ROPER NEWS. Mr. J. M. Clagon was in Ply . mouth on business Wednesday. Mr. J. P. Clagon was in Ply- month Wednerday on business. Messrs Jordan and Forbes of Mackey's waa in town Tvesday. Miss Norma Chesson of Mack ey's is visiting Mrs. J. A. Sexton. J. F. Leary is spending the week end in New Bern on busi ness. The M. W. of A. lodge . met Tuesday night and elected off i-1 cers. Mr. Chas. Holton of Skinners- ville, was m town one day tnis week. Mr. Geo. Wright of E. City, was the guest of Miss Mabel Ro per Sunday. Mr. J. W. Buchanan and W. N. Duval was in Plymouth Monday on business. Mr. W. C. Herrington has ac cepted a position with J. W. Wil iams as salesman- Mr. and Mrs- W. S. Davenport of Mackey's in town Tuesday night attending the Bazaar. Miss Mabel Roper has returned from Norfolk after spending some time with friends and relatives. The Roper Orchestra will have their next meeting at the home of Miss Myrtle Johnston Monday next : Rev. and Mrs. Benson of Ken lev, N. C have returned to their home after spending a few days with old friends. Miss Sallie Benson of Kenley, returned home Wednesday after a short stay with Misses Ella and Margarett Herrington. j The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church gave a bazaar in the town hall Tuesday nighta nd there was a very large crowd. Ing men wanted in woods, ten in mill ninfht firoman I ftmnl TOP both races, good wages straight time. Pittsburg Lbr, Co. Creswell, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and bv virtue of a de- eree of the Superior Court of Washington County, rendered on Nov. 17, 1911 in the Proceedings en titled R. C. Peacock and wife and Margret Peacock, Ex parte the undersigned as Commissioner of the Court will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court house door in Plymouth, N. C. a Dec. 20, 1911 at 12 m. all of that land herein descrided., Same con sist in p- of two tracts of land for merly owned by the late R M. Peacock and being the same land fully described in a conveyance fmm said R. M. Peacock to said R. C. Peacock dated July 27, 1910 and registered in book 56 page 356. Reference is made to said conveyance for a complete course and distance discription., The first tract to be sold hereunder contains 88 acres more or less and is the land whereon the house of the late R. M. Peacock stands, Adjoining Broads Neck, New Road, E. G Peacock, Davenport, Heirs of Jno. Golet and others. Second tract contains 12 acres more or less and adjoins Daniel Leccrett. Kendricks Creek. Jno. fiolet Heirs and others and is that 'tract of Land fully described in said deed above mentioned by Courses and distances. Said sale is beincr made under the orders of the Superior Court for said Cnuntv and will be for rash to hi crest bidder at time and place named above. Will sell eac tract senarately and then toflrethsr 1 1 1 A A A 1. ' L ! ' ana win re port io me uoun xpt hicrhest pnce received Dy eitcer method. W. M. Bond, Jr. I Jl Is 9 Do yur shopping atAIjIlB'S ? s b? it We are always ready to give'vou better values for your rJivik-.-J. f iiicnn wt- An nnf wait until Winter is cone. Come to ATsTEH'S now as we money ngjuy yy .v-., - D- MVM. have Specials all the time. - l ' .JSP' FILL 5D TflKTSl 1911. j. wtfX '-mil 2 V8 nxrrB? OF THE condition oy THE BANK OF ROPEK, at Koper, in the State ot North Caroliua, at the close of business Dec ,5th l'Jll. BESOUKCES. DOLLARS Loans and discounts, $51,it2 X$ Overdrafts Unsecured All other Stocks; Bonds & MtgV. Banking Houses, Furniture and Fixtures, All other real es'ate owned. Due from Banks and Bankers, Cash items, Gold coin, Silver coin, including a' ' r coin currency National bank notes and other U. - 8. notes, 21 10 2,800 00 1.260 00 4.000 00 22,830 43 288.23 12 50 2,281,00 Total, . $87510,31 " LIABILITIES. DOLLAB8 Capital stock, 20,000.00 8trplus fund, 3,200 Oo Undirided pronts, les current ex I I . Deposits subject to check, Savings deposits, Cashier's Checks outstanding, Certified Cheoks 3fi,l w,0! 24.r,ii;j H 1,379 S2 80 12 Total, -7"5' State of North Carolina, Ccunty of WaHbmsrtn:. I, L O Roper Pe-. if t!if-. abv med Bank do so!mny swear that the ot statement i? tru? ? - knowledge aud beliff- L Q K-v-i P s Subscribed and swoi ? b'i - r:- thii 11th day of D nb-r, n: i H '.ABK Nni.-rv i'ib -.31 Correct A ttfcn' f B leuLi. J. W Chibbok, W. A. Blount. Directors. ( SEND THE BEA CON YOUIt PKIH TING. State of North Carolina Department of State. certificate of dissolution. To All to Whom These Pretests - w y "-l j , May uomeureeung : Whereas, It appears to my sat isfaction, by duly authenticated record of the -proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my of fice, that W. H. Hampton & Sop, Inc., a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. , Water Street, in the town of Plymouth, County of Washington, State of North Car olina (W. R. Hampton being.the agent therein and in charge thereof, upn whom process may served j, nas complied with the requirements of Chapter 21. Revisal of 1905, entitled 'Corpo rations," preliminary to the Issu ing of this Certificate of Disso lution : . Now, Therefore, Ir J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of tbe State of North Carolina, do here by certify that the said corpora tion did, on the 25 day of No vember, 1911, file in my office i duly executed and attested con seht in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, thii 25 day ot November, A. D. 1911. L. S. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State. WANTED: Men to handle a good paying line. Exclusive territory. Brown Brothers Co. Rochester, New York. II I til syr When You Set Sail ... . III ? f it II ' U on want a pair of rubber boots which will be as good at the end of your cruise as at the start. You can't afford to take chances of having "yur footgear spring a leak. The "BOSTON" HUB WARRIOR BOOTS - ar made by the Bostoa Rubber Shoe Company, which has been making fishermen's boots for 58 vears We have two factories at Maiden, Mass., with a capacity of 55,000 pairs a day. Our War rior BootJ are made of all-duck; they're strong and full of wear. Look for the Hub Trade-Mark It appears on all our boots and shoos. MM 52 re . , Sig lia cfclklUraM Kit fr S jri l.8: tMim atMt lattkar Lvat'Wp .f9 n aUl aai paU&t laataef 2.48 atm.O gma . taa patflwtber 3.4 AAA ja nutlB Btlal ( 411 Color 5&1ti i af Uftk lata 4t' ,M.. Gret bargains in dry goods J5 pie ees of all wool sere In plain stripe and ningled electa jd wide t9o TIue. special .49 5 pieces of nil wool Mrqe $1.00, .75 : 3 pieces $1.25 Frenck Serge Jat reoeitfid a new lot of White Flt Hats. If you want ta ba in the lead buy a white bat as they art all tha go $3.00 Special $2.25 Great bargain ia ladies -and misses all wool sweater: $4.00 ail wool jersty sweaters 12 93 $3.00 donble breattsd sweater $2.19 Baby Teddy Bear coats from 2 to 5 yrs in white, bine and garnet eaps to match, complete $2 48 Lot Mo. 2 all silk skirt with dost raffle worth $5.00. 8peo;al $3 48 Great batgaJae ba. woe! ai oottoa iawkfe aa laee tmrmtw Great bargains in Millinery 1 lot of Black Silk Tarbaaa handsomely drap ed wortb $2 00 Special t. $3 00 Turbans, 8peial $1.99 $4.00 Turbtna, Special $2.08 Clotblnp! Clothlnj!! We bftve decided to make a change in nnr business and are offering oar entire stock of high grade olothiog at cost. Wonvos and ckildrens caracul coats $15.00 good quality Black caracul 52 inches long satin lined. Special $0.9)1 $8.00 misses caracul coat, Special $6.54 Ladies coat suits $20,00 all wool suit ' , satin lined, panel font skirt and panel back, Special $15.00 $15.00 Ladies coat suit satin lined coat panel front and back skirt, Special $9.9t $15 00 misses ooat suits all wool Blue Serge and Garnet handsomely trim ed new skirt, Special $9.93 Great bargains in Ladies silk drop . . skirts 1 lot of black silk underskirts th very best quality of Black Tafleta Silk, worth $6 50. Special $4 79 Great bargains in ladies misses and childrens underwear. on't forget that we 3rinley, nes;t door, to are still at the old stand, under Hote1 the corner and we have the goods- 4 rr & V. M4msw lAhml KZU XL 1 v 11 LLLi! i ky . and I wanfcto thank my kind friends for their liberal patron age during this season, as this has been my star season. 'A Afcd WQtoH yo attention to 'my Urn fFraits, .San:c!!c3 -css3 CerJsctionaries which will be great. Ag ypta Eaor iii ilie past my line ol Clothing can't his eaeBid5lioes. iry Goods and Ha.s. Come and COoVtoe-c yoateir.rsPi5CIAB- CMIT1AS PRICES. GLIDE CAHOON. BOSTON RUBBER SHOE CO. ftoatM, Mm.