TAR HEEL TOPICS, H-Z tlmsOGsAtcred from All Sections of the State W I-j-itreaH "Iai4 Ty TTCgW- .Paint,, Special Word from " ri" tOs of much excitement in J.tt afkerta rjuit, town. The Dur-VTvare- Usui . Charlie ton railroad, which Tlr .. t.aAn ca a iwvn rf n -f ihah ci vtna i 1 t swalj -ixtn?v tcvk &n sew life Tues- ,U aral ft an extra force "$? r-yvtvai laalrei ne building its Wrass tf aseaul akngsuW that of the Jh&r&sra & Asheboro, on the la tier's -lkt-f-w9y, ajsul when the people "Tn.li v rno miner a new rail- wtl tml been born and was right up Ttrk tass neswr the Aberdeen & Asbe r m . ii&ilraad station. This f WriwsgWy aroused, this road and by 10 "V4ck this morning the road had -. t-i-us 'iiad of laborers on their way - -fa "Ti-wy : ter np ths tracks of the !a4- & f Thartes.nr. mad. which 5- iafrinffed on its right-of-way. ii.h(fr sf?eiat train soon left Biseoe rtk -Vue Pres-ideirt Pajre. of tlie Ab- TrkT & 2-shtihmut road, and John Twil- f. the lWhara & Charleston twiS jl also rushed to the scene. SPfvscJhfat Henry A- JCge, of the JMtrr&cm. & Asheboro road. is in di irwc. mnranic&tin with Troy and inHrasfbisr developments are awaited. Ifep" "Bay Meets Horrible Death. rmi recaUe form bofeTl "Rex Me- .-mr,. a, foiomi Doy noon i years ol -.. i zxgr. hn works or? Mr. Mot Ilusselt s fjrm. f railes Rtvtfh of the city Wed- afternoon. The boy had been wtrkrag m the 'field and had started !iwm rnling-'his mule. At some point the -sray, the animal became " TjnW. ;hrevr Che "boy, whose vai in oangunR rrace cna n. tWtusheil down Ihe road in thejfarm iust of t,e .v Nftm. ot Mr. Kussell's. When the, inff aer?s, was ac.t.epted ovt -laoi'e ymH up i the yard, the hoy ftd !la"PnK . aHho"!;h !lU, .t-bbiog away, lie lived bat ; twr .Olenites ; after the house was , . 3Fil Accident In DurMm. TwittMn. Special. Clinton M .fIttrsbw, vrntf f & linemen for In .'xwsrtiitK Telephone 'and Telegraph "C'Six.y; i in the Watts hospital as "fcSa- vvstilt t svn' accident that was siasrcit and will, -probably he vFa4:it i ir.i raa 'flm on a wagon 'loaded Vittt - fces an.i with tools. Among the ten vrss a. "tfepr's'ljur'-' atul cne ml uV (his dropped fiom the wagon, vmt i iitcu rn im 9trthi and hold it more or 'less firm. Mrhil?' liu other end came up and i-saojr'rii; Mr. Rigsbee. This bar erf seei. aumu one ncti m fliameter Mwrtti fee body ot Mr. Riggsbee . -. issmit swn inches. The bar of steel j vxilrwii tower stomach and came , -itB-SMr tmm.r through 'the walls of tp ?wntaeit t.e print ot the digger , r 'iOsr. Iw&l vuniw I he Skin la tllS Bf, trivesi jtilEefcn xears. tt-.fl11AI. Sm.rirfI.TTf.wTi - - r - i cTvr-. -vv.li;-r. ,.-.f.V,n- o 3tTr white farmer, at Pine Hall on - t!ht-..ijntis "Jay 'last, will liare to .rsyrrr- tt-'irrja of fifteen years In the C : r?tair, gunsitrtitiarry Tor his crime. The! been issued to the 16th annual com vs8s viriw.tlisposeS of in Stokes Su-, meneement of the North Carolina Pit ". 1 1 &t Danhnry Thursday j College of Agriculture & Mechanical riiflem-Mim, eorrnsel for the defendant i Arts May 24th to 27th. The bacca .gTWrsf t a Terdiet of guilty of laureate sennoii will be preached by ' ssiiTsr 'vt tTlse second degree, which j Rev. Dr. George W. McDaniel of -wraa rsvyied by the counsel for the Richmond, Va. ; the alumni address .tasv 'Tlie prfsiJing judge then will be delivered by Mr. A. E. Escott, -jmftsrt! the negro to a term of fif- of the class of 100G, and the annual rfars. The .case .did not reach address will he made bv Dr. Paul B. 1 5x- i-wrr- jBarringer, of Blacksburg, Va. Verdict Set Aside. HiJttSjilx. '.Sf'eeiaL On the ground ;lst it ians against the weight of the mlAvrwvr excessive. Judge Biggs 2&tssi vrt aside the verdict of $3,000 ucsr;"ki5. Mrs. Virginia G. Eatman, az thie1 tieatb. of her husband. The feS-U vses alegwl to be due to negli vn the part of the Southern Aii rtk acolina JIaii.roads. ' CJaTKDar Affray in Winston-Salem. inaWfi-Satfexa, Special. As a re- mlt a. fight in a Greek restaurant Irt- QsrliMi Papas?, a young Greek, la tx. -a. feosrpiral with , seven severe TjtWi-i CT-rweWlc nn.l x.t. lllft nolnt of kssili The aisaidt xtas made by Iffjrefc Knrm, xlarel iio is under jmrrL. A crowd ot' negroes b?eam? Riwrtleriy in the restaurant and the Gsvmks tihrvw them out. This led to ss, iltt and Papas, while acting as a -KVh's,'''t' The Mrmf"!'" "wut of s. Waa Drowned in Georgia, Winston-Salem. Special. Mr. Lu ther B. Meyers, division salesman for the K. J. Reynolds Tobacco Com pany, with headquarters at Macon, Ga., was drowned in a lake near Ma con while he and three others were in swimming. It seems from the ad vices received here that Mr. Meyers went with a party of friends on a picnic expendition near Macon. About noon he and Mr. Robert Wil lingham and two others, whose names were not secured, decided to go in swimming in a small lake near the picnic grounds. Soon after ,goiny into the water, Mr. Meyers complain ed of the water being too cold and said he nxjjst get out. at the same time moving toward the bank. Mr. Wil liughani looked np and noticed that Mr. Meyers had gone under the wa ter. He hastened to the rest. .to of his friend, but was too lale to be of any service. In attempting to rescue his friend, Mr. Williiigham came near losing his own life and for some time it was feared that he would not re cover. A search for the body of Mr. Meyers was begun immediately and in about two hours it was brought to '.lie surface. It was turned over to an undertaker and prepared for burial. Orphanage Site Selected. . Tl " . i m vv inston-;aiem. pecial. The or- nliannw ftf ., WPstpr v ,. c en I m,,' Cnrh,la Conference of the Methodist Clmrch met here last week j to select a site for the institution j and to outline plans for the erection of the buildin s at rl,e earliest pos. sib,(J momtMlt Tl0 r;(() e p Dwire eontain- ; AI !.. ' V l)J,ic ,w which were considered. The -price azrVil upou is mo an aere The ,.e i i . . i .... i in mini h uc.uuuui one aim the selection is considered a good one. The main building will cost be tween $18,000 and $2.1.000. This and the superintendent's home will be erected first and then other buildings 1 "'511 he P"J UP ,at.f'r- T1,e members of the special committee here were Rev. Dr. fi. II. Detwildcr. of Greensboro, ex-officio chairman S. L. Rogers, of Franklin : J. A. CSlenn. of Cliarlotte: WaUer Tliompson. of Concord. Hebrew Convention Adjourns. Wilrnintrton. Special. District Urand Lodge Xo. .). Independent Or- der B'Nal Ii?Rith adjr.umed its thir ty-fourth annual convention here last week to meet in Savvannah, Ca.. the thJr.l Afnnrlnv i,-..h iono nf in wnich time the grand lodge will go to Atlanta to attend the twentieth anniversary exercises of the Hebrew Orphans' Home there. Officers elect- ,i nrP. TrouUnt TTphw S TTnt- cplpr. Ri,.lfflinn Vn first vir.P nrflst. Msnf Afn second vice president, Leonard Has- Atlanta. Ha.; secretary, Joseph L, Lev-V- KiPhmond, Ta.; treasurer, A. r( .. ,,, T . 1 1 : . o i. - -u. u. jutooi, muiugioii. A. & M. Commencement. Italeigh, Special. Invitations have Goldsboro School Bonds Purchased at 110. Goldsboro, Special. At 12 o'clock Thursday sealed bids for the pur chase of the Goldsboro High School bonds were opened. The bonds were for $20,000 and were for 20 years, bearing 0 per cent. They were award ed to Seasong & Mayor of Cincinnati, for ' fraction over 110. Incorporation. Raleigh, Special. The Goose Grease Company, of Greensboro, with $100, 000 total authorized and ."kOOO suh- i scribed capital stock, was chartered last week. 1 he incorporators are: R. F. Rice. W. R. Land and B. H. Merrimon. - State Board of Examiners. Raleigh, Special. The State Board of Examiners met in the office of the State Superintendent and graded the papers of the teachers who stood the examination in April for high school certificates. Jim Frady is Convicted. Asheville, Special. Jim Frady, fd with the murder ot I'arns in Limestone township sev .'4 ago, was found guilty of T-s'ona oegree ana V;1 ix months on v The defen- NViii" law. kiu- WORK OF CHURCH WOMEN Methodist Home Mission Society in Session in Durham. Durham, Special. The Woman V Home Mission Society of the North Carolina Conference, M, E. church belI-its seventeenth. "-annual meeting in Mairt Street church in this cy. the exei-cises opened Thursday even ing. Addresses of welcome were made by Rev. M. Bradshaw, in be half of Main Street ehurch; by Prof. R. L. Flowers, in behalf of the Sunday school; by W. A. Bivineij in behalf of the Epworth League; and by Mrs. J. C Angier, in behalf of Main Street Auxiliary. The re sponse to these addresses was made by Mrs. R. 0. Burton, of Raleigh. The work of the Woman's Honw Mission Society was then outlined by I Mrs. W. H. Shaw, of Wilmington. Mrs. Shaw was, for several years, president of the Conference Society. She knows the work thoroughly and fcjiows how to present it in a most in teresting way. The foundation, or cornerstone of this work is parson age building. The session was well attended and was one of much interest to the de nomination represented. young Eigsbee's Injuries Trovcd Fatal. Durham, Special. Clifton M. Rigs bee, the young white man who was fearfully hurt a few days ago by get ting an inch bar of iron thrust through his body, died Sunday after noon at Watts' Hospital. Young Rigsbee was 23 years of age and left a wife and one child, a father and several brothers and sisters. He was one of the chief linemen for the inter-State Telephone Company and was on the tool wagon when a dig ging bar, an inch in diameter and eight feet long, dropped, one end for ward, while the wagon was moving. This shoved the steel bar into Rigs bee's body, the bar entering in the small of the back aid going almost through him. He and t he man with him at the time made several efforts before he could get the bar from his body. From the very first he was in a serious condition and but small hopes were ever entertained for his roverery. Prompt Work Saves Town. Burlington,, Special. What prom ised to be one of the most disastrous fires U the history of the city was by the prompt work of the firemen and a favorable calm averted Sun day night only after the destruc tion of W. A. Loy's livery stable with two horses and about all his vehicles, and two blacksmith shops adjoining Some of the horses which were got out were badly burned. The lire started about J) o'clock, but the origin is not known. None of the losers carried insurance, the rate n ac count of the proximity of thiec. oth er stables being almost prohibitive. For several minutes after the firemen arrived on the scene the water pres sure was very weak and it seemed im possible to save any of the buildings near, which include three other sta bles, the Ward Hotel ami several dwellings. Default of $1,000 Bond. Wilson, Special. There was a large crowd in Wilson in anticipa tion of being present at the prelimi nary examination, which was schedul ed to have come off before 'Squire W. R. Wood at 10:30. Messrs. Woodward and Ilassell have been re tained by defendant, while Mi W. A. Finch will assist Solicitor Dan iels in the prosecution The attor neys held a conference, and those appearing for defense waived exami nation only Mrs. Wells being ex amined. On default of a one thous and dollar bond, the fellow was com mitted to all. He is the negro who a week ago attempted the I'.i'e of Mrs. Robert Wells, in Oil Fields township. Railroad Question Setilod. Troy, Special. The railroad ques tion at Troy between the 1). and C. and A. and A. was finally settled to the satisfaction of all parties con cerned. Officials and attorneys on each side met here and held a con ference and left over the D. and C. rails on the A. and A.'s motor car for tSar, N. C, where these two com panies connect. Memorial Exercises at Durham. Durham, Special. Memorial Day exercises were held Sunday after noon, the veterans, Daughters of the Confederacy and others going to Maplewood Cemetery and decorating the graves of the dead soldiers who now rest in that burying ground. Quite a large number went out to at I end the impressive exorcises held in honor of the dead heroes. Mr. W. J. Brogden, of this city, was the speaker for the occasion. Taps were sounded by one of the veterans. There was a fine musical programme, this being by a picked number of singers. Shooting in Durham. Durham, Special. Saturday af ternoon Horace Stroud shot and pro bably fatally wounded Lee Shaw, both colored. The trouble ocurred in a negro suburb.. Stroud made an attempt to shoot Agnes Leathers, his paramour She dodged just as the pistol fired and the ball entered the back of Shaw. He was taken to the Lincoln Hospital and Stroud escaped, may die. MILLION DOLLAR FIRE City of Atlanta Suffers Severe Property Loss ENTIRE BLOCK IS SWEPT AWAY Fire Which Started Early Friday Morning Destroys Two Blocks in the fHfart of Atlanta. Atlanta. Ga.. Special. One million and a quarter is the loss conserva tively estimated on a fire which started at 3:30 o'clock Friday morn ing and which swept two blocks- of Atlanta business proprety, .How the lire started is a mystery. It was discovered in the building oc cupied by the Sehlesinger-Meyer Company, bakery. From there it rau it's way in all directions until it itruck the Terminal Hotel, one of the largest in the city, and gutted that. During the early morning hours ev sry one in the Terminal Hotel and in numerous other smaller hotels in the iistrict had warning. There was no loss of life and no injuries. The insurance on the property de stroyed is placed by insurance men at $750,000. One of the heaviest losers is S. M. Inman, of Atlanta, who owned the entire block bounded by Forsyth, Mitchell and Nelson streets and Mad ison avenue, and in which were lo cated the Schlessinger-Meyer Com pany, Branch B of the city postoffice, the Liquid Carbonic Company, a branch of Central Trust and Banking Company, and many smaller con cerns. The fire was discovered in the ele vator shaft of the Schlessinger Build ing and is supposed to have originat ed from crossed wires running to the motor which operated the elevator. tjy the time the firemen had arrived the flames had broken through the roof of this building, and owing to a light water pressure, it was impos sible to .cheek their progress. In a shart time this structure was Tmple tiy gutted and the fire was eatinc its way through to Station B of the At- !..,- t-e ...i m lama jjusiuiiK-f , wncru mans received from the terminal station, iust across the square, are distributed. The employes of the postoffice, however, by Quick work manae-pr. to save all the mail and most of the equipment. Jumping across Mitchell street the flames made short work of the Terminal Hotel, the Terminal Annex, Child's Cafe and Hotel, nnd Child's Annex, at which point the hremen succeeded in checking the on slaught on the north side of Mitchell itreet. On the south side, however. the flames continued to sweep every thing in their rath nntiT Forsvfh street was reached, gutting the build ings occupied by McCIurers Ten-Cent Store, the branch bank of the Gent. Banking and Trust Company, the Paragon Store, and the T.irmid Car. bonic Company. The Schlessinger Buildinsr extended half a bWV nn Nelson street arl from it the flames soon lumped to numerous sms... storehouses on Forsyth street, de stroying the places occupied by Al verson Bros', Grocery Company, the Binders Frame Manufacturing Com pany, and the Walker Cooler Fur. niture Company. A strong west wind tanned the flames and scattered burning embers over the whole bus iness section of the citv and threat ening for a time to cause even great er loss. The firemen had TTtanv narrow o capes from falling walls, but no in juries ot a serious nature are re ported. The gvtes's from the lmtpla anJ rooming houses v the burned section succeeded m -rvitiT mrnf rF .hi'r of. fects, hsvin-y hoc, varnvl in tiw remove their trunks which were piled on ine piaza in the front of the ter minal station, from which point their owners and many early risers watch ed the progrcs.. of the fire. Boy of Sixteen Murders Pour. NeAv York, Special. An Italian boy, named Nicolli, whose last name is unknown to the police, 16 years old, cut the throat of a woman- and three men and then hacked the bodies to pieces in a barbershop near the Brooklyn Bridge Terminal. The boy ran away with the bloody razor and is still at large. After ?L'.triir.cr.i2l Agents. Chicago, Special. Revelations in connection with the "House of Hor rors," operated at LaPorte by Mrs. Guiness caused United State District Attorney Sims to issue orders for the arrest of every manager of any mat rimonial bureau operating, in the Chi cago district. Isaac A. Warn, said to be a wealthy proprietor of an "af finity bureau," was the first to be ar rested. He was taken on the charge of nsing the mails to defraud in the operation of the bureau under the name of Kate Warn, his wife. Soldier Burglars Arrested. Tampa, Fla., Special. Privates George Roberts and Jospeh Henry, of the 11th company coast artillery, stationed at Fort Dade, were brought to this city and lodged in jail. Tht men broke into the postofllee and post exchange at the fort and tool the cash register and contents and numerous other articles, then escaped in a boat belonging to the govern ment. They were run down and ar rested near Bradentown. NOMINATE JUDGE HARMON Democrats Hold a Tumultuous Meet ing,' in Which Intense Factional ' Feeling Holds Sway. Columbus, O., Special. In a tu multuous convention, characterized by the intense factional ' feeling Democrats of Ohio Wednesday nomi nated Judson Harmon, of Cincinnati, formerly Attorney General of the.K United States under President Cleve land, for Governor, and endorsed Wil liam J. Bryan and instructed - the Ohio delegates to the national eon- "vehtiort to vote for him for President. A complete State ticket was nominat. ed, former Gov. James E. Campbell, of Butler county, was endorsed for tho United States Senate and dele- gates and alternates at large to the national convention were selected. David L. Rosweli, of Kent, was nomi nated for Lieutenant Govenor. The following were elected dele gates and alternates at large to the national convention: Delegates at large, Tom L. John son, of Cleveland; W. S. Thomas, Springfield; E. W. Hanley, Dayton, and Matthew R. Denver, Wilmington. Alternates at large, II. T. Sutton, Zanesville; Isaac R. Sherwood, To ledo; G. N. Saltzfiarber, Van Wert, and John E. Monnot, Canton. National issues were left to the Denver convention and the platform adopted dealt solely with State ques tions, attacking the administration of various Republican State officers and endorsing especially the initiative and referendum in State and local legislation and the taxation of fran chises. Alabama Endorses Taf t. Birmingham, Ala., Special. The State convention here Wednesday of the Thompson or administration wing of the Republican party was all for Taft. Strong resolutions endorsing his candidacy for the presidency and commending the national administra tion were adopted and the delegates to the national convention were in structed to cast their votes at Chica go for the Secretary of War. The de legates elected were: J. 0. Thompson, Birmingham; W. R. Fairley, Pratt City; F. II. Lathrop, Birmingham; N. H. Alexander, (colored) Montgomery. Alternates: Byron Trammel, Dothan; II. F. Oven, Montgomery; Jere Mur phy, Huntsville; Dr. U. G. Mason, (colored), Birmingham. The electors chosen were--1. ' Pollak, Cullman, and James W. Lee Birmingham. The Paper Trust Investigation. Good progress was made before the special committee investigating the control of prices of white print paper by the paper trust. Many telegrams and letters from publishers in all sections of the country were placed in evidence, all going to show that prices have been arbitrarily advan ced, and that if the duty should be removed a fall in price of $C00 or more per ton would result. Many newspapers men have expressed a willingness to go to Washington and testify. The committee will ad journ to Palmers Falls, New York, to investigate the cost of manufactur ing paper. Pretty South Carolina Girl Sues a Railroad. Spartanburg, S. C, Special. Miss Salie Bragg, a pretty young lady of Campobello, this county, has com menced an action against the Charles ton & Western Carolina road for damages in the sum of $50,000, alleg ing that while she was a passenger on one of the trains of the defendant she was grossly insulted by the con ductor of the train. The complaint is now being prepared by I. A. Phifer, attorney for the plaintiff, and it is understood that the allegations will be of a highly sensational nature. Georgian Charged With Wife Murder Fort Gaines, Ga., Special. Herbert Robinson was arrested charged with murdering his wife and throwing her body into the river. It is alleged that on the night of April 29th, Rob inson who had been drinking, killed his wife, then carried her body to the bridge crossing the Chattahoochee river and threw it into the water. Three Hundred Afghans Killed. London By Cable. Three hundred Afghans were killed and many more wounded in Sunday's and Monday's fighting with General Sir James Wil cock's British force at the west en trance to the Kyber Pass, according to the official report. New Jersey Summer Hotel Burned. Bernardsville, N. J. Special. Som erset Inn, one of the most beautiful summer hotels in Northern New Jer sey, was burned Wednesday. The fire is believed to have been started by an incendiary. The loss is a quar ter of a million. W. J. Oliver Indicted. Chattanooga, Tenn., "Special. The Federal grand jury has returned in dictments on five counts against W. J. Oliver, candidate for national com mitteeman from Tennessee, charging him with violating the federal 8-hour law. The charges recite that Oliver habitually required laborers on the work at Hales bar to work 10 hours a day after the governmnt had de cided that the lock and dam construc tion was government work. L&te Jackets MINOR MATTERS OF INTEREST Congress passed the agricultural bill on Monday. House and Senate conferees are in . l T.-' 111 a deadlock over ine rension ran. One more body was dug up on the Guinness farm near Laporte, -Ind. Japan is expected to inaugurate a still more aggresive policy in Korea. King Manuel of Portugal took the oath of allegiance. . Ludovic Halevv, the French novel ist and dramatic author, is dead.V Four prisoners escaped from : the Spartanburg, S. C, chaingang Mon day, but two were recaptured. The General Conference "of the Northern Methodist, church, in ses sion at Baltimore, had a busy day. Jews were accused in the Dounja of mutilating themselves to esca.pe military service. 1 ' . Prince Philip zu Eulenberg.1' was placed under arrest on IT charge of perjury. . ' . ; ' - ; The House adopted the conference report on the 'Army bill, granting $7,000,000 increase in pay; - - . Secretary of the Navy Metcalf re viewed . the great armada inv San Francisco Bay. ' Two business blocks is Atlania, Ga., were burned, the loss being esti mated: at $1,250,000. The Sehuylkill .river rose 10 feet and caused much damage, in Philadel phia suburbs.' ' :. All of the 72 wreckers and mem bers of the crew on the. ship Peter Rickmers were saved. i Ten Russian political prisoners e0 caped after killing three guards and wounding six others. J. P. Morgan declared in Paris that the American .financial crisis was all over. After a hot debate, the House de cided to exclude the canteen from soldiers' homes. The battleship fleet entered the Golden Gate and San Francisco went wild with delight. The Connecticut Republican con vention turned down boths Senators as delegates and indorsed Taft. Ex-President Cleveland who has indigestion, is said to be gaining rap idly. A 16-year-old Italian boj,. with a razor slashed five persons in New York, and two may die. The American Ice Company inves tigation was ordered continued in spite of President Oler's appeal. Work was resumed on Monday ex cavating the cellar of the "House oV Horrors" or the Gunness. home ai funness. home a Laporte, Ind. Senator Overman t i .1 appropriation to hav stored to Frying Pan Shoals, on the North Carolina coast. Judson Harmon wa.s nominated for Governor by Ohio Democrats, in the face of a bitter fight by Tom L. Johnson. President Roosevelt, in letters to three Senators, asserts his supreme authority over the army without re gard to the Senate. The Interstate Conimerce Commis sion states that it knows of no prom ise of immunity for the railroads which are not complying with the "commodity clause." Mrs. Russell Sage has offered $500, 000 toward an endowment fund for the American Bible Society if the latter wil raise a like amount. The United States Supreme Court issued an order setting forth the ex tent of the Virginia-West Virginia debt inquiry. Publishers before the House inves tigators were unanimous in their de mand that the tariff be taken off paper and wood pulp. Standing up in the gallery, George Gridley, of Rhode Island, startled the House by shouting at the members and waving a flag. High water in the Monogahela river swept away the steel ends that Marion county is erecting at Fair mont. Cardinal I.r.vne, of Ireland, assert ed his opposition to th; protective tariff, and expressed Irs do-ibts as to whether prohibition ever does really prohibit. Congress and President Roosevelt were severely criticised for the con dition of the Washington jail, by speakers at the Conference on Chari ties and Correction at Richmond. "Uncle Dan" Whipple, who was with Fremont on his exploring- expe dition and a companion of "Kit" Carson, died in Traverse City, Mich., at the age of 109 years. The Republicans of Louisiana Aave intsructed for Taft for president. The Senate adopted a resolution in quiring whether the operation of the commodity clause, of ths Railroad Rate law had been suspended, es pecially in regard to the Western Maryland railroad. Representative John Gil, Jr., in troduced a resolution asking why the Panama canal contract was awarded -to others when the Merchants' Coal Company, Baltimore, were the lowest bidders.

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