"FOR GOD, frOH COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." , VOL. XXI. PLYMOUTH, N. C.. FRIDAY AUGUST 5, 1910. NO. 8. a Yar, la Advance X A FEARLESS EDITOR Senatorial Sermon of Pastor Incites Wrath of People. PISTOL STOPS MEN AT HOME. v Editorials Regarding Expulsion of Lady From Church Origin Trouble Preachers Reply Starts Excitement. Elizabeth . City, N. C, Special. "Stand back or I will shoot to kill," were the words said by W. O. Saund ers, editor of The Independent, as he stood in his yard with a smoking pistol after firing five times in the .air. This was said to have occurred Sunday night, following the (dose of services at Blackwell Memorial Bap tist church when Pastor. I. N. Loftin . had preached upon "The Indepen dent, the Ring Around it and W. 0. Saunders." At the morning service Mr. Loftin had preached on -sensational su'bjeets dealing : principally with Saunders and his paper. Saunders was present at both ser vices. As he left church and started toward his heme many people were on the streets. One report hasit that several of Saunders' bitterest enemies -had followed hin'i and when he had ,' .-gotten inside the yard yelled out some threats about giving him a certain time to get out of town. Immediate ly five or seven shots rang out and Saunders ordered his alleged pur suers to keep-back. Wloruen and children weret : panic-stricken, and rushed to covet, some fainting, and the greatest excitement prevailed. Some claim that Saunders was shot sit by some party on the street. How--ever, no one was hit and the police soon dispersed what little crowd was left after the shooting. ' Saunders was arrested for carrying a conceal--ed weapon. f Several of the most prominent cit izens were arrested for attempt to. j assault and disturbing the peace. the cause of the trouble was the severe editorial attacks ' on Pastor Loftin by Editor Saunders, the origin of which was the expelling of a cer tain young lady from the Baptist church. Texas Riots to Be Investigated. :' Palestine,, Tex., Special. In his charge to the special grand jury cw. paneled Monday, Judge 1. B. Gardner "of the. third judicial court ordered "& thorough investigation of the race riots in Anderson county. Additional 'arrests were made Mon day in connection with the clash be tween the whites and blacks Satur day and Sunday. Eight while men are now in jail here charged with murder in the first degree. Troop C. Calvary of the Texas State Guard, under the command of Captain L. II. Younger, has arrived N.and is encamped in the court house 3r-ard. The troop will patrol the scene now in jail. - The State militia company of Mar shall, which was sent to the scene re turned. . Standard Cotton Samples. Washington, Special. Sample boxes of Government standard cotton sam ples, which comprise nine grades, ;are being sent out by the depart ment of agriculture. The standards Cotton Exchange and have been ap proved and probably will be adopted ' hy the New York and New Orleans exchanges. The trade recognized a grade be tween each of those adopted by the government and three grades above and three below the Government scale. The original standard samples have been placed by the department of agriculture in vacuum tubes, so that they will neither deteriorate or icharige color. If ' justice aioaay win jueure. Magnolia. Mass., . Special. Associ ate Justice William II. Moody, of the United States Supreme Court, has definitely stated that he will an nounce his retirement from the Bench prior to the expiration of the enab ling Act, passed in his behalf by the last Congress. This Act expires the middle of No vember. Air Brakes cn Wind Mill. Beverly, Mass.. Special. President Taft followed up Monday the recent cancellation -of his Western and Southern engagements by announcing thatdiis speeches of the future will ie few .and far between. He polite ly but firmly told a conimitee of citi zens, from Providence, .R, L, that he could not reconsider he 'cancellation of his engagement to speak' before the Atlantic Deeper-Waterway Asso ciation in that city in September. Mr. .Taft expressed regret but said that important matters of -public bu iness would claim his attention fro s- om now until the convening of Congress. PINE PRODUCTS SCARCE. Turpentine, 71 Cents Resin, $5.50 Serious Situation. Charleston, Special. Lack of con servation of the pine forests of the South methods of. "boxins" and " scraping" the trees in turpentining operations and the recklessness of the pine manufacturers has brought the country face to face with a crisis in the naval stores industry according to reports from operators in this section. The present shortage in the production of spirits of turpentine and rosin, with the consequent high radices, has resulted in serious consid eration being given the suggestion that substitutes for these products before many years must be placed on the market. The . quotations on spirits of turpentine and rosin have been higher this year on a legitimate trading basis than the trade has ever before known. Turpentine has rang ed between 68 and 71 cents per sal Ion the past week, closing here Sat urday at 07 1-4, while the average price for rosin in that period has been about $3.50 per barrel. A de cade ago, before the development of the yellow pine lumber industry in the South, turpentine was selling for one-third this with a glutted market, and rosin was so cheap that it was allowed to go to waste around the stills, where great beds- of it lay for years untouched. The present price of turpentine represents van increase of more than 10 cents i srallon with in the past mouth ,while rosin has jumped more than $1 a barrel in that period. Cotton Mills Can Get Cotton. Boston, Special. Having for its purpose revolutionizinng the cotton industry of the United States, a con ference was held Friday at the: home of J. II. Hammond at Glouces ter, at .-which there were present besides Mr. Hammond, Daniel J. Sul ly, the New York cotton operator and Scott Dalgleish of Cario, Egypt, the representative of the Ilirsch syndicate of London. Briefly the idea is, to establish warehouses in all parts of the cotton producing districts of this country as well as in the manufacturing centers for storing the cotton crop, so that instead of selling it fronihand-to-rr.onth as has been the practice here tofore, it will be marketed throush the entire year when desirable. It is believed that economics will be effected in the marketing of cotton which will result in a saving of not less than fifty million dollars an nually.. Eliminate Cotton Speculation. New York, Special. Announce ment wns ins de here Saturday on what seemed to be competent au thority that the International Cotton Mills corporation which was incor porated at Albany Thursday, with a capital of $20,000,000, was formed by spinners and sales agents to eliminate, if possible, the. element of speculation in cotton. It was said that thev recent " squeezes V in cotton had been ef fected "by ii combination of Chicago, Texas and New Orleans, speculators and .that through their operations the mills had been forced to pay a fictitious price for the staple. The new corporation proposes to send its buyers among the cotton produces so that the product may be shipped direct from the soil to the mills. John G. Carlisle Dead. New York, Special. John G. Car lisle, former secretary of the treas ury, died Sunday night in New York of heart failure, accompanied by oedema of the lungs. National Cotton Ginners' Report. , Memphis, Tenn., Special. The re port of the National Ginners' Asso ciation issued here Friday, indicates a condition of 72.8 per cent for cot ton up to July 23th. This, the report says, with an aver age weather condition, Avould seem to indicate a yield from 11,000,000 to 11,500,000 bales. Baby Born as in Primitive Day3. Alameda, Cal., Special. Carrying Out her principles to their utmost extent, Mrs. Boynton, exponent of the near to nature life, seeker of the aesthetic, advocate of Isadora Dun can, the dancer, and who is well known by her espousal of the cause of open-air schools, gave birth to a son in a sunlit, leafy arbor Satur day, the latest arrival being the sixth addition to the family. The arbor had been prepared for the occasion. The babv's eves opened first on trees and sunshine. The first sound to strike its ears" was the sing ing of the birds. DR. CRIPPENJS CAUGHT. Ethel Leneave, Hi3 Stenographer, Dressed in Boy's Clothes. Father Point, Que., Special. Dr. Hawley Harvey Crippen and Ethel Clare Leneve, his stenographer, who fled from London after the disap pearance of Belle Elmore, the doc tor's wife, were arrested here Sunday aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Montrose at the command of Inspec tor Dew of Scotland Yard. The identification of . the long sought fugitives on board the fog shrouded steamer by the English de tective, who had raced across the Atlantic ahead of the Montrose, marked the culmination of one of the most sensational flight- in recent criminal annals., " Crippen broken in spirit, but mentally relieved by the relaxed tension; the girl, garbed ki boys clothes, sobbing hysterically. They were not long the Rev. John Robinson and son as booked from Antwerp on July 2n. Crippen is charged with the murder of an unknown woman, believed . to have "been his acress wife. The girl is held as an accessory. In charge of Inspector Dew they will be taken back to England for trial on the Roy al line steamship Ro3'al George, leav ing Quebec on Thursday next. Alma Kellner's Murderer Caught. San Francisco, Cal., Special. Jos eph Wendling, 'wanted hi Louisville, Ky., in connection with the murder of eight-year-old Alma Kellner, was taken into custody Saturday. He has admitted his identity. ' Wendling was captured in a Third Street lodging house by Detectives Ryan and Burke, of the local depart ment. He made no resistance and ad mitted to the officers on the way to the city prison that he was Wendling. Wendling denied any: connection with the murder of the girl in his talk with the district attorney and police. He described his wanderings , since leaving Louisville, saying he I went to New Orleans, thence to Texas, and finally to Vallejo, where j Carney found his trail. The capture was due to a tip given the detectives by a note from some unknown per son.' The note stated that Wendling would be found at 341 Third Street. Adjoining this was a lodging house at 345 Third Street. A watch was maintained about the place, however, and the dectives determined to search the house. Wendling was found hid ing under the sink in the kitchen. He denied that he was the man,' Vut the mark of the bullet wound in the hand, received while he was in the French army, was discovered, and investiga tions' disclosed the ship tattooed on his body. When the officers spoke of these Wendling broke down and ad mitted his identity. r Surrendered to White Woman.1 Eatonton," Ga., Special. Foiled in an attempt to set free all the. pris oners in Putnam county jail here, Will Ingram, negro, alleged to be a burglar, Saturday overpowered Dep uty Sheriff Ingram Phillips, broke through a cordon of citizens, receiv ed bullet in his arm and fled with several hundred persons behind him firing shotguns and pistols1. He was pursued into a residence section of the city and fearing cap ture and possible death, surrendered to a white woman, throwing his pis tol, which he had taken from the deputy sheriff, at her feet. The wo man stood in front of him as the crowd of pursuers advanced and beg ged or the negroa's life so effec tually that he was returned to jail without further harm. '0h. You Horrid Men." Concord, N. II., Special. Attorney General Eastman has advised the secretary of state that tho latter hai no legal right to place the name of Mrs, Mart ilia M. Ricker of Dover, and. Washington, D. C, upon the official ballot to be used at the pri mary election in this State September G, as candidate for the Republican nomination for governor. Monument to Southern Slaves. New Orleans, La., Special. Ah ap peal to erect a monument to the former slaves of the South has been issued here from the headquarters of the United Confederate veierans by Gen. George W. Gordon, commander-in-chief, of the veterans. The appeal is in the form of a gen eral order. $500,000 Robber Arrested. New York, N. Y., Special. A frail little man with erev cheeks and hollow eyes in whose manner and presence there was nothing to sug gest that simile-handed he had coolly lifted $500,000 in bonds and stocks frora the strong box in a bank, was arrested Friday in a down-town res taurant, not five minutes' walk from the bank he had robbed. He was Erwin Wider, the missing cashier of the Russo-Chinese bank. In the court of general sessions his lawyer, Leon Ginsberg, said that he would plead guilty and he was committed to the tombs in default of $25,000 bail. LEE STATUE STANDS President of United States De dares Virginia's Right. SOUTH'S HEROIN HAIL OF FAME. General Robert jB. Lee, the Immortal Leader of the Confederate Soldiers, Will Be Forever Honored. Beverly, Mass., Special. President Taft has approved without comment an opinion by Attorney General Wickersham to the effect that there is no provision of law by which the statue of General Robert E. Lee, in Confederate uniform ean be removed from Statuary Hall in the Capitol at Washington. In addition to deciding the ques tion on a, purely legal basis Mr. Wick ersham argues the matter from an ethical point of view, declaring that Lee has ''come to be regarded as typifying all that was best in the cause to which he gave his services and the most loyal and unmurmuring acceptance of the complete overthrow of that cause. That , the State " of Virginia should designate him for a place in Statuary Ball as one illus trious for distinguished' military ser vice, the Attorney General declares, is but-natural and warranted under the reading of the law. f '" Mr. Wiskersham's opinion was call ed forth by protests to the President from the Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic. Bloody Race Riot in Texas: Houston, Special. 'Special . dis patches from Palestine Saturday re port serious race riots at Sloeum, An derson county, a town fifteen miles south of Palestine, Saturday -night. Latest advices state that twenty negroes were killed and three" white men -badly wounded. The . trouble seems to. have been precipitated in a controversy over a note a man named Alford, had -indorsed for a negro. The negro, when questioned as to the reason why he had not paid the note, cursed Alford, and said no white man could 'do him." Fighting between them began at once, and others being drawn into the affair, the treble continued throughout Friday night. Troops have been ordered to the scene. Spain and the Vatican Quarreling. Rome, By Cable. Notwithstanding the extremely ctrained. relations be tween the Vactiean and the Spanish government, the recall of Marquis de Ojeda, the Spanish ambassador' to the Vatican, has produced - a great sensation in Rsime. The Vatican, in a semi-official communication, says that the recall of the embassador proves that the program of Premier Canalejas was not arranged with the hope of accord, but with a desire for fight and, the cpmrnunication adds, he will have it. Since the negotiations with the Holy See with reference to religious congregations began, the premier has taken the following steps antagon istic to the Vatican. The hope of the Vatican is that Djon Jaime, tba ,Carlist prtender, who has threatened a revolution, will raise the Carlist flag and vindi cate Roman Catholicism. First, the issuance of an uncon stitutional decrees, . favoring non Catholic creeds,, thus violating the Concordat with the Holy See; sec ond, the reproduction of .the decree of 1902 against the congregations, which was never in force; third, the preparation of the speech from the throne, which contained hostile and threatening expressions against the Church; fourth, .the projected bill prohibiting the institution of relig ious houses. Dead Bodies in Depot for Year. Italy, Tex., Special. A large square box which. was unloaded here by mistake more than a year ago, and had been stored ever since in the freight house, was opened by the station agent Saturday and found to contain the mummified bodies of a women and child. It is thought t bat they may . be the victims in a murder mvsterv. No More Telegraph Franks. Atlanta, Ga., Special. -Woe begone expressions adorn the 'countenances of many Atlantans and tht ex pressions plainly read "victims of re form." The downcast army is com posed of those citizens who have for years enjoyed the privilege of "dead heading" their telegraph messages to relatives and friends and the cause of their woe was a brief no tice from the telegraph companies to the effect that Uncle Sam. under the amendment to the Hepburn Act. would bury telegraph franks in the same grave with the "lata" rail road free pases. THE NEWS MINUTELY TOLD The Heart of Happenings Carvel From the Whole Country. A bill appropriating $10,00 for the eradication of black rot in cotton, was passed by the Georgia House of Representatives. It is the purpose of the trovernment to establish postal savings banks at various points throughout the coun try on October 1. Chicago is now connected with St. Louis and other Mississippi .river ports by a continuous water course, deep enough for barges. County Supt. Charles E. Talking ton says that race suicide is respon sible for the closing of four schools in Bartholomew County, Ind. Julius Neuman, a Brooklyn inven tor, was arrested in New York ' by Anthony Comstock for sending scur rilous post cards to Commissioner of Patents Edward B. Moore. The quarterly statement of, the United States Steel Corporation for the three months ending June 30 last, shows total earnings of $40,170,960. With an agreement that the men shall do all the cooking and house hold work, the wives of a number of ministers of Wilkesbarre, Pa., went inio camp with Jthem at Harreys Lake. Henry Male, of Davis, W. Va,, who entered the employ of the pulp mill at Davis in 1892, receiving $1.30 a day, has been appointed superinten dent of the plant, effective August 1, and is to receive $5,000 a year. He has been filling the position of assistant superintendent. A bill recently approved by Gover nor Hughes is discpuraging mashers. Two young men charged with follow ing Mrs. Alice Tackaberry from a subway station to her home in Har lem and anno.ying her were 'sent to the workhouse for 30 .days each by Magistrate Appieton. Under the new law they were not given the alterna tive of a fine, and will have to serve the time on Blackwell 's Island. At Nashville, Tenn., Lillie Sawyer, colored, was stabbed in the heart by another colored woman, and seven stitches were taken in that organ. She was doing well until pneumonia set in in her lungs. She died. Mrs. Russell Sage has developed into an aeroplane enthusiast.- She has no intention of making a flight herself, but she is anxious to do all in her power to help the develop ment of. aviation and she wants par ticularly to see that women has a part in the work. Property on Michigan boulevard, Chicago, sold for $14,000 a front foot Saturday. The lot, 82 by 171 feet, at ISO to 192 Michigan boulevard, was sold by the Leander J. MeCormiek estate 'for .,$1,148,000, a profit of $098,000 in seven years. Laura Jean Libbe-y, the ' prolific writer of love stories, announces that, she will appear on the stage in a little play written by herself. If it suc ceeds she will star. After eating a cone of ice cream bought from a street peddler Katie Kaviack, 3 yeais old, of Passaic, N. J., was seized with cramps and died within an hour at the hospital. Aprora, 111., residents are ordered by the health department to take a batb once a week. The order is con tained in a list of rules and resula tions issued by the health officer. . Commissioner Driscoll, of the New York bureau of weights and measures, startled the bankers and grocers of the city by announcing that under the now ordinance governing the sa'.e of food commodities in New York, eggs and bread will have, to be sold by weight. Oklahoma City, to which Governor Haskell moved the capital of Okla homa from Guthrie without Federal authority, lias had the remarkable growth of almost 5-10 per cent, in ten years, according to figures enu merated in the thirteenth census. Henry Hoofen, a prominent drug gist of Rochester, N. Y., who was in the last stages of tuberculosis a year ago, and who has been treating him self with rattlesnake venom, has been pronounced cured by the same phy sician who examined him two years ago and told him that be could not live. Hoofen has suffered 21 severe hemorrhages and was weak and euianciated. Declaring that there is' truth in the assertion that the drinking habit cf some husbands was due in a large measure to the poor cooking of their wives, Ella A. Poole, Ph. D.. ot New York, suggests as a remedy the in dustrial training of young girls in the public schools. Having driven a team of Angora goats a distance of more than 4.000 miles as the result of a wager, Capt. V. Edwards, a ranch owner of San Diego, Cal., has arrived at Washing ton, D. C, from San Diego. With Captain Edwards are six young men and a pack team of three Mexican buiros, hitched to a canvas-covered vagor- CAPITAL FACTS. Interesting News Gathered m the District of Columbia. THE AMERICAN CONGRESS. PrHvnnl TnririAnta and Tmnortanfc Happenings of National Import Published for the Pleasure and In- lormation oi newspaper iieaaers. World Famous Scientists on Health. Health promoters, backed by the King of Saxony and the Imperial German government, have decided on an international hygenic exposition,, to be held at Dresden next year, from May until October. It is for the purpose of calling the attention of the American govern ment and the medical fraternity of this country to this event and ex tending an invitation to them, that Herr Emil A. Lingner, royal com missioner of the proposed exhibition, has come to Washington. He has had a number of conferences with the officials of the State, War, and Navy departments. "This exposition will be the great est event of the twentieth century,' r says Herr Lingner. "It will collect scientists from all parts of the civ ilized world." "Every -State of the German em pire will have exhibits and each will have its own pavillion. Twenty-five hundred of the most celebrated medi- cal scientists of Germany have con- iij i 1. .j nk.,f the success of the enterprise. They will be in attendance at the congress at which papers and treatises on various subjects will be read by inter national authorities." The exposition will be held in the floyal "Gardens," which adjoin tha royal palace, and cover 350,000 square meters. Hercules avenue has been designated for the foreign pavillions. Always Slow, But Sure. For services rendered nearly forty years ago, Brig. Gen. Harry R. Ander son, a retired' artillery officer, is to receive from the Government $240, the accounting officers of the treas ury department finally having been convinced that- he is entitled to that amount. Th'is is because of the fact tba Gen. Anderson served as a cadet at West Point from July, 1804, to Jan uary, 1865 six months and eighteen days." The controller of the treas ury has ruled that this service in the Academy was actual service, and that Gen. Anderson is entitled to pay for the time h? apent at West Point. $1,000 Notes Unpopular. Hovering dose to the $700,000,000 mark, the volume of national bank notes outstanding fluctuates irom week to week, although secured by United States bonds and by lawful, money. The aggregate now is $711, 904,300, which is $1,406,373 less than nt. the hpp-inhino" nf f.hfi fiscal vpnr and $278,481 below the total of June 1. last, but $22,044,286 more than on July 1. 1909. Of the present aggregate only $22, 5S.3 consists of gold notes. During the six- days of the past week there" were $7,077,030 of national bank notes issued and $5,959,377 destroyed. One thousand dollar bills are the least .popular of those outstanding, for there are but 23,000 of these, while the $10 notes are welcomed in the outstanding list to the extent i 311,200.990, or. almost 100,000 mora than the twenties. Death Relieved Ilim cf His Job. Alexander Drummond Willard, one of the oldest employes of the govern ment, .died Thursday, at Farmington, Me., while there on a vacation. He was seventy-five years old, and for forty-five years was in the employ of the government. Would Destroy Fruit Pest. For t . e purpose of discovering an enemy, which will prey cn the white fly, a pest of the fruit crops in Florida and other Gulf States, R. S. Wogluni, of the department of agri culture, will make a trip to India, the place cf origin of the white fly. The agricultural department for several years past has been righting the Gypsy moth and the brown tailed moth in New England, by importing parasites,' which feed upon' them. Mr. Wolgum will study the white fly .iIca i vi Qrtan O'rnn-oT-ts- have trouble with it. In Spain he will also investigate the growing and handliog-tf citrus fruit.