r. Unveii port, im NOTICE, North Carolina, Washington County, To F. K. Johnston, Entry Taker lor said county : The undersigned, II. T., it C. W. Gur ganus, cpters and layb claim to the i'ollow- -jng described land in Plymouth townuLio Uatihington county, it being yacaut and pnappropriated land subject to entry ; Beginning at Macodu Kel ley's west cor ner, a sweet gum ; thence southerly to the ' Irownej Islnd patent line, thence with paid line to a corner, thenoe easterly to the piamal, a corer; thence northerly to Mar poda Keiley's line, thence with said line to the beginning, pontining about 8 aqres. This laud is Dear Long Ridge road, about 10 miles from Plymouth. This Oct. l;tb, 07, H. T. GCBQAKUB. Attest: C. W. GuKOAHua. F. It, Johnston, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as adminiBtrator of the estate of Fannie E. Norman, deceased, lute pf Washington county, N. C, thin ia to notify all persons having claims agaiu; t the said estate to xhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 2(Hh day of October, 1908, er this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in dsbtfri to the estate will please make im Mediate payment. This Oct. i.'G, 1907. r W. U. Batemap, Adm'r. k. . v The Secret of A 5EAUTIFTJL COHPLEXION Now Kevealed FREE What beauty is more desirable tha-n an exquisite complexion and elegant ieweln An opportunity freyerj' jvowan to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recipe Tor obtain ing a f.tnltleHS completion is the secret long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS aud GREEKS. This 'e obtained af.er years ctf wo.rk aud ai great expense, ft is the wertihod iiCtid by the tairest aud most beuutiful wo meu of Europe. Hundreds of Aineriuan Winen who now use it have expressed tLeir delight -and ttisttction. , ThiB Becret is easily nnderstooti and simple to follow aud it will save you the expenso of creams, cosmetics, blorxhes aud forever give yon a beautiful complexion and free your skin from piaajiles, fcad color biackhea4a, etc. It alone is woith to you miny times the price we ask you to send for-UiS geuuiue diamoud ling of latest de sign. V'e sell you this ring as one small profit above manufacturing cost. The price is IctyS thau oue half what others ch&ige. The reips is free with every ring.. It is f. genuine rose cut dia" ruig of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guauu- teed, very dai y, shaped like Belcher withTitfauy setting of lPKt gold shell, at G your local jeweler It w oy Id cobt consider-' abls more thau $2.00. We mail you this beau&tul complexion recipe free when your order is reeciyed for ring and $2.00 in money order, stamps or bills, Qtl your order iu before our supply is exhaUHt&d. Tbis offer is made for a limited time only as a lACaus of advertising and intro ducing our goods. Send to-day before this opportunity is forgotten. T. C. MOSEW 82 Eist 23rd Street, New York City 17 1 V wou,eu f',r collecting names : IvljilJ aud solliug our novelties, we give bifr premiums end yonr name to diy fjr our new plan of bijy profits with little work. Write to-day. Address C. T. 3IOSI2LEY Premium department 32 E. 23rd Street, New York City The JamestowE Exposition Closes with this month, but tl o hol idays follow closely with the happy custofji of loving gifts. The best selection is made from a Jewelry store, and wc have the lar gest in tho South, which enables us to offer yon peculiar advantages. . WE SEND GOODS on approval, so write about yout needs, and see how quickly we reply, If you f'Dotrt kuow what to give" we can apsist pou iu decidiug. Just write us freely. PAUL-GALE-GKEEN-WOOD CO., (IJNC.) "Watclimakers ancj Jewelers, Granby St., & City Hall Ave., NORFOLK, - - VI11G1NIA. je8 Fall & Winter, To my Friends and Patrons, 3r i-o e ti 11 g-s : After spending some weeks in study and preparation of tho styles for the present season, I wish to in vite all, whether a customer or not, to visit us and look over our line of Millinery, Dry Goods, Notions, etc., knowing you will like them better after you have seen them. If yo'.i want something not in stock-r maybe not in town vc will be glad to get it for you from the city, as we buy from the best whole sale houses. Ucnienibor, we will begin to dis play our Hats Oct. 4tb, and daily throughout the seasou thereafter. Hoping to be able to serve you, and with thanks for past favors, I am, Yours respectfully, Mrs. A. M. Ayeus. 10-1 Plants and Seed For Sale. We now have, ready for Fall setting, a large lot of Charles ton' aud "Jersey Wakelieldv Cabbage plants. Wo ako have for sulo aeketed Cotton 8eed,v "Improved P10 lifioH Coiii, and "Blisa Tri tiinph" 'Irish jotittoe. Ad-drew, J G. SUU,K'AN& BKO., II F. D No. X, lhU riytnonth, N. 0. NOTICE. Having qualified ns administrator of the estate of Anu U. Melsoti. decease, late of Washington county, North Carolina, thin is to notify all persons having claims aguiust the Naid estate to exhibit thera to the uad'M-vignod 00 or before th 20th day of Atij IrtoS. Oi- this notice will be pUu.a iu bar of their reaovery. All pet none in debted to the ctaw vill please make im mediate payment. This Aug. 2tf, iao7 W. i Jackson. Adm'r. GREAT SALE tOllilH Jt Tiie Board of Governors f the Jamestown Exposition, upon tho recommenda tion of the Bureau of pianos of the highest grade, selected the STIEFF as the Oilieial Piano of the Exposition. At its opening we furnished one hundred of the very best, high grade instruments, Grands, Up rights :uul PlayerPiail03, U'hieh have been used in the various State and other buildings and Depart ments for seven months. These Pianos Are Practically Iiew but there circ 100 of tliem, .mil they must be sold (jiiickly. To do this, we will bring them all to our waro-rooms i'i NorfolK, .md on MOIVDAY, pi01 311315.1 placo them on e.ile at such reduced prices as to be the greatest bai gaiut. ever offered in pianos anywhere. that in addition to the low prices, we will give our usual ea.y terms of credit if desired. write rr& us WW for desoriptiow, prices and terms so that you can be prem-d for , this gale. 1 SJEM30IA.1-. inotice; In order to give ho advantage to Norfolk people over tlioo at a distance, we will allow a credit on the purchase price, of the rail road or steamboat fare of any piirchiwcr, to Norfolk ant return, and prepay the f 1 t ight on the piano, provided the distaiice'tfoesjot ex ceed one hundred miles from Norfolk. If the distance exceeds 10U miles, thtf expense of 100 miles will be credited. Remember the Bale Begins Monday, Dec. Sad. l j. U. b'lEKLE, il'o'it. 114 Granby St. NOKFOLK, VA. "The Piano witlt the Kweql T ot.e." Oflicial Piano of the Jamestowu lCxpot.it ion. RLOPER. public high school is now offering free tuition to all students and teachers of Washington county prepared to enter Entrance examina tions on course of study, as prescribed for first seven grades in public schools, will be given on application to Principal or County Superintendent. Or students may be admitted to the High School upon certificates signed by their teachers and countersigned by County Superintendent. A course of four years' study is prescribed, the first two years of which are given below. FIRST YEAR: - 1. Mathematics; Arithmetic ( olaw 8c Ell wood's Advan ced.) New School Algebra, (Went worth). 2. History; Montgomery's English History. 3. English; Grammar (Buehler; Smith) composition. Literature ; "Evangeline," "The Sketch Book," "The Spy," "Snowbound." 4. Latin; Collar & Daniell's "Beginners' Latin." 5. Science; "Physical Geography." -SECOND 1. Mathematics; Same as first year. Wentworth's "Com plete Algebra.'5 2. History; West's "Ancient World." 3. .English; Composition and Literature. 4. Latin; Review, Caesar begun. 5. Science ; Red way's "Elementary Physical Geography." For further information address: WALTER F. McCANLESS, Prin. and Supt. Roper Graded Schools, or C J. EVERETT, County Supt, Plymouth, N. C. Roper, N, C, Sept. u, 1907. 1 MORTGAGEE' SALE. By virtue of authority of a mortgage deed executed to me by W. A. Alexander aud others, trustees on the 1st day of J&uo. 198, and duly reeordtd in tike Reg ister's OAica iu Wahhiutou Couuty, lkoJk 8, pages 02-S)3, I hhutt ell at public Auction for cash, ot 12 o'alock, M. ou the 2d day of Dec. 1007, at the Court House door in Plymouth, N. O , in Washington county, the following property, viz: Be ginning at the Eastern corner of lot No, 75 on Third street, Plymouth, and running JJast aloiig said btreet forty-eight loet to a stake an K. L. 'I arkentou'H liiie ; thence running one bund ed feel Northwardly to a stake on said Tarkeuton's line ; thence West forty-eight feet to a stake on the Milliard line ; the"rlce along the Milliard line one hundred feet to the first s'atiou, being tibuut ono-fourth cf lot No. 7, Ply mouth, N. C. phis 2d day of Nov. 19'-'7. AiaFuid Alexandre, A O. GavloriP, Mortgagee. Attorney. DaWlTT'S aSSiSS WITCH IIA2EL SALVIA For Piles. Burns. Sores. . sa Ef.li m n vBb-i s. i ioubmi Ckeo Kidneys and Bladder Right SXPO- Lusic, after investigation of YEAR OP Kl o ft Girlhood and Scott's Emufson are linked together. Tho girl who takes Scoffs Emtzl sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she is plump, active and energetic. Tho reason z that at a period when a girTs digestion is weale, Scott's Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested form. It is a food that builds' and keeps up a girl's strength. ALL DRUCCIGTS; Cosby Patent Air-Tight Baker and Heater r KV', ly-a 1 IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY It warms the coldest and largest room in the house, making it cozy. The busy housewife can cook or bake anything from light rolls to a Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey. Still it looks juct a 4 neat .as any heater made. It is air-tight n rid a great fuel saver. Thousands? are be ing sold. Thousands of housekeepers are enthusiastic. Fine Cast Iron tops and bottoms, Tnaking it last fo. years without repairs. Made ouly by UNION STOVE CO., Inc., Uox 2745, RICHMOND, VA. TIIE K OUT LI CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College- Iieguliir Courses iVadinj; io d grees of U ichelor of Pedagy, Bachelor of Aims. ZJaclielor of Science, and a new couree leading to degree of Baeli elor of Music. , Bord. U-midry, tuition, and fees for use of text bocks, etc., $1 70-. a 3ear. For frte-tuitieu students, $125 , ,. , 1 TttB Nohmal Departhent ives thorough iustruQtioa iu the ubj-ctB jtaueht'in the bcIiooIb ai d coIKges, aud cp--ial prdngoical iraiuitf far the pn-fiibsioa of tecb inK. . Teachers and Graduates of other colleges are offered a one year special course iti Pedagogy aud allied subjects. Tbs CofJMEncfAL DKPiVETMENT flVrs practial instractiou in Steuography, Typewritiue. Book keepiug mid other bUbintss Habjfctrt. The Departments op Majk-Oal'Ahtb and Domestic ciencb provide instruc tion in Manual Traiui'ig aud iu suoh subjects lb xelate dirfCtly to the home and family. 'I he Music Depaktkent, in addition tothe ddgree courtio, offers a certificate course iu vocul and iustrnmeiittil uiUHic. To Rfcnre board in the df.rmi:oricR, a!' free-tuitinv npplica'.iona should be made before July l'. The fttll term opMis September 18, 1907. For catalogue aLd other information, addrews, J. I. F0UST, President, GRKKNSBORO, N. C. I i t i 1 b Bill I am still in the lead, selling tho Best work for the price, Uoth Open and Top Bugjies, with all fetyles of Springs. I am introducing a very tine riding spring, Guaranteed to Last, and ao good service, I now havo a line line of work on hand and can fill orders promptly and for tho quality of work, I will sell Cheaper than Ever before. Come one and all and all and all and give ine a call. SPBlJI 'Fillip "The Old DOc. AND CI .OO. AND' COOKS. TOO. The Most. Convenient, Useful and Economical Stove for the Home Ever Made. . . ... 41 VlU'vArfO y- .vN i Keliable." ,itii w 80- PLYMOUTIf( N.

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