U Mill 6V 71 (fjy JJ n r 1 III IS 1 III III l 1 If I HP i i ii i i i .it ... 1 i i . - iii-jjy-a iii ' i ; lrj ' 1 , - " . - , .... Yr, la Adranc. : . FOR OOD. FQK COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH. " r ClasS Ctj f CtcS VOL. XxTl. PLYMOUTH, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912 NO43. icvinn ip uixniirn to UU 0 Mm LU BY UNITED STATES UNCLE SAM HAS TIRED OF STATE OF ANARCHY IN SOUTH ', ERN REPUBLIC. WILL BE NO INTERVENTION United States WilLNot Stand for At tacks on Americans and for Dam. ago of American Property. Washington.--Warning was issued by the United States to the Mexican government as well as to Gen. Pas cual Orozco, chief of the revolution ary forces, that "it expects and must demand that American life and prop erty be justly and adequately pro tected, and that this government must hold Mexico and the Mexican people responsible for all wanton or illegal acts, sacrificing or endangering Amer ican property or interests." The attitude of the United States, as expressed to both the Federal and rebel authorities is that any maltreat ment of American citizens "will be deeply resented by the American gov ernment and, people, ,and must be fully answered for by the Mexican people." . ' - Acting Secretary Huntington Wil son of the state department, who Is sued special instructions, to Ambas sador Henry Lane Wilson at Mexico City at Chihuahua, authorized the statement that intervention was' not contemplated by .the United States. , Ambassador Wilson was ordered to communicate at once the views of the United) States to the Mexican min ister for foreign affairs and a copy . of hi instructions was likewise sent to Marion i Letcher, American consul at ; Chihuahua, with special represen tations addressed to General Orozco. Orozco recently refused to recog nize Mr. Letcher as the American consular representative because the United States withheld recognition of the rebel cause. , The, representations to Orozco accuse him of "practical murder" of Thomas Fountain, an American gunner, enlisted with the Federals, summarily executed last week when taken prisoner-by the in surrectos. ".' . Though declining to justify partici pation by Americans on either side of the revolution, the United States expressly stipulates that American combatants when taken prisoner must be given humane treatment in accord ance with the international rules of war. BROTHERS KILL 13 PEOPLE Wave of Crime Near Birmingham Was Work of Two Brothers. Birmingham, Ala. The .murder mys teries of Lewisburg have at last been partially cleared. Confessions were obtained from Arthur and Walter Jones, brother, in which they acknowl edged to nine murders, as follows: William H. Rhea, white, shot from ambush, in 1909. George Shumaker, white;' shot on Five Mile vreek bridge, in 1905. L. V. Evans, white; shot from am bush, October 3, 1911. Sam Thomas, Will Spencer, Louis Lowry, Handsome Woodruff, Robert Malone, Shep Chaney,-all colored. ' Neither of the Jones brothers has yet said anything , about the murder of J. W. Ellard and his son. ' S. S. TITANIC HITS ICEBERG Largest Vessel Afloat With 1,300 Souls Aboard, Strikes on Mountain of Ice. Cape Race, N. F.jThe steamship, the Titanic called "C. Q. D.?' and re ported having struck an Iceberg. The steamer said that immediate assist ance was required. Half an hour af terwards another message came re porting that they were sinking' by the head and that women were being put off in the lifeboats. The weather was calm and clear, the Titanic's wireless operator re ported and gave the position of the vessel 41.46 north latitude and 50.14 west longitude. The Marconi station at Cape Race notified the Allan liner Virginian, the captain of which immediately advised that he was proceeding to the scene of the disaster. Wheat Advances 10 Cents a Bushel. Chicago. Ten , cents . a bushel ad Vance in the price of wheat was the worst crop scare in the United States since 1907. More than four cent' the big rise took place in many minutes of bedlam on -Again and again the price et only to jump once more up t4 high figures which had startled i nerves ofeven the most h?'" - plungers IJhe Plt- The strl . tinued without slight cessal evt? the jangling gtongs at the close j cd the speculators from tha i SOLDIERS MOURN HER. ti - r -''? ' d MISS CLARA BARTON, Founder and First President of the American ' National Red Cross Society. VOLCANO KIU-THOUSANDS APPALLING ERUPTION REPORTED NEAR BOCAS DEL TORO IN HONDURAS. Captain Olsvik, Who Saw the Erup tion, Says Flames Shot High, - Then Lava Followed. - Mobile, Ala. Thousands of persons have been killed and whole Indian vil lages swept a way by the eruption of Chriqui Peak, near Bocas del Toro, in Honduras, according to the story, of Captain Olsvik of the United Fruit steamer, Fort Morgan, which, arrived here. ' ' ' ' The eruption occurred on April 5, about four o'clock in the morning. . "I learned before leaving that the third of a row of mountain peaks, situ ated' about a mile from, us, had burst into flame or had turned into a vol cano. ,' "The base of the mountain and its slopes are inhabited by a number of Indian villages. It is supposed that these have been totally destroyed by the lava. ; : l; . . " "I can't say how high the' flames burst from the mountain, , but it seem ed; like three or four miles. I never saw such a sight in my life." , TELEPHONE CANNOT TRANSMIT DISEASE Scientists Prove Telephones Do Not Spread Disease. It Is reassuring to learn on what appears to be excellent authority that the danger of acquiring tuberculosis through the use of telephones is practically inconsiderable. Some time ago an inquiry into the condi tion of public telephones In this coun try produced only negative results. A further Inquiry of a more elaborate kind has since been made in England and the conclusions are equally en couraging. Ths experiments were planned by Doctor Spitta, bacteriolo gist to the king, at the instance of the postmaster general. First he picked various telephones which, had been in use for various periods, and having prepared washings from: the mouthpieces Inoculated a number of guinea pigs to determine the pres ence of tubercle bacilli. The results were in every case negative. The telephones in this series of cxperi- meula Were uuuocu at tauuvu um railway stations, meat markets, postj offices and other . public places. But Doctor Spitta was not fully satisfies and advised ' th9 postmaster general to allow him to undertake further ex periments with telephones used xx clusively by - consumptive ' patien. Accordingly telephones were fitted Jn the ward3 of a sanatorium and used by patients in various stages of pul monary tuberculosis. , They were nei ther, sterilized nor even-wiped while in use and at various intervals he mouthpieces were removed and hand ed over to Doctor Spitta for Invostl gatlon. The experiments were car ried on during the year 1911 and 3nal reporthas now been published slow ing thfl,i the results were uniformly negative. Doctor S pitta's conclusion la ".thit the transmission of tubercu losIsthrough the . medium of the tel ephca mouthpiece, is practically im possmie." New York Evening Sn, Marcu 27, 1912. . ' . Ne V York Backs President Taft Rochester, N.i Y. After nearly thr" '-ours of eechmaking the Re i state convention adopted a urging New' York's delega Vhe Chicago national conven Havor the renominatioa kf i elected four delegates 'rnates to that con 'iirned sine die. The ' the platform was Prenderga-t, city York, who favors TheoJore Roose A ... CLARA BARTON . PASSES CAUSE OF DEATH WAS CHRONIC PNEUMONIA WHOLE. NATION MOURNS LOSS. ' FOUNDED THE RED CROSS Mi33 ' Barton's Services to Humanity Were -Recognized by Foreign Countries. Washington. Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross Society, died at her home in Glen Echo, Md. The cause of her death was chronic pneumonia, with which ; she was stricken about a year ago. Her broth er, Stephen Barton of Boston, was with her when she died. ( Miss Barton was born at Oxford, Mass., in 1821. Miss Barton had been confined to her home, "Red Cross," at Glen Echo1 since last fall, when she returned from a visit to New England., It was thought her trip was beneficial, but soon afterward she was taken severely ill. She celebrated her 90th birthday anniversary December 23, when she received many messages of, congrat ulation from all parts of the world. . Clara Barton might probably be call ed the Florence IMghtingale of Amer ica. Like her British prototype her works of mercy were not confined to her native land, but were carried even into the eastern hemisphere. She will be ; written J down in history as the founder of the Red Cross in America, but her powerful personality also made an indelible impression upon the International organization Itself through her active participation In the periodical conferences' at Geneva, Rome. Vienna and St. Petersburg. ; During her lifetime she received many decorations f romx foreign coun tries in recognition of her services to humanity and her varied experiences have been recorded in permanent form in her liberal contributions to literature. . ; GENERAL FRED GRANT DEAD Son of Famous Civil War Leader Passes Away in New York City. New York. Gen. Frederick D. Grant, commander of the department of the east and son of the famous Civil war general, died suddenly at the Hotel Buckingham, where he had beed secretly, taken by his physicians. Although there had been rumors of General Grant's illness and reports that he would never, again take up his duties on-Governor's Island, news came as a distinct shock to the pub lie. According to Dr. . Robert Abbe .and Dr. Edward B. Dench, his physi cians, the death of the general was caused by heart failure. He had been suffering for some time, they assert ed in an official statement, from "dia betes and attendant digestive disturb ances." , General Grant's death vacates the post which, next' to that of chief of staff, is regarded as the most Import ant in. the army commander-in-chief of the eastern division. Thi3 posi tion is of such Importance that it can not long be permitted to remain va cant, hence it is probable that very soon after the funeral it will be nec essary to detail an officer of high rank to the position, probably Maj. Gen. William A. Carter, now assistant chief of staff. ; Electoral Fuss Decided by Law. -Washington. Again a controversy has arisen as to the size of the elec toral college which" will choose the next president. ' By some, it Is con tended that the size of the present house, rather, than the new house to be elected, In -November, Is the deter mining factor and the suggestion is made that the depatfment of Justice be asked for an opinion. In 1812 there were 213 - electors,- though the congress expiring March 4, 1812, con tained only 178 members. A similar situation, existed in 1832, agaiii In 1872 and again in 1892, and the same precedents were followed. There is no room for doubt that the electoral college of this year I will consist of 531 members. i Drastic Measure Against Futures. , Washington. Another; anti-option bill is being framed by the house committee on agriculture, of which Representative John Lamby of Virginia ia chairman and will be Reported to the house at an early date. io difficul ty Is anticipated In passing the meas ure .through the house, but Us fate in tha ste-nate la eivin thn frieflds of the measure cause for concern At v. Ijat Eacciiin a. Araatln nnil invi- optlon bili was sent over tpen af an! never carv. -v.t J -o fcr-Jt- HE DIED SUDDENLY. MAJ. GEN. FREDERICK D. GRANT. ILLINOIS HOLDS PRIMARY ROOSEVELT AND CLARK ARE RE TURNED WINNERS IN ILLINOIS. PRIMARY ELECTION. J. Hamilton Lewis Nominated by the Democrats for the United States Senate. . Chicago. Wiuners in the Illinois preferential, advisory and direct pri mary elections are as follows: For president, Champ Clerk. Demo crat; TheodQro Roosevelt, Republi can. ; For United States senator, L. Y. Sherman, Republican; J. H. Lewis, Democrat (uncontested). For governor, Charles S. Deneen, Republican r Edward F. Dunne, Dem ocrat; " . Colonel Roosevelt's state managers claimed his "majority 'over President Taft was from 100,000 to 150,000. , Presidential '., delegates were not named on the ballots, and will be elected by congressional districts and at large, the effect of the vote being only to serve as & guide to party of ficials as indicating party feeling. Sherman's lead over Cullom for the advisory vote for United States sena tor was small, and complete returns from out in the state might overthrow the apparent result. Governor , Deneen's chief fight was against 'Sub-Treasurer Len Small, re ferred to in the campaign as a candi date of Senator Lorimer. Governor Deneen won from Small about 5 to 3 in the state. Deneen's indicated ma jority in Cook county was 28,000. ( Roosevelt carried the home wardi of Congressman William B. McKinjtey, Taft's campaign manager, in- Cham-naien- he was successful in the Sev enteenth congressional district, where Col. Frank L. Smith, the Tart scaie manaeer. lives, and in Former Speak er Joseph G. Cannon's home city of Danville Roosevelt polled 1.S44 Senator LaFollette polled a sfaall vote. In Cook county.-where it ap- uearea neavieai.. iub ihuwudiu fcen- ator had an apparent vote of 14, '440, where Roosevelt's apparent vote Was 8B.144 and that of Taft 52,064. While Colonel Roosevelt's .lead In Cook county wa3 on a basi3 of j ap proximately 8 to G over Taft, returns from out in the state indicate he ran stronger there, in places as high as 5 to 1, bringing the estimated aver age to 5 to 2. TRADE CONGRESS ENDS 3enator Fletcher of Florida Chosen to Head Southern Commercial Congress. Nashville. Tenn. The Southern Commercial Congress elected its offi cers, as follows: President, Senator Duncan U. Fletcher of Florida. First vice president, David R. Fran cis of St. Louis. Second vice president, Thomas S. Southgate, Norfolk, Va. Resident director, Wiliam H. Saun ders, Washington. Managing director, S. Grosvenor Dawo, Washington. Secretary-treasurer, Clarence J. Owens, Riverdale, Md. In adidtion - to resolutions - hereto fore adopted, .the waterways confer ence adopted one approving . the Na tional Rivers and Harbors Congress' advocacy of an annual appropriation of $50,000,000 for waterway improve ment $20,000,000 a Year for Good Roads. ' Washington. Senator Robert I Oken of Oklahoma addressed the sen ate advocating Senator Swanson's bill to appropriate $20,000,00o annually for fi?e years to aid the slates and local committees in the improvement of public roads. The bill provides for the consirucuviu, mamini-f trana im- ie construction, inaintensTif"and im rovement of post roads a:.1' ' Iral de very routes through the; c (eration ad joint action of the f.il nov- prOVcIllcm. u livery an , .- nidi rV 'oH'iysil. ... ,T SOW INDUSTRIES OF HORTJT STftTE THE MOST IMPORTANT ONES ARE THOSE OF COTTON, TO BACCO AND LUMBER. THE STATISTICS ARE GIVEN Fourth Most Important Industry i That of Extracting Oil From Cotton Seed or Refining Crude Cotton Seed Oil This Industry on Increase. Charlotte. The three great manu facturing industries in North Carolina are those of cotton, tobacco anl lum ber. In 1909, as shown by the censu3 of 1910, they gave employment to 1-9, 435 wage earners, their products were valued at $142,192,000, the raw. mate rial was valued at $75,038,000 and the value added by manufacturing was $67,154,000, the three representing very nearly 66 per cent of the r total value of all the manufactured products In North Carolina. . The fourth most important manu facturing industry in North Carolina, as shown by the report of the United States Census Bureau, is that which is primarily engaged In extracting oil from cotton seed or in refining crude cotton seed oil The statistics given for oil, cotton seed and cake show that in the five years, 1904-1909, the percentage of increase in the value of the products of the business was greater than any other of the im portant industries of the state, reatfi ing $8,504,000. In 1909 it became the fourth of the important industries of the state, passing the flour and grist mills and the furniture industries, which la 1904 had been in the fourth and fifth places The large increase In the value of the products was due In part to the rise in value of crude cotton seed oil. yet the industry is one that is grow ing year by year outside of this rise In price; In 1909 there were 53 estab lishments engaged in the business, with 1,165 employes, the value added by manufacture being $1,414,000, show ing the value of the raw material to have been $7,000,000, the value of the product having been $8,504,000. Views of North Carolina. "Picturesque North Carolina" will be the subject of a new moving pic ture that will soon be made and plac ed on view. It is the purpose of the promoters of the enterprise to visit many of the scenic points of Interest in the various parts of the state, in cluding Cape Hatteras, Kittyhawk, Nags Head, and other places on the coast. Bath, the oldest town in the state, the rice and truck farms around Wilmington, the piedmont country, the mountains, Blowing Rock, Toxaway, Asheville, Waynesvllle, and the Van derbilt estate at Biltmore. The pic ture wilLbe about 1,000 feet in length. A soon as it is finished,' it will be shown in Charlotte and then sent throughout the state. Politics In Surry County. Politics are beginning to be whis pered a little on the streets and pub lic places, but so far it is hard to find out much about who's who or what's what. Ex-Judge George P. Pell is the choice of our people for corporation commissioner. For United States senator, the wishes of our peo ple are pretty well divided now be tween Simmons, Clark and Kitchln, with the chances in Simmons' favor, aliliough. it will take a primary lo set tle it. As to the governor, no name is mentioned in connection therewith, save that of Craig. Undergoing General Re-alinement. The contest in North Carolina" Dem ocratic ranks over the United States senatbrship involving the seat held the past two terrn3 by Senator F. ,M. Simmons is undergoing a general re alinement since the tragic death of former Governor Chas. B. Ayccck, whose candidacy was looming up omenously for the other three candi dates Simmons, Governor W. W, Kltchin and Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the supreme court. Quick Campaign To Raise Funds. There is to be a quick campaign In raising the needed funds to erect j;. statue in honor of the memory f Charles Brantley Aycock, North ' Una's beloved son, who lately" r sleep." Stej-ij' a Hkea in,' ter immediat-rlc JL of the Aycfutivr-'' wbn the exfaiy Aycock Memo? determined to . plans for or: J.Ion;umetU A ' ' tk5, V: -?-' NQfRTH CAROLINA WINS CASE THe Commerce Court Decides With the State in Its Rate Contention Against the Railroads. j Raleigh. The United States Su preme Court has handed down a deci sion in favor of the North Carolina Corporation Commission against the Norfolk and Western Railroad, secur ing a general reduction on freight jrates from Cincinnati to Winston-Sa-em and Durham, and also the reduc tion of the local rates from Roanoke t! Winston-Salem and from Lynchburg to, Durham. , 1 Attorney General Bickett was seen an being asked his opinion, said: "Ol course I am gratified that the cas was decided in our favor. It was fought very stubbornly not only by ' the Norfolk and Western but ' the Southern, the Seaboard and the' At lantic Coast Line. This fight was madev because the railroads feared, and ve hope that ultimate benefits of the' decision will reach much further, thai; ie order of the Interstate Com- , merjte Commission In this freight casej I fail to see how the Southern Rafl fay can keep from putting ia the rediced rates to Greensboro. The S6utpern will have to meet the re-' dueed rates to Durham and at Wln etfn Salem, or quit handling any of this traffic, and if it does meet the ratetjat Durham and Winston-Salem, thenjunder the long and short- haul clau of the Commerce Act it . will hvej to put in the same rates at G -eepboro and at all points "betweea Grecasboro and Winston-Salem Mom Arrests In Lake Mystery. ' Although a month has expired since the first interesting developments In the Mykle Hawkins mystery and the next teta of court will no convene for a ra)nth yet, interest i has by no means ied out in this case, ' which has attrjeted such wide attention and carries 'ith it many baffling features. Accordii? to one man who has taken great Inrest In the matter since the body of jlyrUe Hawkins was found in Lake Oeola on the morning of Sep tember 10, and who will follow the proceedngs closely, it would be no surprisj to him K developments more sensatinal than any of the past in this cae takes place immediately. It Is a kqiwn fact that investigations are being jiade along certain lines which tend $ enmesh others into the case and cirify themystery. . - North Carolina New Enterprises. Thl followingcharters were issued by tie secretarybf state: Shute Brick Company, of Molroe, to manufacture, sell ind deal in bick. The authorized capfal is $2,000, Vll subscribed by J. T. bute, C. W. Slke and J. E. Shute. Thf" Andrews andWaddell Furniture Coftpany, of Goldboro, changes its nape to the Wayt Furniture Com- paiy and increaseiita capital stock frm $5,000 to $25,01. J. F. White is president and T. A.Vienley is secre tary. The Odell Halware Company, of Greensboro amen its charter so s4 to extend its busUgg to othe branches and increased capital from! $00,000 to $500,000. Varies HIre Und is president and JVorman Will" Is secretary. r. intends to rorm MMocian i xvir. u. m. iiui,9, ocvimry I T T.i rr..M. n .. -l Durham' Commercial ClubVas ed from Greensboro, Hig Charlotte, where he went nMa r f nfaraaHn? thA clubs and business men of Jn the organization of a s'oclation to make the fig. freight rates for North ( The secretary of the found all of the cities A. win. anflNVAaf ftf few weeks he will mington and other era part of the st Wake Medical In the chamj the Wake Coi its regular rf attendance Inspection greatly Vf public hf Allison nent f Fayet gues Oct