agenDeeK Circus. Majestie. NIGH FT? " VV 8IIEC6 ': ) SRaxinoke Beacon PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY J c. AUSBON, EDITOR. f I i MOUTH. riday, March 20, 1914.. JJ'E!!mXS 1 -L. '.' i. J --' 1-E A COi? FLASHES' 0? Gaylord's m Read the ad this 13SU0. ".Capt G. W, Harney of Ports mouth, was in the City this week Hagenbeek-Wallaco Circus at the Majtstic to-night Note change in thi ad of the Washington County Bank in this , I3SU0. Norfolk Ice Cream -vill be ser ved at the Tea Room -ext door to tl is office Saturday night. See new ads. in this issue of J no. L Roper Lbr. Co. Roper, N. C. and G. Misod. A Tea Room will be in pro gress next door to thii office on Saturday afternoon and evening under the management of the ladies of the Episcopal Church. Miss Louise Ayers will hold her Spring opening next Friday and Saturday, M arch 27 and 28. Lack of space forbids a display ad. MissNevH and Mr. C. S. Aus- very pleasantly at Huk The 'mission conducted last! AMINISTRA'RIX NOTICE. ' WPCk in St - Luke's Epi-Copal j 'he twuicrsig-Jicd having: qualified as Administratrix "T the estate of hicfa.ird EU.ot', lat" .f . 'A'ashiirt n v.o-ritVAV (.; , this is t . not-fy ml per i t ' , . , . S'ins navirijf cianu-i ajf'iim the Cs- tstate id dce:t.!lt to present same to t tit- undersigned oti or betorr tht: 30 - da.' of January, 1915, or th- not cc nl ' c picLnJed'tn Uir-of th rt-c ver ah xr ous l'l.icctea o to said es'atc wdl p c.isi make im mediate set lemeat. 'I'his January 30 19! Mrs M J Elliott Adns 1-30-Ct . , Maik?ys, N P P im.oh Ksr ft-,o Datn Put? f V Parker of II rtr r.l v;is conciu d d at the morning service Sun 'Jay M. Parker h s made a fine impr'Fsi n in ur communi- "t "'" ty and his 'sermons fa v. been N. C. greatly enjoyed. Mrs. II. T. Jackson and eaugk ter, Mary Colon of Cre well spent the week end here the guest of rela ives, After the ermori at the v'eth odiot C hurch Sunday evenincr, Mrs. Lois E Hissell sing a solo "Over the Line" accompanied by Miss T-O'lor. Organist. The Ep worth League will hold its regular monthly Social and Literary meeti ng at the School building Fiiday evening of this week. Learn To Dance. After Lent I. will inve daneini? lessons a a very moderate nric I guarantee to learn you or I will refund your money. T'e wishing to join this class will : -veil to see me at the earl iest possible time. C M Reasley hisses Isa Gay lord, MaeSpru ill, Corinee Smith, Mattie Aih bon, Annie Ange, lues Johnston. L ouise Hornthal, Anna Rose mid Leni Latham came over from Hit f.lavonpn l.othfim in hi-a hicr lnur-taav after the second Sun t .u'ring car and were guests of 'f each month at Brinkley Miss Florence Way a M Miss J s sieSpruill while here. Mr. La- 1R V IIMI5WBORN Sp clallbt In Fittiag' Slastt At Roper. Tuesday after the WiM sunriay of each monh at J r. L. Roper Lbr. Co's. Store. At Plymouth Wednesday and tham reminds us of the old wo man who lived in a shoe, he had so many young ladies he hardly knew what to do. The Quarterly Conference of Methodist Church will be held at Pleasant Grove Saturday evening of this week, and Presiding Eld er, Rev. M T. PMerof E. City will preach in the church in the ! bon spent Sundav afternoon at that place on bunday morn :e. ing, fiiarcn asnq. Hotel. HOME OFFICE-KINSTON, N. C. Mr. C. V. W. Auabon left Wednesday for Kinston to nttend the .district meeting of the Knights of Pythfos Mr. Abe Adler uill on Thurs day and Friday next, March 2G and 27 hold hia Spring and Sum mer Opening. His ad. does not appear on account of lack of John M. Bateman died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Waters in Port Norfolk, Va., oh vVe'dnssdav night, Marcn 11 1914, in the 79th year of his age, he having been born in this cou Miss IdaPeacok returned Ir'm thj Northern markets last Sat urday where she has been to pur chase h r Spring line of millinery and fancy goods. She announces htr opening for. Thursday and Friday. 26th. and 27 i lk to which the public is cordially invited.' T R. Hall and little daughter Virginia spent sever 1 d:iy:,in Norfolk this wedk. '. A basket ball team is being or ganized by the Eovs 'of Roper High School. The 'goals have been erected and preliminary practise has begtm. We hope to see some good irames when the organization is perfected. A. R. DUPREE ATTORNEY AT'LAff PLYMOUTH. X, C. Prompt attention g-iveu to all buaintaa placed in -ny hands NOTICE 1 Un id bv v;rtut? of or'er 'i f sa!i 'fcnd'-rcd in th special proceed!- c entitcd E R Jackso, (imi' itratu' utT- inst, heelock, Et A1-, mlin before the Olerk of the Soocrior ourt of ' abiTitrtou Count , ,i The tnif'e'T'sivrncil Aministrntor of Atmt-lia Fverett, vnV 'c 1 for c;v-h t pub ic Sale at the Cnrjrt Houe ' it "lynwut'i. Xorth' Cari:itia. at 12 A . oil :ho 6 h d.i v r AprU 'Ji. t ivii Jot , which :. owned:l-y ti:c lare Arm l: Ev :t Uv.i q- he1 'i con vevod t he- by fr .m Chl.eGi' Ism, and -v.-i iir a lot Jb .it 5' fe"' X 11 fe-1. li-'iH- V-.J fh ! r'.li b the 'troct, on the E, hSilvi-i Smi h, .-a the Sotttu by '.h- ,1 vao ',t a-'i on n e-t by-Alary Gi lam ' A( This Feb'-uary 2thi0 4 - S-C- Jt diniot3trator - REPORT OF THE CgNDnfON OF THE BANIi OP PLYMOUTH, PLYMOUTH, N. C. Uh8 clow ctfeatlacsi March 4tb, 1914. v RESOURCES Loans and tn vestments . M Rmking TJouse. Furniture and Fixt jrea.-.- Ovtrdraft . CASH on paad and Due from Banks , $99,023.62 6,500.00 47G.55 gg,S05.?4 $162,807.1 LIABILITIES Capital Stock : ... $20,009.00 NET PROFITS 22.7CS.S4 Les3 Dividends Paid Stkhlds. 19,305.00 3,403.4 Cathiir's Chcks- i . : 522.73 DEPOSITS . State of North Carolina, County of Washington S3 I, Clarence Latham, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemny swear that the a bove stitement is true to the best of ac knowledge and belief. 138,881.29 $162,807.91 " Subscribed andsworn to before me, this 9th day of March, 1914 C. V. W. AUStf&C C. S. c. 6. J?atA am, IV. SR. CP&isnptpn T. m Owens . X. I. Standing DIRECTORS 'mi TJftlo TVTiRcs Tipfa'Chpsson. dan- nty on the Joth day oi July, lb4 ; p-hte of H. Chtsson who broke , The deceased was married four : ier ar.-n several wjeks ag h jd times, his last wife having died j th- mfortune t- br-ak it Hirain only a few months a -J. He lea- w, ;c -1 pav ori the scho 1 gr and ves surviving nm ny tiis nrs!; ,;, the af!ernoon recess Tue marriage one son un ionccuuKn ter, Mr. W. M. Bateman, the prt jmt Judge of our Recorder's Court, and Miss Alice Bateman who lives with, her blether. By Mr- Cdar near Ply his second union there surviving children, Bateman who live, mouth, Mr. jb. v. uateman Mrs. Elia G. Waters and Sadie A. Ward, all now living in Norfolk, Va. There were no children by the last two marriages. Mr. Bateman was elected She riff of Washington Cuuoty at the closi of tho Civil ar and fi'led this offict; for tenyeare He represented the cou tyin the Constitutional Convention of 1875. and at onetime 1st r rep resented the county in the Gen eral Asernbly. He was for years a existent member of trie B Church at.d was om of the faw 'surviving members of th.e old PerstTverance Lodge of Mason -The remains were bi ought home on Stturduy arternoun and W te .uri with vl 'C 'icbo ! S Li the ta hi y pi;' .-he M C-m.'C v ircl o Suad y mere; g to.' p sr, .Kev VV. .1 Wat ;o as a .-S'n, cojuaciiii.e: tae e. vices. The est em in which the d : ceas d .vis hjld was evid cri by the iar.2" concourse of jo ui W'io ga. hereO to pay t ie as. aid t'ibutt. to his -nemory, they nav - i em;1 from ni'les around and i i u- h numbers thai the ffrg r church could n- 'tnear ; eat the a. O ir (h-epeit &yn:p t"ies a; extended t) trje be-eied otie. ,' "May his ahes rest in peace. rua. Telegrams received here by relatives Tuesday morning from Belhaen brought the sad news re' four'0 ,;Q death in that town of Wil lie Lewis, a tormer lioper noy who has made his home there for tne past fear years, he beinr a fireman and extra Engineman in the employ of the N. S R. R and an unusually fine young man lie le-ves -a young wife and one small child besides oth er r-.-latives and many friends to mourn bis passing. Raymond Harrison has resign ed a salesman with the Roper L Co. Store Dept., effective Ap ril 1st. having accepted a p si tiod as Manager of the store of the Farmers' Union Supply C-. B. B Spacer, the present Man ager vil devote his time o hi priv'to '-visiness. 'fj. LaGBIPPl m' will break Fever.-rColds on thd liver Iandjdoi.'5 npt vice 25:,' . Strougest aad Most Conservative Bank in the County. We Always Keep - a Oood Supply of Cash to Meet any Contingency; at present i i: if! $56,805.74 Ne invite your business I WMWWJIMWiMlJHM J.IIMaMuiagllto-IIMU I J I MH 111 I j 11aaM M .nHiunnn s WWIMPirJ'll'lllIIIIMIUIMllllIM'JilllH turn, etuei twit bt en iisrvg. Ik 3 5" I i if WOPER NCWS. W C. Thmpsan has . mov d thr uld dwt if gf-oni bvt1!' h:s sto'e r: suienc to' the Tacant lot East of his residence to mak" r o-n for -t modern brick building which he plan to rect 3 soon as the matf rf 1 can be assembled ro which he will move his mere ntile business. The Farmers Union Supply Co will probab'y occupy his old store "as coon as vacated. This is the sec ond brick building recently pro jected which indicates that Ro pm rae&ns to km$ ftUp with cth sshr e tora m Epttrs Made Strcn; aad Well by VinoL When mg tell jcu that Vlaol ta the best remedy in oar riOiO Ptfck for making weak, pray, ailing caifoa strong r-bust and rosy vo aro nly telling you what has been prerod tj hundn-ds cf icotbem J. L. Fickliair, Macon, Cr., cays: "Jly child vras very thla and dVUcate, appetite, ncrrouS, and did nqt sleep .well. Doctors did not help her, j Vinol was recommended and th9 j change after a fair trial wes wooder- j ful. She sleeps soundly all h3 i a. srlendid appetite aB(i baa galnad in ! wtlchU I, 'wisfc every m?:her t'H Vinol -tt& do o? lc j v&et Tiiiol m for ttli litUiB fir! It vrlU do for erery weak aad ailic ! child bacaufte sickly chlldrsn noc tie treoEtheclng cod llrer eTcsaonts aad the tomlo troa that Vinci eon Ulna tat la why Tiaol bdlda them cp culekly and tn them & fine. fclthr color. It Is plceent to tak tad to guuvatM Uut tb rssults will tttr jcu mo5jy hck If they do P. E. DAVENPORT IMS Buy It Because It's a Better CJar. Mrr7 i! ' II! 1: 1j Plymouth's Best Store. STABS. DBSS GOOBS AND WA3HABLE FABRICS in all the very newest ejects can be found here in com plete assortments. A visit to our store will convince you that we are best prepared of any store in this section to take care of yor wants for Spring Wearables. Onr stock embraces all the new effects in Silks, such a s Crepe De Chine in plain and printed Crepe Meteors, Crinkle Crepe, Mcssaline, Poplins, Etc We name below a few items from our Wash Goods Department. T VOILES PALM BEACH RATINE in a variety of pretty colorings full 38 inches wide, per yard 09c MnMMaMMMMMW r',1 They Are Due! Anyone wishing to pay their town Taxes need not nave any hesitancy in bo doing. They are due, past du and rill be very much due in just a few days. Please do not wait for roe to ask jreu for them. MODEL T Tturingr Car f . o. b Detroit X W. BUCHANAN, ROPJSR, N. C. $550. SILK STRIPS CREPES in every wantd shade for both street and evening wear 25c UP Mini.! iiimiwi win i i i ii i ' 26 INCH Washable Habutai Silks specially priced the yard - V--v- -7-.75C in whits and all colors. Prcd at 15c UP. RATINE in v. Lite and all leil i priced from 25c up Vft-P S2.QQ . my cloixi a combinaticn of Ratine zitm Crepe with a Linen effect Show In stripes, checks and plain, shades. The ysrd 25c THE MORNING AFTER THE NIGHT BEFORE C "-5 TBAOt sDpo-