1 it it Hff H 1 4M if r K 11 1 I - It I If f www- f : ' f'S -' ' Jl'l I I II I. M ' j ! I 1. I I , ,M. , , , I I . 1 I ; K Yarv la A4vaam "FOR OOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH" j . ; Cta 6iy f C. VOL. X XII. """" PLYMOUTH. N, C ij BIDAY JANUARY 5. 1912 . ' '' .X" " ' : N(). 28. WW REDUCTION III FERTILIZER MANUFACTURERS OF COUNTY WILL SUBMIT BIDS TO MR. BENJAMIN HIGGS. SO PLANS FARMER'S UNION Later to Extend Method So As To In clude Every Necessity of Farm Central Warehouse To Be Located In City Not Yet Chosen. . r-- Raliegh. At a meeting of the state council of the North Carolina Farm ers' Union which was held in this city, Mr. J. Benjamin Higgs of Green ville, N. C, was chosen secretary td Mr. J. R. Reives of Lee county, state business manager of the North Caro lina Farmers Union. The newly ap pointed secretary was instructed to receive bids on fertilizers and, ferti lizing materials from the manufac turers of the,: country, for the 2,100 local organizations of the . Farmers' Union in North Carolina. These bids will be received at the office of Secre tary Higgs in Greenville, N. C, until January 6, and at the Yarborough hou3e in Raleigh until January 10. The bids received from the manu facturers will be placed before the executive committee of the North Car olina Farmers' Union at its meeting in Raleigh on February 11, arid wlllre ceive careful consideration , at ii ite hands. Following the letting of con tracts to the successful manufactur ers, it is the plan of the -executive committee to have a main-; warehouse erected in one of the principal cities of the state, which '"will? provide for the distribution . of the fertilizer to' the 2,100 local organizations," 'and from thence to the individual farmer-purchaser. An inspection committee was ap pointed at:. the'-fTStjdas, ?3eTgjBOf, the state council in this city, which will visit the main cities of the state, and there confer with the chambers of commerce, or other commercial or ganizations, in order to determ;neith inducements which will be offered, for the location of a main warehouse" in that city. A second committee wis J. V. nsinitl i !). ff fhnrter for the incomoratioH- -"the"! warehouse company. This company will have a capital stock of $125,000, and with a paid-in capital of $21,000. , -f 1 Is Charfed VVith MudeoP BfrbffS, Troy iGtaham, cc&id,iiihas wbeen committeed to jail by Justice McKel ler, of Rowland, on the charge of murdering the 2-year-old son of Don na McNeill, cojpredrsoit JS "lijfs- trnm Rowland, j.ite JwJs . irOHgSt ito jail by Mr. C. 'E.-4 BallA of Rowland It was in evidence at trie preliminary trial that Graham was making himself troublesome in th.ei jjotte Qf -.-Donpai ... -. i -. ? r ":. .J.a.. a.-,' McNeill, 6ne-! eraeree Bmi Qmwme, house and he shot at her with a shot gun, hitting her baby; bpy, which .she held ..in fter arms, iaL L blow.1 ai. i brains out. ..- Are For The Child Labor Law. J f There was held a special meeting of the. North Carolina chill labor committee for the special purpote of formulating plans, for &? campaign the coming 'year 'to .bring about Ssueh leg islative influences, as will secure re forms -tha$ thft &W&tmA- tiai These include the raising "oT the age limit for child ,labp.r and the pfohibi tio of he&fhtf oradaM children under 16 in the factories at night, umfp Hs,im'4$ in the last legislature and failed with the exception of the reduction of the hours of labor from 66 to 60 hours. To Hold-Meetimr ' FawmererUflionr The Mecklenburg County Farmers' Union will hold its January meeting with the Amity focal ai' S'ardi's' school house in a fewdays. . There will be several matters of business' to be Con sidered and hence it is desired that a large, . attendance -k ,b, nresent, A. feature also will be the address of Mr. E. R. Preston. Mr. W. C. Crosby is secretary and treasurer of the or ganization. National Guard Association to Meet. The annual meeting of the North Carolina National Guard Association will be held in the assembly hall of the Selwyn hotel on January 30 and 81. The firBt meeting will be called to order at 11 o'clock the morning of the 30th and much Important busi ness to the members will be trans acted that day. The pay bill and pro posed legislation for the new legis lature in its session of 1913 will be discussed. It" is ' believed that be tween 70 and 100 members through out the state will be in Charlotte. TO SAVE PENALTY OF LAW The Corporations Should Promptly Make Their Returns Under the U. S. Tax Law. Raleigh. The matter of the Unit ed States corporation tax law is one that should be considered by all bus iness corporations, and prompt . re ports should be made so as to avoid the penalty imposed for delay in mak ing reports as required by the jlaw. It is a law which should be taken seriously by all corporations desiring to avoid trouble. , Business concerns coperating j un der articles or acts of incorporations should recognize the 'fact that returns are required from all corporations or ganized for profit and having a capi tal stock represented by shares, and all insurance companies, regardless of the volume of their business or whether operated at a profit or a loss, and, in fact, whether in active opera tion at all;: that these returns must coverithei entire calendar-" year , and must be filed on or before March 1st. Those failing to observe this time limit - are subject (pay fifty per cent "penalty oh '" the am'ount fotind to be due, and in addition to this are liable to a penalty of from one thou sand to ten thousand dollars, the lat ter penalty applying to those whose net receipts are less than five thou sand dollars as well as to those who are found to be liabel to tax. A com mon error has been to suppose that concerns making no profits, or mak ing less than- five thousand dollars, are not required to make returns, and this error has cost many concerns dearly. It is estimated . that there were twenty-five thousand delinquents in the : country at large in the year 1911. All1 these "incurred the penalty of from one thousand to ten thousand dollars, and . those whose profits ex ceeded five thousand dollars were re- quired to . pay. . a . penalty, of fifty per r -t'.'i'. ' - i cent ; on iine-.arauuuw ui ua iuuuu iv b;e:due'-' -: ' '. i'-.&.-uu:. Sandlin Pays Penalty For Crime. The death penalty for wife-murdei 8iraliirt: the slectric chair'ln;: the state prison here by L. M. Sandlin oi Wilmington, and the body of the man was turned, over to his brother, , who tarried . .it t6 Wilmington for inter ment. hjsandlinHiwai completely- un nerved when heJ was-brought into the death chamber. He-was almost, para lyzed with fear -and kept walling to th$e jabouitf h( wlth-$uchV expres amis a "On,- Lt'4have-mercyf'This is something I never thought would happen in this world to me!". The at tendants helped the poor fellow rap idly i and purely strapped1 hitia in the 4eafefcair-f'hen the signal1-was given a.nd'vthevfirst. shock ! of ;1,800 voltage was turned on; then off and on again , in quick succession. The physicians found that the heart was still., Seating and there -was a second sbocf, , and a thjrit. Theq the physi cians' pronounceil.him dead; and , the body ..was taken from the chair and delivered to his brother as the rep resentative, of th; Sandlin; family. , 'f :' iU-ii : ' Total Tax Receipts Are Large. The total receipts at the office of Ja Collector iWiison;i at Charlotte, were $124,346.16. : Of this amount all but approximately $6,000 was collect ed, durinjf i;the' month , of December. On J Wednesday and Thursday of the past .week, .JLhere .was , paid into ..the hands of the city tax collector, $84, 286.46. With the receipts which just ParrfVed, tto total ' lor the' ' three months,, will ., approximate,, something ' liipolavl ."urplui. of $55,000 to the credit of the city, af ter..the outstanding objigations, which tinust be' met3 oh January 1, 1912, have been paid in full. Of $70,000, the re- ?" ;uist?imo.F?f for ; some hing l'overv$o5.o5o'nasJ already teeri ?iven. intq .the . hand of the Amerl ca frui: goivfo ny,. 1h te r e sr cn tlie bond issues for which the .aunlcipal v is- reeponsible -. --.v.. A Raleigh Policeman Wognded. o6c!SmaM C.BHarbeVof the Ral eigh , police force was seriously woundta 'by 'a negro"," Will' McNeill, whom he was trying to arrest, with the aidNiofvlrje . pthero.fflcers, at Ma negro boarding house, neac Johnson street station. The charge against McNeill was simple assault " commit ted some months ago. On The Matter of Endowment. ; ; Dr., W.. L. . Potest, the . president of Walke Forest Cbllegej was In Raleigh on the matter of the endowment of Wake Forest College, the limit for the collection of the remainder of $150,000 expiring a fev days: ago. There, is -still about $30,000, to be col lected, though; pledges for more than this imouht aVjebeen,' made.4 Tne college Is to raise a total of "$112,500, and to this the General Education Board of New York adds one dollar for every three collected or $37,600 In all. BUSINESS III 1912 BOUND TO BE GOOD PRE$IDENT ELECTION WILL NOT T SERIOUSLY AFFECT CONDI TIONS IN COUNTRY. COUNTRY ON FIRM BASIS Real Business of the Country Is On a Firm Basis, Say Well J, . . Informed Men. New York. "Not even a presiden tial election will be able to make busi ness bad in 1912," declares a close observer of business conditions. "There may be flurries in Wall street," he continued; "speculation may be hampered and Wall street may not enjoy the year as much as it might, but the real business of the country is on a firm basis and is going to he good." . And this pretty well represents the general idea among men who are in touch with conditions throughout the country. The big crops mean good business for the railroads; this in turn goeB a long way toward insuring the steady demand for steel. With the railroads and steel mill .profitably busy, hard times would be difficult to bring about. Then the copper business is in fine shape and the other great underlying industries of the country face a good outlook and money is in plentiful sup ply for legitimate purposes. Taken altogether there is good ground for op timism. Warehousemen throughout the city report that business in nearly every line of trade is now more active than it has been in several years. As the warehousemen diagnose the condition,, they have their fingers on the pulse of the business world this revival is not. local, but quite gen eral. '' CONGREGATION MOBS PASTOR Tampa Minister Roughly Handled by Members of His Church. Tampa, Fla. At the conclusion of services : Rev. R. E. L Klrtand, pas tor of the First Congregational church, was the storm center in a near riot in which the police Inter fered, arresting six .persons, -ft In a written statement he" declar ed he had been kicked by some of the women. The cause of the outburst was an attack made by Reverend : Iirkland in his sermon on a former pastor in connection with alleged ' misappropri ation of church funds. Reverend Kirkland's subject was "If Christ Lived Today, Would He Be a Social-, 1st?."-,- His text was "My Father's house is a house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves." Strained relations have existed be tween Reverend Kirkland and mem bers of his congregation for Bome months. " INDEPENDENTS ARE IGNORED Tennessee "Regulars" Will Not Meet : v with Party Bolters. 1 Nashville, Tenn. Indications " are that regular' Democratic state com mitteemen will ignore the opportun ity to. name the three "regular" Dem ocrats "on the committee of seven to hold the state primary called by the Independent state committee for April 30. Under the plan of the latter, the primary representatives of ithe "reg. ulars"1 are to be named by Chairman O. C. Barton of the Independents, since the "regular": organization mem bers have not acted. . The committee to hold the primary is to be composed of three Independ ents, three "regulars" and a seventh, selected by the six. The primary com-mi-'tee must organize not later than January 1. .: ; Crippled Torpedo Boat Arrives. Washington. The crippled - torpedo boat destroyer Warrington, which was run down off Hatteras in a gale on Wednesday night by an unknown ship, was safely towed into Hampton Roads.'- - The : revenue cutter Ononda ta brought in the destroyer's crew. Taft Refuses to Help Mcrse. .Washington. It was announced at the white house that the report of the army medical officers who have examined Charles W. Morse, convict ed New York banker, serving sentence in the Atlanta, Ga., Federal peniten tiary, does not warrant immediate in terference by the president and the pardon will not be granted at this time. The physicians made a physical examination of Morse in the military hospital at Fort McPherson, where the banker is being treated under guard. ON THRONE SIXTY-THREE YEARS Ol.:;:..v:-; - ! ' - All Austria-Hungary recentlyf celebrated the sixty-third anniversary ot cfit accession of, Emp.erorJIfr.fin.cis Joseph- Tbe: venerable monarch, who was born in 1830, is in fairly good health, -but appears In public very rarely nowadays and can no longer indulge in thefhunting expeditions he so much enjoyed. RUSSIAN RULE FOR PERSIA i i ; LAST VESTIGE OF INDEPEND 1 ENCE WILL BE DESTROY ED 7 v ' BY THE CZAR. Great! Britain Is Acting s Russia's i "Accomplice and Englishmen j ;- 'feel putfasedi jj - London. The Russian government has decided to. .suppress disorders at Tabriz and: qther disturbed Persian towhSK The dislocation of the tele graph', lihes;i mikes it impossible , to. get a reliable narrative of .thet out breaks. Yet it cannot be dofibted that a situation of the gravest jcom plexity hjas arisen. -t As reports of" Russian progreps in Persia and stories of the indiscrimi nate killing of natives. in Tabriz and Resht and 6f the. destruaton""df Per sia's constitutional government usnder Russian menaces , contihije to f ijeach Kngland, the people are oecoming in creasingly disouieted at the Bcitish government's complicity? whtchj the foreign secretary, Sir: Edward Gray, thinks. a matter pf pplly and pom pelled' by the Anglo-Russian agree ment. ;.. . f . St: : Petersburg w1- X mlf pclal statement issued says that the Rus sian government, in vie w. of "acts of foolhardy ' ;' aggression' committed against the Russian forces and tost!' tnUoi' in! TaWi? Rseshtii-ajvl aeli, sometimes followed by brutal toijture of ..the wounded jand baje, outrage against the jieadv'lhas lefcideii bat the severest punishment of the gilty is merited " " " j-- , Teheran. It is understood thatj the regent, and cjabinet desire the appoint ment of the American, F. E. Cajrns, the principal assistant ,of Mr. Shueter,: as the new treasureV general of DPer-.i sla. It is more likely, however, jthat TA; Mornard, the Relgig.n.ex'-directojr o( customs in Persia, who some mojithsf: ago made himself . prominent byf his' hostility to Mr. ' Sinister, will receive', the position. j ; H Christian Science Goes In Panama;; Washington. President Taft '.set-. tied the vexed questions of allowing:! the practice of Christian Scienc oH other non-medical methods of healing the sick in the Panama canal zone. Thp pxecutive order made, several months ago which members of the Christian Science church feared would iiriBuaii oii."' - iiue-.aj.tc uii i . i - prohibit their method of healing, was. bystanders that; if his victim was not modified so that there can be Infdearf'iie would, igo back and make a doubt as to the lawfulness of snchij oby- larjris was 25 years old practice. The order as modified g'oesj4-jfnmaJ-rieit' His father now lives Into effect at once. ii&iCfeJuicolirFlti v 1 1 I I FEDERAL COURTS SCORED Governor Baldwin of Connecticut Says , Superior Courts Meldle. " Buffalo, X. Y. Control of state au thorities by inferior United States courts has developed to such an ex tent that the people are becoming impatient, declared Gov. Simeon E. Baldwin of Connecticut at the open ing of the twenty-seventh annual meeting, of , the American Historical Association and the eighth annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in joint session here. If some of the recent court de cisions are not disaffirmed, Governor Baldwin said, the judiciial power of ihe United States apparently will ex-t tend to any justifiable controversy arising in any state although pertain ing td mere' matters of local concern. - Governor Baldwin also found a real danger in .the recent utterance of a president that he was for a constitu tion . when it conserved the people's rights, but not when it perpetrated the people's wrongs. "The . danger,.',' he said, "is that a chief ..magistrate by some stretch of his executive 'or military authority may come to play the part of a dic tator. It is only a remote possibility but the science which we profess warns us that great powers are apt sometimes': o be used and that our fathers "were right when they declar ed that eternal vigilance was the pric-of liberty," ; Aviator Injured by Fall. Milledgeville, Ga.-- Stanley James, an,-ia'tor,iwho was scheduled to give exhibition , flights here, fell from a height of about sixty feet and was painfully though not seriously injured. The accident was witnessed by but fewv-a Jt?happened at the Treanor race 'track,- across the river, just as the4aviaor had risen in his aeroplane to come over to the city to give an exhibition.; vThe Injured man was hur riedly'', taken ; to': the Baldwin hotel, where he received medical attention. Killed In Hotel Lobby. Rome, Ga Douglas H. Harris was shot"a"nd ihstantly .killed in the lob hv nf the Cherokee hotel by Uriah TT Starnes trayellng salesman for a local marble factory. Starnes claim ed f that Harris wrecked his family, and after giving himself up to the nearest" policeman, said that he was vr.iAr-mnTi ollvp and assured TURKS DEFEAT TALI FORCE PUT TO FLIGHT WITH GREAT LOSS AFTER TWENTY-FOUR HOURS' BATTLE. ' ITALIAN LOSS IS ONE-HALF Commander of Turkish Troops R ports Garrison Annihilated and Munitions Captured. Washington. A Uwenty-four-houi battle, in which the ,Turkish troops defeated the Italian .force, killing half of it in the rout, is described in an af ficial message from Constantinople, made public at the Turkish embassy. The message was transmitted to the mperial ministry of war at Constan inople by the commander of the Tur- ish troops from Tobruk,- Tripoli, nder date of December 22 The .eport follows: "We have attacked the fortified losts of the enemy. ' Notwithstand ng the fire from the warships and 'ort batteries, we entered the fort nd the garrison has been annihilat ii. Ammunition, provisions, war ma terial and a quick-firin gguh have ieen carried into our camp. "In its forward march, one of our vings cut off the retreat of the en ?my, who fled toward the coast. Dur ng the retreat the enemy lost half their numbers. 'The battle lasted all lay and night. - ; "Among the killed were three offi cers of the enemy. Our. losses were iven killed and a few wounded. The "heikh Meri, who, with his 'five sons, :sme at the head of his tribe, is among the dead., "The courage of our . officers and 'oldiers is exemplary. Lieutenant Medjib Bey was the first to enter lhe fort. He destroyed the quick Iring guns and carried away one nto our camp." . '. TOFIX FORM OF GOVERNMENT China's Future In the Hands of Na tional Convention " , Shanghai. The peace conference being held here between the repre sentative of the Pekin government and the revolutionary party agreed that the form of government to be ultimately . adopted for China should be decided by a national convention, whose determination should be bind ing on both parties. It also was agreed that pending the decision of the national convention, the Manchu government was neither tt accept nor to attempt to obtain foreign loans. Another agreement reached Is that all Manchu troops in the provinces of Shan Si, Shen Si, Huh Peh, Nganhwel and Kiangsu shall evacuate their present positions and withdraw, from them to a distance of 100.11. (about 37 miles) within five, days, beginning from December 31. The republican troops meanwhile shall neither ad vance nor occupy the, places evacuat ed pending special arrangements to be reached by mutual agreement. The Manchu troops are not to advance nor to attack the positions at Shan tung held by the republicans, nor shall the republican troops advance upon nor capture new places. It is understood the national con vention to be called i is to. include those delegates at present in confer ence at Nanking, who have elected Dr. Sun Yat Sen president of the republic and others to be elected. Tang Shao Yi received a' telegram from Pekin saying that Tuan fang, formerly director general of the Hu kang railroad and ex-viceroy of the province of Chi LI, had arrived in the capital disguised as a coolie. Arrested for Forgery. J- Nashville, Tenn. E. Kline, av Hun garian, who represented himself as James Stewart, of ew York, was ar rested here on a charge, of forgery, and will be taken back to S.crnton, Pa, to face his accusers. Klinecame to Nashville last Saturday an an nounced that he was James Stewart, a New York contractor of the fijrm of James Stewart & Co., and., intended to beautify suburban sections about this city, and engage to an extdnsive sale of villa sites. : ' Richeson's Condition Prevents Trlal. Boston. The -physical, .and ntental condition of the Rev. 'C. V, Ricfceson Is so unfavorable that his trial on January 15, the date setwUl ke an absolute impossibility in the opinion of his counsel, "Perhaps his" wounds may be in a favorable-. --condition," says a statement from his lawyer "but his general and mental cjondi ion is far from favorable, and be lieve an early attempt to put him or trial at so early a date would Cause a ccllap wb'rh would delay tb trial indefinitely." s-- u-. i.

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