To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Bloomdale, Ohio."! suffered from fprrihlfi mins in mv back ana right siae, ana was 11 re u an uuj time and nervou3. I coi'd not sleep, anrA.vpry month I c '-I hardly stand rw pain. Lydia E. Pitilrhaia's Vegeta ble Compound re stored me to health again and made me feel like a new wo man. I hope this letter will induce other women to avail themselves of this valuable medicine." Mr3. E. M. Frederick, Bloomdale, Ohio. Backache is a symptom of female weakness or derangement. If you have backache don't neglect it. To f et permanent relief you must reach he root of the trouble. Nothing we know of will do this so safely and surely as Lydia E. PinkhUm's Vegetable Com pound. Cure the cause of these dis tiessing aches and pains and you will become well and strong. The great volume of unsolicited tes timony constantly pouring in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from robts and herbs, has restored health to thou sands of women. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound will help you, write to Mrs. Pinltham at Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter will be absolutely confidential and the advice free. Customer "Is this meat dear?" Butcher "Nein, Id vos sheep." For HKADACHE IlloUa' CAPVBINB Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudtne will relieve you. It's liquid pleasant to take acts Immedi ately. Try it, 10c, 25c and 5Cc. at drug store. Speaking of the English roads a returned traveler says that the Jbng lishman doesn't know what a rut is. A road in most parts of this country without a rut would look so strange to the average farmer that it would have to be introdtif A to him. Buy "Battle Axe" Shoes. i At all of the Indian reservations through the West carloads of faming implements of the most modern type will begin to arrive this week, mark ing the first steps in a great work which the Indian office has undertaken that of making a successful farmer of the Indian. So.-25-10. r icv rrr v vii l CD p mtwimm. a UiliJl 1 LI tragtaand hilla ail fflas. Neat, clean, raamen tal. convenient, cheap. Made of metal, cannot 4f(AjJI .Spill or trp over, will not sou or injure wiu.g. Guaranteed effective. Of til dealers or teat prepaid for 20 cent. cxcxxxxxxsxocxxxocxo IK'Battle Axe" Shoes Food Libby's Vienna Sausage is distinctly different from any other sausage you ever tasted. Just try one can and it is sure to become a frequent necessity. Uhhf Vienna Sawage just suits for breakfast, is fine for luncheon and satisfies at din ner or supper. Like all of Libby's Food Products, it is carefully cooked and prepared, ready to serve, in Libby s Great White Kitchen the cleanest, most scientific kitchen in the world. Other popular, ready-to-serve Libby Pure Foods are : Cooked Corned Beef Peerless Dried Beef Veal Loaf Evaporated Milk ' Baked Beans Chow Chew Mixed Pickles Insist on Libby's at your grocer's. IMf, McNeill & LiUsy Chicago Skin Beauty Promoted. Is the treatment ot affections ol the 8k Id and scalp which torture, dis figure, itch, burn, scale and destroy the hair, as well as for preserving, purifying and beautifying the com plexion, hands and hair, Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment are well nlgh Infallible. Millions of women throughout the world rely on these pure, sweet and gentle emollients for all purposes of the, toilet, bath and nursery, and for the sanative, antisep tic cleansing of ulcerated, Inflamed raucous surfaces. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Boston, sole proprietors of the Cuticura Remedies, will mall free, on request, their latest 32-pag Cuticura Bopk on the skin and hair. You can generally save money by avoiding the dead-sure things. Buy "Battle Axe" Shoes. Laughing cheerfulness throws sun light on all the paths of life. Try Murine Eye Remedy For Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. It Soothes Eye Pain. Murine Eye Remedv Liquid. 25c. and 50c. MurineEye Salve, 23c. r.ud $1.00..,. A German was riding on a crowded Broadway car the other day and a 'woman's rights' female was sitting alongside of him. Said she: "Beg pardon, but why don't you get up and give the lady in front of you a seat?" The German broke into a loud laugh, and said: "Dot is a good joak on you, vhy, dot iss no lady, dot iss my vife." FIVE YEARS OP PAIN. A Tale of Terrible Kidney Suffering. Mrs. J. F. Kibble, G2 Stevens St., "Wellsville, N. Y., says: "I cannot de scribe the suffering I endured from kidney trouble for over five years. My back was so lame and painful I could not turn in bed without assistance, nor raise my arms above my head. I often be came so dizzy that I fell. The kidney Se mm cretions ,ere dark, thick and scald ed. I received no relief until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. My Im provement was so rapid that my fam ily did not think it would be lasting. In six weeks I could do hard day's work with ease." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. CHURCH GROWTH EXCEEDS IN CREASE IN POPULATION. "Washington, May 30. Church growth in .the United States has been greater than the increase in popula tion between the years 1900 and 1906, according to the special census report on the census of religious bodies for 1900, now in press. In the principal cities of the countr the growth both in the number of religions organiza tions and communities was greater in the years mentioned, than the increase in population, while in the area out side the principal cities the rate of increase in the number of new churches was approximately the same as the rate of population increase, al though in the number of communi cants the increase in the outside area, as in the .cities, was in excess of that in population. Out of every 1,000 people in the 1G0 principal cities of the country that is, those which had a population of more than 25,000 there were 469 church members, while for the area outside these cities there were 363; and for the entire country there were 391. As compared with 1890, the re port shows a gain of 90 communi cants in each 1,000 of population for the principal cities and a gain of 51 outside of them. Female members in 1906 outnum bered the male members by 32 pet cent in continental United States, while in the principal cities the ex cess of female members was propor tionately less, being 960,526, or 23.5 per cent. A DETERMINED WOMAN Finally Found a Food That Cured Her." "When I first read of the remark able effects of .Grape-Nuts food, I de termined to secure some," says ' a woman of Salisbury, Mo. "At that time there was none kept In thla town, but my husband ordered some from a Chicago traveler. "I had been greatly afflicted with sudden attacks of cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Tried all sorts of rem edies and physicians, but obtained only temporary relief. As soon as I began to use the new food the cramns disappeared and have never returned. "My old attacks of sick stomach were a little slower to yield, but by continuing the food, that trouble has disappeared entirely. 1 am to-day perfectly well, can eat anything and everything 1 wish, without paying the penalty that I used to. We would not keep house without Grape-Nuts. "My husband was so delighted with the benefits 1 received that he has been recommending Grape-Nuts to his customers and has built up a very large trade on the food. Ho sells them by the case to many of the lead ing physicians of the county, who recommend Grape-Nuts very general ly. There is some satisfaction In us ing a really scientifically prepared food." Read the- little book, "The Road to WeUville." In pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are gn iite, true, and full of human i lift J 5fcv Importance of Good Roads. We have received a copy of the re port by the Senate Committee on Agriculture recommending the enact nent of Senate Bill No. 6931, provid ng for an appropriation of $500, 000 lor the extension of the work of the' U. S. Office of Public Roads in aid ng in the improvement of the public lighways. Senator J. H. Bankhead, )f Alabama, in his speech on the bill iaid: The national Governments of all :he principal nations of the world ex :ept the United States actively aid tnd encourage the building and main :enance of public roads. France has '.he most superb system of roads in the world, completed at a total cost )f $612,775,000. The effect of these roads upon the material prosperity of ;he French people is indicated In the following extract from a report by Francis R. Loomis, commercial agent it St. Etienne, France, dated April 23, 1891: "The road system of France has been of far greater value to the coun ty as a means of raising the value of lands and of putting the small peas ant proprietors in easy communica tion wifrh their markets than have the railways. It is the opinion of well informed Frenchmen who have made a practical s.udy of economic prob lems that the superb roads of France have been one of the most steady and potent contributions to the material ievelopment and marvelous financial elasticity of the country. The far reaching and splendidly maintained road system has distinctly favored the success of the small landed pro prietors, and in their prosperity and In the ensuing distribution of wealth lies the key to the secret of the won aerful vitality and solid prosperity )f the French nation." As a result of the improved con 3ition of the roads in these coun tries, their farmers haul produce to ! market at an average cost of only ten cents per ton per mile, and in Borne cases it is as low as seven cents; while, as a result of the bad conditions of American roads, our farmers are forced to pay an average expense of twenty-three cents per ton per mile on every ton of produce hauled to market or shipping point. Indiana Farmer. Improving the Roads. Of New York State's 8 0,000 miles of, public highways, running through her 30,476,800 acres, 3000 are State roads, maintained by the State. The remainder are under the care of coun ty or town. On January 1, 1909, when the new State Highway Com mission was created, there were prac tically 2000 miles of highway macad amized; now 2400milesare improved. This year the commission hopes to in crease the miles improved by perhaps 500, and to increase each year until the total per year will amount to S00 or 1000 miles. Thus far this year 120 contracts for improved roads have heen let by the commission, and more contracts will be awarded. This will be the last until fall or winter, enabling the suc cessful bidders to get ready for work early next spring. Under the law some work must be done in all counties whose roads are to be improved at the same time. The 120 contracts awarded this year call for the building of 430 miles of high way, at a total cost of $5,600,000. Of this total the State will pay about $4,500,000 and the counties and towns the remainder. Of the work contracted Tor 153 miles are State trunk lines and about 272 miles county roads. The State pays the entire cost of the trunk lines, while the State, county and towns share the cost of the county roads. The contracts to be awarded will amount to about $500,000, bringing the total outlay for the sea son to more than $6,000,000. The trunk lines will traverse the State from east to west and from south to north. One trunk line will run from New York City to Platts burg, on Lake Champlain. From Plattsburg the trunk line will pro ceed westerly through Ogdensburg, Watertown and Oswego to Syracuse, where it will join the main artery, ex ttnding through the centre of the State from Albany to Buffalo. This central artery will pass through Am sterdam, Utica, Syracuse and Roches ter. A third east and west trunk line will run through the southern tier of counties, and will pass through tfce cities of Binghamton, Elmira, Corn ing, Olean and Jamestown. There will be several trunksextending north and south, which will connect the trunks along the southern tier with that from Albany to Bu3alo. New York Times. Three Telegrams. I. Elue Haven, May 3d. William J. Binks; New York: Please send me $500 at once. TOM. II. New York, May 4th. Thomas Binks, Yule College. Elue Haveu: You must economize. Send .me your bills. S FATHER. III. Blue Haven, May 5th. William J. Binks, New York: All right. Am economizing. Have forwarded bills by freight. Cheaper th.Q express. Love to mother. TOM. Harper's Weekly. . News Notes. German paper-makers are experi menting with various fiber plants in the hope cf finding a material suf ficiently cheap for use in supplying the constantly increasing demand. Sisal hemp, wild grasses, palm leaves, Spanish broom, banana fiber and cotton-bolls are among the sub stances tested. The United 'States government is engaged in similar ex periments. If some substitute for wood pulp can be found the forests wil be allowed to stand a little longer. Germany has long been pointed to by the advocates of beer-drinking as a country where almost everybody drinks light tu'er without eveil effects. But now Emperor William' has issued a solemn warning on the subject to the young men of his "empire. He tells them that the drink habit is ser iously injuring the individual young men and the nation ls a whole, with the result that both are falling be hind foreigners, especially American? and the English, who have more sensi- I ble ideas regarding drink by youths. .Nobody has ever accused the Emepror of being a temperance "crank," and he views the matter wholly in the light of effectiveness in the battle of lifo. A Package Mailed Free on Request of The best Stomach and Liver Pills known and a positive and speedy i Indigestion, Jaundice, ach, Headache, and all ailments arising from a disordered stomach or sluggish liver. They contain In concen trated form all the virtues and values of Munyon's Paw Paw tonic and are made from t' s Juice ot the Paw-Paw fruit. I un hesitatingly recommend these pills as being the best laxative and cathartic ever compounded. Send us postal or letter, requesting a free package of Munyon's Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa tive Pills, and we will mall same free of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO PATHIC HOME REMEDY CO.. 53d and Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia. Pa. &y&cxooooooczooooX Buy"Battle Axe" Shoes To distribute spice evenly through a cake or pudding, carefully mix it with part of the granulated sugar to be used. - So.-25-10. Mrs. Willow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the guma, reduces inflamma tion, allay s pain, cures wind colic, 25c. abottle. Agricultural News Notes. On account of the diminishing sup ply of Pacific red salmon, there is now an increase in the demand for pink salmon. ' The patrons of Husbandry, also known as the Grange, is the largest and most effective secret organization of farmers in the world. The production of sugar at the Chino beet-sugar factory in San Ber nardino Countv, California, amount ed to 22,237,000 pounds. There is an alligator-farm near Sarsot, not far from Tampa, Florida. There is a brisk demand by tourists for the small "gators" also for the hides of the large ones. Unquestionably the lack of a parcels post system, similar to that of Great Britain, is a hindrance to rural pro gress in this country. The farmers want it and will now get it. No more serious danger to the vital agricultural interests of the nation now exists than the consolidation of interests which seek to get possession of the water-power on the various rivers. Texas is acquiring a national repu tation as a turkey-growing state. Dallas is said to be the largest shipping-point. The refrigerating system, by which dressed turkeys can now be placed on distant markets irrespective of weather conditions, is promoting the rapid growth of this industry. oasties with strawberries and cream. A delightful combination that strongly appeals to the appetite. The crisp, fluffy bits have a distinctive flavour and are ready to serve from the package without cooking Convenient, Appetizing. Healthful food. "The Memory Lingers" Popular pk. 10c. 1 Family size 19c. ,'fCGTUU CEREAL OCX. Lt4 Btti Ctwk. Kkh. t PAW-PAW P LLS aw. J 7 Po SI A Poor Weak Woman As she is termed, vrjll endure braveJy and patiently agonies which a strong man would give way under. The fact is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medical advice free ef charge and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for many years and has had a wider practical experience in the treatment of women's diceases than any other physician In this country, m His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy. The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and dell cate women is Dr. Fierc's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost llBilTCHElIS EYE-SALVE i335SE5aggs,zrgiias':.,rr!Jsa- SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY BASE BALL SERIES No. 1 Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide. No. 202 How to Play Base Ball. No. 223 How to Bat. No. 232 How to Run Bases. No. 230 How to Pitch. No. 229 How to Catch. No. 225 How to Play First Base. No. 226 How to Play Second Base, No. 227 How to Play Third Base. No. 2J8 How to Play Shortstop. No. 224 How to Play the Outfield. No. No. 231 No. 219 OTHER SEASONABLE No. 12 No S31 So. 4 Spalding's Offlnlal Athletic Almanac. Srhmilvtird Athletic. .Spalding's Official Lawn Tennis Guide b jpf A Vy I 3 Al J ; $7 "Official- W I Tfatwnal 'JfragitsM A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA, PA. PITTSBURG, PA. BUFFALO, N. Y. SYRACUSE, N. Y. NEWARK, N. J. INDIANAPOLIS, INO. TORONTO BOSTON, MASS. BALTIMORE, MD. WASHINGTON, D. C ATLANTA. GA. NEW ORLEANS. LA. DETROIT. MICH. LOS AN(,IS. CAT, Boys Troubles are God's rains in this world. For COLDS and GRIP. Hick's Cappdink Is the bpst remedy re lieves the achinr and feverlshness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects Immediately. 10c., 2ac. and 50e. at drug stores. Misfortunes have their dignity and their redeeming power. - Buy "Battle Axe" SnoES. Everything that is exquisite hides itself. So.-25-lO. Constipation causes and aggravates many serious diseanes. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favorite family laxative. There is always a best way of do ing everything, if it be to boil an egg. LET ME DO YOUR BOOK-BUYING IN NEW YORK. Any book In the World supplied at Lowest Price. Prompt, personal attention. Write to A. B. NORTHIU P. Room 401, No. 500 Fifth Are nue. New York City. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A Origin Our for FerertsihiaeaM Convtiratfun. II end ache, stomach Troubles, Teething ninr Itri, and Destroy Worm. TWPrealt up ( olds In 34 hour. At nil DniffKiira. 6ota. Sample mailod KKKK. Address, A. S. OLMSTED. LRoy. N.Y- Mother Gray, Mortoin Child reu'a Horn. Sew Vork City CX?p&0CCO0O0CCOCXX& IKBattle Axe" Shoes WE BUY .HIDESANDFim. Seing Sealers. we cas do hl!w for inn than Ifnfs or eomnmsinfl taerchants. Reference: say bask in LosisTiile. We furnish Wool Bags Free to our shippers. Writ: lor price list. M. SABEL & SONS LosisTiile, Ky. L. DOUGLAS SHOES $5, $4, $3.50, S3, $2.50 & 2 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS. Millions of men wear W. L. Douglaj shoe be cauae they are the low est prices, quality con sidered, in the world. Made upon honor, of tha beat leathers, by the moat skilled workmen, in all the latest fashions. W. L. Douglas $5.00 and $4.0O shoes equal Custom Bench Work costiac $6.00 to $8.t0. Boy Shoes, $3, 12. SO t $2 Vf. L. Dooslas (mrntw thlr value by (tamping nit Damp und price on the bottom. lok tor it, Taka Jl Rnaaltlat. fmti Cotor Evrlet. Ask tow deader for W. !,. ponelasahoes. IT not foraaif In yonr town write for JJ ail OrdrCailoaT show ing how to orOrr Ly mail. Bhoe ordered dur trorn ibcwry aentsfr w. y .LDouaUas, tuocilon. j '2 1Vi a J, of mailing only. Address as above. 1A Spalding's Base Ball Kecord. How to Organize a Base Hall leajrue. How to Organize a Base Pell Club. How to Manas- a Base Ball Club. How to Train a Bum Ball Team. How to Captain a Base Ball Team. How t(J Umpire a Game. L Technical Bnse Ball Terms. Ready Keckonerof Base Ball Percentages, PRICE OF EACH BOOK. 10 CENTS BOOKS. Spalding s Offlalal Cricket Oulda. Spalding's Oftlcial GoU Uaide. How to Swim. Lacrosse. Spalding "Official National League" r.Eo. c. a. Pa.1. or. Ball Official Ball . of tlic Game for over Tliirty Years rHir.AOO SAN FRANCISCO. CAL ST. LOUIS, MO. KANSAS CITY, MO. CINCINNATI, O. DENVER, COL. CLEVELAND, O. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. COLUMBUS, O. ST. PAUL, MINN. LOUISVILLE, KY. SEATTLE, WASH. DALLAS. TEX. MILWAUKEE. WIS. a2M "I I No. 3 No. 5 No. 117 I 1 J. Ml MONTREAL, CANADA. LONDON, ENGLAND. S-nd your name and addresn to any of the above Spald ing stores and get a new athletic goods catalogue tree. R One gets it by highway men Tew f thousands by Bad Bowel Ho ferenaa. Constipation and dead Ever make the whole system ick Every ! body knows it CASCARETS regulate j core Bowel and Liver troubles by simply doinjr nature's work until you get well Millions use CASCARETS, Life Saver I tut CASCARETS toe box for a week's treatment, all dnicists. Biggest seller in the world. Million boxes a mouth. 'HANDY JIM HAND CART "NOT THE ORDINARY KIND." Especially Valuable to Farmers, Merchants and Trackers. WRITE us for c'eseriiitive circular. On en tirely new plan. It is superior to anything of Its kind yet nianufai-turfii the price is no more. Why not rt't the best? "Handy Jim" has automatic scotch lever, foot release, strong wheels, maximum capacity, .lust what tha farmer, merchant and truckrrneeds. Special prices to introduce ihrm in new territory. Write today tor this proposition. It's worth looking into. STATESVILLE CART WORKS. STATESVILLE. N. C. AN ITCHING SKIM Is about the most troublesome thing there is. You know it if you've ever had any kind of skin trouble. But they all give way, disappear, every last one every phnply, scaly, itching, eruptive kind of disease of the skin when you treat them to a box of well rubbed in. Nothing like it to. make the skin healthy and smooth and free from sting, or Itch or pain. Price Is 50 cents a box, and one box is guaranteed to cure any one case or you GET YOUR MONEY BACK. Ask Your Druggist for Hunt's Curt k. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Shermno, Te( Restores Gray Kair to Natural Color REMOVKS OANDKUrr AND SCURF Lmgorstea and prevents the hair from fglliug ofl for Sals tty Druggists, or Ssnt Dtrawt by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia SI far Csttla; SaxaO. Bonis JSC Snd tor Ciralaj GET A SAW MILL t 1 - I 1 f ir I a aroaia aARouaru irua TT vru, .tUfH- a a tat, Cav Mk money sawing neigh- 1 1 bor'a timber when gin ng torn Is idle f iUr tha cros r laid by. If affile eat mUM weai a: tfa IMC Thompson's Eye Wale?, iaterwsy'

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