THE ROANOKE BEACON. . PUBLISHED .EVERY FKIDAY C. V. W. AUrfRON, Editor and Owner PLYMOUTH. N. 0. JfttlUAT. Uet. 21et. liUJ. T BEACON FLASHES. Mr, Louis Owens arrived the latter part of last weeii. Mr. M. G. Brown was in our city Monday. Mr. P. C- VVorley made a flying trip to Washington r Mr. Wavlnn Snrnill io a px"- J VAX UUl streets this week.. Rev. M. Y. Self left Tuesday for Hertford. Mr, John Skiles left Tuesday for Grimesland. nJ Doctors r. B. Wolfe. Dentist Plymouth, N. C. Miss Katie Loane will leave for Baltimore to-day. Se'atitt Foolish Family at the Ac Jeftniht &."tJtr?ry was in our citv Airl.'.ds ' bodies. .V, Freni 1 . .W Mr-V' tv 0 .it Sunday for a porJJrtford s. roXH ith M icq VvV CVI tWnon 1aff -Fnr Vi- home liVtf ?a.i4 in-day. jir. mv iunt oi Koper was in our citypJ-A"day. Mr. J. G. Jackson of Hoke was in our city Monday. Mr. H- C Bash left Thursday r.for Baltimore for a few clays. Mr. A H. Jarman has return ed after spending a few days at his home in lreemont. lr. Jim Mitchell left Monday to spend a lew days in Windsor. Mr. John Phelps ent a few days of this week in our city with his family. Mr C R. Spruill spent a few business. Mrs. Cicero Norman and Miss . .Bessie left v ednesday lor Wash ington D. C to visit relatives, The ladiesaid society held their annual bazaar at the ' City Hall Tuesday night. Mr. Mrs. Whit Stubbs spent a few days of this and last week in Rocky ML -Mrs- T. L.'mith spent a few days of this week in Washington with friends Mi: s Genevieve -Beasley turnta after visiting; relatives in Roper. Mrs.'M. T. Jordan has been spending a few days in Rocky Mt with friends. V Mrs. E. A Carter left Saturday r tii 1 ! ;n :i ior rtaieign wnere sne wni au-ena the state fair. Mrs Sam Bateman left Monday for Greenville where she will visit Aciauves. Mrs. B. D. Bateman left Mon day for her home in Edenton after visiting Mrs. T. L. Smith. . Mr. H. A. Litchfield left for H the fair. Misses Stella Blount and Eloise LoaSnent part Of Saturday ad n i j o : v SunQ. in Swains Mrs. KateHolloman left Satur day for Belhaven where she will visit relatives for a few days. A large number of Jamesville young people spent part of Sun- llday here coming on gasoline boat Messrs Cyril Walker, Asa John ston Louis Hassell and Milton Cla gon of Koper spaut part of Sun day in our city. Messrs Buck Eucanan Hubert Lilly and several others from Ro per were in oar city the latter part of last week. Mr. Luther Gurkin left Satur- yLldy 1UI UlliCICUli JlclCCO 111 mc ness. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Jordan, with their auto spent Sunday here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Whit Sturjbs. Mrs. Emily Norman with her grandson Master Norman Harney left tuesday to visit relatives in Miss ("ad Campbell has return ed after visiting friends' and re latives in Weldon, Rocky Mt. and other places. Mrs. Wilbur Mizell spent a few day of last week with her mother Mrs. Pattie Johnston on Wash ington Heights. Headquarters for all kinds of Fowls, Eggs, Salt & Flint Hides. also for Fur. Highest cash prices Paid J. M. Arps. Plymouth N. C- J Mr- and Mrs- Jack Perry passed through here Friday on their way to New Bern after spending their honey-moon in Baltimore Norfolk and other points of interest Standard 07 Co's. gasolene furnished in steel barrel Is in any quanity from 10 gallons up apply to C. M. Tctteriqn, Plymouth Mercantile Co. Lost one baby bv the Foolifh Family finder will please bring to tne Academy to-night and re- cieve reward. .Description gray eyes, and red Head, long nose and tnree yeaas old. GLEE CXTB. -r- Miss Sadie Chesaon delightfully entertained- the "Glee Club Wednesday night at her -home. After having some pretty instru mental music the lights were turn ed off ( Y hich has been done at every meeting) the members all seated themselves in the floor and sang a large nnmber of old as well as new songs after this the members were served to salad olives and crackers, The meeting came to an ending about 11 P. M. TACKY PAitry. At the Academy Friday night all are asked to dress as tacky as possible as a very nice prize will be given to the one decided upon by the judge as being the tack iest. Even if you don't want to dress tacky why come and see the oth ers all are invited. To the ones that are going be sure to watch the Foolish Family with their kids, they have prom ised to be there which will be as much fun as you want keeping up with then they are expected to arrive about eight o'clock so you had better be there about 7:20. A great pile of fun is expected to be gotten out or this affiair and every body is cordially invited to attend old as well as the young. After all the diffierent amusing plans have been carried out each one present will be served with tacky eating. Come and bring your babies as the Foolish Family intend doing. Admission price ten cents each. NOTICE Under aDd by virtue of iudmeut render ed iu tLe special pruoue.tiug ntul(i J. XI Learv et a! agmust lietsey LJdat waicer et al Said judgment reuderco nn Oct. 1;, 1910. Tlie uudersiKiied Oomiuissioner will sell for ohbU to the lupuest bidder at public pale at tiue Court ri'iiihe ilnor iu Plymouth, N. 0. ou November 1(5, i!)10 at 11 A. M All of the timber urowiuK st mdiug b-ina aDd Bituato 011 tiio lands bf-rt iu ufitrwaros VVaim, lor a period of five years with nee- I v. 1 ..- .. ..J,. described with rmbt to cut and remove siSkry cart ways entry pitalaijp and rt-movu privileges eic 1 lie laudH from which the said tiaibm will be sold is that tract decribed as follows iu v ashii)t;tvii Co. N. C bpginnipR t a pine on the Uolley Neck road a li tie noi'li of the old Rptr Lamb r Co. rii;!it of w-y aud tbeucB ruUMtug along said Money uttU road South for 70 y aids, tliencn .South 7i) E. to the corner tbiee piues, thence N. to ttie said lioper L. Co. old liht of way, theuce along said right of wny to a pom ppohite tlie place of begin uin,', thence nc n sk the said right of way to the. piue th- b giuninti. , , L It t)m the HMtno land? eonvave.l to Jin tin Best by J. ii. JCbelps and wife c .rUin iug 50 acres more or less. The timber f i m this laud only wilt be sold. Sale ut Court lio.ase ou Nov. Kit h 1010. VV, M. lioND, Jr.. Coinniiysiouer. 10-21-41 TO SEE Foolisli Family TO HI6HT. COURT CALENDAR. Fall lerm, 11)10. Tuesday, Uct. lain. No. J tioitiia,i 8 liuwuutiet ul. IV l UliUSwa) , J.WM1. " u utcift Vis ouwiiions ii, Co. " U Puuice vs " .. . " 1 'Jjm. Cmaii YS WulktT. iti liaoui'ioun , v j vju.iikin,, l'nui.d.iv, colli. jo. u l uai'U yi auiioaLiuil Yd 1L li. 11. CO Xj. to xNo. 16 Lvoni-i VdAliidlcV. , VViliKCl' va da ni 00. " Xi iiulllli So A. Kjt L. No. Ztf iurliiuti Yd N. & y. " 4 liaaacd Vd 1 " Xt Ul'UlUli 6 ' ' " ZJ iholpa Oo XVQUiti Vd ' ' 4 Oaiu.clay, ZZiui. No. it liauiooa va JJi:i 11 kley , eL ul. ' 06 &tiVU Vo JJalL'l. " oJ iey va iiun.-i' L. Co. UllSt'd IJOL tiled Oil Uaj fcfb Lu iirt'.O pruueedeiico on following (iit). .ViuLlou docKuL aiiU d. Vuiou Gil, .1. called ut pleasure ot Liie court. CHURCH WR.ECTOKV. M. K UliUKOll, OL'lti, ' liisv. 1. ot-Li-', Pastor. Services every js it ml ay ii'u. m and 7:30 jt. in. but ttiu- the beeuiid 6uiida in each ttiotuli. 1 1 junior r-iiivvortn JLeajiue every Sunday afLeiiioon ut 'Z u'ciuek. bemor Kpwortn League, every iumldy at i o'clock. bu ml ay ciiuui iJ;J0 every fttuulay morning, K. B. Aor.nan, .upt. All vutiti" men are cordially invit ed to ntleud tne iiarao.i jJlass, All young ladled welcomed in the Philatliea (Jiass. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p m Uhuistian Chukcfi, Ilt;v. Wakkex davis, Pastor. Services every lirat Sunday in euch month 11 ii. m. and 8 i. 111. JSundrtj fcclioul every Sunday. Episcopal Chukch, Ktv. W. J. Uoit'jAtf, Ufot.or. Services every second ounday in each motitl) at 11 a. m. and 7:3u ni. Sunday Sel o il every Sunda. Baptist Chcrcii, Kkv. C. E. Andrews, Pastor, Services every fourth Sunday in. each month at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Snndtiy School every Sunday. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. BEPOUT OF THE CONDIION OS" THE BANK OF PLYMOUTH, at Plymouth, iu thp State of North Caro lina, at the clone of buniueHS iSept. 1st 19!0. RESOUKCES DOLLAR" Loans and discounts 01,133 05 Overdrafts, secured 483 7o North Carolina State Bonus r ooo Premium on Bouds 1"0.(K) Banking house, furniture & fixt. 3.(500.00 . Dun from Bauks and liankers 8,88(5 '22 Cash 145 3T Quid Coin 22." 00 1 Silver Coin including all minor coin currency 805 88 National Bank notes and other TJ-S. Notes 1,500 00 Total LIABILITIES Capital stock Undivided profits. Dividends unpaid Deposits subject to check 81,92!) 22 TJ0LLAE9 20,000.00 2,397 (iO 5,8!0 00 53 611 62 81,i2'J.22 Total State of North Carolina, Cou ty of Wash ington. I, Clarence Latham, Cashier of the above named bank, do soienmlv wear thnt the bove statement is true to the best of my kuowledgo and beiief Olargnck Latham, Cashier. Subscribed ud sworn to before me, this Ihh day of Spt, 1910. C. V. VV. AU8BON, C. a. C, Correct Attoi-t: L S Landing. A. L. Owens. W. H. Hampton 4 Directors. Leap's The Most Prolific arid Best of Milling Wheats Yields reported from our custom ers from twenty-five to fifty-two bushels per acre. When grown side by side with other kinds this splen . did beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per. acre on same land and under same conditions as other tandard wheats. Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Wrice for price and "Wood'i Crop Special" which contains new and valuable article, "How to grow big crops of wheat." T. W. WOOD & SOHS, Seedsmen, - Richmond. Va. We are headquarters for Farm Seeds, Grtui and Clover Seeds. Winter Vetches, Dwarf Essex Rape, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, etc. Descriptive Fall Catalog mailed free. Prolific l'Jlie;ii "The Piano with the Sweet Tone." Is It Worth One Cent to secure full particulars about a complete line of pianos, including prices delivered to jour liame and terms? It so just a post card to us will bring it. We positively;!! 7i ,1'OUMO ArIF, and givo you advantages you cannot obtain eli-evvliere. Just u post card is all it cost von. CilAS. M. STIEFF, L. C. STEKLE, Mgr., 114 Granby St., - Norfolk, Va. "The Piano with the Sweet Tone" (Mention this paper.) Official Fiuuo Jameutown Exposition A Good Position. Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies field of "Wireless" or Railway tele graphy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since tne Wireless companies are estab liehinnr fvtntiDnt: thrrmrrhnnr ..--w , the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $00 per month, with good chance of advancement. 1 he National 1 elegraph In stitute operates six official in stitute in America, under su pervision of 11. It. and .Wire less Officials and places, all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them tor full details at Davenport, la., Cincinnati, O., or Memphis, Tenn. NOTICE. v X'jSno;ry 1W the Clerk In ie Oonaby Creek Draiu io Dintrici pro posed Surry Parker et al Vri. C. It. Johcstoi) et al. Notice as required by law hereby given to all persons interested there in that on the 14th day of Oct. Tim' The undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court at the Court House iu Plymouth Washington County, N. C. will examine any passes upon the "report of the Board of Viewers heretefore filed in this action on ent. 12th, 1010. Atsaid times tun place the court will consfder said report and will have any oojeetions raised bv any parties having lands .tffected by said proposed drainage. Those havnior lands they wislie withdrawn from said districts or bind to be added theie will appear ind make known their rights in the premises. The petition 'and report heretofore filed as stated has been accepted and entertained by the court lb is Sept. 28, 1010, 0. V. W. Auabon, o. s. c. We Pay in Spot Cash best market 'prices f o r Seed Cotton, B. E. Peas, Peanuts, Wax, Hides and Tallow. FOR SALE-Bagging and Ties; Grain and Pea nut Sacks. H. B. Mavo & Co. Washington ,N . C. 1 NXtl.fiUTLErR. - ) T WANT 7oHGAC,e VOyv - To c r MY Joldin i n C Ai yi a tla Cjiitnl 1 AA 1 isi c-jntr 1 mJT: 1 z JM' BaRGAIIS Shoes, Clo hing CLYDE CAHOON I JrT jj jt Jf , rtT ,XftxvffiT lib rl yUTHOR.ITY STYLES j jj j I 1 ' ' j I '(This Ralston is the seasons ' j: I j very latest not over extreme, ifel I j " as it's, a splendid fitter made. !&1 II . on the Town Topics last whiclv - j jjg I I has a short forepart, high nob 'P I mm 1 lot' ant h rrh hee . II Ml i I v.- j! Ask to see our Town Topics. ftl ill " P I I m ;! I 1 TO 11 I PLYMDulH MERCANTILE-;Q" M iiJL. mm Sub scribe HOME AAA. tin a as Hats an SEE. mm to i PAPE f n n n i W W- Norfolk for a few days.