PRACTICAL ADVICE ABOUT DIVERSIFIED FARMING ttmtmmi , The Poultry Yard. If it smell3 sour or musty around tthere the chicks eat or hover, get the spade to bury some of them. Keep it handy, for it will be needed often. If it is desired to breed up the flock for vigor and early maturity, do not make the mistake of selling all the early, quick-maturing pullets; but rush the early cockerels off to market. One hen may hatch all her eggs, the next may hatch none, the third may hatch part of hers; and the gen eral average is far from a 100 per cent, hatch. Do not expect the incu bator to do more than hens. Rush the marketable young stock toward the pot just as early as large enough. During the season that poul try meat is scarce, a small bird may bring more than it ever would again for market purposes, and the expense of caring for and feeding it is stopped. Chicks need tender grain feed when a few days old. It aids in keep ing the bowels in good order and in other ways, but green feed should not be relied on too much. Grain gives them something to develop on. THE AMERICAN The Figures on the Lines Are Why not extend the poultry work on the farm by adding ducks, geese or turkeys to the fiock of chickens? Ducks and geese, particularly, feed differently from the way chickens do; and will use some things for feed that chickens will not. That old cat that would let the chicks peck her when anybody is about sometimes eats tho qame r.hfrvks when she thinks no one is looking. It seems unkind to accuse the old family pet, but it very often pays to makeftifref what she is really doing. Those who use incubators should see that the air about the machine i3 pure and free from bad odors es pecially from the fume3 of the lamps. The air can be kept pure without hav ing drafts. . The unhatched chick needs pure air about as much as one that has been hatched. Birds worth $100 are not sold for $1, and the inexperienced should not expect to get top-notchers for a trivial sum. It costs something to breed a choice bird, a prize winner; and It will not be sold for $1. When this is more generally realized, there will be less dissatisfaction on the part of inexperienced buyers. Breeders, climb up the ladder of advertising, to success. If you have birds or live stock that are worth ad vertising. -Buyers will not hunt you up, unless you first give them to un derstand that you are worth hunting up, that you can sell what they want. Some strains of ducks lay a large number of eggs and the eggs are so big that their food value is much greater than that of the same num ber of chicken eggs.,'-There are poul trymen who think ducks quite valua able for the reason that their eggs supply so much food for man. Yet, most poultrymen imagine that ducks arc good only for the meat they pro duce. When hatching duck eggs in an incubator, remember that they are thicker than chicken eggs, and that the top Is therefore higher in the in cubator and wprraer, since the tem perature is higher farther up. Pos sibly this will explain to some why they have not had the same success with duck eggs in the machine that they have with chicken eggs. This much is certain a ration that ie about all starch will not keep chicks' bowels in good order nor help them to mako rapid growth. Corn is little more than starch, yet some- times almost the only food that chick3 , gat. They may pull through by find- j ing bugs or worms to add to their . prn ration, but too much of a strain J thould not be put on them by with- j holding less starchy feed. Pro-' '-ressive Farmer. Beat Time. "Great time they made in the Olympic running races." "'Yes, some time. Still I used to do better tha nthat wLsn I was a boy. "If you did, you were going some. How fast did you make a hundred yards, pray, in those swift days?" "I don't knew exactly. There was n't a watch in the neighborhood that was swift enough to time me." Directions For Planting Trees. When received, the trees should be heeled in, the fine dirt being well worked in around the roots. If dry, they should be well watered. In moving, they should be covered with wet burlap or something to pro tect them from sun and wind. Holes-should be dug four to six inches deeper than tree goes down; this space filled with fine surface soil. All bruised or broken roots cut off with a sharp knife, leaving a smooth, sound end, cut from the lower side up. Set the tree one and one-half to two inches deeper than It grew In the nursery. Set with a slight lean to the southwest, straighten the roots and work fine dirt under and between the roots, packing firmly. When all the roots are covered, pack the whole firmly with the feet, then finish with loose dirt. Cut off at least two-thirds of the season's growth of branches. Head the trees low and ' a3 near as prac ticable to a uniform height. In spring, leave the ground slightly dishing toward the tree. In fall planting, mound up the CARRIAGE HORSE. the Ideal Measurements in Inches. earth four to 6ix inches above the level, packing closely to the stem. Sheep Produce More Bieat. Professor F. B. Mumford, of the Missouri Experiment Station, in pre senting a summary of all the work that has been done at the experiment stations on the feeding of sheep, showed that sheep produce more meat from a pound of grain than any other class of farm animals. In fact, it was shown that a pound of mutton can be produced from about half as much grain as a pound of beef. Even the mortgage-lifting hog requires more grain to produce ii pound of human food than the sheep. With the com bination of corn and hay for food, and dry shed for shelter, sheep will always give a good account of them selves, and respond readily to the care given them. Keep Farm Books. Certainly you expect to be a better farmer in 1908 than in 1907. Begin to-day. Work, but think; consider your mistakes of last year and avoid them this year. You should keep some kind of a farm record, a diary, a notebook or an acco.unt. Find out from the record what you did with the field that failed. Did you plant too early or too late? Did you plow too deep? Did the seed you bought turn out well, or do you know? Farm life emploj-s all the energies of a full manhood. There is so much to think about the farmer i3 apt to talk little, Home and Farm. Rotate the Crops. Plan to rotate the crops, and when the time comas in 1908 to do the planting see to it that these plans are well carried out. The fertilizing of the soil needed can thus be kept in the right place and used as re quired. Note the proportion of ele ments required by the different crops and so do the planting- It is also the fact and it is very important that one crop may be used to help the ground for another. A big use can be made of the cow-pea in this way. The Fertilizer Question. ' ; Study the fertilizer question in all of its aspects. Save the manure on the farm and the leaves from the woods. Find out what your soil lacks and what your crops need. Learn about potash and all it means. Con sider the difference between a larg9 product per acre and only an average crop and know the large crops come from mixed fertilizers and soil with leave. Pert Paragraphs. It is hard to understand why some people are so self-satisfied, but easy to bring the fact to the surface. The person who is afraid to make enemies should logically also be afraid to make friends. No opportunity is or ever was yours that vr-i don't take hold of and make good with. Some things are hard to explain and worse still, quite unsafe as well. EYESIGHT WAS IN DANGER From Terrible Eczema Baby's Uead a Mass of Itching Rash and Sores Disease Cured by Cuticura. "Our little girl was two months old when 6he got u rash on her face and within live days her iace and head were all one sore. We used different remedied but it got worse instead of better and we thought she ' iiuum miii uniui uuu mm, ncr ears would fall oft. She Buffered terribly, aud would scratch until the blood came. This went . .. ! . . i: ii. .ii j i r uu uiiui one uao ne iuuuwis uiu, vnen Jjg had her under our family doctor's care, but i sue continued to grow worse. He said it was eczema. When she was seven months old I started to use the Cuticura Remedies and in two months our baby was a differ ent girl. You could not sec a sign of a sore and she was ns fair as a new-bora baby.- She has not had a sign of the eczema since. Mrs. If. F. Budke, LeSueur, iliuu.. Apr. 15 and May 2, 1007." Stuffing the Box. "Of course," the British tourist was saying, "I understand that the winning party at your elections is the one that gets out the most votes." "Not at all," replied the native; "it's the party that puts in the most votes.'' The Catcholic Standard and Times. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, s, Lucas Countv, S " . Frank J. Cheney make.? oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F.J.Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay thesum of ORE hundred dol lars for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. CnEXEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1SS6. A. W. Gleasox, iSEAL.) Notary Public, lall 's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family rills are the best. Thanks to the Gibson Qin The Million's figure has astound Ingly improved during the last five years, and the much-abused Gibson girl has done a great deal for it. From the Onlooker. DEVTH TO RING WORM. "Everywhere I go I speak for tkttkbinb, because It cured me of ringworm in ita worst form. My whole chest from neck to waist was raw as beef; but tkttbbinb cured me. It also cured a bad c3e of piles." 8o fays Mrs. M. F. Jones of 28 Tannehill St., Pittsburg, Pa. Tkttbbisk, the great skin remedy, is sold by drugurists or sent by mail for 50 j. Write J. T. tJnOPTBiNE, Dept. A, Savannah, Oa. Let children support their parents or be imprisoned. A Roman Law. To Drive Out Malaria and liaild Up the System Take the Old Standard Grove's Taste less Chill Toxic. Yoi kuow what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottht, showing it i simply Qui nine and Iron in a. tasteless form, the most effectual form. For grows people and children. 50c. The ash borrows poison from the viper. Latin. Capudiue Cures Indigestion Tains Belching, Sour Stomach, and Heartburn, from whatever cause. It's Liquid. Effects immediately. Doctors prescribe it. 10c, 25c.. and 50c. at drug stores. The campaign begins when the money begins to rattle in the tin cup. Truth x&nd Quality app?al to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor ingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs tmd Elixir of Senna is the oidy remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens anil relieves the internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and its component parts are known to and approved by physicians, a3 it is free from all objection able substances. To get its beneficial effects always purchase the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for Bale by all leading druggists. Get Your Health Back To one who has lost her health, life seems pretty dreary.' UnhappSness, after all, Is very often a question of health. If female troubles have worn you out, made you feel weak, sad, miserable and able only to see tho dark side of things, as a reflection upon a cloudy mirror, brighten up. by doing your best to get your health back. TAKE CARDUI. This well-known -woman's medicino has brought health and happiness to many thousands of weak, ailing women. Why net to you? m 4 r i fr SI K kL Jr- Jl JJ IUJ ji, I F G IS 1 I 1 . . l,.. .. .ii.., 11 ii i, .-,jni .1 .4L.JH1 .j.i ..111 u .1111.4..... --' nm ""J ij'.P.-,iiiiu 1 .ji .ui w.' 1 . .Tyw-t 'r ,L- - : M - J " - ':- "" ' " "" " ' t .,--h-. . 1,-- , t r -! in 1 11 -ru- Hum - in i i i r I nin 1 1 ' BORAX IX THE DAIRT. A Matter of Profitable Interest tfe Farmer and Dairyman. The problem of keeping swert All the utentils used in connection villi milk and cream selling, and Intttfct making, has been a serious one with the fr-rmer. Ife has come to realize fully t!let the slightest taint or hint of staleness left in a can, tin or churn may rjin. a whole output; that the taint which is ls't i3 in the form ot bacteria ! which grow and multiply in milk or butter, producing disastrous results. Tho farmer has -learned that hot water won't rinse away the greasy residue in dairy utensils. lie has learned that soap leaves a residuo of its own which is, if any thing, worse than the milk or cream residue, and it is little wonder that there has been a constant clamor for a dairy c!3ns3r and sweetener thai will meet modern requirements. A few of the largest creamery es tablishments have called experts into consultation o:i this problem and have with thi3 scientific aid hit upon a product of nature which exactly fills tho bill borax. Scientists have long known borax a3 a cleanser, a sweetener and an antiseptic destroyer of bacteria and germ growths. Destroys all that s harmful and promotes and preserves freshness, sweetness and puiity, re lieving the dairyman and dairy house wife of drudgery and of nsedless work and worry. Its cheapness and value should giro It first place in the necessities of every dairy. The cow's udder Is kept in a clean, healthy and smooth condition by washing it with borax and water, a tablespoonful of borax to two quarts of water. This prevents roughness and sore ness or cracking teats, which make milking time a dread to the cow and a worry to the milker. The modern cleanser of all dairy utensils consists of one tablespoon ful of borax to every quart of water needed. Remember a tablespoonful equals four teaspoonfuls. Be sure that you get pure borax. To be sure, you must get "20 Mule Team Borax." All dealers. A dainty book in col ors, called "Jingle Book," sent free to any Mother sending name and ad dress of her baby, and tops from two pound cartons of "20 Mule Team" Package Eorax, with 5c. in stamps. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., New York. The grass widow is not to be wink ed at. Knoxville Sentinel. HAD ECZEMA 15 TEARS. Mrs. Thomas Thompson, of ClarksvUle, Qa.. writes, under date of April 23, 1C07: "I suffered 15 years with tormenting eczema; had the best doctors to prescribe; but noth ing did mo iy good until I got tittebiki. It cured me. I am so thankful," Thousands of others can testify to similar cures. TETTfcBixK Is sold by druggists cr sent by mall for 5')j. by J. T. Bhoptbikb, Dept. A, Savannah. Qa. The editor of The Nashville Ameri can says that rainbow stockings are now the style in Tennessee. He re fers to men's stockings, of course. Los Angeles Times. TEN TEAC3 OF BACKACHE. Thousands of Women Suffer In the Same Way. Mrs. Thomas Dunn, 153 Vine St., Columbus, Ohio, says: "For more than ten years I was in misery with back ache. The simplest housework completely exhausted me. I had no strength or ambi tion, was nervous and suffered headache and dizzy spells. After thse years of pain I was despairing of ever being cured ben Doan's Kid ney Pills came to my notice and their use brought quick relief and a perma nent cure. I am very' grateful." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. One foolish act may undo a man and a timely one make his fortune. Irish. PUTNA Color more goods brighter and faster colore than aay cau dye any garmrut without ripping upart. Write THE SAFE WAY TO BUY PAINT. Property owners will save a deal of trouble and expense In keeping their buildings properly painted, if they know how to protect themselves against misrepresentation and adul teration In paint materials. There's one sure and safe guide to a pure and thoroughly dependable White Lead that's the "Dutch Boy Painter" trade mark which the National Lead Com pany, the largest makers of genuine White Lead, place on every package of their product. This company sends a Elmple and sure little outfit for test ing white lead, and a valuable paint book, free, to all who write for it. Their address is Woodbridge Bldg., New York City. While you are willing to agree that the mosquito must have been created for some purpose, it rather irritates you to have a suspicion drilled into you that you are it. Indianapolis News. More proof that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound saves woman from surgical operations. Mrs. S. A. Williams, of Gardiner, Maine, writes: " I was a great Bufferer from female troubles, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound restored me to health, in three months, after my physician declared that an operation was abso lutely necessary." Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 154 Gey bourne Ave., Chicago, 111., writes : "I suffered from female troubles, a tumor and much .inflanmation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an operation was necessary to save my life. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirelycurcd me without an operation." FACTS FOU SSCK For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizzinss,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. American Cotton College HSf r For the education of Farmer, Clerks, Merchants, Warehousemen, Cotton", Buyers, Manufacturers, and all others, young or old, who are unable to classify and put the correct valuation n 18 Grades of Cotton. Thirty day scholarships in our sample rooms, or six weeks' correspondence course under expert cotton men -will complete ycu. Big demand for cotton gr&dsra and eolten buyer. Session openi i Sept. 1st. Correspor "nee course year round. Write at once for further pirticularsj Toi much stalk filer us too much nitrogen in your soil. But don't salt to stunt the straw. Next time this Tall increase the Totash makes a strorzer stalk, ar.d a heavier head. Most fertilizers are -weak in Tct-sh. MaVe them com ftets by adding Totash C per cent. or 15 pounds Mu riate of Potash per hundred. Complete fertilizer (2-S-C) means best crops and biggest profit. ICvery agent sell3 phosphate. Few carry Potash in stock. Arrange for Potash tozv. Potash is profit. f1 for Otir Book, containinsjor about soil, crops, msuures and fertilizers. Mailed free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Qa. mmm ffew Verts 93 FADELESS other dry. 0:io nc. package color3 .-J1 fibers. The7 dj o In coltl wntcr better than an v other dyo. You for free booklet How to uyu, Lleao.n and ill I Colon. HHKiliOL Uit L(J CO.. Onlucy, Illinois. Its Ingredients are restoring, strengthening, health-giving, to the womanly organsIt Is safe, pleasant and always reliable. Mrs. F. S. Mills, of Marietta." Calif., writes: "I don't think any one can recommend a medicine more highly than I can Cardui. I had a mis hap, which was followed by inflammation. I posi tively believe I would have died, had it not been for Cardui. When I began taking it, I could Al'i not stand on my bottles, I was cured, and now weigh 165 pounds. 50'icj everywhere. Try Cardui. 100.00 mm REWARD We offer one hundred dollars reward for ar.y case of pneumonia in any family where they use Goose Grease as directed. If yoa ever know cr hear of any ruch case, plcaee inform us and we will pay them the reward. Greensboro, N. C. J THE J.R. WATKINS M ED. CO. WINONA. MINNESOTA tfukei TO Different Artlclest Houfct-hoia l(tnedlii Flavoring Kxtracti all Kinds, Toilet Preparations. Flue Soups, Etc. CAKYASSERS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY iO T esriExj eplete,a,OCO.OOO Ouisut BEST PROPOSITION E 0ES2 A6ENTS ff J OH ! I MR. STOREKEEPER HI U 1 - v w j vu v s -bh v to buy Dirty. Rags nny more Mads from Pure, Clean, Raw Cotton marks a new era in the comfort business. Save us your orders. Buy at home. Better Goods for 9 i less money. . THE i sin eotiofl on co H SOLE MAXTj FACTCKEEB IS f HAltLOTTE. ... X. C S :. If RfHicted With weak eyes, use Thompson's Eye Wale?' So. 33-'03. Lock at your wheat study it well before you cut it. and leaf in proportion to your Brain, Narssa St. Chicago Monadnock B!d. feet After taking two (2) i I p i t j ' i Md from Pure. Clean. Raw SME FREIGHT $ i I 1

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