A CGMMlSSIOf iiS' PUO- The Board oj County Commis sioner! tuet.Nov.l, 11)09, pursuant to adjournment, in special session. . Present W T, Phelps, Chm.; C. G. Spencer and J. E. Singleton. , Minutes read und approved. H. L. Pritchurd relieved bv error in taxes $1,000 in valuation. E. D. Staley relieved of $70U val uation. Bids received 1st Dec. for furnish ing County, &c, and ordered the following amounts paid : . Roanoke Beacon, Pub. proceedings, $ 4 00 ' , C. Y. W. usbOD, Fuel for C. H. &o. 7 95 j. U, Crawford, Shff. fees, 4.63 'i arkenton & Nornjan, Coffln, G 00 E." R. Spruiil, Timber, 1 00 J. G. Everett, Jail euard, 12 00 P. V. Brinkley, Jury officer. 4 00 Mm. Midgett, Feediug jury, ID 50 VV. Robertson, Officer Graud Jary, 10 00 Plymouth Lbr, Co., Lumber, 17 50 J O. Everett, Feediug prisoners, GO 05 J T McAllister, SheriiT fees, &o. 87 25 C V W Ausbon, Fees to Solicitor, Jfcc. 44 47 W H Skipper, Court cost, 5 10 W M Murray, " ' 5 10 fl W Bateman, 44 4 SO J T McAllister, ' 44 2 45 J O Everett, 75 P L W Cahoon, " 44 2 15 J D Hyoian, . " . " 50 iJO Craw lord, ' 2 30 ""ER Jackson, 44 50 E B Sprn'itl, ... 2 73 A W Swain, " 44 2 53 Fnley Chesson, 44 44 1 73 is B Spruiii. 44 44 an V. F. Lucas, " 44 65 W.J.Jackson, 44 44 (iO Nath Simpson, 44 - '4 1 10 E. F, Haseell, " " 'J 20 T. C. Craddock, " 44 1 5 Ed. Builock, " j io Jack Read, ' ' 1 10 Milton Comstock, " " 3 90 !Rad6 Barnes, 44 3 95 Eltebury Sexton, 44 44 5 10 Newt Sexton, 44 44 3 85 ltiley For man, 44 44 3 GO L. V. Sexton, 44 44 a 45 W. E. Spruill, 44 3 iO J. VV. Skiles, 44 2 70 C.V. VV. Aobbou, 44 27 35 !'. S. Norman, 44 ,4 5 40 M. H. Dixon, 15 95 - Vno. Guard.jSr, 44 " 5 10 Jao. Guard, Jr. 44 44 5 10 T. C. Ccrbett, . 44 5 10 W. H. Winston, 44 44 5 10 U. Bun;8, 44 44 L 10 Jas. Anderson, 44 4 S 10 Q.D. if wain, 44 5 10 Jake Thomas, 4 4 5 10 Zaek Harris, Bridge keeper 8 00 W. H. Hampton, Furnishing Co. 46 26 P. E. Davenport. Drugs 14 05 A. G. Walker. Dredging for road 200 00 C. G. Speneer, Court service 1160 W. T; Phelps, 44 18 90 J. E. Singleton, 4 44 12 00 P. K. Jofautrton, Service & 18 05 C V. W. Ausbon, Special Service on Court papers. , 15 00 F. H. Johnston. Kills Her Foe Of 20 Years. "The most merciless enemy I had for 20 ye, is," oedares Airs. James Duncan, of Huvnesville, Me., 4,was Dyspepsia I suf fered intensely after eatiug or drinkiug and ooulq scarcely sleep Alter mauy remedies had failed and Beveral doctors guvo mo up I tried Electric bitters, !vihith cured uie completely. Now I can eat auy thiug. 1 am 70 years old and am overjoyed to get my health and strength back again" For In digestion, Loss ot Appetite, .Kidney Trou ble, Lame Back, Female Complaints, its uueqnaled- Only 50. at P. E. Davenport's. It is all right to be selffsh with yoni troubles. Young Girls Are Victims, of headache, as well as older women, but all get quick relief aud prompt cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the worlds best rf.edy for sick and neivous headaches They make pure blood, strong nerves and l uild up your health. Try them. 25c. at P. E. Davenport's, O Wood's Descriptive Q Fall Seed Calalo now ready, ivos the fullest informat on about, all .cds for the Ry,:k fa& Garden, Grasseand Clovers, Vetches, Aifalfa. . Seed Wheat, Oats. RyeK Earley, etc. Also tells all about Vegetable & Flower Seeds that can he planted in the fall to advantage and profit, and about Hyacinths, Tulips and other Flowering Bulbs, Vegetable and Strawberry Plants, Poultry , Supplies and Fertilizers. IverT Farmer and Oarnrr thnld this CfltalPR. It i lnv nnblo In ; hplp'nlness rnd suvtreMiv llesfor ? ntitatlo hpJ Mititlupory Fnrra vt -n. Cnfa'oflire mailed free on t. V rito for It. nc!if - Itlchriond, Va. C a ''. :' f 20,0OOX)0 worth of the best merchan dise ever brought to Plymouth, at a sweep ing reduction for 30 days, beginning Wed nesday, Nov. 10th, and continuing for 30 long days. Considerate always of the necessity for economical huyinu;, now places within your gnwp the most reiiMrkable and uiuuatcii tble inoney-saviug opp-n-tututy evor nitwl i. Ihj- i inating public. This offering of the Newest, and most l7p-to-l)atu Styles of Dress Goods, Motions, Cloihiug, Gent's Fnrnislnurs, Millinery and Shoes, at the Very beginning of thj season, at such wonderfully reduced prices, will eclipse any showing eter nude by this or a.iy ot her establishment in this part of the State. It means a substantial saving to you on the very thing you wan-t, at the very lime you want it. The elegant superiority ami thorough correctness of every article of merchandise offered at this Great Sale attests the dis tinctive supremacy of this store beyond the point of contradiction. . BARGAINS IN DltY GOODS. 1 yd. wide yellow cottons. Sale price 4jc 1 yd wide sheeting. Sale price 07 1 yd wide Lonsdale. Sale price 09 Very best Lonsdale, sold by others at " loo. Sale pries Solid colored Outings, in all colors, sale price 09c Clark's O. N T. cotton 4c spool, to customers only Ladies' hue handkerchiefs, sale price 02 Richardson's spool silk, sale price 04 Heavy weight cotton flannel, sale pc 08 Best quality. 09 Very heaviest quality, 12 yd -wide percales, all good colors, 08 10 pes. onting, to go at 04 We want every prudent, economical shopper, whether our regular customer or not, to visit our storjj iurijtg this stupendous sale, whero we our claim of a superior mercantile power, which the limit of space forbids further mention of hese. ' Ho goods will be charged during this sale, but any goods proying unsatisfactory may be exchanged. ADLERL'S; Plymouth, , , PSecond door from WE SELL Buster Brown's GUARANTEED STOCKINGS FOR MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD The Best-Looking, Best-Feel-ing and Best-Fitting, as well as est-W taring Stockings made. LET US SHOW YOU J. 0- SPRUILL, PLYMOUTH, N. 0. ST Brink! -Phillips Company. Ine. Ladies5 Ready-to-wear Tailor-maie Suits and Coats. A Full Line of Sizes O arried in Stock. DeautifuUj made up in all the now dolors and Materials. The ladies aro invited to couio iu und see the line, and try 'on a garment. Any customer re cannot fit with a gar- - mcnt iroiii our regular stock, we will, take your measure and have made Special tO your Order Without Extra Charge. Wo are also showing a beautiful line of in a varity of colors and materials. Specially priced at .l.oo; .oo; $G.oo $S.oo and $10,oo, LADIES' ALL WOOL SWEATERS, In Red, White, Nayy and Gray. 2.00; $2.50; 3.50 and $5.00. These Garments arc splendid values and are richly 'worth more than priced. Ladies' Taffeta Silk Petticoats, Splendidly made up, ail lengths, $3.75 to 6.00. Ladies' Heatherbloom Petticoats, ' Black only, fancy ruffled, exceptional values at $2XK; 2.50 and 3.00. Timely PLY O XJ 'X' XX SILKS SILKS. j We thi:ik that every lady Bbonld have ; one or more silk dresses 1 pc - black Silk, worth $1. sale paico $7 I 2 pes black silk, worth $1 '2.;, every yd. guar iteed. sale price 9," 10 Ctd. Vd-vride guaranteed Taffeta, all colors, sale price 'Jo All "iOc China, all ooiors, sala prico 4" 25 pes. wooleu goods, pauamas, and serges, sale prica " 47 We could mention more prices but space I forbids us doing so, SHOES. SHOES. j It's a known fact that we carry the lar-! gest aud best line ot Shoes in W ashington i County. We can always save you from 25 to 50c. on a pair of shoes, so you can NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a power of 6ale contained iu a ceriaiu Mortgage deed, ex ecuted on the 1st day of Jauuary )9o8..,by Henry Simmons to Louis F- Hornthal, which said mortgage is registered iu the Hegioter cf Deeds Office of Washington County, Book 51 page 208 , and is hereby refeired to, the undersigned, as assignee of said mortagee will at the Court House Door iu Plymouth, W Hbhinetou County, on Monday October 18th 1909, at 12 M, for cash to the highest bidder, sell the fol lowing described land: In Washington Couuty, Plj mouth Town ship, aud more particularly escribed as follows: Bounded on the North by the land of Dennis Simmons Lumber Co., on the East by the lands of H. H. Bateman, On the. South by the lauds of J. A. Spruill, containing 37 acres more or less, Being the' same laud conveyed to said Henry Simmons by Alex Tilletf reference is made to said deed lor better description. This 15th day of September, 1909. LOCIB P. HOKNTHAli, Mortgagee. Nomwood L. Simmons, At-sfgnee and Ownsr of Eebt. By W. M. Bond, Jb., Atty. iUOOO oV a rear btina; itiafta by Jchn (t OoiidwJo,7roy.J Y.,i wirjt for u. header & nt mkm a tnuru,tut , tewch you qnlrkiy bow to tarn from S i Sib Hay at turn iart, and mra a ) wa ens front t b iu hih a. I r.r. In isv pur. oi voo mrica. toh tau oommanaa at aorna, ri ntf ali your iltsie.or tuura inoixtenta otitr the wi.rii. All ia new. Great jay BLkt ft rwvry Hi iier. W atirt yon. fVrnishiitf eeryhin?. KASil 1', SlEk4ILlf leanii-ii A HI I ; I LAitb I hKi:. Addreaa t onr tUNsOM CO., IOuTLa: UlaaV m wis w&m fii. nil, : EVERY HAT GUARANTEED. $2.50. $3.00. ADLER'S ' X IO A D I judge for yourself what a saving you have brfore you .now j Ludie' Sundsiy" Shoes, sale price $1 00 j Ladies' solid leather shoes, sale price 1 25 Ladies' every-day shoes, ale price 1 00 j Men's Sunday shoes, sale price 1 25 : Men'tf bron'an. sale price . 1 25 ; lioys bnnday rhops, sitle price 1 2." ! lien's fine Sunday patent-leather, j salt) price 1 98 j Men's $3 patent-lcatlir shoes, sale pc. 2 48 i MILLINEUY. JJILL1NEHY i I We want every lady that lives in Wash ington county to examine our milline y before buying, as we are going out of the millinery business. We h"e about 400 :ty business. v e h"e about 400 ill new and up-to-c which we 11 at cost, and below cOh hats, all will se HAVE YOU SEEN THE New Standard Qrand? the world's best Sewing Ma chine ? Edison Phonographs and Victor Talking Machines at O.'R. LEGGETT'S, the JEWELER. m Sale. G rX O XS, 12 CLOAKS. CLOAKS. We have about 200 Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks, which we are determined to sell at cost and below tost. CLOIHING. CLOTHING. For Men, Youths and Boys. Never before have we had tie pleasure of showing such an elegant liue of clothes and pneeS so astonishiugiy CHEAP. " Ko. member that every suit we offer, matters not how cheap, we guarantee it to give satisfaction, UnDEKWEAK. undehweau. , Now is the time for heavy underwear: We have it to fit. from the infant in the cradle, to the old man ready to depart for the happy huuting ground. AT CLYDE GAHOON'S Y"u Avill find what you want to eat and to weare A nice line of Hamburgs, Irisertibnsj White Goods, Hosiery, Handkerchief's if fact a complete line of ' . , Clothes don't make the man, but if you give Clyde Cahoon an order for A TAILOR MADE SUIT OF CLOTHES they will make the man look better, for Style, Quality and Fit is guaranteed. A nice linfe of Shoes, Hats and Furnishings, just opened. FAMILY SUPPLIE ON COLD ST0EAGE. Now if it is something to eat you are looking for your wants can be supplied at this store. Meats, Vegetables, Canned Goods, Fish, in fact everything in Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Come, Send or 'Phone your orders to my store, and receive prompt attention. Thanking yon for past patronage aud soliciting a continuance of same, I um, Yours to Satisfy, w, M. BOND, JR., - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Plymouth, N. C. Tempting offers hy the Capital manu facturers and jobbers in thir country, led us to purchase beyo'nd our normal capacity, hence the necessity for this sacrifice. XJEOILJL,. 8 pr. heavy gray hose 2.1c, 8 pr. Jadies' black hose, sale price, 25 Baby soft sole shoes, all colors, sals 22 '2ii pes apron giugbauis, sale priee 4J To pes Lancaster ginghams, worth 8c , cale price, C Ladies' heavy underwear, suit, 45 Big line laeies' ready made underwear. We tiae about 500 pieces of Kibbou, in every color under the rainbow, in stttiua acd Taffetas. SPECIAL. All hats will be trimmed absolutely free. Cannon cloth, sale price, 09c. are" amply prepared to substantiate N, CL corner, under Brinkley Hotel. 1R. T. B. WOLFE, DENTIST. The Latest Method for painless Extraction

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