"rtlwlnf li in i m ii i i iijii ir 1 1 - ,. -..m. -tJSLt.- - ' ' ' ;v '- ' ,- I n THE ROANOKE BEACON. I'lrBLrsHF.n rvery Friday Friday. Aug -5 th. j. , : :.1.. j- -! '': MGON '.FLASHES.' TTT'll TV ' i Mty Tj.esda- Mr. A. G. Valk- jy&s m r town MondaV- ' " : " " v. V. w. AU8BON, editor and Owned morning for Nag s Head, ; where . .,,,.,11:,- -.they will spend a few days enjo plymouth.v .w :- jj; c.'i'? all 4ha pleasures 'that' the : famous resort a'tTerds. Pfl1,M v Qnit -: c,,,. ''Clays in honor of her schoolmate zJ&ZXlILJ Dent Sunday fiiss. Robie Johnston of Littbton III fVtt&MUlKvUU; - . . .v. Miss. Estelle Griggs left Tues day for Richmond Va. , Mrs- Kate Holloman spent Wednesday in Edentorr. ' ; , Mr. C. D. Loane left Monday for Raleigh, on business." " ' ' ' Jim Mitchell mpde a fjy jlnjg'jtrip to t'res'well Monday- 0 liss Hazel White left for Eden ,ton to visit friends Tuesday. Miss. Annie Mae Wolfe will leave v Saturday f gf Scotland Neik. Mr. WiJJjip Hilliard niade a fij ingftrip Ito- fieno" Wpeday- Dr. Henry Wolfe left Wednes day for i dentcn lo visit' relative r a r V. " i -X- Mr. A. R. Dupree and wile Jelt here for Washington Monday ' : M r. Louis Jackson left here .VVpdnesdv fn,.. Rtsmnrhnrcr nn . Mr. U.'J. rman pn4 dsugli.ter Miss Bessje ae no'W at Virginia 'Beach; VaV " ' ' : ' ' i , Miss. Virg)n;'a 3priull left Mon day for Cherry'., where she will isit relatives- ' ' Mr. Jack Rei( and son Taylor left Monday for ''Washington N, V. on business. ' Miss Clara Hampton left Tues day for New York and Other northern points, " ' Mrs. Pattie Johnston left Mon day for Roper wjiere she will Visit friends and relatives.' Misses. Mary and Olga Gard ner after visiting' relatives ' in fcayside returned" Monday. Miss Louise and Bettie Ayers fire now visitirg fdti.cis in teo N. C- and Nag's' 'Head. Mr. W. D. Cargtarphen left h jre for Washington and ' other places Monday, on business. Miss, Ida Harrison after spen ding some' timcTin M of folk" with - her siater reltirned Tuesday. , ' Ah'ss Blanche . Gilbert left Wednesday , for Elizabeth City where she will visit relatives and friends. " Misses Lizzie Mitch! , Eliza beth Murphy are ndv visiting Mr- & titf.? Cohen jtchot on Main St.' ' " ;v" , ' - Mrs. T- E. McCaskey and Mrs. G- -T. Bacden,' 'xt ' Norfolk,, are visiting tjieir sister, 3irs. M. V. Norman. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Barden ofNorfolH' are the guests of 'Airs. Bsrnen's parents, ' Mr. and M rs. S. T. Harrison, . 5 Mr. Theqdore Chessqn j'k at home from King's Business " Col ege, having completed his gtud es atthatjntution. . The Majestic Theater eppned Wednesday night with a full house. ' The pictures were yery oa, aiso tne music ' - We return many thanks to Mr. O. M. Chesson for. some nice wat .er-melops and canteloupes lef t our hQine thjs week. Str. Mayf lower ran an excur sion Wednesday from Windier to Plympu'th, bringing quite a prowd to bur city' (colored), Miss Maiy Wynn pasae.d thro ugh here Monday on her v.4y iome from Raleigh,' whero she las been attending school." " Miss Estella Burges left Tues day for her home in Rocky Mt. after spending a week with -Misa pad Campbell on Washington St. Mr. ITXC Phelps Ed Ayers eft Wednesday fcf Wallace fmere they will help the Wallace age ball team -in a 'few games Mrs Walter Bateman dclight ully entertained a crowd of young people w ednesday night (in honor oi Aiigs i'obie Johnston t her home Mr; L. L. Owens with- nartv of - I f.J J- l.ft . I.J" ma iriL'iius leit on nis pleasure lyaetu iKiouranaej early Monday r. A. Graham ropnsen-ting- 'arrentarf " Hicrh School rW'arreiitcra" i- C- was in our midt'.Tjssday July, 29th loolfinsr for nety -students. ' Attentp n ' is hereby caUai to the advercls.e- . "" lJ1--- t'lU tUiy-l . liJll It MissGert'2 BaUrn.aii is now ntertajping some of her frinds fat her home nnr Rrmprfnrn fw Those from Plymouth are Misses Cad Campbell" and Mamie Van- Nortwick- A Frightful Wreck. of truiii, ttiil jm Ac bugy r.iij aw uf bruise- HljriU7-ntt, spruin or wmnd tliHi GeunuirJ liutkU: j 4rniiM Salve unrtli' p-Wl est iiiiei". Quick' rt'.(i.-f .ro!up tliMi VesnitM For liui-'tb. kiiy. ' ir.8 of ul nt 1 Ni'.rn jbvh or cmtiR, it's s.tpreme. Surest :ie uure. "Upo at P. E. XAV(nport. Miss Cad C ampbell Entertain1' I .... - . . ( Iflss Cai Campbell delightfully entertained som 3 of her friends at her home on vv'ashington St. . Monday evening, q honor of her company, Misses Estelle Griggj ox dcjii vLLp, va. ana Ejceiie uur- gess of Rocky Alt'. The young people were recivcd at the 'door by Mr Habere .and A! is:vgad Campbell, were uibarad llP stairswiiere ti?y were relieved ! oi their hats and wraps NT 1'1 .. t J " 1 l i : 1 in. entercainea tns crowq lor a sh'6rt while with sonje of her beau'dfuj Ringing, 'also some very pretty ihstrirmental music. At pfeyen o'clock the couples Were called into the dining room wjiere jce crpa-1' ahd bo of diff erent kip.ds were served . Those wijo attcn-43d tnis party were: ' ' ' r ' "' ir, E D Carstarphen, Robt. Jonhston, Robt. C-unpoell D, H; Clark, Jerry Hayes, of Windsor; Carstarphn Margie Willoughby," Ellis KUv4,'V-il Oa-npball, Katie Ausboa Gartie Batenia'n'o'f Roper liobie Johnston, of Littleton, ivi u mie Vannortwick, Estelle Griggs or Jarretts, & Estelle Burgess of Rocky .Mt, a. ... Qur Soldier Ilqys Return. 'Our Sailors'.' retuynad from New 'Bern' Sunday morning where they'have been attending the Bi-centennial celebration and Firomans tournament. 1 ho boys on board tne flag ship Kifrid;i left hare Sanday ve2X ab on t eleven "A. M ' ' - They were caught up with by the torpedo, boat Dupont just below the mouth of tne Pasquo tank Rjver loaded with the .Eliz abeth City naval rqsearyes, after wards staying the" whole ', time together '" ' ' The two boats anchored in New Bern harbor not tar from Uiore fbr the wek. Tnsy were tn y;e up until the last' night before they wert) to leave the net man ning, Saturday," when the Ell'nda took part in tne boat parade, and proveVl to bo one of the most attractive boats, decorate d with Japanese lanterns, cdectqe lights, torch'' lights, ote An other thing which took the eyes of the great crowd which witnes sed' the long land parade, Was the exact step and straight linoi Plymouth company kept during the. parade. " "Ai any camera snaps were heard vvh.en the boya would pass t'ho crowded cornfri;. 1 und erstand for the good marching that our boys done they "are to get a larg-e cannon no w 'Ideated at Now Born ; also a. torpedo boat to use, on target practic, which 'will ha in the Albemarle S )und.' J?ov Iegistcr of Deeds, Willi most itiiiere thanks ;uid a) pnciafio'ii for past favors, 1 a.iiu uifer nxy--elf lor le-noiniuutmn itt tlu Deinocra'id lJrii!!arifs hirI' Conven tion for liudslef of iU'edjj and H notmated ami 'fleeted it' will he my pleasure as well as duty $ setve jiromptly and faithfully. Very sincerely, F, K. joHKSToK. TPqy Register of Deeds,, " To the HeiU'wraUu Voters of Wa shington Comity, 1 hereby annoueeniy Pelf as can didate fur the office t UeLfi5-toV uf Deedt4 If Niuniivntel and ulettet 1 will full fill all 'dunes' as required tj the best of my ability. Your Ueept, V. K, Weed. Plymouth. N. 0. Viinco Noriati, -Milton Clagon, of Roper, Louis His?.U of Roper & Ulareiica libqnt-'duas .Minnie For Representative. To. the Democmtic Vyters of Wush - in,!' ion Con tit v : After the holicitatio'i of uy P.e nicci'Hiic I'ricndA fron t,jory part the County. I take this '.method e HisnouiHjiii myself a candidatu tt) re);vst'!it" the County in thu u'xt. nesaion jif the (ienersd AsMitHhly-, Stj hj-i'tit to tlse aclton f?.f tin Dt-nToc? ratic ''fjriiarics. If Nominate! ii'nd e ! ((! U'd J W i 11 1 1 i f id ly r vo " i h e p!'o)lex(4' lhy Coniitj' to. the' upiji of my obhty. ' A urv .JespectrUv, W. li, Brickhou. t A nnounce ii? en t. . A ft t he solicitation of nuny ; Townships in , the 'Couiit,v. V hav Uk-onlcd to cntor the rutin for ihe nn. iniuation of sheriff of U'ashin-Mon Couuiy subji';c to the . pemocratij; Jo i.'jfikinjr this Hniio;inceine,it i i't;el .4,hat i hi!u)uhl iis-jiyu rthe people liuit I axtt .in a position to, a.nd v;ill djscliHrH the duties of tjie ollii:p with jotjtjce and i in partiality ifjip.f, inatej' jtid elected. , . Respectful I v, ;tEPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF TH'k HANK OF P.LYMt)UTU, at Flj .noetb, tu the Klate of NortL ('uro hiii'., tit iuii clone of busiubhs June VJ'JL '' Loniis ind liisepur.ts ilZJ'JV'O i ivenlrrtf'is, Hect'rt'y ' !'" 'i'J North Gi'oii.ia'Suie Boum . 5 ( if 10 "r-jmiuai ou Huu&h ,i"iO Do iiiakin iLi'iisH.'iif niire t .i xt . 3.r.i)o.oo Dnn from Banna and tsaukers O.T.'H 11 Cash " Go) J Coin silver Q (in innl tiiu all miior 172 So 171.50 com mu'rfcnv 2.i;2 5iS National tioie tta ptber gupitHl stock .18,50J)Q 8grplusund ,I)0.(I0 Unilivi'le.t ' prog 1 8. ' '. 4,109)Q Dividenfln utipHjd liepotiiirt aubjeot i k Total I.IKJOIO 2 iU'J 84 a- ,;iflrt.a4 State of North Carolina, ,U)ii ty of Wiisli in ?t l I, Olarc;i)H Lfi-thnnj, Qshier ol the abtv iiaincd lijfr, tin sojfiunly s vbhi- tqnt thf uboyo latemH.f U u na to tUe of my i'i4ttRxC8 1.atiiit:.- Ort-Lij-r.- Slub-icrihf (J hj;J siviii'u to Uriofe mc. tiiiaU.uday (:;-'j!y. 19,0. ' 1; p. V. VV. AU39o, (J. H. 0,; ;. Uorri!i AiUf t : . L. S. LvxaiNO. A'. L, UjhMS, V . ii .. 11 A M PTON Oii-iuiois.' TRIM'l'Y tViJiEGE- 5 IVf DEFAaTME;NT3-(''l,'l'i"tu, Qrf 'laic, l-'nriiieiuing, Law and r.iluenlio i. I.ji f. ?; Ke lit-.'iry f'.iciliru: Well wiiij)i'(l lulmrnr.r , if" in nil df pin tiiv iiH of ffioiicB Guriiisiiiii 'f ; rill'ntsilf;i1 Willi btfdf. lti'lMI!ly. Kspi'llMli very moiicralr. Aid fiir wiirthy uliidcn is, sfi'fv;ichcrs and Studijift ojt- : icetini' to onuxohi tciich- 5 inr should hirvstju' dt' r.e s s nporiUr udvu n tuuv offer- g f. ed.bytlie tieiy VQpnftmontg of EducLi tion iti ' Trin it Cojon-c. ; ' - I ; For I'ntuosruc mm other luf triin.t- t ion address s&. ; trinity Park School Ccrt;ricat9 of (iraduatiun Accepted for Entrance 4.9 I leading Southern Colloges y Fiiciiiii' i.f u-ii o!iici i!i and ifiichi-is. ( 'mi;i.i ) c( ii'-li.-n c:t. .iti.iiij. nn filling y more Unin forly Ih'Mlfni d hound vo'ii'mec. V'fll cijiiipiH-d gjmnnsiuw. Iliuii sUudard.- f r pd moderu nuJliod!. of ln-rruclim. Krf(i!i' V, ( lecture by prniriinent lecturi.rr". K'peV. V ; yxeeudiiigly moderai.y. Twlvp yvt of ? lilieiiODiinul fuceess. ' Fit cntuloiiiie nndtlmr itiforimt- F. AI(jbrido, Bursar "01 YE YOUPw HOME PAPER FIST PSEFEEEHCE, YOUR INTEREST IS ITS Main Oblech i "Tbe Piano with tiie Sweet Tone." (. ") A'orfi Caroinct, Mcivditli Cidtege School qf Mv-dc has 40 Upright and (jr-d, STIKKF f'Uku'6, tiad'Ir. Wade liroyr they give ihe best jiii t i s f aw 1 1 6.u a ' i u J : e con n d e the . .VTKfFE tiy odi n rtitic iu si rynient .in every refpeot Most of-" the important Music Schools in (he fSontii jue eonipped with STlEK't' "irAU.S. A'libt of tht-rn will be sent on ivCfU'st. STKIJj'K. i-'l A-.V Ri-e oh d,ireet Ci;(Mii maker- to . JOU.. at the lowest faciry urj.ee.; a,-saving of a goodly spin. ' Write for Price LisL , : piiAS. M. steff, l. c, s;rj-:i;i:. Mgr., ' Hi Granby St.. - Norfolk, Vh. "The J'iano vv.iUi the ..Bwcct Tone" (Alenliija t'.rin paper.,) Offlcial 1'iniio JttmoKtqj31 ExjiOKitiip Fpv Represe.iiajiive,, To the Democratic voters of Wash iiiiM'on County. I hiOrehy iinn'onnLie mvaelf a oi- dhjaie Xu nomination as Uepsental ivu f'rytv Viusi1ingt011 U9iinty in iht coding ut'Kiiioii of t.he (leijern! Asseio hlv, iihj?ee,fc to the mcuoii .f tne Unin ocalic ,i'ri mallei and Convention. ICef-poct 111 1 1 v, J. E. biNGin-:T(4J. lioi-er, N. C. CflLLRiE 111? JliillibTLf HE ;i W 31 IU1A.VKJ km. The States college for tar ining industrial workers. Cou rses in Agriculture, Horticul ture, Animal Husbandry and Dairying; in -'ivil, ileeirical anri Mechiiifical Engineering; in Cotton-Miuing and Dyeing -iri Industrial pheniistry; and iniAffricijlttir'yesichKig:. Entrance examinations at each county seat on he 14t. D. H.'HUIPros, dT'J'EMKN 1' OF TI1.B. ..BANK OV Ebb, CIIK8- W KU?, .. (J. At close of InisiK's's Jun, ZO 1!H0. JlkSoCIUH S I Joaa r,ud Dinooujits, , $ltf,"il".H0 Furniture and Fixtures, ... t00 pue from Bayfcs aud Baufcej's. . yiUU.iM Gol& Coin, . . . f . u; ;- 7 5J Silver coin, jacliuling all Vloi cpiu curipricy, , , . ' ii'd't p'J at. banji uptert and oihvj'U S'. " uotos ''" . . . 7nj.njj Total, , ; . VJ,m'l 20 XJAIilUTIKS : OupituJ Stock, , . , fr.,(!OO.Ol) Uuii:iipd ProfitN, lens current '"" fcXpeiiheS and inxt j'did, .. -l.'l 40 Dt "piikiils 8iiIm ct Ip cbipk . H)t?t?J.Zf '1 Savings lit-posits, Uerliifcd Clucks - - - - 14,53 Total. . I!H)SH9 Qtat of North Caro'iua, Cpiimy t .VVli iugto'i, hs: ;. 1 1 I, U. HI. WooJley, Ciwhicr of nie'nbfivo nuiinij bank, do K'lletqul.v 8Wfnrutn..t'he piboVcs HMtviiieiit true to ts best o iy knovledKp ut (it-liff. ' . D, E. Woo.HLBV- CrtShier. . tfubpiibed ait "worn to befujo toe, tl)is Ctb d,y of Jqly l'.m ' NV. li, IlAHQ.t30N, J..I-. Correel-Attjiji : II. .A LiTrHitiXiu V. H. Haiuhsok, Vi;.' Wit t . DiiretoriJ. VVRipHTSVILLp BEA(;il, North Carolina's famous seas ide resost, witrT'it's Steel Pier 700 ft into the Ocean; LUMiNA the great pleasure Pavmon and it's sixteen piece Orchestra. : j SURF BATHINQi fl3.N4'! S'AltlNQ . --' ' ' .-": : " ? 1 .' HeBcbed fasily vir. the ,djn1)l5 d-iuy." triin Hervicof tU-AlLvNl'IU CO AM' tINK CouutKUin EitcU-io triin to tba Bcauh. U-U KS voi H II.mjN. - Siik eulj iitunl.ty ua4 " iiiiday (utvtHntu Until Aau.-it 28ibn liiuii(-d to ic- turu umil M.Joi ty ojdrigUt fnll. iti;. ATI AN L'lO UUAST LINE, w. .l. Uu.uo, T. W air 13 I'usciiger '1 rflliic Mg'f, Jon. I'asstHfjtu- .4jj"l" J. A. OniPFiy, Ag't. lly lllinuii, N. U. . Biu-aiws isiifw BiscovgRr TO TH? BEMOCHATIC IHGTOH 'Ypu are hereby .requested to meet at your various poll ing places throughout, the County, Saturday August 27th 1910, at v$9 p, m, for the purpose of.bolrjl'ig Presence lleil ngz for tfie election of Delegates tp the ' . COUNTY;. CONYENTIOK vlch'ts called , -to .convene at PLYMOUTH, AUG. 31ST 19ID AT 10 AOE or the no;nination of .candidates, for Lte Iegislature nv& yii.rious County Qffices. ' . . .These pretciu.ct meetings .Are .JpJie leid ..under the .Uow ingulas Ar,d regulations: - Each Prccinqt JSlecting.sltall bo presided .over by tlx Precinct Chairman, who shall call' the meeting to. Q.;dei; 'pThree poll holdcrs-shull be selected andta YOfc2ttaken for .the .different candidatG3,for officQ;,polls to :beopen 3:30 p,' ;ir and closed at 6:30 p, m. aid 'the' delegates shal'Vvotein t (launty Convention in .accordance nviiJi thw vote. T)y Chairman of .'the Precinct U'etin ..haU ;ceify to the County Convention the .vote .received by ,eoch cdrilidatt;. .together vith the names cf the Delegates and Alternates. Every -DEMOCRAT shall have the right to vote a t hit ,-propcr polling place and iti case the vote cf a man claiming to be a Democrat is -challenged on the g;'onnd that he ,b not, he sholl not be denied the privilege of -voting except bv ;the judgemenst of a majority of the Poll Holders. Every ychallcngchaU be re.cord.ed and any candidate dissatisfied with the result, shall have the .righi to appeal to rthe County Convention. : The vote of, each Precinct in he bounty ConvcctUyi. .as follow?: r Plymiwh Towiw!Ip 8, Le Mill Township 7, 5fcV?ner ,ville Town.shi I, Scupponong Township 5. (svet'tf )enu?crat in earnestly reqttesterl l attend ties precinct iieetintjs a.nfl select the man thenxetves. v UinidlD, Comm. Special Sate Prices on All Wasb Goods for 18 Days Only, 1 ; - - All White Gpods at 20 per cent off regular' price to closg out 9ur entire line pf Seuzine Silks 33s. valuss havs been reducexj to $2 1-2 per yd. Our entire line of IN j en's Ne?k Tie 2g &t 33? values goinj at 19c. ' Itemember this isonly for the limit of 18 days aid sictly CASH price. "'" ' , . As in the past the best of every-thing in ths grocery lin? at pric.es as low as the lowest.' . , Every-thing in the perishable line kept ou cold storage, CLYDE C.AhOON, & A, J. NEWBERRY, ' Sarvpyor &. 'EnIflccr,- NOTION. North Carotin 1. 'Vasiiiiist'-n Cniuitv, t?tHn (if 11. J. U iliiinu" ! r' -.si-.l late nf VV'Hs'.ppiu Otnuiiy: ti. U Tins ia to trui- j ... 1.. - t ..I.J..... ,....;.!! fy all pt-rtiiji.s kvm ulnt!;is HtfmiiKt sanl at lioper N. C !ii n In tore the 2,id diiv of . June 1911 "irifjis imtico will ba t'ladcd in bur of hvir recovery All tersniU ind-.-bied to Bhid inlnlo will pltasc ui.ikii inime ijlate iH,vutt. ibis aa uay oi June r.iMJ. w. 0. '1 iiomfson A.dtnr. Je 24-Ot. i j fiu ufi. tint Mitwfif.d nfler u-iu'4 Mecord li'K to diit'Ctiuiif t-.vp thirds of aljiiltie of 'lianibtrlainV StfiiiiarU tni Liver Tfildt vou 'i liMVf vmir inotiey biictt't lip tbU"t p'frtntrt ijhd i"VimuH; thi; hiuumch, im- firy tue dle-lifin rt!iilitp lti boei GivH tbeiu ti trial nnd wtll. soul by all .le.uera JJQTI Undpr aud bv viiinrf. nf an order in tl.f- (it'iioei'dins bcfoMJ Ui-1 !t tni'frior iJourt t'Utitl"i rtliti'lia Hrnwiiit'1; -l Sai l or-dt-r btiiitf grimed in July 15th Tlic under- niiied 'snniii8'iiur will ki) (or c-Ah to liiabt'st biildi r nt Mtle nt Oi-ort llonhP door ut Fljuioutli t). Coo Auir ir.(li 1-H;i at 12 it. in. Tbe ttuii ti f i he !h!a ,Marct;llij br'Woiug Vj-l fie be lived in Wusliintou UoUuty. Adjoioifisr land-! nf JJ. Witters, nn tb Wst H. H 1(. A' Li. Oo on the South, Ana Alleu oa UjU Ertnt. Mit'Sl Entry oa tbe NorlU. Coi-tainiop le I ncr k u-oie or Icsn This Jvily lbtu 1!10. W .M.J OKB,Jr. C'Uu.iShiiiier. AOUNCEKf. To t hi? Democratic Voters of Lee's Mill.s 'l'ovtlii: I take lis iinuilicr of uiniontivili injst'lf an cnmltdiiie for t ho otHuo of Tjwiislii3 Covtbie of hvu Townxhiji. Jf tiomiitateil m1 clwtti'd Iwillctt iVuvor tu fill tlif oltiuo to the fctiHs fat'tioit of thu x;ovle. utrttJ ! v. .1. I. l.'AWbKS. ifM amU M. k K limial (.'aifn, UoiTIns, iid Caskets and ail kindof 1- u hotuL. A ceesorit'S. V I'i-lCfS, Uc'HS'-.MIHl)le... UtV- tOt; 'j'l CHl I ... I ; I f . I .1 I ;;;;:;8 c. 3 VOTERS OF WASH COUNTY- EEPOKT Ci1 THE CONDITION Of TUli BANK OF UO.mt, at liopt r, iu the blttti of Nortli Caroling at the close of bUsiut-as Jun Jlth l'JIO, KEBQpjJCES. pOLLAkfv Limiis'auU disk-omit, $5:i,;-H4 bu All oil:-r $tockn, Uotidfl & iltg's, 2,S()0 i) Ail oibt r rel tsjtit'e owned, 4,21!) v'i Dua from iuks aud Uaukers, 5,01)1 US Gold cuin; " 7.,''il siilvurcnin," inclndiaa ajl.talao?"' T com currniiuy. fci C! Naiiorjnl bunk nptea njid plher U. !S. iioleti, ' ;,412,()(I Tnt, 72 j8:!8,r.i j LIABILITIES, - POLLAK.1 Uipiul stock, 20,0o0 0U Sarplr.8 fund, ,',000 (iti Undivided )roiiLs, less current bx- jitinses and tnx(.'-i imid, l,S)i."i :! Dppoi itg subjtiet to chtok, i?4,i(;0,7fj Ssning depOHttti, .. ,o7 (.iij Casbicr's Cbtckd outstanuicg, liW5,(Jj Total. ' 72V38 statp ot iriii Oarnlina, County of w ahhiiiirtdn, I U. H. tjiark (Ji-ii ;r of tho iib,;ve tin-, nifd Btuk !i .suli-tiiny jmiar ilnU I be b uVe r ttioiuoot is trim to lite best oi n:y knowledge and belief- , U; s. Cfork Ciisbfer. finbwribed and svvnru is btforo meVtLi? 7h duy of Ja y liila. l, a. noPEii,- Notary public. Correct-rtteRt : P. T.i. Herrington, T. V. Wbru , J, W. C'beMbou. Directpra. THE NOfiTM CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial Coflge, Maintained by the Stale for the Wo fc.t'11 of North Carolina. Pour ivrul ar Catirst'8 leading to degrees. tSpetT. V',l Counts for Teacliersl Fallseysiou 'Vfii Soptetuher U, iiWK 'I hosu ih.-imig to eaer should . p)l V eailv K-i possible.. For catalogue utu) oi her tit forinaf ion iidd ress. JULIUS I FOUST, President. l-r iv Po Tiis Voters of Washington County -., 1 U 'n l'JC nnnounco mylt h oar.-. dida' fo' Ibt ollie.e of TieHHurer of Washington Cninty, suhjpc-t titu m ion of I lie Democratia IViwariee Awd if itected, will ende-tvor t tliu'i-ijTO thtf duties of that, otllee tu tho satisfaction of the people. 'Ver itpetnhui y WHI Surely Step Thai Couah, 1

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