'47 CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: WHO'S WHO. When I tool; Hector for a Avail; it used to be great fun; He was a little puppy then, and close to me he'd run. But when we go cut walking now it's dif ferent c-.s can be I don't know whether I take him, or whether he take-! :r.e! i From St. Nicholas. I- WHY MOTHER WAS PROUD. Jerry ' and John were gazing through the shop window at the gor geous display of fireworks. Their eyes wcro eager and their tongues busy. "Don't I wish I could have that big one rocket, I gues3 'tis! " and John's wisp of a finger pointed to the huge plaything that had such brilliance locked up inside of it. "And I'd like that blue thing over there," said Jerry. "Looks as if 'twould make lots of noise." The shop door opened, and two boys came out boys somewhat older than the two at the window. "My, I wonder if he's got that full of firecrackers!" said John, eying the box under the taller boy's arm. "Let's follow 'em, and see where they go," suggested Jerry. So the little ones plodded on behind. The "following" led them a long march up a business street, but there were no stops. "Say," whispered Jerry, excitedly, "the cover's comin' off that bo:;! I Bee something red. They didn't half tie it. Oh, my! " for, as the owner of the box of crackers gave it a hitch higher, the cover slipped, and a num ber of bunches fell to the sidewalk. The boys picked them up and went on; but one bunch, being hidden by the sweeping skirt of a lady that was' passing at the moment, escaped their notice. The next instant it was safe In Jerry's pocket. "P'rhaps I ought to give it back." "He'll never miss it. He's got piles of 'em, Jerry." "Seems as if it fell out purpose for us, dossn't it?" " 'Cause we couldn't have any," agreed John. "Guess Mary'll open her eye3 when she sees 'em." "P'rhaps you hadn't better show it to her. She'll ask you where you got it." This from John. "I needn't tell," jerry answered. "Eut, if mother, found out " "That's so," Jerry began. The thought of mother stopped speech for a minute. "Say," he went on, "may tie I'd better give 'em back. They're way on ahead. I can see 'em." Jerry's pronouns were rather mixed, but John understood, and his little breast rose in a deep sigh. Those crackers meant so much to his ittfxi-loving heart. But he was brave. "I gusss we had," he said. ""Come on! " v The little feet were fleet, and those - ahead did not hasten. Jerry and . John came up breathless. Jerry held oiit the crackers. r "You dropped 'em," he said. "Oh, didn't I pick 'em all up?" was j the careless answer. "Thank you.") . John and Jerry walked soberly home. A forlorn hope h?,d been up-j permost in each heart. The big boy had so many, they wondered If be wouldn't but, no, he hadn't! Yet, with their disappointment, their hearts were light. They were not sorry that they had given them up oh, no! That afte?uoon cne of the Alley beys was arrested for stealing. Jerry and John saw him go past their win dow with the polic3inan. "There is one thing-, with all my poverty," said mother to a neighbor, "that make3 me glad and thankful ray boys and girls are as honest a3 the lay, I am always proud of them." John and Jerry looked at each other with flushed facas. What if a certain bunch of firecrackers had stayed in Jerry's pocket! Dut the pocket was joyfully empty, except for a stubby pencil and an old nail; and two pairs of clear eye3 met mother's loving glance with smiles. Emma C. Dowd, in Sunday-School Times. CAPTURES HIS UNWARY PREY. The small ant lion sets his snare In the sand, where he knows his vic tim will be likely to pass. With his strong, flat head he throws out the sand till he has excavated a deep pit, with steeply eloping rides. At the bottom he hides himself with his big jaws wide open. Acros3 the sandy waste an ant Is hurrying to her doom, though this, of course, she does not know, im agining that she is merely seeking her dinner. Suddenly she flnd3 her self tumbling down the sides of the pit, and with all her six legs Bhe tries to scramble out again; but the more she struggles the more the sand slips from under her, and down, down, she slides, directly into the cruel jaws open to receive her be low. Short work they make of the poor little lady; then her head and legs are tossed outside the pit, and All is ready for the next victim. On a moist day, when the sand does not roll easily, the ogre has a harder time to capture his breakfast, for the ants can sometimes manage to escape. As soon as one falls over the edsxe. and start3 crawling up the lion Ehovelfl away the sand below with great vigor and tosses it up on his head. Sometimes it falls on the ant and knocks her down, and then how tho crge's jaws tremble with delight. After about two years cf this bloodthirsty life the lion generally experiences a change of heart, and, wrapping himself in a blanket, which he weaves of silk and sand, takes a good long nap, to awaken with four fine, gauzy wings, and a great loath ing for the cruel ant lions building their pits in the sand about him. Margaret W. Leigh ton, in the New York Tribune. WHAT HE THOUGHT. Tod was a great thinker, and when he spoke it was usually to tell what he had been thinking. He was just five years old, and on his birthday his papa gave him a bright new five cent piece. "I think I can buy more things with a shiny five cent piece than with an old one, can't I, mamma?"' he asked. "I think net," said mamma, "but shiny ones are prettier." One morning.when all the children but Tod and Baby B233 .had gone to schcol, his mother asked him to go down to the druggist's and tell him she was waiting for the package he was to send. Tod thought he could do this, so mamma put on his big straw hat and kissed him gcod-by, telling him to hurry up, and to come straight home when he had done his errand. She watched him cross the street and go round the corner, and soon began to watch for him to come back. It was tho first time that Ted ever had been to a store alone, but he knew the way perfectly. Just as he reached the druggist's Mrs. Jackson came in. The clerk thought that Tod was Mrs. Jackson's little boy, and that she had left him to wait for her while she did some other errand, so he did not ask him if he wanted anything. Tod waited and waited. He watch the clerk dust pretty botes and beautiful cut glass bottles, and then polish the shining faucets at the soda fountain. The clerk was so busy that Tod thought it would not be po lite to ask him about the package until he had finished his work. After a long time Tod wa3 so tired that it seemed as if he could not bo polite another minute, and his eyes began to need to be wiped. When he put his hand into his pocket to get his handkerchief, he felt the shiny coin, and touched it with gentle fin gers. "I think I will keep you al ways," he said, lovingly. & "Hello! " cried the clerk. "Did you say something? What would you like to-day, little man?" Starshine danced in Tod's eyes. "Why," he said, "I think I'd like some soda water." The clerk mixed the soda carefully, and brought it round to the little man. Tod laid his money down on the counter to take the glass. "I think it is very nice," said Tod, politely. When the soda was almost gone, the clerk picked up Td's shiny five cent piece, and dropped it into the cash register. The bell rang, and a figure live popped up. Tod turned pale and trembled. The clerk was frightened. "Why, what's the matter?" he asked. "I thought why, I thought " But sobs choked Tod so that ho could not tell what he did think; and just i then he heard a voice that called, "Why, Ted, what's the matter?" Then he was caught up in hi3 moth er's arms, where he cobbed cut all his grief. "I thought I'd like noma soda water, but I didn't think I'd got j to spend my shiny money!" he ; gasped. "Think thi?, Tod, that no or.e ever gsts anything worth having without paying for it." And then mother ex changed a worn nickel for the shiny I pocket-piece, and Tod dried his eyes and trudged home a little wiser. Fannie Wilder Brown, in Youth's Companion. THE LITTLE LIGHT. A little boy was visiting a light house. He had como with his moth er in a rowboat, and all day had been delighted with tho strange and new things in the house on the rocks. "But the night will be the most inter esting time of all," he said to his mother. When the darkness began to gath er his uncle stood at the foot of the narrow winding stairs and said: "Come with me." Freddie was surprised, for in un cle's hand there was no big blazing light just a candle burning away with its tiny flames. "Why are you going into the glass room?" asked the little fellow. "I'm going to show the ships out at sea where the harbor is," an swered his uncle. "No ships could see such a littlo light," said the disappointed boy. But by this time they were in the glass room, and a great light wa3 streaming across the sea. The little candle had lighted the big lamp. You cannot shine very far for God, per haps; but keep your little light bright and trust Him to make use of it. American Cultivator. THE PULPIT. AN ELOQUENT SUNDAY SERMON BY . PROFESSOR HUGH. BLACK. Thome: Shame of Detection. Brooklyn, N. Y. The baccalaureate sermon of the Packer Collegiate In stitute was delivered by Professor Hugh Black. M. A., of Union Theo logical Seminary. The service was held in the chapel of the institute, and was presided over by Professor Black. Mr. Black, as the Scripture lssfon. read the fiftieth Psalm. Pro fessor Black snoka 0:1 "The Shame of Detection," selecting as his theme Jeremiah 2:2C: As the thief is ashamed when he is found out, so is the house of Israel ashamed." In the course of his sermon, Professor Black said: The prophet is accusing the nation of apostasy, of unfaithfulness to her true spouse. To awaken repentance he points to the basa ingratitude which could forget the early days of their history when Clod espoused them, in love and favor brought them up out of the land of Egypt, led them through the wilderness and brought I them into a plentiful country. He points next to the willful and wicked obstinacy which made them forsake God and choose the lower worship and the lower moral practice of heathenism. And here he points to the folly of it. Besides its ingrati tude and its wickedness, it is also un speakably foolish, at: insensate stu pidity at which the heavens might well be astonished, not only that a nation should change its God who had taken them by the arms and in end less love and pity taught them to walk, but (hat it should change Him for such other gods that Israel should have given Jehovah such piti ful rivals. This is the folly at which tho heavens may be amazed, that My people "have forsaken Me, the foun tain of living waters, and hewed them out cisternc, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." To a monotheist who had grasped the principle of the One God, and who had experience of spir itual commiiaion, polytheism with its lords many and gods many must have seemed a system almost beneath con tempt. Intellectually, it introduced confusion instead of order; morally, it meant that life would be lived on a much lower plane; religiously, it was the degradation of the pure spir itual worship to which the prophets pointed the people. This is why the prophets always speak of the shame of idolatry. It seemed incredible that men in their senses should prefer what appeared to them to be bruttem superstition. Eoth intellectually and morally it was a disgrace. Especially the prophets of the exile and after it. who had come into close connection with heathen idolatry, had this sense of superiority, and withered the stupid ity of polytheism with their most mordant irony, it was a shame, at which they blushed, to think of Jews descending to such puerile worship and practices. It was folly for the heathen who knew no better; it was shame for Israelites to grovr before a stock or stone. The prophets confidently predicted that experience would prove the folly and vanity of idolatry. "They shall be turned back," says the prophet of the exile; "they shall be greatly ashamed that trust in graven images, that say to the molten im ages, Ye are our gods." The proph ets with, their spiritual insight al ready saw the disgrace and vanity of such worship; but the people who were seduced by the lower and more sensuous rites of idolatry would have to learn their folly by bitter experi ence. When the pinch came, when the needs of life drove them like sheep, when in the face of the great necessities, they would find out how futile had been their faith. "As the thief is ashamed when he is found out, so the house of Israel will ha ashamed; they, tneir kings, their princes, and their priests and their prophets, saying to a stock, Trum an my father; and to stone, Thou hast brought me forth; but in the lime of their trouble they will say, Arise and save us. But where are thy godo that thou hast made thee? Let them arise if they can save thee in ihe time of thy trouble." Ah. iu the time of trouble they would find out their folly; and the vanity of their trust in idols would be found out! They should feel already the disgrace; but, though they are In sensible to that now, ihey will yet be convicted and the hot blush of shame will cover them with confusion of face. They are not ashamed of the ingratitude and wickedness and folly of their conduct, but their sin will find them out, and then surely the Conviction cf their foloishness and guilt will abash them, and then at last they will know the sense of degradation and self-contempt which should be theirs now. "As the thief is ashamed when he is found out, so the house cf Israel will be ashamed." The same dullness cf mind and darkening of heart and obtuseness of conscience can be paralleled among ourselves. Is it not true that iu social ethics the unpardonable sin is to be found out? In many cases it Is not the thing itself that men fear and condemn and are ashamed of, but anything like exposure of it. There is a keen enough sensibility to disgrace, but not for the thing Itself which is the disgrace. Men will do things with an easy conscience for which they would be ashemed if they were found out. Our moral standard of judgment is so much just that of the community. Our con science is largely a social conscience merely; not individual and personal and vital, but Imposed upon us by society, a code of manners and rules which we must not transgress. It i3 no exaggeration to say that we live more by this code, by the customs and restraints of society, than by the holy law of God as a light to our feet and a lamp to our path. Much of this is good, and represents the accumulated gains of the past, a certain standard of living below which men are not ex pected to fall, a moral and even a Christian atmosphere which affects us all and which responsible for much of tho good that is in us. One only needs to live for a little in a pagan community to realize how much we owe to the general Christian standard t o cur country, such as it is. At the same time we must see how Insecure this is as a guard and guide to life. A man might have a corrupt heart and be filled with all evil passions, but it stands to reason that society cannot take him to task for that, un less It gets something on which it can lay a finger. And apart even from such deeper .moral depths of charac ter, there may be actual transgres sions, but, until they are discovered aud proved, society must treat them as if they did not exist. A man might be a thief, not only in desire and heart, but in reality, but until he Is found out, he rubs shouldei'3 with honest men everywhere as one of themselves. Society is not ashamed of him, and he need not be ashamed of himself. The shame of being found out may, of course, induce this better feeling, and be the beginning of a nobler and more stable moral life. It is one of l the blessed functions of punishment to offer us this point of departure a3 the house of Israel through the shame of idolatry reached a loathing of it that ultimately .made it impossible in Israel. Welcome the retribution which brings us self-knowledge; wel come the detection which makes us ashamed and makes us distrust our selves at last; welcome the punish ment which g'tvt;s repentance of sin; welcome the exposure which finds us out because it makes us at last find out ourselves! All true knowledge is self-kncwledge. All true exposure is self-exposure. The true judgment is self-judgment. The true condemna tion is when a man captures and tries and condemns himself. Real repent ance means shame, the Fhame of self that he should '. ave pei fitted him self to fall so far below himself, and have dimmed the radiance of his own foul. Long after others have for gotten, it may still be hard for a man to forgive himself. Long after others have forgotten, he may still remem ber. To thl3 sensitive soul, to thi3 vitalized conscience there may be even wounds hidden to all sight but his own sight and God's. As the thief is ashamed when he is caught, the house of Israel is ashamed, at last, not because of the mere exposure, but because of the ingratitude and wick edness and folly that made an ex posure possible and necessary. We need to have the lav written on our hearts, to conform to that and not to a set of outward social rules; we need to walk not by the consent of men but by the will of God; we need to see the beauty of Christ's holiness, and then cur sin will find us out, though no mortal man has found it out. "As the thief is ashamed when he is found out, so the house of Israel, will be ashamed." Shall be must be! We are only playing with the facts and force3 of moral life if we imagine it can be otherwise. Real and ultimate escape from this self exposure is impossible. There is no secrecy in all the world. "Murder will out" is the old saying, or old superstition, if you will. The blood cries from the ground. It will out in soma form or other, though not al ways by the ordinary detective's art. Retribution is a fact of life, whether it comes as moralists aud artists of all ages have depicted or not. Moral life writes Itself indelibly on nerves and tissues, colors the blood. It records itself on character. Any day may be the judgment day, the day of revealing, declaring patently what i3 and what has been. The geologist by a casual cut of the earth can tell the story of the earth's happenings by the strata that are laid bare, de posit on deposit. The story of our life is not a tale that is told and then done with. It leaves its mark on the soul. It only needs true self-knowledge to let us see it all. It only needs awakened memory to bring it all back. It only needs the fierce light to beat on it to show it up as it was aud is. "There i3 nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be made known. There fore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light, and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops." Ashamed when he is found out! If to be undetected is the only defense, it is to gamble against a certainty. Found out wo shall be, as we stand naked in the revealing and self-revealing light. "Then shall we begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us, and to the hills, Cover us." Rock of ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee. A Sons i the Heart. We can sing away our cares easier than we can reason them away. The birds are the earliest to sing in the morning; the birds are more without care than anything else I know of. Sing in the evening. Singing is the last thing that robins do. When they have done their daily work, when they have flown their last flight and picked up their last morsel of food and cleared their bills on a napkin of a bough, then on the top twig they sing one song of praise. I know they sleep sweeter for it. Oh, that we might sing every even ing and morning, and let song touch song all the way through! Oh, that we could put song under our burden! Ob, that we could extract the sense of sorrow by song! Then, sad things would not poison so much. When troubles come, go at them with song. When griefs arise, sing them down. Lift the voice of praise against cares. Praise God by sing ing; that will lift you above trials of every sort. Attempt it. They sing in Heaven, and among God's people on earth, song is th i appropriate lan guage of Christian feeling. Henr Ward Eeecher. Uncommon Service. We must not forget that our call ing is a high one. How often we hear it said in our prayer meetings that we are to serve tne Lord in little things! It is true, and it is a "great comfort that it is true, that the giving of a glass of water can please God, and the sweeping of a room can- glorify Him, But woe be to us if we are content with small service! Too much thought little things belittle?. We should "attempt great things for God." Caleb said: "Give me this mountain." Mary broke the alabaster box that was exceedingly precious. The disciples left all to follow Jesus, and counted it joy to suffer for His sake. Let 113 not be easily content. The note of heroism should be in our giving, in our serving. Our King tie serves and exrects kiugliuess. M. I) Babcock, D. D. -A " 1 V-'--1 1 --" 1 INTERNATIONAL LKSSON COM MENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 27. Subject: Temperance, Is. C: 11-23 Golden Text, Prov. 20:1 Com mit Verses 22, 22 Comments on tho Lesson. TIME. 760 B. C. and J 90S A. D. PLACE. Jerusalem and all lands. EXPOSITION. I. The Woo of Those Who Live Ir.teinperntoly, 11 17. God pronounces six woes upon His people because of their sins. Tho first woe is pronounced upon the greedy, monopolist. .Verse S gives a very graphic picture of a large class among us to-day who count them selves happy, but Jehovah pronounces woo upon them. Mere and more will this be true as time passes, even as it came to pass in Jerusalem. The sec ond woe is pronounced upon those who live for the gratification of ap petite. The description of the drunk ard in verse 11 exactly fits our own day. The rising sun sees the wretch ed victim of alcohol up searching for an open saloon; he hasn't slept muca and now wants a drink to steady hi j nerves. But he is not only up early but tarries late into night till wine inflames him. He i3 burning the candle at both ends and will soon burn it out. God pronounces woe upon every such an one. And the woe never fails to come. It is a sig nificant fact that after speaking in general terms of the ruin of Judah (vs. 1-7) such frequent references are made to drunkenness. It is clear that the prophet Isaiah (as well as other prophets) considered Judah's fall '(and Israel's) as due largely to intemperance (see also ch. 28:1, 7, 8; rVLs. 7:5, 6. The effect of wine is to "inflame them." It infiame3 the stomach, the blood, the eyes, the brain, the vilest and fiercest passions of the soul and kindles the fires of hell. The man that fools with wine is fooling with a fire that has caused the costliest conflagrations that the world has ever known. In verse 12 we have pictured the veneer Fg of art and refinement with which drunkards seek to cover their beastliness. Music is constantly prostituted to become the servitor of beastliness. While these ancient sinners gave themselves over .to aesthetic and sensual indul gence they forgot "the work of the Lord" (cf. Job 21:11-14; Am. 6:4-6). One of the most serious evils of tho use of wine is that it leads men to forget God. A fearful doom awaits all those who forget God (Job 34:24 27; Ps. 28:5; 9:17). The conse quence of their intemperance and for getting God was that God's people had "gone into captivity" (v. 13). The world to-day is full of people who have gone into the most degrad ing and painful captivity through the same two causes intemperance and forgetfulness of God. The immediate cause of captivity was "lack of knowl edge." Knowledge of the truth is lib erty, ignorance of the truth is bond age (Jno. 8:32; cf. Hos. 4:6; Rom. 1:28; 2 Thess. 1:8). The next result of Judah's intemperance was that "Hell (or Sheol, the underworld) enlarged her desire, and opened her mouth without measure." Hell yawns wide because of intemperance and tho glory of the multitude and the pomp, and he that rejoices among us is de scending into it. - All classes are brought down by this sin (v. 15). Not only the insignificant and con temptible, but the great and lofty are humbled. But in the midst of all this humbling "Jehovah cf hosts Is ex alted." He is exalted by the judg ment He brings upon the offenders (cf. Ez. 28:22; Rev. 15:3, 4). As He is "the Holy One" (R. V.), His Holi ness shall be manifested in the right eous judgment He brings upon offend ers. As the final result of Israel's in temperance and forgetfulness of God all the splendid estates and palaces of Judah should become waste and the feeding place of Avandering bands. This is now literally fulfilled and there is a real danger that all the present splendor of cur own land shall some day become a feeding place of flocks and tramps from simi lar causes. II. The Woe of Those Who Give Themselves Over to Sin. 18-23. The third woe is pronounced upon those who are zo thoroughly given over to sin that they tug away at it to see how much they can draw (v. 18). The use of wine leads to this devotion to sin. Jn their enthusiasm for sin they mock at God and His Word and lay: "Let God hurry up with His judgments and let Him hasten His works that we may actually see it and not merely hear about it. Let the purposes of the Holy One of Israel of which we have heard so much ac tually come to pass" (v. 19; cf. Jer. 17:15; 2 Pet. 3:3, 4). Such mockery of God's word and God's judgments is common among drunkards. The fourth woe Is upon those who "call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for dark ness." This displays a determination in sin that is wellnigh hopeless (Matt. 12:24, 31). This complete perversion of the moral judgment often results from the persistent use of liquor. The fifth warning Is one greatly needed In our day (v. 21; cf. Prov. 26:12; Ro. 1:22). No'nian is more likely to be wise in his own eyes than the drink ing man. He laughs at all warnings against the dangers of strong drink. The final woe is pronounced upon those who pride themselves upon the amount of wine they can drink and the strong drink they can mix and "walk off with." The inspired prophet says that this is not an accomplish ment to be proud of. Says the New York World: The mission of Admiral Sperry's fleet in the Orient Is one purely of ccurtesy and friendship, it shcild help to strengthen the ties of international good feeling. It is to be hoped that cur big and little jirgecs in their ex citement will net mar the favorable impression abroad by untimely bluster about hidden motives 'jehind this ex pedition of peace. t Sweats & Cough E. W. Walton, Con dr. S. P. Ry., 717 Van Ness St., San Antonio, Tex., writes: "During tho summer and fall of 1902, my annoyance from catarrh reached that Btago where it was actual misery and developed alarming symp toms, puoh as a very deep-seated cough, night sweat?, and pains in the head and chest. I experimented with several so called remedies before I finally decided to take a thorough eourno of Peruna. "Two of iny friends had gone so far as to inform me that the thing for mo to do was to resign. my position and seek a higher, more congenial climate. Every one thought I had consumption and I was not expected to live very long. "Having procured Borne Peruna, I de cided to give it a thorough test and ap plied myself asriclr.ously to tho task of taking it, a3 per instructions, in the meantime. "Tho effects wcro coon apparent, all alarming eyraptoma disappeared and my general health became fully as good as it hail ever been in my life. "I have resorted to tho use of Peruna on two or threo occasions since that time to cure myself of bad colds." reruna is sold by your local drug gist, liny a bottle today. THE DUTCH BOY PAINTER! STANDS FOR PAINT QUALITY IT IS FOUND ONLY ON PURE WHITE LEAD fMi MADE BY THE 1 OLD DUTCH PROCESS. W Nigh Old birds are hard to pluck. Ger- f man. Ho. M-'Q3. Hicks' Ctipudinc Cures Nervousness, Whether tired out, worried, sleeplessness or what not. It quiets and refreshes braiu and licrvep. It's liquid and pleasant to take. Trial bottle 10. . Heijular tize3 Zoo. and 50c., tit druggists. A Dissatisfied Subscriber. "I hereby offer my resignashun as a subscriber to youre" papier. It be ing a pamphlet of such small konse quence as to beefit my family by takin' it. What you need in youre shete is brains and some one to rus sel up news and rite editorials on live topics. No menslmn has been made in j-oure shete of my bulchern' a polen china pig weigin' 369 pounds or the gapes in the chickens round here, you ignore that i bought a bran' new bob sled, and that i sold my blind mule, and say nothin about it. Hi Simpkin's jersey calf broke his two front legs fallin' in a well, two important chiverees have been utterly ignored by yen re shete & a 3 column obitclmary ijbtis rit by me on the death of graiulpav-Henry, was left out of your shete to say nothin' of the alfabetical poem be ginning "A is for And and also for Ark" rit by me darter. This is the reason youre papier is so unpopular in town. If you kant rite eddytorials & ain't goin' to put no news in youre shete we don't want sade shete. Fallen By the Wayside. Quarrel less or fight more. Balloonists will take notice that Niagara Falls is not a good place to land. A Weather Bureau is a splendid subject for men to swear over when they haven't anything else. One good thing about a woman's prettiest shoes is that they wear a long time, because she is doggoned glad to get them off as scon as no body is looking. Indianapolis News, "THE PALE GIIIL" Did Not Know Coffee Was the Cause. In cold weather some people think a cup of hot coffee good to help keep warm. So it is for a short time but the drug caffeine acts on the heart to weaken the circulation and the re action is to cause more chilliness. There i3 a hot wholesome drink which a Dak. girl found after a time, makes the blood warm and the heart strong. She saj's: "Having lived for five years in N. Dak., I have used considerable cofte9 owing to the cold climate. As a re sult I had a dull headache regularly, suffered from indigestion, and had no life' in me. "I was known as the 'pale girl' and people thought I was just weakly. , After a time I had heart trouble and became very nervous, never knew what it was to be real well. Took medicine but it never seemed to do any good. "Since being married my husband and I both have thought coffee was harming us and we would quit, only to begin again, although we felt it was the same as poison to us. "Then we got some Postum. Well, the effect was really wonderful. My complexion is clear now, headache gone, and I have a great deal of en ergy I had never known while drink ing coffee. "I haven't been troubled with indi gestion since using Postum, am not nervous, and need no medicine. Wa have a little girl and boy who both love Postum and thrive on it and Grape-Nuts." "There's a Reason. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, MiehItead "The Road to Wellville," in pkgv. Ever read the abol letter? A new one appears from trfjt time. They are genuine, tru4 jVP1 human interest ' '

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