"FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." 8 is's-i U .'7 .u: JL VOL. XXIV. PLYMOUTH, N.-'C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1913. ,91 .AO a Year, In Advance. lb 7 lilf I03 if. ;-1 r. rr i ii! DEMOCRATS RALLY J gDrrengy bill s FORCES IN HOUSE TO CRIT- re'-ricrsw of financiers: "- ' BANKS' ENf ER; A'J Ptf&TE$lf .rKOre!irt Wp" V. R.eeeiyingMor . united support Than at Any n Tithe Since His' Ejection. Washington.- ton; The, answer ..of. mfntstratlon forces in'the hous .i house to 3 i'i fthfe ksticisiis' f ' "thS :,iteir; ; currency'1 y &Fthe' cpnfereakeVof rbajtiK-J eiss at Chicago will be a tightening hJb'f he 'lines anu ajmdfe vigorbus stands. Informal conferences- of the ! Democrat' bikers WkiV'KMe currency cn'TenlpliafeBflrthfe. lace that the active- supportersor the president's currency plan, expect to put "he measure through "the house without substantial change. f fe amendments pionoed?toyv the ' - '-''Mfiers al poifrtWW By the1 $f WUff riders vuVSreU cwsideiredif s dAl When - the1-' bill origrrfall was jrprigjarejl, and .n-Hhe, long: (atefover ' , tJ its ' provfsiohs in the house commit- prov tee on banking and currency The propose no BQBuce l&pjtoan t re- !'4' 'selves ttnd- Vl 'seWJj U.i-.-0- LUjf. v.7K.Jl 11114 uiiAari prWile?ei of keepftig 8parf dT theTf QW&PSe;:::tttrgei citiestrad many worked into "the bill in' the senate, but he change is. not expected in itlie ersj'wm nve an opponum- 1 - V ty to'presi present' their Views openly to congress after the currency bill gets into the serfatfe. ClsatrthSn fen 10T' the senate-currency 'committee said that while hearings had not yet been arranged, "expected"' 'feadfng pre sentatiyes ofthe.varioua. "factions", ambttglt re)i5l'rs ofee cnjr wbuldjlce 'lkVteOb give'!their views of the' -bill' t'6 tfife Senate" "committee. e. f! "I see a feat,, deal of merit- in, the J$oposiiv1ltoI;Sredue -fletoewlllt the ouantity.tif the, reserves."-, said Sena- V tor Owen. W''haVe noV-'discusedl the new legislate suf ncieiiaj n com mittee, however j(o know 'wnatchang- SULZ ERrIPtANNtfre TIGHTi -CoVernor '6 'Move" lor Indictment of Legislators Who Impeached irw iew 1 orK. An enort wrii, ff maae according to confidants of "Governor Sulzer to procure the indictment of who were most active in the impeach - . - ment of the"govemori and also of 'cer tain men high in Tammany Hall who efitFy14 'legislature, 'v Lme of the charges, It is saia, wui De criminal conspiracy. This is the last strageticaove of .the Sulzer "war board," as outlined by Judge LpinJ.rnold wof .jgoVi Durini,. ; who volunf,, gathering evidence, "touching - this al leged conspiracy, and it was announc ed that they had procured sufficient data to justify them iiw paotfifethe matter ftrThff: hands c,; pis At torney Whitman of New York with a demand that he lay the evidence at once before a grand jury. - Other lawyers and laymen here who had a hand in the Sulzer proceedings expressed confiden.ee J.Ua L. thuir'WJn templated move will block the gov ernor's impeachment trial. They de claw 'that wnen?-tlreTeTidenCfc ' they ha iiMWdgcted feaaepbTlcMrw caupfHte cc-wrt of appeal? ':to5"80rcHne' to -Me senaWinH "Brfafaifd that thep plele matters will "r-Jall fO'nhg ground, as the senate would have no power under the constitution to pro ceed alone. . - ; r , ;v . One Killed and Fourteen Hurt. x AtlantaCre negloiwallilleli, four teen passengers were injured, two seri ously and several freight and passen ger cars were almost totally destroyed when nnrthhmind freieht Grain No. thT5I&tkW:D S as the latter train was pumng out . of Alta Iniav-jne far-from Decatur. World's mi ihoo ens. e "'- 'Mon,:l4ltB65ftofBJf.3ReiSfnt C V..fO e toSvUtti lril!ffr&liH.)ifrlss '.l-v1 '' -ir iollHien hhjbterp!fet' fail!? '8 : wwijMjyie one weeK.-'-Lttmns sci" 1 l-paipatevM'JSlSfe the fA'm-0sime one wet.''lLefWnfsc ear worw of eiving boys and girls healthy the United States will be represented by Secretary William B. Wilson of the department of labor. ARTHUR R. RUPLEY 1 1 Arthur Rlngwalt Rupley, one of the new. congressmen at large from Penn sylvania5, was nominated by the Re' punjc'krlsthe Washington, the ' Bull jyc nd t h R oos eve 1 1 Progressive rp jpil8 iie is a, business man, and "f1 l:forty-flve years old. tit 5 r, IIS! .-i,-'-i OVeR 109 persons killed CAR LOADED WITrf DYNAMITE EXPLODES IN THE MEXI , . CAN CAPltKt-. 'fji Thlrtx -Bodies Taken rjJm thft Rtfins i fvl knd Many More Bipies Are - in Debris;! f f-M l An explosion ' ons a gondola loaded with dynamite son he tracks of a.-street car , company Ii a thickly settled portion! ! of Tacubaya a suburb of 'the capital' jkilled or.in- 1 yjuje, more than one hundred persons, chiefly women and chl(rei. Thirty bodies already have be4 taken from the ruins, .of. ih,e housesk I Scores of ..punded are lying in tliitreeis. Tho rUsnster was said ! tt haV been susd bw a; collision at,ween a car feded with1 iron pipe aria! a dynamite cur. For a r(adium of '00 feejt from the explosion scene not! a1 houle was fvlntaQt.. . ..Most of the w4iS"Hng3 ', ere of adobe construction, andthoso rfearest where the car stood were con- verted into heaps of clay and dust, un- of vic tims will be found (It Most of the victim boring class, and pe 3jjWere oj the la !s3d in?the col- lapse of the houses.;! jManxJine residents! in , Tacubaya mmjmjn conenctffflg ftownj oi san m . were partialis ;wf ecKea IX' ft itNATORS PRESfJd O'NEAL liHi -v 5 Urged to Call LegijatuKe; to Settle - the Senatorial labfclf ' Washington. Selalr 'jiainkhead, after conferring withth othr mem bers of the senate, la cocurred in the demand on the 6:fm)r of Ala bama to call the leg3lkur ogether and not endanger tlie ! farlffjbili by the absence of one 4la,bKma Senator. As the Democratic majorUy in the senate is only one, ojvlitg; othe de fecttojr'of th Louisiaea senators, and aa "enat6V is ver;:il : anj likely nottafTbfeTji'esent, itfeem that thqf srfumfbW'ifnJeratively !dmanJs some action to fill the vacancy iaused ,by the death of Senator Jolistpn ' "It appears to me.f isaldi Senator Dankhead, "after a riId tn4 thorough investigation of the subjfectj ttiat the only , thing the govejfhpf can; do to meet the situation ansl ml thej vacan cy in time to meet the demands here and guarantee the pasae clthoAso'6mtiif- iff bill is to call the: gigislaturft...to- gether. 1 1 a resolution au- thorizing the governor to make a tem porary appointment. pttyerncptnt WilVSoonFnishl Lock. rte-fr;jgertiraet lock, abflriffr' ej" npsor'liom; on the JpjM lpe -lMshed about Stemer 2ff, anl)oats. will then pass tlirOughV" TTie work on the; lock and dan! iWed ia J8A0i and 271,000 hks.been expended., on : Its construc tion. T. J. Kelly, who has teen in Sotit charcfCof- the" work, will leave ioSnt'ia C6j4,iletedr Wil mifcgtonTJl!, where he will have charge of other government work. It is stated that the lock and dam will raise the level of the river three feet. HLIERTA IS FACING A CRISIS .. . ... - .; ,j u viif.v.li ;. .,; .... mn-it-A ' United states WiiLP c0ni 1 n3 e1 TO INS?STbNS rlligrtTA'S t 'i -. RESIGNATION. DOCUMENT NOT MADE PUBLIC President Studying the Mexican Situ . ation Lind Makes His -Report. Washington. The Huerta adminis tration in Mexico may reconsider its rejection of the American proposals to restore peace in Mexico and arrange a new basis for negotiation with the' .United Igtatea .Strong 'intimations 'to this effect reached official Washington along with the information that the financial condition of the Huerta ad ministration was such that a crisis was imminent. : Shouldt $hf4 Huerta government de cide to ener, in,to a new basis of dis cussion,' withdrawing its contention as expressed, in the Huerta note replying to the proposals communicated by Mr. Lind, President Wilson in all proba bility will not read his message to both houses of congress, as he intended. Failure to send any word to the leaders was interpreted in official cir cles as meaning that the .United States had practically given the Huerta gos erhment time to .make, up its mind finally as to "what it would do. It is positively reiterated that the United States will continue to insist upon the reslKnatioiL.fl President Huerta, or an announcement of his antentlon to do so, as well as his elimination from the presidential race irij the subsequent election. President Wilson spent some time studying th noteT exchanged' by' Mr. Lind and Huerta and preparing, his message. White house officials an nounced that no copies of the docu ment would be 'distributed in advance to the press, as has been $h6' custom for years, as "it was desirable to keep tne document aoreas? or. aevejoprrrent? tcvihe.las minute. -The message-mayf be t modified, y, ;dispajtchea, eceiypiA and 'there alsois the ppss.ibilily Jthatl the president may jjnd it expedient, tp postpone delivery of the dewument.' Reports from Mr Lind declare that his relation with the. Huert. officials are more cordial than before and that the Huerta officials manifest a will ingness to find some new ground for a settlement. TRY TO DYNAMITE GAYN0R Enough of Explosive to Wreck New York City Hall Found. New York. A deadly charge of dy namite, three whole 10-inch sticks and two halves with a fuse and detonator, was discovered near Mayor ,Gaynor's office wihcrow' in the city nair. rue bureau of c'ombustlbleS found tffSfthd explosive was40.per cent. dyhaniiteJ the regulation blasting proportion, and the amount found would, if exploded, have .wrecked the city fraii. T'; The? mayor was In"' Msbf flee" wlgh the Syna.mite was digTiared yjy:v' citizea parsing through City Hall park. Mr. Gaynor evinced little interest when told of the explosive's proximity and remained apparently undisturbed at lila ,delr . whilo ninlirA' fifePfira hiir riedly drew a cordon about the dyna mite to keep back an excited crowd. Mr. Gaynor JCrequentljc receives threatening letters,Tmt Tie""woui make no stafement regarding the pos sible connection between any previ ous threat by mail and the dynamite. It is . just three years ago this: -mon-tli that he was shot in the neck by a so called crank and so badly wounded that for several days it vas"S. feared iljefduia. die (rl! ll Ut The dynamite found lay on a base ment door in a concrete moat or area way within 60 feet of the mayor's win dow. Begs for Life; Husband K,yis ,ier. Timpa Fla. iWhili. 6n he knees pleading pitifully for her life, , Mrs. Eth:eFDens"Ohof ley West was shot husband, Benny Denson. Two negroeS were eye-witnesses to the tragedy, but were afraid to interfere. Denson, who followed his wife from Key West here several weeks ago;, discovered ner working in a restaurant ,' Speer Preparing to Fight Charges. WasTiingtori. Federal Judget Emory Speer of Georgia, charged1: with offi cial misconduct in papers filed with the house committee 6n judiciary,' will attend any hearings that the commit tee may have to take evidence in the case. He telegraphed to Representa-, tive Hughes , of Georgia, asking that Mrrviige.for &SapifearancB" at the proper time. Mr. Hughes immedi ately conferred with Chairman Clay" ton of the committee, and later noti fied Judge Speer that he would be permitted to b present with counsel. MRS. JAMES HAMILTON LEWIS ; Jy:;::5".v Mrs. Lewis, wife of Senator Lewis of vllllnol,.H.-coMldid'f$!n.'oT:: ihost etiarfliihg 'deJh-n'iaf3 ciey circles in t.WashlngtojeSl 'Ami kn& SLDEMSlMOMESOlITi 41 ALL THE f.,..1 TATES WILLpSf MADE IN , hlsrid 'si . i TWO INSTAL! MENTSf.; J Sam if Federal Cash o Move Crb to "tte Given Ban5s iij ; August and Li 6 SA)terAbr. , i vvasningion. ti ii s,t. , ueouena- vi- v"p government's. $0,000,OO0 oSad?'3ilaid xrop movement i will be madejia ct&a;, Southern--state J in Agiist and Sept teiabea td degosit lib all states will ha."madfi in Xwc equal allotments. In a tatemqpt. Secretary McAdoo. ; ha,s in t . - i . ... . j ' 1 outlined the reasnry department requirements for security, .v.-,? "; u vSDetbosits will be Miifede."'says I the statement, "only in Aaiioia'banks le cated in such of thieS - J)rfci6ipa eitles; of the several statea aj tlie; se'retjary may designate. SuM banks ', must have an outstanding S circulation at the time of deposit fqua to.; at, least 40 per cent, of the adunt authorized by law. It Is under$iooji thaf'sdcti deposits are made to'preTent or miti gate the 'financial tension incident to the movement of crops, and tliat'the" funds received -by the banks will be used in good faith for this purpose. T4iJnJj:efiiaiviiagw3eposJts will be expectdo tend tS he banks .In smaller tpwns,,. such ccinmodatiQns.; as may, be consistent tvifch ound an conservative principles qf bankrhg, and that in all cases jithe ate of in" tbreiit "charged such banki will bo. niodeFate and reasonably.! SAYS WILSON LACI UPP0RT Sorpe TacVfiitiorvl y ' ' ir.ah General In His: I -.s- MiTrr i . . . i Washington. Intimai . tamed in provisional r ta's reply to the Amefi note- prei; rented - by John Lind !tl President Wilson is not backed congress or the American peop a nhis stan JeJ iiuertSgov-J against recognition of ernniehtr-,; ' . Referring to theattaeki on ' the Washington administration 1 by mem bers of congress and jjoftitlng to be official recommendations jof i Ambasat ognition, Huerta declaiesj is enti- tlBdvto iid 'reeogniiea. Ink iolds that the Democratic party'sipfi k is tem- DorhrV. and argues that ih recoghl- tion of his gcrvernmena i partisan queltkra in tlifejUnited pti ttma.tps thaleJreaches'Jhfc; He in- mclusion on private advices froA iVishingtoiic bitfned from tttcsewhok1i'ovtft of the Huerta note so far as it -ha been de ciDhered. The complete nxae is not yet at hand, but the princftml arga men, has been placed befote admin- iltration officials, Hotel Destroyed by Flame. Ubfbn ! City,- Gat The tenty-five guests 'ot the Reld hotel atjtaiis place narrowly escaped from dd;h when fire 'was discovered in thd jbuildlng. Within a few minutes aftqrj the fire call was sounded the hotta was a mass of flames, and nothjtjg but a few personal effects were saed. Val fciiftT woH fei'Uhe part of he volun teer fire department saved i the office building of the Farmers' Union, a two story $10,000 brick structure, next to the hotel. The Reid hotel was a frame structure, valued at 14,500- I n Will ALL fBAI IS GUILTY VERDJCT 0F,JUR I bn ATLAN JA3 FA$JtQ R Y ,SU P E R I NTE N - DENT,:TO 1 PYc'l THE';NAl.TiU 13 ii .ni it CAD f D I li I? VUt Tli" nv" HAS NOT BEEN SENTENCED The Killing of Mary 5p4hag3rftft39vi,g Avenged by the LawtrThe Wife of the Prisoner Collapses' i3Vr diet is Read. m Atlanta, Ga. vThe jurx; in,the c.ase of Leo M. Frank, on trial: fon4nif - fendant guilty. No reoiimendations jflfrejja'de by the juryi . Judge Roan's charge to' delivered lmmediatelyl;,aCte'i'hej over-ruled a motion of? for a mistrail, was tergg and direct'. With reference to "reasoliable doubt" he said : "You are not comp'eUdd5 td . flhd from the evidence hi:J guilt beyond any doubt, but beyona reasonable doubt, such a doubt asvrows out oSr the xW.eacel.,oJoJ.Jh:"4aW1frelr-, dencei vStich av doubt as -a feeaiotiaTble an,da 4mjariiaivniaj aTTBTir nTatrefor tTH fflg4KBftBltol' tacectH hifcaself Jand34fteil alS.Wa&aiii Taeft fi? attdcMBt?ftvub I i During the tr,ial ,much stKess ogr Frank's rcharactef.---- Juage'rR cnafged' tire" jury- tnur while,- evidence. imp gan 'was td be consided peWfilyla crpathig a doubi of to teuiltft;S te toaitfeaW Vim it inj the 'm'idtf' oAhf Qittt othete t&VieAhV- Wafe ufffcfefff -td that against; mmr. A'JU b$ The .reading of the chai gequkd about SOfnihutes. J: " vrjFrank-8hbweiioHisib!le signs ' of 'etnotlon when''"hfe";'wa& Informed -.that "h&ha'd' be'eh"found cflriliy. ifhy factory'' ;B;ufetj54 efff with 'the ' prmec,rwn,en??iec.nieage 'was ue l(rj9dloiaiad , ..jjj t b Moret fehah dam tour'ib4fbr;ank was 'notified? Che' -?tur'yV verdit't' l6r mudI!'.h'e,,f8',?eg4ejErtirsfa f7 ihe .crowd, ' estimated at itFJIflas f 6 .pefspns which ' had .aseMblei f outside the court house. All specta-'. .tocs' were excluded- from; &hje.. caUEt room before , the verdict .was announc ed. By agreement of counsel the pris j)nerAi jKaaa-pauaitfead .ioremam rrt his cell at the jiount vJail..Only ; lawjavrSiH court jbffiji A X Ji r ayspapep. "rij&ft i ' . - - T . .vyf sin v jo VftshKg'tsn.f-r3ii lfera3 -interpre- taJti.jOg the canstttdnalptorision tkfiicuL TOj:he pas'tl been'gepted as'i. rtartnjrhe,B4patch .Srilitia desire to mate tne reguarnjy ana the jojijlt a'more eff ecof eimbina- tteBA it Aia.MleclaradjSroriiit'ld th '-fit; '. ,ti' v rmectibn. . is? Thaw Sherb Thaw's ol4''prosecu:toiftn4.tJi6spin- ption by ex-Govern,or Stone, of Penn sylvania as spokesman here .for the .Thaw family were the chief develop ments -oi Uae 'day -iinhe Thaw ciseV If Thaw was terrorized; by Jerome's coming, he succeeded in concealing his fears. He spoke of Jerome sneer- jagy, spethtogZtofHWra rlSn the. Met- - wk eply..,,r npftlh are con- r fe-'rjrOiCT WabgarrPi5att W enf'Huer- t1hf&SJ,Slvitaflatti thSk- ton, y6uwMs5nSlDr.lJ. rpokfi, Q4v."ie arrivaj. . -of Qf, the lighter incident,? of a day oSijatmd i ibsu-Otha i will excitement exciting principally be cause of what might happen wag Thaw's show of temper over.:the4 .facjJ that Ills ui camaai. naa x ty uiAuuia late. To Investigate Depduct"fcf Speer. I jr-ait6U-4rii4-ough J f fl vestigy tioh of the oiicial cjpnducf.ef UnitedJ States District Judge Emory Speer of the Southern District of GprgUoJ aettermine wjieiner ne qasuin, gu1. of any impeachable misbehavior, is aigAdf)o unaRfiiioul-y by.the House 'Judiciary ""(Committee. Chair man Clayton will introduce a resolu tion asking the House to empower the committee to Investigate the charges and compel the attendance of wit nesses. The committee will report to the House its conclusions. FROM-THrtA'fflEEL STATE 8hort Paragraphs 'bf ite News That nt-HasUBen oOondiensid For Busy f People 'of 'State. aeigJuge;Tfver H. Allen will hold 'SpecTal'terin " p$ Sampson coun ty court beginning September 15. The , tibrnt' i&:&Ae 'al:ekd for the trial of ifivii&altians Entirely. Cvj CbartottAl "dttefHl)!Meeting of the churches in theie4enDurS-Cabar-rus Baptist AssodiaHen. will be held within a few days at Arlington Wjifciii'iA-'SuBdaylsShopl mass meet- y. lP.9rSl tittnSabi y&bUmtA also. Wilson.--!Buster," the six-year-old son of Mr and, Mrs. Walter Lamm, at 8aifttfrfbur&. -'who-wim so horrlbl p&anglefi'6 ytSi'ieJfloSin of a dyna- mite. cap, died aRetf'jatAise suffering! At the same tinio'ofi the explosion, Air. Carl Ellis was badlv wounded. tt 'BMsV. Jan?Marris of this iplacVfitaajSiyAbfJfeBwife with a .shotgun,, and . ili. feloa&fiig the weap on shot himself, thfough the head. Harris has been, a sufferer with tella- 'iae' juryt3, 'fetWfSevmed jgeneral opin- Ta-j'teve.ii4&i4i.l Taylor of. Mount'. .Ceoihaa S.-C, who was kill ed when his motor par was struck by WtS'&miiA &iiWrthwfestern passenger tralfl neNgwttai'm the time of his death comi&g from Blowing Rock to Fayetteville, to vistt-his sister, Mrs. WA,Vickri6T Wcity. hbo.Judgment was ' given SttpeTidTCburt ere against ill IHB" in a suit was pray-, ,?Me $2;j6ai8Mlg6i4 his proper-. ;cJfy becajsel0f itbetpoUutlbn of Buffalo U&relk ijhjrtiseieargieiSi'WThe award ac tfJwigS-tflO'Mte&Snperlor Court. E?!ftfifl Si?M r a ; Sl4-5ar-old boy, rhhjis ,xj -best friend, Cplum- ui.ryijg iQ :,a , jCompiarnT; in wnicn thlcij has-dajnagfjs-n the sum of ifprftiO Tom'tt1i-!GiDucestert Lumber , ?pTOfeanyfoT arreged" personal injuries e.d personal injuries recefVetl Hfch fVed while in ;ther'eniployment of iieillearflskt pay a fine f '-Um mi, tn'd! tirfe; osts for an al&e'diyiofat'ionoi tlaV which pro-hiifda-3tiie EoVing t- veeds on any cityi lot higher tMan-10iinches, J. J. Swink, a business, anin of Asheville, .jha3apD,ea,lelDfrom.lthe city police court, and . will njakft.'Xntest case of the legality of the law, it is under stood.. , XRal3ge.trolieiterf Jnternal Rev ;enue.ili aSil Ballrfyinia iappointed B. .rJ0teo3iJaifcpei&!ak deputy collector to serv foe? days, aOceesor to W. Staplepi'h ;wasj dismissed by Collector -yheele Mar(lh just before ,,Collc.tor Bailey, ,-came. in office. Mr. il?in-K3.c.hiWft -v .records of the South Carolina Division until this is transferred to D. C. Heyward, the ijewly appointed., Qollectpr of South i. Raleigh.-t-jR Jan effective Enforcement 5eSftiimiulsory school la, . the . Board pjj ifcSucition of Wake county las apptaijfd a wide-awake and efficient trfiMt officer In each 't.owiship'.and aiSon fas the board nmrFeivea tne rxice jaat tnese ap- e announced. board to see no pains Covin g- M. Coving ton ofS pTacSf has .blen elected to "an'difas accepted the position of chief of t&e Bureau of Count Health, with' e'$quarteri&t 'Baflejgt: His duties hing whole- time "health officers in very county of the state. Doctor' ovlngton has been withhe Rockefelll r Hookworm tlonipisloji forfeejfel tears and had m.a commendable progress in his profession. J Durham. A big bond tissue for the purpose pf, purchasing tm? waterworks imp rovement is being talked in Durham, have been taken towan but no steps i calling an leading cit favor of a election. v. Some o f$e xaHiJ'Wmiei-,eris'':Bf:it6e'c1rtV ar .i 81 ve the city e the water- enough money to purchaj works and do a good dil of perma feent-i street jwark. Othels think that such .a iarge issue, soliething like $1,000,000,' would' not pasl Favetteville. M. AJ3ei nuno, or this SSI rPPmVM 40N Dl reel post i ii vtelghmg 2o oun(s. it came from Jeff D. SeB3om's,whl raised it at Stedman, in this couj ents postage was requB-ed to take Lthe tomato on its journeJ of a dozen miles. . 1 the southern part of the city on a wagon, Silas Cogdell was struck in, the head by a stray bullet and almost Instantly killed. He was a worthy colored man of this city. No blame yet Is attached to any one for the killing. 1

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