7 HO has not knlwn Switzer land the past five years knows not the Switzerland of today. The cascades, ,' the torrents, and rivers run there still, but they are cont piled and util ized. The rjountalns rear their lofty hea, but not as of old. They are bnquered and harnessed. The early su imer of 1911 indicated that tl s heat was to be unusual in I aly, and that " ' we must leave o r villa on the heights near S. Minlato for somi cool retreat, land Switzerland was decided u on. Our ap proach thither was by Lago d Como, plan ining to remain a few days at Tr mezzo, where 'the summer preceding we lia enjoyed for '.nearly two weeks,' the compani nshlp of sev leral American friends. From Tramezzo we took stean jr for Menag tgio, crossed by the railroad to Po lezza on Lake Lugano, over which we sailed, j:kst Lugano to 'Capo dl Lago and by the "rack art pinion'.' rail road to Monte Generoso, condea to offer the widest, most varied, and beeltlfjil expanse of imountain scenery in SwitzerlndJ its only rival , the Gorner GraL In our approach down the Lake of Lucerne !by the historic point wfclre Tell jumped ashore, past the Rlgi, and t e many summits that rise from the shores of hat historic lake, "we began to observe thewctderful results of Swiss energy and ability TLt rack and pinion, railroad takes one. to tne sifcimlt of Pilatus,. about 6,000 feet, altitude, whle the night may be passed In a large comfcraable hotel, and 'returns you to Lucerna next porning fo the ; moderate charge cf twenty-ave francs, cov 'ertng all charges for the excursion. The rack land pinion i also ascenis the. Kigi some 5,yoo feet, on whofce summitk are several good ho tels. The gineral. imiesBi"on made by such ascent was well voice, 1 think, by an Ameri can" girl,' whdm I ovirheard saying: "I was really disappointed ith the Rigi, but I em glad I went hip, foy I should always have thought T hai'misseJ much if I had not gone." , Thie ' fiiniculA T&Urfdd. '.takes one to Burgen Btock;' Stanaerthorn aftd also Sonnenberg and Gutsch. ' i I ' ' ;- ' ': As,! evenvin thir ag"e; , of "travel, not every one goes to Switzerland,' Or ' has observed the difference in princlpi'e of construction between the' rack and pinion itid the funicular, I may say here that the; former4 has a middle rail on the roadbed,' bs 'with 'teeth' "deep 'and broad, and the motor car usually "has four cylinders with similar teath, gach cylinder so succes sively revolving as- to reciprocally Insert its teeth between the- teeth : of the middle ralL .and so force &ecar up; It! usually descends by gravity, ntrolled r by brakes, in either lease moving, at very slow ; pace, rareiy bix ,iiles an ha.r," It la dbviously much safer in the fun cular, having bo much more hold- surface..' and nowhere depending, upon a supprt. The funicular is run by a cabh on the -principle of the elevator. theidvantage of being usable on much gjadea than tne : racit ana pinwu cu Vven at an aneie over 60 per cent,. Crack and pinion seldom exceeds 2i nd usually, runs at about 20 per systems are armed with very ef X.but in case, of mishap I should Ion the "rack and pinion." -f the Wetterhorn is made by from a cable dangling tn mld across the S. Gothard from e had been interesting. We pt an even wilder pass," the to Interlaken, mainly tak- k and pinion," The de- J region is f remarkable. I?.!v!irL-: ; ain. oit..u,.v" . . -77 . . is v was lasi year. umnef it was corn- wing snow and j ice. 5ess of the Swiss m the old eetab-. selected because someUmes ap- . ck and pinion, V Vth, and even example, at Id from the V Church i who 1 R 1 land the past fiv years knows 1- " 4 MVfJ z 1 tUii not the Switzerfand of today. M "V , -VWC ':TWV,M ' V-Q The cascades, f the torrents. XVWi WiV IC V ' . StZ-W . and rivers run there still,. but bSV l?v St& VCI - sP A they are contflled and utll-' ,fcvftf A Ized. The rWains rear JW MJU- fiiilill their lofty heaj, but not as of iff ;J X5tt m0S&' old. They arenquered and I J W 1 fcfi harnessed. ; I w , XT'&S gSm The early su mer of 1911 fi CSf, Vi- W 1 large open restaurant, saiotto, , and entrance room containing even post office facilities (ex cept for the open spaces in xhe mountain side) you are completely entombed in solid rock beneath great bodies of snow an ice in the very heart of the Swiss mountains. It is the loftiest " tunnel in Europe, prob ably in the world, measuring f;en feet wide and fourteen feet three inches in height cut through limestone so hard and enacious that a lining of masonry is unnecessary. The ..padlent Is one in four, the track is three feet turn mv,uea wme; uie lasi Bixeicn starts rrom Kleine Scheidegg, on which only a score or years ago not a single house stood. Now sev eral large buildings have been erected, hotels, ahops, sheds, etc.. and they are the center of great animation; the cries of railway and ho tel porters, end the ringing of bells, mingled with the conversations carried on In every known tongue by tourists, are heard on every hand. Over 3,000 persons are carried to the Kleine Scheidegg in 8 single day. The Jung frau railway is worked by electricity, and lta engines are the finest mountain engines in the world. The Wegen alps and the Jungfrau railway Is, not worked after October. Because of the heavy snowfalls, water is difficult to procure. Prom November to May, fresh water Is en tirely lacking, every drop required for drink ing, washing, etc., and -for the drills, is ob tained fmm Rnnv moltat hrr .latt.. m een Quarta of 8now mak Quart of water. Tnrrprfihlo nunntftlo f w it i wi ouutt ion uei, me entire lower story of the houses Is buried In snow, and a thick wall of it rises In: front ot the windows. The worst foe pi the colonists is the south wind, or "Fbhn. Under Its im pact the buildings tremble to their very base. In th nn air it ia ImmndM. . 1. - i against the "Fohn," the only thing to do is to ne down fiat On the cround nnd trt h-.M nn to whatever one can grasp, taking advantage of the lulls to advance a few yards. The first station after entering the great, tunnel is Eigerwand, excavated in the rock. Nowhere except on the Jungfrau railway Is there a station blasted out of the Interior of a mountain and yet commanding a magnificent view. In the evening an electric searchlight of 94,000,000 candle-power throws its beams tar aSrer -xt 13 sali tbat by its fight a 7 AeS u mc oneeia qi inun. s,Pnt ac last we reaeh Cismeer. frninus, 10,a0 feet-above sea -at on is a marvel of cortrucUve A large hall, excavatecfWerced V'"'"" w" wuu t -wen- prms a comfortable ro.l 1 a f can be heated, with parquet floor and glass windows. On one side are the apartments of the - stationmaster, with a post office, the loftiest in Europe; on the other, the kitchen of the restaurant and the larders. No wood or coal is used. Electricity does ' the cooking and heating. : - Soon the railway will be carried to a point near the summit, where an elevator, a genu ine perpendicular lift, will take the tourist 240 feet to the very summit ot the Jungfrau (13,428 feet). , - ,A two days', drive over the Grimsel ' ass took us through tunnels, under overhanging arches, by leaping cascades, roaring brooks and rivers,' and endless chains of jiines and firs, broken occasionally by a small holding of cleared ' land. A. level bit of land is always cultivated, and chalets are raised here and there, the goats crossing our track, the cows, with their bells keeping time with the foot falls of our horses, and always In ever-shift ing lines the everlasting hills, rising higher and higher. Who kno"wa how they came ' 7-?y Wj. T . -pvw fsJxx there. . ( miles long, is carrying three thousand pas All along I have been Impressed with the fiengers a day, running trams in threl sec sagacity and energy with which. the Swiss ex- tions, at fourteen cents a mile.. The InRDme ploit their rugged country, whose chief as- is easily reckoned. I should advise., all Ajfterl sets are mountains and glaciers, ordinarily cans to time their visit to SwltzerlanT-i:or the most profitless. And, yet. in doing so. June or September, unless they are fohd of they kill the romance of mountaineering. The imagination that kindles the courage that dares, the glory cf being one of the elect tew to achieve such ascents, the fine ecstasy of conquest, the exhilaration of the hardly won far-distant reaches, all are to tfisappear before mechanism and finance. Inbout two years any gouty old gentleman aid delicate, gray- Jungfrau, at lS.670 feet altitude can look sympathlzlngly down upon the tollers below Mont Blanc, the highest summit of the entire ranee, is Belne ramoiv nameae, ... .summit, with its equiplient of rack and pin- ion. Even the Matterhom Is partially equip ped with fixed ropes, and eome attempts at paths have been made. On can i reach the summit of the Rigi and return in a few hours, or remain In a comfortable hotel. I have alluded to the exploiting' or the mountains. The glaciers are being similarly utilized. All the mountain railways are run by electricity, so are the cars in passing through the Simpion Tunnel. Soon the S. Goth.ird line will be electrified, and in turn the other railroads will follow. The only hindrance is the delay and first cost in substi . tuting electric motors for steam. As I drove by the fierce rushing torrents, mainly led by snow and glaciers and apparently untalling, I estimated that at no distant, day Switzerland would supply electricity profitably not only for its own requirements, but also, for nearly all Germany. In time those snows and gla ciers are to pay the entire expenses ot the re public, averting the necessity of taxation. A gold mine will give out; those mountain sum mits and glaciers will not. The Italians were shrewd and able In util izing, capitalizing the forestiert, but the Swiss are far in the lead, the most highly organized, scientific absorbers (another word nearly es caped me), I think, on the face of the earth. When I found myself taxed for the band 1 protested. I had not asked for any band, or agreed to pay for one; I would pay something if they would not play. Of course, It ended in my paying. A Kursaal tax is levied on tourists, through the landlords. A friend of mine protested that her mother, past eighty; on. Xnjet never entered it. The official replied there is no requiring such payments, but your land lord will have to pay if you do not; she paid The railroads are practically all owned by the government and the rates are high; the mountain ates, very high. Of course, as they are expensive, and the. season is short, they should chiirge accordingly; but I have paid 60 cents a mile for each of my family. All trunks are weighed and charged for at high rates. On the iubuntaln railroads even the "hand pieces are Wo charged."" Not every one, these tunnel-daysi has crossed the Passes, and noted the admirable road-engineering in which the Swiss, Us well as the Italians, are past masters. Apd they protect their roads; auto mobiles beiig "allowed only., on certain roads and passes, land at certain hour's. We might well take lissons from them. Automobiles, like the railroad cars, should have their, spe-, ciar roads, ahd be restricted to them. J In the season Switzerland la a mnh' Tha extreme tunnel road to - Esimeer. ir c "winter sports" and are strong enough U1 bear them,. - Every winter sees a decided increase yls- itors who come to slide down hill, skaf nd revel in the snow and ice. Toboggan of three to four mile3, run with pron guards, are arranged; the return ar made by railroad or other similar cor' Artificial ice ponds, if nature"'' near, are cleared of snow to,' Switzerland is to be as n1 resort as a summer one f short, the canny Swiss aj mcney out of snow and let . SWEET SLUMBER BROUGHT BACK Mrs. While, Unable to Sleep Telb How She Brought Back Natural Sleep. Gastoniaj N. C Mrs. Ellen Whit; of this city, says: "I suffered for ceveral years with womanly troubles. I could not rest at night. I began taking Cardui, the- wom an's tonic, and before I had finished one bottle I could sleep well. It just acted like a charm'. Since taking Cardui I have been la better health than for ten years. It Is the best medicine I ever used. It did me more good than the, doctors. -I can certainly 'recommend Cardui to all Buffering women, for I have been greatly benefited by its use. It ' will build them up. . Cardui has been worth its weight in gold to me, for now' I am well and hearty." No matter how long-standing the trouble, Cardui will help. It is a tonic remedy. It is prepared for wom en to bring relief from womanly ail ments. . It helps sleeplessness, one of the most common symptoms of nervous breakdown.'. It helps build nerves and , system. . Slade from strictly vegetable in gredients, it has no ill-effects on any organ of the body, but acts naturally, gently and safely. You can rely on Cardui. It will do for you what it has done for thou sands of others. It will help you. Try it. Jt. B. Write tot Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chnttanooga Medicine Co., Chat- ' tnnoociT Tenn., Cor Special Instrnc , Hon, and 64-page book, "Home Treat ment for Women," aent in plain wrif per, on request. , GENUINE CHARITY. I De Roads I'm doin' me best t' re lieve th' unemploy'd. , De Barns Wot are youse doin fer 'em? ; ' ; De Roads I'm tryin' ev'ry day not to git work. PIMPLES ON FACE 3 YEARS "I was troubled with acne for three long years. My face was the only part affected, but it caused great disfigure ment, also suffering and los of sleep., At first there appeared red, hard! pimples which later contained white1 matter. I suffered e, great deal caused by the itching. I was in a state, of perplexity when walking the streets or anywhere before the public. " - "I used pills and other remedies but they failed completely. I thought of giving up when nothing would help, but something told me to try the Cutt cura Soap and Ointment. I sent for a Cuticura Booklet which I read care- fully. Then I bought some Cuticura Soap and Ointment and by following the directions I was relieved in a few days. I used Cuticura Soap for wash ing my face, and appjied the (Cuticura, Ointment morning and evening. This treatment brought marvelous "results so I continued with it for a few weeks and was cured completely. I can. truthfully say that the Cuticura Rem edies are not only all, but more than they claim to be." (Signed) G. Bau- , mel, 1015 "W.- 20th Place, Chicago, I1L. May 28, 1911. Although Cuticura. Soap and Ointment are sold by drug gists and dealers everywhere, a sam ple of each, with 32-page book, WCI be mailed free on application. t "Cuticura,' Dept. L, Boston.; . Supreme Faith. "I gave my wife a check for Sl.OOt 8 yesterday." , , , "What , was the cause of your liber ality?" -- ' ' ""I-knew she'd never have the nerve to try to cash it,"; i Burduco Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: is purely vegetable. -As a cathartic, Its action is easy, mild , and effectual. No 'griping, no nausea, makes a Bweet breath and pretty complexion--. Teaches-the liver to act., : 8old by all medicine dealers, 25c. Comparative Values. ; "My wife can make a tart reply." "My wife can do better than that. She can make a pie speak for itselfi or COLDs and crip I Iteves th achincr B.nd f,rl,hn,u Cold and restores normal ronditinna rvi. f ' liquid effects Immediately. 10c., X5c. aodiuc J drug stores. .. a man is chicken hpnrtwf idom' henpecked. i,Vld Tea, by purifying the blotnl, era- Rbeumatism, Dyspepsia and auux? .11 things are for tWj .best-aai ry one Imagines he'sthe best. 4