resignation at the County . H6nta" brings' t 6 mind the con ditions existing twelve or fifteen years aigb which this paper made such ahard fight "to have chan ged, "Vrid that was the letting of the Sdperint.derits placejlj" the .lowest bidqef.'1' " 1 ' Thfc inmates of the County Hqme rp nit primmal. but unfortu- 'Aliite'and as such should' ex'bect! . . nd.have such ' attention as this! that is they should be given such food as in yalld sheed, 'their person, TWjMa,' 'tiering, clothing, etc., vahniild hft ii'ant 'rieat and clean v,.w ir ( &hdthgtcod should be properly - preRarea. No tax-payer who deserves the name of citzen oTbiects to the ex penditure of public funds for tlie legitimate expense of this insti tution, yet when under bidding is ' ijeguh tf.e inma'tes' suffer, for it goe$ kf'such extent that it' falls Into ihe hands 'of some one who . pannot afford to give it proper whare to make a living In the name "Of these unfortu nates and from a spirit of prkf e and common humanity, we 'do ask aft'd insist th'at 'our board of tpunly Commissioners placeihe Superintendent of this home upon a salary sufficient to justify satisfactory service and then let 'the Warden of the poor or the charirrian of the board of Health $ee that this service is properly . rendered. "II $?rel ine" or It saved the life oi my Child, aire t&frexpresHlons yon; brtfir'dry tWy.tabo'ut VhaiAberlain Colic UhSllriVjid Diarrhoea JfocWjtly. t'hia in true the 6ld 6Ver feerd'tUiflH,iibh rotredy has been lntrodiieo. No other' "mediciae in aw fur diarrhoea, or, bowel coaiplhinta has received jucu general1, approval tke Becret of the kacoee oi Chaajtwitliin's Crotic; CLolen aud piarrboea Keniidjf'is1 tLat is cured. Mold by all dealers. 'w 'y ,The Ypters pf yashingtcq I hereby announce myself a can didate or th office of Treasurer of Washington Coiiiity, Bubject'to the aeliou of the Democratic Primaries. And if elected, will endeavor $3 discharge the duties of that oCice to the satisfaction of th6' people'- Ten respoctflHly . V W. H. ilAi'MSON. . . '. tj ; U yon aa not satisfied alter using accord ' ng to. clrectloDf two thirds of abottle of ChamWlain'e StouiaCti and Liver Tablet vou can bV6 your isosey back The tablet Cleans Arid invigorate the stomach, 1m brofetbe TKgfcrtkm regulate the bowels Give thtfei a trial nd get welt, sold by all fillers Fo jieriffl After due coiwderation sxd qpiic ition of many frlfeuds 1 take this iaethod of actioanci-ng myself a candidate-ior iH&"6flSce of Sheriff of Washincri County, subject to the action the Democratic Primary. If nominated add elected I prom ise to discharge the duties, of the office fearlessf j and impartiality. J. M. Arps. Marvelous Discoveries. . . V - ... i jnark tbo Wonderful progress of the age. I All uiUM uu uca T J uiavuiucD without wtrW. terrible war invntions to kill men, aricf that wonber of venders Dr. Ring's New Discovery. ; . .to svlifewhen Jbreaiened by cough cold's lagtippe ast Ama' croup bronchitis, hemorrhrges, hay reuer and whooping cough or lung trouble Foi all bronchial offeeuioua it hal no eqnal It relives instautly Its the surest cure Ja mes M black of Asseville, N. C, B. It. Ko. 4, wH'.t H cared him of an. obstinate eoogh after; all other renisdies failed. 50c. And IS-dOA'triErboltle lVee Q,utfin.lee3 by . E.'Davenpoit:' " ''" Sheriff. to the Dniocratic Voteru of Wash ington County;- I take thi-s method of an announcing my-sef a tandid'rte for the office of Sheriff of '-Washington County subj ect to the. action of the Doraocratic primaries ad oriven,tion " ' . I make'this aa'iijjjiceiacwt at the earnest solicitation of mitiiy friends from every sectiod of the iiouht'y and i!f nominated and ielected will made 4er$ ehdeavoa to fill the officee tVith satisfaction to-'all. ' Yours truly, W'J. Starr Cre8well, N. C. ff. M. LEARY9 ' UNDERTAKER, BEABLEY, - - N. C. urial Cases, Coffins, and Caskets and all kinds of Funeral Accesories. prices Reasonable'. Give me a call When in need 6 anything in this line. .3rmkley-PIiiHips; Co, lie, i 1 , V ' - Semi-Annpl Unloading Sale, Jeuetion of 20 per cent fronj. Regular Prices of all Merchandise. TNwo eelf of PfpfiJ- Jsing f Qr u : Two y&&s Jlarygt jrpr Our Custpmgs. lQimenciijig Saturday June 25th. and Continuing for Two Weeks Closing Saturday July 9h. Thisisgigtobeff b feW Mi more complete tliaii in any pvioiis sale. diu'eiireJk of DreSS Goods, Wasl (Joods ffTHite Goods, Laces; EiAbroderies, SilJs and V i,Kis .9 Domestib.??4 lmort jjovelties, Smjill wares and Dress Trimmings. Besides our immeiise stock of Shoes tor Ladjes jnjjsses, Children and inph, ia all Qt the iiates )iape and most approved Styles, Our entire Stock ill be placed on the l?argin-table for two wgeks. Op-Hfi llllllf-llllill SgarSSSSf!-. W1rAVM .T,,.i.., rm.,.,,.,,,.,. .r,l..rtrtil1lli-tto)- ln.Htg.-im l.rilnr... 1t, " ' . ABLE PLYMOUTH'S LEADING "OR yR i WDER HOTEL BRINKLEY, ?JE3fT DOOR SO COBBER ce WfofP Ypffr &ollar S)o?s J(, fiff pf RegularRIOE. STORE CL0SE3 EVEH 1'S ADLKK 1 I ' ! I GREAT QAIWQ 9 ,fclt III WiCI a "I ii n PGS AT 7 88 jP. M. STORE, iiilo v