TIIK ROAKOKI-; HKACOX. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. V. W, AUSBON, Editor ad Owner W. t Ausbom, Associate Editor. PLYMOUTH. N.C. Friday. Septemijer 25. 1908. BEACON FLASHES $ Those who hare friends visiting $ them, or who intends leaving home ? themselves, will please let it be known , at this office, so the fact may be men- ij tiond It does not matter whether 3j you are a subscriber or not. All we $, auk is let as know it. j 5 or O doses "GOO" wU care any case of Chilis and Fever. Price 25c. Don't forget the Big Day at Mackey's Ferry next Wednesday. Mr. A. O. Gayldrd has been in Raleigh on legal business this week. Hr. W. M. Bond, Jr., was in attend auoe apon Hartiu Court this week. FOtt SALE No. 1. Cypres) Shingles. If in need of shingles call on or write, Jjl? B. 8. LUCAS, Korea, N.C. Hta. C. k, Wfclfen, of Wasbitlgtoii, has been visiting relatives hefe this week. ittoi Viola Forbes, of Norfolk, bait been visiting oar town this week as the guest of Mrs. Vau B. liartiu. be AVUt's tittle Early Bis era are rmall pills, easy to taae, gentle and Bare. Sold by P. E. Davenport. sel-lui itf. and lire. J. D. Burrell have gone to house-keeping in the residence' cof. Main and Wauhiuctou Streets. air. A. u. walker, wire ana ton, Air, ilary Walker, were the guests of Mrs. it h. Phelps the past week. O or o doses of "oGO" will care any esse of Chills aud Fever. Price 2'ks. Ur. U. (I. Jfcoka'oo who was visiting his parent, II r. aud Mrs. W. J. Jackson, has roturned td his home at Townaend, Va. Kir. Robt. Lehfuadi rig handsome and clever as ever, who wis visiting his moth er, Mrs. A. C. Lehman has returned to hia home in Norfolk, t ft is time the varioiis com to it tees were getting busy making all necessary arrange ment for the Democratic Bally, Barbecue Aud Pic-nic at Mackey Ferry Sept. 30. Have you been down to hear the Edison and Victor Talking Machines at Mr. O. li. Leggett's? Mr. Legg-tt is rigetit for the above machines al-o the O.'ldmbla which Le invites the public to bear He has quite a number of records which constat of the Iktet music fe28 tf ' We ackno ledge a pleasant ottll on 8at urday U from Mr. J. L. M. BUwen, of the Acre Chapel Ktciiou i pfoptrou- tuercbant and farmer. He lef( 4 Sabdcrip tiou to the paper. Thanks. As is always the cane, Mrs. A. M. Ayers' titore is the scene of the seasond latest crea tions in Millinery go. ds, the salne Care has been takeu this season as in the past, to select only the newtst. See change in ad vertistmeut to-day. The Wood men-ot-the- World, of thu? town, unveiled a beautiful monument at the grave of their deceased Sovereign W. It. 8 wait, on Snuday last; The services were very impressive and w'tirt largely at tended by the public. lie v. D. W. Davis and wife, of Wash ington, were welcome visitors in our town on Saturday last, the guests of Mrs. L. S. Landing. Mr. Davis is one of the ablest preachers in this section of the State aud now serves two churches in this County, Pbillippi and Zion Chapel. Mrs. Davis is a native of our county, being a daughter of the late lamented S. B. Jobn6toa . oth Mr. and Mrs. Davis have many wartu friends iu this town and county. Kodol will, ia a very short time, enable the stomach to do the work it should do. and the work it should do is to digest all the food you eat. When the stomach cau't do it Kodol does it for it and id the mean time the stomach is getting stronger and able to take up its regular natural work again. Kodol digests all you eat. It makes the stomach sweet and it is pleatant to take. It is sold here by P. E. Daren port. I Li itl .J . .A . .. . llany people suffer a great deal from Kidney and Bladder troubles. During the fst few years tnaeh ol this complaint has been (side be necessary by the use of De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They mre antiseptic aud are highly recommended for w&k back, backache, rheumatic pains, inflamatibh of the bladder and all Other tebneyauces due th weak kidneys. They re sold by P. E. Davenport. sei-lm COURT CALENDAR. October Term 1908. Civil Docket. THURSDAY, OCT. 22. M, S. Harden va. L. II. Horn thai. W. B. Batemati vs. A. G. Walker. J. II. Mizell vs. Wilts Veneer Co. S. K. Norman vs. Wilts Veneer Co. W.J.Jackson vs. D. E. Woodley, Administrator. C. J. Holler vs. Cape Fear L. Co. American Standard Jewelry Co. vs. II T. Chesson. S. S. Costen vs. L. W. Batemati. 1'ritcbard & Swain vs. Davenport, (motion in pause.) FRIDAY, OCT. 23. C. W. GriOinjfs. G. W, Biggs. Cases oif reached on the day set for tri7 will bo tried on the succeed ing y" days of thotermof court. J, Y. Aisbox, C. S. C. J V)- Mr. E. A. I)aniel, a young, yet popular lawyer, an able speaker and a democrat of democrats, of Wash ington, wa9 the guest of the Bryan and Kitchin Club of this town last Friday night and addressed the Club and the public, a large number be ing present, at the Court House at 8 o'clock, making a strong, able and unanswerable argument in favor of Democracy. The speaker went back to the early history of democracy, declaring that it was born in the garden of Eden, in beautiful words he review ed the record of that party as a ptrty of the people, for the people aud by the people. In no uncertain terun did he denounce the 1'epublican party as the party of monoHlies and trusts and combines. lie gave more than one illustra tion of how giant combines had been formed under the protection of the Hepublican party and its high tariff policy, while small industries had been crushed out of existence. Mr. Daniel is a line speaker, well informed in National as well as State politics, aud he did mueh good for the cause of Democracy in our town where he will always find a hearty welcome. Democrats are Organized. On Friday night last a good, sub stantial Democratic Club was orga nised at Allen school house, on the Acre road. It was here that was heard the voice of that Christian farmer. Elder N. II. Harrison, plead ing the cauge of the party of equal rights and justice to all man-kind. Me. W. a, Davenport and others made short talks to the Club. On Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Mayor S. B. Spruill, of this town, iu hia able and logical way, spoke to the Club at Creswell, which he went there to organize. Not liking iu eloquence or power of oratory this hero of Demociacy whose voice has been heard iu every campaigu since the dark dayi of reconstruction, not eiily iu Washington county, but throughout the State, preached the true tried doctrinesof Democracy on this occasion, and united factions of his party as no other man could do. While Mr. Spruill differs withjsome on moral questions he lays aside all such, declaring that, be they divid ed as they may ou moral questions, democrats should stand solidly unit ed against the party which threatens the rights and liberties ot the masses hi favor of a few. At the same hour in Skiuuersville township, at Norman's school house, Mr. W. M. Bond, Jr., organic d and addressed a Democratic (Jlub. This talented young lawyer in llighis of eloquence, held his hearers spel bound while he rearmed with them upon the impprtauce of standing by the old Democratic ship launched and commanded by Thos. Jefferson, that has lived through the stormy sens of time, to see one after another of its faithful captains and crews go down, until to-day the old ship is seen riding the crest of the highest wave of political popularity under command of William J. Bryan, with sails set ready to enter that haven of political rest, there to scuttle theold liepublicun barge aud let it sink. At the same hour the Democrats of Leo's Mills township met at Ito per and organized a club which was addressed by our able young towns man, Van 13. Martin, Esq., one of the next Senators from the Second district. That Vau Martin preach ed Democracy goes without saying. Able, eloquent and forcible were his arguments in defense of the people's cause. In the hall where he met defeat ds a candidate for Represen tative and where, iu the face of de feat he swore his allegiance to the Democratic party and its nominees, it was here ou Staurday he stood as the choice ot his party for the Sen Hte, and by his words and power of speech he gave evidence of the fact that the party had made no mistake iu placing its banner in his keeping. At Acre Chapel on Wednesday night last a large and enthusiastic number of Democrats met" to orga nise a club, but after consulting to gether they decided to join the one at Allen School House. Mr. N. H. Harrison addressed the meeting also Mr. van. B. Martin, both made very strong, practical speeches. Thus it is that the Democracy of Washington county is organized. Now to work until the going down of the sun on Nov., 3rd. Work, so that the going down of that sun may also mean the going down of the Republican party. How to get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1217 W. Congress Street, Chicago, tells of a way. to become fc irony, He says : "My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is deriviug so much benefit from Eleotrio Bitters, that I leet it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it. In my mother's case a marked gain in flesti has resulted, insomnia has been overcome, and she is stedily growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickly remedy stomacbe, liver and kidney complaints. Hold under guar antee by Mess. Bprnill Jt Bro. 50c. eelm Mr. Ujli U li'.'t 'HI' Dr. Ward, of our town, is request ed to try lo get several young ladies to enter a hospital to become train ed nurses. Any young lady iu the county who wishes to be a trained nurse can write to him, stating edu cational qualifications and he will fowarc and try ta procure places for tliem. Salary is $8. per month and board during the three years it takes to to graduate. Vv hen they have graduated and passed the State Board of Examiners for Trained Nurses the usual fees are from $15 to $'Zo per week and expenses. Board of Election. At a regular meeting of the Board of Election held in the Court House in Plymouth on the 7th inst., with S. B. Spruill, Win. Wiley and A. D. Snell present, the following bus iness was transacte 1 : S. B. Spruill elected Chairman and Win. Wiley, Secretary. Ordered that county ballots be 3x11 in. and township ballots 2x3 in. in size. Ordered that the voting place in Lee's Mills township be changed from J. W. Chesson's warehouse to shed in It. T. Chesson's store. The following-named persons were appointed to serve as Registrars aud Judges of Election : Plymouth Township Registrar, T. B. Wolfe; Judges, A. W. Swain aud J, M. Horton. Lee's Mills Township Registrar, Milton Clagon ; Judges, W. C. Thompson and Alton K. llartglrtou. Skinnersville Township Regist rar, C. V. White; Judges, Henfder sou Nor nan and John M. fyeary Scuppernong TownshipRegist rar, D. E. Woodley; Judgesy C. B. Holmes and Saml. P. Woodley. B- DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING The following able speakers will address the citizens of Washington county upon the political fastfes of the day at the following times aud places : HON. WALTER MURPHEY, Elector at Large. Plymouth Thursday, Oct 1st. at night, at Court lioue. Mackey's Ferry Wednesday, Oct. ;th. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS. Mackey's FerryOct, 17, at night. Roper Oct, 19, at night. Plymouth Oct, 20, at night. Creswell Oct. 21, at night,. HON. J. BRYAN GRIMES. Plymouth Oct. 'Hi, at night. Let everybody turn out aud hear these speakers discuss the issues. THOS. W. BLOUNT, j Ch'm, Dent. Ex. Com, Kodol will, without doubt ( make your stomach strong and will altttofst instantly relieve you of all the eymptooris of indiges tion. It will do this because it is made up of the uatural digestive juices of the stom ach so combiued that it completely digests the food just a9 the stomach will do it, so you see Kodol can't fail to help you aud help you promptly. It is sold here by P E. Davenport. sel-lm ROPER RIPPLES. Kopek, N. 0., Sept , 23, 108. Miss Elizabeth Hughes, of Chocowinity, is the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. 1'. H. Blount in Boush Street, Miss bndie Hibbard, of Newbcrn, V. C , is speuding some time with Mr. and Mrs. C. li. F. Edwards. Miss Elisabeth and Master Graubury Tucker, of Hertford, are the gueota of their cousin, Master Qordou Speight. Misses Cathrine and Florence Way, of Belhaven, are vbiting their uucle and aunt, Mr. aud Mrs. T. U. Blount. bchr. Covington, of Colonial Beach, Va W. E. It. Covington, Master, is here load-' lug sbiugle8. She will dinpoHe of cargo in Potouiao river. Mr. E. L. Sutton, C. M E ,of the Jno. Li lioner Lumber Cti . who is stationed At Gilmerton, Va., is here looking after the macninery in tue various mills. Rt. llev. J. W. Smith, Bishop of A. M. E. Zion Church, preachrd here Tuesday evening. His home is Washington, D. J. This is the Bishop s first visit to this sec tion. Mr. T. A. Dill, o f Wathiugton, D. C, has been here a few days fishing for Black Bans aud trade. He is an ezpbrt -fly" fisher and bad some fine sport in the stream here. Mr. B. 8. Clark baring accepted the peeition of Cashier of the Bank oj ltoper, he and his family are expected to make this place tiieir home about the 1st of Oct. when Mr. Clark aasuiues his hew duties. Mr. E. II. Lewis has accepted a position as salesman with Mr. W. C. Thompson, one of our most progressive merchants. Mr. Lewis has had much experience iu tcerh&tidibiDg and Mr. Thoicpeon ic lo Lc congratulated ou procuring his services. Miss Hattie Taj lor arrived Saturday and took charge of the music department in the Graded School. Miss Taylor is a very efilcient and sutoeesful teacher of music, and our people appreciate the fact, as is khowti by the large elass with which sbe opened this term. All the departments of the school are receiving iucreased attend ance, which is very gratifying. Mr. W. S. Davenport the present CJ ier of .he B-ink of Boper.tfiudinf that bit ! !.,. ii i!: :t !. I,,, ; ' iii-MH :. attention, heuce he has renigneu. Air. Davenport was unanimously elected Vict- f resident to succeed Mr. Whitehead, re signed. Mr, Davenport is the largest stock holder In the bank, and it has prospered beyond tue most sanguine expectation uu dor hia energetic and wise administration The Gun Clnb made the following t-core: J. It. Revenger, bit (i mi sed !; Jaiuts Leary, hit missed G; C. It. F. Julwards, hit 13 missed 2; T. II. Blount, hits missed 7; Edward 8. Blouut, hit 12 missed 3; T. It. Hassell. bit 12 miflsed 3; Wiley Nor man, hit 11 miesed 4; J. E. Blount, bit yi missed 3; J. 8. Leary. hit ! missed Y. B. 8pencet, hit f missed 10; It. K. ltoper, hit 3 missed 12; L. VV. Davis, bit 8 missed 7; E. L. Herrington, hit 10 missed ". The following gentlemen have organized an orchestra and instruments will arrive this week. As many of them are old mem bers of bands it is needless to say that this town is soon to be enlivened by the toot of the festive horn. The membership is as follows : Prof. W. F. McCanless, M. L. Ball, 0 It. F. Edwards, 0 E Pledger, J . E. 0. Johnston, B. B. Bpeacer, T, It. Has. sell, II. E. Howell, Geo. W. Waters. $ E. ltose, D. L. Peacock, L. M. Peacock, and J, E Leary. Mr. J. A. Sexton while "rambling" a piece of timber on the Beaofort county side of the "dismal," yesterday, steped on a very largo "Poplar-Leaf" snake. The growth was so th-rok that it required some little time for Mr. Sexton to ascertain jus. what was Under his foot, but when he did so, he lost no time iu finding another place to staud. His rubber boot protected mm from the bite, whioh would probably have been fatal, as this is one of our very poison ous snakes, being more dreaded even than the beautiful, but dangerous Diamond Battle Snake of the Southern States. It gets its local name from its fancied resem blance to a dead poplar leaf. Its common name is Copper -Head, or Moccasin-Snake (Ancistrodoncontortrix.) B. AN INNOCENT MAN ACCUSED Personally appeared before me, Mayor of the town of Ply mouth, one George Simmons, ftnd maketh oath, that all charges, and rumors, all re ports of intimacy between George W. Spelter and my wifeareabfolute ly untrue,- and I have never seen or heard of anything wrong between them, and while he was boardiug to my house he acted as a gentleman iu every respect Signed George Simmons. Sworn to" before me this Sept. 12, 1908. S. 15. SPRUILL, Mayor of Plymouth. A Sure-enough Knocker. J, C. Goodwin, of Iteidville, N. C , says "Bucklen s Arnica Salve is a sure-euougu kuocker Tor ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds Not even S ic'rfr remained." Guaranteed for piles, soft, bums, etc. 25c. at Spruill & Bro'e. set, liu "The Piano With the Sweet Tone." TWO LARGE PI ANO FACTORIES. We own ami operate twolafgc piano factories in Baltimore, covering whole squares, the STIEFF PIANO FACTORY and the SHAW PIANO FACTOUY We also maintain our own sales warerooms in various' cit ies, from which we sell STIEFF SHAW pianos direct to the people, on easy Mtmn. All instruments sold in this territory are shipped from our Norfolk store. When yon buy a STIEFF of a SHAW piano you get the tery best, and at factory price. We always haye a few second hand pianos at great bargain prices, and frequently some Organs. Write for prices, &c. CHAS. M STIEFF, L. C. STEELE, Mgr., IU Gratiby St., - Norfolk, Va. "The Piaho with the Sweet Tone." (Mention this paper ) Official Piano Jamentowu Etpoaition. Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If. after tiling a f i.oo bottU tt kodol. jou Can honettly lay It has sat ban fit ed yon-, we will refund your money. Try Kodot today on tliis cuaranlea. I ill out and aim the fallow ing, present It t dealer at tha t:m o fi-.rclise. If it fai'a te satis! yoo return th tvit.e ihe d-aVr f a 'unm yarj buji: it. mat win ratuaw It at moae7. Stat i r iiKviiiiiiri't in i '! . Ow fcU C. ZW1TT CO., C2i t3m Stld by P. E, DAYKNPOnf. Kodol For BlpotaWbatYiiilat AbA Makta tlia Ststcb Sweet Grand Fall Milli nery Opening AT- DLERBRO'S., A PLYMOUTH'S LEADING BTuRE. Don't fail to attend our Fall Opening on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 29th and 30th. You will find the most up-to-date pattern hats, the latest creations of the season. I think we are in position to suit tile most fastedious liityer. We will also have on display the latest styles in Dress Goods, newest things in Collars, Ties and Kelts. We want you to bear in mind that our prices are going to be very reasonable. We hope to see you all at our store on Opening Days. Thanking you for past patronage, and thank ing you in advance for your Fall business. Plymouth's Leading Stqe. The place Where ymr fttfeLOOK FOR THE S I QN OF OM YOUR CARTER'S tXltk QUALITY. suits WATERPROOF COAMATs . OILED CLOTHING WHICHARD BROS. CO.. Southern Distributors 145 WisT main Street. NORFOLK, VA, Sold by BkT Dealers Everywhere NOTICE. Sale of Valuable Swamp Land, The undersigned being Eiecutrix, with powar of sala, tinder the lust will of tLe lata Mis Qantiie O. Mtlrfoft, will sell for cash at public sate, a tract of LeaYil? tim bered 6 a tup laud lyin id WttsbiDirtou county, and near the towti of riuiouth, N. J. H being a ouo-htlf interest in a tract of laud adjoining the luuds of Thos. Freeman aud others and bottaded as follows Ucatiuninc! at a ooint on the Turnpike road leading from Long Acre road to Pun go, 20O poles from the uorthwcai eud of said Turuptlcu road where it intersects the Long Acre road, thence East 440 poles, f heuce South 3(60 poles, thence South 73d. West A10 poles, thence North 4'Ki poles thence Eat SO poles to the begiuuing, con taining 1000 acres tnofe of less I his being the oue-Lalf mtefot in said property, conveyed lo Miss Fannie O. Meltfou by J. J. fUe snd wife.aaid convey ance being recorded Iu book XI, pp V.'J'J iu licgUtur Deeds Office for Wauhington co unty, JNortu Uaroliua. The chain of title to this property ii complete from the State to Mins Mclson. pale will take place at Uourt Houxe door ia Plymouth, N. C. , on October 13th 1008 at 12 tu. The Undersigned reserving the right to reject auy and all bids. MIIS. MAltV K. DILLON, W, M. Bond, Jr. Executrix. Plymou b, N. 0 Attorney for Estate. Fine Uercantilo Job Printing Send to this office. Satisfaction assured. Give us a Trial Under Hotel Brinkley, dollar does its duty, THE STARJfc QUALITY FISHING SUIT CXTIA QVAUTT. QROCERISS. Call and inspect my liuo of Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, before placing your order. I guarantee Quality and Price. All new, fresh stock. I will appreciate your business. Yours respectfully, CLYDE OAHOOX, ENTRY NOTICE. Nouth Carolina, Washington County, To F. tt. Johnton, Eutry Taker for Washington County. A ll Iifllliain Antora niul lava nlalni tff the following described laud in Plymouth towuchip, Washing on County, as beiuc vacant aud unappropriated laud subject tO eutry, yiZ: Beginning at 1. H. Jacksou'f corner on the west side of the awampJ thenco northwardly with said I. U. Jaek-r sou's line to O. W. Jaekson's Hue, thencr. weetwardly to the Long llidge patent Huej thence southwardly with said line to I, U Jackson's ditch, thence eastwardly to the' beginning, containing tea acres more o? less aud lying about half mile vast c Wslches Creek. Thi Aug. 17, '08, i J. B. LaT2AH. J attest, F. E. Jobustoa, Eutry T&er. t O.'eJ. MeLEAW, ! UEI'AIULNO GL00&a:&7A7cn::: AND illL KIKllS OF JEWELRY." s Prices Reasonable. Work Solicit? ! "Main St., near Artesian Wfi!, PLYMOUTH, N. 0. t

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