$1X3 a Year, la Advance. "FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOB TRUTH.' Copy, 8 den tab VOL. XXV. PLYMOUTH, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914. NO. 18. ALLIED WARSHIPS AID LAND FORCES Fighting Shifts To French Coast And The Allied Ships Hurl Shells at Germans THE INVASION OF ENGLAND U Believed To Be The Plan Of Ger man Kaiser Control Of French Coast Necessary For the first time since the European war began the warships of Great Bri ain and France are playing an import ant part in the great struggle. Here tofore their principal duty has been to patrol the seas, . protecting their merchantmen and guarding their home coasts. When the great conflict in France was shifted from the fron tier to the west coast the cruisers and monitors of the Allies' fleets were brought into action and assisted very largely in holding the Germans in check. "With the control of the entire coun try of Belgium all the way to the coast all that the Germans need now to be gin their campaign against England is the command of tha French coast. In this the allies are stubbornly resisting the Germans. In recent reports from London It is said the British navy played an important part and co-operated with the land, forces in repulsing the German armies. It was during this fighting that the entire Belgian army, which has been lost sight of for nearly a week, was found in France fighting side by side with the allies. "fliere is a belief in the minds of military experts that an attempt on the part of the Germans to attack England would mean a speedy culmi nation of hostilities. Though no defi nite information has been given out it T3"generairy believed that England Is thoroughly prepared for an aerial attack by German Zeppelins. Search lights sweep the sky incessantly dur ing the nights and British airmen stand ready day and night to launch their craft to do battle in mid-air with the Invaders. In view of the fact that the British coast Is heavily mined and the great warships of . Great Britain are con stantly patroling the North sea and especially the coast of the British Isles it would require a superhuman effort on the part of the kaiser and his staff to land German soldiers on Brit ish soil. Should the German navy endeavor to escort the transports car rying the invading army to England it would precipitate a naval battle be tween the warships of the nations. This the Germans have so far been careful to avoid. In the eastern theater of war the fighting has been heavy at all times. A definite idea of the results of this conflict now being waged by the Aus-tro-German armies against the Rus sians in East Prussia, Galicia, and Russian Poland is impossible because of the conflicting reports that are re ceived daily from Petrograd, Vienna and Berlin. On the same day- dis patches will be received from Petro grad telling of the utter rout of the Germans in Russian Poland, the plight of the Austrian armies in Galicia and the success of the Russian armies in East Prussia, while dispatches from Berlin and Vienna will claim great victories against the Russians in the same battles. However, , there does not seem to be any important success es on the part of either of the armies. Germans Sink 13 Merchantmen. London. A dispatch from Teneriffe, Canary Islands, to The Daily Mail, re ports that the German cruiser Karls ruhe has sunk thirteen British mer chantment in the Atlantic. The news of the Karlshuhe's exploit according to the Daily Mail's Teneriffe corre spondent, was brought to that port by the German steamer Crefeld, which ar rived there with the crew pf the Brit ish steamer Strathroy, Maplebranch, Highland Hope, Indrani, Rio Iguasua, Earn, Niceto, Maria de Larrinaga, Cer vantes, Cornish City, Pruth, Conder and Lynrowan, all of which .were sunk by the Karlsruhe. The Crefeld was accompanied into port by the German steamers Patagonia, Rio Negro and Asuncion. Preparing To Invade England Copenhagen. Two ship yards at Kiel, the Germania and the Howard, are building thi:ty armored lighters capable of carrying 500 men each and traveling at the rate of nine miles an hour to proceed to the river Scheldt should events permit the landing of German troops on the coast of Eng land. It is asserted that three of these lighters are completed and al ready on their way 'to the Scheldt. The Germans are building an airship shed in Schleswig for two large Zeppelins, A DAY WILL COME Allies and Germans Both Win Washington. After days of inces sant fighting, dents at last have been made in that part of the battle line which had run virtually straight north and south from Ypres in Belgium to the bend in the elbow in the vicinity of the forest of Aigue in France. Just a short distance above its cen ter this line now curves like an in verted letter "S," the allies having pushed back the Germans east of Ar mentieres in an endeavor to press on to Lille, and the Germans having forc ed the allies to give ground around La basse, probably hoping to obtain con trol of Bethune, a railroad . center seven miles west of Labasse. That ground has been won and lost in this district is admitted in the lat est French' official report It seems improbable,-however, that either en-gagement- was decisive as the report declares actions near Labasse and Ar mentieres, near Arras, on the same line" a short distance south of La basse, continue with great violence. In fact, the report says that generally speaking the situation on this part of the war front remains the same. Of fighting near- the coast, where British and French naval vessels are endeavoring to aid the allied troops in holding back the German advance, nothing was vouchsafed in the report. Altkirch, in upper Alsace, near the Swiss frontier, has been taken by the French at the point of the bayonet. Since the outbreak of the war this town has been the scene of much fighting and several times has chang ed hands. Another German War Loan Berlin. The following account of the meeting of the Prussian diet was" given out in official quarters in Ber lin: "A Prussian war loan of $375,000,000 was passed unanimously, even the So cialists supporting the resolution. Money 'was voted for the relief of the province of east' Prussia, which has suffered the most during the war, and for other military purposes." Other information given out In Ber lin says : v "The Danish steamer Rolf, from New York for Christiana, carrying 20,000 ; tons of corn, has been captured by a British cruiser and taken into Scot land. "A German hospital ship, searching the sea for men from German torpedo boat' destroyers sunk by the British, has been forced to go into an English harbor by a British cruiser. "A German " naval officer has dis covered in Antwerp a letter addressed to an English surgeon, Richard Read ing, a volunteer in the Belgian ma chine gun corps, written by his sister, Jennie, and dated Birmingham, Sep tember 28, in which are the following words: " T would like to be a nurse; I could kill one or two Germans. "The British are bombarding the open Belgian town of Ostend. "Reliable official reports declare that there is in Germany a sufficient supply of cereals to meet amply all re quirements until the next harvest, and that the stock of cattle is sufficient to provide an ample supply of meat." British Seize Oil Ships Washington. Great Britain's deter mination to keep from Germany car goes of illuminating oil 'which might be made fuel for army motor trucks, Zeppelins and aeroplanes, is responsi ble for the seizure of American Stand ard Oil steamers by the British cruis ers. This fact was developed in con ference here after the state depart ment had requested the release of the tanker John D. Rockefeller. The Stand ard Oil company has asked the state department to secure release of two more of Its ships. . Russians Cross The Vistula Petrograd. The following official communication was issued by the Rus sian general staff: "The energetic offensive of our ar. mies, which have crossed the Vistula on a large front, encounter no resist ance on the part of the Germans, who continue to retreat. "In the trenches below Ivangorod we took large quantities of war stores and ammunition abandoned by the re serve corps of the Prussian guard in its hasty retreat. "The Austrian armies continue to fight with stubbornness on the Vistula, on the San and particularly to the south of Przemsyl. "In east Prussia there is no change in the situation." . Uprisings in Portugal Lisbon. The Monarchists of Portu gal made attempts to effect uprisings. There were outbreaks at various places, especially in the northern part of Portugal, which for a time was cut off from telegraphic communication with Lisbon. A sharp conflict took place at Mafra between 100 civilians and Republican troops. Belgian Army Joins Allies From the Battle Front. The Belgian army, with the English channel on its extreme wing, is showing a marvelous fighting spirit, despite its long, hard campaign and disappointment over the Inca nf intwopn nnrt nth"pr HHpa N In the terrific open struggle along the frontier the - Belgians, with the French and British, have repelled with the greatest energy, Incessant German attacks. The German heavy artillery poured a bombardment on the allied positions, but the Belgians counter-attacked and forced the in vaders to retire nearly five miles. Germans Repulsed In Poland Petrograd. The Russian official statement says: ' "German troops which had occupied the roads leading to Warsaw, in the region north of the River Pilitza, have been repulsed and are In full retreat, leaving their wounded on the battle field. "The Germans have abandoned the positions they had fortified in advance. "The Russian troops are energetical ly advancing along the whole front. "The enemy is still occupying the left bank of the Vistula south of the Pi litza "and as far as Sandomir. "The Russians who for eight days had been gallantly holding the region of Kozenitz under unfavorable condi tions and heavy artillery fire, achiev ed considerable success on October 20 and their position on the left bank of Vistula is now secured. "The attempts by the Austrians to cross the River San below Przemsy1 have been checked and the Russians are assuming the offensive there. "In the region, south of Przemsyl are found the remains of all the Austrian corps defeated in prior fights in Gali cia. Here the Russian troops are ener getically checking the advance of numerous bodies of the enemy. "There is no essential change in East Prussia. We are at present in touch with the enemy on a front cov ering over four hundred versts (about 267 miles) from the lower Bzoura to the " slopes of the Carpathian moun tains. Allies Checked, Berlin Claims Berlin. Engagements continue near Nieuport, Belgium, and Lille, where the allied forces have "been trying to beat back the German advance. The French for several days have been at tacking desperately in the vicinity of Lille, but according to headquarters' bulletins all the attacks have been re pulsed with heavy losses to the al lies. ' " ' It is announced that the allies have made a stand behind the river Yser in an attempt there to check the Gar man advance along the coast. FURY OF FIGHT FOR STRAITS OF DOVER GERMANS CROSS YSER WITH GREAT LOSS OF LIFE AND ' ARE HALTED. SOUTH BATTLE UNDECIDED Zeppelins May Equalize Sea Fights Germans Advance in Poland Says ' Report. 1 "London. The battle for the Straits of Dover, one of the most sanguinary of the war, is continuing with unabat ed fury, but thus far without either side gaining decided advantage. The Germans, who at terrible cost in life, crossed the Yser Canal be tween Nieuport and Dixmude, have not been able to make further pro gress as the Allies, according to a report of German General Headquar ters are 'obstinately defending their positions. It is the same farther south, around Armentieres. Lille, Labasse and Arras. The opposing armies are delivering fierce attacks, gaining or losing a few miles or less of ground with sacrifices in life that are appalling. The whole countryside is fairly reeking with the blood of thousands of killed or wounded. In the towns and villages, with which the country Is dotted and most of which have been laid in ruins by the artillery, most desperate fighting has occurred when the cavalry and in fantry came into contact. Both sides speak of heavy losses they have Im posed on their adversaries, but say nothing of their own dead or wound ed, whose places are being filled with reinforcements. The British fleet which did such execution hx bombarding, the. German flank, seems to have withdrawn. The Gernians say this was because their artillery was beginning to reach the ships. The belief is expressed here, however, that the fleet will be able to render untenable German occupation of any part of the Belgian or FrencE coast.- The opinion also is expressed Here that the operations of the Allied vessels off the Belgian coast and in the v vicinity of the Straits of Dover may cause the German fleet to come out and give battle. In naval circles here it is consid ered that the German submarines, al though they have proved deadly to ships, steaming slowly, will not be so effective against ships steaming and maneuvering at high speed and in shallow water, as the British moni tors and their auxiliaries have been doing. There is some talk of the Germans bringing their big 42-centimeter guns to the coast to use against the Allies' warships but the British sailors are credited with saying that their vessels can prevent these guns being put in position. They claim that even if they should be mounted they will not be so deadly against a fast moving target as against the statlanary forts they destroyed so easily. While this life and death struggle is going on I nthe west the French have become more active along, the Alsatian border and are said to be making preparations and securing ad vanced positions in view of possible attacks by the Germans with their big Howiters on the Belfont fortress. It now seems to be realized that no fortress has . any chance of holding out when once thse big German guns are brought into action aginst it. . The German officials report again specks of the German offnesive on Augustowo, Russian Poland, which it declares is progressing. It reiterates that the battle near Ivangorod al though favorable to the Germans, re mains undecided. North of this section the Russians claim they are still pursuing the Ger mans who attempted an advance on Warsaw, and southward to have cross ed the Vestula and driven the Aus trians baek. In Galicia and in the Carpathians the Russians also claim to have broken down the Austrian offensives. As the days come and go and the promised visits of the Zeppelins to ngland do not materialize. The public is beginning to believe these monster aircraft are being held in reserve for' the day that the Ger man Navy comes out arid that they will be used in force P assist the warships in an endeavor to cripple he British fleet. Will Not Rule Case. London. The British government has given no direct ruling on the question of taking reservists from neutral ships and is ,not expected to do so until the number of reservists constitute a real military menace. G READY TO RETIRE-TERMS WOULD REQUIRE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT TO BE OF BRIEF DURATION. WOULD LIKE TO BE IN RACE These Terms Will Probably Be Me' by the Convention Says Officials in Washington.': Washington. Indications that Gen eral Carranza had agreed to' retire in deference to wishes of the Auguas Calientes convention were contained in official dispatches to the state de partment. General Obregon and the committee which went to Mexico City to inter view the first chief returned "highly optimistic" according to official re ports. It generally is understood that Carranza informed the committee he would not submit hi3 resignation a second time, leaving it to the con vention to reconsider, if it chose, the action taken at the recent Mexico City convention, the minutes of which were formally ratified by the Aguas Calientes assembly. With the arrival of 28 Zapata dele gates the convention was expected to formally consider the question of a successor to Carranza. No report had been received of the result of the de liberations. - Officials of the Washington govern ment did not doubt that the two con ditions which Carranza was reported to have stipulated as necessary before he would retire namely that the ten ure of the provisional government be brief and that he be permitted t be a candidate would be met by the convention. 1 '- ' "' " While no confirmation has been re ceived of alleged disturbances in Mexico City official advices told of ... a general order issued by Carranza de posing many of the commanders who were Villa adherents at the conven tion. Similarly a decree was issued by Carranza informing all chiefs throughout the republic that he was still first chief and to obey only or ders from 'him instead of the conven tion. NO EMBARGO ON COTTON. England Declares Staple Can Go Free on All Seas. Washington. Great Britain in two notes presented to the State Depart ment by the flritish Ambassador, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, defined her atti tude toward commerce between neu tral countries as one of rigid endeav or to give every security possible in the interest of free and undisturbed trade. The documents contributed a general pronouncement cf British pol icy on the sdbject of contraband. The essential points in the British attitude are: American shippers should take pre caution to show the exact destination of their goods, mentioning either a specific consignee or a neutral Gov ernnent in bills of lading. Great Brit ain will be guided by the American doctrine of continuous voyage or "ulti mate destination" in respect to com merce between neutral countries in articles generally known as condit ional contraband. Absolute contra band, embracing munitions of war, always is subject to seizure and ex amination when carried in neutral ships. Cotton, specially mentioned as neither aosolute nor conditional con traband, can be shipped in neutral vessels not only, to neutral countries but to all belligerents without moles tation. Germans Release Japs. Washington. Seventy-one Japanese held prisoners in Germany have been released and escorted out of the coun try, according to advices to the state department. This leaves 38 Japanese in addition to children, concerning whom the Japanese embassy here has inquired, and who it is believed are still held in Germany. Cotton Condition Improving. Washington. The cotton situation arising from the European war is be ing rapidiy cleared up in the opinion of President Wilson. He told callers that the end of the war alone would rstore normal conditions in the cot ton industry, but that rapid progress was being made in the efforts to as sist the cotton growers of the south. The President based his optimism etneeraing the cotton situation on the pkns for furnishing money to the cot tor planters and on the opening of fort ign markets. BUILDING COMPLETE JAN 1ST Wake County's New Hospital Build ing Nearing Completion, Prog ress on Court House. Raleigh. Wake county's $75,003 fireproof county hospital for the aged and afflicted indigent is to b com pleted somewhere arour.d January 1 and will be a model In every respect and decidedly the most complete equipment for the purpose in the state. The county court house being erected at a cost of $225,000 for build ing and equipment has progressed to the extent that the steel work 1b up and the granite walls are up to about one-third the height of he first story. The walls the balance of the way throughout the four stories will be of steel, brick and an outside veneer of terra cotta that is an exact reproduc tion of the tints and spots that char acterize the granite foundation, giving the effect of a granite building throughout, with nothing like the cost that the granite would entail. The building is fireproof throughout, the top floor to be equipped, for county jail purposes. Chairman John A. Mills of the Board of Commissionerrs Is giving much personal attention to the construction of both the court house and the county hospital. Clerk of the Court A. L. Blow, re turning from his home at Greenville says that Greenville is . selling very large quantities of tobacco and at very satisfactory prices. He .says cotton is practically not being offered for sale at ' all, the planters nearly having it ginned and taking the bales home and storing them until the mar ket conditions improve He believes most of the farmers are in position tq. hold their cotten indefinitely r 1,200 Homeseekers Coming. Whiteville. The Homeseekers ex cursion, which will come from North! era and" Western states during the progress of the Bolton corn show, November 5, 6 and 7, will bring to Columbu3 county not less than 1,'200 homeseekers and the different com mercial organizations of the country are busy, preparing for their, . arrival, and hope to find a suitable place for each one of. them. At this time, New Hanover and Brunswick counties will join Columbus In showing to the Westerners what our soil produces, and by this means it hopes to induce them to settle with us. Lay Cornerstone for Church. Asheville. Impressive ceremonies featured the laying of the cornerstone of the Lady Chapel of Saint Mary's Episcopal Parish, work upon which was started a few weeks ago. The services were in charge of Rev. Chas. Mercer Hall, the rector of the parish and were attended by members and friends of the congregation. Interest ing books, church papers, a list of the roll of members, a Bible and copies of the local newspapers were placed in the cornerstone. The msic was m interesting feature of the service. COMING EVENTS. iTast Carolina Fair, Newborn Oct. 27-30. Granville Co. Fair, Oxford Oct. 28-29. Cumberland Fair, Fayetteville Oct. 29-30 Edgecombe Co. Fair, Tarboro Nov. 3-6. State Election Nov. 3. Johnson Co. Fair, Smithfleld Nov. 4-6. Pitt Co. Fair. Greenville Nov. 12-13. Anson Co. Fair, Wadesboro Nov. 18-20. State Teachers' Assembly, Charlotte November 25-27. Trinity Declamation Contest, Trinity Col lege November 27. North Carolina Community Service Week, December 3-5. Farmers' Union State Meeting, Green ville. December 18-20. Annual Live Stock Meeting, Statesville January 19-21, 1915. TAR HEEL NEWS FRIEFS. Mr. J. B. Cornelius, aged 82, a prominent manufacturer and business man of Cornelius, died recently at his home in Davidson, where he was re siding. The Asheville Y. W. C. A. has fitted up a gymnasium and classes have been organized. The Eastern conference of Free Will Baptists have just held annual session at Kinston. The Wilmington cotton mills are running on full time and have bright outlook for future. There are 3,622 pupils in the city schools of Asheville. The Congressional Record of Octo ber 16 contains the speech of JuJo R. W. Winston on "The Case of the Farmer," delivered at the A. & M. College,, Raleigh, in August before the Annual Farmers' Convention and Round-up. It is a plea for financial aid to rural life. E. J. Harris has been elected as president of the North Carolina Fair Association to succeed John A. Mills. Warsaw tobacco market sold in one day recently 106,000 pounds of tobac co at an average of 14 cents per pound. It is seen now that it will not be possible to occupy the remodeled Fed eral building at Raleigh by November 1st as has been hoped for some time, but it is hoped that it will not be long after that date before the various lo cal departments of government work can be moved into the new and larsrer quartern

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