7 KOPER NEWS. vMrs. Dr. Halsey and Ben Hal sey Knight visited friends in Bel haven Friday ...returning Satur day. T. R. HasseH ' and son Kay went to Norfolk Friday and re turned next morning. J. L. R. Leary and wife spent the week end with Mrs. Leary 's relatives near Creswell. Prof. Dawson spent Saturday in Norfolk on business. After a delightful visit to friends in Belhaven, Miss Myrtle Peacock returned home Satur day. W F. Lucas of Plymouth was here Saturday on business. Mayor Roper has a large force J of nin at ;vork on the streets, putting. them in first class shape! t . u. vvnson nas soia ms auto mobile to Mr. Luther Peacock C. E. Pledger kft Tuesday fir Kaluh on business. Mis. C. . Snell and M Ruth Christie of Pleasant Gr wprn the cuests of friends here Satu day. Mrs W. J. Privott of Edetfton was the week end guest of her sistpr Mrs John VV. Chesso last week. ' Rev. 4 A. -W. Price of Maitfeo is a gutjst at the Methodist Pirson age and assisting the Pasto, Rev. J. W. Potter in a series on meet ings this week. I Miss Allie Peacock left! T ues-Spi- day to visit her sister, Mis vey, near Noriolk. A Cradle Roll has been brgan ited in the M. E. Sunday School with Mrs. J. W. Potter,! Supt. with a roll of seventeen! mem bers. 1 I ' At the Sunday morning rvice at the Methodist Church, lEliza- beth Ayers, Mary Eliza Joohston, m " T -1 7iUfi-irMol i arrie j-jee aim vvmua ms1"' J Clark- were received inw h Church, the latter three v4Wf.j tie Benj. Simmons Clark pg. baptised. j The teleDhone line b&n Columbia and Plymonth i9g-Vmilt- and the manasreme- mises a much better servicfe . .. . mi. . i: i-V. f: near iuture. ine une m Pleasant Grove and KofS Kn taken down and itP wire will be routed via Jl Roper will have two i necting with Plymouth throuerh which connect mdfl with the lower ei County. A local exchr nrobablv be installed h ur! 11 fill a lone felt w v v - - o . SOmtt UIUC uicic.vuaii( service has been a matte nient and it is to be ho the service will muchli ed when the lmes are and re-arrangei. MR. ALFFED BL( DEAD. Mr. Alfre uiount, a p: ent farmer,uvingtwo mile.41 Roper, di suddenly bettw six and sen o'clock last Fri evening, Aril 12th, in the k$ vear of hi hie. He has been nbor hea-h for the past Iftl year, thugh was apparently well as v?ual when last seen, short wile before he was fouri dead orthe premises. He Vis an uncle of our latd lamed townsman, Hon. TJjcs.l W. Hunt, and leaves a hal i)rothi Jilx-bhenrr Levi Bloun T mriirh tno-prhpr with si Vs. E. E. Holton, Cresweli . Blount, Plymouth; M arkenton, woouaru; Alts. Allbee, Frederick, Md,: Newberry, Wilham Blount of Roper and lount who lived with :ried on the home- afternoon, the ser- bnducted by Rev. this Parish. ir of friends and present to pay Mite of respect of those $2.00, in s upon made k of and the 1 1 s 1 DfAKDENS news. Mr.fCarrol Fagm made a fly ing tuip to Plymouth Saturday. Mrs Maggie Chessbn is visit ing friends and relatives in Roper. Mr Louis Lucas and Miss Don nie Bell Gardener were out driv ing Sunday. After' spending some time with her sister, Miss Katherine Jack son returned home Monday last. J After spending a few days in Plymouth with her sister, Miss Ruth Dardens returned home Monday Miss Ella Biggs and sister was the guests of Mrs. Hattie Roger son Sunday. : Quite a Crowd of our young peo pie attended the circus in Ply mouth Saturday last. Misses Annie Robbins and Ida Biggs spent Saturday and Sunday very pleasantly vilh Mrs. Fred Moore in Plymouth. After spending some time with her mother in Columbia, Mrs; C C. Fagan returned home Friday last. All are cordially invited to at tend our Sunday School at the F. VV. B.' Church Sunday. , Miss Neva Swinson spent Sun day with Miss Ella Biggs, Mrs. Inez Fagan spent Sunday afternoon very pleasantly with Mrs. Sallie Hampton of this place. NOTICE. Washbtgton County, N. C, Before the Clerk. Claren :e Latham, Admr. of N. T.ew is. v s W. C. Marriner and wife. W. W. Walk er and wife. S H. Lewis and wife, Miss Blanche Lewis, 13d Lewis, or his heirs, et al. To the defendants above named, and especially VV. C. Marriner and his wife Miss Blanche Lewis and Ed Lewis or his heirs if he be dead. You and each of you will take notice that an action entitled as above has been instituted befoio the undersigned, and S"mmons has issued against each of you, return able before me at the Court House in Plymouth, N. C on April 15th, 1912. You ill take notice that in said ction the plaidtiff has filed a petition to sell the lands of his intestate, N. V. Lewis jn said County of Washington to pay the debts of said N T Lewis now due. You are required to appear before me at n. y office at the Court House in Washington County, N C, on April IS 1912, to answer or demur to the said complaint as is required by law. Witness mv hand and seal this March 1 1th. 1912. (L.S.) C. V. W. Ausbon, j Clerk Superior Court. -v'" A call lot Ui, rxuiii( iuauau o A cake Flour. Takes the place x-'-wheat, can be found at V! NOTICE, Washington C ounty, North Carolina. The underwit: iiwl, . having oiuilitico! n.-j luliui'M.-ti ;.t ,r or t inmost ;i to ot . T. Lewis, tli s . is l.o notify all parties liolcl iig claims a;;ainst sakl N. T Iowis to present them for payment to me at Plymouth. North .Carolina, on or be fore the loth clay of March, 1913, or this notie.e will he plcadel in bar for th.it pa meiit - All p;Mv.ons iiKlchled to said "decedent will please make immediate payment. Clarence Latham, Administrator. W. M. llond, Jr., Attorney. NOTIQE. WWnnglon County ) refore tbo 0,erk. fciup'rii'r Court, ) In re, Lake Phelps Drainage Ditj-Ict A. (L V;ilker, et ;il vs Will Reeves, et al. Notice as required by law is hereby jfiven to all ptrsou.i interested therein, that on the 23rd day & April, 1H2, the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Co urt, at the Court House in Plymouth, Washington County, N. O , will exam ine and pass up u the report of the Hoard of Viewers heretofore filed in this action on Marrh 3, 1912. At said time and jace the Court will consider said repo-t rnd will bear any objections raised by any parties hav ing lands affected by by said proposed drainage Those having lands they wish with drawn from said district, or. land to be added thereto, will appear and make known their rights in the premises. , The petition and report heretofore filed, as stated, has been accepted and entertained by the Court. This March 30, KM 2. " C. V. W. Acsbox, Clerk Superior Court. For Register of Deeds. As it is again a year for con- ltions and elections of the eral county officers, I want to d do now announce mvself a V rlifiat.fi for rpnnnainat.ion. snb- t to the Democratic county nary Thanking you for hav so loyal y supported me in the t few years,' in favoring me h the nomination, and thank all of those who have sup- ited me in both the convention election for these years, I jure you if you nominate and fct me again, I will make you ood clevor register of deeds. Your humble servant, x F. R. Johnston. - NOTICE. Under and by virtue of a certain jrtt age deed executed to me by O. 1). IcNair and wife, Cora McNir on the 12th day of March, 1906, and dulj- re corded in the Register of Deeds Office of Washington County in I ok No 51 at page 3, 1 shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at 12 o'clock M. on the first Monday in May 19 2, it being the 6th of May, at the ourt House door of Washington Co., the following property, vis:- A tract of land lyu.g and being in the County of Washington, Plymouth To vijship, described as follows: "Be gnuiing at a post i W H. Ange's line; ihence south 77 poles to a post; thence east 244 poles to a back line; thence nortlj 77'4 poles to a black gum in the Grain Pond llrauch; thence west 244 poles along W. H. Ange's line to the beginning containing 117 acres, it be i g lot number one in the division, as the plot will show in Book No. 47 on page 439, Washington County Regist ers Office " This the ?Sth day of March, 1912. A. Iv. "wens, Mortgagee. Isolds W. (laylord, Attorney. NOTICE. Under and by virtue of a mortgage from W A Mitchell and wife to F. V. Horn thai the undersigned will sell for cash, at the Court House door in Wash ington County, M-orth Carolina, at 12 9'clock on April 22nd 1912, that tract of land described in said mortgage, as follows: It being the eastern one-third of No. 2 on Fourth Street, in Plymouth, N. C. adjoining the lands of Annie King or West Jones lot: it being the same land fully described in said mortgage, reg istered in Book 43, page 527 Register of Deeds Office of Washington County. This sale will be for cash, at public auction, at said time. F. V. Hornthal, Mortgagee. W. M. Bond, Jr., Attorney. I NOTICE. ' Under and by virtue of an order of sale granted in the Special Prsceedings in Superior Court of Washington Coun ty entitled Lrtharn Admr. vs Marriner et al , The undersigned will sell for cash at Pub'ic sale at the f'ourt House Door in Plymouth, N. C. on May, 24th, 1912 at 12 m. That undivided intece t owned by N. T. Lewis at the time of his death in that trrct of land in Wash ington County, N. O. near Roper des cribed as follows,. Described in a deed from VV. C. Marriner to N. T. Lewis and in a deed from C. W. Lewis to V. C. Marriner Registered in Book 36 page 33 Register's Office for Washing ton County. Said lands subjoining Strawbridge lands on the South, S. P. Herrington on tbe Narth and B. S. Lucas on the East and others. The interest to ba sold to be a one half undivided interest in and to said lands.it being the one half intere; owned theyein by N. T. Lewis (deceas ed. J ' Clarence Latham, ' Administrator and Couimisfciouor, i - . ) ' , 1 iicrop And there are' exvellent reasons for this-specific guarantee, liuster's- Hosiery, while sheer, thin and smooth, is exceedingly durable, elastic and shaped to fit. Wearing parts heel, top, knee, sole and toe are durably reinforced by 2, 3 and 4 ply h?avy linen thread and seamless woven into the thin Egyptian lisle body. Mer cerized finish retains its silkmess after laundering, and the colors black, tan, gray, navyrwinc, heliotrope, white. and purple are fast dyed antf will not nor deaden fi.ii- li'oclnn ir For j4en, Women. and Children. : Buster's is the only '25c guaranteed silk lisle hosiery made and its makers claim i't costs 25 per cen'tnore to ma,ke than any other 25c brand. And its appearance bears out this statement, COME T' AM) HRK. , A 3 or a pair of Pants you want tor yourself or boy be sure to call. Style, Quality and Price Right. And when you want Shoes come in and con vince yourself. An immense stock of Good Values arid Styles to select from. Pric es to suit you. A beautifnl line of Ties, Shirts and Collars. And the mosi up-to-the-minute line of Hosiery ever shown for men, women, and children. Be sure to sek the full line. I CLYDE JIOOiJ7 i m r.i l i UUl U V VV II U . ... t lisiii SPECIFICALLY GUARANTEED of Four fairs Gutate'ed Four 25 Cents a Pair, AD If a 4 Its v Dollar Box Months or ' . (1 ! I ' I i V