fs If v iIkv' jy ny tii w A0 !"" , "" ,"-",, ' , M II 1H I I I I II I I ! J 1 '" , ' ' - ' ' , ' , , ' ' I ''''''''"'''My"T ttG Year, la Adranc " FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH. gCyC44 VOL. XXII. 7 PLYMOUTH, C.JRIDAY. MARCH 22, 1912 NO. 39. ORTH CM IS IN THE LEAD THIS STATE RANKS FIRST IN -WORK OF ROCKEFELLER SAN ITARY COMMISSION. MUCH MONEY WAS EXPENDED Second Annual Report ' Shows That Nine States Are in Fight Against Dreaded Hookworm Disease List of Counties With Free Dispensaries. Raleigh. The Rockfeller Sanitary Commission has just issued its sec ond annual report. This report shows that in the fight against hookworm disease in nine states for the year 1911 the Commission has expended $148,407.-4. (Of this amount $18,621.06 came to North Carolina).' Th statos themselves have expended $30,388.73. (North Carolina $9,300.00). There have been treated during the year in these nine states 140,387 persons, (North Carolina being credited with 45,881 of them). This mean3 that of every $1.05 (in North Carolina 40 cents) or for every $1.27 (in North Carolina 60 cents) expended by the Commission and the states, a human being has been benefited in health and helped to a higher and better scale of living. These organizations have by pre liminary survey demonstrated the presence, of the infection in 719 of the 884 counties in ten states, (in North Carolina in 99 of the 100 coun ties) ; have completed the definite in fection survey in 87 counties in nine stae, (21 of these are in North aro v 1 a) ; and for thi3 survey have ex amined microscopically 37,267 (in North Carolina 11,287) rural children from 6 to 18 years of age have com pleted the definite sanitary survey in 125 counties (of these 44 are in North. Carolina) and have inspected 43.44S rural homes (13,182 of them being in North Carolina.) In nine states 85 counties (27 in North Carolina) have appropriated from county funds for the local ex penses of the county dispensaries for the free treatment of hookworm dis ease, $10,799.60 (in North Carolina $4,300.00) from the 17 counties where the dispensary work was complete. Flagman Is Fatally Injured. While coupling cars at the depot, Robey Montgomery, a flagman on the Carolina & North-Western Railway, was instantly killed in the attempt to adjust a knuckle on an automatic coup ler. He had signed the engineer to back up the caboose and the couplings failed to catch, knocking the caboose some distance up the track. Mont gomery stooped to adjust th-coupling and without warning the caboose roll ed down on him, catching him be tween the two couplings midway be tween his chest and back, crushing him to death. Roads Are In Need of Repair. Guilford county's system of macad am roads is in sore need of repair and the county commissioners are face to face with a problem which it is said is giving considerable annoyance and worry to the commissioners of other counties which have many miles of ma'cadam. In thi county the 'binder" or top surface, is gone in many In stances, and no substances of suffi cient strength to hold the loose rock has been found, despite repeated ex periments. ' A year ago tar and oil was placed on the High Point road, but this has already failed. Right-of-Way For New Road. .Engineer Fallis and M. S. Ozment, superintendent of the roads in the end of the county near Mooresville, have made a canvass of the territory between that point and Mr. A. A. Ga briel's, on the Statesville road, and have secured rights-of-way on the en tire route for the new road to be built. Not a land-owner raised any serious objection, and all signed the 1 right-of-way agreement to the satis faction of all concerned. The road forces have about completed the grading. Set Date of Primary Election. April 1st-was set as-the date for the primaries for the selection of munici pal officers by the Democratic Munic ipal Executive Committee of Fayettte rille. The election, which is a mere 'ormality, a3 no opposing ticket is ver named, will be held May 1st. The candidates for mayor seemed to have larrowed down to C. B. Ledbetter. hairman of the Street and Fire Com Bfttces of the Board of Aldermen avid fohn Underwood, who opposed Mayor IeNeill last year. An unusually large tod of candidates have appeared. DAMAGE IN NORTH CAROLINA Rainfall Was the Heaviest Experieno ed in 19 Years Much Property and Live Stock Damaged. Charlotte. Damage and disastei are left in the wake of a terrific wind and rain storm which passed over the Piedmont section of the Carolinas." The rainfall was the heaviest in the past 19 years. In less than 12 hours a precipitation of 4.40 inches was reg istered here while Salisbury records six inches. Reports of great damage to prop erty and loss of live stock, are com ing in from all points. The Catawba river, 11 miles . from Charlotte, nor mally three feet deep, had risen 27 feet in twelve hours and wa steadily rising at the rate of 14 inches an hour. Many bridges , on this stream have been swept away. The costly concrete and steel structure at Sloan's ferry, nearly completed, succumbed. Many towns in this sec tion have been without lights and street car service at intervals as a re sult of trouble experienced by the Southern Power Company, which fur nishes power throughout the Pied mont section. In Winston-Salem and vicinity the damage is conservatively estimated at $250,000. Despite the cloudburst, the citizens face a water famine, owing to a break in the dam at the waterworks. Homes are flooded and cabins and outhouses washed away. In Forsyth county bridges have been demolished and sections of the best roads washed away. ' . North Carolina New Enterprises. The following charters were issued by the secretary of state: The Elec trical Engineering and Constructing Company, of Raleigh, to do a general contracting for electrical work such as wiring, installing fixtures, etc. Au thorized capital stock is $15,000, of which $10,000 is common stock , and $5,000 preferred. The company may begin business when 51,500 has been paid in. Incorporators "are S. T. Stew art, C. N. Freeman and B. E. Taylor. The Liberty Loan and Real Estate Company, of Henderson; to do a gen eral real estate business. Authorized capital stock is $10,000, with $1,000 paid in by G. W. Hawkins, Dr. J. E. Baxter, Henry Gates and others. Officers Destroy Large Still. Revenue Officer J. M. Davis, Depu ty Sheriff Ward and Mr. Durand Davis have returned to Statesville after another long horse back trip through the mud to the little Brushy Moun tains in the extreme northern section of the county, where they must go oc casionally to put the plants of the moonshiners out of commission. On this trip the officers destroyed an un usually large plant and along with it no small amount of its product. The moonshiners had just made a "run" and having been put wise as to the approach of the officers, had hid the big 90-gallon still at a point in the woods a mile from the plant, and in a gulley in an old field had been placed a 48-gallon barrel of liquor. Should Not Tax Church Property. : Rt. Rev. Robert Strange, D. D., bishop of the Diocese of Eastern North Carolina, appeared before the corporation commission in support of the contention that extensive prop erty in Newbern that is administered for church and benevolent purposes should not be taxed. The property is mostly real estate, devoted to tene ment rentals yielding about $1,000 gross income. It was left to the church by the late E. M. Forbes of Newbern, the general objects of the Eastern Carolina Diocese, Christ church, Newbern, and certain educa tional and benevolent work being the principal purposes to which the reve nue is devoted. School Contracts Finally Signed. The Rubicon has been crossl, and the board of school commissioners of Charlotte has burned its bridges be hind it. The boad ordered the con flagration set at once more than a week ago, but the formal act of igni tion has just been performed by Mayor Bland In the signing of con tracts for the erection of five school buildings. The' total cost is to be $79,000. Funds For Two Farm-Life Schools. Statesville people during the last week have been solicited for funds for th Alexander Farm-Life, Industrial and Bible Training School at Hidden ite' by Mary Elizabeth Moore, the founder and principal. This school, located in the mountains of Alexander county, is for the training of colored beys and girls and has on its board of trustees a number of ihe leading peo ple of Statesville, and according to Its prospectus, will fill a needed want for the colored youth of the piedmont section of the state DY1IIIE 801 SENT TO JUDGE ATTEMPT IS MADE ON THE LIFE ' OF JUDGE OTTO ROSALKY OF NEW YORK CITY. SENT THROUGH THE MAIL Chief Egan Badly Injured When the Bomb Exploded Rosalky Es- . caped Unhurt. New York. An attempt to- kill Judge Otto Rosalsky of the court of general sessions, with a bomb, came near being successful. It was only a defect said to be a small accumu lation of dirt in the mechanism of the infernal machine which the jus tice had unsuspectingly opened, that saved him from probable death or certain injury. The bomb later ex ploded while being examined by In spector Owen Egan of the bureau of combustibles, seriously injuring him about the face and arms. I The intended victim of the explo sion has been given a great deal of publicity lately in connection with the Brandt case. It was Judge Rosalsky who sentenced Brandt to a 30-year term for burglary at Mortimer L. Schix's home in 1907, and who recent ly reversed his action. The attack upon the jurist is the first case of such violence attempted against a judge here within memory, and it set the whole machinery of the police speedily at work on the mystery. The bomb came by mail. v-5 The home of Judge Otto A. Rosals ky of the court of general sessions, where a bomb delivered to him , by mail exploded was the scene of renew ed excitement caused by the appear ance of a man who wildly kicked at the door and demanded admittance. The stranger was a shabbily dress ed man who forced his way past the hall attendants in the apartment building on Riverside Drive and climb ed six flights of stairs to see Judge Rosalsky about some fancied griev ance of "persecution of the tobacco trust." Police -.were called and the man was taken to Bellevue for ob servation as to his sanity. He 'gave his name as Wolf Berman and his business as that of a cigar maker. The police believed him to be in sane, but harmless, and in no wise .connected with the attempt made on Judge Rosalsky's life with the bomb. WARSHIPS TO PHILIPPINES Significant Orders Are Issued by the Navy Department. Washington. Significant . orders were issued from the navy depart ment directing three of the big ar mored cruisers of the Pacific fleet to proceed at once to the Philippine Isl ands for an indefinite stay. The navy department will not admit that the big vessels are to be attached to the Asiatic fleet, but their arrival In the Orient will give the United States the most powerful foreign fleet, excepig that of Japan, in touch with Chinese waters. The vessels ordered to the Philippines are the flagship Califor nie, the South Dakota and Colorado, now at Honolulu. The vessels will go to Olongope, where they will dock and hold their spring target practice. Later the sup ply ship Glacle will join them. These cruisers, with the Maryland, of the same type, constitute the Fa ciflc fleet with base at San Francisco. Their withdrawal will leave the west coast without any naval vessels of consequence in full commission, with the exception of the cruiser Maryland, all of the other armoredi ships being now in reserve at Puget Sound, with skeleton crew3. The Maryland 1 has been conveying Secretary Knox be tween the Cantral American port3 on the west side, and soon will ar rive at San Diego for the target prac tice of the Pacific 'torpedd fleet about April 8. Admiral Southland of the flagship California, commands the three cruis er squadron. Should he fall in with Admiral Murdock's fleet, Southland, being a junior admiral, would act un der that officer's direction. It is said at the navy department that this cruise will be similar to '.hose made in recent years Operatives Get $10,000,000 Raise. Boston. Wage increases aggregat ing more than $10,000,000 will go into the pockets of New England textile workers during the next twelve months, according to authoritative es timates of the result of the present upward trend of wages in cotton and woolen mills. On the basis of an annual payroll of $79,000,000 in the woolen mills, the increase there will amount to $3,600,000, while cotton mill operatives will receive an ad vance of $5,000,000. Fully 275,000 op eratives will share In the ralsa MARCH WINDS - o-... .N Kjt I (Copyright.) STRIKES PARALYZE TRADE MINERS OF UNITED STATES MAY JOIN STRIKERS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND GERMANY. SUFFERING IN ENGLAND Price of Coal Is , Advancing Rapidly as Result of World-Wide Strike of Miners. . ..The war in the coal world continues to rage. There are 250,000 miners out in Germany and more are going out. Martial law may be de- clared. . There are 1,000,000 miners out in Great Britain. Trade is par- alyzed and much suffering is re- Dorted. The anthracite coal miners of the United States threaten to" strike. '" t . . : The prices of coal are jump-v ing the world over. Berlin, Germany. -The coal miners' strike in the Great German coal fields of Westphalia continues to spread. There are over 240,000 men now on strike and the situation is becoming worse everywhere. It has taken a most serious turn in several districts and has resulted already in a fatal conflict between the police and the strikers in the district of Heme. The feeling among the men is in creasing in intensity owing to the rigid repressive measures of the au thorities, and it is officially reported here that troops will be called out if the police prove inadequate to deal with the situation. The answers of the mine owners, including the Prussian state, which runs its own mines, to the demands of the unions in other German coal fields, take the same stand as the owners in Westphalia, declaring that financial conditions do not permit the granting of the full increase of wages and the other demands of the miners, so that strikes also are impending there. New York. The anthracite coal op erators and the United Mine Workers of America alike profess unyielding adherence to their attitudes concern ing the miners' demands. "The situ ation looks very blue and the indi cations point to a strike," declared President John T. White of the min ers. The operators . say positively that they will make no concessions. Texas Cotton Mills Defended. Austin, Texas. In a letter to Gov ernor Colquitt, State Labor Commis sioner Starling vigorously challenged a report emanating from the Federal department of commerce and labor to the effect that conditions in Tex as cotton mills were deplorable, and that wages paid put the names of most men employees on the patron age of loan sharks. The commission er says that he hsa Investigated con ditions, and there Is no truth in the report. - 1 Champ Clark Gets Kansas. Hutchinson, Kan. The Democratic state convention after rejecting by a vote of 310 to 283 a resolution intro duced by the supporters of Woodrow Wilson declaring for an uninstructed delegation, unanimously adopted a resolution instructing the Kansas del egation to the national convention to Titimm-e to cast the twenty votes of this state as a unit for Champ Clark. If it becomes evident that Clark cannot be nominated the dele gates will cast their votes for Wil second choice.' PLEA OF "NOT GUILTY" FORTY-SIX DYNAMITERS ARE AR RAIGNED IN U. S. COURT AT INDIANAPOLIS. - A Number of Demurrers Entered by Attorneys for the Labor Men Were Overruled. Indianapolis, Ind. "Not guilty" was the plea of forty-six men arraigned in Federal court here on indictments charging complicity in the alleged conspiracy unlawfully to transport dynamite from state to state. Judge A. B. Anderson overruled all demur rers of the defense, but granted thir ty days for the filing of exception to his ruling. A motion to consolidate the cases, made by United States District Attor ney Charles Miller was sustained, but the court consented to hear attorneys for the defense, if they decide to pe tition for separate trials. The court instructed that the defendants ap pear when presentation in the matter is made. The trial was set for Oc tober 1. When Judge Anderson announced he would overrule the demurrers to the thirty-four indictments, he turned to the defendants, for whom seats had been arranged in tiers, and said: "Gentlemen, do you know the nature of the charges against you?" "We do," came in a heavy chorus. Then one by one the indicted men, present or former labor union offi cials from many sections of the coun try, and headed by Frank M. Ryan, president of the Bridge and Structu ral Iron Wrorkers, arose as their names were called by the clerk, and responded: "Not guilty." Attacks from many angles were made upon the indictments charging the defendants with aiding and abet ting Ortie E. McManigal and John J. and James B. McNamara in the trans portation of dynamite on passenger trains, with being principals with Mc Manigal and thg McNamaras in the illeeal acts and with having conspired to volate the statutes prohibiting any such transportation. CONFIRM PITNEY NOMINATION Mahlon Pitney of New Jersey Is Placed on Supreme Court Bench. Washington. Mahlon Fitney, chan cellor of the state of New Jersey, President Taft's nominee to succeed the late Justice Harlan on the Su preme bench, was finally confirued by the senate by a vote of oO to 26. These Republican senators voted against Mr. Pitney's confirmation : Bourne, Eristow, Kenyon, Cummms and Poindexter. These Democrats -oted aga'nst him: Bacon. Bryan, Chamberlain, Cul berson, Gardner, Gore, Hitchcock, Johnson, Kern, Lea, Myers, Newlands, O'German. Pomefc-ene, Rayner, Reed, Shively, Smith of Georgia, Smith of South Carolina, Taylor and Williams. The senate's consideration of Jus tice Pitney was in the fourth execu tive session it has had on his nomina tion and the vigorous fight against him because of his decision in a glass blowers' strike case did not abate until the last moment. Girl Gets Share of Hawley Millions. New York. Miss Margaret Camer on, known as the ward of Edwin Haw ley, and whose real name is Emma Sturgess has been deeded by the late financier's heirs property estimated to be worth $1,000,000 and allowed a life income of $23,000 a year, accord ing to a statement by John B. Stanch field, attorney for the heirs. The set tlement was made, in accordance with a letter written by Mr. Hawley some time before his death, requesting that generous provision for Miss Camer on be roads. STORM SWEEPS ' SOUTH! STATES NINE WERE KILLED, MANY IN. JURED AND HEAVY PROPERTY LOSS IN GEORGIA. FARMERS LOSE MILLIONS Crops Have Been Retarded and Fruit Crop Is Menaced in Three Southern States. Nine persons are reported dead and a heavy property loss is the result of a cyclone which swept over portions of Georgia and Alabama. The damage to farm crops is also reported to be very heavy. The storm was one ot the? most severe, and has cot- ered a larger territory than any in this section in recent years. Atlanta. The total damage done by the' flood in and near Atlanta amounted to more than two hundred thousand dollars. From every sec tion of Atlanta and from most points in the South come reports of great destruction by the flood. It is prac tically impossible to estimate the to tal for the state. The farmers of the state are bit harder than any other interests. The fields which have just been prepared, for planting have been swept ' until all signs of weeks of labor have diH appeared, and where the crops were planted the seeds have been washed and beaten until there is no hope that they will ever sprout. The flood mil put the already month-late crop aa additional two weeks behind in every part of the state, while in many sec tions it will cause planting to be at least two months later than usual. The corn crop of the state has been cut almost in half by the floods, while cotton lands have been so washed that all preparations made last fall will go for nothing. It is estimated that the farmers of the state will suffer more than ten million dollars in damages from the 12-hour rainfall. Farmers near Atlanta on the Chattahoochee are regarding their fields, many of which are 15 feet deep in water. In dull despair, for the .bright jrisions they had entertained of a bountiful harvest have been ruthlessly shat tered. Headland, Ala. Five persons ; are known to have been killed, a dozen injured, several of them seriously, and scores of buildings in both the business and residence districts ol Headland are total wrecks aa the re sult of a cyclone which struck the town, causing panic and confusion among the 1,200 residents. The dead are: J. C. Copeland, a attorney; Barrentine, two chil dren (initials unobtainable) ; two ne groes. The injured are W. H. Alexander, W. B. Aman, W. F. Irington, Mr. and Mrs. Monk. A relief fund of $1,000 was raised among the citizens of Headland, and it is being used for feeding and cloth ing for the poorer class of people, many of whom lost all in the wind storm and deluge which followed In Geneva county, according to the meager advices obtainable, a boy was killed and three other persons were injured. At Hartford, thirty miles away, a son of Willy Adkins was killed out right in the presence of members of his family, and another boy is said to have been badly hurt. Columbia, S. C With all the riv ers booming as a result of a terrific downpour of rain, South Carolina had a storm that was exceeded in dimen sions enly by the memorable and dis astrous flood of 1908. Reports from the Piedmont section indicate that damage there has been heavy. In Che raw a heavy winstorm caused much damage. Trains were delayed and wire communication was hampered by the sweeping waters. So far only one death has been re ported, that of Charles Ligon, a cot ton buyer of Enore, Spartanburg county, who was drowned while cross ing a stream. House - Passes Free Sugar Bill. Washington. The Democratic free sugar bill passed the house 198 to 103. Its passage was helped by 24 Re publican votes, although this was off set by the defection of seven Demo crats from Louisiana and. Colorado. At the last moment Representative Martin, one 6t the Colorado members, blocked an attempt to fix plana for consideration of the excise tax MIL which through taxation of incomes U expected to make up revenues lost by the free sugar measure.