How. to. Prepare Asparagus. When asparagus is laid down in the water the tips cook to a pulp be fore the lower ends of the stalks are tender. Cut the bunches level across the bottom and stand them up in a pot of boiling-, slightly-salted water, which reaches not more than halfway up the stalks, and cover closely. Have some buttered toast in a hot dish; lift the asparagus out to drain on this, and serve with a liit3 melted butter. The Ejrcept 'tonal tptnerft of the California Fig Syrup Co. and the scientific attainments of its chemists have rendered possible the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in all of its excellence, by obtaining the pure medic inal principles of plants known to act most beneficially and combining them most skillfully, in the right proportions, with its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of California Figs. As there is only one genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the gen uine is manufactrjVby an original method known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, it is always necessary to buy tho genuine to get its beneficial effects. A knowledge of the above facts enables one to decline imitations or to return them if, upon viewing the package, the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. is not found printed on the front thereof. Classified Advertisements? EDUCATIONAL LAKEMONX CoLLECiR, Hickory, N.C. Girls' School, Healthful Location. Experienced Teachers. Moderate Hates. J.L.MuneHY. Pres. A Peculiar Accident. A correspondent, writing from Aa lander to the Koanoke-Chowan Times relates this strange accident: "A peculiar accident happened to the youngest child of Attorney and Mrs. Alex Lassiter some days ago. The child, which had just learned to walk, was attacked by a game room ier, who flew upon and badly lacerat ed the baby. Fortunately the child's eyes were not injured, owing to the fact that its body was face down wards, but the game cock left many scars and bruises upon its neck and lumbc. Had not Mr. Lassiter appear ed on the scene in time it is likely that the child would have been kill ed. The injuries were painful and might have been serious." An Extreme Case of Eczema Cured. "vVinpton -Salem, N. C July 13, 1908. Mr. J. T. Shuntrine. Savannah, Ga. Dear Sir: Nothing gives me greater pleasure than when I am singing th praise of Tetterine. I consider it beyond doubt one of the beat skin preparations ever offered the suffering ones. Some tpn years ago no mortal coula have been in a worse state from eczema than mvself. I had tried every remedy, blood purifier, nkin salve, yet I w.emed worse, nntil I was one mass of itching sores. lAte simply a burden, I could not sleep. Could do no work. The physicians could not help me. I was simply des perate. Glancing over a newspaper 1 received from a lady in Texas who wrote, ymi telling her condition and what Tet terine had done for her; her case was so much like mine that I concluded that I would try it. feeling that if she could receive so great a benefit it mignt help me. After two or three applications 1 never saw such a sudden change. I am hanpv to say that I am well again. My case being po bad it tooJt a lot of it. 1 have neve- known it to fall to cure every case vet. I make a sneclal offer to an? 5ne suffering with Tetter, Ringworms and FVzema, etc.. that if It is used proper! v and fails to cure. I will refund their money. I have yet to repay any one. 'Vhenever I see any one here suf fering from Tetter, Ringworm, etc.. I prevail on them to get a box. stating to them that if it fails, come to' me and get their money back. I have had the pleas are of curing many with it. Plncerelv vours. P. S. Early. Tetterine cures Kczema. Tetter, Ring vVorm, Ground Itch. Itching Pile, tn f.infs fore Head. Pimnleg. Bolls, Ttouarh Scaly Patches on the Face, Old Itching Pores. Dnndmfr. Cnnkered Scalp. Bun ions, Crns. Chilblains and every form of Skin Plsei e. Tetterine 50c: Tetterine Poap ?flc. Tonir drug'",,t. by mall from '.he manufacturer. The Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga. Play Fair It Pays. NoatVer how much money a man may have he does not like to be de frauded. If he buys a coat he wants the cloth to be just what the mer chant says it is; if he buys a barrel of apples he is indignant if he dis covers tbat the big apples have been put in the ends of the barrel and small or unsound ones between, and he decides not to deal again with the man from whom he bought them. No man wins permanent success who does not deal fairly with his cus tomers. But let us not be. honest simply because it pays financially, for there is a better reason it pays for peace of mind ' afforded and the true welfare of the soul. Farm Journal. So. 27-'09. munyon'i aw-paw; . The best Stomach rxt.imfg and Liver Pills known fVsM?f and a positive and &W$ftfa cure tot Coa- stlpatlon. Indigestion. JwiJ-V&&fil ' Jaundice, Biliousness. Pour Stomach, Uead- 15 -vr ache, ami all aliments arising from a dlsor- .-n A e r e A stomach or ..VA cl,. ..o-ietl llvr TllPV i ' .4 : . ..." . - -:y I'll J''M''' COUI813 la coureuwai- PWl :'.'2ed form all the vir-iaH- tucs f.ud virtues of Z-irt Munyen'M Paw-Paw "V v v'"" tonic una ore mane Liity&&& . from the Juice of the raw-rw fruit. I unhesitatingly recom mend fttu-se pin lipin tli i,"ft-laa: tive aiid cathartic ever compounded. Get . "Vfl-it bottle and if yon are not per tly '(! lifted I -Till refund vour money. TiilJUl'l) and .JKFFKKSON STS., iUi LADKLi'lilA, i'A. THE PULPIT. A BRILLIANT SUNDAY SERMON BY THE REV. HOWARD C. IVES. Theme: Faith of Cod in Man. New York City. The Rev. Howard C. Ives, pastor of. AU Soul's Uni-tarian-Unlveralist Cnurch, of New London, Conn., preached Sunday worning in All Souls' Unitarian Church, Fourth avenue and Twen tieth street, the Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Sllcer being the preacher at Cornell University. Mr. Ive' subject was "The Faith of God in Man." Tha text was in .these words: "God hath given man dominion over the earth and over every living thing that rnov eth upon it." In the course of his sermon Mr. Ives said: We cannot too often remind our selves that man's idea or ideal of God has constantly, though so slowly as .to be almost imperceptible, changed as the ages have rolled around. From a faith in God as that of the savage who trusts Him to pro tect him from plague, fight tor hira in battle and guide him in his hunt ing, through many upward steps man has como to have faith in a God of love and Fatherhood. When to-day the leaders of scientific and religious thought speak of a faith in God, they do not mean any acceptance of a definition of His attributes and func tions, nor any description of His powers or dwelling place. Both sci ence and religion accept the universe as the developing work of a rational power. Every intelligent man to-day regards tho universe as an unfolding, living organism. Every scientist ap proaches the study of this life with an awe and wonder exactly propor tioned to the depth and sincerity of his character; and every .thoughtful mind sees in it all the working out of an immutable plan, the expression of an indwelling God, the unfolding of a life which is material or spiritual only as it is viewed from different sides and by different grade3 of in telligence. It is only by tracing .these slow developments of spiritual life, of an appreciation of the wOrthful ness o"f purity, honor and truth; of the constantly developing Ideal of God, that we are able to see that to worship an arbitrary Being, en throned at the centre of the universe, to whom prayers for selfish gratifica tion may be addressed, is .iust as truly idolatry as if we wero to set up a brazen image and pray to that. The only faith which a finite being can possibly have in an infinite God, with out being intellectually ridiculous, 13 to accept the highest ideal of tne age in which he lives as the God worthy of worship. Now, is it not plain that all this burden of progress, of development, of faith in himself, of faith in God, has been thrown upon raan"s Flioul ders? This infinite God, this power that works for righteousness, this eternal energy from .which all things proceed, has literally said to men through all history, "Go forth and have dominion 1 over the earth and over every moving thing which raov eth upon it. Plow into the ocean with your ships; girdle the world with the electric spark; trace the mighty sweep of worlds and guus; tunnel mountains, water arid plains, traverse the air like the bird, swim the ocean deeps like the fish, separate in your laboratories the elements from which I have compovnded the worlds. Do. all this and a thousand fold more, for, lo! I am with you to guide and uphold." And nton have done it simply because God has trust ed them with the edged tools of the world. But He has trusted us with still greater power. How did we ever come to replace the idol of a wrath ful, vengeful God with .the spiritual conception of God as love? Simply through God's faith in us as His spir itual children. In the fullness of time a great soul the first of those true sons of God for whom the crea tion had Leen in travail through tho ages, enunciated the simple, tre mendous truth that all this galaxy of earth and sky; all the meaning of history; all the lessons of nature and the voice in the hearts of men, con verge toward the proof that God's plans involve nothing but the ulti mate happiness and goodness of Hi3 children; that He i3 not pleased with the death of the wicked; that He sor rows over the prodigal and that there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth. In a word, that God is fully, completely, scientifically de scribed in the words, "God is Love." But this tremendous truth had al ways been in the world. God did not suddenly become a God of love. Men had been slowly learning the lesson through the sufferings consequent upon ignoring it, and they learnsd it by experience, simply because God trusted them to learn it and had faith in them. That after it wa3 learned they would turn with joy and hope to the new ideal of Him and of themselves as His children. When God gave us the earth to pos sess. He also gave us ourselves, and trusted us to learn that the only way to really possess our own souls is to prefer others before ourselves; tho only way to be first is to be the ser vant of all; the only way to conquer is to love. This is the whole niassaga of Christianity. We are no longer told we must be good in order to gain heaven after death. We have learned that we must live purely and un selfishly in order to make a heaven here and now for our brothers; and in learning that we have learned it all. We have only to adopt this simple rule to the involved conditions of modern life; only to make it effec tive in shop and home, Senate cham ber and school, in street and farm and press, and, lo! God's,age-Iong faith in His children has been justified and His kingdom has come on earth as it is in heaven. A Supplication. Give me, O Lord, a mild, a peace able, a meek, and an humble spirit, that, remembering my own infirmi ties, I may bear with those of oth ers; tha.t. considering ray character, I may rebuke with all long-suffering and gravity; that I may think lowly of myself, and not be angry when others also think lowly of me; that I may be patient toward all men, gen tle and easy to be entreated. Amen. Bishop Wilson (1722). IStotmy CULTB1E THE POULTRYMAN S ALPHABET. By William Zalc. Advertising 13 the stepping stone to success. Be thankful to get any prize at all without expecting anything. Choose your variety and jump in. Discard the narrow breasted, onr legged ones. They are a delusio. ad a snare. Every neglect has its cost in poul try raising. Fatty meat should never be fed to laying stock. Gentlenesz !s virtue in the poultry yard. Have an c'lject In view and then work strictly to the line. Indifferent care will ruin the ca pacity of any breed. Johnnycake is a good feed, if you want to become a slave to your chloks. Keep on advertising. Let the comb act as your health uarometer. Mix common sense with a good dis infectant for the roosts and do not neglect to use it. Nothing is better for croving stock than dry bran. Overcrowded , quarters mean dis ease, death and disaster. Profit in any kind of poultry breed ing comes from having the best. Quite a few dollars can be made In poultry if you have enough sense. Head all you can lay your hand on regarding poultry breeding, and then use you own common sense. Scratching hens lay the eggs. Trap-nests expose the fraudulent hens. Utility means more than symmetry, shape and feathers. Vigor and vitality are the factors that make the money. Working hens, like working peo ple, are the healthiest to get along with. Xanthus-legged fowls are market uppers. . You can not expect to keep pills and capture the cups. Zetetic methods will bring results where blind following of custom fails. Placed In the water an egg if fresh will remain resting at the bottom of the vessel; if not quite fresh it .will rest with the big end raised higher than the small end, and the higher Water Te&- of Eggs. the big end is raised the older is the eo- (1 As an egg gets older, says the Spatula, the water contained in the white of an egg evaporates and this cause; the empty space at the thick end of every egg to become enlarged. The larger that empty space becomes the more the egg rises in the water, till in course of time it floats. Eggs, Fresh ard Otherwise. Information comes from Secretary of Agriculture Wilson that hence forth eggs Ftyled "fresh" or "strictly fresh" must live up to their profes sion. Storage eggs mi:-t be labeled as. such. If this rule i rigidly en forced and the States of Nebraska, Minnesota ard Pennsylvania are lead ing the van in punishing violators of the law thpre will be some queer experiences. It is a well known fact that many prrsons have been eating eggs two yea "3 old under the caption of "strictly f-esh." Whi'e any per son of sense realizes tbt "strictly fresh" eggs rre almost uobtainable in midwinter and that tl- develop ment of cold storage facilities has been a boon to the r-er, it goes without saying that fr-born man has a right to know what he is get ting for his money. Then if he pre fers eggs under the ban, let him have them. The Ideal Season. Give your fowls as near spring conditions all the year as is possible, if eggs and especially fertile eggs are desired. This requires comfort able housing and inducement to exer cise, plenty of vegetable and meat food, as well as a variety of grains. liens that have become too fat will get reduced to the laying point quicker on a diet of oats and len meat than on any other diet. - Bread Puddings may be delicious or otherwise, .just as. they are made. Usually they are too stiil with bread, or baked until the ,custard breaks into whey. They need only a cov ering of buttered bread, sprinkled with sugar; or are better if made rf cinnamon buns, which are , already sweetened and contain currants. For the custard use three eggs to a quart of milk; do not make it too sweet. Bake only until the custard is set, not a moment longer, or it will be watery and spolied. Phila. Farm Journal. INTOLERABLE ITCHING. Fearful Eczema All Over Baby's Face Professional Treatment Failed A Perfect Cure by Cuticura. "When my little girl was six months old I noticed small red spots on her right cheek. They grew go larjre that I sent for the doctor but, instead of helping the erup tion, his ointment seemed to make it woroe. Then I went to a second doctor who said it va8 eczema. He nlso gave me an oint ment which did not help either. The dis ease spread all over the fuce and the eyes began to swell. The itching grew intoler able and it was a terrible sight to see. I consulted doctors for months, but they were unable to cure the baby. I paid out from $20 to 30 without relief. One evening I began to use the Cuticura Remedies. The next morning the baby's face was all white instead of red. I continued until the eczema entirely disappeared. Mrs. P. E. Gumbin, Sheldon, la., July 13, 1908." . Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props, of Cuticura Remedies. BoRton, Mass. Nothing so ditficult but what man will accomplish it. Horace. Mrs.Wimlow's Soothing oyrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. The tempter is then ever nighcr.t when we think him furtherest off. Great I)istre Tlirou ;haut tha South Could be eliminated bv ths u3 of Dr. Big ger? Huuklebsrry Cordial. I curm Dysen tery, DUrrao3i, Ciiildron Tjothiag. At Dru5gLj:s 25c and 53a per bottle. The tears of the night equal the smiles of the day. Rousseau. For COT,DS and GKIP. Hick's CArrnixi Is tne best remedy relieve the aching and feverish ness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liyuld-effects immediately. 10c., 25c mo bOc at drug store. Do you have any further need for your little carriage that baby rode? If not, there may be a poor woman near you who would be very thank ful for it. She will give her little ones a ride in it, and it will do them all good. A household once supplied with Hamlins Wizard Oil is seldom allowed to be without it. In case of sudden mishap or accident Wizard Od takes the place of the family doctor. Are you supplied? The virtue cf prosperity is temper ance. Bacon. Summercoiiiiiiit.n .bowel trouble, cramps, have no terror where PainkLler (PerryDttv- is') is kept on hand. 25c, Joe. & 50c. bo. ties, How is your carpet-sweeper? bometimes all that is needed to make a sweeper (that you think is worn out) do good work is to have the springs put in proper shape, or some new ones m place of the old ones. SOOTHES AND HEALS SKIN TROUBLES Not only does Hancock's Sulphur Oint ment soothe the irritation, stop the itching and relieve the pain from Burns, Scalds, Oen Sores, raw surfaces and chafed parts, but it heals and cure3. In cases of eczema it is the best thing you can use, in connec tion with Hancock's Sulphur Compound. Many doctors treated Officer John T. Car roll, of Baltimore, and failed to cure a ter ribie case of eczema from which he suf fered, lie used Hancock's Sulphur Com pound and Hancock's Sulphur OLitment, and writes that he is completely cured. The ointment removes roughness of the face or hands and keeps the skin soft and smooth. Your drrjigist sells it. Booklet free if you write Hancock Liquid Sul phur Co., Baltimore, Md. Of all the crops a farmer raises, Or capital employs, None gives such comforts And such praises As a crop of girls and boys. From Phila. Farm Journal. WHEN YOUR HACK ACHES It is a Warning That the Kidneys Arc Sick and Need Help. A bad back makes every day a dull round of pain and misery. It's a sign the kidneys are sick and cannot keep up their never-ending task of filtering the blood. Lame back, backache, dizzy spells and urinary disorders are warn ings that must not be overlooked. D. W, Hughes, 45 Head lin Ave., Dothan, Ala., says: "A year ago I was In such agony with kidney disease, bladder trouble and rheu matism that I was doubled over and had to walk with crutches. I was racked with pain, and so bad I had to give up my farm and come to town. I only weighed 108. Doan's Kidney Pills quickly improved my back, un til I was able to walk without a crutch. For five months I have im proved steadily acd now weigh 160. The kidneys are normal." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. To be loved, be lovahle. Ovid. I fill SjiDil Cur Ijiiv;uw; Ctl tor mi kiso lor KniUMiintc; wkkHt HuwUw SkTe lor ItrsuUiuir; rrvl oui- r Ujui,U'lr proitwiik- nnuiry ral ,. hook CO, 131 Lsoaai-J sn out, A aw kru. 1 ' itc. tn Mumps ws sand a l V f tAiitk ouOa lbs exporttiuos I 1 "4 oi a piaoiUMi ruiyjr Htuaer uul If f no Kiii.i;-ur. uut a man workiuj J X tor Uotisurs ntiti tut iuriu; 4t f v curs. 1 1 lMjun4 injw to uettwl Removed by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetableCompoimd Lindley, Ind. " Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound removed a cyst tumor or four years' growth, which three of the best physicians de clared I had. They evid that only an operation could help me, I am very gladthatlfollowed a friend's advice and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, for it has made me a strong and well woman, and I shall recommend it as long as I live." Mrs. May Fey, Lindley, Ind. One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is the conquering of woman's dread enemy tumor. If you have mysterious pains.inflammation, ulcera tion or displacement, don't wait for time to confirm your fear3 and go through the horrors of a hospital opera tion, but try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound at once. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and such unquestion able testimony as the above proves the value of this famous remedy, and should give confidence and hepe to every sick woman. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. iPinkhani, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always hclpful. The moment you need help, take a candy Cascaret. Then headaches vanish, dullness disappears. The results are natural, gentle, prompt. No harsher physic does more good, and all harsh physics injure. Vest-pocket box. 10 cent9 at drusr-slores. People now use a million boxes tuosihly. ZZ3 ROSY CHEEKED CHILDREN art Beat"') uuu imppy. iWKttint-lifcui m Sniure h?nltti. You half tn jriv tltm Castor Oil. Itli the bell cjitlurtic. butnaity. ThtylOT r. PALATAL cToRMoa looks, smells. tastes shod Children Lick The Spoon 3"-R all Pui'uoi.t.. onT Mail NORTH & SOUTH CAROLINA AGENTS MURRAY DRUG CO., COLUMBIA. S. & Flying from the bull he fell inlo the river. Spanish. Rough on Rata, unbeatable exterminator. Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c. Rough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 25a. Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c. Rough on Roaches, Pow'd, 15c., Liq'd, 25c. Rough on Moth and Anta, Powder, 25?. Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25c. E. S. Welk Chmit.-.Tirwv City, X. J. ,The lambs should be dipped at the same time; for when the ewes are shorn, the ticks flock on to the lambs. The new-horn colt must have milk during the first half hour of its litV, or the chances are tlint it will die. Every farmer's wife ought to have a book in which to keep her ought-to-Tmy-ography. That is, the things she ought to purchase. Forlij;.ilA isi:-hi tt rAPmiNK Whether from Colds. Heat, Stomach or nervous Troubles. Capudine will relieve you. Its Hyutd-pleasant to take acts immedi ately. Try tt. 10c., 2Sc and 60c at tlru tore WOMAN'S RICHMOND. Located in the beautiful, historic nnrl nnltn Ipiiip Don t Wait ths mm 854 Ut!'ln thr fr T !,J n'verslti aid Conservatories of this country and Europe. Ppecial d. 5r "ps I I it P H TnuS,A 18 w?Uei, C ari'fully "nml courses of study lead to the endowment iVJiVh",1 ' 'S M A",a,'d, !s: S-W.M)0.00 just secured for enlargement and Far?Mfr,pf,i Ear,jr PPllcaHoii important. Terms moderate, l-i catalogue and other IniormaUon write to JAHKS KELSON', .11. A., LL.l)., President f A ALLEN'S Shake Allen's FootEase, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, rwol-) len, sm.irtinp. nervous feet, and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and' bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the apre.$ Allen's Foot- Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a) certain relief for ingrowing nr.ils. perspiring, collonn and hot, tired, aching ) T ia r. 1. I .-i t , . -r .. .. ' - 1 Ac-vi,. n id uitijs in uemnnu ivi nse in iraient jLeatner Shoes end for Breaking in New Shoes. We have over .'10,000 testimonials TICX ) IT TO-DAY. field by ail Drnpgists. 25c. lo not accept auv) "Tn a plnrh. ) ait Ailcn's Foot-Eas." pnffip 0 iPk cum Em Tltl AI AIJLi:X S. OOISTE1, LIZ KOI, X. . iEREBSTH GOLLEGi Ml (rcERirBJriT DvEsity) RALEIGH, N. C. Anion? the foremost Colle-es for U'oinpii in the South. Four distinct schools: Aits and :eie.iees, Music, Kloentiou and Art. Kun at cost Write for Catalogue. R . JVVA NN , Pres. dent "every m his mm mmi- 59 FAQES PKOrCaELT ILLC8TIIATED. This Is a most aluahle Book for the Household, teaching as it does the easilv distlnffu'sh ed Kvmptomsof different I lipases, the Causes and Means of Preventing u-h Disea 'n Vnrl the siniv.lcst remeil.s which will alleviate or cure. This l u writuai in plain' ewrV-d"y Lng.Mi and are free from the teHiuioal term.H titch render mot doctor book so Tak..'!.-ss to the generality of readers. This Hook is Intended to be of Service in the Fanillv- aim i r worded as to be readilr nnd.rt.-xvl l.r all. ( ,l .. ? l w'i jJ. "u. '? The low price only being ninde fos-ible 1 .mmense edition prtntert. Not only Uowi this linok eontaiu so much Information Relatlr ta ases. but very properly pives a Compieie Analysis of ererFthin- H-rtain!iur to CourNhln Marrtase and the Product '.on ami liearimr of Healthy Farni iios. Uwet her wUh VaUiable cipes anl Pr'scrtions. exphiriations of I'.ntanical Iract-ice. Correct I'se of Oreinarv K't1 New Kilitlon Hevist-d and Knlariied. with complete Index. With this b i jn hoiis'- t'ir U no excuse fur not knowing what to do in an en:er.'ency. IH n't wait'tintll o.i iiave Ihi.ess ,n Jr,rJ?I1"!h.f;f.orf J'H'' Pntyo"r order, but ma at once f.-r this vulnttl.i. Volume 0LY Vl I-U.-1 PAID, (l'd pttstal notes or pov.rc Mnrrrof any demwlr-ntiun nrr lirwr ihaniicent- ECCK PUBLISHING HOLfili. toi LCuXArVsT.. I iw OU ft THE LEXINGTON HOTEL: KltllMOM), .VIKUIMA. m ml m Close to te Papon. Post Office. Capitol square. no'.esaie ana newii sections. IrurnVTHING FIRST-CLASS KATES MbiSUNAULt' DAISY FLY KILLER f "I'-IS SIC. I. ClUKU ornnuenLul, con veil It lit,, rhetp. l.iut ail leiieft. Utwle of nietnL, c innot tpill or tip nl not noil or Injure any thing. Gnamn twfl effective. Of II drklm rr aeol prepaiu for iOo. HAUUU) hUJIELS, 140 lrkib Ave. Brooklj, 1. 1. :tch cured ?;5.Ais2si DR. DAVID'S SANATIVE WASH i. teed to cure any case of Itch lu half hour If ued according to directions. 8how this to per sona bavin? 1 tch. If your dosr has PcratrhM or M autre David's Sanative Wash will cure hiia at cane. Price fiOca Kettle. It cannot be mailed. Oellvered at your nearest express o3ce tie upon receipt of 75 cents. Oweas fc Minor Drug C.. Hlehmond. Restores Cray Hair to Natural Color; REMOVES DANDRUFF AMD SCURF Invigorate! and prevents the hair from falling off, Far Sal by Druggists, or Ssnt Dlrset by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia l Per BottU; Smpl Botll, JSC Snd for Clrcvlart CURED fiives Quick Bella!. r Jliaft Rtnove all swelHnp; In S to : Hi- 6 fmrm Mrmanetit cur eitfL in V to to da t. Trial treatment UsJpJfr given free. Nothiogcao. be falr 'Yrrfi,-. m.;. n tk H firtan'a Sons, m Sstcrfatlats. &x B Atlanta, 0m SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRD?I WORKS. AUGUSTA, GA, Ulcers on the Eyeball. Granulated Lids, Sore Throat, Colds, Iiheumatism nnd Appendicitis Corns, Bunions and Imrrow intr Toe Nails. Ask your druirtrist for it. OLD NORTH STATE OINTMENT CO. Charlotte. N. C DISTEMPER rrj.r-rt X rinKcye, E.pwuv, .i.tuiai . r . rnitTrwif-ij.u- ver, imiuenzs, loum, ioios, r OlSTEMFCR tUO . ... bojI-.IthIt prevent! and rji Tui 1"J cured by Craft D!temp I . 1 : .(M M I Walls SteiMolao Co., LstsjuUe, Ind. j So. 27-'G9. You Need a Tonic if you feel languid and depressed all the time. The best thing to help nature build up the system is DR.D.JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE This great tonic 13 not a false stim ulant as many of the so-called 'spring tonics." It is a natural strength giver. For all run-down conditions of the health it is an invaluable rem edy; imparts new life and vigor and builds up the entire system. Sold ly All Leading Druggists in two size bailies. 50c and 35c COLLEGE (QflO VIRGINIA iU Mt c,, v, T FOOTEA! Into Your1 Shoes I'ACIvAUE rect by mail. AJJrcss Droosv OLD NORTH STATE OINTMENT Will cure j'our Piles, Eczema, Ery!p- i elas. Carbuncles, Boils. Hore Eyes, J lyiiu-ww I o, rUo I HAIL?

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