V r X, MHM T1JR IiOATK K KKACON: ri'mj'Mvn kvkuy piuuay , I V. V'. Vl"! -!'.(', KDiTnrt AND OWM',11. rax Notice. Friday April 12, 15H2. SEAcOK FLASHES Valley Farm to night. Mr. Ed Gordon of Rocky Mt, was in town Tuesday, Call to sco us while in town to st-c the circus tomorrow. Dr. T, P- Wolfe, Dentist, Wa ter street Plymouth, N. C. - Misses Agres Speight and Carrie Spruill of Roper, attend ed the dance here Tuesday night Glad to see Mr. Z V Norman', who has been teaching School l in Hamilton, on our streets again. We notice that Smith's Drug Store, the Eastman Kodak Agen cy, in a few. days will display a new line of Kodaks and a full line of kodak supplies Messrs James Leary and A dolph Peacock of Roper were here Tuesday night attending the dance Misses Mary Bell Small and Anita Mcllheny of Washington nt tended the dance here fues- 'day night. . ' , . Calcino H) RiitDi-ative guar anteed to preant and care hog cholera at Davenport's Drugs Store. . ' , Misses Jesse McMullen, Julis Bond and Myrtle Reaof Edenton aro 5nAnrlini- a few davs with Mr. and Mrs: W. M. Bond, j The undersigned will take not- ; ice the following tracts of , land i . w . n mil will be sold lor the tax or 'isu, unless the amounts below are paid before the first Monday in May, 1912. Sale to be at -uourc House door in Plymouth, 'N. C, on May G, 1912, at 12 Mi as pro vided for in Sec. 2890, Revisal of 1905. on Win okinrrt-nn cfrppt. ki Thoroughbred White Leghojn Eggs for hatching, Seventy fiy cents for setting of fifteen. Mrs. Jack Read- Mr- Cleveland Lilly of Crv Awell - was in' town . YVednesf and Thursday. . ' 5 Misses Bertie Cahoon and Al ma Tatem of Columbia are vish- ine: Mrs lie v. W. J uaisorr v Smith's drug store has at last succeeded in securing the agen cy irl Plymouth for the famous Guth chocolates and Bon Bons The best candy made. . The closing exercise of Wood ard Graded School will take place on Tuesday night next, April 16th. The' people of Plymouth are cordially invited to be there. Quite a number of our young people attended the closing ex ercise of this school last year and they were most royally enter tained We hope a large num ber will attend this year. D r. Lankford Will Here Sunday. peak n T.i'vi'v.Q T.nnkford of Nor folk, Va., will address the pub- V Laymens' Christian Union Sun- day AprjkUth. Baptist unurcn Ajl a. m., Christian Church 3 p. m., Metnoaist unurcn :ou y.-iu. The public, especially the lad ies, are cordially invited to hear this eminent man. "Hear ye him." To The Voters Of Washing ton County. This is to notify the voters of Washington County that I will be a candidate for the office of Regis November ejections,1 subject to . the action of the denocratic pri maries. If nominated, I will work . for my election and the election ' of the whole ticket, and if elected, I will endeavor to fulfill the dut " ies of the office to the satisfaction of the whole people. , A 11 T Kespecptully ana i , Sincerely Yours," Geo. W. Waters. For Register of Deeds. As it is again a year for con ventions and elections of the several county officers, I want to and do now announce myself a candidate for renomination, sub ject to the Democratic county primary. , Thanking you for hav ing so loyaly supported me in the past few years, in ' favoring me with the nomination, and thank ing all of those who have sup ported me in both the convention and election for these 'years, I assure you if you nominate and elect me again, A will make you k-m good clevor' register of deeds. ( Your humble servant, F. R. Johnston. n i . Cobb Greo; Downing PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP. Milton Armistead $ Jordan Armistead Robt. Allen Dennis Arnold Austin Allen Dempsey Bateman ' Eddie Bagley . Win. Burnett . ' Francis Billups Oman Buston Isaac Bnckhouse Irvin Barrow W. B. Ballard Hannah Ballard Joe Barker, Jr. Adam Bell ' W. J. Bell P. H.Bell Joe Bell, Sr. Harman J. Bell James Brcoks . Bonis Belcher Henry Brown Geo. BryarTt r Tom Blount r Saml. Blount John Blount, Sr. Willie Blount Alice Bembry Thos. Bembry JordadBell, heirs David Bbwen , r.puis J. Bo wen ry Ann Boston iiie( Bunch , ' " ber .: Jbllins Jprdon hooper '. Oooper ; Cooper Cherry . ,1ark y tartanch Ge Wm. Thos. Downing Mary Davis W. H. Ellis Sam Ellison Ailen 44 S. L. Evans Iona Faulk King D. Faulk, Ernest Garrett Alfred Sarah Garrett Mary Gilliam Augustus Gaylord Harry Guyther Isaiah Gibbs C. D. Heath David Harrison Garfield Halsey - Ade! ide Hextall Frank Hardy Henry Horton Elizabeth Horton Louis Hart , Geo. Hassell Willie Howcott L. E. Harriss Victoria Hudson Freeman Hyman Julius Hyman Wm. James Hannah James , Louis Jones W. M. Jenkins Frank Johnston ; Wm. E. Johnston Jerry J. Johnston William Johnston Samuel Johnston Annie King Anthony Little Fred Lewis Cotton Little Robt. H. Lanier Jno. M. Leary Robt'. Lloyd E. C. Leathers Letu.s Leathers Ellis Lee Alfonsa Lenox, E. D. Lewis Will Lenox Eugene Johnston Cain Jenette. Leah Jones Joe Jones W. A. Mitchell, heirs Anderson Mills James Mills James Mullen Gandy M inor Fate McAllister Jerry McCoy Charity McCrea Ed McCrea C. D. McNair J. I). Moore Jr. Asa Moore Jno. R. Moore Jno. G. Moore Robt. Nicholls, Jr. Willie Norfleet Dennis Owens C. M. Owens James Peace John Parker k Thad Pollard -Grant Purhell heirs 4.10 4.10 3.84 4,52 2.78 4.10 4.10 1.00 2.16 4.10 4.10 4.10 .2.81. 6.83 2.60 7.04 6.84 5.16 4.20 2.64 1.96 4.80 2.60 4.10 '4.10 2.10 4.51 4.10 2.73 3.94 9.45 2.99 2.64 . .87 3.04 4.66 4.10 .2.50 4.10 4.83 5.20 4.46 6.41 -3.16 8.43 4.25 4.04 3.47 5.32 410 .69 6.92 .87 .47 410 410 8.00 3.2S 1.67 4 80 4 14 5 20 4 88 450 310 185 3 00 3 39 1 39 410 4 10 2 83 5 87 5 47 6 42 2 60 4 14 1 73 5 20 4 10 4 20 4 10 28 01 4 10 2 60 6 81 4 42 4 25 4 10 8 28 x4 10 7 25 2 65 2 60 8 71 4 79 2 60 4 10 . 4 19 ' 1 03 2 73 4 93 2 73 4 18 7 39 4 10 410 4 10 4 24 2 73 4 10 33 45 4 28 2 60 410 410 4 44 410 11 40 8 56 3 80 4 57 210 410 W. H. Pettiford Reuben Pettiford W. M. Pettiford Robe'rter Pettiford Sam Pettiford Joe Rhodes Henry Riddick Chas. Ruffin ; Sim6n Stewart, heirs Mack Staton Rosana Staton General Smithwick Geo. Sutton Chas. H Spruill Casanda gpruill Mary Spruill E. M. Spruill Alfred Spruill Weldon Smith Fannie Smith Geo Smith, Jr. Silva Smith A. L. Towe 1 Zoltie H ilkins Francis Woulley Thos. M. Williams Bismark Wheelack artha Weaver heirs Moses Wynne Enock Wynne Henderson Williams Charlie Williams , . f ' lee's mills township F. ' L Howcott $ Lorence Howco ' Willis Hassell Robert Hassell Add Hassell Eugene Hunter Giltord Haggins J .T. Hughes Julius Hill , Walter Howard Ralph Howard Randolph1 Hudson J. W. Uedgebeth Wm. L. Hall Edward James Squire Jackson John Johnston M. Lanier Linyear& HowcottT Samson Lane Grant Lane Axie'Lane Ed Leary W. D. Lynch James Lasiter E. Ds Linsey Charlie Manlie George Midgett, Jrj Ann Miller Allen Moore -Andrew Mayo H. D., Myers Aaron Mizell r Joe Mizell Ed March Joe McClees John McRae. Closes McRae W. H Norman. S. G Norman Charles -Norman John Norman Silas Norman Manuel .N rmaP Johu Newby Simon Norville,' Winfield Owejl Ben Owens Henrv Paxtoi Andrew Patrfi John P- Roy j William Rqc Mose Rowan Wilson .Rows A J. Allen 1 Eddie Alleri Dudley Anfpny Clyde Anthly James Antfny Jno. H. Al Dnnl. 1 Earnest AFiold Demos Balight Wm. Bowi MIIIHHi WIIMIM HIIIB TriffH (Mm t I -. . 3 To Those WitliMoncy In The w. e; Henry Bi W. C. Bo Luke B01 Moses Bfen Will Bool John Bel Jas. Beifett Dave BJton Jas. Bclen -HorracChesson, Jr. J.hW. (Jiesson Robt. Boston Matt mrk Rhode IClark Hiram Collins Marthi Collins s , DaveCreecy Lutbr Covil . Geo. Downing Clintin Downing . Ed.J'owning D. Tl Downing J. HI Downing Lealion Downing Da Jd Davenport Gerf Davenport Wif y Davis I. Dillon MLlvon Dickerson scm Darden Wt. Everett Mi vorett Btiij. Franklin MJes Fields T.?A- Fiadger Garfield Grimes Jae Gilliam W. H Gilliam James Gilliam Jas. Gaylord Edwd. Gregory A. L. Gray W. C Griffin BANK : I S iZi V V' - 1 .1. - iJiiO ii. I Jf '7 I T VI.' 1 4 4 b I IT 5 13 II It I! .-Vi'ii isTiTir Til 19 to ,j!! -T.-i: Copyright 199. by C. E. Zimmerman Co.No. 23 fHE days of the month present no terror to those who wich sufl3.cient foresight, have 3 60 3 67 3 '84 4 32 3 75 2 00 3 58 8 08 3 87 .5 24 218 43 260 2 97 7 5 26 .3 61 4 20 -3 89 4 03 121 296 25 85 3 60 3 57 7 20 313 3 31 4 18 4 65 7 48 10 30 6 49 2 95 1 81 4 21 '3 84 3 54 4 46 3 89 6 00 2 68 2 60 4 18 4 74 3 16 3 60 396 370 360 3 68 58 2 95 706 10 15 6 43 3 68 500 4 21 3 67 4 75 4 25 ,5 74 6 81 77 87 2 60 2'60 3 60 4 59 3 60 796 409 450 '360 120 1 49 3 64 2 93 3 67 360 3 66 3 78 5 55 10 37 3 61 started a bank account. For regard less of the uuiiimity, so the morrow is always a day' f Joy. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts, , S 81, .873. 8" Overdrafts secured, .11.86 N. C. State Bonds, - 5,000.00 All Other Bo;k1s, 5,000.00 Premium oil Bonds, 113.61 B'k'g House Fur. & Fix. 3,865.00 Other Real Estate " 2,000.00 Due From B'k's & B'kers, 26,851.50 Cash on hand'- 5,157.50 $129,863.15 day when an obligation tails due, they t meet it with cq- r.IAnil.ITIHS: Undivided profits Dividends Unpaid, D C )eposits subject to check, 102, .'asliier's checks 2, 4,704,35 44.00 615.3: 499.47 ?129,S63.15 DIVIDENDS PAID THE 4 per STO CK2 .1 OhmillS SIM Cft ' ORG ATIOM 1 0,1 73.00. BAIK OP PLYMOUTH, PLYMO UTH, NORTH CAROLINA cent paid on f iiiie tleposils. I) STATES MPOSITARY, . Strong enough for Uncle Sam; Why Not for YOU? y. Dollie Gordan 3 GO Will Grimes 3 G8 Colister Hymes 3 GO Richd. Hyms 5 27 Anderson Hyman 2 59 W. H. Howcott, Sr. 3 11 W. H. Howcqtt, Jr. 2 G9 Winsor Respass . 29 H. A- Riddick 2 53 Lindwood Spruill 3 72 Richd. Stephens 3 G9 Willie Smith 3 85 'Miles Smith . . 3 55 Octavia Smith 3 50 Clinton Smith 150 Halsey Simpson 2 00 Alice Simps on 57 Nathan Simpson, Jr. 3 50 Eli Stewart . 5 58 Jasper Swain 3 03 Swode" Speller 4 79 Will Speller 3 50 Jas Staton 2 21 Jacob Station 7 20 C. E. Skinner- . 3 G9 J. H. Trafton 2 65 Freeman Tread well 3 60 Job Tread well - 3 G7 Luther Tharpes 2 GO Arthur Tharpes , 3 69 Jas Tharpes 2 64 Goal Thigpen - 2 64 J. J. Williams 5 35 W. M. Willans 4 18 Wm. Williams 1 30 Joe Woodley 1 G3 Henrv Woodley ow Jos. Woodley, Jr. 90 Levi Woodley zi" Thos. Woodley ' ' z w Thos. White 1 73 Arthur Wood b Zl A. L Wood 3 60 Tom wilkins 3 89 Geo. Wilkins 3 95 Jas. Wilson 3 50 Anderson Watson 3 71 sKiNnERSViLLE Township Joe Annie Chambers $ 2 16 Caroline Chambers 2 35 u Tyrrell Co., MfK-Co. 8 67 SCUPPERNONG TOWNSHIP T'vrr-AU Mfff. (O. ' $ 5 20 Cloe Roberts 2 S? Pittsburg Lane & Lbr. Co. 173 o l J. E. Reid. Sheriff. This April 6th, 1912. OUR AIMS. The constant aim of the officers and em ployers of this ban & are; TO PROMOTE the interest of customers just as they endeav or to promote those of the bank TO DO ALL THEY CAN to make the dealings of deposit ors agreeable and profitable to them; - TO CONTRIBUTE to their en terprises the conserative co operation, foresight and timely counsel which a strong bank . can properly bestow; TO REPAY their confidence in , ' us by confidence in them. WASHINGTON COUNTY BANK. vr.it ci:.t r.vii) on timk.kui'osits. l!iSiJ.S:. FORD ri Notice to the PuSlie. I wish to inform you that I now have on hand a complete line of BUGGIES & SURRIES in the latest styles, which I will sell very cheap. ' Satisfaction guaranteed , and prices in reach of everybody. HOSEA PEEL. 'mm . ' . ..., : ode I T roroIo Ilojulstcr, - iJissenm-r i uimcr-u II. 1'. ' Vria $50M)) iiH-lmU's full CMiriiinent. 3Ioiiel T fore.cloor Touriii" Cur fully iMiuippod $0! ).()(. Wi iic for t atiilojiue i'1 lri es of otlier nuHlels. SiipH'K a,M' Ae sories. A "fnl fr Washington ami T.vrrcll Cntifs. it .1. W. urCILVNAN, ROPER. N. C.