.J. 4" JP-Li O. CJ T JH , jJhraiRT BY TUK TWO PUIN- 'Atl'AL KAIL UO ADS OF liASTERM CAKOMXA. y AVAUD. yf - . T7 TT T7 1T17T K, FISH 8T FARMING. For lH W m TFT? i TO ch Lands of the Coim- m ?hovv that Washington y Offers Exceptional Antages to etle;'g who Jro'rrrnw TViiolc ' for the J- o ' - --'-ly Market or Engage in rofitable Agriculture .fishing is Jthe large Indus V try that brings wealth to jr the County Big Lumber grown profitably JRusin eg; is is Growing a n o tl.iere;;re many evidence .of Prosper- ity An Interesting anal Honorable Hjstpry. By EDWABD J.COXX. (In Kews huu Observer., CONTINUED FRQAI .1 AJST WEEK. with his regiment, and the assia-y tance of one company of infantry -vone of cavalry and a battery of; artilery, surprised the garrison a.t -day-break, capturing a jmrnber of A prisoners and more scores and munitions of v&r than they could get away with. Jhis fight occur red in the streets of the town, "the defenders using the dwellings'; and customs house as spreejij from the hail of bullets poured upon them by their fearless as .sailants. The gimbpajs in the river opened fire on the town at short range, setting fire to the buildings, and when the conflict had terminate scarcely a dozen were left standing within the corporate limits. And for a long period after this every few years! Plymouth suffered a disasterousl jire. tOl. Lamb and ins J;tt!e .army not being able to drjye Qjfjj the gunboats in the river, W)th v drew from the town, and the federal authorities immediately .undertook its fortification. They nade fruitful use of their jtime for a year or more, building forts greeting breastvyorfcs and cutting jaway the forest growth near the fown. . On the afternoon of i;nday, April 17, 1864, Gen. R. F. Hoke attacked the towij, th battle fee jng terific and desperate for three days. It was during tjjj.s engage ment that the iron-clad Albemarle appeared, upon the scene, driving pff or sinking the ships of the enemy after heroic fighting, When this battle was pysr there was little remaining of tJ?e town except sniojderjng ruins, several wrecked forts and the hastily constructed graves of several hundred ,dead, general Matt W, Jlansom was with General Hoke at the capture of Plymouth, A relic of these days is the house of Mr. W. Fletcher Ausbon, in, the pide of which I countdd 41 bullet holes. The scars made by shells from the gunboats are still ob- servable on the chimney and door riding of this residence, A Con federate sharpshooter was morr tally wounded on the second floor pf this building. This interesting house is at the corner of Wash ington ane Thi'd streets. For a time the Yankees used the M, E, church aj a stable, and they stripped the weatherbqarding froni the Epjasopal church to use as fuel. On May 5, m, Captain J, W, Cook, commanding the Albemarle eft Plymouth, and followed by two- small tenders steamed out jntQ the Albemarle Sound, where it found seven heavily armed Federal gunboats. These imme diately 'upon sighting the Albe marle ran sixteen miles ttown the sound,; fcujt finally gave battle, for manyi Jurg their fifty-five guns hammering the mailed sides of their pursuer, Over a hun dred holes were shot through the pmokestack of the Albemarle. . Before coirjing opposite Plym outh, when the, Albemarle was 4 (iescendihg.the . Roanoke to aid TQ m CWTINUED NEXT WEEK, w mi r f vV t I I l i S A M I , r:-1 f 1 MID We tiav just completed cur inventory and are -offering' soe rare bargains. S&I0 Begins July 12th, Ending July 26th !5oIcl in 'iiyH. ajb Cost, Plymouth's Leading Store! Our buying ia Didi Season i tieecaiEsie of thisjraat saerifwe. Don't fiiil to take advantage of this Great Opportunity. HERE WK Aii'AUAIN.! ' Our Great Ariwiol SacrjiJce Sale wj.U ;begin JVfonday mprm'ng, July 12th, and xrjJJ cojfsJJnue until August 12th. ThJs is. no fake, but strictly business as we are just (mpeUi to make room for.ur immense Fall stock, which will begin to eojne in about August 1st. Don't fail to read the prices mentioned below, and take notice ll goods .scjld under our guarajjlee .money refunded in case of unsatisfactory. Don't forget the date and the name. BAluG.Vl N' S I N tt HY U U xj 1 ) S. 25 pc. Arou GiugbttinK, nle price, u paucaster Gig.Ua,ns, hjiU; price, 1 lot lrt'iss GingliHK4 hIo p.rice, 10c Cliambray," sale price KJa fucy Gingiiu.s, sule pr;co !.5)i4 Giunc; sale jjrioe, Ligjjt .Calieoet., 18 & ilOe Fuucy Lawns, enle proe, I 11 U(J IN WiJLlTK UOOJS, P- Poplin, sale prir, : G uo 'Ji.-in. Lawns, 0(io '"'rmT' 1 ' " - 070 I l.i tc. White Waist pood, joe j SI L.KS. iSl LKr. Ou j .. .. j 1() ji(js hiJ. y(j.wide x!fftii, (idle, 07c j nAUljiA i i o 1IN V JU IJi JaiNJiiNC. iok. Ctinwe all color il po. Id-wide IjIiimi,, 20o 20 pCS oc Bleachinft, hole price, f."c I we must sell nl any i)iice, a we etnjuol 23c j alford to cany tbiu over. J5c 12c U) 2 pes. Genuinw Irli Lwi?, uitask for shirU or svutu, pric.-;, 45o lHo Fntf LawuHule priced &8j Hllndktrcllit.f Liuen. L8,WM8 , , ' . f' j 5, 7.1 & 8Te Ha'kf. I.wcu, .slo vee, f9c Me,m'u 8 T,tluW P,,W(1er' sttle ,MB0' 550 i Ladies Handkerchief. 02c WgHte' Violet f owder, N.ite price, f0 j 2(( ,bt weiW Wooleu Drese Casinere Boquet, hu!e price, I5cj Goods 6.1 & TS: ,vaUe, R.ile price. 45o (SHOES, II0KS J.OW SHOKSu I8c We will tell during this fca!ootr well- tale pitce, 4"c i knowu ''DrtwweJr' Shoeiviu IowcuIh ouly but$i leathe,, a ;S2;y8 200 Slippers, 2 43 2i) pos SliirtiiiK. Bale prw-.t 20fi Silfc-fliiioU Ualik!', tie pries, 1 lot White Hoyiewp.tju, 4.) pes Plaid Homespun, sule price, 32i 08c eac OTti O.lo 0.1c 15 AHdAiNS IN MEN'S SUM ME 11 UNliKKU'KAU. OtiEAT AHGAINS IN MEN'S MILLINERY. AI1LJ.INKHY. HATS Latest Styles and Shndes. We have between I.i0 and 200 Hats that i Alei's $3.00 Hats. $l.t'8 Meu'ti $2-00 Huts, Mfi.'d $1 50 HatH. a.415 0 GREAT UAKUA1NS IN EM BROIDERY AND LAOES. Jut rrceived, 50 doz. MiV Neck wear, to Ijb old during this ttdi;, -t jBc Hra- OrtfOH i'ius, 4 Great Bnru;ainn iu Suit Caseii. Ladies' Collar Form. 5s UsrgKitis in KiWaons. Again we pall your attention to the DATE and PLA CE, as the rmney you save during this sale will help you buy more, things that you really need Bring this advertisement with you and see that you get everything just like advertised. . This sale will begin Monday morning, July 12th, and will continue until August 12th. JSvery day will be a Great Bargain Day if you will take advantage of it If you have never been a patron1 of this store you should be, for. we earry the largest stock in the county, and nj&ney refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. No goods will be charged during this sale All business ivill be strictly CASH. Thanking you, one and all, for your P3t patronage, and future business, Rerpectfully, , - AD Under Hptel Brinkley, next stove to comer. The place "Where your Dollar Does its Duty "The Piano with the Sweet Tone." 5? When you tome to Norfolk this S!i;it;ier, stop in to see us. Never mjjid about not wanting a piiit'o. We just want to ehoty ywt the kind or Ijo.-ipiUlity wo dispetjse, Kefsf. in our cbajrs, d 1 cur niiisicianoiitertuin vou. Use our to!i.'p!ioiifS, and if yu waut to write, we have u desk and ma terials at 'our service, or our situ ograplicrs will write for jou, Of course we'd like to sail you a STlKF PIANO, bui ca 1 aud get acquainted anyway, We want you to leel 'ut home" Jjere, every time you porno to Nor folk. CHAS. M.STJEFF, L. C. STEKLE, Mgr., 114 Gran by St., - Norfolk, Va. (Meatioii tLia paper.) THE NOR.TM CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wonien of Nortb Curolina Foaf regular Courses leading to Dertei. , Special ConrHes for Teachers. Fall Session begins September J3, ISM!). Those desiring 10 enter should apply eh early km posnible, Ior catalogue aud other information addreKi J. r, VOVWf, Pres., e ir. Greensboro, N. C. Official Piano Jametitowu Expobition. NOTICE. Under and by virtue of a mortgage exe cuted by Hack Lee and wife, Aggie, te me on heo., 1C, 1907, Raid ConveyaiiCe being recorded in book 0. page W)0 Kegistt r of Deeds olliee for lV'Bhiut(n county, N. C I Khali sell for ch at public nale at Court House door in Washington rouuty. Ply luouth, N. C, at 11 a. at., on Julj 0 m.) that land lying in the town of Flyumuih, N. C. and adlr.iDine landa of W. D- Car Rtaiphen. and B. F Owerw on the North, Oolortd t enietfry on the Aast, Wash JSi mo ns on the 8outh nnu bounded on the W eet bv lane ru lining between these pre miser and land of Sonne Moore. It, being t lint tract touveytd by E. Li. Latham to said Mark Lee. This June IS), 1900. O. It. Leggett, Mortgagee. ADlllNISTUATOU'S NOTICE, Havirg qnalifled as adminiatrator, cum testaiteuto anntio of the estate of the late Mrs. Sarah F. Cbeaaou, of the county or v a-huiKton, N. C, this i to .notify all i persona having 0'aims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under, signed, at Henderson, N. C, od or before the 27th day of June, 1110, or this notiee will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All peraona indebted to aaid estate will pleae make immediate payment. This June 23, 1D0S). L. H. Chesson, Henderson. N. C. Adm'r, O. T. A-., of Mrs. Sarah F. Cues son, je27 6w AND CUKEg THE LUNGS WITH r. King ' rJctv Oiscovo FDR 10c 00. OUGHS Trial RntH Fl AND ALL THROAT AND LUKQT30UBL5S PRICE j & $1 Bottle GUARANTEED SATlSFACTOIi-H I ua MONEY REyrjUDED. FAMILY SUPPLIES OF COLD STORAGE. la order that my customers may be served at alL tiljjes during the Summer with fresh goods,. I have in stalled a largo Refrigerator and will keep cheese, but ter, sausage, etc., always fresh and ynur patronage ou these and other goods will be appreciated. .Owing to an increase in my trade I have found it necessary to put a delivery cart on the streets and all orders gien the driver will be carefully fillod and delivered promptly. Come, Send or 'Phone your orders to in y store, aud receive prompt attention. Thiiuking yon. for past patronage aud soliciting a continuance of Bame, I am, " Yours to Satisfy, w. M. BOND, JR., , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Plymouth, N. C. T1R T. B. WOLFE, DENTIST. The Latest Method for Painless Extraction. boM by 1. E. Davenport.

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