4 . V. 3 r. ft r n.-:.i-i iui (lvkkv fin da v AND OtfKii. 1 0 1 L- 1 AMiH'AY-, Ja. 0. til."" ' BEACON FLASHES, pef r0 not attiie -truth. w IteU it A3 t ,y u bU'V) me. ourt this week. Pain! Rain!! Rain!!! Don't fail to write it 1911. . Mr, T. N. Gray of Oreswell was ir our city Wednesday , Mr. A. W, Cahoon of Hertford was on our streets Monday. Mrs. S. A. Ward and Miss;Deb orah left Wednesday for Norftlk. Hon Thos. W. Blount, of Roper was in our city Monday on business- ' ' ' -: ; ' i Mr. Jim Chesson, is ' the -guest pf Mrs. R. P. . Walker of . this city this week. ; ; Mr. Robert Johnston -made a f lymg triple Pinetow on business lucsday. " - Miz'i Alice Phe'ps left Monday for school, af terlspending. Christ inas at home. , -:,yv. Mr. E, A- Blount of Roper spent part of last week witr Jir. - r. Lioyd liorton. - Mr. Mathew Wright of Hertford sj n: a few days of last week Wii :,ir. Lloyd Horton. f Idisses Emily Harney and Bet tie Ayers, left Tuesday for their respective schools. .- ;; pr. txjll. Gilmer has moved juu. tne j.ouse formerly occupied y ir.- - A v ard. A'r.-L Pinkhaoi has removed his i'at&xy- into one of ir. John i3 Lwcki' house3 oi ciar of J ef ersoU and fourth street, , y.-r. Adolph Stubbs of I'wOcky .Tuufit fcpent the Ciiriitmas holiday.-., with Jiis parents on Washi ngton .heights. Helen Patterson, returned home Friday after spending Xmas .vdih Xrs. R. A. N illiforc M usri A. J. Walkar,' II.. A. ormariW. H. Hardison, Wr. J. ,tarr, T. J Baanight, f Creswell Me attending court hera thid Miss Estel'e Rea left Saturday for ier home in Edenton after spending a few days with Miss katiaLoap.e.on Main street. W G. Sumrell who 'has been speniin the X nas holiday with hi a parents in Ay den has re urned.. . Mis3 Gladys Lewis entertained party of her ffiend3 at a w.atc.h party Saturday nicr'it last, sitting up to ' ring out th-3 oil year and ring in the new year." For-sTenaeotte Drain ' Tiling and Sewer pipe se3 Clvde Ca boon S Ck pecial prices car lots Messrs L- M. Phelps, Edgar Latham, and Dennis l-oane, left Tuesday for A.& M. college after spending the Christmas holidays with their parents. Mr. M.. G- .Darden, formerly cliief salesman for YV. C. Ayers has resigned that position and has formed a partnership with A, Swain and Company dealers in Carriages and Farming Imple ments. Mrs, whitt Ptubbs. and Miss Jessie Stubbs. have purchased the stock of millinery formerly owned by .Mrs. S A. Ward We Ayish these ladies a prosperous business for the coming year. For sale one house and lot sit- uated near Plymouth on or near , Red Hill for $350 00 Terms strick ly cash For further inf ormatio n a.pplyto VV7B Clifton, Plymouth N c.- Look up the Bank, of Plmouth annual statement in this issue This institution has had a most successfully ear The net earnings for the past 12 months have been over 22 per . eent their depotits have increased 20 per cent over lrst year. Thistgoes to show that Plymouth is on the upward trend Willo-Rent or Lease the H. H, Bowen home place of 60 acre of iice nigh land, on ong Acre good : dw elling and out houses Vineyards and orchards, the heal thiest pk.eedn Eastern N- C See or writ me at once 11 A Bowen pinetow n X; R F D No 1 WA?j-sinrH. The friend;? of the Tamil;? are in receipt of the following in V?r. nnd Mi-;;. .TnwK If ''.r.i wi i giyein marriage ther daught Tuesday evenincr January seven - teenth nineteen hundred a,nc el even, at eight thirty o'clock Grace Ohurch Plymouth, North Carolina Tk ,m;moofln,0 ;c Foley Kidney Pills Are t iaio in action, q iick in results. A. Bpociut medioine for alt kiducy a4 bladder disordern. Mttry O. Abbot , Woilobon W H says: ."1 yas afllicted with a bud caee of rbeiimitibn, due to uric itold that tuy kid neys failed to, clear out of itiy blood, I was m ho laiiie ia my feur, j jiuis, aud back that it a-aa aotiy for dw to ntt-p. Used Foley Kiduey P ll lor ili.re days when I wan abie to get up Ri.d umVe ubout and the iittms Were all gone. Thin tm 'H change in couditiou I ow to Folt-y Kidney Pills and recommend thew, to t-.uy oue KUttiiu an fhav. For either acita or. chrouio kiduey din orders , for ajtinoyiiig and pain i'ul utiuary inewularltles take Foley Kidney I'illa. An honest and effective medicine for kiduey aud bladder disorder, Smith's New Dkucj Stokk. MISS K1TIE L0ANE KJSiTEitTAINS Miss Katie Loane received Fri day evening at her beautiful home on East Main tt. in honor of her charming guest Miss Es telle Rea, of Edenton, N. C The guests were received in the re ception hall by Miss Ipane. who wore yellow messaime, and vex'e ushered ' in the drawing room, where they were received by M . i Eloise Loane, who wore yellow messaline. After many interes ting contests, they retired to thj dining room, where a three course supper was served. Those present were: Missels. Katie Loane, Estelle Rea, Eloise Loane Clara Hampton, Alice Phelps, Louise Ayers, Be ttie Ayers, Sadie hssson, Lottie Gaylord Mrs. R. P. Walker, Me?srs. Clarence Blount' Lloyd Horfeon, Robert Johnston Roy Hampton, Joe Nor man, Sidney Ward, Li.ncsey Phelps, Clarendon Willouhby. LooK For T B.ee, Hive On the Dakaire when you buy Foley's Hou.y and Tar far oonehs aud colds, None Kraume without the Bee Hiv'e. Kemember th namo Foley's Houey aud Tar add reject auy Bub titute. Smitb'8 Nkt Dku.o Stork. if . I will be in Washington Cp. for the next few weeks ip, the interest of "The Farmers Educa tional and Cooprative Union of America, and visit all sections of the Co. for the purpose of estab lishing Local Unions aiul organ izing the farmers- Any section, of th,e Co. desiring my services Address Jotyi L. Warren Organizer. Plymouth, N. C. MIS3 ALICE PHELPS Miss Alice Phelps was at home to. her friends Saturday njght from nine to twelve thirty to, watch, the New Year in, A coin, contest was arranged for the ev ening, at half past eleven the crowd went to the different churches to toll the old year out and ring the New Yettjin. Those present were', Mjsses Alice Phelps Katie and Eloise Loane, Clara Hampton,, Louise Ayers, Bettie Ayers, Katie and Neya Aubon, Mrs. Luther G.urkin, Isolind and Carrie Smith, Messrs- Joe, Vance and Cicero Norman, Lloyd liorton Lindsey Phelps, Roy Hampton, Dennis Loane, Dr. Disosjway, Edgar Latharrv Robert Johnston James chesson,. Sidney Blount, Robert P. Walker. - . 1 TVTT? mrsrmttiiM. ; 'Wj?s I;tai? Ayers tTiteuained it "a -'.delightful - progressive con .'wsti'lion party at 'lie r" home, on 1 K tiie corner ofJciierscii and J bird St, Thursday evening in complin : and M iss Estelle Rea of Edenton The prizes vere won by'lVJiss 15s telle and Mr. Robert Johnston- I Thof? Participant, were Misses .tJLouise ana tieuie Ayers Esteiie nea, ivaiieana iitiois.e ijoane iiara i Hampton, Bessie. .and Nellie Nor man, Sadie Chesso.n, Jsolind Smith, Alice Phelps, Messrs Rob ert Johnston, C-larenceBlount, E S. B'ount, Joe( Van ee and Cicero Norman. 4 Reliable Cgugh Medicine. X a valunble family fritfjid. Foiej'a Hony and Tar fulfill this uoudition exactly. Mrs Uharlt! Kline, me, n t Laston, Pa. stH.fpiayed as the crowd was gath- ai UitmiHHV family hr.vrt ! , . , of bad u.KU ad coiasby theiering, then came a dance that bt'cn cured USb of Foley & iloney and lar aud 1 am nevt-r without m. bdttle in the house'. It noot he and relieves the irriiatiou in the throat aud IookhiiS up, the cold. I have al ways fonnd it a reliab, e cough cure. Smith's New Dkuq Ktobe. P.UGGEESSIVE PLYMOUTH. A Town That Has ao Equal as a Point for Hanufacturing In dus tri a- PLYMOUTH LIGHT AND ICE C031PANY. On Thursday Dec. 29th 1910 a charter was granted by the State to the Plymouth Light and. Ice Company with a Capital Stock of $25,000 to manufacture generate buy, g.eir and distribute electric current for light, heat and power to manufacture and sell i.ee; to buy and sell hay, grain and.feec of all kinds. This eompany is composed sole ly of Plymouth ptopld and is back-: ed by Plymouth Cash-. The stock holders being a . L Owens, L C. Owens and !- larence Latham, The Beacon, has for years contended that an ice factory would pay very handsomely in this town, it being one of the m&it bje&sed towns, in the. state having deep water and railroad transportation, and we are glad to note that the above progress ive citizens have decided to give the town the benefit of their cash efforts and business ability. WHO LESALE MERCANTILE. ; The State recently granted ar ticles of Incorporrtions to W. H. Hampton & ;Son of , this town, to, conduct a general wholesale and retail Mercantile business with a capital stock $50,000 the stock holder?, being W. II. Hampton, W R. Hampton and L. M. Hampton, This new firm is headed, by one of the most able bigness men in, this section who h v 3 made a great success, in the retail mercantile business, and the son W. R. Ham pton no.w; taking an active inter est in the managmentof the bus iness is "achipolf theold bloekc" so to, speak, W'e bespeak for the new firm the greatest possible success. We have long contended,; that with its, transportation facilities bo,th by rail and water, and its location in the center of one of the best sections of Eastern N orth Carolina, there is no reason why Plymouth should no,t be a great wholesale distributing point. The new firm is financially able to back a, big wholesale bu- mess. They have not only the. capital but the buildings to ac comodate a large business" and we hope they will see it to their interest to establish a bnsiness, thaf will stay the outgoing of so much profit to other cities and States Our neighboring t.Qwna Eden to;iE. City, Washington and Bel ha:en,( haxl their whpteials a! ;"ivant;..;i si..;.:. ; v.:- -a i r 1 1 for the foregoing cor porations ur.r.eim-id success and hope in the mar future to see fctir. people organ ; zin g other enterpris es, that will' attack and draw j trad a.n.4 people to this town. ForL,aGrippe Coughs and ti;ffy . Colds Take Fplej'a Honey and Tr. It giye quick relief and expdn the cold from ,your system. It cuntuius no opiates, in eat and sure. Smith's Nevt Dauo Stoke. A CHRISTMAS PAETY Wednesday night D,ec. 2gth-, Miss Blanche Latham entertain ed a number of her friends at home 4 'Maple Grove" from 7:30 toll o'clock, Many games, were was enjoyed by ail. Confection eries' were served at nine, it look ed like. Santa Claus had visited these with all the good things to eat.. At eleven the guest left for home after thanking Miss Blan che for their enjoyment and wishing her a happy and pros perous New Year. Butter Fly Foley's Kidney Rmedy-An Ajp-. preojation . L. McConnell, Catherine Ht Elmtra, N If writes: "I wish toxpress jay up prectation of the great good I derived ftoii ..Foley's Kiduey Kemndy, which I used Sor a bad i-aseof kidney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effctively and proveii to Bi heroud doubt it in the most reliable kidney I have ever takeu." t JSmitii's New Dbuo Store. "Th- Piano with th 8weet Tone." OpportuxMty Knocks 3ut Oucq Locsk This Li3t Over and , S2EUS! 8'ephn Sqaaro (7 octavm) (Km; ky board and airings) BtioflFr'Cuar Piano (fnll iz) $ 55 00 7i.b0 N-w atriums and keyboards ( HfNutiful KoMtwood case v Pease Upwrtsjht Piano t2.00 (Ebony ease-.plendid cpodition)( Hachley JJprht Piano 145.00 l Walnut cae,:look.8 like new Sterling Upright Pi ino 150O0 (Sbniiized cas' lw. strings & keyboard) tiffaoy U;priht Piaco 1?.00 iMah. ca,se-practioailv new only naed a ihort while Kohler & Campbell IJprigbt Piano 185 00 tMih. caae returned from rent i saoje at a uew piaqe. Kohler t Campbell rprigbj oiano 225.00 (Large oie-Uab. cae S i.ff V-prlgh Piano , a?5.0P ( Large eize nsed for tea- ) ' tal pnrpodea. ISyle now ( diKcotinued. f Wu elock Qrand 85. 0O slab. case-New Action-New strings and keyboard-The be st opportunity ever ofi,red iu Nwfolk. These Pianos are thoroughly overhauled an.d are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Terras can be arranged, if de sired. , Select your Pianos, for Christ mas delivery. CIIAS. M..STI.EFF, Lf C. STEELE, Mgr., 1U (Iran by St., - Noj:Solk, Va. "The Piano with the Sweet Tone" (llentiou this paper. Offlcial Piano Jamestown Exposition NOTICE Under and by virtue of a judge ment of thj Superior Court Sjeuderd tit Fall Term J.HJ.0 in actioe Jiapton et al against lleeii , fhelps Admj of Warden, Ambrose ct al. The undersigned com(nid&ioners will sell for cash at pttblie tUi at court hoiue door in Plymouth, N. C ut lM. on o. o0x 1UJ.0 Xlw K lowing described real property. That tra,ct of land owned, by the late Warden Atnbrose lying oigt, the East side of ahe roud from pliu.otitb to Kaper aud odjpui.iijg; the lauds f Willis Uobertson, UUliard laud, MacHae Quarter lat)d aud Vajl land aud that laud alloted to Helen. E. Phelps ua her dower, said latidacou- ainioj? Ci'icra more or lAs. No interest whatsoever will be in the iands covered by Helen Phelps dower Interest nor in the landu covered by i Harriet Ambrose's dower right. That traqt old is the part generally kuo.wu as the children part, bale Al UAi Not. 30, 1810. . B. SpttuU. 'tn. St. B-i I, Jr.. 1 0-1 S-.ifc ieisiwuors. Olli'I'- i- :'. I ; ;.. v- -;h IR ti 'ftl.Ct, '-.l.'iut.l !IVi' Uerai.ifed Coiii'i. wiuuvr will, u"I Ur ot Ju l'Jlatl-i o'clock U at Ut O iu l How,) door ia PlymomW N U It to th highest bidder for caeli the iUllow- de cribcd Ufld; A certain iAl vir parcel ot'laitd outa(uiu H acre nve o t. ly and tieiu-i m ihe i.-unty aud mat aforw naid, botiuder an tollowa; Btgifiina at a white oh on tD lau bttwe-n .HzMi. Qiiyer hJ Levj, ;.illiBP;,runrj,iui1c Wt' Wardly to a ,i'ue:, thence ill W to a cvpr,, thbuee. E tohaid lane; thtnee E to the firt stiition. ... 2fld Tract: A tract of land contaiu- iu(4 16 acres more wr 188, lyin on the Nv side of dciippernouj? Hivraod on the wide or th public road leading from the Concord Preaching HouHe to the Cool Spring and joiniu the landa of Ilezekiah Oliver and the heirs of Alfred Bateuiau el a!. TLia 2)t!l day of Nov. 1910. ' Louis W. Qaylor4. Cuimisiioaer, -2- 2-4t MILLINERY! Thanking the puttie for past patronage and soliciting a fair share of the same this season, I take this method of announcing that I have a full line of the latest effec ts in Hats, Trimmings, Ribbons, Laces, Etc., Etc., whicl I am offering at the very Howest prices. $e sure to visit my Store before plying your order. yours to peasffi JAtS. fA. jfc. Y E FS Elfventli Ananal Statement f Cflndit'w Plymouth, N. C. :H Clesr of Business IVetuibcr 31, 1910 Itesourees: Lntfo and Discounts jsQ.D.UXGS Band .5. l,0a Banking; IIoua Fanuturs it Fixi.3.&$S to Oajkfa'a i band ami ia Baaia.. . . . a3..'?l'.f.;lo Llahilitle Capital......... I 20,000.00 TJudividod, Proflta U ..... . .8,103.0,, Sfiui-Anuna! Diridond ,00 t) Individual DepomU lo4 37 '? OIVIUENOS PAIO SINCE O a A N I.2A T IO N, Jj$lJ,4U..ii CcuupurttirK Statement of Deposit; Deoeiuber 31 VJOi .. $ 4S.OOO t0 " iyoo 74,000 OJ 7,o0o.tV t04,3.74..7.. W M HAMPTON, PRCS- W T OLO.v VMIS. CLARCNCC A.THAM. C.ASHIE. 310HTAG JjC By virtue of authority of a mortgage-deed executed to me bvT. G. Alexander and wife on the 29th day of March 1910 and duly recorded in the Kegistr's of fice in Washington, County N C in book No 54 pages 424. 425 & 426 I shall sell at public auction for cash at 12 o'clock Ak on Monday Feb. 1911 at the court house door in W ashington county N. C the following property viz;- one frack of land lying in Skin nersvill Township said county ad joining the lands of Ephraim Pritchett Abram Swain and oth ers containing 50 acers more or less iegginning in a pine stump corner of Abram Swain Then's of Z P a lexander thence north 30 poles then north 5degrees east 172 poies to black gum in the No'es branch thence along Pri ten ets line 32 poles to Ep&ram Pritchet corner thence soutn 172 poles and the said Pritchet line to the beggmjiitfr one half inter est of said described land. Jan 4 1911 L L Chesson .Mortgagee EM KnojvylejS; Assigns NOTICE. y.o ijCfeis hereVy given tht the Annual Meeting of the atocK-hol-ders of the Bank cf Ro-.-r will be held in its bankir house at Roper, N. C , on Tuesday, Jan. 10, ltftl, XI a m for the purpose of electing Officers and directors for the ensuing year and for th transaction of othei- lupine a B. S. Clu;-k. Hyr ri:.-',: t!'"( .! .J.:C.U,. J..' . ' . 4 . .. I I- J bifii couyjouueJ is. I c . U( .i i.n -.J-r . WttUuKiAn J'. b'tH- t? Otetk, tli mo of MA.id acliou i- a .u.u Ki m)I imk ofa diviaiom. t. liut rir tdKtf notice tul Ife I.. ijt4 4ird ,tt appk.f bcfurj tLe Otork vSl VU' aaid.unt,; at bU 4U Ht, C. u the ltitli daj; -,f vUwf. lAi "H wet ir demur to thr i"'iu41.lV;4l4-.S TUw th -iUx. i;r,H ;lV. teitfj t .ii a u r t U-4t (orL (Jaro.lui W u.-tUiuglo Uwaulf,a . ,t AUerluir Uilllt. , Johu L. liyr imu" uwaijijr, ' ' - Svl '.jp . li, (VUh U- TLe defeuJaui i. iWtW, 'U i uuue tltat aa mu.U mlm& La, b.iU. uumineM.vx.a lu U'tr Uwari ' WaoLUi.ijiou OoMVUt WV ! paVAiicui of a vitiiii juaiLifuV tiutt4 iu tuo tjifcuit 0Jiri oi .u.,U 0ta; duckelod lu Wu8VitO. Cjusii ?iili VJuUrt 1(1 jUdglUoul Lrlju 1,4 i prcaciit plaiuti4 tbj aiul tk. ytml '" deteuiJUut. 1 ua pui pfcfeo u( lbe mlla i t ' euttwee pnmeui ot iu4 4 Sj4MAt Ut v . Raid ilurbuUaui'd luivit iU' KW- iUUT " hlate fatbot In M.aivn. vw- " notice lUAt bo U riulrbj, b a.t4 Apyll?' ct a trrui, of lh tiuf n.q )uut wt, ' to be bold on lb (ku , M.vp4a a.Hr Vue M Monday lu March ialt. '5iiH"$ . i-ftu nu4 'iwr cu- tletili U) ni Vtu'a'"; maudd wi.l t. fcrjiue.j-. f; Lety'i! J utVuui furttir. iic Uwtii tii kt a, wariaut ol nautttiueut L" iBA roia eaid cou?l agaV'St bin aaid . i Oferyr. tiaul warrant of aitttoLmicui b'tu relariK abUon tLe GtL. UuticU; after tU- lt, Mooda iu Murcli, VJH t tttu and ptmct abovo strt out. Tb n.toffc ef tb dwaa4 as a het out abuvo aild uppettra lu outu pUli( UOW tiled. TLe plolutltf cluttua I bat dt-itudaut ia UidebUd Iv hint ) Mid indf uf nt abovo Kt oui in tti- uU ut $-liQ,0 and i nt ere t ou gftuj At H ltt - ppeara by aaid judgniuat. Thi action ia to cm, ct aaiil jagtacnHk, Lrt tbe defAndant laUa notio .f .tie ftianee of said warr-od I attachtae.it aud of thi- RUJisojviuii in I'.i.n aiju. . , Tui -.".uti " . C. V. W. AV31SOSt ' Clrk tiu;-eri.-if isart. iOr!i. .:U.li.vUMn :tt.'-1.'V-V. 'J'J-'l-': Oiijjt'i.y r itiji . i. A. Sj.riilil H j vY U . '.. . .1 lLe UclouijitCtii L.lfc!'i J . -V- i ; VViiiiniii- wiii fcr.ikc ujit. n-, . eUUUed UatttUVu dw bttU uuiUiUccd .... the fcutt-ii,-Ci.un Vt.dbfaaA V-oauty N, O i o Kiitoti pHyuiut wf . oeUaiu uut and to recover judgmeDt o aaid imhc Im iun tHKneU VY defvitiifSUMi, Jth I'Ju-j t.u tb. auiu nt i(H i,a iuiriV The raid deleudautit .iU (kk t altca ltt they ar ryuind to lm Bnd appear At ft term ot the ouperiut (Jountti be vUetd lo above ii..uied Couiiiy vu the sUli)' M uo,dj alter the first Muu.ia) la March Wll "pe mii And auMjr gi; tti.v tu U4 comp aiut now rll- d to Mtia ctl. n tr ih,e reitct tbcreiu detaauded will begrnui4. Let a.. id d-fcndani(. further take 8otlc. ibt a . .niBLt of allBclui'-bt ba itnuacl fruui ibid aaid oonrt to the Shorii uf Wuk tugton Count ji dguiifsj, btA rwpectj. caid warrant of atUi-huivut beuif retHn. " abie at tune aud pine uatued abure-for r turn burriuoua tu-wii at spring term lail xixtb Monday aftm. 1st Monday 1 Mvt 1911 WaMhiutoQ Conotv Suprlor Court. Th imiure of tht demand ia ft net- oat above to recover jmln.t-nt ov tbe Dote herein Keribd and enforce paydtnut of property aeiZrfC under Said auachtnaut. riaiutiff claima that deletidaoU oe htm $400 aud iLterest bh et out he-ein Let defeudauts iak nrtef t6 n mous and wrrant d attHOtiuiiwt: im Mjj cauw T.lc l C V;AV Andwn l-(i-l t I lerk Superior VM notice; l -.vaablugn County B f tbicUk In le Oouuby creek lilua llBWLr poSodj tjjirry pAtker et ml Ya. O. It. JolM.iun ( aU Notice as rtioiiMod by law bt; ivtrti tyall pereoas intervened lhiw ia tliul ou the liU aftof Ovtrif- liie undtr.biiicd Clerk Hh Jsupevior CwWi-at Ut 'uuru llvae in i'lj mpttth U ttAlu.i,'4Vwi ..Ouiii.tj,, i. U, will cxaunuu ptti ui tli report of thtf Hoa.U ut VUw. rheetefore ftled h Ik wtioir w ftepu J 1 9t. AttiilU ttln wk ulmw- ti.e cout w,dl insider mii, report and will Uj oeJtsCbUi raised iv any pn'ruft. UMf fend atfected't siiid pcoi.od dnfU)ajs . Those Iiaxul Ud ikey wiliet5i withdrawn faoin,-Kjjid dUtrict land to be added tUie wOl ar .n(Jjmake known tlH-irwh tu fcb preuiisv. The ptitJon wtui ipcv? !'ei'.'ttfrt- 'ilii it stated h 6ee n-.-ct'Oiv-d iiia entartaiued bV the court' G. V . V Autbom,