THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY O. V. W. AUrfBON, Editor aud Owner PLYMOUTH. N. C. Friday. Novemhkr 20, 1909. BEACON FLASHES. 5 or (J doses of ,,(jCO" will cure any Case of Cnillsaud Fever. Price 25o. ' Glad to see Mr. T. K. Gray, of Creswell, in the city yesterday. Mr. W V. Scarborough made a flying trip to Norfolk, the past week. Mrs. West aud little child left yesterday to visit her parent at Oswego, N. Y. Miss Alice Bateuian of near Rop r, was the guest of her sinter Mrs, V. B. Ward. L08T DiaoiOhd-Pearl Brooch, between on r tore and renideuce. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returutng to MB8. HENRY L. fPRUILL. . yi, , . . Dr. A. W. Oisosway has been enjoying a pleasant visit, from his nother this veek. Mrs. A. M. Johnston, of Roper, is the guest of her brother, Mr. W 11. Hampton. Atty. and Mrs. W. M. Bond, Jr. made a abort visit to their parents in Edentou the past week. Messrs. Kobt.ftnd Will Chesson.of M ack er's Ferry, wer among our visitors ou Wednesday. 5 or O doHes "660' ase of Chills aud Fever. w'll cure any Price 25cts. Be sure sad read every word of Adler's Ad. this week. He is offering uiauy money having inducements. Mrs. W. A. Forbes aud Children, of illiamston, have been . visiting relatives In onr midst this week. '; ' The meetings b'eiog held at the Episco pal church by Bishop Strange have been ( Well attended this weea. Atty. L. W. Gaylord, of Columbia, made us a pleasant call while iu town un Wed nesday, Glad to see you, friend Louis. n Have you seen tjjose pretty Gold-plated fety Pius at Leggett's, the JeweUr? He Safetv has a vtry pretty Sine of Silver Purses, Buckles and Hal Pins. Mrs. J. E. Blount, county, has been spending the week in lowu' she, being iu attendance upun services at GruCeOuurch. The report of the graded school, and ittveral Other iteinw of iuterest, me ueces sunly left out this week, but will appear text week. Mr. undMrB. J S. Chesson who have been spending notne time wita their duu filter Mrs. 11. Toil", iu Greenville have feiurued home. ' Mr. Abe Adler has purchased the Win 2&te home, oppobi'e M. ft. Church, and frill remove the house buck and re-modnl it, waking for himself a Dice and deniable Louie. . . FOR SALE A nice Pouy nd Kig Mr. Louis P. Horutbal has a uioe gentle, urll broke pony, cart and harness to hiatch, which ho offers tor suie cheap. . Having purchased and re-modeled the M. J. Konnou residence ou Maiu street, Mr. fi. B. Norman has moved his family into the Mine, and now, wedonbt not. feel more at home than ever before. FOB SALE afa bargain Having made arrangements tol eaAe Plymouth next year. I am ffermg my home, together with all the land belonging thereto for sale at a Sacrifice. Bee or addaebfi, T. T. Gardener or O. T. W. AU8BON. Several of our farmers have recently ex pressed th'eir desire to grow their own wheat, the ouly obstacle in their way being bo mill in which to grind it. For tbe bene fit of those who will grow wheat, (and we trust they may be many.) We call attention In this issue tbe Will advertisement of J. Havens. Washingtou N. C. Mr. Uaveus is patting in a modern plant for this purpose and will soon be prepared to take care of fill orders. C, B. H. s Lecture. Mr. WvChatincy, Grand President pf C. B. II. will lecturein theM. E Church at Mackey's Ferry, Sunday Nov, iWi at 3. p. m. all arecordially luvited to attend. Sealed Bids. Sealed bids will be received by ihe Board of County Commission ers, at their meeting on1 the 1st Monday in December, 1909, for the followiug contracts, viz : For furnishing County " Home, outside poor, jail, &c. For furnishing coffins for poor. For keeper of County Home. For keeper Mackey's Ferry bridge. The Commissioners reserve the fight to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board. F. R. 'Johnston, Clerk. Forced Into Exile. ,Wm. Upchnrch of Glen Oak, Okla. was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thou ght, would cure a frightful lung-racking cough that had dt-hed all remedies for two years. After six months he returned, death dogging hi? steps. "Then I began to usa Dr. King's New Dif covery." h e writes, 'and after taking six bottle- I am as well as ever 'I It saves thousands yearly from desperate lung diseases. Infallible for Cou ghs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitis, Hem orrages. Asthma, Croop, Whooping Cough. 50o. and $1 HO, trial bottle free, guaranteed by P. E. Davenport, Budding gauius. is seldom found behind li : . Services. ' There. will be services at the Bap- tist Church Sunday, morning uud evening. Sunday School at 9:30 u. m. 1'reacliing ut 11:00 h. in. Sub ject, "Faith, that Works." Evening services, 7:30 p. m. Sub-jecr,-,A-yrision of God." A hearty welcome to all. E. C. Andrews, , Pastor. Corn Judging Day and Oyster Roast at Washington. . Next Wednesday, Nov. 10t.ii, will bo0ori. Judging Day ut Washing ton, N. C, at which time the Cham ber of Commerce of that citv will provide a free oyster soast, prepara tion, unIe the management of Mr Jos. F. Tavloe being made to feed 3,000 people. The N. & S. R. R., will run speciitl trains for the occasion from Norfolk, Raleigh and Newbern. The Norfolk train will pass .Plym outh at 10:09 a. m -tre turning will leafe Washington ut G:00 p. in ; fare for round trip, 85e. See bills for fuller particulars. . Bishop Stranges' Services, The program of the concluding services will be as follows : Friday, 8 p. in. Subject, Baptism. Saturday, 8 p m. Subjects, Con firmation and Conversion. Sunday, 11 a. m. Subject, The Episcopal Church ; 3:30 n. m , Spe cial Service for Men; 8 p m.. Final Service, with Confirmation, Subject of hove. ' Meeting for prattr at 4:30 p. m. Saturday. Special attention is called to the service for men Sunday afternoon at 3:30. A ScaJded Boy's Shrieks horniied his grandmother, Mrs. Marie Taylor of Nebo, Ky , who writes thntwheu all t'.ougUt he would die, Buclclen's Arnica Salve cur-d him. Infallible for Cats Bmns, Scalds, Corns, Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever Wores. Boils. Skin Eruptions, Chjlblaius, Chopped Hands. Soou routs Piles 25c. at P. Jfi. Davenport's A Sudden Death. While at work at the Veneer mills on yesterday, Mr. T. J Bullock was stricken with paralyse and taken to his noine, where he gradually grew worse u mil 3:30 o'clock (ins morn ing, at which nour he di'ul. Mr Bullock ws well and favor ably known in this community having been raised here, lie was about 50 years of age arid leaves a wife, two children and one brothei to mourn his untimely death, to ail of whom we extend deepest sytn pathy. Died Suddenly. On Wednesday night, Mr. Win. Sexton, who lives with his sister, Mrs. Whitley, in town, but workel with a brotlier-in-law, Mr, A. T. Tetterton, near town, was taken with something like congestive chill or pneumonia, ana grew rapidly woie until he died at about 3. 0U o'clock this morning. The deceased was oi years old, had never been nianied, but leaves two sisters, above named, and many friends to grieve. Our sympathies are extended to all. Letter to C. F. Ba tenia n. Plymouth, N, C. Dear Sir: The paint question boiled down is simply this: The paint that takes least gallons, wears ongest; Always. Here's an instance: E. O. Perry, East tith St. Erie, Pa. pain ted two houses same size; ond Uevoe, the other with another paint atsawe price; took 3 gallons Devoe to 4 of the other; and in 8 yeurs Devoe was the better looking job. Tours truly 82 V F vv DEVOE & CO P. 8. J. C Spruill sella our paiut. Bst Way to Drink Milk. We live by digesting and asslmllat is: food.not merely , by eating it. iHk as a food builds up and forms ,.,lv tissues and fluids and repairs ate When taken slightly in ex ss the unused portion, mostly bit r fat. is stored in the system for fu ire use. As Is well known, fluid ,11 U and vichy is a wholesome drink or many who Ln not assimilate nilk alone. A pinch, or two of salt n a glasl of milk will produce a i'mllar reault. . It aids In the easier digestion of the curds as formed In the stomach prior to digestion. It is wise for the possessor of a weak stomach to nip a glass'of milk slowly instead of drinking it hurriedly. The larger the quantity of milk taken at one draught the greater the difficulty of its 'digestion. It may not be gen erally understood that hot milk ta ken Into the system Is almost imme diately absorbed. It is stimulating without reaction. Leslie's Weekly. ,rThe Piano with tb Sweet Tone.", THE CHBJSTMAT PIANO. Not too soon lo be providing for it,. We will deliver it just when you wish, and a small payment each month pays for it while you are enjoying the sweet tone. ST1EFF PIANOS stand this climate best, and need less tuniug than any others, which is very important. You buy from the maker, saving the dealer's profit, and get the ' best piano, without exception.. Write for easy terms. CHAS. M. STIEFF, L. C. STKKLE, Mgr., "114 Grauby St., - Norfolk, Va. "The Piano with the Sweet Tone'; A (Mention this paper.) Official Piano Jamestown Exposition. The family tree sometimes bears pretty poor fruit. Greetings of the Season. We cordially invite our former pat rons and the general public to visit our store frequently when shopping, as we have new goods coining iu every few weeks, ihertby euabliug ns to ham your wishes aud gratify ibtn: . A'e have our usual lines, which are : Velvets, Silks, Ribbons, Flowers, Feath ers, Hats, Caps, iufauts' Head-ware, Hosiery, Cortsets, Nutious, School Sup plies, Dress Goods in Flannels, Mo hair, Broadcloth, Etc.; also Liuing3 aud Trimmings. Have you one of tboBe 16x20 Framed Pictures wf ei! for aDo. alter you have traded $2.60 with us '( If not you should have yo'ttr purchases punched and gat. one. We Can furnish you with good val ues iu V bite Goods, Bleachiit).', Lous dale, Glutton Cloth, hidia Linens, etc. h should jet one of tlios i preitV baskets iu wnich we 8?ll o'jr 2."C. Per fuiries. Tkey are line for trinke'8 on your Mfeau. With thanks'for past favors, Kepeetfu!Iy yours, Mrs. A. M. Ayers. KEPOKT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF PLYMOUTH, at Plymouth, iu the State of North Caro lina, at the Close of busiuebS Juue 23rd, 1 90S). RESOURCES DOLLARS Loans and discounts 4i,jy'J a Overdrafts; secured S3 77 N. C. State Bonds C.COO.OO All other Stocks, Bonds & Mtg's. 2,o0.0) Premium oh Bouds 150.00 Banking house, fmruiture A fixt. 3,0O.OO Demand Jjoauc, Due from Banks and Bankers 13,245 12 Cah on hand 4,1)31.81 National bank notes and other 11. S. notes Total LIABILITIES 77,800 45 DOLLAJiS :2,)Oo.oo 5,000.00 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits, lesicurreut ex penses and taxes paid J,bi)7 Ja Deposits subject to check 5G,(J(;3. 1 7 Total 77,80 45 State of North Carolina, Con .ty of Wash ington: , I, Clarence Latham, Cashier of the aboye -named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to ihe best of my knowledge aud beiief. Clabence Latham, Cashier.. . Subscribed aud. sworn to before me, this 11th day of Sept. I90i. C. V. W. Ausbon, C. S. C, Correct -A tlebt : W.-H. Hampton, ' A. L. Owkns, L. S. Landing. Directors. SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR HOME PAPER, And , Get ALL The News. Only One Dollar A Year. Auction Sale. I shall on Tuesday morning .Nov. 11th 'offer for. sale, on the premises near Acre Chapel, one 0 year old horse, one bug gy, harness, carts, Farming Implements of all kinds; al so all corn, fodder &. Sale to begin at 9 : 00 o'clock and continue untill everything is sold. Jesse B. Bowen. FLOUR MILL. Plant a few acres in wheat. Raise your own bread. A strict ly up-to-date Flour Mill, 50 barrels per day capacity is be ing erected in Washington N. C. and will be ready to run Jan. 1, 1910. For information address J. Havens, Washington, N. C. RXPORT CF THE CONDITION 0 THE BANK OF UOPEit, at Itoper, in the State of North Carolina at tue close of business Juno 23 J 19011. RESOURCES. DOLLARS. Loans aud discounts, $41,147 07 Overdrafts secured,-' 5." SI All other Stocks, bonds & Mt'g's, 2,800 OO Banking Houses, 2.237 08 Furiiiture and Fixtures, 1 ,260 00 A.11 othr real estate owned, 4,210 03 Due from Banks aud Bankers, 2,720 07 Cash items, 1 65 Gold coin, 80 00 Silver coin, including all minor coiu currmoy. National bauk notes and other U. S. notes, 12i) 6! 752' 00 Total, LIABILITIES, Capital stock, Surplus fund, DOLLARS 20.0O0 00 1,200 00 Undivided profits, less current ex- penses aud tuxea paid, 1,701 60 Deposits subject to check, Savings deposits, Cashier's Ciiecks outstaudibg, 14 24 r7 17,442 7 7G3 44 Ji."),a52.40 Total, state of North Carolina, Ccunty of vwaNluugtou, ss : 1, B. S. Clark, Cashier of the above named bank, do soleuiuly swear thai the above htatunrut is true to the test of ray kliovi ledge and bt-iiet B. S CLAHK, Cashier. Subscribed and sWorn to before me, this lOtli day of otpt, till)!). L. G. Koper, Notary Public. Correct Attest : N. B. MizsM.. 13 h H ALLStY, Tiros. NV. Blount. LUrectoiS. STATEMENT OF THE DANK OF CUES WELL, CHES WELL, 2Si. 0. At close of business June 23, 1909. rksourceS : Loans aud Discounts, . . $1)4,84.01 Overdrafts, secured, ...... 55.81 All other Stocks. Bonds and Mortgages 2,800 00 Furniture apd Fixtures, . . . 800.00 Due from Bauks aud Bankers . 2,22 1 18 Cash lte-us, . t . " Gold coin, . . . . 6.1 00 Silver coin, including all miuoi coiu cUrreucy, . . . 1S2 03 Nat. bank uotes aud other U. S. notes , . . , 8i2 00 Total, . LIABILITIES t $13,662 68 $5,000.00 3T5 71 7,311.45 61 03 40 30 805 19 $13 0(12 8 Capital Stock, . . . - Uudivuled Profits, lens current expenses aud taxes patd, Time Certificates of Deposit Deposits subject to check , Cashier's Checks outstanding, Certified Checks, Savings Deposits, . . Total, . . State of North Caroliua, County of Wash ington, ss: I, D. E. Woodley, Cashier of the above named bank, do soleniuly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge aud belief. D. E. WooDLKY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of Sept 1909. J. L, IIassell, N. P. Correct-Attcst : II. A. Litchfield. W. H. Hardison, Wm. Wiley. Directors. Expenencein mixing de cate Hnt Lin : . r Tr n.u.. ,t. -1 ti t. OV A. U lm, ViUCIQ iCl. Ob AS. X.. bpruill's sture. The Queen of Fashion's Richest and Choicest Creations are most elegantly and perfectly reproduced on Uie Standard Rotary, The World's Best Sewing Machine The only machine which makes abso lutely perfect lock ufid chain stitching ou the same machine. Ladles When you are in need of a sewing machine, you no doubt intend to irive the matter intelligent consideration and should buy one which will last a lifetime, the Standard Rotary. You Owe It To Yourself to learn how the Standird Rotary will do more and better work, in less time, and with more real comfort and pleasure than any oilier machine made. Remember When you buy, you are choosing be tween years of tiresome work with a vi brating or oscillating shuttle machine and years of sewing comfort and satisfac tion with a Standard Rotary. The Standard Rotary Shuttle is absolutely necessary to produce the Fastest, Quietest, Easiest Running and Most Durable sewing machine in the world. You are Always Welcome to see the wonderful "Standard" Rotary whether you buy or not. See it TODAY. You will be surprised and delighted with 'ts many advantages. NOl'ICK. Under and by virtue of an executiou from Superior Court of U asliinatou county issued on ajudgoatnf fondered ou Oct. W), lUO'J, m the action entitled W. 11. Ward vs Thomas Bowen, the undersigned, Slu-rirf will sell for cash at Oourt lleuse doof in Plymouth, N O. at 12 ui. on Uec IHh, 1009'. th life interest wlaicu Thomas Bowen owns iu that land in VVashin'on county, N. (J aojoiuiuu lands ot Vail heirs ou East, public road from Plymouth to Itoper on Sout . Joe Spruill cn West and T M. Johnston laud on North known as Tom Vail land aud being the part (If vised by said Vail to ins daughter, who was wife t f Thomas Boweu. ' This Nov. 3. 1900. Jno. T AlcALLisTUR, Sheriff of Wasointon County. NOT! UK. Under and by virtue of a decree rendered by Clerk Superior Court for WaNhinaton Uouuty ou Sept 7th. I(i9, in the action entitled L. L. Basuiht et h'Im vs W h Davenport fet ..s. Ihe unflerwip ned Com missioner wiL sell for ca-h at put,io anc. tiou at Court lionie daor in Piy mouth, N. 0 , on Dec. 4'.h. l!)i;), Ht 10 a. m , tbe tract of laud iu Wabiutfton county. N. O , ad joining lands of James Arnold, Overton, and Snell, et, known as 'Henderson Barns tract of land," it beiuji same tract of Und on which W. H. I aveiport now re. sides near Cherrv, N . C.said laud con taining 40 nCres'fjiore or lesn. Sept., 7, 1900. W. M. Bond, JR. t.'omtniKbiouer. Better Not Get Dyspepsia If you cdii help it Kodcl prevents Dycpepsla, bf effectually helping Nature to Relievo Indigestion But don't trifle with Isidijestion. A great many people who halve trifled with indigestion, have been sorry for it when nervous or chronic dyspepsia resulted, Sind they have not been able to cure it. Fs(? Kodol aad prevent having Pyspepsia. . , Everycno is subject to Indiges tion. Stomach dcransemerit follows Etomach abuse, just as naturally find just as surely as a sound and healthy, stotnafh results upon the taking cf Kod-V. When, you experience sourness Of stomach, belching of gas and nauseating fluid, bloated sensation, gnawing pain in the- pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called), diarrhoea, headache':, dullness or chronic tired feel!:j5 you need TTo clol. And then the c.uiekcr you W n Kodol the better. Fat Vuat j .:u want, let Kodol digest it. Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsi. tab lets," physics, etc., are not J-kely-to be of much benefit to y-u, in digestive ailments. .Pepsin Jj only Sold by P. K. Davenport, Plymouth, N. C. ENTRY NOTICK. . Walter It. Jackson enler3 the following land a unclaimed in Pl month Township; Beginiop; at I B. Jactson's corner on West side of the swmp, then Northerly with said Jackson's line toG. W. Jackson's line, thence Southerly to tbe Long Ridge Patent line, thence Southerly with said line to I. 1 tr T . ..1. JWnti tlianSkn tn b ining, containing 10 acres more or less. Sept.. 6, 1909. W. R. Jackson. F. R. Johnston, Entry Taker. E'E D Wheat & J)a(S FOR SAB-iE. Fa -mers wishing to 1 u y biI D A HEAT and OATS cuu now be supplied ut Peacan (3 rove Farm. Wheat. $1,40 per bushel, Oata 85c. Order quick as supply is limited. W. K. LUCAS, se-13. Plymouth, N. C. , Hornes Ac IVInlew For iiale or Exchange, At -all times my object will be to Veej) on hunt! horses yunl mules to mtit, every one, from the chenput Ui the best, and to s.i.i.fy.' All stock MUST be asreire.file(l or money will be -"funtjod. Soliciting.' your )Htronaie I am, Vottr .truly. Louis P. Horntfal. fu4-t.f Sirs. Martha Jackson's? ! B0AEDING-H0UBE, 1 Kates, 1.00 Per Day. IULLthzGOUQM and CURE the LUUGB WITH 3 New uisgoy ery rrR Roughs PRICE 1 w" 'OLDS Trial Bottle Free i AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. I GUARANTEED SATISFACX0B1 OB MONEY REFUNDED. old by 1. E. Uavenport. NOTICK. Under and by virtua f t n decree rend ered by the Clerk of the Superior Court for Washington county, the undeminued Cor?miHHi.iner will resell tor cawh to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Plymouth, N. C, at 11:00 o'clock a. m , ou Moudav, Nov. 1st, 1909, the bijih land of the Juo. VV. Gnrfcinns "Home Place." it beinx that land lying iu said eouuty ou Mollis Jioad, a- joiuing lands of Juo. M. Batemau. Morns heirs, Sennate land, Windley and Kelley aud other, Kai.d high laud' contuiuiuK lOD acre more or less. This re-eale beinj had beceuae o' raise ou bid of former sale before eounrmatiou. This Sept. i)0, 1009. W. M, Bond, Jit.t Com'r. SCHOOL BOOKS AT HALF P1UCE. All kinds of books bought sod sold. Lar gest stocK in N.Q. Salistactiou guaran Send lists, catalogues lrre. fmitlr's Old Book Store, iialeigh, N. U, U-l ft partial digester end p'aysics aral not digesters at all. Kodol is a perfect -digester. It you Could see Kodol digesting every particle cf food, of all kinds, in the glass test-tubes iu our laboratories you would knov this just as well as we do. Nature md Kodol will always cure a sick etomach but in ordef to bo cured, the stomach must rest. That is what Kodol does rests tho stomach, while the stomach gct$ well. Just as simple as A, B, C. Our Guarantee Oo to your rtmf-plst today and fret a dol ;r hottlii. Xheu uXier you have used the t utlre contents of the bottle If you can honestly -,; hat It lias not done yti any (rood, ri-ui'ir the bottle to the UruKRiat au4 lie will refund your money without ques tion or delay. We will tlitn pay the drupr irist for ttio t)0!th. Don't hesitate, alt ilrng-gista kno .v t-lia. onr piiarantve ia good. This oilr appliea 1 1 the lare bottle only und to but une hi a family. The large bot tle contains Zy tiiaca as tnuvU as the fifty cent bottle Kodcl is prepared at the laborac , tories of E. C. DeWitt &. Co., Chicago. NOTICE. ' North Carolina, Washington County. Having qualified as administrator of the estate ot Jerome B. Phelps deceased, late of Washington County, N. C. This is M notify h! persons having claims BRainst said deceased to exhibit tbem to the- undeasign ed nt t'resvell N. 0 , on or befoie the 23rd day of Sept. 1910, or tnis notice will he plended in bar of their recovery , All per sons indebted to said eatate will please tnaM e immedmte pavment. Tbh 2?rd day of Sept. 1909. W. fi. Hardison, Admr. rbkmwoiuiuk uuoe.