11 fulfil if ff?Tf Year, la Aihraacs. FOR GOD. FOB COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH.' PLYMOUTH, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1912 NO. 41. VOL. XXII. IV T V 1 SENATOR TAYLOR OF TENNESSEE IS DEAD The famous fiddling senator from tennessee passes ) in washington, d. c. DEATH FOLLOWED OPERATION Was Known as "Fiddling' Bob" Be I cause He Carried a Violin During His Campaigns. Washington. Robert Love Taylor, United States senator from Tennes see, "Fiddling Bob," to all the South, died here, unable to withstand the shock of an operation for gallstones performed. "Fiddling Bob" Taylor, so known because he played his way Into the hearts of his audiences, carrying his violin wherever he campaigned, was 61 years old. He was born at Happy Valley, In eastern Tennessee, but spent most ofvhis life at Nashville, practicing law. He belonged to an office-holding family. His father was a representative in congress and com missioner of Indian affairs, and an un cle was in the Confederate senate. Once pension agent at Knoxvllle, thrice governor of Tennessee, from 1887 to 1891, and 1897 to 1899, Sena tor Taylor forged his way to the na tional house of representatives from the same congressional district that had previously sent his father to con gress and later his brother, Alfred A. Taylor, whom he subsequently de feated for governor. Senator Taylor was a Cleveland Democrat. He had served in the sen ate since January,' 1907, his principal activity being in good roads and the Lake-to-the-Gulf deep "waterway proj ect 1 His last speech in the senate was made last July In advocacy of a Con federate monument bill. FOUR SENTORS SWORN IN Two Democrats and Two Republicans from New Mexico and Arizona Take Seats. Washington. Four senators from - the new states of Arizona and New - Mexico now enlarge the membership of the upper branch of congress to ninety.-slx. The new men, all law yers, are Marcus Aurellus Smith of Tucson, Henry F. Ashurt of Prescott, Ariz., Democrats, and Thomas Ben ton Catron of Santa Fe and Albert Bacon Fall of Three Rivers, N. M., Republicans. Both Senators-elect Smith and Ca tron have already served as delegates in congress. Mr. Fall was an asso ciate justice of the territorial supreme rourt under President Cleveland, but differed with his party during that re gime and has since been an active Re publican. Mr. Ashurt nas been a state senator. He is 36 years old. These four new senators change the political strength of the senate to con sist of 51 Republicans and 43 Demo crats; one senatorship from Colorado is vacant. Suartme Court Hears State Rate Cases Washington. Their bulk and im portance rank the group of state rate cases taken up for consideration by h Simreme court as he biggest cases to come before that tribunal this term. State rate laws and orders in Missouri, Kentucky,-West Virginia, n-oirnn . Minnesota. . Arkansas and Ohio will, stand or fall by the decis ion of the court. State rate orders Mrallv every state In the im ion will be swept out of existence if th. -mirt finds that the orders and laws now in question burden inter state commerce. Prominent Macon, Ga., Youth Killed. Mannn lR. Charles Hall Taylor, a scion of one of the most prominent families in Macon and connectea wun ty,a host blood of this section of the state was shot and killed on the door steps' of G. F. Tyndall, a laundry wag on driver, when the latter came home and found Taylor with his arms about his young Blster-in-law. Tayior, wno was 22 years of age, died in the city konitai . fwentv minutes after the shooting. Tyndall. ia locked up charged with murder. n.:l. Dame. Ga.. Looted. m i ' ' ' Although government and police official refuse to give out - ii . iM .Ana,i1 frh tha mat. any mrormauua m c&n ter, several arrests were made which ind'iuate that extensive robberies of the mail have been systematically car--i fnr 11 considerable period, and that the total amounts go far up Into . hnnaanda. Under arrest in con nection with these charges are "Cull Earl, baggage agent for the Rome Transfer company, and Jim Carter, colored, porter and bus driver for the same companyA ' 1 I mmfijltmiiiiij ROBERT TAYLOR. Senator from' Tennessee. ROOSEVELT LOSES 2 STATES TAFT WINS AT PRIMARIES IN NEW YORK AND ALSO CON TROLLED IN INDIANA. n New York Roosevelt Gets Only Seven Out of Ninety Delegates to National Convention. The results of the election con tests In New York were not favorable tn fnlnnftl Roosevelt, and he has left New York for Hhe West, declaring1 the Taft methods are "scandalous. In New York City and state the Roosevelt candidates were defeated by an estimated vote of 8 to 1. It is declared Roosevelt will not have more than 7 of the 90 delegates of New York to. the national, convention. In Indiana the coat est was closer. hut President Taft's friends easily controlled the state convention and elected Taft delegates. The Roose velt supporters, however, alleged that "steam-roller" methods were used and bolted and named delegates of hair own , . '(' New York. Victory for organiza tion delegates to the Republican na tional convention, who were opposed in 17 congressional districts of New York state at primaries by candidates named by the Roosevelt supporters, was claimed an hour after the polls had closed by the state and county organization chairmen. The Drimary elections m tnis cuy, where most of the contests arose, were made chaotic by one of the onni hniint. mix-uDS known for many years and returns from the election were considerably delayed. Tnilianftnolla. Controlling the In diana Rpnublican convention by a ma jority of 105 of the 1,439 delegates, supporters of President lan eiwwu their four candidates for delegates at large to the national convention and instructed to vote for the renomlna- tlon of the president. RIOT CAUSED BY POLITICS Mayor of Rock Island, III., Orders Po- lice to Open Fire on uppgnsm. x i. toionri Til Three . nersons IIUIB. joiouu, . . ; - were killed and nine seriously wound- a m j. i ed in a riot that grew out oi sirainea ' hatwopn Mvor Schriver. and many of his opponents. The riot was a climax to a seues oi uuuc. , l. ta-ar nlffhta. which, how- IH uuo yaob v " -a , - ever, have not resulted In any one being hurt. ti ta Koiiand nurnoriTiea nave me situation well In hand. The local.and t . n . 4- A v.iA.la- the Moline companien xjl biic 6"' men, with tne pouce, viuus whatever trouble might have come after the first clash. . v. r hundred stormea do- A, U1UU vi. m." r lice headquarters where two leaders of previous disorders werw iu Ti-iii-a and R rones wero uuuou Unable to aulet uiiw6u " -- - the rapldlyBwelllng mob. Mayor Schriver, in personal cnarge oi vv lice squad, ordered the officers to charge. . A volley was firea. ror a mouicu - .fin Th horlfled citizens slowly retreated. On the ground lay twelve prostrate lorms. at u. Icllled in Mine ExDlotlon, Welch, W. Va. Eighty-two men i.iii a ttr a aa exdoslon in the were - . Jed Coal and Coke company's mine at Jed, W. Va., a nan aozeu u.co . nniv eleven men-escap- iruw ucic. j ... . . . ed alive and one of those died with in an hour after being brought to the t Tha exnloston took place nn and orobably .-only the eleven men working at the foot of the shaft had a chaaee for their lives They readily made their way w the cages wmca wero uut aged.. , ANOTHER OUTLAW HAS SURRENDERED FRIEL ALLEN VOLUNTARILY ' COMES TO HILLSVILLE, VA.f ' AND SURRENDERS. HE WILL ASK FOR MERCY Only Two of the Allen Gang Who Commuted Five Murders Are . Now at Large. Hillsville, Va. Frlel Allen, a blue eyed stripling of 17, youngest of the eight of the Aleln gang, each indict ed for the five murders in the Car roll county court house a fortnight ago, was taken in a carriage shed at the home of his father, Jack Allen, eight miles from. here. He cheerful ly submitted to arrest, and he occu pies a cell in the Hillsville jail with his cousin, Claude Swanson Allen, who surrendered without resistance to the detectives. Only Sldna Allen, a man of middle aee. and his youne nephew, Wesley Edwards, both bold mountaineers of reckless daring, are fugitives. They are the last of the outlaw band whose fusillade killed a judge, sheriff, pros ecutor, juror and bystander on March the 14th. Friel Allen deserted the. two men still at large and brought back their ultimatum of defiance. Both are pre pared to resist until death. A father's anxiety to have his youngest son spared a terrible death in the mountains Is assumed to be the cause of Friel Allen's capture. Jack Allen was not involved in the courthouse shooting, but it is known that since 'his son, Friel, joined the outlaws he has been endevarlng to advl&ghira to submit to the mercy of the'sSV; Just how the parent com municated with the boy has not been learned. Hillsville had hardly digested the excitement Incident to Claude Allen's bloodlesai capture when Friel Allen emiinnpd into town, the prisoner of Detectivxe Thomas L. "Felts, leader of the mountain campaign against tne outlaws, and Detective E. C. S'S'39r Stephenson declared he felt ' a - ,rrr H was due to him. "'I nev- wno. lUKCLiie, tie arrest. ;TU y?Udg "mountaineer of slender build and . boyish face was unhand cuffed and cantered into town with smiles and nods to those who recog nized him. He showed, however, the lll-effecta of two weeks - with little food or shelter. The vounz Drisoner talked glibly of his conversations with Sidna Allen ana Wesley1 Edwards. The former, he said, aamlt4 IV Judge Thorn ton L. MaBsle, while iuw ue -knowledged shooting Commonwealth's Attorney William M. Foster, ms own part in the tragedy he discreetly evad ed discussing. He Drougni. uuwctc, first hand Information of the desper ate straits of Sidna Allen, leader of the band, and his consciousness ui guilt. ; MINERS ORDERES TO QUIT Anthracite Men Called Out Bituml- nous Workers Settle With Operators. i nhin Tha first step to- ward a stoppage In coal production in the United States as a result oi the miners' wage disputes was taken, when the union ordered 170.000 min ers in the anthracite regions oi uu sylvanla to lult work. tko ansnenslon was ordered be cause the operators refused to grant the union's demand for increased pay. The shutting down of the mines, un ion officials say, will cause a loss noi nrnduction of the country III UiW - of 7,083,000 tons of anthracite coal a month, and will email a iosa fn fh miners of not less than $350,000 fo revery day they remain out TifAnmirea to Induce miners and op erators to renew negotiations broken off in New York several weeKS ago are already talked of. Settlement of the bituminous min ers' wage scale on a basis satisfactory to both sides was announced as havr ing been practically settled. A subcommittee to which the opera tors and miners' conference had re ferred a compromise offer by the miners said it had agreed to settle ment, and the terms were being drawn up. Senate GuaVds Pension Secrets. Washington. Declaring the pension roll of honor which could not possi bly be tainted with fraud or dishonor, the senate refused to make public the names of the 1.000.000 persons who are drawing $157,980,000 - annually from the United States government The senate refused to let the light Into the skeleton closet of the pen sion bureau. However, there U a pro vision in the bill directing tha com missioner of pensions to prepare a list of the pensioners la each state , and county. MEDILL M'CORMICK ir w w Medill McCormick, campaign man ager for those who are seeking to nom inate Roosevelt, has opened offices in Washington. . STEPHENS0IIJTAIN8 TOGA BY VOTE OF 40 TO 34 SENATE DE CLARES HI3 ELECTION IS VALID. Five Members of- Special. Committee - Declare Lorimer Had No Knowl edge of Corruption. Washington. Senator Stephenson of Wisconsin, octogenarian million aire banker and lumberman, retains his .seat. By a vote of 40 to 34 the senate declared his election valid and rejected the charge that $107,- 793, which the senator admitted spending in the Wisconsin primaries, had been used corruptly. Tweny-eight Republicans and 12 Democrats voted to hold Senator bte phenson's election a valid one. Eigh teen Democrats and sixteen Republi cans voted to . declare. It corruptly obtained. . Jfj'11 S'-v was due to him. '1 nev a vindication-. ., , mv ZJy years of . uc. lucftrge instltu active management of Jv-thou nona i nave ;Tipioyeu ov - , . 1L i ft ons.ot ta-tn sand men thre noneratl, , -and never a st- f used a dollar ' ' kind primer of Illinois won an overhSr8 vlndication at th! overwnejr special committee of ,3it senators who have finished a second investigation oi ma eiwuuu by the Illinois legislature In 1909. Edward Hines. the millionaire lum berman, referred to In the investiga tion as "the man who put Lorimer over," also got a-vindication by the committee. It had been charged that Hines raised a corruption fund of $100,000 to elect Lorimer to the sen ate. ROOSEVELT ATTACKS TAFT The Colonel Grows Virulent at Chi cago In Denouncing Taft Methods. Chicaeo. Colonel Rooseveft's most tinging campaign speech thus far was delivered here. He lashed nis opponents, and charged some of them with nsine fraud and trickery to de feat him. Colonel Roosevelt said it was a fighting speech. It was de livered before a throne wmen pacK- ed the auditorium and cheered him enthusiastically. The primaries In Nftw York furnished the text for his speech and he cited a number of in stances in which he saia nis oppon ents had resorted to improper prac tices to defeat him. He expressed belief that in the great majority of lUatricta of the country the people were with him, and that the opposi tion was attempting to defeat him hy methods which he characterized .as "infamous." New York. Characterising the primary in New York county aa a "farce," Charles . H. Duell, chairman of the Roosevelt committee of the city 'of New York, after a conference with Roosevelt leaders, appealed to Governor Dix to declare the primary invalid and provide for a second pri mary. Samuel S. Koenig, chairman Senator Bob Taylor Very III. Washington: Senator Talyor of Tennessee, who has been ill for sev eral days with an aggravated gall stone trouble, was much worse after a restless night. His case so far has failed to yield to treatment and his condition is regarded as precanuu. Farmers' National Congress. Washington. President George M. Whitaker announced the 1912 meeting of the Farmers' National Congress would bo held in Nw Orleans inNo- umhpf f THIRD HDT GOESTOJIIISTOH DECIDED ON THIS AT A MEETING OF THE MILITARY ADVISORY BOARD. GOV. KITCHIN IS CHAIRMAN Two Other Regiments Go To Camp Glenn Will be the First Encamp ' inent For Ambulance Company Or ganized Recently. Raleigh. The MUtary Advisory Board of the North Carolina National Guard consisting of Governor Kitch- in, ex-officio chairman; Adjutant Gen eral Leinster, Quartermaster General F. A. Macon, Brigade Commander B. S. Royster, Col. J. T. Gardner, First Infantry, Col. J. N. Craig, Third In fantrymet in the governor's office and arranged for the program for the outdoor season of the three North Car olina regiments. , It was decided to send the Third Regiment to participate in the joint manouvers to be held at Annlston, Ala., July 6th to 15th; the Second Regiment will go to the encampment at Camp Glenn, July 3rd to 12th; the First Regiment to the encampment at Camp Glenn, July 16th to 25th. It, was further decided to give the post exchange privilege at- Camp Glenn to the commanding officers of the camp during the period of each encampment. All of the profits ac cruing from the operations of the post exchange are to be divided among the company organization and to construct a suitable building at Camp Glenn to be used in the fucure as a post exchange. The decision of the board means that three Raleigh military compa nies, Company M, infantry, regiment al band and Ambulance company, will take part In the joint manouvers at Annlston, Ala. The Infantry com pany and band participated at similar manouvers several years ago at Chic amauga Park, . Ga., andrthe war tac tics at Anniston will not be entirely new to some of the members of those two companies; however, the Ambu lance company has only recently been organized and this will be the mem- I bers first trip to participate in joint "un- nouvers. Citv Liable For Over $5,000. The city of Asheville, the defen dant in the case of Buncombe county board of education vs. City of Ashe ville, in which the board is seekin? to collect about $9,000 In lieu c! fines collected in city police court, through city attorney J. Frazk.r Glena, has filed with the clerk of superior court a bill of exceptions to the report of Mr. W. D. Turner of Statesville. to whom the case was referred by the court In which the case is pending Mr. Turner heard the evidence in tha case several weeks ago and later submit ted his report, in which he ound that the city is liable to the board of edu cation for over $5,000 of the sura sued for. Are On A Good Roads Tour, Greensboro has been host to 150 citizens of Davidson county, the via itors coming here under the personal chaoeronaze of Elitor H. It. Varne being winners in a contest recentlr conducted by The Lexington Dispatch The object of the. visit was primarily to get a first-hand lesson in good read building and the advantages whica come from such. Editor Varner nov; being In the midst of a campaign for an improved system of roals in Dav idson. The Educators Meeting Closed. The meeting of the county nuperin tendentaof education, which has been in session for several days, has closed. The meetings were attended by sixteen out of the twenty-one superintendents In the district, and was said to nave been the best ever held. One morning was ' spent In visiting- the i:rious schools of the city, and the visitors were given an automobile ride over the city, visiting various point of in terest. A Very Serious Street Affray. A niatol battle occurie-l on ' : streets of Rockingham befveen sevtr al linemen in tha employ of the ac. kin River Pwe- Company and the local offlce.-i .md aa a re-.ult of which Deputy Carl C Shoes is seriously shot. Deputy Sheriff Ai.?1hi Browu 1 shot In the let", hand a i Lineal George Hinson Is wounded twlca In the neck and In the lower part of the body. Three of the linemen are In jail with their heads more or less severely pommeled by clubs Li the hands of the policemen. CALDWELL COUNTY SCHOOLS Excellent Record Made The Woman's Betterment Association is Doinj Some Good Work. Lenoir. From a recent report issueo. by Superintendent Y. D. Moore, some very interesting facts are to be culled concerning the public schools of Cald well county. There are 76 rural districts in the county, and the last school, except one closes in another week. The average term has been about 85 days. Only three of the schools closed short of four months; two on account of the low attendance caused by Impassable roads and one because of sickness in the family of a teacher. . More schools, have supplemented the four months' term this year than ever before; some of them even length ening their term as much as six weeks. The funds for this purpose have gen erally been raised by private suo- scription and box suppers. ' "Enrollment of pupils has been as eood as any previous year, but Jthe great amount of snow and rain with. the almost impassable condiiton of the roads has decreased the average atten dance at least 15, per cent," says Mr. Moore. The Woman's Eetterment Associa tion Is doing some work that is worthy of great commendation. At its first regular meeting of the year in the graded school auditorium sev eral days ago much important - bus iness was transacted. Committees were appointed to place bookcases iu the various rooms of the graded school for the library books belonging to eaca grade; to look after the annual spring cleaning; and to visit the county home for the purpose of assisting and mak ing any suggestions that will be help ful to the parties In charge. North Carolina New Enterprises. New enterprises incorporatea are as follows: J." B. Fairchild & Company, nf Benson: chartered 'to do a general , dry goods business. Authorized capital stock is 110.000. with $3,500 paid In by J. B. Failcloth, M. J. Herring and H. W. Darden. Town Folk Telephone romnanv. of Fulp. Stokes county; to construct and maintain telephone lines. Authorized capital stock $5,000, wita 180 Daid in by Charles Bodemheimefc E. Fulp, Barker Bros, and J. V. Sfar- shall. Eastern Carolina Land ana Lumber Company, of Kinston; to do rnral lumber business. Capital stoca: is $100,000, with $25,000 paid In by Wm. Hayes, D. D. Hayes and Orin wee it. Rarker-Paschall Lumber Company, oi Golston; to do a general lumber bus iness. Authorized capital stock is $50,000, with $3,000 paid in by O. u. Barber, N. F. Barber and J. G. Pascb all. Criticises County Matters. The erand lury of the Wake county minerlor court in its final report, pass ed drastic criticisms on a number of county matters, especially the action of the county board of education m al lowing the county superintendent, J. V Judd. two months vacation to at tend college on full pay and with. $250 allowed for expenses, and tnat th siioerintendent of public instroc-, tion cost the county $3,428, of. which $2,934 was salaries and $491 traveling expenses, both items being considered excessive. It is notable In this con-" nectlon that E. W. Clement, the fore man of the grand jury making the criticisms Is a son of Rev. G. W. Clem ent, who was for twelve years county superintendent prior to the coming of Superintendent Judd. Law and Order League For Louisburs. F"or some time there nave, been. flagrant infractions of the law, partic ularly the prohibition law, in tne gooa county of Franklin. For the most part blind tiger3 have successfully eluded the strong arm of the law. Sen timent has been . gradually growing against them. The local ministers liavA been discussing the situation publicly and privately for several weeks. At their invitation Rev. K. u. . Davis, superlntnedent of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League, deliver ed two masterly addresses here. As the result of these meetings some forty or fifty determined men met in the Sunday School room of the Baptist church and organized a "Law and Or der League." A Homicide at Hickory. In the colored section of Hickory. Will Dellinger shot and klled Bean. Carson. Dellinger was drinking and had raised a row in a pool room with. Roy Wilson, whom he shot at and missed. After leaving the pool room he started towards his home in the eastern section of the colored settle ment He met Carson and began quarreling with him, drew his pit.oI and shot-two or three times, kilhns him instantly. There were sever-it witnesses to the tragedy. Dei-iasif w as arrested and locked up.

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