TIIK ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY c- V. W. AUSUON, Editor and Owner PLYMOUTH. - - N. C. Kuiday. ArniL 3. 190S. islEfis'iiis DVGETEK OP C. W. ETT71E7 TTrs. C. W. Stump cf Canton, Ohio, 'writes: "I wish I could induce every mother who has a weak, sickly child ito try that delicious cod liver prepar ation, Vinol. Our little daughter was jalo, thin and sickly. "Wo triad various medicines, but without any benefit whatever, and she could not take cod liver oil or emulsions, ns Ihey nauseated her and upset her stomach. "Learning that Vinol contains all the medicinal una strermth-creaUn? properties of ccd liver oil, but with out the disagreeable oil, we decided to try it, and tho results were marvel ous, eo quickly was sho restored to health and strength. "We have never sold a modMno equal to Vinol for delicate children. I E. Davenport, Druggist. NORFOLK & SOUT1IE1IN RAIL WAY. IK EFFECT SEPT. SoTII, 1907. train service. Nortttsocnd: Leave Beihaven daiiy (eseept Sunday; ,C:40 a, m. Leavu Washington... 10:53 a in " Plymouth 12:12 p ni 44 Mackey's Ferry.. ..... A2:i) p ui. Arrive Edentou 2:05 p. in. Leave Edenton daily (except tiuuday) 7 45 a. m , & 3 J " p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex cept SSuuduy) .'5 a.m., 3 15 A 4- 2.1 p. m. Arrive .Norfolk daily (except Sun day) 10 40 a. in. 4 4 l." & 6 10 p. m. SOUTHBOUND : Leave Norfolk daily (except Suodny) 8: 3J, 11 55 a. in c'L G 05 p. in. . Arrive Eliz. City daily (except T Sunday) 10 2;i a. m & 1 'J", 7 53 p. in. -T Art:ive Kdentnn daily (exci-pt !). , 11 30 a. ra. Js 2 CO p. m. Lofn""Aleuton daily (except Sunday) - :w ! Arrive Helhaven daily (except Suuduy) 5 10 p. ui. Leave Ectetitou ' 2:30 p. in. Arrive Plymouth 1:2: p. iu. Arrive Washington 5:45 p. la. TiuH.i Nos. 3, 4, 5 & 0 stop at all inter medial StltUOllK. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach aud Currituck !'r.oth r.TTIM BOAT SERVICE. Leave i:.: , .ou 2:30 p. m , d uly except Sunday, for Scupreruong lover. Steamer leaves New Beru 7 45 p ui. Leaves Oriental 6 00 a. in., lor New xitrn, daily except Sunday. Steamers kuve Belhaven H 00 a. m. Tues day. Thursday and Saturday for Aurora, South Cheek, Makley ville, &c. Steamer leaves Plymouth daily (except fiunday) 4:00 p. m. for landings on Cashie Kiver. Por further information apply to W. J. Nicholson, Ag't, Plymouth, or to the Geu tral Offiej of the N. & S. Ky., Norfolk, a. M. W. MAGUIRE. Gf-n. Sunt. II. O. HVJDG1NS, Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. J PAMLICO DIVISION-MIXED TRAINS- A. '.) 15 Lye. 51 li 1:2 80 1 15 Arr. y. si. A. M 8 15 Lve. '.i 10 9 41 m on uny M ." I.Vrr. A- m. I Mackcy'n Ferry I'li iimuth Pine Town Washington Arr. 510 440 '! in) Lve. 1 50 A. M. Arr. 'fliM 8 01 7 -J0 7 08 li 55 Lve. C 40 A. M. MaekeV's Ferry Roper l'ike Road F Ris" opcross F J'antto liulhavcn FOE SALE. Ty Seme used at Terra pin Point Fishery. Part new, never been lished. "Will sell in pieces to suit. Prioe 15e. lb.; also the rope used for same, price 8c. lb. Two ilats and two batteaus. Apply to 0. D. LOANE, Plymouth, N. C, ADMIN IbTRATOlt'S N OTI CE. Having cmalified ns administrator upon the estrtie of 'lary E. Daxenport, decKsed latof Wni-hington county, N. C, thin is to notify all persons havin claims against the esUte of the said d ceased to exhibit ihein to the undersigned ou or before the 'jDd day of March. l'JO!), or this noUee will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will rlease make immediate payment. This 2nd day of March. VMS. ".).(;t . jalod W. DaveM-okt, Admr. BEACON FLASHES 1L -i & lliose who have friends visiting Ilie.ii, or who iutcuds loaviu? home a tlieniNolvrs, will pleiivu let it be known 'M ut this tfiico, ho the fact may b men- Honed It does not matter whether ft 4i you tiro a subscriber or not. All we n ai-k is let ua kuow it. & Ills many Iriouds were glad to see Mr. VVillit, G!it-!i;:n, of Alackey Frry, oil our stre la this week. M.'ss M.i;.;','ie Cbeson, of llackev Perry, has been delighting friends heietUM week with her cliaru;iu presaice. Mr. C J. McLean, a practical watch and clock repaiier, greets our readers with n card soliciting a almre of their wotk. Give hiai a trial. Yam potato nlijis for sale. For further information apply to O M. CHKa-oa, ai3 Plymouth. N. C. We invite the attention of our readers to the announcement of Mrs. A. SI. Ayers, who iuvitcs Ihein to call and s -o her new Spring Millinery. Mrs. Ayers has all (lie latest creations in styles and she will take pleasure in showing them to you. Adler Brothers appreciate your trad. and yesterday and to-day they are t.;.io? ro ;ive the publio an idea of what they hnvi) to sell, Ju.-tavisit to their store i3 flufflaient to convince you that tbey are hustlers, and tho fact that they advertise what Hipv have laevuteLCti that th-y want your trade and vi;l appreciate it. SEED Potatoes Fou Hale -I bnve p. lot of tine lied Bliss wvea potatoes, whii-h J am oftfciing for sale cheap. Also Je.rcy Vi.kelidld cabbnge plants now ready. W. F. LUCAS, Pecan tarm, PI; mouth. N. O. -Yeiittrdny and to-d:iy are Opening p:v- at lMrH. W 1. Witrd'-i Millinery iiU'ia aid the ludieM ire takinf; advauino of this o p irtniiiiy i.) view the siyi-is. We to not know ranch abi tit styles, but we do know tnat Mrs. Waid'w .store is a plee of iieauty to-day, and ad those Il.nvers, .)nnoes, f a tilers., ribbons, lices nud a thousand r.tln-r articles that o to malie up a wiimd'h fat, I he nftiue of whch We winild not uttempi to p.ue.s at, pre all Style becaue Mit.s beizer says s liiid she knows. n' a you been down to he&r th-i Edia-'n ai d Victor Talking Macl.ines at Mr O. li. I'fgC'itt's? Mr. Leyg'-tt is agent tor the above machines ul-o the Columbia whicii h'.t uivittHi the public to hear He hasquite a number of records which comit of tne late-d music fe 2 tf A big cut or a litde cut, smal! r,cvacl;'9 or brui-ips f,r big oi.es Hre held quickly by DeWitl'N Caiboli:.-d Witch K..K! S.tlv It is especially good for piles. Get DeV itts Sold by P. E. laveuport. To The Ladies of Washing ton County'. I earnestly ask thn.:, the ladies all over i In; county will organize thtm selvea into band of Temperance Workers and that they will continue that work until after the X'Gih day of May. .Mothers, Wives and Daughter, cou:e to our aid in this jreat battle for .State Prohibition, for the pro Leo t ion of your Homes, your Hus bands, your Fathers, yo-ir Brothers, vonr and the husbands of our daughters; aud I also ask that they will organize' the Ciiildivn into a Band of Temperance Workers. I will furnish you with Temper ance fcfongs, upon application. J,et's seo who will be the first to apply. We have no time to lose. March liOth, 1008. w. .s. davenport, Malkkv Fkki'.y, K. J. , County Cli'rm. Anti-Saloon League. To have perfect health we must huvo per fect digestion, and it is very important not to permit of any delay the moment the stomacU feels out of order, lake some thing at once that you know will promptly und unfailingly assist digestion. There iri nothing better than Kodol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour Ktomacli, b !chiug of gas and nervous headache. Kodol is a natural digc stant, and will digest what you tat So;d by P. E. Davenport. To the Farmers of Washing ton County. To emphasize the importance of improving the teed, anu method of culture of corn in this county, I have deposited ten dollars in g;old with The Bank of Kcper, to be awarded next winter by the persons holding a Farmer's Institute m this county tinner tho auspios of the North Carolina Experiment Station, to the fanner exhibiting at such Fanner's Institute the best ten ears of corn ;rown in the county by the person making the exhibit. Provided the exhibit has merit. "her. us have ni.ne corn and hotter corn." Thos. W. Bloi'XT. h'oper. N. C, March 12, 1903. Death Was On His Heels. Jesse p. Morris, of Skippers, Vu., h id a close call in the spring of 1900. lie says: "An attack of pneumonia lef; me so weak and with f-nch a fearful eongb that my friends declined C msunipiion had me, ai.d death was ou mv heels. Then I was per suaded to try Dr. Ki i,-'s New Dlscoyery It helped me itntUH.nntely, and after tak- iijg two and -i halt bottim 1 was a whi man aain, I found out thai New Discove ry is the best remedy for ceuhs and lung dl-.ea-:o in all th world." So!d und.r enar auUe ct pruill &. Pro. 5Uc und $1.00. Trial bottle freo. Died Suddenly. Our jieeplo were prosit ly shoe kt el to li-aro on utou'uy tooiuiii;; liiai Mis.. A. J. lS woe, IV wsus deud, mm having died very dtuLiiiiily on w:d nosday nignt ut her hook, at Ve&t over, live nile-8 iiom l'htiionlli. Mrs. Newberry was he V MiiiLret,t tlangliLer of t!io late ,J. ;M. U,-:d, onej iter of ihu latu J. M. li,-:d, oiitti tn!,v, and shoiiid l in ) most jd-otninent l.ti-Mura of I bands of every .Justice, iv-o titer, fction. he was umineel onl) AdminLs: : a!ur, Guardian, :i.ry. two moiitns nyo Lj Mr. A. J. ilia nicer, JUuinoss man and lawyer, of tilt) ifiis M about Newbenv, of this town. Uur deepeff. ."Viniial hies4 with that of our .en.tire.com in utiitv, we extend ed to the bereaved i;tisbaud and family . GREAT TEMPEItANCE RALLY. Ther.e wiil be a great temperance rally at Plymouth, Wednesday April 15th, (:oy. li. 13. (Jlenn will address the meeting at 1 O'clock M. Let everybody turu out to hear this elo quent speaker and great Champion of Temperance, W. S. Davkxpohl', County Chainnan A n I i ha! oo n League. "THE UUU11UU OF CUBIST." illiKTINGS STILL COVUNUK AND XHL' IN'TKItliS't INCUKASSS. The Tatibmaii-Oarduer Revival which has been in progress .since tue 15th of March is arouoiir the low ti and .surrounding county to a lively interest in religious matters. Ahea dv eighteen hae confessed Lhiist and this !. !;it the beginning. .Not smct: the bu's i:;ie men oven so in-tere-ltal in public meetings. KvHiijre.l i.st Tun Uinaii is a .-peaker of lutioual rej.iitatton, vol .-utile, j Uueu'b and forceinl. torne ;ind hear! lii:ii. .Ueeilng m.ty eio.-e io-.i. otui day. (JBES WELL CHAT. Ci't'twe!!, N. 0., Anii! cpoeial. Vr. Jay l-'cott, ct-E. City, s in our town Tuesday. ' Mr. T. li liawiin; of Norfolk, Was Ut town yestri-d'iN . Mr.-. (J. T. .-..i-r.ill is in Ciitimows this We,( k telccung ripring g;ods. 11. A. Litetficid und AU'red Ahx- nt to Ptyrnouia to-day. audtr we Jil'Rs. J D. l)iwK;uaud W. J. Cn-i under, of Va.hiiigtoii, were hcie tuts verk. Airs O. E. Phelpw has had a beautiful monuuifut, crecied ut tLe giao (.f her Lite bur.b.tud. A largelj nltend- d temperance meeting was h.-ld at the Jdethodist church sumiiy night lait. Mess. Blown nud Overmau, who have been diing ome woik.oii Mr , G Vv'itl kct' hoiid! have roturned to their home iu E. City. llr. W. Fletcher Ausbon, the- Je.sur.ince Man, fVnii! t'lynnnub acoompaniuel by !oh lutlc daughter, -Mi.k Xhioie, bus been in nr nud-it several d. s the guest ef iheir cotihiu, .Mrs 0 i'V Piitlp. JUHY LIST. The following namfd persons nere drawn to serve Vsj'i.-ors for Spring 'i'ciin Snperioi- Court, to c.vivenc April KJ, 1'JtKS : l'LY MOUTH TOVKSnil' L. S. Landing, Willis liohertsoii, J. L. Gurganus. J. U Smith and J. T. ilcNair. LCli'S MILLS TOVVMSnil'. Edward Swain, E. M. Know.cs. W. M. Spruilt. W. v . H bertson, A. II. Swtiin, W. A BlonDt, Luther Swain, Henry S.tur 8'in, Josepii SittetB.)n, U. B. i$aXi.er una C it. F. Edwurds. t:a.NNEr.3Vir.LE Towxemr, J. M. Woodlov, G. W.Davenport, W. 11. Koughtou. 0 U. Phelps, V B. Mor miui, J. V. Halst-y and Abnon Swtiin KCUfPEiiyNG TowNS-nir, A.G.Walker, J E. A. Stuart. II. L. Ul.olnu 1 li liJt.,i..l,t V H Pl.HlllS. If. I! w....ll T,' t Pl.uL.o flurimi. hih-icI: XI 2,1 Ambiose, Wiu Wj,.x , A. .1 . Spruitl. J. M. Ambrose and J. F. miell, KILLths GGUCH I and QUBSS THig LifMCSg " " " I. ! ' "" ' 3j W,THi!fa h & R ULUO T:.sl Bottle Free A is II ALL iilKOAl AIIU LOAli ir.wuni.es. m i a OR MONEY REFUNDED. o!l by Spruill ec H''o r.UBSCUBPJ FOIi THE Roanoke BEacon s To Justices of the Peace and All Business Men. 1 have or iiaiul a mo ill number of Simula' North Carolina ".Mantul of L.uv and Forms," lalt'rft (pinion, and just on i.. This is a coiid''iiedlM)ok of tho revi-oil laws and forme for this fcStu:.-.-, and sliouui Use this book and yu :.:e sure to bo right. Our prie.ii is the .':wno as the pub lishers' r;'3.0i, cadi with older, (iet one at once and mivo evpros charges. O. V. W. Ausbov, Plymouth, N. C. Plmtu ,,r Tr.-iild. A is causes bv S'acnution of tho liver find bowelH, -. g Hd (.fit stud hmdHche and biliousness and the n-nson tiiat Li ii;t j iuu- dice, take Dr King's New Lifr. Pii.s the relial'.e on; ides that ilo Uiy worx wub.-iu g.imt i.g or nl'iijing. 25u at S,ruiil & Ihv . Some wctiit'ii can turn a man down so gCLily Ledotsii't know what struck Lhu De Wilt's Little Early losers, t!ie famous little liver pil's. held by P L. i-iavi-i.pon. The Hew England Conservatory of Music Ip.s Pil S i'.'E FF PIANOS in con stant use, und they ari the exclu sive choice of 170 other Colleges .Seminaries miwS Consei vat ones. Si'iEFF PiANO.S are u.ed e-clu.-ively in the best hotels ami theatres, and the ehparinient t lures in Norfolk. Ail this should have great weight villi you in i tie y.leci ion of your piai;o. ST I Hl-'F PiANOS arc soid tlircci i'icin maker to use!', saying you at k':i;';l on:! hundred dollars. We i.:ako the SliA W i'i ATv O a h o, iS'LTEFF or lie .careful to 'et a IS till AW. CHAS. M. STIEFF, L. C. STEELE, Mgr., iU Granby St., - - Norfolk, Va. "!l.e Piano with the S;eet Tone' ' Oilicinl Piano Jiiniesto.vii Exposition ; -Mention this paper, - 1 1 Kennedy 2s Laxative lyrup Relieves Colds by vcrking them out of ihe system through a copious and healthy sction cf the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes cf the throat, chest and bronchial t;.bes. "As peasant to the taste as Maple Suzw" Children Like It, For GACXACHH VEAX S'JLKIYS Try ?:!V;::'s ;.w.isj snd Eladder Fi.is Sure cr.d Sato Sold by P. E. DA VEN'POh'T. KLPA1UIN0 CLOCKS & WATCHES. AND ALL KINDS OK JLWKl.IiY. Prices Pt."a.sonible. Work .Solicit d. Main St., near Artesian Well, PLYMOUTH, N. C. SPRING MILLINERY. We are now ready with our Spring Millinery, and we wish to extend our usual invitation j A,. ,,-. luiQlwh' T tC "TV I come to see our Millinery, Dress Goods, Etc. : will ii'ftsse tLi.p? who Wiiv.t icoi d :otx!, h'.u' rpv.lity and correct htyl-H and shapes. Dii 3 on ever heir of Knowlii'i;? He is 01., o' t;.e bi;et hat munuf.ictu reis in the country, and makes exclusive btylcs that wei! dr.essed ladie-i li ko lo wear. Ue hve iiwuitiiii your otdsr a fine lot of thtso h.u?, together with a Irtrg' iot of ft iwera. Our Headwear for IofuDts always ranks ''llh." Oriiti.tlity ( t devious mid I'ood quality at f;iir prices be n t the t-t.iiidarti. e n'.u t hei' us. Via wil! appreciate a vim;. Y;nrs, with thanks for lVvon, Mrs. A. M. Ayeus. Cough S a m a. jj U La-IX .1 i 11 i IJ I TTY AHT V g ,00 nlT ( 1 V HiU' Vl Ull 80 JJuCIf Villi i .J Just a Few Words to the Cloth ing Buyers of this Vicinity. Iu J lew more davs . ! doubt VOU wiil Want tt I day, As the old sayiii ;- I . . . i U US, Ml TOlllU IU1U 101, foot. Our clothes aic made bracing blues, blacks, jgieys ;;ml browns. Ask to spe our sniit; of bh:o serge at. $1100; it is cheap at 15.00. Our brown at $14,00, a bargain at 20 lir, ttnd satisfaction guaranteed. Dozens of other styles too miiner,Mis to mention. Youth:' suits, cmb.-aein blue serges from 6 CO to 12.50, iliggest line of Roys' knee suits in Washington county. j'rices t'roni 11.48 to $'5.0S Rear in mind that we can save you from $-00 to ftb.oo on every suit. JSeeiutr, is believing, so come investigate yourself. A few words about our Shoes. We have Shoos for nil. Ask to be shown our styles in the Dress-well Shoe; it is the best $3.50 si o in tho world .wo have them in nbhut a, dozen styles ; in TaiKJ, i'aicnt-ieathor, Oun-mctals, made on this seh son'.s ucv, est lasts. Vi'o are i :i;g- to introduce our 'Ir'ex'ieetioii ri4illaly " lien's Shoes. Strictly $.5.00 goods, every u'i):m' guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or a new pair is youiv. We are not $5.00, but in order to get it raugemunts to it at -. Q. Specials ifi Women's i.;v Quarter Shoes. Perlection Quality in Tans, $1.00. Oxford Ttes, our price i$5.-l-N. $.5.0b Oxfords. Special price 8.4 2.50 " ' " 1.08 2.00 " " Four styles in Ladies' wiiite Oxfords from 75c. to $1.48. We Siave a bi.jjf line of Hoys', .Misses and Children's Oxfords that wilj be sold .'iccordimil v. Hear in mind that shoes is one of our strongest lines and we have a bi.y line to select from and our prices are the most reasonable in the city. Shirts $1.25 and $1.50. Shirts, Gold Medal Brand swel lest designs 98c. 50 doz. shirts, 60 and 75c. quality, for 48c. each, pair 95c. Big lot 50c. Neckwear, newest spring designs, for 25c. Don't forget that we have added a Millinery Department to our establishment and wo arc s.roing to sell the best milli ncry for the least price. We will announce our Spring Opening in the next issue. Untler Hotel Drinklev, "Ph place v. here your Dollar Doe.i its Duty. r . I-.-: - ..,, i . v. "v I am still in the lead, selling the Best work for the price, Koth Open and Top lug,ries, with all styles of 8rinis ;im introducing a very line riding spring, Guaranteed to Last, and oo good service. I no v. have a line line of work oil hand and can till orders promptly aud for the quality of I a;1! ncII Cheaper than Ever before. Oome one and all and all and all and give me a call. iiii Wif -f- i-l-sil pM- -rfi s p "The Old Keliable." fie 20 BROS Eastor will be here, and no look VOU1 VCl'V best Oil that " is, nie feathers make fine ... . , . US KI VOU'lip, irOUl 11 of the latest fabrics, em- going to sell this shoe at advertised, have made ar- 'V"' V : Ki R U 4 ' feiSi.-5i. ( PLYMOUTH, N. 0 (1

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