.' j ji t 1 " " " ' r i. - - ' .o a Year, In Advance. ' H r 11 : FOR' GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Slag! Cepy g Casta, ; vol. x vriL - , --Plymouth n; c.. Friday, apeil it, km. no. 46. y; f $10,01,000 FIRE Boston Suffers Heaviest Loss '-vj&Sir.cc'S3 Francisco Wo LIVES KKCVN TO DE LOST ": Fir Winch, .Origfsc,tcd, From --r-Spoii? taneous, Craslioa,: ia..Rar ( of. Boston Blacking Company's .Vfotii ' ..Devastates More Than One-S&uare Mile of the ManuSacturijBusi. li'etJS" and Tenement District o . ' Chelsea. Boston, Special. Fire devastated more than olie square mile of the manufacturing, business ' and tene ment district of Chelsea Sunday en tailing; a loss estimated at fully $10, 000,000. The fire started at 10:40 a. m. near the Bostoti Blacking Com pany's works on West Third street, near the .Everett City line, and crossed the 'city, a distance of one mile and a quarter to Marginal, op posite the cast Boston shore. So far . as can bc-Jeanied" there was one f na tality. Half a hundred porsons were injured. Among the buildings burned . were :13 "churches, Frost Hospital, Chil v ,'-lreny Hospital, City Hall, Fitz Pub lic Library, five school houses, a doz en or more- factories and about 300 tenements' and dwellings. The residential section of the city "where the wealthier class reside, es caped the flames.' In the retail, section, through which the fire passed, were 200 busi ness blocks which were destroyed. The United States Marine Buildings were not damaged. Fire Under Control. The Chelsea fire was practically under control at 9 o'clock Sunday night. The women are known to be dead as a result of the fire. Neither "body has been identified. The fire originated in the rear of the Boston Blacking Company's -works' on West Third street, near the eastern division of the Boston & Maine Railroad and in close proxim ity to the Everett City line. A terri fic gale from the northwest, which at times had a velocity of CO miles hour, carried burning shingles, embers and myriads of sparks to a score of wooden buildings, most of them of cheap wooden construction. The lire started almost in the ex treme, southwest section of the city and eiit a path to the .end of Mave rick; street, at the extreme soutlieast orn nd of the citv. which borders on Chelsea creek. This point is about -one mile and a quarter from the point where the conflagration began. The flames swept through t he heart of the retail business section, 'which was about midway between the two ex treme limits reached by the fire. Exact Cause Not Known. The. fire started on the marshes bor dering the eastern division tracks of the Boston &, Maine Railroad in the ' ) rear of -the Boston Blacking Com--; ', pany.'s works, where employes were V:..;. at 'work drying out rags. The com ' vfanv V works are situated at the end ''of West Third street, haif a mile northwest of the heart of the city. A" series of long, low wooden build . ings comprised the works,, stored for the; most, part with old rags and pa-; per. The exact, cause of the fire is ... . not known;' but it. is supposed that spontaneous, combustion among the '..' rags was responsible. 'A high wind, blowing at 43 miles an hour from the northwest drove the flames from the rag heaps direet - ly.npon the wooden buildings of the. Boston Blacking Company. " , ' -. The buildings were soon" a mass of flames and as surrounding property, consisted largely of wooden buildings used for storage of rags, the fire de-' ; partment realized that a serious fire .. , , was threatened, and a general alarm was sounded. Realizing that the city was appar ently doomed 'if the flames could not be stopped, at Everett avenue, Fire Chief. II, Ay Spencer summoned help from-Boston and all the surrounding 'cities arid towns. Four . alarms were rung in on the Boston circuit and all the available apparatus was sent across tlu harbor. Early in the af ternoon aid had arrived from Ever- ett, Lynn, Haverhill, Wakefield, Sa lem, Maiden, Cambridge, Winthrop and ."Revere. ' Shipment of Chadbourn Berries Be gins. Wilmington. N. C, Special.- Re quisition was made for seven refrig erator cars for strawberry shipments .'from the Chadbourn section, and twenty cars are asked to be iced for Monday. The first berries appeared .- on this market Saturday ami sold .rea-.lily at 2.) cents a quart. The shipments to the North have ot yet been sufficient to establish a market for the North Carolina fruit. The coming week the movements is ex n 'id to l'ach 75 or 100 cars dailv. V TEN TPUSANltlOMELESS 1 it .. Frompt acd( Efficient Relief Work Provided Temporary Quarter's For E.oston's Ten Thousand Homeless and Very Little Suffering is Re ported Among' the ' Fire Victims Insurance Companies Place Their Losses at $3,500,000. .Boston,- Special. From the embers of. .Sunday's' conflagration in Chel sea there arose ' a well organized movement' for aid and relief of the 10,000 homeless, a counting of the cost by insurance companies, whose representatives placed their losses at $3,500,000, and a determination 'by the city authorities to rebuild "the 350 acres swept by the flames where stood, before the fire,, property val ued at nearly $(3,000,000. . No further deaths were reported and of the injured persons taken to the various hospitals, only two are believed to be in a critical condition. The three bodies which were taken to the morgue in Boston remained un identified. Tho Losses. ""Revised figures obtained indicated that the losses were divided, accord ing to the various classes of prop erty destroyed, as follows: , Churches and schools, $o2o,000. Public buildings, $475,000. Factories, business blocks and con tents, $S25,000. Dwelling houses, $3,750,000, Total, $5,575,000. ' The, insurance of $3,500,000 is di vided among about SO companies. There. was comparatively little buf fering reported among the fire vic tims. So prompt and efficient was the relief work begun Monday that practically no one was without shel ter during the night. Tuesday the relief work was taken up by. those who handled the Massachusetts for San Francisco sufferers. Early' "in the day. Mayor Beck issued an appeal to the country, but afterward it was amended so as to include only 'the State. Announcement was, made ' that $15,000 had been raised by subscrip tion in Boston before noon. In ad dition the city of Chelsea appro priated $10,000 and a resolution for $100,000 from the State was intro duced in the House of Representa tives. Many nearby cities announced the starting of subscription papers and the city governments of others will hold special meetings to take ac tion. A message frorii; President Roosevelt expressed sympathy and volunteered the .services of the army and haw. r. ... Thousands View Ruin3. In the meantime the local organiza tions, such - as the Associated Chari ties and the Salvation Army -were perfecting their -work avid they pro fessed entire ability to fir-d temporary quarters for all the homeless. The burned district was closely pa trolled by the State militia. 'The work of the guard, however, co n sisted mostly in- keeping people from venturing too near. the standing walls. There was very .little property re maining to be guarded, so thoroughly had the area been swept by the flames. In fact, the underwriters who viewed the ruins saw no prospect of salvage of any description. One street, Broadway, was cleared and opened to. the general public, and as it- led straight through the heart of the ruins, a steady stream of people moved through it all day. A few of the ruins smoked lazily during the day and two more oil tanks caught fire and burned themselves out. Oth er than these, there was little left of the fire 'and all the visiting apparatus was sent home." Big Forest Fire Under Control. . Goldsboro, N. C, Special. A big forest fire which started near Pinkney has been, at last reports, about extin guished after having burned over about 100 acres of fine timberland belonging to different people of that neighborhood. The fire originated from an old burning stump and was fanned by the high winds of Sat urday and Sunday. - It is hard to. "es timate the loss, but it is. supposed to be considerably" up in the thousands of dollars. ' Person County Store Fired by In- cendiary. . Roxboro, N. C., Special. The store of W. W. Woody, at Winstead, seven miles west of Roxboro, was burned Monday with its entire content. Mr. Woody is one of the best and most flourishing country merchants in" the county. He thinks that the origin of the fire was incendiary. FOR NAVY Large Appropriations to Build and Equip Vessels PLAN FOR TWO NEW MONSTERS Chairman Foss, of the Committee on Naval Affairs, Reports the Naval Appropriation Bill Authorizing the Construction of New Battleships and Torpedo Boats Carries a To tal Appropriation of $103,967,518 Provision Made For Enlistment of 7,500 Men to Man New Ships. Washington, Special. The naval appropriation bill authorizing the construction of two instead of four battleships and eight instead of four submarine torpedo boats, and carry ing a total appropriation of $103,067, 51S for the naval service for the fis. cal year ending June 3Dth, 1909, was reported to the House, by Chairman Foss, of the committee on naval af fairs. The total appropriations reconv mended is $22,518,831 less than the aggregate estimates submitted by the Department, and is $3,063,916 more than the amount appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 190S. The bill carries an item of $1,000, 000 toward the construction of sub marine torpedo boats and an item of $445,000 toward' the construction of subsurface torpedo- boats. Provis ion is made for the enlistment of 0,000 men to man the following sljips which ' are to be 'put in commission within the "next few months: , The California, Mississippi, Idaho, NeW Hampshire, South Dakota, North Carolina, Montana, Chester, Birming ham and Salem; and for -1,500 men to man the torpedo boats not now in commission. ; Chief Items inthe Bill. Among the chief ilemS in the bill are the' following: For naval train ing station, Great. Lakes, $1,095,600 for construction and machinery $9, 832,962; for armor and armament $7,000,000; for equipment $400,000; for subsurface and submarine boats $1,445,000. ' v - An increase of 5O0,000: over last year's appropriationMvs,;allwed in the appropriation for ordinance and ordinance stores, mainly for target practice and because there will be in full or, in partial commission during the fiscal year 24 battleships, ,12 first class cruisers, 66 second and third rate vessels, 60 torpedo, vessels and 15 auxiliaries, making a total of 177 vessels. There is also an increase of $150, 000 for smokeless powder. The bill further provides an appropriation of $415,000 for replacing the 3-pounder and 6-pounder guns by 3-inch 50 calibre:or larger guns, because of the increase in the effective range of the latest type of torpedo. These new guns are designed to give the ships protection against long range torpe do discharge. Provision is also made for other changes intended .uto keep the batteries of the ships in the high est state of efficiency. Nine hun dred and fifty thousand dollars is ap propriated for torpedoes and the con verting of torpedo boats. The ap propriation for arming and equipping the naval militia is increased to $100,000 "in order that this branch of 'the -naval reserve of the United States may be more efficiently con ducted." The appropriation Tor equipment of vessels is increased $500,000 over the current fiscal year on account of the increased number of ships in commis sion and the necessity of fitting them with new gun firing apparatus and with wireless telegraphy. Twenty-seven New Boats. . The appropriation . for coal and transportation is increased $350,009. For provisions for the navy an ap propriation is made of ' $6,547,903. The report accompanying tho bill states that an . allowed increase of $lCO,000'in the appropriation for pro visions for the marine corps "is due to the increased cost xf 16 per cent, in the price of rations."; The report' shows that there are in course" oft "building seven battle ships, four armored cruisers, three scout cruisers, five torpedo boat de stroyers, four . submarine torpedo boats, two colliers and two seagoing tugs. -The amount necessary to be appropriated to pay for the work now progressing and contracted for during the next fiscal year is $17, 232,962. . ..Under the heading "naval programme," the committee recom mends, that the President be author-: ized; to have constructed . two. first class ba,tleship:3, 'to cost,' exclusive of armor and armament, not exceeding $6,000,000 each; ten torpedo boats destroyers., to have the highest prac ticable speed, and to cost exclusive of armamept' not to exceed $.800,000 each; that the Secretary of the Navy be authorized to. have constructed eight submarine torpedo boats to cost in the aggregate not more' than $3, 500,000 of which amount $1,000,000 is appropriated; and one subsurface torpedo boat at a cost 'not to exceed $490,000, and two small vessels of like type not. to exceed in cost $22,500 each a total authorization of $23.- .043,000 which will be increased $7,- .000.000 by the cost ot arming and equipping the two battleships. Admiral Evans Doing Well. Paso Robles Hot Springs, Cal., Special. Surgeon McDonald and.Dr-. L. E. Phillips issued the following bulletin: "Admiral Evans is doing well. Ho suffered some pain in his left knee Saturday which kept him confined to his room' and will also make it necessary for him to remain quiet. This, however, is due to the treatment that" is followed at the springs and Ave do not believe will in any way retard his recovery." Jefferson Day Observed., Charlottesville, Ya.; Special. The 165th anniversary of the birthday of Thomas Jefferson and the S9th anni versary of the foundation of the Uni versity of Virginia was celebrated at that institution Monday, the chief ad dress being delivered by the British ambassador, Hon. James Bryce. The attendance was perhaps the largest since the inauguration of President Alderman, April 13th, 1905. Bessemer City Has Fire; , Gastonia, Special Bessemer City was visited by a disastrous fire Sat urday night about midnight, which destroyed a new. two-story concrete store "building and a one-stpry brick" building,' both, belonging tb. Capt. .Q,. G. Rabbins. The ; buildings were lo cated in-' the center of, ; the business part of. the town .Qj;tjlie.'.corner oppo site the Southern Railway depot. Captain- Robbing' loss, was about $4, OflO rtrt'-hoth buildings, with- only $1, 101F insurance. .. LaFollette Ahead in Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wis., Special. Scat tering returns received from through out Wisconsin indicate that four del egates at large favorable to the nom ination of Robert ,M. LaFollette at the Republican National Convention at Chicago have been elected. The returns - so far show that in almost, everv "ins tance LaFollette delegates have a good lead on the Taft oppan ents. i . Rev. J. D. Jordan Dead. Atlanta,. Ga., ! Special. Rpv. John D. Jordan, pastor of the Jackson Bap tist church of this city, and widely known throughout the South, died here Friday after a long illness. Dr. Jordan was born in Russellville, Ky., and has held pastorates in Little Rock, Ark., and Savannah, Ga. He was a trustee of Mercer university and Shorter Female college, and a member of the board of education-of the Georgia Baptist-convention. Teachers Go To Savannah. New York, Special. A partv of New York's public school teachers sailed for Savannah, Ga., on the steamship City of Columbus, to spend the Easter holidays in the South. There are 70 women and 10 men in the party, which included Principals Waiter B. Gunnison, of Erasmus Hall Hi2h School, and Charles D. Larkins, of the Mutual Traiuing bchool. Two Children Kidnapped. Jacksonville, Fla., Special. News reached here of the kidnapping of two children, Monvia Amoury and Foried Amoury, aged . 5 . and "3 years respectively, from their home at Key West by their aunt and uncle, Mary and Peter Amoury, who took them to Habana. The sheriff was notified im mediately after the boat sailed from Key West and succeeded in having the parties arrested as they landed in Ifahana. on a charge of kidnap ping, and they will be returned to Key West for trial. Southern llice Industry. Some Northern farmers emigrated to the Louisiana Gulf coast prairie and began the cultivation of rice in 1884, devising machinery 'for that purpose. The result of their labor.3 is shown in the fact .that Louisiana and Texas, to which their work also extended, now produce three-fourths of tie rice-crop of the United States. Before the Civil War South Carolina produced about three-fourths and North Carolina and Georgia most of the rest. One of the greatest results has been the use,' for the first time in history, of a labor-saving -method of rice-production, which promises to give the American .rice producers an advantage over any other country, unless such country adopts Am-erican methods. THE WORK OF CONGRESS Doings of Our National Law-Makers Day by Day. Enjoining Stato Official. To meet conflicts between the Fed eral courts and the State atithoritiea such as have arisen during the past year in Minnesota, North Carolina, Alabama and other' States the Senate committee on the judiciary reported a bill directing the method of proce dure in cases where an effort is made in the Federal courts to enjoin State officials from enforcing State laws. The bill is a compromise between measures introduced by Senators Ov erman, Bacon and the late. Senator Bryan," of Florida, and was reported by Mr. Overman. It has received much attention at the hands of the Committee and is intended not only to lessen the frequency' of injunctions in such cases, but to modify and soft en the process when it is resorted to. It prohibits any one Federal judge from granting such an injunction, but requires that all applications for such orders shall be heard by at least three Federal judges, two of whom shall be circuit judges, while the third may be either a circuit or a dis trict judge. It also requires at least five days' notice to the State' authori ties, and grants direct .appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. The text of the bill follows: , ' Test of the Bill. "That no temporary - or interlocu tory , injunction or temporary: re straining order, or decree suspending or' restraining the" enforcement ,oper ation or execution of any statute of any State by restraining the action of any officer of such State in the en forcement or excution of such statute shall he issued or granted by any cir cuit or district court of the United States or by any judge or justice thereof upon the ground of unconsti tutionality of tlieNStatute, unless the application for the same shall be pre sented to a circuit judge and shall be heard and determined, upon issue made and proof taken by affidavit or otherwise, by three judges, of whom two shall be circuit judges and the third may be cither a circuit or a district judge, and unless a majority of said three judges shall concur, in granting such application. When ever such application, as aforesaid, is- presented to. a circuit judge he shall immediately Call to his assist ance to hear and determine the ap plication, one circuit judge and one district-' judge, or "another circuit judge.;. , - ' Five Days' Notice. "Said application' shall not- he heard and determined until five days' notice necessary for the'hearing has been given to the 'Governor and .'At torney General of the State and such other persons as may be defendants in the suit.- Provided, that if a ma jority of said, judges are, of the opin ion at the time .notice of. said hear ing is given as aforesaid, that irre parable loss and damage would result to' applicant unless a temporary re straining -order, pending the period of required notice is granted, a majority of said judges may grant, such order, but the same shall only remain in force until the hearing and determi nation of the application, upon due notice as aforesaid, has taken place; that an appeal may be taken directlv to the Supreme Court of the United States from any order or decree granting or denying, after notice and hearing, a-temporary or interlocutory injunction-'or restraining order in "such ''case; 'and the hearing of such aopeal shall take precedence ever all other cases except those of a similiar character and criminal cases." Minor Happenings. W. A. Kroll of the Government Printing Office, was susnended for political activity in the Sixth Mary land district. Chief Justice Fuller will sit with Judge Pritchard in the hearing of the South Carolina liquor dispensary case President Roosevelt is waging an active campaign for' appropriations for four new battleships. The. House debated the Naval Ap propriation bill. most of the session. Representatives John Gil, Jr.. of Maryland, and Richmond P. Ilobson are to speak on naval affairs in the House. Messrs. Cockran, Belmont and Chandler made. -arguments on tlie Mc Call bill to compel publicity in cam paign funds. J. M. Bishop, of Mecklenburg coun ty, Virginia, shot dead Bearl Mo, a -negro, who -tried to assault his daughter: Io C, Thunnan, who killed his "roommate. W. P. Poison,. and robbed him, was hanged at Norfolk. STATE MAY RESIST , u 1 -" I South Carolina Will Profaabl'' Refuse to Give Heaoy Bond L REQUIRED BY JUDGE PRITCHARI Order of Judge Pritchard Granting v Supersedeas on Certain Condition:! in the Dispensary Matter Served Priday on Commission and At torney General, But Conditions Will Not Ee Complied With Coi lateral in Hands of State Treasurei; Who Is In Mississippi and Not is '. Possession ' of Commission Attor-k . ney General "Lyon Back From ' ..Washington',,. Where He Called ons' . Chief Justice Fuller and Discusssdi . Case.' . . j Columbia, S. C, Special. Attor ney General Lyon returned from A Washington, 'where he has been for several days, accompanied by Mr. D. W. Rountree, of Atlanta, of counsel; for the 'dispensary commission. Mr. Lyon stated very emphatically that the r dispatches sent out from Wash ingto to the effect that he had made a motion before Chief Justice Fuller in the dispensary matter were erro neous", being .'.utterly . without f ounda tion . and vunauthoized by him. He said that as a matter of fact he and Mr. Rountree had called on Chief Justice Fuller and had talked with him in regard to the procedure which could be adopted to get the case up speedily before the highest tribunal in the land, but' that he had made no motion at all. - The case, it appears, has some unusual features, and there is little'precedent for getting the mat ter before the Supreme Court with out going through the usual formali ties of appeal. If a motion were made before the Chief Justice,, it would be a motion for an order to show cause why. a supersedeas should not be granted, but it has not been decided to take this step. The order of Judge Pritchard, granting a supersedeas on conditions was not served until Friday when it was received through tke mail by Chairman Murray and the other mem bers of the commission as well as by Attorney General Lyon, from the of fice of the clerk of the Federal Court in Charleston. The order is dated April 8th and requires compliance within five days from. date of order, the .members of the commission have now only three days to arrange their personal affairs so as to take an en forced absence from business, for a longer or shorter period. '. The commission will not give the heavy bond required by Judge Priteh ariL and will not surrender the collat eral which he requires to he surren dered, so that the commission will be in. contempt in refusing to obey the order to deposit the collateral with the Federal Court. As a matter of fact, the collateral is not in the pos session of the commission, but is with theState Treasurer, and has been in his possession for a long time, even before the books and records of the dispensary were placed in the Treas urer's vaults, so that the commission can make, answer tltat the collateral is not in its possession at all, and it cannot comply with the primary and most important condition of Judg Pritchard 's order. Of course, if Judge Pritchard can get hold of the collateral, he has. the case in his hands absolutely and, of course, the; State is not going to surrender the collateral. Judge Pritchard may serve an or der on State Treasurer Jennings, bat it happens that Captain Jennings is in Mississippi and not at this time in the jurisdiction of Judge Pritchard's court. He is having a pleasant visit out there and is doubtless not in any hurry to return, unless he is request ed to come home by Governor Ansel. The-Governor will not, however, ask the Treasurer to co.ne back to give up the collateral, and he will not in struct, any one to give it up. because the State is going to keep its hands on the ' collaterals. These collaterals were deposited as security for the de posits of the dispensary money with the various banks of the State, and the banks will not pay out the money without getting their securities back. Jealous Husband Shoots Wife and Suicides. : .. New York, Special Without warn- er, a baker, suddenly drew a revolver at the dinner table, fired two shots at his young bride and then killed himself by sending a bullet through his brain at their home on Lexington avenue. Mrs. Heiser who was twice woundeiT in the body, is not expected in recover. She told the police that: her husband had been jealous of her ! but. could -'not say why he had at tempted to take her life.

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