I'll HHH miiPM I limi" THE FARMERS', INSTK 1 TUTE. V ' It was a Big Day in Plymouth; J- Possibly Si 'Hundred Far- mers spent the Pay in Town; ' v The Institute was called to or-1 der at 10,- o'clock by Hon 3no. -H Small, on motion Rev. Nf. i . Jlarrison was elected Chairma .yrUh II- A. Litchfield Sec'y. "," - The first speaker was . Mr. J.i JVCambel of the Co-opera tivch - Demonstrative work of the U. S Dep't of Agriculture. ! - Mr. A. G. Smith followed oiv ccientific Farming and-Drainage".-Mr L. E.-Boy kin spoke on Good Roads. . . Each spcakg;;Iwas truly Jfltted for the worlf -impractical exper-, ncfe and the large" number of 'farmerspresent and thg atten-j ftion paid to what was said wasaj sure evidence that they - were, present for the purpose of tjeinglj jpeneiittec, - During -the session of the insti tute Mr. W. Fletcher Ausbon, ac ting as spokesman for the Com.t fnittee, extended an invitation; rmers and other visitors pre-servt to Accept the hospitality jof the town and partake -of a big dinner to be served immediately (after ad fournmenl. About o'clock the meeting f fidiourhed a?rl thft np.onlev rsnair-1 " -y - MT A ed to Third St, where under the! 'snaue pi stately mims ana (Jyea-ii 'more tre.e. they were welcome o tables- v;r,k'h," fairly trembled under the weight of good things, t he Bnrhecue of Pig, Sheep and -eef' was fine and after all 4iad beep, filled there was ;yet to Spare, and the event passed off without a jar or the least un pleasantness. and we ifeel- that ithe people" of the ' county-have eerrdravm closer together.' Mufh credit is due to the man agers of -the affair; -te success Of it he.in.?--d:J. t their untiring efforts. The ladies of the town rl?iri!v fn-nrrrn f pfl wlrh tVAmnn- agers,' andall the business men; with one or two exceptions, con tributed liberally in a financial way. And to - make the event "doubly secure, as well as from a Spirit of city -pride, the town placed its treasury at the call, cf ihe managers. -.j - - j ' D6Vt tell ns there ;s anvtbir lacking In the P?ople -'Plyifvv uth. .rfhey kif.ow how-to enter tain a multitude; and this will not be the last time the farmers VviU be, i-nvited to visit us. ; 1 'or bheritr. ytivr tl rid Gonsiou atiau nm! solic it ion f vV'".v t i M' m - 1- take this tiietliut! oif ;;iiHnni!ctn myse.ll :i caw diiJnt loi' ;ihe -)Lice of 'Sheriff of iVashiri'S&r-a Jy.ont'y, subject to the action of lUy Dcinoi-rntic l'liimtry. i i If tit'iiiiiaffi) aml'tlected I prom ise to dlijHiharts the -unties of the iffioo fearlessly a,u,t,l i impartially. I ' : '.)'.-M; AliPS. - Fox Sheriff. to tlui- Diuonrt io Voters oT Wusli r.Cijihcojj Count v;-. . V : intake lli.s uu't Sum! of an finno&yCing aiy-Wi-r u c-wvio i,o r the olnee or ( heriff of WashUtolvConnly snhj-8 ct to tlp a'. tin.'of the Deraocratic riinaries anil Convention ' ts' ' 1 I niaiv?- tli i?j annorineenient at the 1 earnest H'llk'itf-iton of many; frienin fom wery Hi'v-ti.j-,,1 of thecouhty ami :k. iiotn'.tuiie'd ami elcrted wHI made 7erv -wleaToit-4:) i'iil the officee tntl: sutrs fact ion '.o :a?L V. J- S'BARK I 'to High WARRKip'NV - - N, C Ofte&'tKe Ust leg;e pre pafratorV ;on(v ' ' " - Gaaef rd' in.clii vidul ipstrcr ( at all times: Ileathful utrqin-' ding's, CertrfiiCate adn:jts with-' Qtit ekaminatior' to. any South ern ollcge. ' For catalogue Address, f f V'v i r s 1 Inc prfflkley-Phinips, Go lQence iof Mmmep G()orJs Troygli - $M entire lonthof August ' 11 Summer Exy .Cfcoods and LpWCutjSiioef Shippers FitLiK'a' asyf bmw. y e want xne mogLjibr tlie p'Ods, and the .shelt room for jtnore goods, 4 ' Reductioiis ,on 'Lawns, Batiste, Silks, -Laces Emloderjes,- jow-cut Shoes and Slippers. ; ' U ' SPECIAL Im: ffDWBAY; ' eular 13 cent Percales for JLO l-.4o, yd. ' 1,0c, Light Madras . 7 3-4q. yd, .Ohjjy IS yards to a .Gutomer. .4 -M STORE .C.tOSES EVEJNQS AT ,7.-30 P. M. Q?g$ef gpjnetitipn Sale in the history "1V : of: Plymouth irRif IT J jVUh ech Ladies .Milss Sgilbr :we viU giye t beatil hat pin charge. Come &irly jjfhd rnake jjour ejeiqn oijr big Jtpck, '' Onr'Jntire $15.d00 stock ot Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goads, Ladies and pt furnishings, pr ust'be sold regardless of cost. ! Ypir'rbqnd-ttip fare returned to" all out-of-toyn parties buying $'25,Q0 wopth of goods or over we will fet urn to th6m: their rcunci trip faie'' providing' it does :nptv exceed Soohf the round: trip cost more than rf. 50 wcyill return to ygu l;5p on presentation pf ybiir ticket- ' . liWMiiiiiii i ii - f i - i Krirzcx Kvsznxmxfm&amammmsnmmaM i.Smmeijir Tjii? Sie Spes in Sf ect Friday July 15"-. and Gontinues i:r 3d ')'ys, Closing ilondav Aug 15rn. ' Hair Orjiaincnts! ijir)ettn,:Bok Cooibs, :ide' OombH nnil 'I in ban f?DH will J;a huM nt a very iuw pric H-1 ; h Mpji's Uiuervear! Men's S'iC fJi-erwenT. . .-. . . " . Ladie's Gauze! To go at( ...-. .:. .H. !.. . Neckwear pf jes ftt. : 25c . h. , ...''Sc. .. .O'.M , ,..'3c .. .ISc Snspeml crs 25o SuBpenders ala priced. 19c ' - . Extraordinary. Opportuoity in -ileu's at fj' Boy's Cloili iiifl dow on Sale at an lm usual ;tcrioe of iar eutire calleciions of u'gu pUss Hprint; J?nit, that were made to retail n t frona f 10.00 to 1?.5() asfue a lot ol'buitu was rer made to fretail'int tbe' regular- prices, Embracing every new style apd material qu sale at a big H&cr'iUce. (,.; f pieces of Wuite Liuen worth IT, prioe '!!o Embroideries FlnU'ifini; niid tll iv'(ir' vnibroidpriei worth 7-"! our oomn-'titiou pr'cft .. . . .3ltc, (ialcateas lTe kiaclw to go nt.'. .'. . .' . .12.Vc li Ju kiuds to at l(c Jlen's SIippcrs (( a;i(J 4 dO rpdncftfl to . .'. kiM add ..(!() reduced to $Z ()!) rtduced to.. 2.9 ii y l ,1 '.4. i L .1 1.5 In beinslitchud and lace t'ri iij iijntl . Your choice .'. ....0c 1 lot of Ldi-s han.luerohic-fs price1.. . . Aize. ii Indies Hair Kats 19c. nood flo'lly bir mts with ix-fK over 'tbcm on ly '. fl)u Lot '2 sule price . 15! liiice Oui'tHiiis 4"o pel" pitlr-nuti u Muslin Underwear 7"o Gowns at '. .": 48(? 75c Fittieoats h 4HC ;V"(C C r.jet Covfis nt 3r. F P Oornets a line $1 00 Coiset at K;je 1 lot Ladies Sailor hats to ro at... IIik well Uuov.n brand Merry Widow Core eets,' lona; hips, with supporters at. .. .48c 1 lot Corsets at . 2!Sii hi line ot Ladies ohirt Waist IVoiUjiSc tti l 19 0 '-piece oi I yd wide bleoChing worth IOC to go n .osc 2() pieces of Andreacoggin Uleeebiug not oV' i- it) j is tn a oustomer Mi$ ydu uf -Japnmka Silks nuvr-sold lesd tniiii :-J."p nalo price 2-rc All fill',' r.hinii Silk Halh nrine. 42C L'." pieces and 7."e woolen goods nice for Coal Suits lb yo at 45c Window Shades? Mootrd orf good ruUera' all'eolors. 'Siii prioi 2o HjiOQl Cottpi Xr Silz Clarke Ootton in Black' vV bite und leading ' ,: colors to feo at " pRCES! PRICES!! ' . ' - - Have never been so deeply cut! Never such s?rifitvs! Everything seemingly jot&s the whirll Selunu will begin wrtn a rusnr stppK wm aisappcur as . n oy magie; Come parly whje aSsbvtpients are complete! Heiiifenibea this Aroat' Compctjtid Sals goes i' effek Friday July 15th. and continues for thirty (30) days? -m ; r' H . . i i.. .i -.... 1 . ; - , ' 's ' REMEMBER That during 'this Sale there witf b'e no goods talen hack, no good,; charged, nor sent out 5n apprdvah hut will lie soldWrictly atsale prices! DON'T .'IdRCET' TIl AT AND place. - ' ' v-v: ' ' '-- .; ' ' UPDER HOTEL BRINKLEY, NE3CT DOOR TO CORHR; ,v . - - - , - ' - - -. OHN GEAHAM Prm cVakicstont- 1J. i

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