i .1. u i u.i. null naia ..' 1 1 '"' ' '! ... rtl.,J"" ...:.,. ' , . .. ,!i-.r':?''i' t"" 1 ..V ... " . '', ' . "" - ,xirf - .' w ::;vljj - ....... ,. ' " "" m ii in. ! ni i in iJi mi- in iimiM i id "i imi it'i mi iiiii' til mi in i ii m ii ' - r"iir'r iiini r-w i i' i r" r ' J i' i ? " )fc - - " THE UOANOKR HHACON". PUBLISHED KVKItY FRIDAY , - ,C V; W, AUtf BON, Editor .and Owmsk LYM6UTII, s FlUDA Y. N.O. 1!)U. .June, BEACON FLASH E& 1'. is rumored tliat .the sow Lank will Open about lti first of Jsept. il,H'. G or ti doses of 'jlJC1 will euro any flu.e of LUUls.Hud'l'V'Vcr. Pnou liiio. The Kpwortb League held its gonial me ting at Me. a. &wnuV vu Monday wigut finally discover that t?e real afT-uit-Argecro-u w or.ut. . of govern5nent We been tr- v" .uirr' ... 4 lyuiouiu. , v, ' The WwUru Bioouiir Giris will cross iali il t Plv nxilli I. Ui"ni In.u II... tif Ii iH).Ci;U Bfctitu w ill bo erttited lor iLo firowd '.JUttt .will ,wjUot thin g.iPje. 3 or C dews .U51V wUI cure any MwHMetU iiwiiao J bMaiii"'ai home wnii htr dottier. 'wr. M.oii,0 iUrrisdn. ur..aud Mrs. vy, Nich.ispa hare gone i to Noifolk, JJaluiyarie iud oytj two uior iiortheiu jpuiuid b o.u.s tt sufcods A few Mr. Xi.P. Hor.utlirtl will li uVs Mondny 'Or haliicaii.'o where be yiH purctiaga a yelierul ttbSOltuieUt 'if Lymes mud IllUins. Special . otiae to Lieerifitt Tx j ay era i'bere w ill positively lm. iudulua;. bte Jbidiuauco Mo. 3'J ittjje' J.1 E. K, JaOISon. . 'lowu Tux vciliX'tor. MrO. E. Sini e. .-of iiwrfolk. is nclwig as Relief af,'eut tor Mr. V. J. Nicboiajjiij, -ot U.u Jlorfolk Southern Ii U. Co... wliile th in iter i's spendipa A low weeks in iN.uifolk aiid oibt'r ishinueru j.)oitit. Mr. Jiuiie aiid .vile now. tit.lioiiuoko lioldl. .Mrs. Toin .Cbear.8 aud tbik'rtji, of E len ton (ico vuitin Mrs Cliur uioibs;;, iirs, Aloifie llarrittuji, thi w-ecli. JOtt SALri One goed c-nv giving uiiik and out) biiitr t yenrs olj, ' Will give I'fi.u iu spriuy;. Oood stuck. 'Feruiy cusli J. J. iJHICKIIOUBE. Mr. C. J A'o.man, Mr Van Ji. Martin Mr. A. ii, Ow ens and Air. A. V . hwniu "Vont to JSjilulk iuo firt of Ibe vtei. ,o hte ibe Pred oiUie W -.6. i(K. Co, tu ge. Standard 'l'i'nrtooM6 Kt.ver Pipe for sale by Cly'ite Caiiooii, rtie for pr!.;a.s on o.ir i.ois. y ,Qlad to eee Mr. i. I.v.rgu'.t of Baitioi pre, on our btreot tbu --wtitlt. For dcw crop taru:y and ruta-hega seed call on il. L. bjii uili, llev. M Y. Self, Mioses Virginiii Sprnjl',. IJeShie JSonuan, Gm j Campbril aj:d 3'u -ilei.ouoi'jo are m iilit'otlunct. ui.ou liifc'jSji v6itb Iieagjit. Cou!fr!iiii.e l UertforJ ibi$ IjOSS" -.Qa p:t!r rimless (.'old-b-oved . it...l !.': i' i r--.,l 1 1 imv. !.... i k.st on WabiUtMoii St. . l'ttw cfii ! Uieute n turn t., Mr,). Meda Nurnev thetrnin that now tv.m amiy ftoni C'.dnii' win N. C. to Mm ke.Vf Fei ry, N.O. loiun pit here to the peoj)'-! of lower v a .-, h i r 1 $4 1 ; 1 . Couni-y cvni come m In-in iinsfend of goina to Kdfiitoii to do ih'ir (ili(.pij', i.ud retur ned tba aine-day. 'J h nu.tt 'jus uK biau lully cjce.decl t'io jet. ' ' if yoij tsrOtsnttsfJ aii'ea iH.iier'ncnitrJ ing to uirection t wo thirds of n'.nttJe of .'ljaiiberlain'f. Stumau'.i und Liver Tal let vou can have your lui.-ne.v back I hn lub el p'eausa and invigorate the stomach, 1m prov the digestion regnlate ti bote's Give theui a tiial a.-d Ktl wt-11. bold by all dealer:! Chanrberlaiti's Caiifih remedy is wld 01 a .guarantee tbat .if you are not Hatistiei! after usin t wo-tl.inii-- of f bottle MCroirinii. to dirtttioiiN, your niony will be .funded It is up to you to try bold by ad desiJeiH For God's Sake Do Some- inirtfT. .1 A V have answered thia cjy in our new book "ii'iIitiug thy 'JinlUc in Youm; (Jirh" uy Karneiit A. - Jicll, y. !S. 'iJiair-ivit Attonii" Situ,-! und otbem. The most iJeiuntiim;.! 111 VlicMneff ot the white Sl'iv.e Trude ever published. It tells Im.y th'.His uiids of young "hi are Lit red fro 111 their honies iuutr.iilljj' and told intu u life of shame. The (Jtncinutti in quirer says ''Of all l lie looks of the season tha War on. the White slave Trade is the most helpful; it tihotild be read by evey man, woman und child." Agents are making from $8 to $17 a day selling ' this book. Over oUO pages. Many ieturco. '1'rice $1.50. Best tercjs to agents'. Outfit free. Send 15o for lowurding charges. Book sent to any address post paid upou receipt of dice. ADDRESS JiVUiCS 13. Sluirkley,. 23 Plymouth Court Chicago. To The Democrats of Wash ington County. Tho Executive Committee for the County hereby calls u Mass Conven tion to meet at 11 o'clock a. m. on July 2nd. 1010. at Maekey's Ferry, li. C. For purpose of detet mining ghoice of the Democratic electors for all Candididates lor State, Congress ional, Judicial, and Mute Senatorial offices in conformity with action of $tate Executive Commute. All detincrals of the county are invited and requested to attend this Convention. V. M. Bond, Jr. Chn r, Denn Fx. Committe. STATE'S RIGHTS, meeting in Frankfort, Ky, in tlx) interests of the preservat ion of State'? ritrbtfj .iscne which e very -Sou thcivn Governor. ,h(tid attend. The Ealtbr.cra Sun -.iv..ys of it: "If the State and tho State Gov j rinient ;;it supinely while Gongr 033 and the Federal Executive nn-p jnrxt mine tLr.c- Constitution and ! dcp&ive them of their reserved i (rights, then the Stats, will have less cause to Complain when thev d from the Sialcapital I . hit - . . . l? Vti .'.il;.jt.un Ui i,. Villi rU pi'U- i frraiYi of Federal c.nrgretciGnciiou-. 111 1 1 L . If .- 1J..' j on and Iiccnsir.jr end, taxing cf tho corporation should be assum- i i iu TTr-.itrH ilr- n P Vrm shovld be F-cderal regulation of f actpies and 'labor, of all trohy fjne that ca.rry m.ils ,of all 1'Oado over which rural poctman travc T;, there would hardly remain any rescn. why the States should con tinue the expense of maintaining legislative bodies. A movement has a.lready begun which is desi gned to stem the inereasin tide that loyyir;? to Washington A meeting' wiii fee jeld ir F ran-kfQ rt, Ky , tomorrow to make arra ngement for a meating after the fall elections of all the State, the meeting tomorrow is of a comm ittee composed of the governors pf Kentucky South Carolina and Missouri and they will make arr angements and fix tne time and place for the general meeting in the fail. That generaL meeting will be a conservation rneeting not a conirvat.ion of forests, mi i;e;i and waterfalls but the conse rvation of the rights of the State 5lhich were reserved by the orig inal thirteen when the Federal eonsti tu ticn was adopted. 1 ' ' For KeprcfJCiiatiYC. v.o (lie DtuKiCiuticuUds of Wash it.!-on CfHitity. f hen iin noirjo !)iV8t !-f a can-' mttj lur !.;(! ! ts.it n;i. ; 1 io;u V iish.iuii on I Vl :HM:ty in I lie 'ii 't t !ii' (Joiii'i ;tl .Asscm to liK' ilCtinil ;f , . ;.0CruiH5 t iitna!li',H v.', Lo:iVciitlui iic-p-'t'tlii'lv, he; u .. C. DftKhtfviI Baf-Fiic'c,. On Tue'saay night A most deli ghtful boat ride was given by Miss Margie Willoughby, on 'the f'IZio Grande. "At eight thirty the party left the town wharf headed for the'dearcld Albemarle Spund, where a most delightful evening was spent, rounding the light house, keeping its bell on the go and shooting by the buoys and everything else to have a good time was done. Those taking part in the ride were,, Mr. L vl. Phe'ps, Miss Louise Avers, Dr. A.. W. " Disos way, Miss Sadie Chesson,, Mr. J-. Norman, Clarendon Yill oughby, Miss Clava Hampton, Mr. C. L. B'pimt, Miss Margie Willoughby, Mr. II W. Johnston Miss Ida Harrison, Mr. E. L; Latham, Miss Stella Ayers, Mr. Julian Keel, Miss Madge Moore, Mr. Z- V. Ncrman, Miss Alice Phelps. -Miss Annie Spruill, and MisBettie Ayers. Mr. Mrs. J. A Wil leughby ch aperoni n g. Vmiouneement. After the .-oh. Democratic fritu i tut ion of many 1!, iiotn dilltrrent Townships in Uie County, dicioei to enter the nice for 1 iu.ve I he no- initiation of t-heri'I, of Washington County subject to. tho Democratic party. In making this .ii.nou neement 1 feel that 1 frhouM assure the. people that, 1 am in a position to, and will discharge the duties of the ol'ice with justice und impartiality if njm iiiuttd and elected Jjtetpefilfullv, J. E. KFID. "It en red nit" 1 r "It staved the life of my obild, are the cxpresxU.us you l e.ir every diiy about Oliauiberlain Colic CLolera a'nd Diarrhoea Ksniedy. 'J Lis is true tlio world over v? berg thin valuable remedy liaa beeD iutroduueu. So other medicine iu use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such general approval the necrct of the kucccnh of C'liauxberl'iin'is t ohe, Cholera find Diarrhoea Kctr.ctdv ia tbat is eurtd. 8o!d by nil dt-ie. n I ..... . . J P Hill W& SViJLLS ."iTBM25 j .''.' ... I iJr.lililtK'tA s.0 yii'iiperHville new on?. :. ce mote. . '.Si n e' '"( h. , college .$irU Iib returned iiwili jntiurswiuj imp b.-on rniU) irvety. Mr .'.:!:! Mis. Jamc-i I'.ri'W.r ,'ind u't-e (I'iiYu'IiI"- i' i I is;;,! lion tju-a t. ivaiiit.iv wt'i Mr X-Jii-.v. i.-rV uk . iJ.t-. Lou Nornuiii, ouo of our ok, tit co'.ored men, diid -unite suddenly WtuiiDy. tevei-n! of mir vmvtn ? x: $ to. -.nut tided ! Sei v.ci'h ui M Jg. ch-ureh at xVLtc-k '.. r-r rv iS-mdav. Mr Mrs. J:miH Jo.'jr.KjoD ftr,;l li!i iiy ol iioutr spei.C sai.t.ssy.' i.Hnijoois a ii r-i. .si. i. At, anion, Mi3 iJii1, L iiy of M(.ithi;.ii'l City w;;n ! h-,-; t;Mi. u ' ri'ti; i u-d 1. lie .Hal v.'j-.iK. Mr. n-.A Mrs. i. II. Hcl! wruowt iri-r Mr.-Clm.ltou Hawis, formerly oi 1 1 j j idnCo tuw i-l J: t'.t.'iii.jj, fp.-ui outtday Lciu li sjt.' j i;t:, Uijariiuii. Ur. A. I). !i liou. Vi.hnll' d Ionia Inst WlcK oil iici'O Uat Ot' ILv iui.u.-.ti oi hi.- '.fb M h 1 v.i w'vuin fpent iuauity iii,.,;it wiiu .1 iai M- fiili-Urdiiy ai.d j JiUiolL. Mi 3 Luiu M.ie ilol'on n d bioiber, Will npi.nt . .in.ii.ty ut .'ur.. riwuiiifi. ML-swrH, ,f i I7J--4..I err uj :i la and Leonaid Buc tit i.'.-i(jc:rI wcro ;.i i,:.'r t'liu.-t ta..uuU.y Mt Si-rH. Louis Guy lord aud Cctjil iianxW.y oi Uo'ULjihiii hiiei.i ouutiay l ta uouio of j. in. Kriiujii -tiii. Mr. L. A. llo'.t'iu ami hJ'm - Mary Wiley wcro ont oiiviu iutiuiiy. Mish l.iturn I'titl iek and ijiollii r .Mrs, Ed. iu'f'ju;, iout Sutuiiiuy in Ui.tsv'l!. Mr. Wil Chesson and .vliua ibnoiu Uer rinL.oii vvoi e o'.i.t clnvin cuurlaj' niu.r iiuun cilled to 8ee .viiss .Mary jt.'ooli. 'it IMUsi JiaVlu bbto btCiiUSe ll0 ttuito javo out. Clippiiirr From Washington Daily News. Norwood Leo Simmon.-, was born at VVaa hhiiHoi). In. O. jt,ovciTibor i'.), U-x.. tne t.wu ol tac lale lliuorabio i'v, Ci, . h-ih.ujjh. Uio blind liiwyut. At ficUo 1 y. ar, i 1 aij.' Uo gtaJ.ni.i -lat ha Lea l of ii . cia..d li: ux t.n v itsljingioii pubac acUooiti,- Wiu'titn ilu-"Mliali-, liinlury uitUitl , lha i...Uoiar hblp ad ulltt-i: boooi'n In oepii-udit-r, li,f4, ie tnartd tae University o'f ss,ith Ca-i.titn. wl.e.io ii reiiiaiuea eneyeu. tit,- tueu rt;Lu rtied Lome ttud took eburn ot tho clerical work lit 1 rib fiiiuer s ia oll'ip ; iu isv. L9L0, wLen oiuy iy years .t in; wa.t ljom,red with u:i appomluieui by VroVern- ui vui ncfi jj iiyuuijK as JJi.uli:i SiOUcr from iJeaufori county to tue ixaUoum Kk. J). .jitioa a. l iouis Mo u;'iigiii eiilered liie University of Wor th Carolina iu September, n,ii;.)j tu-. i,i v d- pvi-uiiem, where ui- reuifciiicd ouo vir. In AU'ibt l (.(. be 1 iit-bcd iiie Kxauutiati- 011 ul'tue txipreu:e Col t oi Hf.u i.-i.r..iiu.i to prai't'ce inw, with iii-u liouo? 6,- bo.y Ingii.y conipuiiiDiitrd by two 1 .ou.lj r, Ji wind usiUit upou tbu eVJullclit LX.UU1 nallon pn-rii by bim, he w.tn then iiji;i;seu and comnieiiceu ilie piacuce ot k. bcun-he was 21 ynr tl'ay lie then associated -in piMOtie.) wiih Lis lather under b, in jiauic of d.miuoiiK fe KimuioiiH, J ust (i inui tim after tbib his faiier died. leaviii; Liai with Voiy mji louxTtsiMVi.-Siblitiea lim a vtry x r Henuns re.pci.M:it:e.-; and v-r lur.je la.u ily .depimUfui m eu bim JJ, vv'in, suo-j do red ibtKtt laspoCMbilities is w.-.u ltu -. Jnr t toll'iwin bm fa bei'8 de tii,, m, us. e i.ued himself iu (ho .com t piv.cicu wiih How. W. M. n.uid, ot Euentot., JN C. with wl.O'u ho is nti.1 ascsojirtiea in me C ur s a der the lirui name, i'.o.,d it -m: ta in-. He flan L.s an t.itiu. m is, iihv iN.C'wbeni be is associated in l-r.-.fii. wiiu doun u looiy, unr.er l,rni n..uie, , -oiy & .-i. urn-'ti... it iLay be' Kif'iy B.u,i hr enjoys as luuratiy..' a putciic for bi" aye aft any attcrn. y or tins i-tato A-: a lawyer be L.tS been wr.ndorfilllv successful. -Shuu advocate bef.,e tho bur he has f w equa.s m,a 11 p. erh for Ins H:n. ills ability iIh a .j.ubi.e Kj.eakcr u Hcoureti for him a lar-i portion of itm ciiCiiu-il practice pf lh is e-iuii'y foe Iho ps5 liv.) yean. U may bu h, fiy .Siia he has had more ei-.pori-. nte in nod tried mo-eel 1 mi hat cawea tl.cu any lawyer iu this xuu-- !( ai3 In Deenj.or. 1')(S, he was elects vl'tlpt aiii of the Washington Light infantry l.c miiiua xb-s vush!i uulissmI honor, bo In. l vina; nevur Httenxled a Military Kdiool, but was ciccttd froui priyiiie life, l.e uceepled thfc commission as OopLiin and bus im.de ah t-llictei.t and capable ome.or,,rtnd Imi received on many occasions eompl men thry Uifiitiou by his hupf-iior i l'j-.-eis. lie was a i -isgate 10 tho ilouioe ratio Cue t , fenatoi iui, UonresHiuind .u,d t e couveotiohrior 1jo8. Ho lias been u Lain woiber fot tbeCuUseof JJew'ocraey. Duri ng ti htate Hud uutioimlcuupaigu i.-i'i'.i.iH uuder the uirei-l.on ot ti.ej ti.ata Jje.mwcra atJG LXecUl'iVo cohjhllltee, he caov.isstU this itiMKCt m behall or the i.atwm.w aud' tsiute ticket uhx-h eomp.-iin h,. m:l;1(. ttU- ---.- ,v. """"ui tuiA f;"0'i to h!S h - rty m.'1'tjug m j oint debat-j K(mia f the abl t liap-.bliaan speaker JwiJ leaders m tbat distiict For Sherim to tha Dutoenuic Voters of 'Wash ing Ion C'unty;- 1 take this method of an .M:uuneitig my-self a candid no for (tie office id .hlieriii' of Wa.shmgttih Cotuity subj tet to -the action of the DtLiucratic I'rittiaries and convention 1 make this announcement at the earnest solicitation of many friend from every section of the cuulitv and .if noyumaed mid elected will "made vtr tiidctvoa to fill thc officue win: satisfaction to all. Yotir truly, W. J . ."yi AUi; Cieswell. A. C. I s, me Ghouidei, is alu-p-t ;)vai :b!y cr.use ky rbemnatitim of the uiitacies und'yioids quickly to Ihe free, uppliciition of Chatll berium'si Liniment, This lini.neut in not only prompt and effectual, but ni no way (Us'iKrefcabie to nse. Bol'J by dealers. "ll.fi IMa-no v;ii thfl Sweet .Tflfie.'J. Wlt-pn you li;i'V(:Vr'"'"''in.j; to -si-ti c.io.pH. ..'jtoo'ds clc. o'.i (jnd'iuvof toytd. t!n;lf,,,hill V;slut'. ,f ' V'JMiw :hoieo of u'PI A NO is of even nSoro jav.jwji I uiK-f, fufji mi.stiiko will t'L1 a-IU'v'-l iiiic llioi ti it' tin. lli'sh, fi u!'.sUiTt'iiiiKn-iii!(r. -'I'.tfi.ro ioC!(ht), sen what, wo uih'f t.!n'.!l U8U yUf jlli1'lfH:;:tl.. :ir3 on wm.iI. in a'llitjy g;t. full- valyo fur your 1 1 o-: i y ;i'id have iu itisu-utiiout tht.t wtll be a sottrrfe i;f p'er.ru all y'ii' life. All .sTiEPF ami ll.WV !;ti?s iiiv- sold dnvoi from tnaker. . CUAS. M. STIEFF, . L. ('. Mgr., Ill (Jranby St.. - Norfolk, Va, "The I'hvJio with ihs Sweet Tone'' (Mention this paper.) Clrkial t'laeo Jarnostown ExpoNitfon.. .Vf NO.TICJ;. Vv iwliingtcn (JiHh.lv, Mortli Caroiiua, .etier Court. l, L, Owns Hud wife Mary. vh L. II. lloruUial mid L. It. Horn U tl urviv j J'-WtiUrof tioiulihil i!i L'ro. 'a purine! fi!U hiiH. Carrie Itomtbat Mrs. luura, hol I'Oiiili aud :jo)oiu:JM hr hiiKbitL.(i iiiilheril I wiiui and Lumber Co. (o cot ii'.'ra'ion.) The defendants above tfiiitd will talc ih'tica thiit mi HiiCtMii eat;ti"d as aloye has b'-e i eommi-cced in k ii'ierior Court ! VVrtshiiH;tou N.U. to redeem atjrruiu tract cf land in uaid ctinuty ktwu as "Fo: Gitrrett 1'a.riu" and to reeov -r darn al'ns lur hoidins' ttumc bv I). U. Hoiiiih-il and lndL and tbc otiuT defeiKj-intS and tu pay iieiita.n .Moriae. tLriKii retit-jred in nok X page -t.",4 .Keiphtt vu oIli.;e said Uoua;y, Aud thesidd doteitdantrf' ivil! fur tbi-r lake notice that they are repair, d to Hj'pear at a teiiu vl Superior 'Jourc to be behl for (Joyjity of W nsbington at Court House in Pl mouth ou the !(li. Monday after 1st Mobiay iu .Sept. VJW. Yud answer' or ucmur to compl tint tiled in Hind action or plaiutiiH win apply m Court, for .relief therm demanded. -id defend.a-:iss, (except mni Lnmber C'0 will fustlur take, notice that a wariaut ol altacbniHil-.Lns li-8iled fio:u thin court eainst their property, to Sbeiill' of said (jaunty, veu;ruublo ou ti moufliH utter 1st. Monday in ept. I'.MO. !Siid attaebnient ar isitia out of cliUus move by plain tiffs as - tout abova ami. t.tid plaintiff laimiiig $1-)0 0 ) tit'd any bu"--iiith in said "Foliy trictt Finiu" and tv rodviuption of (xriiiin iiiii!tiiak.'e Vrv.n J. P. liiiliard Wife"i to etid L. Ii. aud'L. Iforutbdl a?1 above, sot on.. Al-w) suit, defend .int-. will tuko notice 1 1 L said warw.ut of ai Ucliiuuut in, r-ot urn Able t saw, time ,'"i P'aae hh. meMtiwi;ed a'.mvt! lo.wnt.at l'iyuioucil, V.'i;shinE,ton Co ' ti in,-! IbuiSf.-; This 1st itty of June l'.HO. (j. V. W. Arsnox, C. S. 0. THE a'OKTH CAJiOLUN'A CwlhLliLOt' AliRiriMl'irfc A.il; MiXilA.i : kU. The States college for tra- ' iniiiff. industrial workers. Cou- rses in Agriculture, Horticul ture, Animal Husbandry stud Dairying; in, -ivil, Elecirical and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing in industrial Chemistry; and in Agricultural Teaching. Entrance examinations nt each county seat on the 14th, of July, r. H. UILL.-Pres, VVcstaSciSli, N. C. Mr. Farmer I haye a strictly up-to-date Flour and Com Mill. 1 am manufacuring as line "white fjour ivi any mili in America that makes a pure Flour- 1 use no Chemicals fo. bleach ing and whitening. If you have any wheat that you want to exchange fo flour and bran, I would like to do business with you. Yours truly, Jonathan Havens, Washing toil, N. C. jeC-tth-U AN N 0 UNC M J N fi 1 will be a corulidate before the Uetuucialic primaries and the next Democratic District convention, for the nomination as fcvih.'Uor of tiic First Judicial Djstriec of tins btate i. nj'pteL'die sujiyort of all Demo crats, if nominated und "elected 1 promise to Uncharge t lie ' duties ol said ollicefauiv and impartially i tjiout fuar or favor Feb. 1st, 'l'JIU Money 'hwk i it . ufaefeurer. t . - 2. A reinebv used by rich and poor alike. Ji, HeaJs -wi tliout a scar, leaves- tlwc skin .niauth,-sott and j and healthy . . . I las cured many cases that were pronounced incurable 4. Gives c;ick relief to the burning and itching sensa tioin And is absolutely harmless. : C. (Jood for all forms xskin diseases and cures wherr .oths fail... T. Ovey,a lOCOOtvteer; sold-'a pestiye guarantee iia. 1909. 8. It is easy to .vse, directiG!s be.ij? simple and -easy t follow. Eacli bo:-c represents 5 cents worth of roG.deii not oeeists worth of rfdcicine .and 25 cents 'worth, ?f .ad .yertifiing. A n d is manufactured by iizni wbick plates quality ahovc everythiug else. 1 Awn k 1 LddlesI Ou Mad Better COme Cneell Just a few more patterns Kashi aiid Seuzine silks left' emember tliey are 35c. valua g'oing at 25c. A fuU line of 25 & :(50c. hose for just received. We can suit you. Special low prices on low qua rtered sjioes. All Hats & Caps at cost. A neat line dress goods, prices right. Everything to be had in the Grocery line. Perishable goods ail on cold storage. As jn the past we want to please our customers and appreciate their business.. Thanking the good people for past patronage and wilting a continna c'. i-am, Very Hcspcctfully Clyde C-nhosii's " EEr-til T Of unNDITIUX 0 TDK HAMvtiJi' DLVMOtlTIU at Plyhlollib, iu the Klaio of Sortb Cato lina, at tlio cioso of businei-S Alch 2!Kh l!)t() -i-j.sotjns.n:?- Loans and discounts 53 LL A IIS lid.Wl.Sl Z ;;Sl)! 0 .'0( .otlD.OO i.-.n on 2.-t;0().i)ii ii.inato Overdrafts; neynre.-! Nnllii Oaniiin.i .ituisi Pmnda AM other Hoick--, Itmids & Mtg's. t'leniilltll oi! IJuikIk UaukliMj; Louse, filjiiiltlrn ,t fist. .Dili- from lianUs and UiuikcM ;Casb ! Toiai aiv,4ijti'i-ii' nor.t.AKB, 52,.'.t.00 5000.00 78.-1-3S :m IlASa.IvDlKa OapUnbstocK SlliplU? fund ITndiyidcd pr'iftta. Ifi'pii-.-iitK iiub.-(,t to cbofk Stale of- North Carolina, Con ty of Wasb i i 't i I. Olarrnna Lu.Jbain, (imhier of t-he :-bo-Ae iiui(1 L.iUti !: , do siM.-iiitily s .vear r!iat l! above sJatemt-iUt in trim to tbu best of my liuwlcd3 and beiief. Ci.ArN'r. LATHAirt, ('ai-hier. Siibseribcd mni sworn to before me, this 7di day of Apr, I10. (J. V. V. A t iS'idn, 0. S. (.!, Correct Attest: L. S. L A NDT -;!. ., A- LvOAVliNi, U . 0. A VKItS. Jhr.cioif. liiaili;oea Phut) Id be cuii d V'ilhont loss ol time und by a mi-dti-me wticli like tjhaii .eiaaiiiS O'dic, OLo e.'.'l il'.'i-d JdaiT uo.;u ICeiuiiily imi il)l cures piomptiy bll priMtuceh oo unple.i.iahl hllt-r iliict-. 1 uecr lads alui hi pleasant i;hd si;!o to tiillO Soki by all dcalel'rt. TIC Under ami by virture of, an order in the pioce. dmh bi tore (Jn-ik .Supciior Court cotillfd liariLa Iirownili'.t fl al. Nuid ow ner bc-tu; yri.iCit iu May 2th.Tle under signed i,inii):Sloher will Ndll lor c.tsli to hlfiliesl thlihr at mJO at Cejiri House tioor m i'lymoii.tn N. O. on Ju.y 1ft VW at It a. iu, '1 ho lands of tha late .larcellu !rtwijiui, wl.tte be lived to Wui'iuton UoUntj. Adjiiinitnr lauds of W 15. Water. ;n th Wtbt K. li K. L. Jo cm 'ntb, Asa Allen ou the at. -neU Jietry ou lb Nortlj. CmXainiu 1 CicreR more or Icst, . Ibis Jday '.'mu in 10. . M. i gD.Jr. CcmuiUuoiier. je 1 4t f ,li.E.ljVJ OI'll't7 m.SJ Back Ifll Falls., uivd by the m-a?- I At in. Ladles & Gent'a STATEMENT OF THE BANSt CF UKKSiVELL, Cli-ES- ' W'tiLL, N.a At close of business May, 2f 1010,, , JzitsotJjtEks : Iyaa f.n j Discounts, $ia,f.f)f..2. 3,313.4&i 'in on S81 3& . I'lirniture and Fixtures, Due l'r.otn liankn awh Banker Qold.soin, , , , Silver coin, including a-U aiinot coin currency, . N3,t. laank uote&iii other U. r3. lio'ea . . 0S3 )( JSJi'-MoaTta- f.r,0OO.0) Total,' LIABILITH',,'1 ; Capital Stock, Undivided I'mflls, less current e2.po;crt-S und taxen paid, Df'po.si I subject tocbtCk Savings Deposit, CerulieJ Checks - - - . . 43S 72, 10.81H.7-1 2,893 3!) C,25 l0fuI- . $111,1 -.8.1 State of Not ili Cliua, Coun'y oi Wasli. ington, hs : 1, D. E. WomUey, Cashier of the ab va, named bank, do soleniidy swer.r that the abovrt ataicuieiit ia, true to the bestnf iny knowledge and belief. O. K. Woi.-ji.et. Cashier. i-Vtibsciilicd and sworn to before me, lbi& atb day of April. li.Uo NV. II, IIa.j;jm )N, J. p. Oorrect-Alicst: IL .A. LiTonpreLD. W. IK.11A14D160N, Wm. W ile? ijirectors. THE NORTlt CAROLINA,' State Normal and Industrial CoIIge. Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North (Jattilina. Four regul ar Courses leading to degrees, ispec,-. ial Cotwes fyr Teachers. Fallgesaiotk begins benteuiber .U. 1.910. Thono ' de-sirmg to enter should apply a?, early us possible. For catalogue and. other information address. aUUUS t 4 lrsiaeot. Ch:nbf rluiu's Momach and. Liver IVb lets will brace up the nerves, banish Hick, biudaclin, prevent deupondoncy aij.4 in- Vigoratc thy 'itbola ay at eat. bold by !;. (.dealers. A ..J.. NEWBERRY, Surveyor Enginser, u

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