FJ m i . in u in rj in si m Year, la Adranc -, FOR GOD, FOK COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH."- ' 4 Copy j Ceta , i - .. , , , .I. ..i - - . - " VOL. XXL PLYMOUTH, ,N, 0.. RID AY AUGUST 12, 1910. NO. 9. 101 IHEPOOR INDIAN He lias Become the Prey of Attorneys. OVER $300,000 IN TEN YEARS Tor Lawyers' Fees Driven by White Man From His Happy Hunting Grotind Still Pursned. McAlister, Okla. That a new era : of : wholesome legislation, by congress Ifaas dawned for the Indian as a re sult of the congressional investigation into the McMurray contracts in the belief among senators, congressmen and other government officials assemb led here. The committee appointed by the iiouse of representitaves, headed by Congressman Charles II. Burke, of South Dakota, to inquire into the charges of Senator Thomas P. Gore that he had been tendered a $25,000 on $50,000 bribe to help put the Mc Murray deal through , Congress, ar rived here from Muskogee Sunday to continue its, hearings. Senator Curtis strongly denied hav ing any relations with Hamon. Con gressman McGuire, who testified con--cerning meeting Hamon in Washing ton and in response to direct question denied that he had ever been improp erly approached in regard to the Mc Murray contracts. What are known as the present Mc Murray contracts consist of aboutlO, '000 documents secured individually. The story tol d on the stand - by Green McCurtain, the venerable In dian chief of 10,000 Choctaws, made a deep impression. McCurtain relat ed how his tribe year after year, had waited for the government to sell their lands and how at last the In dians, becoming discouraged, had be come the prey of attorneys, whose promises were morlp. 'glowfing ;han those of the government. It cost his tribe in the last ten years, McCurtain related, $300,000 in .attorneys ' fees besides a share in the . $750,000 fee paid to the McMurray firm several years ago in the citizen ship cases' involving the Choctaws and Chicasaws. Congressman J. II. Stephens of Texas, a member of the, present in vestigating committee,1 in a speech in vestigati'.ig, referred "to the $750,000 fee as "a scandal" and declared the attorneys should have been made to pay back the money. "It is evident that the whole In dian situation needs to be gove over by the government," said an official Sunday. "The Indians are the wards of the gvcernmetn of the government, yet they, havq be come the prey" of attorneys. For in stance, one attorney received $12,000 a year for representing one tribe and he resides in New York. "In instances where the govern ment interests and those of Indians conflict only should attorneys be em ployed. Other cases for settlement can be arranged by treaty. This in vestigation should enlighten Congress on what should be done." Scandal For 30 Years. Albany, N. Y., Special. Declaring that conditions have existed in the "borough of Queens for 30 years which have been an open scandal, a delegation representing the commit tee of 100 of Queens citizens have petitioned Gov. Hughes, "to direct the attorney general to deputize a special Forney general to take charge of the criminal investigation of the governmental affairs of Queens eoun . ty and that ha act as prosecuting of ficer for that purpose"." "i'he' petition criticises the district attorney , for alleged failure to per form his duty. The. governor promised to give the petition consideration. Great Interest in Postal Banks. Washington, - Special. The First National bank of Tarboro, N. C, ap plied to the Postmaster General Sat urday to be made a depotiory of funds under the recent postal savings act. Thus far there have been applications from 923 banks through out the country to be made depositar ies of these postal savings funds .and requests from 390 postmasters for the establishment of savings departments Postal Bank Scheme Developing. Washington, D. C, Special. A cen tral clearing house in each State is a feature of the Postal Savings Bank system adopted by the committee of officials" that will make recommenda tions to the board of trustees. For a long time the committee .faced the necessity of providing some method for the settlement of accounts of de positors in the postal banks that would avoid delay incident, to the trans-mission of all such matters to this city. The idea of having State central clearing houses was discuss ed at length and has been adopted fi the best solution of that problw PATTERSONMEN LOSE. Patterson's Men Defeated by Inde - pendent Ticket Outlook Gloomy. . Nashville, Tenn., Special. The In dependents elected their judicial tickets in Tennessee Thursday in one of the most exciting and bard fought political contests ever known in the State. The Independents represent in a large measure the State-wide prohi bition element of the Democratic pavty which has been vigorously op posing Gov. Patterson since his mem orable campaign with the late ex Senator E. W. Cannack for the guber natorial nomination. - -v Jt'took on added strength when the State committee ordered a blanket primary for nomination of both judi cial and State officers. These mem bers of the upreme court, Chief Jus tice Beard and Justices , Neal and Shields, and Judges Wilson and Tay lor of the court of civil appeals re fused to enter the primary and the independent movement was on. Judges McAlister and Bell of the supreme court entered the primary and were on the regular ticket. Judge Barton of the court' of civil appeals was also a nominee for supreme court. . '. Gov. Patterson entered the lists for the regular ticket and stumped the State for it. 1 His enemies lined up solidly with the Independents. . The indorsement by the Republi can' committee of the Independents was followed by a break in Repub lican ranks and the negro vote, . it was alleged, was solidly for the reg ular ticket. Negroes were registered more freely than ever before and they paid their pclll taxes. The revolt in the Republican ranks was led by Jesse Littleton and many of ' the blaeks followed him, but it seems not in the numbers that have been pre dicted. Enemies of Gov. Patterson claim that the result Thursday will have disastrous effect on hi spolitical fu ture. He is a candidate for reelection but as yet the opposition has not shown its hand as to what steps will be taken in putting out a ticket against him. - , In Democratic congressional pri maries in. four districts incumbents were renominated. Savannah Sunday Almost Blotted Out Sanvannah, Ga., Special. Rev. W. L. Pickard, pastor of the First Baptist Church, has written Adjutant General Scott protesting against the use of Ross Dhue rifle range, the new mili tary range near Savannah, on- Sun days. "He says Savannah Las pander ed to "foreigners" so much that she has almost blotted out the Sabbath. The adjutant general has sent the minister's letter to the Savannah mil itary officers asking that they be gov erned as they think best about it. New Orleans Finns Complain. Washington, Special Several New Orleans trading companies have com plained to the State Department that, because of the apparently indefinite policy of this government in Nieara guan affairs, steamship companies were adding 2 per cent to all charters as a war risk. The trading compan ies conlplained that the extra charge interfered seriously with their, com merce with eastern Nicaragua. The State, Department has repH?d to the companies that it can do noth ing for them and reiterates its previ ous assurances that the United Statjs will protect American ships and American cargoes against depreda tions in Nicaraguan waters. Uncle Sam Will Pay "Tips." Washington, Special. Government officials and employes who pay tips to waiters on shipboard as well as gratu ities to other servants on boats may charge the expense up to the govern ment under a ruling of the Comptrol ler of the Treasury. "All Boys Thieves at Certain Age." Amherst, Mass., Special. That morality in country places is higher than ever before is the decision reach ed by the National Conference of Cunty Clergymen, which 'was in ses sion here. Ae report of an epidemic of thiev ing among boys in Cape Cod, given by one of the clergymen, led Dr. Wilson to declare that "all boys are thieves at a certain age." Necessaries of Life Decreasing. Washington, Special. Consider able shrinkage in the commercial sup ply of some of the prime necessaries of life is indicated by the movements of live stock and meat products in the United States duiing the first half of the present year. This decline was shown bofhin domestic and in foreign commerce. The shortage in the commercial supply of live stock is best shown by a comparison of the half yearly fig ures, which totalled 16,463,756 head for the first six months of 1910 as compared with more than 20,000,000 in the same period last year AUTOMOBILE WRECK Fast Southern Passenger Train Smashes Machine. TWO KILLED - OTHERS INJURED. Auto Passenger Car With Eleven Per sons Aboard Caught in a Deep Cut by a Southern Passenger Flyer. Birmingham, Ala., Special. Two were-killed outright, three fatally in jured arid two others may die as the result of an accident, in which a Southern Railway passenger train near Westlake crashed into a large automdbile below Bessemer Sunday fternoon. The automobile maintains a regular passenger schedule between Bessemer and Westlake and it was carrying eleven passengers Sunday to the lake Sunday afternoon. The machine, was struck by the J'ast passenger train shortly after 4 o clock and was almost completely demolished. There is a steep grade leading down to the Southern tracks just be-., fore Westlake is reached and as the highway is in a cut' it was impossible for the chauffeur to see the train or for the engineer to see the automo bile. Those of the automobile pas esngers who escaped with injuries state that the locomotive whistle was not blown for the crossing. The front wheels of the large au tomobile had just run on to the rail road tracks when the engine struck it. The passenger train was running at a high rate of 'speed and plough ed its way through the forward end of the machine. As it was but one and one-half miles from Bessemer ambulances and physicians were quickly summoned from that city. The injured were . all taken to the Robinson hospital in Bessemer. Esperanto at Baseball. Washington, Special. "Tri Frap umo" is the cry that will ring out from a baseball umpire's lips for the first time in the history of the American I national game on the . afternoon of Thursday, August 18, when the Washington and Cleveland American League teams meet here. The words are Esperanto for "three strikes." They will be used to indicate "batter out" on the af ternoon in question because the 1,000 or. more delegates to the International Esperanto . CongTss in session here 'that week will'' be . present Post . Office Inspectors Allert. v Washington,' Special. If the in spector's division of the Postoffice De partment keeps up the good work it has done this year in smothering the operations and bringing to justice of the crooks who use the mails as a convenient medium to fleece the guile less, 1910 will be a banner year for it. From small beginnings of several years ago, this arm of the postal ser vice has grdwn to be one of the most important in the government. Here tofore' its operations have been eon fined for the most part to the sup pression of the small swindler, but in recent months it has turned its energies to bigger game. Last spring it unearthed the big frauds in the United Wireless Tele graph Company, through which hun dreds were being swindled, and brought the offenders into camp. Last week it opened its batteries on the firm of Steele, Miller & Co., a concern conducting a. gigantic fraud in the cotton business with headquarters at Corinth, Miss., and branch offices in various parts of the South and Eu rope, and i3 rapidly gathering in the crooks responsible. Just how much these gentlemen have realized from their operations it is at present im possible to say, but their loot will run into the millions. Great Monument in Memory Pilgrims. Beverly, Mass., Special. President Taft's-visit to Provincetown Friday to assist in the dedication of a towering monument of granite erect ed in memory of the Pilgrims was made notable by an impressive naval review in the land-sheltered harbor behind the hook of Cape Cod. Life-Term Convict Wins Freedom. St. Paul, Special. Cliarles Price, serving a life sentence in the Minne sota penitentiary for murder, has been released on account of his horti cultural achievements. In the gardens of the penitentiary he succeeded in producing a lemon weighing forty ounces. Now he has a dozen others that are ready for picking and which will weigh about three pounds each. He has been pa roled under condition that he remain ia the State seven years. Price hail served twenty years for killing a fellow-tramp. EXPRESS RATES QUERY. Commercial Organizations Want Rev ' enues and Charges Investigated. Chicago, Special. Filing of a peti tion with '. the interstate. commerce commission at Washington Saturday asking that body to investigate the charges and net revenues of express companies, disclosed a well planned fight to be waged by commercial or ganizations throughout the country. The petition is signed by 124 associa tions of commerce and commercial clubs, who want a considerable re duction in express rates. Indirectly the attaek on the ex press charges hits at railroad revenues as a portion of the complaint is based upon the contracts entered into between the railroads and the ex press companies doing business over their linesf This movement against the express companies was started by the Chicago Association of Commerce and , the New York Merchants' association. "Down With the Pope." San Sebastian, By Cable. The gov ernment's rigorous measures and .the formal renunciation by the clerical junta of the "threatened demonstra tion in this city insured comparative tranquility Sunday and a largely at tended bull fight was the chief in cident of the day. From daybreak the streets were patrolled by cavalry, infantry and gendarmes, while heavy bodies of troops were held in readi ness in the barracks at Miramar palace, where the queen mother and the royal children are in residence. The gravest incident occurred last evening when groups of clericals as sembled shouting Death to Spain! Lon? live the Pope!" Thousands of indignant people rushed towards the manifestants and only the personal intervention of the Governor at the head of a platoon of police prevented an attack. Nearly one hundred and fifty arrests were made. Many amusing scenes were wit nessed. Priests leading trudging bands of peasants took to their heels when they found the city in the pos session of the military. The peasants, all their courage gone, were dis armed and easily persuaded to re turn to theiv homes. In some cases the soldiers were compelled to supply with food the poor people who had come into the city to rail at the gov ernment. The local authorities are convinced i-' the clerical demonstration masked a Carlist plot. Clericals are extremely indignant at the govern ment's repressive measures. Mother of Twins at Ten. Jacksonville, Fla., Special Tishie Delancy, a negro girl, ten and a half years of age and an inmate of an orp hanage, gave birth Friday night to twin girls, according to a birth certifi cate filed with the board of health here Saturday. Both of the children will live, it is said. Meeting American Bar Association. Chattanooga, Tenn., Special.-r-The 33d annual meeting of the American Bar Association will be held hare on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 30 and 31, and September 1, 1910. To Pay $5,000 For Lynching. Springfield, Ky., Special. George Bohon, of Harrodsburg, has qualified here as administrator of Carl Ether ington, the young man hanged by mob at Newark, Ohio, on July 8. He executed bond for $5,000. This is the first legal step toward the recovery of the $5,000 indemnity for which coun ties in Ohio are liable for every per son lynched in their counties. The administrator will at once proceed to collect the claim. Congressmen "Small Potatoes." Ironton, O., Special. Declaring his disguest because it was necessary "to bow and scrape to all the powers, up to the President," to obtain the slightest concession at Washington, Congressman A. R. Johnson has reit erated his intention to quit Congress. Johnson has served one term and was recently nominated for a second. Atlanta, Ga., Special. What isf said to be the cheapest price on re cord for a diamond ring was turned up here by Detective Cowan of the local police force. The price was one small marble, dingy white and with nicks all over it. The purchaser was a small negro boy and the. seller an other urchin of the same race for whom the police are now searching. There is no clue to the original own er of the gem nor as to how it came into possession of the small party of the first part in the swapping trans action. The value of the stone is under $100. "CHINA FORTHE CHINESE" Boycott Proclaimed Against Ameri can Goods by Chinamen. Canton, China,. By Cable. A boy cott of American goods and mer chants, on similar lines to the one which several years ago caused mil lions of dollars' damage to American trad in China, has been' proclaimed here in response to complaints of the treatment of Chinese in America. The specific ause of complaint this time is the objection of the Chinese of San Francisco to the detention sheds on Angel Island in San Fran cisco Bay. They have been endeav oring for some time to have them re moved to San Francisco proper in order to secure better treatment for arriving Chinese. The boycott is proclaimed by the Chinese self-government society of Canton, an organization conducting a propaganda of "China for the Chinese," and fr governmental re form to which Chinese in San Fran cisco appealed by letter. An appeal has been issued to Chinese abroad asking them to co operate in the boycott. Virginia Mayor Killed Himself. Roanoke, Va., Special. A special from Ridgeway, Va., says Detective Joseph Funk of the Baldwin Detec tive Agency of Roanoke, who has been investigating the dynamite explo sion which caused the death of May or A. H. Bousraan of Ridgeway on the night of Sunday, July 24, is satis fied that he has solved the mystery. His inquiries have convinced him that the ease was a peculiarly horrible one of self-destruction. He has so re ported to the town council of Ridge way and the report has been accept ed officially and is universally be lieved to be correct even- by Bous mari's closest friends. Mr. Bousman was deeply in debt SLUMP IN THE, AUTO BUSINESS, Bottom Seem3 to Have Dropped Out Notwithstanding Boosting Efforts of Manufacturers. New York, Special. Indications point to the bottom having fallen out of the- automobile business. The manufacturers, it is reported in trade circles, are making strenuous efforts to keep up a show of continued pros perity, but it is also said that they are not selling their product, but are stor ing machines throughout the country at their various agencies to prevent the public realizing the true condi tions of the market. Several large concerns are laying off men and giving all sorts of rea sons for so doing except the state ment that they are overstocked. Two or three of the largest factories re cently closed entirely, ostensibly for the purpose of taking inventory, but the workmen were not given any defi nite time at which to again report for work, and it is not expected that these factories will again be in oper ation this year. A well-known automobile agent of this city said Friday that all cars would undoubtedly be selling at from 25 per cent to 50 per cent less than present list prices within the next two or three months. He added: "The trouble with the automobile business is that the farmers and peo ple of the smaller cities and towns have not taken as kindly to the idea as was anticipated. The farmers find that the cost of keeping them in re pair and operation is more than the cost of keeping horses to perform the same work, and while there was, for ' a time, a tendency among tae larmers to invest in the machines, the demand for cars from this class of buyers has practically stopped, and I venture to say we will not again sell to the farm ers to any extent until prices are ma terially reduced." Ohio Lawyer Assassinated. Cleveland, O., Special. A body identified as that of William L. Rice, one of the wealthiest and most conspicuous attorneys in Cleveland, was found in the street near the Rice mansion on Euclid Heights shortly after midnight Friday. There were two bullet wounds in the head and the right hand was shot off. A hasty police examination ls-d to a belief that he had been murdered. Congress for Deaf Mutes. Washington, Special. A congress of deaf-mutes which is soon to be held in Kansas City has invited most of the diplomatic representatives of for eign, governments in Washington to address them. Among the invitations received was one at the Chinese Legation here. It is said in diplomatic circles that China would probably not be repre sented, as the legation was finding it difficult to secure an interpreter vhc could turn Chinese into sign? winch tha congress might understand. WOMEN GAMBLERS. Caught in Raid at fashionable Summer Resort. TERRIBLE FEAR OF EXPOSURE. Constable Raided Club Booms Early Sunday Morning and Found Ladies High in Society at Gaming Tables. Narragansett Pier, R. I., Special. There is consternation in the higher society circles of this fashionable summer resort because of the fear that Constable John G. Cross, who conducted the gambling raid at the Narragansett Pier Club Sunday, may make public the names of the men and women prominent in soceity who were on the premises at the time. Prominent matrons, personally or through emissaries, have besought the officer all day not to give out their names. Constable Cross so far ha3 complied, but, he says not because the ladies have asked it. N Several of the women, who were in evening dress, fainted. The names of all present were taken, but are with held by the police. "Persons high in the social list of New York, Philadel phia and Washington - : " There were upward of thirty so ciety women in the crowd gathered about the roulette wheels and other games of chance that, it is asserted, were in the club house at the time of the raid, according to Mr, Cross Many of them have tried to explain, the constable says, that they had just dropped into the club for lunch, after leaving the hop at the casino, but Mr. "Cross declares he saw no signs of any lunch and that the ma jority were gathered about the game boards when he entered. Rumors of possible arrests in the case were current Monday and kept the pier alive with' interest. More developments are expected within a short time. K. of P. Grand Ofl&cers Elected. 'Milwaukee, Wis.,' Special. Ths Knights of Pythias Grand Encamp ment and Supreme Lodge convention have elected the following officers: Thomas J. Carlin, of Macon, Ga., was elected Supreme Vice Chancellor over B. S. Young, of Ohio and Ben jamin I. Stallinger, of Iowa. Other oflicers elected are: Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal, Fred E. Wheaton, Minneapolis. SuVreme Prelate Rev. Jos. ' II. Spearing, Shreveport, La. Supreme Master of Exeheequer Thomas D. Meares, Wilmington, N. C. Supreme Master at Arms Edward Horton, St. Thomas. Out. Supreme Inner Guard Harry A. Drachman, Arizona. Supreme Outer Guard II. M. Wadsworth, Philadelphia. How Character is Besmirched. Muskogee, Okla., Special. Senator Gore his issued the following state ment relative to Vice President Sher man: "I have nevei. either in the Senate or before the investigating committee, made any charge whatever against Mr. Sherman. I never said he was interested in the McMurray contracts direetlv or indirectly . The Vice President's name was mentioned to me by Hamon as the man higher up who was interested in the contracts. When I testified before the com mittee I was under obligation to re late all that Hamon had said, and when it came to mentioning what Hamon had said to me about Mr. Sherman,' I named the Vice Presi dent with extreme reluctance. I had no 'alternative but to tell the truth. "I think I owe it to Mr. Sherman, and to the country to hope that the fact that Hamon mentioned Mr. Sherman will be relegated to per petual oblivion." Cotton $93 a Bale. Atlanta, Ga., Special. News of big prices for cotton was received here Monday in dispatches to The Consti tution, from rural districts in Geor gia. . At Camilla $50,000 was paid for 600 bales from 'the Bush plantation. This was all from the 1909 crop. At Leesburg a farmer sold one bale of new crop cotton for $93. Persistent Bandits Rob and Murder. Albuquerque, N. M., Special. For the second time within a week the Mogollon-Silver City stage was held up and rubbed Saturday, murder be ing added to the crime. Jose Dominguez, the driver, watch ful as a result of his experiences last week, opened fire on the bandits and brought a volley from their weapons. Several of the bullets pierced his hudv, killing him instantly. The robbers hastily gathered up twelve bars of silver bullion, ta" nroperty of the Ernestine Mining Co3i,-;ar.y, and the Socorro Mining Company, which was being shipped