A. & M. COLLEGE. Jn the deraujpncui of North Ca rolina's industries, the North Ca- .'Li:MAruitAiVA'ni) QO'T'iViiltnro and ruiiu jwacfec Mechanic Ar.ts is, laKins iui mnofnirf Tt-c students arecivin their live? toimprovingbur farm "x 1 mm -loirvino I ljlg", ouc, i.rucKiiiK UUi - UH"J'"e aud stoclt-caimg. They are rapi tyy. mking their wsj into our iadxftfe our electric power-hou ses, and our shop , They are help ing to tuiJd our soad our bridge L our railroad. Indeed, they are $E the man needed at this stage ui'theState's growth. We are glad to note that more young man than ever before are seeking, through this well-equipped insti tution, a place in our industrial progress. Ve call attention to the Advertisement in this is'sue. nmissioners Proceedings. The Board of County Commiss ioners mot in regular session on June Mill. 1?J0. persuant to adjournment V!i-eienV W. T Phelps, Chnir. and y. G. bfjecer. iknutea read and appro veJ. vJk Singleton's resignation ten dered. Harmon Gur.kin resigned as keep- At(V':":,:J'i n DaS hields aa keener of County IIne. J Ordered that Major Jones be re lieved of Toll Tax, Ordered tliat Near-beer saioons be jStfS taxed S20.00.per an- Ordered that tax for school be special icon 100.00, 12c on, Poll, Uounty 23 J, 40c. Poll. TiyMutfrf'tofr in settlemer au- ofierei. that following amounts .le paid ' oar oke, Beacon, Fob, prjcgl. $6,00 SrdaSk County 'lioce onp.af. .5o ci. M. iny. Road . J;8" jfCj- nuiiu"t - p . iL. L. Holmes, ' (J. W Cliltou. R0 Fnraisbinrs li U. JohMtoo, Keg. fees AKec. 3(3.70 VV T. Phalpn. Services us Com 12,00 . j..ii n,;r.iTa Itceoer etc. JO.u 22,50 1.80 Ht.VH .' Rridne keeper etc. 'fib The Voters of Washington County. I hereby announce ViysplI a cau didatyi'.ths office of Ti-wwrer- of WttH:i"icn -Qouoty, b;- ..v.. ' wi endeavor to dichetldutie3 of thatuflice to tti8aiwfttetH!i of the ieop e. N i k 5 Very respectfully W. II. Uakdison. Far Sheriff. Af t?y-de consideration and solic tion of iiiauy friends, I take this method of announcing myself a can didate ior the office of bheriff of Washington County, subject to the action of the Democratic irimary. If nominated and elected I prom ise to discharge the;, duties of the office fearleeslv.and'irnpartially. JiSl.ARPS. f0LEySS0HETnJIAS Marvelous Discoveries. 3irk the Wonderful progress of tbe age. Air $gktson heavy macLinea telegrams witbout "Wtres terrible war inventious to jlt cueu, aud tbat wonber of wonders Dr. Kintf's New WBoovery to sve Iifewhen tttreateued by cougbs eolds' lagrippe ast h'ma' crotip broucbitis, bemoirbrges, hay luer aud wluipUi couh or lun trouoe ni all hroncb'olleinoua it ba9 uo equal it relivt-s innlanily Its tke surest cure la mes M black Asbeville, Is. C, It. lv. lin 4 write it enred bira of an. obitinate ffouch after all otber Teuaedies failed. 50c. abd $1,00. A trial battle lre'o qaaruteed V. E. Uavenport. FOISYSKIBHEYCBEE Brakes Kidneys and Bladder Blflht J. ' M. LEARY, UNDERTAKER BEA8LEY, N. C. Burial Cases, Coffins, and Caskets iid all kinds of Funeral Accesones. Prices Reasonable. Give ive a call wen in need of an) thiog in .'this line. Si ay 18'.b. it. '.t ' -. Brinkk Mil l''Kr B V-i MilIiJa? U Semi-lniiiial Unloading; . Sale j A Rf)uction of SO per cent from Regular Prices of all Merclianclise. TWiVWes, or Profit Losing for us : Two. Weeks of Harvest for Our Customers. Commencing Saturday June 23th, and Continuing' for Two Weeks, Closing Saturday Jtfiy 9tli. his is g9ing tQ be the biggsst. Sale yit, Gmk Stock of Mercliandis is larger and more, omplcfe th;yi" in any previous sale. Our entire Stock of Bre33 Goods, Wash Goods, WhiteG00ds, LaCSS, Embrodorios, Silks ai4,-aU:inds otDoniesticand'lniported, yoveities, SmU wares and Dress Trimmings. missfis, O hildrei,i and men, ii) all at the Latest, Shapes and; most approved Styles, Our entire; Stock will be placed on tlif bargain-table for wo weeks.. ne- Oj KB P- "D eo: STOBIu 3L0BE3 E VEttSIGS ATr TS0 P. EI. ADLE A 81 i . e" m r." n Mm i PLYMOUTH'S LEIDUG ii r 3 PI m m P- m U m h i m W ! ;1 If I y ii i TOR W GREAT CLAIilG SALE. 4 LA T1 74 t ?L UNDEK HOTEL BRINKLEY, NEXT BOOK. TO CORNER 7J Wiere Vour Dollar Does.Sts III l J-i,, cLLi .MJs KENNEDY'S LAX ATIV HOHEYf TAR rd i Bteom nnf ET tee on Et j Baiil It