TO LIVE FOREVER. Thomas Edison has perfected 'a storage battery which he says will last Indefinitely and revolutionize the present propelling power. Prof. Munyon says It ia only a question of time until a remedy is discovered that will supply the waste of the human body, so that one may live on almost indefinitely, barring accidents. This seems almost too good to be true, but nothing seems to be impossible in these days when we consider the flying machine and the wireless telegraph. Prof. Munyon ha3 certainly revolu tionized the practice of medicine. He does not believe in building hospitals for consumptives. He says that con sumption can always be traced to a colfi. Cure a cold and you prevent consumption. His Cold and Cough Remedy will break up almost any form of a cold in a few hours and positively- prevent Bronchitis arid Pneumonia. To convince the medical world and people in general of the truth of his claims he has distributed millions of vials of the Cold Cure, ab solutely free, from the leading news paper offices throughout the country, and the cures that have been reported from Its use have been most astonish ing. These little sugar p-el lets con tain no opium, morphine, cocaine or any harmful drug. They seem to re lieve the head, throat and lungs al most iinmedH ely. In order Qat no one may "be de prived of this remedy he has placed It with all the druggists throughout the United States for the small sum of 25 cents, or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price, and with each bottle he gives this guarantee: "If Munyon's Cold and Cough Cure does not do all that is claimed for it, I will refund your money." There are four advantages in tak ing Munyon's Remedies. First, they are absolute!;- harmless. Second, they are pleasant to take. Third, they re lieve almost immediately. Fourth, they cost nothing unless they give satisfaction. Munyon's Guide to Health sent free on request. Munyon Remedy Co., Phila., Pa A Hard Life. Irritated Citizern "Aren't you ashamed of yourself going about with that street organ and loading such a lazy life!" Street Organist: "Lazy life? Why sir, life with me is one long daily grind. ' ' Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduced inflamma tion, allays pain, cure wind colic, 25c. a bottla. All sorrows are bearable if there is bread. Don Quixote. So..40-'09. Cured by Lydia E.PInkham's Vegetable Compound Paw Paw, Mich. "I suffered terri bly from female ills, including inflam mation and conges tion, for several years. , My doctor said there was no hope for me but an operation.. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegeta ble Compound, and I can now say I am a well woman." Emma Draper. Igtiti Another Operation Avoided. Chicago, 111. "I want women to know what that wonderful' medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, has done for me. Two of the best doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an operation, and I never thought of seeing a well day again. I had a small tumor and female troubles so that I suffered day and night. A friend rfeommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it made me a well wo man." Mrs. Alvena Sperling, 11 Langdoa St, Chicago, 111. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, backache, bear-ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges. tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it. and the result has been worth millions to many Buffering women. Tit Ideal PALATAL Admmot Cathartlo rHL.iHa. CattorOil GHILDRBN LICK THE SPOOK. KHtm fUtalaaay, Corrtoia SriplBf.AUa DtfMtlon. 25o. -LL DKOOQlaTa. The Surest Prevent ative The quickest acting and most reliable remedy for all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, Bladder and Kidney troubles, Gout, Jaun dice, Headache, Biliousness is DR.D.JAYNFS SANATIVE PILLS They are the highest standard of excellence for all these ailments. Uaod u a laxitite, purgative or c-Olartk they axe most toothing and eEectite. SoU hg aU iruggldt lit two list lores. 25c and 1 0c D ADVISED OPERATION 1GARDEN. FARM and CROPS SUGGESTIONS FOR THE UP-TO-DATE GRICULTURIST Seed For Hens. Provide a little in which seed may be scattered so that the hens will come from the roosts early In the morning and scatch for their break fast. Before going to roost at night, they may be fed a good ration and they will digest all their crops can hold be fore morning. Farmers' Home Jour nal. Need of Phosphates. Phosphoric acid is an essential con stituent of productive soil. Work at agricultural experimant stations in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Illinois has shown that in fifty-four years the cul tivated soils of those states have been depleted of one-third of their or iginal content of phosphoric acid, or at an annual rate of about 20 pounds per acre. Even if the loss has been only one-half this amount it would require 6,000,000 tons of phosphate rock an nually to offset this depletion in the 400,000,000 acres cf cultivated lands in the; United States,., 7 "Jut allowance for increase in thtiSa, cultivated or In theagricultural yield. There were 2,265,000 tons of phos phate rock produced in the United States in' 1907, and of this amount 9O0.DOO tons, or about 40 percent, was expected.--Indiana Farmer. Late Hatched Chicks. Birds that, are to be exhibited the following winter should be gotten out in April and May that they may have ample time to mature but otherwise I have found that chicks hatched at al most any season of the year will not come in amiss, if you have the facili ties for taking care of them. I have also found fiom experience that late hatched chicks are less expensive than the very early ones; the weather is warm enough to allow them to run out considerably more, and the chick will pick up a much larger percent of its food than those hatched much earlier. Not only this, but where brooders are used, it is not ueessary to run the brooder in the day time, after June 15, saving about half of the oil ex pense, and thisi alone is quite an item where a large number are in operation. I have yards made especially for summer chicks. These yards are full of very large plum trees, making an almost complete shade, that protects the little "balls of down" from the burning rays of a summer sun. Shade is very essential to the little fellows until they are about three weeks old.; Before this time they are too tender to stand the sun in July or August, and if exposed to it, a number of them will succumb to its burning heat. Successful Poultry Journal. Cow Testing Plans. Wisconsin seems to have originated cow-testing plans that should accom modate every class of dairymen who desire special services of such organ ization. Here are the several plans: The "one dollar a cow plan" and the "fifty cents a cow plan." In the former Uhe Dairymen's association furnishes a ma,n to do the work of weighing and testing the milk of the Individual cows in the herd at an ex pense of one dollar a cow for the year. There are generally 26 mem bers in each association, so that tests can be made once a month on each farm. Under the second plan the farmers themselves weigh and sample the milk from their cows for one day each month and bring the samples to their creamery or cheese factory where they are tested by the operator at an ex pense of 50 cents a year per cow. Tho associations in Wisconsin at present are generally organized on the fifty cent plan, and are all under the su pervision of the State Dairymen's As sociation. These associations originated in Sweden about eighteen years ago a' d Scandinavian and North Europeaan countries. Denmark alone now has 40 associations and the net profits of Danish daily farmers have been In creased over 75 percent and in some cases more than 100 percent. In the European countries the asso ciations are organized by the farmers, who hire a young man to visit their herds one day each month and weigh, sample, and test the milk of each cow for butter fat. The feed of each cow Is also weighed and an accurate ac count is kept of the production and feed consumption. The European testing associations are aided by a small government grant for each cow, but are otheiwise priv ate co-operative enterprises managed by the farmers themselves. Michi gan was a pioneer in taking up this work in America, and at the present time such associations aie in opera tion in most states where dairying is an important industiy, and also in Canada. The College of Agriculture of the University of Wisconsin has charge of the official tests of pure-bred cows in the state whtlch have been conducted for br'iers of live stock since 1893. Six or eight men are steadily em ployed in this work. The work for the year 1907-08 is fully described In a recent bulletin, No. 172, of the Agri cultural Experiment station. Univer sity ef Wisconsin. Buttercups. A New Breed. In the Rhode Island Reds it was thought the maximum yield of eggs was to be found. The "Rocks" were outranked by the "Hamburgs" and In turn the "Hamburgs" had to give way to the "Red3." Our experience with the "Reds" has been a very satisfactory one in every respect. But now comes a lival to the "Reds" that bid fair to bear away their well earned laurels. These new comers are known by the name of But tercups given them fiorn the very pe culiar comb t!:at adornsj their heads. This comb diners from that of others very much. It is an appendage on the top of t'ae head resembling a cup or saucer the edges of wheh aie marked like the buttercup flower, hence the nam 3. A sea capt-in, while loading his vessel with c.anges and lemons in Sicily, procured a lot of poultry for use on the vessel while on voyage home. A number of the hens laid so continuously that he leserved these for landing, with a view of testing them. Mr. James Dumaresq, learning of this took an intecest in the breed and found thc-m very promising. While Mr. Cleveland was president Mr.. Du maiesq was consul general to Italy, and having ample opportunities to fur ther investigate the merits of the breed he found them even superior to his homo experience. At the ex piration of his time he returned and began improving his stock. He im ported from Sicily select strains to add to his pens. Unfortunately Mr. Dumaresq died eady last spring but his work cf improving is now being carried on by enthusiastic hands and we will soo nhave the new breed In many sections. A few of their claims of unusual merit are here given: The first and best el&'Jm is the great number of eggs produced, as high as 300 eggs per year per hen being not unusual. They are non-sitters and lay practically the entire year under pro per treatment. The eggs are unifoimly large and white in color. , They mature very early and begin laying while yet young. A pullet hatched on May lvl, began laying August 15th following, being but 3 1-2 monthe old. , , They acquire their best egg" produc ing qualities at from 2 to 3 years of age. Mr. Dumaiesq made a test of the time the hens would lay and found some instances where laying was con tinued up to the sixth year. The plumage, of the male resembles that of the "Reds," but the flight wing feathers and mane and tail are black. The rose comb is superseded by the buttercup ccmb. They weight from five to seven pounds. The hens are buff red with spangled facings similar to the Golden Hamburgs. Their weight runs from 4 to 6 pounds. The legs are unlike nny ether breed in color, being of a wi'llowy green cast. The chicks are hardy and vigorous. They are active fcragers on range and lequlre but little feed when out. Un like other Italian breeds they are tame and docile. Bodies a:e plump and are excellent fcr broilers but not so good for roasting on account of size. Small bone3 and golden yellow flesh are chaiacterlstics. Twenty-five Buttercups can be kept on range and fed sufficient to keep fifteen Leghorns. While all these good t'.aits go to show their value yet tho one chief claim we repeat is their yield of eggs. We are not a breeder, have nothing to offer but expect hi due time to exhibit some of the finest fowls to be found. H., in the Indiana Farmer. Notes. A half broken horse is worse than one not broken at all and is a danger ous animal. In the cultivation of orchards the best results are derived by keeping the ground up nearly all the time. Don't neglect the herd boar during the summer. He should 1 ave a small pasture and be. well fed though not fattened. Hogs will make the n:-t of sltim milk and every dairyman appreciates their aid in the profitable se of this by-product. It is cheaper to keep the herd up all the time than to neglect it for a while and try later to bring it back to condition. The cow won't n.ake up for lost time. To successfully train ard manner a colt we must early gain its confi dence and can only do that by kind ness. Then patient persistence along de Unite lines will accomplish the de si; ed result. When your bedroom is too warm all night for you to get any good sleep, how much do you feel like work next morning? Just so with your horse. Let him sleep ia pure, cool air and profit thereby. Castrating is best done when the pigs are young and while still suck ling their dam. Make the incision in the scrotum low enough for proper drainage and apply some antiseptic to keep the wound clean. Keep the pigs out of filthy mud holes at this time, as infection may result. Fortune Telling Does not take into consideration the one an's happiness womanly healtn. The woman who neglects her health is neglecting the very foundation of all good fortune. For without health love loses its lustre and gold is but dross. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally bo regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This Prescription has, tor over UO yean, been curing delicate, weak, pain-wracked women, by the hundreds ot thousands and tbla too In the privacy ot their homes without their bavlnS to submit to Indeli cate questionings and offensively repufr riant examinations. All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World s Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Great Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers m Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of 21 one-oent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps. Before all things pay respect to thy parents. Philemon. Where thoy eat your meat let them pick your bones. Spanish. " PAINT FAULTS. It is a common occurrence nowa days to hear a man remark with dis gust: "It is impossible to have good painting done these days; either the paint la not good or there are no good painters. " This, however, is not true. There is good paint, and there are good painters. Bat the question is, bringing them together. One cannot expect a satisfactory painting Job without pure white lead. There is a way to make sure you are getting pure white lead without test ing It. See that the keg bears National Lead. Company's famous Dutch Boy Painter trademark, which is a positive , guarantee of purity. However, any one can test white lead. National Lead Company, 1902 Trin ity Bldg., New York City, will send you a lead tester and painter's outfit, consisting of book of color schemes, specifications, etc., upon request Winter finds out what summer lays up. Hans Anderson. Why suffer from a cold when Perry Davis Painkiller will prevent it? In 25c., 35c. and 50c. bottles. At all druggists. He is often the wiest man who is not wise at all. Wordsworth. Don't let that cough rack your system and maybe run into something serious! Allen's Lung Balsam will check it.. It, is the destiny that is born with man which determines all his actions. Roagh on Bats, tin beatable exterminator. Rough on Hen Lice, Neat Powder, 35c. Rough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 25c Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c. Roa?h oa Roaches, Pow'd, ISc.jLiq'd, 25c. Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25a Roagh on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25c. . S. Wells, Utwmist, Jersey City, N. J. He is not in want who has no de sires. Latin. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season- of sorrow, Lork Beaeonsfield. ECZEMA BURNED AND ITCHED. Spread Over Hand, Arms, Legs and Face It Was Something Terrible Complete Cure by Cuticura. "About fifteen or eighteen years ago ec zema developed on top of my hand. It burned and itched so much that I was compelled to show it to a doctor. He pro nounced it ringworm. After trying his dif ferent remedies the disease increased and went up my arms and to my legs ' and finally on my face. The burning was some thing terrible. I went to another doctor who had the reputation of being the best in town. He told me it was eczema. His medicine checked the advance of the dis ease but no further. I finally concluded to try the Cuticura Remedies and found relief in the first trial. I continued .until I was completely free from the disease and I have not been troubled since. C, Burkhart, 230 W. Market St., Chambersburg, Pa., Sept. 19, 190S." Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props, of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass, He suffers who gives surety for the unjust. Homer. No matter how lon.i your neck may be or how sore your throat, Hainlins Wizard Oil will cure it surely and quickly. It drives out all soreness and inflammation. , By far the most valuable possession of all to all men for life is skill. For COLDS and GRIP. Hick's Captoinb Is the best remedy relieves the aching: and feverfcshness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liauld effects Immediately. 10c, 25c. and 60c. at drug1 stores. "J have been using Cascareta for In somnia, with which I have been afflicted for twenty years, and I can say that Cas carets have pi veil me more relief than any other remedy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recommend them to my friends as beiug all that they are represented." Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 111. Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Gool. lo Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c. Never sol J ia Unlit. The Bert nine tablet stamDed C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your lauoey back. 924 This Trade-marh Eliminates AU Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materiitb. It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your own n ruler tion. see that it is on the side of S everv keg oi white lead you buy. NtTIQXU LEAD COttfMY 1502 TriAitT 8u!H!t. lit Tirk W4 essential to wom For HEADACHE flicks' PAFCDISK Whether from Colds. Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles. Capudlne will relieve you. It's llQuid-pleasant to take-act immedi ately. Try It, 10c.,. 26c, and 80c. at drug stoi ea j There are never any I'iwiuatious in the market value of integrity, be cause honesty is always worth the price that it costs. WHY PEOPLE SUFFER. Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer is not aware of It. Sick kidneys bring headache and side pains, lameness and stiffness, dizzi ness, Headaches, tired feeling, urin ary troubles. Doan's Kidney Pills cure the cause. Mrs. Virginia Spitzer, Buena Vista, Va., says: "For thirty years I suffered everythingbut death with my kidneys. I cannot describe my suffering from terrible bearing down pains, dizzy spells, headaches and periods of par tial blindness. The. urine was full of sediment. I was in the hospital three weeks. Doan's Kidney Pills were quick to bring relief and soon made me well and strong again." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. That which comes with sin goes with sorrow. Danish. INTERESTING TO Stock Owners Believing you desire to keep your stock in the beet possible condition, we call your attention to our Medi cated Salt Brick, which is beyond question, the simplest and surest meane of supplying stock with salt and the best remedies for their ordi nary diseaases. It contains nothing but the purest dairy salt mixed with Sulphur for a blood purifier, Copperas for worms and the other diseases of the bowels, Salt Petre for the kidneys, and a small amount of Nux Vomica which is one of the best known tonics. We want you to read below what others think of our, novel plan which not only succeeds when all others fail, but also saves time, labor and money. WHAT OTHERS SAY: There Is nothing that seems to "touch the spot" like your Medicated Salt Brick. Please ship two cases at once. E. H, McFADDEN. Covington. Tana., February 4, 1908. Your Medicated Silt Brick did raj stock un told Rood. I'lptee ship two more cases. 1 could hardly vet along without it. O R. MAHONEY. Itta Ben, Miss.. J'llv 17. 1938. A few weeks ao I Rave one of your Medica ted Salt Bricks to an old mule who had lot his appetite, and become ve'v thin and life less. After uaiui? it I viotieel a decided im provement in his ondition. and after ftivin him the second one he csn kick up his heels with the colt and "join ti 'heir play." M. 8. HERMAN. (J. P. Hale Co.) Newberne, Ala.. February 2.', 19'. Blacta Stock Remedy Company, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE If your dealer doesn't sell it ask him to write for prices. SOUTH EASTERN DENTAL COLLEGE First Session Opens October S, 1909 New butldlhg; New Equipment: centrally located; strong Faculty and ample WHITS elinle. Write (or attractive aunouueement. Address DB CLAItKNO L. STO K", Itegfatrar, 437 Auatcll Building, Atlanta, Cm. WM'f If you want soundness, flavor and weight in your 'Turnips and W :4f see that your commercial fertilizer certains the amount of Potash and get them. Root crop quire it to get best results, and tve can prove Potash Pays Your commercial fertilizer rlt-mnnds at least 8 per cent, cf Potash (or these crops. Every 2 lbs. oi Potash added to each 100 lbs. ol fertilizer increases the Potash total 1 V-.V . . pit cent. f ty " Ai" " t&ers compiled by experts, ttmn Mil work CMctn, Msuiieck llock 1 JS i-X '1.1 -r-.J V. TWENTY DIFFERENT POOS COLORED VIEWS It New York. Canty Inlaw! ami AUi0 CUf with pocket u nxxmope. Beautiful noveltv, anil leor Stamps. The Kojul MI(f.tlU.t' .i(ltuuor,4tX ILES Rleeoinir. Barnins or Ifruloff forirotten after one amMlrati of HIIH.KY PILE OINTMENT Libera! (ism pin and valuable Information, lOc, CECIL DRUG CO., Baltimore, Md. U5iptwtvi v - - -?ren 1 LOMBARD IRON W0BKS,apgT Ho. 40-'09. PIPE-VALVES riTTING AND SHAFTING, PULLEY'S, BELTS. rorDISTEMPERI:: Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horsea at any age ar Infected or "exposed. " Liquid, given on the tonituej acts on the Wood and GianrU, expels the puliouoiix germs from the body. Uure Dlsternppr In Dogs and Shep and Cholera In Poultry. Largest celling live utovk remedy. Cures La Grippo among human being and Is a nui Klduey remedy. 50c. and $1 m bottle; S3 and 810 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep It. Haow to your nrug(tis;. who will get It for you. Free tiooklnt, "Distemper, Causes and Cures. Special agents wanted. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., bJS&SSS. GOSHEN, IND., U.S.A. A DOSE OF U CURS is as safe as h is effective. Guar anteed to contain no opiates. It is very palatable too children lik: it All Druggists. 25 Cents m Safe, Sound and Profitable; Not A Speculation Would you lrke to in vest $500.00 in five equal monthly installments, that will, we confidently believe, make you inde pendent for life. For assistance in driv ing our big tunnel, we offer an interest- in twelve rich, proven mines, which have pro duced $2,000,000.00 in a camp that is producing $1,000,000.00 a month. Subscriptions $50.00 to $1,000 00 on installment. WRITE NATIONAL MINING & TUNNEL CO LYNCHBURG, VA. ITCH CURED ' MlsSr DR. DAVID'S SANATIVE WASH Is fru&rirj- teed tocu-u any case of Itch In half hour If used according to directions. Pbow this to per sons having Itch, If Four dojr hs Scratches or Mange David's Ssnati re Wash will euro ulna at once. Price 50c a Bottle, It cannot be mailed. Delivered at jrur nearest express office tree upon receipt of 75 cents. Owi fc Minor l)rnCt EtckBaiA, If afflicted rUh weak eye. u Thompson's Eye Water Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color; RCMOVCt DANDRUFF AND 6CUBF Invigorates and prevents the hair from falling off, For Sata by Oruggtata, or Sant Direct by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia c M Pf SHI; Sunpl tenia jtc. Sand lo Circular Rutaba 4 that f i fcJ lirsri m fin l jut. I H'f '.s . tttutiu'c uriii irrijf . J ' VV 3 tperts. Matted en TequestFrt9. A"" Vv ! X, ItluU, Ca., 1224 Cnfier, Mr, 7J ' V