nil 1l J "f j'T '' ra $ 4 tmYrt la Advance "FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Sagl Cpy 6 I VOL. XIX.- PLYMOUTH, N, C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1508. " NO. 20. " . . . fa, - A SPECTACULAR FALL Aeronauts Experience a Drop o, Two Thousand Feet LAND WITH BUT SLIGHT INJURY American Balloon Conqueror Bursts at the Height of 4,000 Feet, Precip itating the Aeronauts to the Roof of a House in a Berlin Suburb. Berlin, By Cable. The internation il balloon race which started Sunday from the suburb of Seiimargendorf, was the occasion of a thrilling acci ient, two American aeronauts having i, miraculous escape from death. The American balloon Conqueror, the only American built craft in the contest, "having on board A. Holland Forbes and Augustus Post, less than two ruin ates after the start burst at an alti tude of 4,000 feet. For 2,000 feet it ihot down like a bullet, and then the lorn silk bag assumed the shape of a parachute, thus checking the rapidity :f the descent. Coming close to the arth, ' however, the basket smashed into the roof of a house, but the two nen escaped with but slight bruises. The race, in which twenty-three balloons participated, representing TJreat Britaint, France, Germany, the United States, Switzerland, Italy, Bel rium and Spain, started at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the presence of it least S0,000 spectators. The first balloon sent away was the "Ameri ja II," under command of James C. McCoy, who was accompanied by Lieutenant Voghmann. The balloon was decorated with the Stars and Stripes and it sailed away to the southeast at a rapid pace, the oero nauts waving their hats. Dramatic Occasion. ' A representative of each of the oili er nations followed the American balloon in succession j.t intervals of iavo minute the national hymn of the respectivejsonntries ringing forth as Ihelipes were east loose.- The second batch of eight balloons ivas led by Forbes iir-lhe Conqueror, which reached a high nilitud in an incitdibly short period. l!.e basket svnying violo'.-rly. T;ien almost in stantly a cry of horror arose from the crowd who taw the silk collapse and shouted: "Vlie balloon ic ripping lip." The thousand who had gathered thrre stood fo. a moment petrified. Some turned a vv.vv fainting, e.s they saw the balloon falling with light ning rapidity. At the same time, showers of sand and appurtenances of the balloon shot downward with equal rapidity and then daylight was seen through the envelope, great rag ged edges of the silk showing on eith er side. "They are killed," went in a hnsh td whisper through the crowd, but shortly the remainder of the envelope appeared to take, first, a triangulai shape and then was transformed into a sort of parachute at the top of the net and the progress of the wrecked balloon was considerably arrested. It came down slower and slower, mean while being swept by the wind, far to the southeast, and finally disappeared from view behind a block of houses. The suspense among the crowds was terrible. But a few minutes later a telephone message was received from Frienenau, which announced that the men had landed and had not been seriously injured. The other bal loons were sent up, after a brief de lay, without further accident. Terrorizing Negroes. Montgomery, Ala., Special. A spe cial from Tuscaloosa, Ala., says: A negro Baptist church and lodge hall located at Spring Hill, Ala., were burned Friday night by unknown persons. A band of horsemen ' al leged to have been organized with the intention of driving the negroes out of the community, are said to have get fire to the church and hall. To Increase Bank Examinations. Washington, Special. Comptroller of the Currency Murray has decided to increase the number of national bank examinations, in many cases from twice to three or four times a year. It is not his purpose, he says, to examine fll national banks foul er even three times a year, but the new rule will be made to apply to all manual b-.uks that have m the past shown a dlsiiion to violate or evade any provUioiJof the na tional bauUki:vB rr rcgulahons prescribed byT Wrdller of the WATERWAY ENDORSED Second Day of the Great Waterway Conference Addressed By Colonel Bryan and Others. Chicago, Special. Addresses by William J. Bryan and Gilford Pinchot the latter being chairman of the na tional conservation commission, the reading of a letter from James J. Hill, short addresses by delegates, and a big reception at the Coliseum at night were the features of the sec ond day of the convention of the Lakes-to-tire-Gulf Deep Waterways Association. .Mr. -Bryan, who spoke earnestly in favor of deep waterways, not only from the lakes to the gulf but in all other parts of the country, where increased transportation facil ities were needed, was an enthusiosti sally received, as was William H. laft when he opened the convention the previous day. Mr. Bryan's Address. In addressing the convention Mr. Bryan said in part : "You cannot give the people too ?ood facilities for transportation of theirmerehandise. If you tell me you want to improve the Mississippi I tell you that is all right, I will help you improve it just as far as you please, and make the canal as wide as you please and as deep as you please, and when you get to improv ing the Mississippi I will start out all alone if necessary to improve every river that empties into the ilississip pi. Water transportation is the nat ural transportation. God made the rivers, man made the railroads. When you finish a river sufficiently deep for tommerce, or a canal upon which Soats can float, you make it possible for a man with small capital to act while the railroads make it possible for men with large capital to act. Where there is a river any man who can build a boat can engage in trans portation, and if he cannot build a big boat he can build a little boat and if you have a large number of little boats the big boat will have to meet the rate that the little boat fixes. You will find it much easier to regulate rates on water than on land because competition can be much more active on water than on land. We arc an exporting nation. We send our agri cultural products to foreign markets, and when our wheat or our cotton reaches the London market its price is fixed there by the competition which it meets. If a bushel of wheat sells for a dollar in London and it takes fifty, cents to get it from the farm to London the farjrner gets fifty cents a bushel for his wheat. If you can so improve transportation that the far mer can get his wheat from his farm to Liverpool for twenty-five cents you have added twenty-five cents to the farmers' price for this wheat. It is a fact that is admitted that the rail road cannot carry freight as cheaply as the Bat can, and therefore every fanner is interested in establishing wa ter communication wherever water communication is i possible!" -"-"-. Believer in Waterways. "I believe in improving the water ways everywhere, no matter whether these waterways are the rivers that run down the mountainsides into the ocean and the West or the waterways that converge in the Mississippi val ley and carry their floods to the gulf. I believe tha it is the duty of those charged with the business of govern ment to develop these things upon which a nation's prosperity depends. "If the work should be done, and I believe that it should, then you peo ple who believe it should be done should agree upon the best methods by which to do it. But I repeat that you must not be frightened because it may require an investment. At St. Louis last fall they resolved that $500,000,000 spent in improving the waterways of the Mississippi valley would bring an interest in the way of decreased cost of transportation amounting to $.180,000,000 a year Why, my friends, if it only saved $50,000,000 a year it would be tei per cent, interest on the investment. "I believe that the plan should be commenced now. v I believe that it should be a comprehensive plan, that it should deal with the entire sub ject and that it should be a perma nent plan; that wc should begin now to lay the foundation for the future greatness of this country, in the development of these natural re sources, these God-given water courses of ours." Russia Getting Her Fleet Ready. St. Petersburg, By Cable Fearful that Austria intends to take advan tage of the commotion in Servia to deal the' boldest blow of all annexa tion of Servia the Czar has ordered the mobilization of the Black Sea fleet. Russia still insists upon an in ternational conference to completely revise the Berlin treaty, while the latest word from England is that fhe has not receded from her position ,hat only existing issues must be considered. RIOTERS ARE FOILED Abortive Attempt to Lynch at Spartanburg, S. C. MILITIA PROTECTED PRISONER Infuriated Mill Operatives Make De termined Effort to Lynch Negro Who Assaults Young Lady Depu ties and Officers Exchange Shots and Several Are Wounded. Spartanburg, S. C, Special. In the heart of Spartanburg with its 20,000 population, a mob of infuriated citi zens, at times numbering a thousand or more, fought Saturday and Satur day night with the military and civil authorities for the possession of John Irby, a negro who is alleged to have attempted to ravish Miss Lillie Demp sey earlier in the day Avhile the young woman was on her Avay here from Saxon Mill village, three miles away. Four persons were wounded, one of them seriously, and John Sparks, a restaurant keeper, was arrested and held without bail on the charge ofi shooting Sheriff Nichols, who was slightly wounded in the exchange of shots between the mob and the au thorities who were protecting the prisoner. Beginning about noon the crowd, sullen and bent on vengeance on the negro, roamed about the court house square, approaching at times the very gates of the high wall enclosing the jail. Late at night the situation be came alarming. The crowd was augmented by 500 people from Green ville. There was some shooting in the street and the mob moved into the public square. The first shot came from a window of the jail and' it was followed by others from the same quarter. An answering shot was fired from the crowd. This broke a window in the jail and slightly wounded Sheriff Nichols. Sparks was accused of the shooting and immediately taken into custody. His attorneys offered $1,000 bail but this was refused. Girl Identifies Negro. Irby's arrest was effected shortly after the commission of his crimtf and close to the scene of his attack. He was captured by mill operatives, was taken before the young woman, who immediately identified him, ana1 was then carried into the woods. His captors were about to lynch him when mounted police arrived and wrested him from the crowd, not, however, before the negro had been fradly'beate'ir ke..jrjva s i taken to the jail and almost immediately the storming of the jail began. Sheriff Nichols swore in a number of deputies and the militia was ordered out. The mob tried to gain ingress by means of step ladders, but that, too, was in effectual. Sunday and Sunday night passed off quietly with nothing in the way of a disturbance. N. C. & St. L. Detective Killed. Chattanooga, Tenn., Special. T. J. McEIhaney, special detective for-the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway, was shot and killed early Sundav while on duty in the yards of the railroad company at Cravens, two miles from the union station. W. S.i omith, who was until recently em ployed as a detective for the road, is in -jail charged with the crime. Blood bounds were put on the trail and tracked Smith to his home. The men, it is said, had been on bad terms for some time. McEIhaney leaves a wife and seven children. Quiet in the Near East. London, By Cable. Belgrade, the atonn center in the present Balkan situation, has quieted down. After a long secret session, the National As sembly has taken no definite action with regard to making war upon Austria-Hungary. The city itself has quieted down, the people apparently realizing that war would mean the de struction of Servian nationality. Missionary Convention Holds Big Mass Meeting. New Orleans, Special. At a mass meeting in the Athenaeum Cephas Shelbourne, of Dallas, Tex., preached to a great audience attending the in ternational missionary convention of the churches of Christ. Mr. Shel bourne took as his theme the fact that an inscription was written on the cross of Christ in three languages and developed from this incident an ar- ' cumont showing how modern churches of all creeds are pushing aside denom inational barriers in favor of more in timate relations' with each other. THE NATIONS CAMPAIGN Movements of the Leaders of the Great Political Battle Being Wag ed News From the Firing Line. New York, Special Yet faster and more furiously the presidential cam paign is being driven as the candi dates approach the home stretch in the great race. The opening of the week will find both Taft and Bryan in their own States. For both there have been ar ranged strenuous trips covering the first three days of the week. Bryan's programme is said to call for quite fifty speeches in eastern and central Nebraska, and he will then proceed to Illinois and Indiana. Taft will speak in big and small places in Ohio, in halls and at open air meet ings, from trains and on balconies on the same days that Bryan is addressing his fellow Nebraskians. The remainder of the week will be spent- by Mr. Taft in the South. Nor will the running mates of the two leaders enjoy and respite from the incessant work on the stump which they have been performing. Only two dates, Monday in East Orange, N. J., and Saturday in Wilmington, Del., have been arranged for Mr. Sherman, but it is understood the intervening time will be well filled in by engagements yet to be an nounced. Mr. Kern will start forth with from his home in Indianapolis for anQtber tour which will take him to New York City, Newark, N. J., Bridgeport, Conn., and Utica, N. Y. Governor Hughes, fresh from his Western trip, will be in his own State throughout the week, on Monday be ginning a tour that will include more than 100 addresses before the cam paign is ended. New York also is to hear Secretary Root and. Secretary Straus, while still another member of the Cabinet, Mr. Wilson, starts .out on Thursday for a speaking tour of the agricultur al States in the West. Taft in the South. Cincinnati, O., Special. "I "am go ing South to make a few speeches in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland, not so much with' the view of carrying those States as to show their people that theyare part of the Union, and the such, ought to vote for the party which will give them the influence in the nation to which they are enti tled." Judge Taft said' this to the Taft Sherman Club, of Highlands, Ky., which came to the Sinton Hotel last week to pledge its support. His ad dress throughout was an expression of intense feeling regarding the politi cal condition of the South. The South he said, had made wonderful progress under the application of the Repub lican principles of. protection and yet it remained a perpetual asset to the Democracy of the North, to be deliv ered en bloc, no matter what might be the issue or interest at stake. The speech was heartily applauded. Mr. Taft busied himself during the cfaTmeIea t ters, preparatory to leaving Monday "m5TS5r ing on a campaign trip. Bryan in Missouri. St. Joseph,, Mo., Special. With a record of twenty speeches delivered during the day William J. Bryan brought to a close in this city Satur day night his latest tour. From the moment of his first utter ance until he had concluded his remarks here, Mr. Bryan declared that the electorial vote of the State of Missouri was safely Democratic, and he devoted considerable time to urging the people to elect the Demo cratic State ticket as well as a Legis lature which would send to Washing ton a Democratic Senator. He sought to instill in the minds of his hearers the fact that a Democratic victory this year meant a return to prosperity. He did not overlook President Roosevelt in discussing the trust question and read a communication from the acting Attorney General of the United States which he inter preted as a direct refusal on the part of the law department of the govern ment to prosecute a corporation for conducting its business m restraint or. trade. He produced the letter, he said, to show the iniquity of the trust and attacked the President, as he charged, for shirking his duty. Mr. Taft, as usual, got his share of criti cism, the Democratic candidate point ing'out that his Republican opponent was going around the country making promises which he knew he could not fulfill, for, he said, the Republican party was unable to offer any real re forms. Mr. Bryan Rests. Tnfoln. Neb.. Snecial. Ha-inc spent several active days last week on the stump, William J. Bryan Sun day devoted most, of his time to rest ing up preparatory to a hard week of campaigning in Nebraka, Colorado, and Wyoming. He arrived here Sun day morning direct from St. Joseph, Mo., where he got a rousing reception. The westward journey will be begun early Tuesday morning. Speaking of the results of -his cam paigning so far, the Democratic can didate declared himself as being con fident of success. He stated that re ports received by him indicate a con stantly increasing sentiment toward the Democratic party. "Beerless Candidate" Speaks. Atlanta, Ga., Special. Eugene W. Chafin, prohibition candidate for the presidency, made some strong points for the cause of his party in the speech he uttered at Piedmont Park Saturday, where the Georgia State fair is in progress. Mr. Chafin stated that it was now eighty days since he had started his canvass, that he had visited twenty-five States, made five speeches a day and had gained five pounds, and that if the campaign would only last long enough he would be a bigger man than Taft. He re ferred to the Socialist labor leader in jail in Nevada as the "cheerless can didate;" Mr. Taft as the "fearless candidate," and to himself as the "beerless candidate." Young Heiress Kdnapped. Chicago, Special. Margaret Fran ces Mitchell, 8 years old, said to be an heiress to a fortune of $250,000, was kidnapped while on the street with her grandmother. The little girl was snatched by one of the three men in an automobile and tak en away after the grandmother, Mrs. Caroline F. Mitchell, had been knock ed down. The police are working on a clue that the child was taken out of the city, probably to Sparta, N. C Marked Falling Off in Greater New York Registration. New York, Special. Registration for the first three days in Greatei New York as shown by corrected fig ures reveals a marked falling off ftorn that of four years ago. For the three days the corrected figures show foi Greater New York a registration this year of 540,095 as compared with 573,523 four years ago a loss of 33,423. Kills Wife and Suicides. York, Pa., " Special. William Ben nington shot and killed his wife and then committed suicide. Bennington followed his wife to a church with a horse and buggy and fired a load oi shot into her body just as she was about to enter the church. He then drove across the State line into Mary land, where he reloaded the shot gun. placed the barrel against his stomach and pulled the trigger. . The crime is said to have been prompted by jeal ousy. Two Grad:s Eliminated. New Orleans, Special Directors of the New Orleans cotton exchange an nounced that they had eliminated low middling stained and strict low mid dling stained from the list of tender able grades. So much discussion re sulted from the change that the direc tors have called a special meeting of thTm?rm3C4--s of the exchange for next Monday to "tkeir opinion on the matter. Fire Threatens White House Stables. -Washington, Special. Fire of un known origin was discovered in the loft of the White House stables about S:30 o'clock Sunday morning, causing fifteen dollars damage. But for the orompt work of the stable keeper and his assistant the building, in which are roused several of the President's thoroughbreds, would have been do stroyed. The stables are at Seven teenth and E streets, some distance from the White House. Warlike Attitude of Servia. Belgrade, By Cable. All the army reservists were ordered to join the colors on Sunday,, and a declaration of war against Austria will prob ably be made then. The whole, of Ser via is clamoring for a war with Aus tria, and King Peter seems powerless to restrain his people. The mobiliza tion of troops is being carried on amid scenes of the wildest enthusi asm. Killed by Insane Preacher. Athens, Ala., Special. News has just reached here of the killing late Friday of Andrew Jackson, living near the Lauderdale county line, by a preacher named Livincsfon. The men arc said to have disliked each other for a long time, and when they met Livingston fired on .Tnekon. Living ston wjts Inter ran?-! wandrinc about the woods b?v..'f.'ite.l ond clad only in h's nnder-':.-' ?. nicrht he '' " ' liter in ihn. ; "p". It is In addition to tho canned sp-eelie. remarks th Indianapolis News, tbero are the indiscreet ones which a" jarred. IS HE LEPER OR NOR . . . i : : 1 - f Early Declares He is Bemgi Held Without Just Cause j f - i HIS WIFE MAY STAY WITH fill Former North Carolina Man, in SpiSa of the Fact That lie District of I Columbia Health People Axe Abst- xuteiy certain a3 to Their Diagno sis, Declares He 13 Not Afaieted With Leprosy and Refuses to Al low Injections of Filtrate Into His Body. Washington, D. C, SpeeiaL John. R. Early, formerly of Lynn, N. C, who has been pronounced a leper, aad on this account has been kept isolated in a tent under the guard of the health authorities of the District of Colum bia, declares that he does not now and never has admitted that he is afflicted with leprosy. He took a stiff, decided stand against the idea of his having leprosy Friday when the physicians who have charge of his treatment proposed to inject what is known aa the Nastin treatment, being a series of injections of a filtrate of lepmsy into his body. He said that he did not have leprosy and that the injec tion might give it to him. , Dr. W. C. Fowler, of the District , health department, claims, on the other hand, that he and the other physicians who have examined Early are "absolutely certain" that Eariy has leprosy. Says he: "If Early is not suffering from lep rosy, no man Tsver had that disease There is no doubt in the world about his having leprosy, and we infer from ' the-fact that he has remained silent throughout the past month that he is convinced. We appreciate, as mneh , as Early or any one else, what a se rious thing it would be to isolate & man unless we were absolutely certain he was afflicted with leprosy." , Early insists that there is a mis take and expresses a desire and an in- tentipn, if it shall be allowed, of hav ing himself examined by other physi cians. Dr. Fowler says further: "The health office does not deny Early the right to have himself ex amined by any doctor, scientist, pathologist, or medical man he may see fit to employ. He was pronounced a leper by a doctor who has seen hundreds of cases. Besides this, th Rppcarance of his face and body, the , swellings so characteristic of leprosy, and the way he tells attending doe tors how he feels prove bevond any shadow of a doubt that he is a leper and should be isolated for the com mon good." Since it has been decided that the State of North Carolina cannot be required by law to take care of Early, and since he has been granted a pen sion by the Pension Bureau, careful consideration has been riven to the question as to what shall bo done with him. He is still in his tent on the banks of the Pofomaj near the smallpox hospualV7viEa has been termed by soiX exceed ingly unhenlthfnl..-i7T1fyf . though there is anoir opinion nhont the healJhfylneVs of the place. His wife as Vented a cottage nearby, and sha visits him every day, spending several hours talking with him. Guards are stationed there to see that she dees not come into personal contact with him, and she is kept under wateh, and will be. So long as she does nt touch him, the authorities say there is not the slightest danger of coa tagion through her. The health officials have a plan for erecting a cottage for Early and his family, maintining a guard at tha home day and night. It may CTCTt be that Mrs. Early will be permitted to live with her husband in the sarrws room, provided she agrees to isolate herself for the rest of her life. But the details of the plan have not beeis completed yet. The health officials realize the great difficulty of keeping; husband and wife apart when they are determined upon uniting. It is about as difficult a task as making husband and wife live with each other when they do not want to. But they are turning their minds to the solu tion of the problem, however difficult. Early meantime continue to read his Bible and to philosophize, as has been his wont since his first segrega tion. Zach McGce in Charlotte Ob server. Fishing Schooner Destroyed b7 Fire Pensacola, Fla., Special. The Raid ing schooner Ida, owned in this city, was destroyed by fire in the Gidf when gasoline, which bad esraped from the tank, ignited, causing an ex plosion. The vessel was nn aaiiliary yacht of lp.rge size. The boat was i about twenty miles t sea and tt crew took to ti e srrp.ll boats. . Tiwy v.-ero. picked up r.r.d brought into port later. Ten i honour. ! of ma-e si re 1 which composed the cargo wem. destroyed. ":1 hi 1 el n .- i v , t Currency. -vw

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