TIIE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVEItY FRIDAY C V. W. AU;SB0N, Editor and Owner PLYMOUTH, N. C. Friday. June 12. 1903. Weak Lungs NeedVINQL its cod liver oil elements heal and strengthen the lungs Many people Inherit weak lung which are likely to be attacked by consumption. So also ; are lungs weakened by disease or by a stubborn hacking cough, . Vinol, which is a real cod liver prep aration with all the useless oil elimi nated and tonic iron added, strength ens weak lungs and gives one the power to throw off wasting diseases. We ask every person suffering from weak lungs, stubborn hacking coughs or any wasting dlseas.e to try Vinol on our guarantee. P, E. Davenport, Druggist. NOIIFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. IN EFFECT SEPT. 30TIL 1907. TRAIN SERVICE. NbttTHBOPD t ,keaye Belhaven daily (except Sunday; 6:4(1 a. in. Leave Washington 10:.r: a ni " Plymouth l'2'. J p XQ " Mackey's Ferry 2A0pm. Arrive Edentou 2:05 p. ni. Leave Kdeuton daily (except . Suuday) 7 4" a. m , & 3 J 5 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth Cliy daily (ex cept Suuday) 8 C.r a m., 3 15 & 4 2". p. m. Arrive Norfolk daiiy (f-xcept Sun day) 10 40 it Mi-, 4 45 & 6 1U p. m. tSOUTHBOUND : Leave Norfolk daily (except ' Sunday) U.". I 5fl a. in. A G 05 p. in. 'Arrive L.IU. t'i daily (except SurMav) . ini'.Ja th & 1 5J5. 7 S3 p in. 'jArmV l-klein-u laify (except ; SuW1h ' ). 1 1 30 a. rp. & 2 20, ' ni p in. Leave iLdeutoil daily (except Buiidax) 2 30p. iu Arrive lielhtm-n daily (exeopt Sunday) ' 10 p. Di. LttaVe E-:enlou 2:30 P. 111. Arrive I'lyu.outh 4:2H p. m Aiiive Uahtm.Ktou .r:4: p. m Trunin Nos. 3, , 5 A 6 stop m alt inter mediate buIhuin. Connect nt Norfolk with trains to and from Viigiiiiu licuch and Currituck brauch STEAMBOATS ERVICE. Leave hdeulon 2:30 p in., daily except 8uuday, lor cupperuoiig liiver. Steamer leaves New 13eru 7 4f p. m. Leaven Oriental J 00 a. to., for New iiern, daily except Suuday. Steamers leave Uelhaven 5 00 a. m. Tues day. Tburnday and Saturday for Aurora, South Creek, Makley ville, &c. Steamer leaves Plymouth daily (except Sunday) 4:00 p. in. for landings ou Oiibhie liiver. For further information apply to W. J . Nicholson, Ag't, Plymouth, or to the Gen era! Office of the N. & S. liy., Norfolk, Va. M, W. MAGUHiE, Gen. Supt. H. C. HUDGINS, Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. PAMLICO DIVISION MIXED TRAINS. A. M. 9 45 Lve. 11 15 12 30 . 115 Arr. p. M. a. m. 8 45 Lve. y 10 9 44 10 00 10 08 . 10 25 Arr. A. M. Mackey'e Ferry Plymouth Pine Town Washington iMackerVFerry Hoper Pike ltoad F Kishopcrosa F J'antufio Ikilhuvrn Arr. 5 10 4 40 S0O Lvo. 1 50 A. M. Arr. "8 20 801 720 7 03 li 55 Lve. 6 40 A. M. O. JT. McLEAN, REPAIRING CLOCKS & WATCHES. AND ALL KINDS CF JEWELRY. Prices Roasonablo.r-Work Solicited. Main St., near Artesian Well, PLYMOUTH, N. C. KILLthe cough and CURE the LUNGS w Or. King's Nov; DisGGuory rnn ouchs PBICB Art A tl.flft. OLDS Trial Bottio Free AND AU THROAT AWDlUXGTBOUgLES. QUAEANTEED SATISFACTORY.! OB MONEY BEPUNDED. gold by Spruill & Hro. BEACON FLASHES. 2 Those who have friends visiting fa them, or who inteudu leaving home themnelves, will please let it be known at this ofiice. ho the fact may be mbn $ tioned ' It does not matter whether c you are a subscriber or not. All we , ask is let ua kuow it. 'Talk it up." - r. "ilave yoa seen Aimee ?' " Our town had been foil of folks this week. The new mercantile firm. Latham-Owens Co., opened up ou-Friday last. Jno. It. Smith's Shows are here, they came in Monday and took charge of the town. De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills, are sold by P. . Duven port. Ask W Fletcher Ausbon. The InHuranca Man, about that Health and Accident ooli- cy he sells. Mr. VV. li. Ward showed uh arina toma to on Tuesday which he gathered from his garden. Pretty early friend Uurton. Mess. Burton WArd and F. It. Johnston have purchawed the Horntual bankrupt. siock ana are Closing it out at a low price. Big cuts or little cuts, small scratches or bruises or big ones are healed quickly by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It in eBpecia ly good for piles. Sold by P. E. Daven port. Our colored people are advertising an excursion to Newborn on June 15th. to re turn on the 16th. A special oar will be provided for white people. Don't wait uutil your property is burned and then sny "I ought to have insured," it In too late tnen, see W. Fletcher Ausbon, The Insurance Man, now and get a poliey. Dr. W. II. Ward took Mrs. Wilson Ambros to the Washington hospital ou tduesday where 6he goes for special treatment and we hope she may soon re turn lully restored to health. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are Di'OiDDt and thorough and will m a verv shot time strengthen the weiened kidueys and allay troubles arising from intlamatiou oi me Diaciut-r. j.ney are recommeded everywhere. Sold by P. K. Davenport, Mrs. Bessie O. Staton. of Baltimore, ha been spending a few dayB here us the guest of her sist6r, Mrs A. L. Owens, she was accompanied by her nephew, Master Jolm Milton Willey, of Chopotauk. Mrs. W. M. Bond, of Fdenton, accom panied by her sou, Mr. G. Bond, spent Thursday night and part of yesterday in onr town as the guest of her hoh, our clever and popular young attorney, Mr. W.M. boud, Jr. The Jr. Baseball team, of Ed-nton, came over on Weduesday aud crossed huts with i tie .Ir s , of our town It was ngood g..me bii: oui hoyK were too much furihc visitors ironi S'art to finish .aud thn iiua closed with i be oeoit 13 to 6 in favor of the home team. Have you been down ) fiar th Edison and Victor Tnikinj; Macl.pit-s at Mr. O. H. LfgeettV? ' Mr. L ng-l jK afht for tht iihove machines al u tile Jtuiiibi.t which lie mvil. h the public to h'ar He ha quite a number of ncords whicn coti 1st ut the latent in tiriic '' fe I'tJ-tf Lovers of baseball wiil witnens a series of tlii-best games hue op the 23 aud -'4 oi June, tliut Urtw ever been jl.:yed in Plymouth, tie conter-ting teann being the "All citais," i f liiuhmoiid, Va , and the ' ikado's," of Plymouth These are color d people aud are ball players, sure. The Kutne will be called at 3:3o ech day special arrrtngements will be made fur the accommodation of white people. The Sr. Baseball team of Plymouth went to Edentou ou Thuivday laot to play a match guuiti with that town. The game was well played f jr three innings, both sides b ing shut out, ou the 4th inning au error by the Plymouth toam gave the Ldcntoni tns six runs, this mning was not finished as the game was called on account ot rain. . Ou Friday our team was sched uled for a game at Hertford, they went on to that town but were unable to play the game ou account of rain, i'hey " returned home Saturday afternoon. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is the one that children .'ike so well to take as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It is different from the others as it, does not constipate, but on the other hand it acts gently yet freely on the bowels and there by it drives the cold out of the system. It ts sold by P. E. Davenport... Fisherman's Meeting. Having been appointed Fish Com missioner for Washington county by Gov. Glenn, Mr. W. II, Hampton called a meeting of the fishermen ot the county at the Court House on Wednesday to consult together and elect two other delegates to the Fish erman's Convention this Summer. Mr. M. F. Davenport, of Creswell, was elected to represent the fcound fishermen and Mr. W. II. Ward to represent the liiver fishermen. These men, with Mr. Hampton, will attend the State Fisherman's Convention which will convene some time the latter part of August either at Morehead City or Beaufort, for the purpose of fomulating plans, etc., in the interest of the fishing industry of the State. Thinks It Saved His Life. Lester M Nelson, of Naples, Maine, says in a recent letter. "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery many years, for coughs and colds, and I think it saved my life. I have found it a reliable remedy for throat and lung complaints, and would no more be without a bottle than I would be without food." For nearly forty years New Discovery has stood at the head of throat and lung remedies. As s preven tive of pneumonia, and healer of weak lungs it has no equal. Sold under guar antee by Bpruill & Bro. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. In Police Court. There was a little ripple yesterday morning in police court, caused by the trial of two of our young men. Mr. II. W. Brown and Mr. Ed. Ayers had a scrap at the ice house ot Mr. K. It. Jackson, this did not amount to much, but shortly after the scrap was renewed at the artesian and Mr. Brown struck Mr. Ayers on the head with a brick, or some other hard substance, inllictiug a painful, but not serious wound. The above affair arose over a base ball game. Mayor Spruill acted as Umpire and rendered the following decisions: 1st Inning Ayers to bat Brown on deck; score I to 5 in favor of Ayors. This was scrap no. 1. Ayers lined lc. Biewn B dollars. 2ud Inning Brown to bat Ayers on deck; score Ayers out on first, Brown (error) referred to Judge ot Superior Court as Keferee, that is scrap no. 2 Ayers discharged Brown bound over to court for using (brick) bat not admitted in gnme. The Carnival. Notwithstanding the Carnival was not advertised early enough to draw many from out of toivn, yet the at tendance has been good all the week. The shows are far better than ex pected. The "Old Plantation" Minstrels .are, if anything, better than Allen's; "Aimee," iu her won derful skirt dance, is simply bewil dering,; "Lunette" is just a big in terrogation point from start to finish, and leaves you stil! guessing ; The "Electric Theatre," with its superb moving pictures, is a whole show of itself: the "Thaw Trial" will be presented there to-night (Friday) and no one who ca.n bo there will miss it; the "Ferris VW heel" has captured all the little Ones, and lots of big ones, too, and all the other attractions are full abreast, with those named, while E:.posi to's Ital ian Band dispenses the best music for everybody. Mr. Smith is a most courteous gentleman of refinement and execu tive ability, and has around him only those who are quiet, orderly and well-behaved. The Best Pills Ever Sold. "After doctoring 15 years for chronic indigestion, and spending over two huu dred dollars, nothing has done me as much good as Dr. King's New Life Pills I con sider them t' e best pills ever sold." writes B. F. Ayscue, os lugleside, N. (J. Sold under guarantee at Spruill A Bro.'s. 25c. Industrial Education at A. &c M. College. 'Ibe adverteujeiii of Hie Nor'h Caro lina (loi.etfO of Agriculture and Jkitckauic Arts appttarb in another column This College Las courses of ins: ruction in Ag riculture, 01 students; Civil Engineering, I03tndents; Electricul Euiueeriug, lit! students Mechanical Engneeriu, 79 studxuts Cotton Mumif.tciiiriug, Cnem istry, anil Dyeing, 50 students. Besides the regular four-year courses there are short courses and special courses in Ma chine Work, Drawing and Designing, Carding and Spinning, W caving, Cloth Analysis, Agriculture, aud Dairying. Next session begins September 2, 1908. For catalogue, etc., address The President, West Kaleigh.N. O. THE GRACE OF STICK- TO-IT-IVENESS. Much has been sud of American ag gressiveness, of the fash and strenuousness of our modern life, but it remains for us to make yet another word svnonomous with oar nationality. A recent writer speaking upon this subject says that there are two worda frequently used in American life, but not as yet found in our dictionaries. One is "stickability ; " the other, "quita bility." The first might readily have found a place in our vocabulary during the first memorable winter of the Pilgrim fathers, or agaiu when that man of unwavering purpose, U. 8. Grant, announced his deter mination to "fight it out on this line if it takes all summer." The world always honors the sticker ; none comes to the quitter The one in a noble quality that enables the soul of man to hang on to the work in hand though the earth reels and the heavens fall. It gives one the courage of his own convictions. It creates enthusiasm enough to paint on the side of a desert wagon "Pike's Peak or Bust;" it gives determination sufficient to carry Martin Luther to Worms "though there were a thousand dsvils on the tiles of the roof tops;" it sails new seas, Cisco vers new continents, explores unknown wilds and territories, breaks through all obstacles and never acKuowIedgeo failure. The other nyver wins the victory, al ways fails in the crises of life, retreats at the first blow of the storm, is a chronic dyspeptic, constantly fucdiug on the bread of cowardice made from the skimmed and soured milk of irresolution, and In the end knows nought of the glory of conquest, the triumph of accomplished duty, or the power of aotion. Don'i be a quitte; stick, and sticking win! Selected. An ounce contributed to the happiness of auother, is a poand added to your own. A Grand Family Medicine. "It gives me pleasure to speak a good word lor xulectno Bitters, writos Alt. Frank Conlan of No.v 43C Houston lit , New York. ' It's a gr.-.nd family medicine for dyspepsia and liver complications; while for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot bo too highly recommended." Electric Bitters regulate the digestive functions, purify the blood, rnd impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both sexes. Bold under guarantee at Hprnill & Bro.'a. 50o. ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to announce that I am a candi date for re-nomination for the office of County Treasurer. My record as an effl- cer in the past speaks for itaelf. and if nominated and elected to Ibis position of trust, I promise the same faithfulness in the future that I have given in the past. Thanking my friends for their past loyalty, and asking that they attend the primaries and the convention, I am, llespectfully, CLARENCE LATHAM. A CARD. I will say through the columns of this paper that I will be a candidate for re nomihation this year, and thauking my friends aud constituents for the past hon ors and favors coui'erred opon .me, and assuring them that I shall try to serve Jhem with satisfaction, if elected, I ask that they nominate me agaiu in the com ing Convention. Respectfully, F. K. JOHNStON. A CAKD. As the time ia drawing near for the Democratic County Convention; aud the people are talking and thinking of candi. dates for the various offices, and should the convention see proper to more equally distribute the ofHfies of the county aud give ourj part of the county the Treasur er's office, I would be glad to have my name considered. 1 would like to be a candidate before the convention for Treas urer of the county. I have been a life long Democrat, voted A Straight ticket and worked for the good of the party . Waiting the approval of tne convention. I am, Sincerely, H. A. LtTClIFIELD. TO THE PUBLIC! I take this method of returning jny grateful thanks to the citizens of this county for the confidence and support placed in and given me during tho past, nud as another year has arrived when some one will be chosen for the positiou I have been holding for the past few years, t respeetfully offer my name for your con sideration. I baye tried conscientiously to discbarge the duties of the office accep tably to the law-abiding people of th county and only promise, ifre-eUcted, o discharge t!ne dutiee n the future as 1 huve in the jit. Youp' very trtf!y, v. j, Jackson. FOR SHERIFF. I take this method of informing the people of Washington county that I will be a candidate for the ofiice of Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. It will be remembered that eight years ago I asked tor this nomination and was defeated. I met defeat and worked, then and since for the Democratic candidates. If the choice of the people in the com ing contest, I promise to discharge the duties of the office to the beet of my ability. If not the choice of the people, as iu the past, I am a servant of the Dem ocratic party. Your3 respectfully. J. E. BEID. w, M. BOND, JR., ATTOltNEY-AT-LAW, Plymouth, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE ofAliliKLLTLKK AM) M'ilAMC ARTS Practical education in Agricul ture; in Civil, Electricul, and Me chanical Engineering ; in Cotton Manufacturing, Dyeing and Indus trial Chemistry. Tuition $45 a year; Board $10 u month. 120 .Scholar ships. Examinations for admission at County seats ou July 9. Address THE PRESIDENT, West Raleigh, N. C. SU BSC II BE FOR THE Roanoke Beacon To-Bay, Adler Bros. - PLYMOUTH'S LEADING STORE, 8 AUG, Saturday, June Gtli, we will Begirt it 15 Day's Sale. Entire stock seasonable merchandise at a reduction of J. Here goes prices of a few leading articles: Androscoggin Blceching, Amnios Ginghams, Good quality ginghams, . 12J and I5e. Dress ginghams, Yard-wide Percale, 05c Panama, in all shades, 75c Men's Shirts, 1.00 " . 1;25 and 1.50 t; Men's underwear, suit, , Best quality Men's underwear, Men's $3.50 Oxfords, now " 3.00 " . ' Ladies' $4.00 Oxfords, now . 3.00 u " 2.50 Bis variety from 98c. to $1.50, MILLINERY. IIILLIHERY- MILLIH1EY. Entire Line At Cost! Take advantage of this Golden opportunity, as you will not have this offer again. Kemember sale from June 6th 15. days only, anil no goods charged. During regular price. Under Hotel Brinklcy, "The place Will Go on Why trouble your friends, and place? yourself under obligations to them should you need a bond, when for a ana 11 sum the American Bonding Company1 Of Baltimore, M-d., will bond you, and leave you independant? C. V.' W. Ausbon,. LaJ Asen!- Adler Bros, 9c. 7 . . 6 10 10 47 48 75 98 48 , 98 $3.00 3,00 1.98 the sale goods charged at where your Dollar Docs its Duty. Your Bond, Plymouth, N.G