' : cs 5 tM a Yar, la Adraoccw for god, FOir Country and for truth."; ci VOL. XXII. PLYMOUTH i, N. ,C.. I K I DA Y. AN tJ A R Y 19. 1912 $0. 30. ..... II I I It 1 IE 1 I1J I I. li II 1 IftS II ' I "J ill IS 4 ir y .' VVV '; Ail A -WvA ' r. v.. VERY BUSY MONTH FOR REVENUE MEN OFFICERS DESTROY 67 ILLICIT DISTILLERIES IN A SINGLE MONTH. HENDRIX MAKES A RECORD With the Aid of Two Other Men He Captures Seventeen Illicit Plants in Three Days. Raid Was an Endless Chain. , Raleigh. A special from Asheville states that the revenue officers un der the supervision of Revenue Agent R. B. Sams, with the' head office in Asheville, 'had a busy month during December. During the month they destroyed' 67 illicit distilleries in the fourth and fifth districts of ;Nortb-l Carolina and the district in Virginia which if under the supervision of this office.. Thirjty-eight of these seizures.! 't - . tT. i ; oa i I werWmade in Virginia and 29 in this state. There were 68 prosecutions recommended as a result of the seiz ures and 20 arrests were made by the officers. There were also rec ommendations for the collection ...of . -aljout'l.O'oo' in special taxes. ' r'VTreiugh record for any onp. man duringhe month was thai 'establish-, ed By Deputy "Collector W. A. Hen drix, who Thtde.v a raid in Franklin and Henry couniies, Va., and during three days captured 17 illicit plants. --He was accompanied by .only two men and when the raid was started they had information concerning only three of those that were found. The raid-rftonnk out to . .be. an endless cH&Hlfffl!&irE' as- M- oJnc.ers-.-.-wol(Kre- ceiVVinfOTnjatiabbut Vhi&ofiKtijant while they were in the act of destroy ing one. They were cutting up one place and saw the smoke from an other place about two hundred yards away which they knew nothing of un til then. They had caught the moon shiners napping and proceeded to make a haul. About 30,000 gallons of beer were destroyed and considerable new whiskey. . i.r-'' North Carolina NSw Enterprises. Charters were issued .for five new oomoratlons. The Merchants' Supply Company of Burlington is charterMJt58 with $50,000 capital authorized and S9K nnn enhncrihed hv J. Z. Waller. Susan Waller and others for . sale mercantile busjnesjt. The Par rish Watts Hardware Company of Benson is chartered with $50,000 capital by Alonzo'Parrish and others -pi.. ritQ tr.a rnmnanv nf Man- son, Warren '6u'nty, is .chattered with $25,000 capital by J. W. Dowell and .. w....v,'tw i0.af0rprVtw44'Kt nT6hablv be named for the gen others. The .Pioneer Farm (In2)?ot Jackson Springs is chartered with $100,000 capital by R: W. .Page and others. The Cole-Tarry Hardware Company of Littleton begins business I with a capital of $6,000 Meeting of Historical Society. At the meeting of the. North Caro lina Historical Commission permis sion was granted to Miss Mary Hil liard Hinnton, state regent of the Daughters of the Revolution for the placing of a tablet ?f the Halifax re solves on the wall in the rotunda" o.f the Capitol. The commission met in th nfflr.fi of Col. J. Bryan Grimes. the office of Col. J. Bryan Grimes, and the majority of ; the business transacted was relative to the regular routine work, such as auditing ac counts and hearing the report of the secretary,. One of the important ' fea tures of'the meeting was'Hhe matter of publishing and editing the letters and papers of Randolph Shotwell and Judge Thomas Ruffin. Reward Offered For Murderer. Governor Kitchin issued a -procla mation offering $200 reward for the .n mnv!rHnn of NfiPdWm Bell "colored, who is .wanted. '.by' 'the authorities in Johnston county for murder.. The crime charged against Bell is the murder of his wife, Delia Bell, which occurred on the night of December 9th. The crime was com mitted in Smithfield .township,; Jolfn ston county. Get Thirty Years For House Burning. Lonnls Millic'an, Jim Britt and Nick Joyner, (all negroes) were sen- tenced to thirty years imprisonment each in the superior court at Kinston by J-adr;e Ferguson .for house burn- PAnv-r-trrl wn sottins fire to a build- ing in' LaGrange last spring, which resulted in the destruction of a large storago warenouse esiaonsueu et part of the business section of-thaand, requesting the committee to tT. rvith a rfnmnA nnwarda of 25.- whom the matter will be referred to nan tw wfir several conflaera- lions within a short time, suspicion poin!ing to tbesa negroes. FIGURES OF EXPENDITURE Amount Expended By Board of Educ? tion For Repairs and New School Houses in the County. Charlotte. An interesting item Ii connection with the county school! and the recent appraisement o: school conditions, made at the firs meeting of the hoard o! education ii the amount that has been experidec by the board of education for. nev school houses in the , county and re pairs for houses already built. 'Ac cording to the figures in Superinten dent R. J. Cochrane's office they art as follows: A new room in the Mclver school Berryhill township, costing $.400 One room added to the Trinit; school in Long Creek township cost ing. $435 . New school house in District No a of Lone Creek township, the Aber nathy school, $650. Repair on Union school in Distric No. 7 of Mallard Creek township costing $275. New room in District No. 2, Wilsoi Grove township, $350. State blackboards, $252. Floor oil and disinfectants, $43.50. mother school supplies, $40.50. .i i r Q'v Small repairs on 6 or 8 hOHjse $225. The larger part of the expenditure it will be seen, was spent on suppliei en, was 6peut '" ?mS thi and repairs witnessed tnore building than thl: year. In fact, the building campaigi carried on.by. the board of .educatioi for the -past few years has resulte in the .furnishing of good and sub stantial buildings for most of the dis tricts in the county. Banks Are In Good Condition The' banks of North Carolina hay ' i r 1 1 J Vn-Inaefn t 1 j - Cporation Commission shows anta crease 01 resources vl fu,6Utf,ui.. This is the record made by the 34: banks, including 14 branches for tha period. The total resources on No vember 10". 1910 amounted to $62, 146,551.31 and on December 5, 1911 to $68,406,179.97. The capital stocl had increased from $88,916,33.55 ti $9,527,030.69, and the surplus func from $1,961,480.41 has increased t $2,28286.39.. : The deposits, not in eluding ' trust deposits, amounted oi November 10, 1910, to $42,978,945.11 and on December 5, 1911, to $49,847, 158.84,' atSMiag in'increase ql $6,868, 213.71. These are good ligures w ponder over. They show that Nortl 'Molina Ts making progress in mon ey matters. Naminn stations On New Railroad. Thrt -flrs -elation oiit ' of Elkirt oi thA Rikin & AlIeKhany Railway wil eral manager of this- road, "Mills,' ii.. a ,in oollorl Thurmnnd tiio acv;uuu m.... - - after a son c.? the president, H. G r.hatham: the third will be called Dnnshton. for the lieutenant gov ernor; the fourth, Chatham, for tht family of this name, who have beer active, in the furtherance of thit prbject since its inception in 1907. and the last will, of course, be Sparta oeen aoingan "u"""7Q";UhlB bugaboo will not seriously un the period from November 10, jm?U ,v.,w-M Aoa ' Thesfe'are family names, so to speak 0f engineers cut tms estimate io i-v,-but it is regarded as being entirelj 000 and the Georgia representatives fitting that these men, who have beer active in the work of building this road should have such testimonial oi their activity and interest in a work to which they have devoted so much I time and effort. stat Should Trv Rock Hill Plan. Snvernl letters have passed betweec Malor Graham. Commissioner of Ag- riculture, and Mr. J. G. Anderson, oi Rock Hill. S. C. relative to the mat- ter of the "Rock Hill plan" adopted bxv.the Southern Cotton Congress at New Orleans. During the time when the several institutes are held in the cotton counties, 'from February 17th to , 26th, the jhatter of the. suggested plan vHll be' gono over with the farmer. The attention of Director ' will be called to it . However, Mr. i Anderson says that the way of cut- ting down tne cotton acreage m , North Carolina is not m accoraance with the general movement msinuteu by the Southern Cotton Congress. He further says that the plan should b given a fair trial. Wants Cotton Storage Warehouse Besides other matters of intere&t to Wilson town and county, at a meet j ing of the chamber of commerce held ! several aays ago, iue eeurtiaij i au- thorized to write to the secretary of the North Carolina Farmers' Union which meets in Raleigh, stating that Wilson is desiriousof having a cotton make, no award until Wilson Is in formed as to wnat tne convention desires in the matter. OPTIMISM MARKS . niipiiirnp ii THE .PRQSPEfcTt. HAB. BEUpHTENETO CONSIDERABLY: uJUffrNG 'TrlET . . i. 1 .'i? inn . RASf TEW MONTHS. INTERESTED IN'.-tHE TARIFF B0ter.oln;iii; Sel'ajd Copper, Recognized". Barometers of Trade. New York. Wtih hardly an excep tion,, there is a feeling, of-; strong op timism among men best Qualified to country Men y;ho f te months past were inclined to look " at things through somewhat darkened glasses now are seeing clearer and in a more rosy light. From all the great industries; news comes of a better business at. pres ent, and an outlook for still further improvement. Confidence has oee.n a distinctive improvement " in these lines, and it bears the mark of pe manency. - ' , v... ; Y While the textile- industry has procr- ably suffered as much as any, with this year's enormous crop of cotton and with the consequent sharp de- cline3 lh ric the Qutl00k ln. cotton manufacturing has een- measurably? improved. Interest will, of course, now- cen--. ter in tlie tariff, out mere are signs that our legislators will view this phase of the situation in. a more .con servative Bspirit. As a rule, a- presi dential year is not calculated to in spire enthusiasm in general traae, but it is believed that fundamental 'conditions are so sound that even tiext year's crops, it is a sausiaouou R ty had ampl moisture where a deficiency existed a -venr' aero.- so that there are rea sons to hope for a generous agricul tural wealth. .M-'. After all, much depends upon sen timent. It is gratifying, tnereiore, u know that sentiment is more hopeful and that business men have finally come to a point where they are will- nn n v : , ill r. ii i -. mm. . ).- mm Ing- and;eyen anions ratM3Jhe. dlsease wg.s . declared to expand. IMPROVE .SQUROIyERS y . " O r "Tir " - j. Money Asked for Work on Georgia, Florida and Alabama Streams. Washlngtpn. Four members of the Georgia -'aelegationsj : MesVri'.' Brant ley, Bartlett, Hardwick aid Hughes, amieared before the' rivers and har hors committee of the house in be half of a waterway project wnicn looks to the improvement ot 4o(i mn, nr rOSjinnel in the OCOnee, Oc i in 1 1 v. mulgee and Altamaha rivers at a cost nf SGOO.OOa; The nroiect has already been favor- aDly reported, and it is claim'ed-.at a depth of four feet or. waxer can u RRr.ured for the .entwe rouie. . ine uis- trict engineers wanted ?ioo,uuu ior work the first year, k.but tne Doara are seeking to have congress give at least $10,000 this year, and let tnat to used for securing whatever m- creased depth is possible Representative Brantley also sougat to secure an appropriation for a proj ect in the Satilla river, vijJc3.M3.pf hPen surveyed for SPmnes; a'S nriv been surveyed r na Rurnt Fort, and for an Inside ,ntfrway from Savannan, ua., 10 rw nandina, Fla. He also asK.an apyro- nriation for the bt. Aiarjs nvei, i" Georgia and Florida, which has never been improved, Roosevelt Testing South Washington. To test the strength - Coionei Roosevelt in . the -South, 0rmsby Mcllarg has been sent into ..Q am,th. and is now in Alabama, lQ an efEort to r0Und up delegates to the next Republican convention for Ro03evelt, according 10 repon Before the last convention, Mcllarg aa vprv active among the Taft work ers. After the election Mr. MHarg. was appointed assistant secretary 01 commerce and labor. imiformitv of Cotton Bales. ivochinsrton. Information which will lead to the standardization of thj American cotton bale and to the .iformity or tne couuuf .v.'S b ig being 'sought by the" depart- . aS:riculture. "To bring fhl unif0rmity will be a mat Qf education," said Dr. B. T. Cal- i,v-- r-hief of the bureau of plant and Industry." It seems to be general ly agreed that, the present tare-taken on American-cotton is excessive; but "he deplorable condition of the Amer ican cotton tale is responsible. QMAE FASHION'S '4'' . ' T A tvt mom ceito. r me ! . ','TMt BATd lam oowfl- rioiK w TOWtlJ A piece of OOTH, THtRl ' AVt IT (Copyright. 1312.) ANS FLEE FROM DiStASt I '. t W I O SPINAL MENINGITIS PLAUut io CAUSING EXODUS FROM CIT IES IN LONE STAR STATE. State Health Board Asks Help of New York Board to Combat '.tK11. Malady. t Austin Texas. About fifty families rmos4tly,'omen and children seek ing a temporary residence free from cerebro spinal meningitis, axrived iU nntntu a here from north Texas points A large number of families is said to ,'jjjassd through .e'p route to San Antonio wherg the disease ha3 not appeared. . ' T . , " Dallas, Texas. The state board of heatlh ". decided to try ' to secure for distribution throughout-Texas a sup- lyjfUhL.New York bowo oi neaiui Iftffis gerum. .-It" urged county attorneys to prosecute. the practicing of alleged healing -of, meningitis by unauthorized pfirsons-- and,.t also to nrosecute. delays" in reporting or diag- tSg' meningitis by regular physi- be most prevalent among negroes Dr. Abraham Sonbian, the New I Yc w York- meningitis expert, receiveo. dpwtthis motner is ujiug iu York. He said he wouia reaiam iu Texas to helD combat meningitis. Tvlve new cases in Dallas and five deaths have, been reported to the city board of healthVAllthese deaths were of -white .persons. Three cf the new cases were negroes. . At Hillsboro, Texas, the ity coun cil requested churches to discontinue services temporarily because of the f P'of " spfnal meningitis. Waco phy sicians recommended to the city board of health temporary discontinu ance of cKurch services, public fun- k'ads and the closing of moving pic ture shows. Hewitt, aicueunuu uU-tj.-.w. reported to. have quarantined against Dallas. f The closing of public schools at MarshanV'ffexa's, near the Louisiana line, was recommended by officials of that city and physicians there because qne case of meningitis had appeared at Marshall. The schools will close. ANDREW CARNEGIE BOASTS CarneyGloats Over Having Got Ahead of John D. Rockefeller. ' Washington. "It does my heart nd to think that 1 got ahead of tnhn n Rockefeller, my fellow mil- o -t lionaire. in that Lake buperior ore deal." Andrew Carnegie, former ruler nf the steel industry of the United States, gloated thus in testifying be fore the house committee ot inquiry to thtf. United States Steel corpora tion Mr. Carnegie had just told tne ronlmittee about his deal with Mr Rockefeller, whereby he obtained con trol of Mr. Rocekefeller's iron ore holdings in the Lake Superior region nt-A'Tate of fifteen cents a ton, noid ines which when turned into the steel .rnrteoration later, formed a large part nf the assets valued at $7uu,uuu,uuv,- 000. t ' " ' - : : Gentrv Heads Cumberland Co. .Ahnta.Col. W. T. Gentry, presi dent of the Southern Bell Telephone company, will be elected president of 'Fifmberland Telephone and Tele grapn company v ""'" is to be held in Lomsv 1 e, Ky, early in February. This contirms me re cent Associated Press dispatches from New York, ana means uni wuci Gentry will be the chief officer of that part of the Bel', system east of the Mississippi and south., of the Ohio rivers. The same officials will be elected by both companies:' r Mil r y til r LATEST. - - WILL MEET IN BALTIMORE Democratic National Convention Will Name Candidate on June 25. Washington. The Democratic na tional committee completed its work here with the selection of Baltimore as the convention city. June 25 was fixed as the date of the national gath" ering, when candidates for president and vice president will be selected. The Republican national convention is to be held in Chicago June 18. The Democrats adopted a 'permis- sive" primary resolution in connec- tion with the call for, delegates, and ject, ' or desire to do ' bo, can seleftt their representatives in the national convention by direct vote. There are 1,074 delegates-obe chosenTtlarmo ny marked the sitting of the com mittee, which was given over almost entirely to the arguments of repre sentatives of the various cities bid ding for the convention. William Jen nings . Bryan did not attend. There was a brief controversy over the proposed recognition of the Pro greeh.e League clubs, an organiza tion said to have grown out of the Independence League movement start ed by William Randolph Hearst National Chairman Norman E. Mack wa3 named to head the subcommittee on arrangements for the convention. Vice Chairman Hall of Nebraska and Secretary Uray Woodson of Kentucky will be ex-officio members of this sub committee, and there will, be seven additional members to be namedJa- ter by Mr. Mack. $6,000,000 FIRE IN N. Y. CITY Eauitable Life Assurance Society Buiding Destroyed. New York. Flames destroyed the reat granite and marble nine-story building of the Equitable Life Assur ance society at 120 Broadway, the. home of the Mercantile Trust com pany, the Equitable Trust company, the banking house of Kountze Broth ers, the Mercantile Safe Deposit com pany and the Harriman lines. Four men are known to be dead and five hurt. Several persons are missing. The flames got their start in the very basement of the great building. In a store room of the Cafe Savarin a tiny blaze cracked and spurted, un heeded, until . It worked its way to the elevator shaft. Then gusts of, air took the growing flame, hurled it up ward, and in the flash of an eye the upper floors of one of the pioneer metropolitan skyscrapers were in flames. French Cabinet Resigns. Paris. The Caillaux cabinet fell when every member unexpectedly re signed. It was generally believed the ministry would be overthrown by the deputies within a few days, in view of the crisis precipitated. The resig nation of the foregn minister, Justin De Selves, occurred when he declin ed to back up the premier in his statement regarding recent negotia tions between Germany and France, resulted in immediate dissensions in the cabinet. Death Sentence Given Preacher. Boston. Clarence V. T. Richeson, formerly pastor of the exclusive Im manuel Baptist church of Cambridge, towed his head in superior court and confessed that he murdered Avis Lin conlesaea immediate!, nell, music student, and immediately was sentenced to electrocution during the week of May 19. Richeson's for mal pleading to the first dogreo mur der charge of guilt, by which ho tc knowledgod he sent cyanide of polas" slum to the pretty music student, in the guise of a drug. REATidHSlm Efc. 11 TUUU . Til'"-- VI V r g an w rv : .... rv i i . - trim vsxaxsns mm: j IISOliBOH 3 .LlrUW IIIL TURKSHSHIPSE SUNJSJ THE DEADLY THE ITALIAN FL TURKS MADEaPOQ .FlpTp - , -'v ,-. arge Number ' of Ottoman Seamen Were Killed anil Drowned in , the Fight. . .3' Rome, Italy.--Seven;-Tarkish-y-boats were sunk and large nunf's of Turkish tars were drowned or kijje- , ed in the first important naval .en gagement of the Tiirco-Italian ,.wrf ; "on January 7, according to an official account given out here. The ba"ttie was fought out on the Red Sea&pTherurks were preparing i" to convoy a; mfitary expedit'im- which ' was to cro$sAypt and'joHi .the Juf kish forces' iuTripou., t. , The number of Tt4-l3i saiiv)iwhd were drowned was n6t&TV.5iqut. Af ter the Italian ships had leered- the Turkish '.'war vessels with broadsides of sbiel'irand projectiles the Turk tars swarmed into the sea. Great numbers of them were picked up by smaii craft from the Italian gunboats. A Turkish yacht in convoy was noi fired upon. She is ' being sent to Rome. The Italian warships which took the principal part in the battle were the. cruiser Piemonte and the destroyed Garibaldino and - Artigliere. The commander-in-chief had' received orders to destroy or capture the Turkish . gunboats, as advtos had been receiv ed that they, were transporting Turk ish troops'" destined ten reinforce the Turkish army in Cyrenaica by way of Egypt. ' As soon as the Italian warships Piemonte, Garibaldino and Arttgtte? encountered 'the Turkish gunboats, a short distance out of the Bay of Kun fida, they sent shots across their bows and. called on them to surren der. The Turkish vessels gave no, sign of compliance. The Italians immedi ately opened a terrific fire, throwing in a hail of shells from their broad sides. '" ' The Turkish gunners replied feebly, but did not succeed in striking the Italian vessels. ' All seven of the Turkish boats were soon on fire and in a few minutes be gan to sink. Boats were lowered from tne Ital ian , warships, which picked up many Turkish seamen, but a large number were drowned. London. The Turkish vessels de stroyed , by Italian warships wero those which took refuge at Suez, sev eral weeks ago, according to a dis patch from . a news agency in Rome. As a. result of protests by Italy, the dispatch adds, the Egyptian authori ties disarmed the . vessels and tne Turkish commander subsequently ob tained permisssion to leave. While de parting the flotilla was overtaken by the Italian warships and sunk. GETTYSBURG CELEBRATION Veterans of Blue and Gray to Meet on Battlefield. Washington. The movement for a .... " : fitting celebration in 1913 of the fif tieth anniversary of the battle of Get-. . tysburg took definite form when the Pennsylvania commission, having the matter in charge, appeared before tne joint congressional committee and made public its plans. It is proposed to have the celsbra tion extended over the first four days of July, and the most important fea ture will be the laying of the corner stone of a great peace memorial to be erected by the nation at the entrance to the. battlefield. ' The plan contemplates the construc tion on the Emmitsburg turnpike of'.', a stately memorial signifying unity" and peace, taking the form of an. arch or gateway, to be surmounted by a ' heroic '. statue of Abraham Lincoln. , Veterans' from the Civil war are ex pected to 'attend from all over the country, South, as well as North, , at the expense of the several states, and three states have already taken ac tion With - this end in view. Morse Goes to Hot Springs. Washington. Charles W. Morse, the New York banker, was ordered transferred from Fort McPherson, Ga., to the army general hospital, at Hot Springs, Ark. President Taft and Attorney General Wickersham decid ed upon the, transfer, ..believing ' spe cial medical treaL.ieir necessary. vpaii of h's phys r condition, Morse recently was, J Fort McPherson tipnltcr-.tiary. wher isf erred to j the Atlanta, vas serving jof the bank- fifteen yea for - - r

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