the Democratic Voters of the First Congressional District : bout a month tigo I annonnml mil a canditlttte for the uotuiini- for Con cress. was tiding in good faiih ami h the desire to secure the nomi- lion. At that time I hopeil to bo o to free myself from Court eii- jjemetits eo as to nmke an aetive jrt to been re it. This I rind I am fiaoie to UQ as I ;iave main ; s in -met. tiuir. will tn!n. m in i , f mv hp. I at;i wvfUi-i ihp.1 f',-' $i'i;in itte,!3iMng ,t,o lo boih will trpaten tns wjib. serious physical Isult?, I therefore withdraw from the tontedfc. The assurances of support ere most gratifying to" ni.e and I m Hi-ink- fnl for s:i m Ill the fu ture, as it:, the iast, i shall do what pan for the success of the )emo :ratic party and its candidates. Truly. W. M. Bond. Eden to 11, T. 0., Mar. 24,1908. He Got What He K ceded. "Nine ears ago it looked us if my time bad come." says Mr. 0. Farthing, of Mm Creek, Intl. Tec, "l was so run down tint life baug on a very slender thread, it we iku pjy druggist recommended Eheirio Bitters. I bought a bottle atui I got what I needed strength. I had 030 foot in tii-. grave, but Electric Bitters put it back ou the turf agaia, ai)d I've been welt ever 8)"Ce." Sold under guarantee at Spruill & Bro's. 50c. Election Officers Appointed. The Board of Election; lor this jcounty met at the Court House foil Wednesday and appointed Jiegistrais and Judges of Election for the Miy .election as follows : Plymouth Towxsmr. C. V. W . Ausbon, liegistrar, Julian W. Harrison and Ed. B. Xoi man, Judges of Election. Lee's Mr lis T o w u i p : E. A. Learv, lteyistrar, Varreu Cah oou and W. C. Thomp son, Judges of Election. S K I N N E KS V I L L B To W X 6 II IP. C. V. White, liegistrar, E. K. Spruill and H. A. Norman, Judges of Election. SeuppERNOxa Township. E. F. Swain, liegistrar, P. L, llasseli and D. E. Woodley, Judges or Election. Jlodol For Dyspepsia Las helpt-d thousands ot people who Have cau siotuat u irouuie. This is what od6 mau ways of it : 4'E. O fleWitt &Co., Chicago 111 Gentleman u 1897 1 had a disease of the stouiacu aud bowels. I could not dige9f anything I ate and in the spriug of 19U2 I bought a bottle pf Kodol and the bvuerU f received from that battle all the gold iu Gonna eomd uot buy. I still use a littie ocotioualiy art I find it a fine blood puritler and a good Jouic. May you live louu aud prosper. Yours -very truly. C. N. Co ueli, Boding, Ga., Aug, 27, 1906." jCalendar April Term Superi or Court. TUESDAY. A PHIL 1-lTII. T. N. Pearce & others vs H. S, Vard & others. SvEDJS'ESDAY, A PHIL loTII. Koper Lumber Co., vs IStoliesbury and others. II. W. Phelps vsS. 15. Davenport. Comilock vs Clifton. E. E. Daveuport vs N. & S. Py. T. E iSatlcrthwaite vs N. &S. Py. THURoDAY, APRIL 1'JlH. S. 15. Batenian vs A. G. Walker. T. C. Ilolmcs vs W. Martin. J, H. Mizull vs Wilts Veneer Co. b. E. Morrnan vs Wilts Veneer Co. "W. J. Jackson vs D. E. Woodley, Adm'r. Butler vs Johnston. Holller vs lumber Co. FRIDAY, A PHIL 17TIJ. Cur-kin vs It. U. P. & L. Co. A. 1. Ange vs in. ty. W. W, bcarboroupli vs A. C. L. 11. P.. Cases not trie 1 on day set to have precedence on dav following. C. V. W. Ausiiov, C. S. C. A Twenty Year Sentence. "I have just completed a twenty year healtu sentence, imposed by Buekh-ii's Arnica Salve, which cured rpe of bleeding piles jast tweuty yeurs writes U ft Sv'ooiever, of Leliaysville, N. Y. Bucklsn's Arnica Salve beats the worst sorts, boils, burns, wounds and cuts iu the shortest time. 25o at Spruid & Urn. A woman of 35 can seldom remember ftnjthing that happened raoM than 20 yar ago Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrt:p the eoUgh syrup that tastes nearly as pood at maple sugar aud Which children like so to take. Unlike nearly all other cough remedies, it dor3 not constipate, but on tha other baud it acts promptly yet gently on tha bowels, through which the cold is forced out of the system, and at the same i-i-e It !:.. t bit (.1 it' t;. A!'.y4 USu L ' ' - ' - '-. ' 1 hv SALE OF DEBT. On p tidottof S. E Alexnjultr, Admx, ol tstiite of M M Alexaidsr, dectftsed, that sh 11111 y m ttle suivl esthit as nqm d by l iw, ord I ns issutd by tLe Coutts au ihoiiz'iiK her to sell at CresWi-ll, N. (J., ou Tuusday, April 2lst, lJt';S, the l . liyvv U; t-yidt-uovS of debt duo uid ubtttit : Wilson Oliver & Son, Ad.tiiic-nt LiVt:iiiaa V. 11. Bodwtl,, 0. W. Ciifiou, j iliuiLt, Wr. C. Weattie'rly, Jolionio Godwii , ri. ii. tiliapliiia, W. U. U hite, L-iiah Vii!iiui. D W. Ui.sMrli, V" 1 1 ! i s Ilia, Joseph LUv- ,;iort, J. W. Alexander, J. Liverumu, & 1 25. 3 00. 81 57. rn 22. 15 51. 9 II. 2 oC). 2 75 U . 5 Oi. 2 25. i i ' '''' k; v.o. 17 7?. 3 00. :u 50. J 7 i. E. M D.ivenport, W. H. li-.ibiu3.on, W. . D.tVe upon. H. tSpruiil, 1). S. Mann, J. L. Mrly, II 02. 4 29. 7 05. 7 02. 21 42. 2:). 7 25. 0 7 1 5. 1 25 2 CO. 5 uO. ;:o 02 1 50. 1 50. 1:5 1-1. ;7 97. 11 35. 4 00. 5 ;;5. 1 25. 1 00 5;i. G -LI i"'5. 14 7o. 12 21. (.). 25, ti 85. 17 22. 8 57. 19 lt. r. i. t'iifton, E. S. Fhtlps and C. W. Phelps i 60a, J. T. Spruill, Artuur Ah-sander, L. U. &ikfs, t. iJradiiiousi, I. F. D ivcupot'l, ( ol) W. W. t-mith, Jaujes Ftiidy, W. (J. Alex-mdt-r, A. B. ivot-rs, lieu cfpear, liado ii.irui s. Deiupsy;it-, Ucibeit Koub'nt u, AsLU-y Funatiiib, Bntiou tf-pruiil. Exi S AicX llidci-, 0. K Davi.-,, W. T, Phelps, M. C. Sprt;ill, U . ii. Blouut, J. J . Jorduu, e A, W. A. Aiu.iK-y, J. V. liivciipuit, 11. W. i'urlioutuu, (dead) J. 6. Phelps, S, B Furlaugb, . S. S Uotui-tu'.K, VV. J Ooiustalk. E, H. tipruiU, ti. F. Woodlny, EldiU iioiJlTc.-: K5 40. 10 00. 1 30. 11 :i. 10 05. 28 02. 9 87. 1 0 14. 4 01. 50 95. 57 41. 2 97. 1 30. 4 05. 21 GO. 45 02. 11 .&). 12 02. 1 50. 9 3G. - - i Ot. 20 20. 2 00.. 8 07. 4 5:5. 1 79. 2 SO. 17 11. 1 25. 25 17. 1 ol. 15. 15 49. 1 07. 37 97. SteWurt Barnes, H. L Long, March Alex-.udci, W. E. Overton, J. F. JoutS, Mrs. L E, llolton, Stere Oliftou. Jatue V.'. ', hiLCj Sauj KoruidU, A. L Gray, V. B Baten;uu. H. A Owrns, H. 11 F ft trick, W. A Fc;ri.-her, H. (' Clil'tou, Alek Basnight, J. U iili, H. li Heaves. B Caboop,, W. SS McOleary, Jaiiies II. Sspnull. Charles S bpruill, lleury ;-'pruill, E. II irprunl, W. ti Blount, li P Ph-lp, L. 11 Lucas, sbces, Jaiues Ainsley, 11. J Tarkenton, S. (J Patrick, Cli m iiewbi-rry, E. Dirutff, James T. Basnight, James II hpmili, Ash't-y Furla'igh, -vl -4 m It,,'.. . t t" rle t is enr guarantee ot mperionqr ma z, nrctection inct fraud by Imitation. For twenty-tliree years Royster brands aave led all others In North Carolina, yt- :: km I'M r . .i hi ' Oliver Refiniug Co., til 47. J. L dittou, a 00. W. B Batemau, 57 44, J G Woodley, 4 22. J JU Furlau-h, 3 95 N. O. llaniiitoii, ;!S 97. A J B irins, ! 5o, llob i'.eaves, . 7 03. B. Oahouu, 1 50. Frank llai tis, - 85. Law 4 95. Daniel DaV. nport, Id. (Jharhs i)k:U; If. J. A Davenpyit. 9 41. V W Oveiton, 10, S- It. Midget., ,3 5,9. MOTE6 A X 1 ) AM(HITG AGEiS. M C & A A Boa-Uto 1. nole, Vllsiiiu;;toU Wllll, 1.1 & 111 J. A Atubro.-c, 1 ts m J. W Davenport, u & in E W Fhtlps, 11 & in bul A J Phelps, !' & ill J A Davenpei t, n $ m L & M II Hoi tun. n & 111 M II & L E llo.ton, 1-1 & iu B li A: M II llolton, crop lien ' ii Hull', it & in ) S MalUi. u & III V F Owens, t) a- in. & n M L Davenport, n A iu E J .spiuill, Jupiter Padiu, n & m 22 23. 25 Go. 11 48. 25 00 50 00. 37 oO 200 00. 44 00. 70 OG. 20 5.0. 05 00. 30 00. 40 00. Bnitiis & P.rinli.i Briclihouse l.&m 43 18. J L Overton. 1. & 111 15 00. Jacob D.ivenpor,, u & m loo 00 P is P.wsoiiif, 12 Livies 1 233 i 5 notes $100 each, .r,j0 00. 0 nines . 0 each. 300 (.0. 11 in .Up, 2 301 bd. iS E Hitx tmler being- dtdy say, thai tli u'-ove repi i seiits u t''ll aild aei.'U rute satteiiif nt 1 1 all itcemaus .iuo and uot paid tn the et-ntte of Al. M. Ale: ander, lncludiii notes ui ti u. hi r beeurcties. E. .4LKXAMJEB, Admx Sworn to and subscfioed to b.foro this the 20iU day of 1) jet in lit-1 1907, T. 11 N tjuDLKY, Hmuij My commission pire$ M - V 3rd 100.S. Any pcisun wl.o-e l ame iii.pcav in the loreoiru list, wnu has cause to think tie.1 t-amu is lucomct, or wha ?i-hes to settle the same u;ay have the satiio uJjustea b., seek the attorney The kidneys are delicate and sensitive organs aud are very nkely nt any time to lel out ot older. Wilt's Knl..i.-y aim tla1aer Pills are prompt and lhoroi!!h aid wid iu a very short time strcng'hen the Weakened lilduejS and allay troubles ails int; from iutldmuoiiiou ol the b addtf. Ko;d by P. E. Davenport. sale: of dp;bt. On petition of VY. C. Ihompson, Adtnr. of estate ot II. J Branch, dtceast di and Mgued by A. B. Alexander, survtvutg p!,.rt uer d the. deeen-ed, order Uas issued bv the Court authoriziuu him to sell at Koper, N.C.,on Wednesday, April 22nd, 1908, the ii.'i!OY'!n evido'ii! of debt, one-had' of v.hicb is due said estate, that be may be able to stttle the estate as the law re quires : W llidior lie' b i-s, H A iiidaicii. Dane Downey. Charlie Bullock, Frob Core, Nv'allpr Bubbiuso", B. Lucas, Dane Cllftou, Wd-on Bow won, D. J Marrow, li. C Cammon, Jun s G Gaylord, M B Chesson, Calvi n Boss, Aba Norman, Kenney Wiiiviuis. Geo. Sawyer, Ed BlJtlSlOU, $ 4 65 33 II. 3 23 .70. 1 00. 10 7(5 5 5.; 1 n- 10 53. 55 43 5S 25 15 41 58 50 3 G8 12 30 0 50 3 09 1 31 ' .-l II U U 41 Vi'LlJ 25j ' .- i l. i c. :i i L' Kovsier iuaiio NOIiFOLK, VIRGINIA Amos Gray, -0 T llasseli A B Phelps," A J Barnes, Levi Woo 11. y, Aillier Downey, O U Ane, Jack I low cni' , N 11 Peacock! S J Barco, Jj T Bond, Wiu. Ilcrper, J 11 Blunt, H bkittleurp, Japi Downey, ' Samuel Lilly. Du.ily An-.oiiy. M F VV-.iie, 0 G D de, Mike DowUiDg, J M S hite, Johnston Miun, liichard prtnll, flatdy Wood, YJjltou Chesaon, Jobrisou Howuiug, Ed. D. Smiles, Tom Norman, liobt Clark, Gold Thegpen, Robert Cos;ou, Calviu Nortnai,), Moses Kowsou, Willis Lewis. Crawford Lamb, C V Phelps, S ii Lewis, Mrs. if-arab Chei-son, S J Barco, 11 B Batenian, Lenud Lamb, E L Marriner, Frtemau Noru.&n, 3 29 3 40 18 44 2 13 1 15 7 40 -1 8 1 1 45 IS 07 3 19 21 75 2,80 8 45 10 (il 80 13 8;; 1 75 ,10 02 5(i 44 1 43 ! 75 i 1 05 4 00 4 75 ,30 00 1 00 75 1 38 30 I 10 18 27 81 08 4 a 39. 70. 72 38. 12 90. 24 84 1 97 87 0-1 50 7 44 27 80 215 (5(3 71 7 82 1 25 2 94 II 15 0 59 1 50 14 73 G Nixon, Gaiiieid Downey, Moses lin wmhi, J T iijburson, l' L Chtssnn, John Loiigliloii. Maey S.i.fbeil, Dennis siv.iib, 1 l.ittie " mitii, Joii .h Pierce. 5. Km lie- Dowuh'.jj, 3 G" l'hos 1 'ooper, 1 1 07 CLas Pr.doclr. 2 00 0 II Norman, 2 15 Joe GurjjaneoU'?, 1 00 I) W B. ickho;,se, 7.1 Brickhoiise & Bros, 3 00 Walter Kobin-on, 37 Pi? iuha Iliii, 2 75 t: II Aiifte, 0 30 Millou Mizel, 2 (10 Charlie Mioj.-y, ,'.S Thos Koruiay, jo -,s Abe Norman, k l (.5 Wilsou tiowspn, 24 ;-'5 Drtn powniug, 4 08 Henry Gillian), 14 33 Hepry Sawyer, 32 5 One Fiauo now af the home ol the Admin istrator iu Boptr Auy persoii vhoi-G uniue ftppeiirs on the foregoing list wbo has cause lo think it incorrect, (y wL.o witues to Settle hiitne, rray have the matter adjusted by t.eeing '.be Administrator or his attorney AV. C. TiiOMp.-o.v, Van B. Maktix, Adm'r. Att'y. NOTICE. V,r. T, Ficemau, Art 111 r of Isaac Harriot;, deoM. el al. vs .1 S. Ilarrii-on ar.d I). (. B-irkley, l'y virtue of a decree of tltu Cierlc of thf Snpp. rlor Court of W ashinsrton coi'niy.'on 1 he 10th day of March, vn)H in the nbov-ut O'-il in lion lor l r.titioii, I fliall cell for rath ex fie Co.iit House door iu Klyainnth, N. t'.. h l-.' M -,i the t"ft Mfinday in May. :t h'in 'he -I'll i y of .i jy, 1 8 Oi'i followiiig"W-rihi'iJ tra ! of 1; . 1 : A tii;ct of land couta-nina !)5 ui-n-- more or les. boutuleil oil fli-J Aoi-:h hy thrf 1 n! 1 f Siijj'-ji !:. Harrison; on ihe l'a-t liy tne limds if S:up Wij S e ; oa tluvHontli hy th) li of Joe U-v-inri Hiul Aa St'wycr ; on the ret liv tin- l.-in-N f .1 . W. Ihu-rUon. Said land to ha s.ild nibjic!. to the dower right of the ivMovv. This .iaiili 10th, VXS- A. O. GAY I OK D. C'oinmissiouer. fed zs, y r : H Jim The Eamons Cliesterlield Hats. Mm. S2.QQ Wud S3.DD fair Jt)t"'?'s. a. GO We arc Soo Agents in PlyniouUi for this celebrated line of Hats. OurSpring showing consists of the very latent thinirs in I-IJTSs. THOS. J. OATLOUD, 111 Hat Store. 5' V A. l. ki J 9 ton TiT. rs m m si I M m $U0 if I PI m m m Si F 1 am now offering: for sale at r-r.v TIln. 1m.V SI 2L CcT f.ita the balarce of the k2i A l& ii-k f tLi I ii 8 a 4, of L. P. Homthal, FaSsat, P!, .Pssjs Creels ery9 Weed & Wllliow Were CLARENCE LATHAM, Trustee. w M. DO XI), Jli., ATI O UN EY-AT-LAW, PlNtilOlith, X. C. KUT1CE. Noktii CAp.oLiy.v, Washington County, Pal; ititm i'rocet dins. Henry Davcnjicrt. Wm, 11. Bawls, Kobt. Kawis, Al'ce Kawls, llilimau iavl.-,, by their next friend Oscar Bawls. Vs Amio Phelps, Tell Dozier. Simon Daven port. Edar bpruill, Jumer Duveupoit, Uetiry B Spruili, Tho defendants Itmnia MoCkese Oox and Cox, Li-r hubauct ubovo named will take uutice that ao uctiou eii ;iiied as above has b.-?tn commenced beforo the Clerk of the tsupev.or Court of Wash ingtou Couuty to have so;d lor partition and division ot the proceeds u tract of land lying; iu VVahdiiUjton Count, ScuppekUwiig township, State ot itorth Carolina, bound ed as follows; lieyitiuii); nt rn Elm at tiie main roud near Boxeu liridue and trom ttiere rnntjint; a due of marked trees in au eastward! direction to nti Elm in J K. Dillon's line, tin nee South alou said Dil lou liue and ldiau S'.vamp to a pine comer tree iu Jaims Notmau'a line, thencb weut along Noriii.-.i,V !m to tne old Boxeu B'dg ditcn. thence alci mad ditch to tlm main road, thence uiot; the maiu road to tho iirst station it ! mpj that tract ecnveytd by F. Spitnll to nimoti Davenport. And said Defendants will further lake notice that they are required to appear lit ihe of fice of tne Cltak of the f-npeiior Court iu Plymouth, N. C, on the 13th April, 12 M. 1908, and answer or dt tnur to the com. plaint in said action Bart's beiu; now filed or the plaiutifls will apply to the Court for the relief demanded thcreiu, This Kiib March, 1908. O. V. W, AuFitON, C. a. c. ;.i." 7 . mm , tea I . tip H Si ji T??' F! tt "TXTR 1 e Jttj. R sr. - M k tV V tlliodo Island Beds I have oulv u Cftw llhode Island lied Cockerels left. Those desiring to improve their iioek will do well to get their order in ;:h boon as possible. To those who are not farmlllur with thia brred of fowls I would cay ihut tliey are rttd as one of the best all-purpose fowls. They are of medium sise, females weighing from 5 to 7 and males from ti to 9 pounds each. Thep are iiood layers, especially in winter. The chicks are very haidy aud quick growers. I eau also furnish egs for batching in Geason from select Mock at fair prices. For further information ncd prices ad-, dre-s T. W. SPBU1LL. Pine Town. N. C. n-3ip. Koute No. 1 EXECUTRIX NOTICE. ' Having qualified an Executrix under the will of miss i- o Aielsou deeeast-d, late of w Msiungton Couuty, Morth Carolina, and, be inn now about to proceed upon the ad ruinihiiutioM of ht-r estate, ibis is to notify a.l persons having claims against the estate ol i-iud deceased to exhibit them to the uni deiMmed at Mackey Ferry, N. C, ou Qr befr. re the 28ih day of February, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bur of their rc-overy. All persons indebted td the es tate will please make immediate payment, All cUmis will pleae be sent to W. M. Bmd, Jr., Plymouth, N. C- This 21st day February, 1008. Ml'.s. MaKY E. Dillon, Exeuctrix of Miss F. O. Melson, dee'd, W. M. Bond, Jh., Atty. 4-1 DoWiTT'S Y;iTCN A2EL SALVE Fcr PUes. 'Jvrnz. Sorps, a $h ft i

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