t& a Year, In Advaoca. "FOR OOD, FOK COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." VOL. XXI. PLYMOUTH, N, C. JfRIDAY, JULY 1, NCV3. CHARLTON CAUGHT Boyish Murderer May Go from Jail a Free Man. AN UNPRECEDENTED SITUATION Cannot be Tried Under the Laws of New Jersey Up to United States Italy May Not Grant Extradition. Family Declare Young Man Insane New York, Speeial. Porter Charl ton will not be tried for murder in the courts of New Jersey. Whether he beat his wife on the head into in sensibility with blows with a wooden mallet at Lake Como, Italy, and then stuffed her, still living, into a trunk and sank the trunk in the waters of the lake, is a matter outside the jurisdiction of the New Jersey courts. On the other hand, he will not be released until the question of his sanity is determined. This isvassured by the Charlton family, who announ ced through counsel that . if the youth's mind proves dangerously un sound they would take the initiative in having him committed to some suitable institution. The. attitude of the New Jersey courts, as defln'ed by Prosecutor Pierre Garven of Hudson county, is this: "The State of New Jersey now holds Charlton merely on the com plaint of the Italian consul general as a fugitive from Italian justice, pending a request for his extradition from the Italian Department of State through the Italian minister to Secretary Knox of the American De partment of State. If extradition is not demanded there is absolutely no action that the courts of this State can take. Whether tho Federal courts can still step in is a matter outside my province and on which the At torney General of the United States is more competent to pass opinion." Thus there is a possibility that CharU.on may walk from jail a free man without trial, for the general trend of the dispatches from Rome 6eem to indicate that the Italian government will act in the matter with reluctance, if at all, since the demand of extradition to Italy of an American subject who has committed a crime within Italian jurisdiction would imperil a cherished Italian precedent. - Nevada Governor Won't Stop Tight. Ogden, Utah, Special. Governor Diekerson, of Nevada, will not inter fere with the Jeffries-Johnson fight. When seen by a representative of the Associated Press the Governor said that the laws of Nevada licens ed prize fighting and that, therefore, the Executive of the State was with out authority to stop the fight. "However, if there is any evidence of a fake fight," said Governor Ditk erson, ' ' I shall stop it, but I am con vinced the contest is on its merits. Be certain to qualify that statement as to the fake fight." Jack Johnson Goes Too Fast. San Francisco. Special. Jack Johnson was taken to the city prison Wednesday on a charge of violating the automobile speed laws. He was released on $50 bail. . Johnson was arrested at his train ing camp where he had locked him self in. Three policemen broke in and with drawn revolvers took the negro from the room. Under .advice of Chief of Police Martin, a charge of resisting an officer was changed to one of exceeding the speed limit. Hoke Smith Enteis Georgia Race. Atlanta, . Ga., Special. Former Gov. Hoke Smith, who was defeated for re-election two year3 ago by Jo seph M. Brown, has announced his candidacy for the governorship. Gov. Brown is a candidate for re election. Idaho Gets the Honor. Washington, Special. The battle ship Idaho is to enjoy for a year tht coveted official honor of being the best hitter in the American navy. A comparison of the shooting perform ance of the battleships this year is made public at the Navy Department. The Idaho made a score of 46.121. The South Carolina gets second place with a score of 42.585, and the Wis consin third with a score of 40.478. First Cotton Bale. Houston, Tex., Special. Weighing 416 pounds, the first bale of the cot ton crop 1910, reached here Thursdaj from Mercedes. The bale classed as good middling and at auction brought $375. "Golden Rule" Chief Vindicated. Cleveland, Special. Fred Kohler, the "Golden Rule" chiefof police who was suspended from his position bv Mayor Baehr upon the filing of charges alleging drunkenness and im morality, was acquitted by the civil service commission. Kobler will be instated at onee. THE NEWS MINUTELY TOLD The Heart of Happenings Carvei From the Whote Country. Richard A. Coleman, the "Peck's bad boy" of theatrical fame died at Beston. Theodore Roosevelt has asked Gov ernor Hughes to visit him at Saga more Hill in the hear future for a conference. Mrs. Hattie Gorman, widow of the late Senator Arthur Pue Gorman, of Maryland, died at Washington, at the age of 75, after a lingering ill ness. ' One of the biggest jobs which Col. Roosevelt found himself confronted with when he reached the Outlook office was the looking over of nearly 5,000 letters. By. a vote of 255 to 20 the House passed a bill providing for the is suance of certificates of indebtedness to the amount of $20,000,000 to pro vide a fund for the completion of reclamation projects already begun. Maharajah Sir Sayaji II, gaekwar of Baroda, who enjoys an annual in come of $12,000,000,' and is one of the richest potentates in India, is visiting New York and Boston. His son, Prince Jasingaro, is a student at Yale. ) Practically every window in the town of Algiers, 111., was destroyed. Hailstones which by actual" measure ment were five inches in circumfer ence fell and hundreds of chickens were killed. The damage is estimat ed at $100,000. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion denied the application of the Pullman Car jCompany to postpone the date when the commission's order requiring the company to lower its rates shall become effective. The rate goes into effect July 1. The Cuban house of representa tives passed a bill- granting, a 30 years' concession to an American company to operate bull fights, cock fights, horse racing and gambling gen erally on the reservation at Buena Vista, a suburb of Havana. The spider beauty spot veil is the latest novelty offered to women. Of course, it originated in Paris. It is a copy of a spider in blaek chenille and is posed outside the veil. It iu almost an inch and a half in diameter. The veil is worked in imitation of a spider's web. At Dusseldorf, Germany, the first regular air ship "passenger service was inaugurated when Count Zeppelin's great craft, the, Deutschland, carry ing 20 passengers, successfully made the first scheduled trip from Fried richshafen to Dusseldorf, a distance of 300 miles, in nine hours. A remarkable operation has jut been performed at the New Yortc post-graduate hospital by. which a man has been provided with an arti ficial jaw of pure gold to replace a jawbone destroyed by disease. The operation is said to be the first of the kind tver performed ia a New York hospital. A document has been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Onon daga county, N. Y., by which Fred erick H. Joss, a business man, trans fers' his wife to Harry W. Rogers, a bookkeeper, for the sum of $1. The agreement contains many stipulations concerning payment of debts, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Joss have been married for 19 years. Rogers was a roomer in their home. Old stories about hailstones fall ing from the clouds as large as hen eggs were eclipsed at York, Pa., by William Diffendaffer, who lives in West Babbitt. lie says that a hail stone weighing 50 pounds or more, composed of a let of smaller ones, during the storm of Saturday night fell in his back" yard. It was 3C inches long and 14 inches wide at the time he called in several of the neigh bors, who voueh for his statements. Some do not credit the story, and think that a quantity of hail was swept together aivl frozen. The report of the local Internal Revenue Collector, at Wheeling, W. Va., shows that 10,000,000 stogies are made in Wheeling each month. More stogies are made ther,e than in any other city in the world. A recommendation has been made to Congress by Postmaster General Hitchcock that a law be enacted to Indemnify the senders or owners of third and fourth class domestic mat ter lost in the mails. When Henry Thompson Brown, em ployed at a saloon at Marysville, near Helena, Mont., found two nickels and a dime on the floor, he began laughing at his good fortune and con tinued to laugh violently until he fell over dead. It was found that his violent laughter had resulted in the breaking of a blood vessel. Brown was colored and 60 years old. The factory of the B. J. Harrison Chair Company, Winstead, Conn., which is operated by water from Highland lake, has been running 24 hours a day for several days, so many eels having found their way into the gates n the wheel it that it was impossible to lose them. WORK Of CONGRESS Labored Very Hard And Enact ed Important Laws INVESTIGATE BRIBE CHARGES Separate Committee For Each House to Investigate ' Bribery Attempts During Recess The Last Aet Signed by the President Some of the Most Important Legislation Passed. Washington, Special Each house of Congress Saturday night marked its closing hour by voting for an invest igation of the McMurray Indian contracts. Instead of the usual scene of comparatively undignified relaxa tion from the business of legislation, both Houses deVoted exceelingly se rious attention to the charges of at tempt bribery and other forms of im proper influence made in the Senate Friday by Senator Gore of Oklahoma and subsequently in the House by Representative Murphy of Missouri. Two separate investigations are provided for one in each House. Each body passed a resolution creat ing a select committee of five mem bers to pursue the inquiry into the bottom during the recess of Con gress and to report whether any of its members, are, or have been, in terested in any of these contracts. Until a late hour in the day it looked rather as if the matter would go by iefault. The last measure signed by Presi dent Taft was a joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to toan tent3 to the Appalachian exposi tion to be held ; in Knoxville, Tenn., in September, which Mr. Taft ex pects to attend. Notwithstanding the fact that ac tion on many important measures was delayed by conflicts between insurgents and regular Republican factions in both branches, and that the Demo cratic minority was an active force, Congress concluded its long session with a record 'for enacting legislation that seldom, if ever, hast been equal ed; Chief in the list of legislation for which the administration contended were the following: Striking revision of the railroad laws, including the creation of a com merce court. Admitting Arizona and Nfew Mex ico as separate States. Authorizing the establishment of postal savings banks. Giving to the President unlimited authority to withdraw public lauds for conservation purposes. Providing for publicity of campaign jontributions. Authorizing the issue of $20,000, )0fr in certificates of indebtedness to jomplete reclamation projects. Creating a bureau of mines. Extending the activities of the tar iff board and appropriating $250,000 for its use. Looking to the supervision of traf fic in "white slaves." Authorizing the entry of the sur face of coal lauds. Creating a commission to consider economics .in the administration of the Federal government. Providing a new tariff system for Ihe Philippine islands. Legislation which, ultimately is ex pected to give practical prohibition to the Hawaiian Islands. Opposed to the foregoing formid able list of legislation obtained were a comparatively small number of measures which had administration aympathy but. failed of passage. Not the least conspicious acts of Congress were the strenuous meas ures taken by the House of Repre sentatives to reform its system of conducting business so that less power might be imposed in the Speaker and the organization of which he was the natural leader. The Speaker was removed from the committee on rules, which he had previously been credited with domi nating and a new rule was adopted for the purpose of effectually prevent ing pigeon-holing of bills by commit tees when they were approved by a majority of the House. The increase provided for the navy was notable. Two battleships of 27, 000 tons each, armed with 14-inch guns, making thera the most formid able dreadnaughts afloat, were au thorized. The naval strength of the United States will be further sup plemented by 6 torpedo boat destroy-j ers, Z coiners and 4 submarines, while an increase of the personnel of the navy of 3,000 men was author ized. Various ether measures of minor importance were enacted into law. CANNONS SUMMARY Distinguished Speaker Praises The Labor of Congress. CHARACTER OF WORK COUNTS. Change of Rules Have Amounted to Nothing 6,000 of 27,000 Bills Con sidered 300 Public Laws Enacted -Postal Savings Bank Bill a Law Appropriations Not Near as Large as Demanded by the People. Washington, Special. Joseph G. Cannon summarized the work of Con gress in a statement he gave to the press. The Speaker paid most at tention ' to " the legislative work ac complished, referring only incidental ly to the fight which had been made on the rules of the House. The re form of the rules, he said, had re sulted in little advantage. The Speaker declared that the Con gress just ended had done more and better work than any Congress of which he had been a member during his thirty-five years of service in the House. After recounting the legisla tion enacted, the Speaker said : , "This work of legislation has gone on quietly, but effectively, while those who view Congress from a dis tance have been assuming that the House was doing nothing but chang ing its rules. The changes of rules have contributed to the pleasare and perhaps the power of some individ uals in the House; but the current of legislation itself has moved on as usual with little disturbance on ac count of a few new methods and with little advantage therefrom, . ' ' I do not think the work o a Con gress should be measured by the vol ume of business but by the character of the legislation and the care taken in its consideration. Measured by that standard the sixty-first Congress will take a high place' in the record of legislation. There have been, how ever, more than 0,000 of the 27,000 bills considered and reported from committees and about 300 public laws enacted in this session, as against 400 public laws for the entire Sixtieth Congress. I can commend the entire membership of the House for in dustry and intelligence in their legis lative work of this session." "This Congress has not only revis ed the tariff, without disturbing bus iness, but it has enacted important legislation, amending the interstate commerce Jaw, making that law more effective, giving the Interstate Com merce Commission greater power and creating a court of commerce and this without seriously affecting the busi ness of the railroads or checking their increase of wages to their em ployes. This seems to me to meet the definition of statesmanship in legis lation. The Speaker then detailed other legislation which had been enacted. "The appropriations, " he said, "have been large but not nearly as large as demanded by the people who were agitating over the development of various departments of the gov ernment. "The Democrats have talked about economy but they have helped en large every appropriation and there are bills introduced by Democrats and not acted upon which would call for $500,000,000 additional expendi ture. So, I take it, their talk of econ omy is Pickwickian. As I said in the beginning, the work of this Congress has been greater than any other with which I have been identified as a member and it has been constructive legislation in the face cf destructive tacties and efforts to create, factional strife. These efforts, I regret to say, have received more attention in the public press than the real work of legislation and having given so much space to these revolutionary efforts at I the expense of the record of work, it is not surprising that some of the editors should suddenly discover in these last days that the Republican Congress has enacted laws to carry out the pledges of the Republican platform and then jumps at the con clusion that this work lias been done in haste before adjournment instead of being the painstaking effort of sev en months by the committees and the members of Congress." Old Woman Married Boy. Hartford, Conn., Special The con servatory appointed over the estate of Mrs. Lucinda M. Cushman Treat Goddard, 70 years old, in the Probate Court upon action brought by her son, Edwin A. Treat, following her mariiage last September to Charles R. Goddard, 21 years of age and a member of the Yale Law School, is set aside by a decision of Judge Burpee handed down in the Superior Court. She is said to have property valued in excess of $20,000, and after her marriage her son, instituting the pro ceedings, alleged that ehe was not :apable of managing her affcrnra. JEFFRIES AND JOHNSON. Physical Comparisons Made of the Two Prize Fighters. Jim Jeffries and Jack Johnson. Jeffries. Johnson. Age 35 32 Weight 220 214 Height Cft.ll-4in. Cft.lin. Neck 181-4 18 Chest (normal) ..46 39 Chest (expanded) 501-2 42 Biceps 15 161-4 Forearm .. .. ..13 141-4 Wrist 8 i01"2 Reach 75 72 Waist 36 34 Thigh 251-2 23 Calf 171-4 15 Ankle 10 91-2 Fights 20 64 Lost ..1 2 Purse, $101,000. Jeffries gets $75, 750, win, draw or lose. Johnson, $25,250. Moving pictures estimated $50,000 to each. Jeffries has won nineteen fights and lost one; "Johnson has won sixty-two fights and lost two. Reno, Nevada, Special Dispatch. Temperamentally, Jack Johnson is an interesting study. His chief char acteristic is his unfailing good na ture, a curiously constant! sort of even temper that nothing seems to ruffle.' His "golden smile" is seldom out of evidence, and not even the coarse and insulting jibes that fre quently greet him from spectators seem to have the power to disturb him. Even when ducking a storm of blows and showing wonderful skill in evading the onslaughts of his op ponent, Johnson never loses his poise nor his power of observation. Hi3 eyes take in and appraise everything that transpires at the ringside. He seems to hear every comment made by the onlookers, and even in the midst of a clinch, when every muscle is tense,' will recognize a witty sally from the audience with a flash of Ms ready smile, and, like as not, an equally witty rejoinder thrown at the audience over the reeking should er against which he is pressing. "Why don't you fight, you black man?" yelled an enthusiast at the Johnson-Kaufman fight. The men were in a clinch at the time, but without an instant's hesitation, Johnson shouted back, "Why should J fight? I've got your $10 already." And this cool-headedness under fire is another of the negro's qual ities upon which his backers count, believing it impossible to rattle him by any known ring tactics. That his good nature does not indicate a low order of intelligence, however, has been clearly shown by his clever bus iness methods and his rather well done ringside speeches. Men who have watched him say he simply has no nervesusing the word in the ac cepted sense. Johnson feels that he has been well trained for this fight. He regards his present staff that has whipped him into shape in his -wind-swept camp on the beach as the best he eviV had, and says no fighter was ever given more loval and efficient service than he has received. All of his training partners those who do the real work with him are young men. Effective Anti-Typhoid Vaccine. Paris, By Cable. Prof. Vincent an nounced before the Academy of Med icine the discovery of an effective anti-typhoid vaccine, which he pre pared by steeping typhoid bacilli in a weak solution of water and sotlium chloride (common salt) with an ad mixture of ether. Prof. Vincent made a number of experiments with animals, which af ter being vaccinated, withstood sub sequent inocculation with typhoid germs. Preacher Must Pay $4,000. Chicago, Special. Mrs. Mary A. Lavender, who sued the Rev. E. D. Crawford, pastor of the Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal Church, for $50, 000, charging slander, was awarded $4,000 by a jury. The suit was brought on by talk by the pastor based on a confession, he said, she made to him concerning her, another clergyman and himself. Battle With Desperate Man. Ocillia, Ga.. Special. Chief of Po lice Davis, of Ocilla, was shot and killed and Jailer (!. Bass was prob ably fatally wounded and other mem bers of the sheriff's posse received minor wounds as a result of a battle Sunday with H. W. Bostwiek, who had barricaded himself in a house in the western part of Irwin county. Diaz Again Elected President Mexico. Mexico City, Speeial. Gen. Pori fio Diaz was Monday elected presi dent of Mexico and Gen. Corralos vice-president by an overwhealming majority, according to returns re ceived here from all over the country. SENATE SENSATION Blind Senator Gore Exposes Bribery Attempt. CONCERNING ATTORNEY FEES. Senators and Representative and Other Ex-Officials and Prominent People Involved in Ugly Charges Affecting Congressional Legisla tionLegislators Stirred Lobby Maintained Investigation Will be Ordered. Washington, Special. Senator Gore of Oklahoma disclosed in the Senate Friday what he interpreted as an effort to bribe, him in connection with legislation affecting the fortune in attorneys' fees claimed by J. F. McMurray of Oklahoma for services rendered to the Choctaw and Chick asaw nations in land and town sits cases. . . The charge created a sensation in the Senate which later extended to the House. The latter body in con sequence sent back to conference the general, deficiency bill which carried an item relating to contracts between the Indians and their attornej's. As a reult of the denouement, Sen ator Gore finally involved a member of the Senate committee on Indian affairs, a member of the House com mittee on Indian affairs, two former Senators one from Nebraska and the other from Kansas but jwbsoe names were not made public" in de bate.. It is not improbable that an in vestigation will be ordered. Mr. Gore was compelled to address the Senate three times before that body was ful ly aroused to the seriousness of the charges which he made. His first effort was in connection with the adoption of the conference report on the deficiency bill, which had been presented by Senator Hale. As passed by the Senate, that measure contain ed an amendment which would render null and void contracts made by the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations and by individual members of these tribes with their attorneys, unless the "con tracts were approved by Congress. Thisf provision was in accordance with a' resolution introduced by Mr. Gore on May 4 last. It was designed to prevent Mr. McMurray from ob taining fees which, it is said, would aggregate $3,000,000 and which Mr. Gore complained had not been earn ed by the attorney. Mr. Gore explained that on May 4 last he had offered a resolution sim ilar in terms to the amendment he had placed in the deficiency bill in the Senate and that it had been re ferred to the' committee on Indian af fairs. On the following day Senator" Hughes had beee directed to mak$ a favorable report tfon the resolution, he said. "On May 6," excalimed Mr. Gore, "a man came to me with an improper suggestion. He was a representative 'of Mr. McMurray, a resident of my nome town, and had been my friend in time of need. He assured me it would be to my financial interest if I would call on the Senator from Colorado and advise him not to re port the resolution. There was a sug gestion that $25,000 or $50,000 would be available if the contracts were not prohibited. I anr. informed that a similar proposition was made Thurs day to a member of the House of Rep resentatives. " Mr. Gore also charged that an "ex Senator sfrom Nebraska and an ex Senator from Kansas are interested in these contracts" and declared that a large lobby was maintained in Washington in that interest. He said that he felt in honor bound to con tinue these efforts "to prevent this steal from those defenseless Indians in Oklahoma." Boost Taft Administration. St. Paul, Minn., Special. Indors ing the "Wise. Conciliatorv" adrrin. istration of President Taft but lavins on the table by an overwhelming vote a resolution "reaffirming our unal terable support of the policies nro- mulgated by Theodore Roosevelt" the Minnesota State Republican Conven tion met Wednesday and nominated a full State ticket. Twins Borned Joined Together. Vienna, By Cable. A curious pair of freak twins, on- the "Siamese' plan, has been born to gypsy parents at the village of Havric, ia the Aus trian Tyrol. Both axe boys, and they are joined together blow the waist. While their upper ports are distinct, there is only one pair of legs. There is a marked difference in the consitu tion of the two twins, one being lusty and voracious, the other fair skinned in contrast to his brother is rather languid and delicate. Both the parents are swarthy skin ned gypsys of the true type. t