(gJiv (Wit-Jiu W $1X0 Year, In Ad.anc. -FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH- mmfh C&, Cmm VOL. XXIII. PLYMOUTH, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1913. NO. 31. BIG PROBLEM IS BEING STUDIED EXPLANATION OF WORK BUREAU OF SOCIAL HYGIENE HOPES TO ACCOMPLISH. ABOLISH WHITE SLAVE TRADE John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Tells of the Plans for the Investigation of Vice Conditions. New York. In order that the pub lie might better understand the Bu reau of Social Hygiene, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., gave out a statement explaining the origin, work and the plans of that institution. The bureau, he said, came into existence about two years ago as a result of the work of a special grand jury appointed to investigate the white slave traffic in New York City. This jury recom mended that a public commission be appointed to study the social evil. Mr. Rockefeller was foreman of that grand jury and he thereafter gave the subject deep thought and conferred with a large number of the leading men and women. "These con ferencese," says Mr. Rockefeller, "de veloped the feeling that a public com mission would labor under a number of disadvantages such as the fact that it would be short lived; that its work would be done publicly; that at best it f could hardly do more than pre sent recommendations. So the con viction grew that in order to make a real and lasting improvement in con ditions, a permanent organization should be created, the continuation of which would hot be dependent upon a temporary wave of reform, nor upon the life of any man or group of men, but which would go on, generation after ereneratlon. continuously making warfare1 against the forces of evil. It also appeared that a private organiza tion would have, among other advan tages, a certain freedom from public ity and from political bias, which a public appointed commission could not so easily avoid. "Therefore, as the initial step, in the winter of 1911 the Bureau of So cial Hygiene was formed. Its pres ?nt members are Miss Katharine Bement Davis, superintendent of the New York state reformatory for worn en at Bedford Hills, N. Y.: Paul M Warburg of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; Starr J. Murphy of the New.York "bar. and John D. Rockefeller, Jr. "One of the first things undertaken by the bureau was the establishment at Bedford Hills, adjacent to the re formatory, of a labratory of social hygiene, under Miss Davis' direction. In this laboratory it is proposed to studv from the physical, mental, so cial and moralside each person com mitted to the reformatory. This study will be carried on by experts and each case will be kept under obser vation for from three weeks to three months, as may be required. When the diagnosis is completed, it is hoped that the laboratory will be in position to recommend the treatment most likely to reform the individual, or, if reformation is impossible to recom mend permanent custodial care. Fur thermore. reaching out beyond the in dividuals involved, it is believed that thus Important contributions may be made to a fuller knowledge of the conditions ultimately responsible for Tice. If this experiment is success ful the nrinciple may prove applica ble to all classes of criminals and the conditions precedent to crime and lead to lines of action not only more scientific and humane, but also less wasteful than those at present ioiiow That its work might be done Intel ligently the bureau employed George J. Kneeland to make a comprehensive suirvev of vice conditions in New York, and Abraham Flexner to study the social evil in Europe, and their TPnorts are now being prepared In conclusion Mr. Rockefeller's statement says: "It cannot be too strongly emphasized that the spirit which dominates the work of the bu i-pan is not sensational or sentimen tal or hysterical; that it is not a spirit of criticism of public officials; but that it is essentially a spirit of con structive suggestion and of deep scl entitle as well as humane interest in a great world problem. Ryan's Bond Refused. Chicago. For the second time the TTnited States circuit court of appeals declined to approve bonds submitted fnr the release of Frank M. Ryan, president of the International Iron workers' union; R. H. Houlihan and William ShuDe of Chicago, convicted of conspiracy in connection with ille gal transportation of dynamite. Dis trict Attorney Miller advised the court he had inspected the sureties and found, them insufficient. Bonds of William Bernhardt of Cincinnati for llO.ooo 'were accepted. MRS. STEPHEN B. AYRES 1 V I III V I I; &r- I It VJ Ml Mrs. Ayres, wife of Congressman Ayres of New York, was elected presi dent of the National League of Demo cratic Women after a bitter contest. TURKEY YIELDS TO POWERS SHE AGREES TO GET OUT OF EUROPE, BUT IS LIKELY TO OPPOSE INDEMNITY. With Her Territory Lost, Turkey Is Asked far $200.000000- by the Balkan States. Young Turks Revolt and Overthrow Government. Constantinople. Nazim Pasha, the former war minister and commander of the Turkish army, was shot dead during demon- strations here. Manmoud Shefket Pasha, for- eign minister, has been appoint- ed grand vizier in place of Kia- mil Pasha. Talaat Bey has zeen appoint- ed minister of the interior, a po- sition he held in a previous cab- inet. In a statement after his appointment he said: "The change in the cabinet means that we are going to save the national honor or perish in the attempt "We do not want a continua- tion of the war, but we are de- termined to keep Adrianople at all costs. That is an indispensa- ble condition of peace." A vast crowd drawn from all classes declared for war rather than peace without Adrianople. And, because the crowd was back- ed by public opinion, the govern- ment surrendered and relinquish- ed office, making way for the same men whom the popular movement brought to the top af- ter the revolutions of 1908 and 1909. London, England. Plenipotentiaries of the Balkan kingdoms are immense ly pleased over . the decision of the grand council at Constantinople to accept the advice of the powers. While it had become increasingly certain that the Turkish -elder states men were prepared to face the bit ter fate that ends the empire's his tory as an European nation, it was hardly expected they would register their decision so quickly and so def initely. One crucial point of difference re mains to be settled is the question of Indemnity. The allies propose to levy a heavy paS'ment upon the de feated nation. . They speak of $200, 000,000 as an adequate sum. Their minimum is an amount equal to the Turkish debts attached to the terri tories which they will annex under the treaty. Plans Approved for Gettysburg Camp Washington Secretary of War Stimson has approved plans formulat ed by Maj. James E. Normoyle, and Capt. H. F. Dalton, for the mammoth camp to shelter survivors of the Con federate and Union armies who will meet at Gettysburg battlefield next July to commemorate the fiftieth an niversary of the battle. The camp will consls of about 34.000 tents,( af fording accommodations for between 60,000 and 70,000 veterans. There also will consist of about 54,000 tents, af plete divisional field hospital. SOUTH NEGLECTS CATTLE AND HOGS SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE WILSON URGES SOUTH TO RAISE MEAT. TO ERADICATE CATTLE TICK Agricultural Department Head Says Much of Nation's Meat Must Come From the South. Washington.-?-" A considerable por tion of the future meat supply of the country must come from the South, and this situation is becoming better understood and more appreciated ev ery day. There are millions of acres of idle land in the Southern states that are especially adapted to the production of cattle, and there is no reason why not only the beef supply, but the supply of pork for American markets should not be produced on the soils of the South." The above statement was made by Secretary ,of Agriculture James Wil son in commenting upon the growing shortage of the beef supply and the great opportunities for cattle and hog raising in Southern states. The sec retary has always ben much inter ested in Southern agriculture, particu larly in the production of live stock. He has, from time to time, urged on the committees in congress the neces sity of the eradication of the cattle tick,' in order that the only serious handicap to cattle, production in the South might be eliminated. "The one thing that prevents the South from rapidly progressing in the production of live stock for markets is the cattle tick - pest, and that is gradually getting under control," con tinues the secretary. "At present 165,000 square miles of territory in the South have been released from the tick quarantine, and more territo ry is being added to this every, month. "The tick consumes annually about 200 pounds of blood from each head of cattle and of course it is impossi ble to fatten him for market with this great reserve. "Not only re there millions of acres of idle land that could profitably be used for the rising and pasturing of cattle, but there are millions of acres of the best cattle producing lands in the South that are at present being used for other purpose that should be turned into feeding ground for live stock. "Take, for example, the over 2,500,- 000 acres of the Cecil clay which Is found in Alabama, Georgia, North Car olina, South Carolina and Virginia, and the 1,500,000 acres of the Hagers- town loam found in Alabama, Ken tucky, Tennessee and Virginia. Inves tigations made by the bureau of soils shows that these two types of soils are particularly adapted to cattle pro duction and grow the finest grasses and forage crops of any soils in the country." FLOODS CAUSE LEVEE BREAK Planters Are Hurrying Their Stock and Cattle to Hills. Grenville, Miss. The crevasse in the Beulah levee is widening very slowly, after having reached a width of 125 feet. It is pouring out at a depth of six feet of water. It is not believed any lives have been lost, as the water is spreading very slowly, filling up the depressions Efforts will be made to tie the ends of the levee at the break, and as the levee is constructed of stiff buckshot earth, the belief is expressed that the crevasse will not widen to any great extent. The serious feature of the break is the fact that, coming this early, the chances are that it cannot be closed during the high water season, which may last until May, and the expense of carins for stock and labor in the overflown section for two or three months will be heavy and a great burden. King of Spain May Visit U. S- Madrid, Spain. It is stated that thprt is a Drobability that Kinsr Al fonso of Spain will visit the United States, possibly next summer, should the political situation in his kingdom permit of his doing so. Corn Growers of Nation. Columbia, S. C With practically all the preparations brought to com pletion, the Fifth National-Corn Expo sition opened its gates to the public. Embracing exhibits from two states, the Federal department of agricultu ral and prominent sources dealing with practically every phase of agri culture the exposition Is, by all odds the greetest agricultural exposition that has ever been held in this coun try. The present event is the result of two years of planning and prepara tion. Thousands are expected. JOSHUA W. ALEXANDER Representative Alexander of Mis souri is chairman of the house com mittee on merchant marine and fisher ies which is investigating the shipping trust. STRONGLY URGE FREE TOLLS SECRETARY OF STATE KNOX AN SWERS THE OBJECTIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN. This Government Contends for the Right to Allow Free Passage to Coastwise Ships. Washington'. Secretary Knox's re-. ply to the British protest against the exemption of American coastwise shipping' from Panama canal tolls as sured the: British government that do mestic coastwise'trade will not be permitted to extend operation Into foreign competitive fields and that in creased tolls will not be laid on for eign shipping to balance the remis sion to American ships. If Great Brit ain is not satisfied on these points America proposes a special commis sion of adjustment. The communication is devoted to the purpose of reducing to the small est point and number the issues upon which the two governments failed to agree and as to these only two it is contended that they are entirely sus ceptible of adjustment by diplomatic means, and without recourse to arbi tration. If this course should not prove ac ceptable to the British government, it is suggested that the whole controver sy be referred to a special commis sion of inquiry. Secretary Knox begins his note, which was deliverd to the British for eign office through Mr. Laughlin,' the American charge at London, by the flat statement that he cannot agree with the British interpretation of the canal treaties, so far as they limit the freedom of action of America or infringe British treaty rights. Point ing out that the Grey note was issued without consideration of the presi dent's toll proclamation, the secretary states that Sir Edward deals chiefly with the possibilities of what the president might do under the . canal act, whereas the proclamation has en tirely changed the situation. Taking up the objections made by the British government, Secretary Knox first discusses that which ap plies to the exemption from tolls of the government vessels of Panama. This, he declares, to be a great and complete surprise to the United States, which always had asserted without challenge that the status of the countries immediately concerned by reason of their political relation to the territory in which the canal was to be constructed was different from that of all oth?r countries. He does not believe, therefore, that the British government intended to pro pose arbitration of this question. In regard to a second British ob jection, that the Panama canal act might be thought to confer upon the president the power to discriminate in the use of the canal in favor of all ships belonging to the United States and its citizens, even in the foreign trade, . by granting them re duced tolls, the note quotes from the memorandum attached to the canal act by the president Independent Succeeds Bob Taylor. Nashville Tenn. Prof. W. It Webb of Be'.Ibuckle, Tenn., Independ ent Democrat, was elected United States senator for the term tndmg March 4 next. He defeated M. T. Bryan of Nashville, Democrat, 73 to 53. Professor Webb's election came on the eight ballot taken by-ihe leg islature, his votes coming from Re publican and independent Democratic ranks, reinforced by 11 votes from Shelby county. M. T. Bryan, practi cally his only competitor, recpived 1 Republican vote. M K DONE BY THE JLAWMAKERS LIKELY TO ENDORSE THE WEBB KENYON BILL PROHIBITING LIQUOR SHIPMENTS. MANY BILLS CONSIDERED Legislative Work That Is Being Done by the State General Assembly. Many of the Legislators Are For Compulsory . Education. Senate Tuesday. Raleigh. The Justice joint resolu tion passeds the House, 65 to 27, with numerous prominent Democrats voting against it, to invite W. J. Bryan, Wood row Wilson and R. M. LaFollette to address the Legislature on modern methods of political reform, particu larly the initiative and referendum, was defeated in the Senate 27 to 23. A message from Governor Craig was received transmiting the majority and minority reports on the consoli dation of the A. & M. College and the State Department of Agriculture. Another message from tha Gover nor transmitted the report and rec ommendations of Commissioner of Insurance James R. Young. The Senate passed Senator Hob good's bill to authorize the Commis sioners of Guilford county to appro priate $3,000 for a Confederate monu ment. House Tuesday. Messages were received from Gov ernor Craig. One transmitted the ma jority and minority reports of the Legislative Committee that inevsti gated the advisability of consolidating the A. & M. College and the State De partment of Agriculture. The other messages from the Gov ernor transmitted the report and rec ommendations of Commissioner of Insurance James R. Young. The House passed on final reading the bill amending the charter of Elon College. It was ordered enrolled for ratification. Senate Wednesday. Petitions were presented for a six months school term from citizens of Forsyth county, other counties and several Farmers' Unions; for a better child law and a compulsory school law from various Junior Order coun cils; for a censorship of moving pic ture films from the Ministerial Union of Statesville; to increase the num ber of Superior Court judges to 24 from the bar of Goldsboro. The following bills were passed on final reading: House bill to build a bridge over South River, between Cumberland and Sampson counties. Senate bill to repeal the act for a bridge across Pee Dee River. Senate bill to repeal the Anson county road bond act of 1911. Senate resolution for relief of Jo seph S. Royster, sheriff of Vance A number of new bills were intro duced in the Senate. House Wednesday. Mr. Murphy for the Committee on Rules recommended the apolntment of a Committee on Forestry, Drainage and Conservation. 5 Among bills receiving favorable committee report were: Providing bail for fugitives; foreclosure of cer tain conditional sales; bill relating to venue of action; bill amending the law as to making false statements to secure goods on credit; bill prohibit ing tipping. The Committee on Health reported unfavorably the bill by Williams of Cabarrus to restrict the right of medical colleges to use bodies of paupers for dissecting. There was favorable report for the bill allowing the Virginia, Carolina Railroad company to build a road in Ashe county. Senate Thursday. The following final readings: Senate bill to provide additional support for the graded schools of Newbern. House bill to enable Kinston to vote on bonds for the Feeble-Minded. .Senate bill to repeal the act re quiring thhe sheriff of Anson county to .purchase and keep bloodhounds. Senate bill to repeal the act of 1911 relative to stock law in portion of Pitt county. Senate bill ta amend the charter of the Watauga Railway Company, so as to allow it to take right-of-way before condemnation proceedings. House bill to amend the charter of Elon College, as amended by the Committee on Judiciary No. 1. to strike out the provision ruiluns it a misdemeanor to sell on credit to a minor student without consent of the college authorities. House Thursday. ' Among bills receiving favorable re ports from committees were: Justice's legalized primary law.with minority! report from Elections Committee byl Mr. Bowie and five others, urging that it do not pass. To authorize Dunn to issue sewerage bonds; Stewart's bill! as to divorce for abandonment amended so divorce is available after five instead of two years; exemption of National Guardsmen from jury and road duty. The House made a special order for the Justice primary election bill for the evening of January 31. Senate Friday. Petitions were received from citi zens of Richmond, Craven, Halifax, Madison, and Rockingham counties for a six-months school term, and from Junior Order Councils in Guilford, Da vidson and Mecklenburg for a better child labor law and for compulsory school law. The building and loan bill was laid before the Senate as unfinished busi ness. The bills as amended by the Commit tee, were then passed on final reading without division and ordered engross ed and sent to the house. The joint resolution providing for a Standing Committee on Private and Public Local Bills was called up by Senator Hobgood, and adopted, after a little discussion, by a decisive vote. Hous Friday. Numerous petitions for give-months school terms and for compulsory at tendance were sent forward. There was also a petition for the repeal of the license tax on photog raphers. Among the bills favorably reported from committees were: To allow jurors to be drawn from ' counties other 4&an that pf trial in certain cases; the Williams of Bun--combe vital statistics bill; to allow counties to establish hospitals; em ployer's liability bill making the Fed eral tfcw apply in state cases; to pre vent tipping; and to prevent children from using firearms. Senate Saturday. The Senate suspended rules for Senator Stubbs and passed an em- ployers' liability bill he only intro duced today, which embraced all cor porations. It extends to them the provisions of the act of Congress rela tive to common carriers' liability to employees, the bill applying this act to North Carolina. The Senate passed the Council act to prevent a multiplicity of indict ments below the grade of felony. The Senate referred the joint reso lution from the House asking for the passage of the Webb-Kenyon liquor bill by Congress to the Committee on Federal Relations. Among bills whicfT passed final reading were: To consolidate Winston and Salem; to authorize the construc tion of Watauga Railroad through Watauga and Ashe counties as part of the Carolina-Virginia road. House Saturday. Just before adjournment Saturday the House found itself confronted with the condition that, there being no private or local public bills on the calendar, there was nothing that could be done further Saturday or Monday, owing to a motion by Justice of Guil ford adopted that no public bills be considered during his absence. Mem bers of the House insisted that they had not intended to vote any such motion, their understanding being that merely none of the bills intro duced by Justice, or In which he was specially interested, should be con sidered. Mr. Stewart's bill against tipping passed second reading in the House. A number of bills were Introduced in the House. Senate Monday. Senator Watts, chairman of the Comiittee on Appropriations, moved for the appointment of a clerk to his committee. The fallowings bills passd final readings: House bill to amend the charter of Town of Salem. Senate bill to authorize Waynes ville to issue bonds and complete the graded school building. Senate bill to amend the charter of East Spencer, Rowan county. Senate bill to authorize an election for graded school bonds in Scotland Neck. Senate bill authorising Forsyth county to issue refunding bonds or notes to pay for part of the construc tion of Roanoke & Southern Railway. Senate bill to validate electric light bond election in Asheboro. Senate bill to incorporate Town of Grandin, Caldwell county. House Monday. There was the usual flood of petitions from all sections of the state for six motifus school terms and a number for compulsory attendance and for child labor legislation. There was favorable report for the Kellum bill to restore local self-government to New Hanover county, a bill that only provides for change lit. the number of justices of the peaea Tor Wilmington township.