- ' . t . . ' ., , . , , .... . , I. - i -, ii -i "rrrfli" ftiaf-eti'T "i'r'"-r.i run- 'if1' itm ' "r-"'-1 - -y ' tnmi,.Mnii--!jM!artmimmii ii.gi A, Ufyir ir . $t0 a Year, In Advance. 'FJOR..AQP, FOR. COUNTRY ANQ FOR TRUTH." - 1 , ,'..; &3f Copjv S Ceh ii i 'iit ... , J t J , VOL. XXV, 'n 7T ,: JPLYpmrH, -N.C, FRIDAY,." JULY 171914 y ft fir NO. 3. 4 W : -I m I I: 1 REPORTTOS BARE CORRUPT I 1005 HAVEN "DUMMY" DIRECT )ntft4te Commission! Powrtfis to . fflpf th&illii2 Lost.f reCIUesi , an(j:.v profligate" pBia anjS profligate" iBflanclai iOperaJioas oj:the Nsf Hava Ralji haptfirin,,jie railroad hikfay Aftterica' aai'lhe histtsrV of AnieNSalf finance, . was revealed inpart by the the senate of its investigation of that road. -. ItKtold of millions used likestage NEW . pi- 5-V -V i TVV U S V.aa ii ferf pi M fe. I id w xl i n m , money, of corporations a'paTOSiift I amoaster ganiewih alf- jew Eg J ana's trnsportatlpnas a prl2e, which' Jed the New Haven in the ten years just passed from the height of pros- Pertly Jt. tliepoint where-a -dividend has been passed, where a dissolution sat: isgthreeningis kti wsherf l-lnii-i nai maictments of many of the di rectors who figured :iq, edeals;are t ft A 'i 1)J liti a i,sld)ility.J ? f'M Hampered by unwilling witnesses, Wit'llI iPl burned ibooka and byritf-the tL i J , inazea vwHieli lawyers invented to cover the trail, the commission esti - jl s tf . Jmated.stlialjiithe? rfcrefe -toara monopolization of New England transportation ot i hdldels hajvihos? BJtwIei '$k,08FO,OO6' properties which pay nq dividend, which eat into f thd 'earhfngs orthJ parent road and which will be a bur- to come.., . fa , 'i i - Of theSi $&eM JirectinlJ ifea, ChairmanfHfadEjlic)t, aldt bil ker D.f 4Hines,' special counsel, the and ?90,000,000, but little, of wUhh, ry t ft ljeyfmy fBqoyilp eirn eW port said, they. hafe: on their hands i report says, they have cO:operated -f-r - with the "commission and rendered it substantial assistance throughout this . investigation.". "' The New llayen combination, rear , ,. ed by Charles S.Meilen and approv ed by the late J. ,'Pierpont Morgan and William Rockefeller, the commission finds to be clearly in violation of the Sherman Anti-trust act and - a mo- . nopoly in practical control of tlie transportation 'of .firei states. PREPARElTP INVADE HAITI. Secretary BrySn -Prevails on ' Navy Department- to Mobilize Biue , : , Jackets. ; "41 Washington.jSeyen hundred Ma-i rines . were ! ordered assembled ' at Guantanamo;' Cuba, to Bq held in readiness ' for service in f evolution torn Haiti and San Domingdi ." .' The Navy rDepaftment acted at the 1 i re2uest of v ,Sebrefary Bryan, who , asked that, the ; fleet be prepared to h. dear with, any emergency, that mgh J y. .fcrtse on the.1' turbulent" island. The . marincjs' wil? ,b'e. fathered rom .thVsJ l - .now on duty 'in Mexicaiiwers, an $;-t -from "the marine i barracks in Phila-;V3elphia-End'Nipfolk. At Guantanamo the force will, be only a day's sail rf rom the North coast of Haiti and,- San Domingo, and their proximity is expected t6 impress upon tne evolutionary . leaders the, determination f . AnSica.clv3 ernment to terminate their activities t Jjy forcible means unless they listen ; to the warnings already given. The 1 ' slf liQ Irt . n O T I 1 Yo aji.cii.iuu in oau uuuiiiigu iias come '' M Ti' t0 be regarded as almbst hopeless of ' ? l . ; a cure from within, while in Haiti I conditions ar Uttlf hofto- ' I Want, Work For Sufferers. ( . i" -Washington. In response to ap f , J I i peajs- mMe on behalf of th'ottsahds '6f - by the fire at Salem, Mass., Secretary Wilsott .teleeraptied;texEle &nS bdbt 1 ana suoe manuiaciurers or wew JKng tland, New York, Pennsylvania, "New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia and Mary land asking whether fchejfj cafl gtver employment to any of - these people. - v.- ., ' f, .-i ' " "' ' Must Be Complete Victory,. . Chihuahua, M.exjr-jGeneral Franci o il!a a commenting ere th pfo-f posed retirement of General Huerta M 'and the creation of a provisional pres j i ( 4 Jdffncy at Mexico City, said such a course would ngt be acceptable either to General Carranza or himself, no i "matter who the provisional president might be. Nothing but an,entry ; un-. der" arnis of the Constitutionalist forces would bring the revolution to a successful and logical conclusion. The victory of the Constitutionalist cause must be complete, Villa ssdd. -TT- RAFAEL ZUBARON 1 ::x-v ' Rafael Zubaron is the new head of the Carranza junta in Washinatonri EI0!8'6Ee0i'! if MEN UNDER OBREGON. urae li f Htsn dt a ain . 1; fiTnov f y fjil I ivi r un I nil I" y 1U I Ufl l s?s I 14 i . .ill ljiebj(2s Are. Exub$.rjjiiX. jDverSucc.esa of Arms and See Visions of Oc cupatton of Capital City. Saltillo, Mex. den6?al VCarrinza was officially advised .toe& fall pt jupnsrtltuticra- rpceived l?oli:.at.''C5ji'3titu tionalists headquarteBS.Cwher-itas regarded as preliminiitJMUr pation of Mexico' CM itsf Genei!v4lf art) I Obtegdtjftti tionalilf Tcbinffiahder in hM diiiftt'oh" to General Carranza .reQtdfM. the Federals had bieenVcbhibytSiV .roufee ft nd that he was inNfconroioft ,tfeeentjre city, including the Federal: 'Palace; Five thousand Federali ,hnl been taken prisoners,! according to Obregon's report indj the retreatxjij ?raiierJVffixfc)qityof those whp es taped had Heept Y:ut off by. troops of the commander of (Seneral Blanco, detoured from . Ameca! to destroy the Federal lines , of.' communication 3ucH; a'rid munition, "aris and supplieaj The Federals were reported scatter eft in all directions and raat iniip ishment inflicted on them in retreat but no figures of losses,! on either side were available. The line of combat, jit is stated, ex tended over flvety-flve tnilea with Gen eral Blanco in commadd of Obregon's advance guard. Geaerat.: Dbregol personally lea the maib: attack. . For several) .days,;. the . Constitution alists hammered the Guadalajara gar- risen., which came out from its de fenses in the effort to fecatter the be siegers. After a . disastrous" conflict In which th,e,Fedeijals lost -ten troop- trains and more than six hundred prisoners, the jretreatd! , leaving ' iin unobstructed road to the second larg est, city of Iexlcq,fJ . First Bale of Cotton. , lioustpn, Texas. Thd flstfbale of cotton marKeted in the United States,, weighing 392 , pdundJJ TSold on the cotton exchange here for' $500, or Jl.27 1-2 per pound. It jJaaaed a trict low middling spotted It car a me from Lyford, Texas... . Foreclosure Is Dtesi-ecT.1. Q ' T mil. J., J' l' . m mortgage; of m 666 00(j mth g Louts and. San Francisco! Itklpoad was asked In the United States district court here by the Guaranty Trust Compary of New York.j The Frisco np.w; ISjiiijthe. Jiand3df receivers. The petition asks that the 'mortgage be declared: a'j valid J lierr'mgarrrst ""the property which It covers, which in cludes a larger part of the Frisco sys tem. The mortgage was given to se cure a series of refunding four per Ik , 5 n "yS' 3 7 1 -vt rjp-ZzJ CITfl CARBAJAL SLATED jHU E RT A WlfetESfQNDsHl ;4 .rpjfTErici 7i i 6untrjf1n ijtuiimjoil &eatfeiei one iime RjavokeaJpwith tfa United States. General Huerta against W 1 til Not iPtf AsliG id n$BtLs f :Carraria Vvrrtlrt StojpFing k causv.AwlWeieadii Taks the :1 lipl-Sr IS tei III 1 jjWasfiigttfnj paentsfiii Mexici;fre nslapinhetiielfe fof i fertoiEpon M waged incessant warfare since - he ihe duke of Penaranda, a well overthrew President Madero" ' .18 known Spanish, polo player, accompa months agqlias given up the struggle nied Lord. Wimboiirna's British team atfast. .51 v . . I . . , ? Weakieidby the btugbf t Unftef tat to recoie h3Go. ernment a&Ctut off if rom financial support in Europe, he"' realizes ' the big Constitutionalist army, augmented I uaii aa 11, yietsstiB uuiiiuwiuu, la ilk the. threshold frearfill tha commit excesses ervtjie and destroy property, persons influen tial vwitb- theman who has dictated affets 4Weki0ldy .'at 6iMiM' have -persuaded him to abandon his ington diplomats from' legations and ; Within a few days General iHuerta s'Mtedcr.TMilrf ill iaVorfms new wlyj-appointed Minister of Foreign Affal ceiit luourt fjviexico pifflcuities between I the United States and the Huerta uov- Il, . .! j-.fi i . A pp-ssnueriaj wojnaita' jibb jutserai " . -"j ' Carbajal, It is expected, would Uiring - the.ap - iTOm4herta8giine. to a new provisional administration controlled by the Constitutionalists, n nas not oeen active ,u yqiiLivtfc and Is anxious for peace. s for Deace. ' MOKAtfc M. LU K lUN Ub.AU. I i M I i r V i ! Justice of Supreme Court Unexpected- ; ly Succumbs to Heart Failure.. v Atlantic (Jity, in. J - AssowattiiJas - tf9e Horace Harmon Lurton of the .UnittSi States supreme court died sud- den;t a hotel, here from heart fail- Urevfetaerinduceol thty ltrdiac asthma.1 Hfr years old. :r4,)pUsce,- wabfcaine here July d wasrin ni usual, neaitn oerore reur- ia tVT.nt beXcite Und .had taken5 V. f ' 1 Tt ijL, L J ll J. t 'vfuqgiary evening outing on the bl&far, Shorliy faaer midnight he" ccmFWnedf Of feeling ill and al- Ville, Tenn., were at the bedside. Mrs. Horace Van Deventer, a daughter and kof theiMeiJcan c4pltal. R t1 iiV m rs w. -kW e an fading aVmV may fnr UAU I UL f U L' which would endang -H Hi III I II 1 1 1 1 Ii I ajhysifaah, f Doctor Ruffin,' 9OO(OOO,O0O bushefe, the June forecast, wttoCTii,from " Washington was ,763,380,000 tbushels last year, and 686, sumtob&edrvyuetitaleljr, Justice Lur- OOO.OOd 'bushels, the 'average for' th.e ton dieiaps o'clock. His. wife and , pas five years. i rj r son. Horace tllilliiiitton! Jr.. of Nash-' " ' Thea'm6unt of 'wheat remaining on her, husbaodarrived from. Knoxvile, rQQQ bushels Jpn Jifly 1, 1913; -and 23, Tean. fitfd-otherf nfembf? t the S7?,W6 ushels o4 Ju'1,.1912.-")' M' family came at once. Corn: Area, planted). 105,067,000 Tke body was-talieii? t6' Clarksvlile, 1 Tenn., for interment, the funeral par- ty leaving here at' oSolock. It was at that city that justice Lurton began the practice of, lawqnd : liyed, qt,2Q year Funeral services were" Jield there. Chief Justice White and sev l eral associate justices of the supreme J court as well as many friends fromj past ive years. Estimated total pro different parts of the, country, weres duction 2,868,00p,0p0 bushels, compar- present. Kicks on McAdoo.f. i Washington. Representative tGcWd, feepublican; of Iowa, made aittifcki ne' nous- on tne use -or hpienr revenue cutters as rpleasure Uraft" by Secretary ; McA4oo .1 Jtfcre-Mas ,9ntauve uood declared that tJnfreve- ine. cutter Onondaga .madei regular wlt3k-end trips out of Boston 'to com modate "parties ,of Democrats."years.3 ' Estimated! tP.tLpropiuction, tie uotea an arucie rrom a newspa-" per iying Mr. and MrsMcAdiKJiad. "niad a cruise to Matapolset, Mass., In - r -- - yx VTjrtafal Wil finnn'maM . , : -f I ' I'-iB"""' t . - Nw o.orfc.-Th4t ttie name of Fran- lacb Ctf'bajil, Hteria's riaw mlnisfer f. fcfeigii affairs, al proposed ad he rtiasara ? axis mediation conrereace of proviBicnal president of Mexico was confirmed here by Emiliano Rabasa delegates. They declared Carbajal's name: wat Sreii submitted -tothe con ference by tha American delegates and accepted by. the Mexican delega tion as that of aman who stood neu tral between the'Huerta government nd the Coni"tt''.i DUKE OF PENARANDA 1 Msm ? I ' ' tp this cointryandi acted., as advfaef. -r f 1 J J... 1 I J') 4 -4-4- in . - - . as ,11,3, HEAT WILL-BEAT '-.i -v i W A5T p3rj.cfciri6N .30,000,000 BUSHELS IN ; r. i ' 1 r s- r-r .,,.t t rsTwS WaAdreVMillidrr Pounds Short. Corn Prediction Shoyvs I WashinRton.-pTh.. first. 4riea . ot. tha size this year of the countrv's great- os, was vffiverf Svfhen the iJeparEmtn i Agncixure assued and ' estimate of the number of bush- i-fv)t ouvniufc LUC avlCdKU. VUUU1LIUU - ei8 - of -eorn- which, condition' reportB indicate' will be Drodnr-ed. Mnrn rtpf. inite figures as to thesliVof'thJ!greaf! wneat croD. the lal-feSsf evfiT! thrnWtt Jllsn wpo oivon ' o o t.oti' v. ft -nl idea of the size I of th Udtat'd! "tobac- eo and rice crona. " tefails' tf tde acreage, cqndition on. July Vindicated) acre" yield and ''total production, interpreted from condition i reptorf, bCthe various crops," follow All wheat: Area'4planfed;i3'37t,l0O( acres, compared iwftlB5(tlS4.000 acres last, year,;; Condition, 92.4 per cent of norbil' compared - with ' 93:? '''iter cent on June 1. 178.6 bet rent on Jul'v 1 last 'year and S1.7 per cent; the 10- year average, on July 'l', 'Indicated yield,' i7!4 bushels lasyekr and 'i4.7 , bushels, the average Jorfthe past five yedrs. Estimated tc total production. 900,000,000. bushejs, ';conrpared" "with farms July 1 is estimated fet abouf'32;- 236.OB0 bushels, compa'rfed with 35,515,- acres; cpmpareq with 105,820,000 acres last year. Condition 85.8 "per cent of a.pormal,. compareCwith 86.9 per cent on July 1 last year and 84.7 per cent," .the. ;10-year iaverage 6h"JUlyl'. Indicated . yield 273 buwiels per acre, comparjed. with "23,1 bushels last year and 25.9 bushels the average for the I . a. ' '5 n JPA AAA AAA I L 1 IV . ajerae mv the Oast nye years is. .il .l-'-1'?10 UnUed States, He Critj. Tobkcdd: .. Aifeaj planted, l.WWPrrrWni t AN fith l,216,0tfflacrf sign0, I f VlJ mm yfar. t t;onaition tt perMrtra pr a Aormai, eomparea with S2.8 per cent year arid; S4.f per cent the 10 jeM average . on July l. indicated yield) 636.3 pounds last year and 815.1 ac-Jpotods, the average for the past five 33,O0f?;BOO pounds! compared with ."nni.noQ pnnnda hast year, and 996 - 000,000 pounds the average for the past five yf&rsj 'fit t Fix fcaj Ratet-i' " Washingtiil. )einlte; "relationship of fafts ori vcofi fVom Virginia an Keitulky nifajo jdestlnationat-jiojl. 4 from Virginia and of the Ohio River was establishod in a decision by the interstate8 commence commission, the clnalcatlona -of ah. ;iiiji- iito proposed increases "fry the report. The roads were required to canoe! ' rates " 'niIOT'"eiceed. From the mlne3 in the St. Charles, Ya., group to northern destinations the rates must not exceed those from the Middleboro-Jell!eo group by more 1'" v, ,i ;l a-L.n.- PARTY IS PLEDGED MO ANNEX NATION SI fev..4 :.J W K i Series tfieiuy. rormer pxicaB jt Minister ot 'fiiimmer andaborybe&rt depart lnfc on board tthe Es wgnevtvirulent SENORySQUERIDO ;iOHeNCv:1 roinen MEXcfAs 'ti-rp &1 JpilTS ROGRiisiIsiv PC lynticsed thUcjIrof. Unitellc-pg hia disapproval cf States towards Mexico. As he sat in jTmer, Senor Moheno looked through a porthole toward the American flag flying in Vera Cruz and shook his fist In rdj?R ' I . T. H Wiateii that he asn a posi tion tl roofice proofs thatsl there ex ited a "secret platform" of the Pro gressive party in the United States, of which Colonel Theodore Roosevelt war'co'fmSanT "affdin 'wnTciTTie" co57 cusred, lo9king to the disrubtion, . Mekfco a-tbi kiql9)tion ftPtiniate of atelt by the United States of all the terri tory betaveen thef Rjoyr G-.ijan pa Panama. He said ythat Francisco Escucisco, -Sd "-fcai Minitfteii bfl Fbieiari TteU- tions -in Carranza's Cabinet, has 'let ters whieh to. him, afe.cojiclusiYeievi- of hls'aiaegaaohl;-and: declar-' ed he hoped to be able to " produce $?1 letters af the 'tPrQei Um.i J i ' A V. A 4. T ii. . T " . . n.wx xiut uuijr were ue leaaers oi the Progressive party pledged to this orc," hi aided," butlMAMans ot both the Republican and Democratic Dartiea had prmiseds theirsetret-sum Tport 'That President Wilson himself had subscribed to thl3 iniquitous cor rspTHrdehtTe"TTv! by his atti- single jTaillion area nan givd" satisfactory answer as to why thojetroQpsara-..on snore-in- Vera Cruz" ' ' .MToiehow OPreBident Wilson drVnie1 against; Mexlcp-the greatest, ih the history of 'modern nations," is the an nounced! object) of Senor Moh4nb?3 trip to,;the .United States by way of Cuba. He arrived here on the Es- pahgehfrom - Puerto Mexico aiid 'said 1 he would not go ashore. i iu ;' -loheno said he hoped, while in the .United 'Statesilto. convince the Ameri can people of the enormity of the 'crime -committed not only by Presi dent Wilson rbut ' by. all Hhe political factors In, the United States, 'regard less of party." SECRETARY' THAMES' BATTLESHIP IheM'88.,s.siPPi. and. Idahov Will Be , t . New; ..D.readoaughts.: ,-.,,., -: Washington. Secretary Daniels an- P.WJFv t&at the., latest, , four- new dreadnaughts, beginning with .No. . 39; would .be named Arizona, - California, Rlissippi, and , Xdaho. .. The A last 'two were so named,' in .order, that -the states of Mississippi and Idaho migh.tt qot, loaa their . ships ibecadse of the recent sale o tw ( battleships to Greece. , "ll yery. day,", isaid Sedretary Daniels as he announced the., names of the new Teasels, "that a Secretary of the Navy, has, the privilegeof haniing a ; quartet, j of . battleships. ... With - the newly named battleships, every state in the Union now has a battleship named for it except Maryland, Mon tana, South , Dakota, Washington, West Virgjnia, Colorado, North Car olina, NV Mexico and Tennessee. In the future the armoured cruiser California will be known as the San fe- it I I H $i00,000 For Salem Sufferers. Washington. Congress appropriat ed $200,000 for the, relief of suffererf from the Sale'm,' Mass., fire. The house in spite of vigorous opposition; Appropriation. Committee, aoceated led by Chairman Fizgeraldtitjtf by a vote of 161 to 66 a Senate amend- Imentto hp sundry civil bill to jpro ' Acquire ' More Reserves; "' Washington. Purchase by the gov ernment of 13,575 acres of .forest bnaifj i$ 5Ko4"aroftnai wa3 approv ed by the National Foresf Reserva tion Commission: w'Ther: acquisition embraces twelve tracts, eleven ,",of them in Buncombe, Yancy andr Mc Dowell counties, . with a total. area ot 12,400 acres, and the other with an area of 1,175 acres In Macon county. Alljof the tracts adjoin Federal res ervations previously acquired and nioY' them aro wooded with rplir ' t-v, ! s h v -- Itude towalMexicci? Not a AiefiaJiiaall the h4n&& VoSulaftfeii oi theUrdt4 St I RECORDERS COURT SCORED BY JUDGE fjUDfiifeOND DOESN'T LIKE ONE. MAN fWEftj REPOSED IN IN pERIOR COURTS. ?neIdangerous points r 4- ..MentWtB Innovations That Threaten thCVeII-Beingi'of the U. S., Men j ;f;-jlioning Wdman Suffrage. ftaligh.tjudge W. M. Bond of Ednon, arging the Wake County .grajidi jury for a' term of Wake Court !? . . L. for .tae trial of fcriminal cases took reqoxdejr's, cortaias having the effect power to one man 1n nn!,elnr n i4ca Kf these courts. He Insisted that the prphibitlol la,ws must along with all LtHe qther laws b enforced. He said L hi Had nothing ?4o do with a man Ldlinlsinl lioderatly but that the pro hibition law had een put on the statute books by the people and that lhaCQurt-heuld; see to its enforce ment. Judge Bojid- referred to the eroes as a "race without a flag or a country'' brough; here against their will. H$ said gieat care should be exercised iA Vitealhig with the negroes . a view of the peculiar cricumstances pimjer, which ihe are in this state andt the tountryjrat large. The ne groes, he paid oe it to themselves fq stop iiiiag a" thought to politics and go to work t4 make a living for themselves 4a Ad tbose dependent on Hhem an4 xo mairliain a courteous at1 titude toward ,thr white people. He regarded $ve( Abolition of slavery as the beSt for both 'aces and that the taking yf negroes out of politics by khe conetitutfoaal Amendment was yet another very grea blessing for both races: . Judge Bond discussed "dangerous innovations that threaten the well being of the United States Govern ment, mentioning ajmong other things woman suffrage, toosevelt's initia tive, referendum and recall, and the recorder's court tendencies. , , OPTICAL SOCIETY MEETS. About 100 Members! Attending Annual Convention 6f Opticians. ' Wrlghtsyille Beah With upwards of 100 members in attendance, many accqmpaIlid by mfmbers of their ramiiies, -the seventh annual conven tion of the North Carolina Optical So ciety, beld a tw o days' session here. The. social features included an oys ter" roast, dance and a trip down the Cape , Fear i River. . The officers of (he society are: President C. H. Hplmes, Asheville; first Vice president N. Rosenstein, Durham;., second vice president, R. N. Walker, ( Winston-Salem; secretary and ' treasurer, Fraak M. Jolly, Ral eigh., ,.,Tht executive committee is composed of the following: A. S. Mitchell, Winston-Sajem ; W. W. Par ker, .Lum-berton; J. tr. Taylor, Greens boro; -William G. ijrazier, Durham. The convention was called to order al 1Q, o'clock and .the opening prayer was offered by Rev Fred N. Day of Winston-Salem, a prjominent member of .the society. Th4 address of wel come ,wasmade by Mr. Day. The visitors were most cordially welcomed to: the - beach and 9 Wilmington by Mayor; Moore. r . Road .Commissioners Are O. K. Jt-vRalefihif-After aatj Investigation of ke: :sssatonal charges made against tpaaivcTOnmissioners-jwhom he had ipiontfd in Nebo Township, Mc- lwweilrt.aounty, Governor Craig an- noujitel jthat he fully endorses the cdftducfc lof the commissioners, find ing tlMlhe charges against them are nf;swd,4- The commissioners ex- oaerated ;sire W. G. Ifunter, J. L. Ped- fett ana (Jiarles Hemphill. The Gov tTOorgeyA his investigation showed Xfrkt'Xbir commissioners are discharg fij their duties concientlously and building the roads i their township economically and with the purpose and effect of securing for the peoplo ftll value for the tioney expended. Governor Craig. at Home. Ralelgh.Governor JCraig returned frQjn .Morehead and. Camp Glenn where-he epent several days with the Third Regiment, North Carolina Na tional" Guard, inspecting the troops .and the camp. ' He expresses himself as espediaily well pldased with the jshowing .the -officers lyid men made. The Governor did all ;the stunts, in cluding shooting on tae Government rifle range. Indeed, !. i brourh'1. b.u k with Mm the excerti..'-.H' c nr. I of 1 n ' i 1 ' t re:

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