. THE ROANOKE H EATON. PUBU.-HKI KVKltY FKII)A Y U V. W, aUSBON, Editor and Owkbb PLYMOUTH.' N.C. Fkiday. Nov. 25 h 1910. fcEACOft FLASHES. Only SO days before Christmas Mrs. Mary E. Tarkenton of Mackey's was in town on Monday : FOR SALE Two Horsesin good " condition Clyde Cahoon Dctor7. B. Wolfe, Dentist Plymouth, N. C. Mr. Cecil Beasley has been spending some days at home this week. Miss Eva Everett has accepted 'a position with Mr. Abe Adleras saleslady. Mr Lindwood Hassell has ac cepted a position with Plymouth , ier. 5 Capt G-W. Harney of .Ports mouth is spending Thanksgiving For-Tenacotte Drain Tiling and Sewer pipe see Clyde Ca hoon Special prices on car Miss Belva Davis went home Wednesday to SDend Thankssriv- ing with her parents in indsor. Mrs. J. K Campbell has return ed home from a visit to friends in Weldon, N C. Mr Louis T Gaylord of Colum bia, has been spending some days at home with his parents this week. " Mr. Adolph Stubbs of Rocky ountcame home Wednesday to pnd Thanksgiving with his par ents Ur-andrs. W H Stubbs. Mr. Lou Reid has been forceu to resign his position with Smith' a Drug Store on account of ill hiaiU't Mrs. r ,u iortey ancr enna ren rrned home Monday after an extended visit to her parents in Greenville. Mr. A. 0. Gaylord spent some flays the past week at Florence S. C , where he has been to visit his son, Mr. T J. Gaylord Dr. W. H. Hardteon and Mr. J. W. Spruill ;of Creswell, were in: the city on Monday. , We acknowledge a'plea?ant call , from Mr. and Mrs E. S- Cahaon, ' pf Mackey's on Saturday last. Master Len Bond of Edenton, spent several days with his bro ther' Mr. W. M. Bond, Jr. in our town the past week. Rev. R. C. Broom, P. E. will preach in the M. E- Church here to-night and also on Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock- Regular Quart erlyiConference immediately af ter service to night. If the person who borrowed a copyof Simms' Manual from the cjerk's office-in the court house a few days ago will be so kind as to return it he will be greatly thanked. Standard 4Oil Co'a. gasolene furnished in steel burrells in any quanity from 10 gallops up apply to C. M. Tetterion, Plymouth Merc untie Co. HAEBIED A pretty marrage was solemn ized at the Rectory in Creswell on Tuesday evening Nov . 15 th. at 8 o'clock. The contracting parties being Mr Jesse Gatlin and Miss Alice Moore. Mr. Gatlin was a native of Pamlico Co. but for the past few months ha3 been residing at this place where he holds a pos ition with the N. S. R. R Co The Pride is a popular young lady of this town. Their many friends offers best wishes, and happy con gratulations. ATTEMPT BOBBERY. Between the hours of one and two o'clock Tuesday morning, night policeman J. H. Brinkley, heard some noise tin jthe rear of Mr. W. C. Ayers, grocery store and upon investigation, found the back cellar door oper and a large pile of meat lying just inside. He went at once and called Mr. Ay ersand one of his salesmen Mr. Henry Gaylord, and they then re turned to the store finding it as Mr Brinkley had left it and two colored men, Green Pettiford and Prank James, on the river shore nearby. Mr- Brinkley considered the evidence sufficient and arres ted the two men. A hearing was had before Mayor Spruill on Tues day morning, and he bound them over to the Superior Court, Petti ford being unable to give the re quired bond was placed in Jail. People who talk most about their religion usually have the least religion to talk about. CUPID'S CAPERS. The 3 o'clock A. C. L, train on monday afternoon brought to this town Mr. Benjamin Harris and Miss Susie Bridgers of Tarboro who were in quest of a marriage license, having run the gauntlet of the irate pater of the bride to be at home. The parties had formed the ac quaintance of Rev. E. C. Andr ews of this town during the trip and engaged him to perform the marriage ceremony as soon as lic ense could be procured. For con venience sake Mr. Andrews takes them home with him, and the groom's best man Mr. Riggan sought the Register of Deeds and made application for the ' necess ary papers, but Mr Johnston while not being from Missouri. wa3 car eful, and demanded a look at the young lady, and when she put in an appearance he refused to grant their request But love that' laughs at lock-smiths, etc was not to be daunted, Mr Rig gan hurried to the 4 o'clock west bound train and made a run of it to Williamston, returning on the 7:45 with the proper license. So far, so good, but a Martin County license was no good in Washin.- ton County and there was no train out before 7:30 the next morning and time 'was pressing as the "old folks" might then be on the war path so a lew friends secured con -veyances and all drove to Wards' bridge which spans the creek di viding the two counties, and then at. 10 o'clock p m. in the middle of the public highway, with the star-bedecked canopy of heaven as their roof and the gentle mur mers of Welch's creek rendering their wedding march, iss Bridg ers became Mrs. Harris. Tnrough his invi'ation the bride and groom returned to the home of Mr An drews, wh.;re they remained un til Tuesday afternoon when they left for home, there to meet with we trust a happy reconcil ation from those who should not forget that they were once young themselves . The Beacon extends best wishes to the happy couple for a more smooth path through their wed ded life than tha few hours pre ceding it proved to be. STAEMENT OF TUB HANK OF UitliSkLU C LiKS WELL, .. (J. At cloiO of buslines Nov, 10 1SHU. UKdOUHCaB : Loans aud DihCDnuiH, . . $18,202 9.7 Furniture and Fixtures, . . duo Due from BauUa and iiuker'. . 1,!5".17 Gv)ld coin, . , . . Silver uoiu, ipclntliug all miuoi coiu curreuoy, . . . Nai. bank uoUs and otber U. t. notea . . 252 75 f2. O'U 37 $r,000 00 Total, LIAEIL11IKB : CitpUul Stock, ... Uodivldud Profito, let.s curirut expeunts and taxts paid, DPpObllB EDbjt Ot ! cbcCli Savings Dept biiH, Ca-ibi-r'si Oiiecks oututaadin Oerii.e 1 Cbecka, !U6 O'J o.O).!t 01 iS 9 .) () 70 Total. . 2.' CCO 7 Stafe of Nortb Ctroliua, Couuiy ol Wftb iugtoD, K8 : I, D. J2. Woodley, Cashier of the above nmed bank, d so!eihuly Bf-ar Ibat tba above statement is true to th bosi of tuy kuowlbdge aud belief I. E. Woodley, Cns-itr. 8obcrihoI anrt sworn to t.fur u.e. ih's 17th oay of J ov lUK) II, KAKDIaON, J, P. Corret t-Atte3t : 11. A. LitohkieLd. Wr' H. HAKDI30, U ti l'nKLI'8, itieutora. JtEPOBT OF the cokdiion op Til K IJANK OF PLYMOUTH, flt Plymouth, iu the State of North (.'nro liua, at the clobe of buHiuetia JNov. 10 h KEHOITRCES Lords and diseouoU overdrafts, wecured DOLLARS a.M 67 r, mo North Carolina Stole Bomls Pre miurri on bunds BauktiiK LiMisti, fiiruitur & tixt Du from Batiks and liuukern Ott! " ?!:!!! J V.-.4 r,5 Gold Coin (i(i7 50 Oliver Coin includiog all minor coin currency 1.197 70 National Bank notes and other U-3. Notes 8 000 00 Totai 86,935 13 DOLLARS INABILITIES Capital stock Undivided profits. Notos and Bill Rcdisoountod. 20,00t.0o 2,4 51 A. 000 00 Deposits subject to caaclt 59 2b8 i)2 Total 86,035.43 State of. North Carolina, Cou .tj of Waah- lagtoo, I, (Jlareuoe Latham, Cashier of the above uoaied bauk, do solemnly swear toat the above atatement is true to the best of my knowledge and beiief. Clarence Latham, Cashisr. Subscribed aud sworu to before me, t ah 21st day of Nv, 1910. U. V. W. AU8BOK, C. 8. 0, Correct Attest: L. S. Landing. A. L. OWBN6, W C. A ye its. Directors. REPOItT OK THE CONDITION OF A tthi BANK OF UUi-iiU, at Koper, iu the btuio oi Nirlii Oaroliua at iu close ..!" budiur8s Wov. lotu liO, liaaOlBCKS. DOL.LAUS 'Jil.llH ttiid dlMJ.UIltB, i',r JS UveidrtllH Uiiscurcd i ili uiht-r Smvks, jjuiidd & Mtg's, 2,bU0 oO dauaiij tluiiMjH, 1 tb .ill oiiJcr r itl cSile owned, ' 4n.U UU L i fin Hii ik.-. m.d au.vcjd, 1 1 ,070 at 0 iti ueiijs, 2-1 .0 ti .,d 0(J ., ,00 silver Ciiu, iucludui ull uituor coiu cui tf ucj , 82,71 duiionn) lunik Lioirh aud otuer U. - S. uotox, 1 161.00 t'otal, ' LtAUlLITiiifl, Surplu fuiia, JuJif.Joi p. d n, lewa $70 t2'j,-i2 DOLL A US iO.u.uo ,oou uO se tt ex- 2.491.01 ta;iMji,a.' I 21 6d Deur iirt bili jiKt to Olit-ck," OuMitci-'s OiiitcUsi ouintaaoing, T"Ui. .ate oi Aurth Oaiolina, L'runty itf ehh!ni;tOii, m: 1 VI) h W, B ouni I're-. of tbeaboye na. :i);4 Dniik i i ijoti'tony swear lliat the nl- iv '-attiurnt is true to tlie best o. ui v knovYltdo aud beliff- 'J Lou. W. Hlouut Prt'8. 8ul icribed 'ind sworn to .before Uiu, tbi8 I7l day of N -v t!U0 li S OLUtK, Noury i'u briti. Correct Atiest C.E . Pledg-,., W.'tJ Toiuj.nou h. 13. MizelS. Diteotora NOTICE. Wu.-hiugton Conuty , , p, , in iu C maby Oiwk Dwiiuige Lhntrici pro poacv.' J Suri-y ilukttr tt al C. li. Jobi.Hiou et aL Notice i6 i.f(Uiud by iavy litnel)' iviii to all peraoiid iiitOind iht-ro-iu tliat on the Hill nay Oi' Out-i'J-tO 'Ihe uiuloi'siimud Lijerk ui the m: peri or OoiK'lat the (Jourt ilotide in Plytnoiith U aijlungrun Ooubtv, '.H. U. wilt eKaniine an jasi;es iijhju iiie ruport. of tiie lkwud of Viewers ruei-WifoitJ tiied in tins acftuu on i. ltA, 1U1U. . Aluid Uuifstwid place C tie cpiti't will oonst('ia- said tvyort y,od will have any ofoons riitwd hy any parties Iwtvinfcinde-alli-eu-d Ijy eiid proposed dm'Mjac. I'hotif luivmg lands they- wished withdrawn foin Kid disUetrt or hiini it) bo addod thee will uitiHj and inyl?' kniown their rights to tliv ptvtJiiws. M ho rvpfithuJ and reprrt lieietufote filed as stated has Detn aecepied ami eniertained by i.heooui L this Sept. 28, mo, V. V. W. Aushoo, C. S. C NOTICE. Nortl) Carolina Vshii,toii 0' U J li linfoff. the C'init. E. W. A yen. Mini Jttckou. hr didendint ab Vd na,iid will take notice tot an a tio-i entitle 1 n ins Iihs ben coinuieuded iii t'ie uinriiii t'.Tirt of 'A'aiiliiii(!'in C b-forn t-Olwlt, the u.t are o!'.id Artion is n p-1. i in to re t in:il or a divitlta. tba dfe.J mt A'.ll fithnr tftK notion tuit be w req-air.-J to np;-T bfuro (be Clerk of the -Jtip-riiir C.i'irt of s.id county t iimoTio !:i P;y ri r.h, N. Con the ItJth day of U-o l'.H , nnd urs wr or d-.-ruur tn ; !-; in rd tui.t Tbii the lln. day of sv 1910 . O. V. W. CI rk Suot-tii.r C;or. li-'J.-.--it "The Piano with th Sweet Tone." The Law of Success The rich men of to-day are those who saved yesteruuy. ai rlimo Viofa n AnWif thuo jm.fir transaction the result of careiul study. Wnever posible they bought from first hanas, cirecc lro.nthe maker, saving the middle-man's ! profit tiTILSFF and SHAW pianos are sold direct from tne matter. at the factory price, wherever you buy, in any city, in any state the price is the same, fixed by the maker, and sold from his ware rooms. . Write for Price List. Cli AS. M. STIEFF, L. C. STEKLE, Mgr., 114 Grauby 8t. - Norfolk, Va. "The Piano with the Sweet Tono" (Meution ihia paper ) Official Piano Jamestown Exposition A Good Position. Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies field of "Wireless" or Railway tele graphy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are estab lishing stations throughout the -country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance of advancement. The National Telegraph In stitute operates six official in stitute in America, under su pervision of R. R. and Wire less Ofticials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Davenport, la., Cincinnati, O., or Memphis, Tenn. HOTICE , Under and hy virtue of u judge iTient, of the Sii perior Court rei.tioro at Fall Term 1 V 1 in aetiot ilapton et al iigainsc Helen li. IMielps Adn of W ajifu Aif.bio-t' c; al. The underi-ioed comtiii3'sioii'i will cell for cash at public wde at court houe door in 1'ivmouth Nr. t' ,i 12,M. on nov. 3(, 1'JlO The fol lowing defiibel real ? i i rt y . TlfHi trser of Inn l own d bv ti e late Warren Ambrose hingon ti e IC-int Bids of ahe roail Irotn I'lvmouth to Kaper aud od joining the latidsol U'illits Robertson, llillinrd hind. Mftoh'ae Quarter hindsand 'aii land and that land alloted t Heleu E. I'l-.elp! as her dower, paid lands con aininpr i'C"' more or less. N't tntereiit wlliusoevfr will te in tht lai.ds covered by Helen Phelps dowe: Interest norin the-lunds. covered b ilIarrietAmlnose's dower liglr. That irnCt yld is the part generally known as the childrens purr. bale at 12M Nov. 30, 1810. 8. 13. Spruill. Win. M. P.j:id I i 10-.S-4t Cotuniie?ioucr-. IIi:3NX YOUR Timing i .T Office! his Leap's Proliiic Wheal qhe Most Prolific and Best of Miffing Wheats Yields reported from our custom ers from twenty-five to fifty-two bushela per acre. When rown sida by side with other kinda thw splen. did beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same conditions as other standard wheats. Wherever frown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Wrice for price and "Wood! Crop Soecial" which contains new and valuable article "How to grow big crops of wheat." T. W. WOOD & SOHS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. We are heRdquarters for Farm Seeds, Grasi and Clover Seed., Winter Vetches. Dwarf E$ex Rape, Seed Wheat, Oati, Rye. Barley, etc. Descriptive Fall Catalog mailed free. A You don't have to buy socks as thick as. fire-hose to ;;e te .greatest wear, any more. . I - ' SOck that 0utwear ful, wear-resisting qualities of Moles lam The Dll'TFERENCE is not UFACTURlC. A perfect silk-lustre sock in all weight., Permanent, brilliant colors. Certainly astonishing for 2t-C, 1HEH 4 , Something to 'eat or something to wear you want to be. sure to see our line before purchasing. We have the goods. a r.d our prices are always EI JET- Thanking our 5kin i fric rrs for their liberal natronrcc in the past and v ishinSC , Continuance of same int'ie future aii assuring t'ism of tlie best of goods at most moderate Satisfaction yuaranteecf, GYDE GAHOOJS 8 $. j feii 1 a MO ARGUMENT ABOUT IT p; mmm Ralston Shoes have a world vide reputation for both style and comfort. We' ha v.. every con fidence in thern and we gun ran tee them to give satisfaction. Should a pair of Ralstons go wron a pair w'M occasionly In sKy make we will make c:ood gladly. There are other reasons why your shoos should be Ilal stoa.s this . ea30 1. la Pi) i r.o i;1 li Mercantile L 100 Bushels Com Per Acre You can build up your farm to produce 100 bushels of corn per acre, and even a bigger yield by systematic rotation, careful seed selection and good plowing with good implements, proper cultivation, ana By Using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers liberally." Accept no substitute. If your dealer is out of these fertilizers, write us and we will tell you where to get them. Write for a free copy of our 1910 Farmers Year Book or Almanac. It will tell you how to get' i. big yield of corn, SOCK Yet! There is a fine, snug-fittn them a1!, thanks to the wordcr- tire No Darning' of mere name, but in MAN- IT IS! prices. ! peg U m &Mi4 ft u s Mt IS