7 AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by Lydiq : E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ColumboB,Ohio. "I had almost jiven tip. I had been sick for six years with I female trouble! and nervousness. I had a pain in my right side and could cot eat anything with out hurting my stomach. .1 could not drink cold water at oil nor eat any kincof raw fruit, nor iresh meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that 3 fell over. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and ten days later I could eat and it did not hurt my stomach. I have taken the medicine ever since and I feci like a new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds ao you can see what it has done for me already. My husband says he knows your medicine has Baved my life." Mrs. J. S. Barlow, 1624 South 4th St, Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health and strength to the weakened organs of the body. That is why Mrs. Barlow, a chronic invalid, recovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from any , female ailments to insist upon having Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. iiimiimlilltilliiiiimm Mill Incidental Embellishment. "Itemember," said the man who takes life seriously, "that riches have wings." - "Well," replied Mr. Dustln Star, "the fact that . a fried chicken has wings doesn't prevent me from enjoying it" To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the'Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label 1 showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. - The gainine drives, oat malaria, the Iron tilds up the system. 50 cents. .Production of copper in the United States is more than 25 times what it was in 1880. ... - Wright'a Indian Vegetable Pills bare atoo4 the teat of time. Teat them yourst-If now. Bn for sample to 873 Pearl street, N. Y. AdY. There are 98 wire factories in the - United States. Thousands Tell It Why dally along with backache and kidney or bladder troubles? Thousands tell you how to find relief. Here's a case to guide you. And it's only one of thousands. Forty thousand Ameri can people are publicly praising Doan's Kidney Pills. Surely it is worth the while of any one who has a bad back, who feels tired, nervous and run-down, who endures distressing urinary disor ders, to give Doan'it Kidney Pills a trial. A North Carolina Case Mrs W. A. Morley. -Jvtry rwirf Tefc iSbrj" D9 rema.nu aw., Aahevllle, N. C. says: "I was In bad shape with kidney trouble. I had dizzy headaches along with nervous spells a n d my kidneys didn't act as they should. I also suf fered severely from backache and could hardly straighten af- n ter stooping. When I ' saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised. I got some and they rid me of all the trouble. Get Dean's at Any Store, 50c a Be DOAN'S VLIY FOSTER-&ULBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives.. They are dtuuu. narsn, unnecessary. iry(ps CARTER'S LITTLE J UYER PILLS f J 1 X Purely vegetable. , Bendy on the liver, ruminate Dtie. ana soothe the delicate nembrsjie of the. bowel. -Curt Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Hud. acha and Intiftstlen, as Billions knew. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature Act J A, I Carter rilTTLE IVER PILLS. yUveryWoniaii Wants X fVUmm """.mmma r i .. j l7. ISA FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved la water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended hy Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years. A healing' wonder for nasr I catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hu extrstxdinafy deanriua and sjecniicidal powW, L juBplf free, sue. au anigsuo. or potnia 67 Xru. The PxtonToil-t Company. Borton, Mms. 'RHEUMATISM la completely washed out of the system by ten gals, (three weeks) of the cele brated Shivjir Mineral Water, costing only two dollars. Tastes fine; positively guaranteed by money back, on return of the two loaned carboys, should you report "no benefit." Mention tout ex press office 'Address. Shlvar Spring, Box 42, Shf llon.S.C LATE NORTH CAROLINA MARKET QUOTATIONS Western Newspaper Union Hews errtoe Prices Paid by Merchants for Farm Products In the Markets of North . Carolina as Reported to.the Division f Markets for the Week Ending Saturday ,3ept. 23, 1916. , Ashevllle. Corn, $1.07 tm; cats, 69c bu; Irish potetooes, S3 bbl ; sweet potatoes, 90c bu; apples $1.2Q;$1.50 bbl. Western butter,. 35c lb; N. C. butter, 36-37c lb; eggs, 31c doz; spring chick ens, 16c lb; hens, 15c lb. Charlotte. Corn, 11.05 bu; oats, 60c bu; Irish potatoes, $3.50 bjl; sweet potatoes, 75 cents bu. N. C. butter, 35c lb j eggs, 30c dox; spring chickens, 20c lb; hens, 15-17c lb. ' , Cotton, middling, 15 c; cottonseed, 65c bu. r Durham. Corn, $1 bu; ocuts, 58c bu; Irish po tatoes, $4 bbl; sweet potatoes, 75c bu; apples, $4 bbl. Western butter, 35c lb; N. C. butter. 35c lb; eggs, 27c doz; spring chickens, 20c lb; hens, 10c lb. Cotton, middling, 15c. Fayetteville. ' Corn, $1.05 bu; oats,' 58c bu; swt potatoes, 75c bu. Western butter, 35c lb; N. C. butter, 85c lb; eggs, 30c doz; spring chickens, 15c lb; hens, 10c lb. Cotton, middling. 15c; cotton seed, 75c bu; lbs. of meal for ton of seed, 2000. Goldsboro. Corn, 90c bu;' sweet potatoes, 76c bu. , Eggs, 35c doz; spring chickens, 20c lb; hens, 17c lb. Cotton, middling, 15Uc; cotton seed, SOc bu. Greensboro. Corn, $1 bu; oats, 60c bu; Irish po tatoes, $4 bbl; sweet potatoes, 50c bu; apples, $2.75 tbl. N. C. butter, 35c lb; eggs, 30c doz; spring chickens, 18c lb; hens, 14c lb. Cotton, middling, 15c.'" ' Hamlet. Corn, $1.10 bu; oats, 65c bu; sweet potatoes, 75c bu. Eggs, l30c doz; spring chickens, 18o lb; hens, 15c lb. Cotton, middling, 15c; cotton seed, 65c bu. " ( ' Lumberton. Corn, $1.10 bu; sweet potatoes; 60o bu. Western butter, 35c lb; N. C. butter, 35c lb; eggs, 30c doz. Cotton, middling, 15 c; cotton seed, 75c bu; lbs. of meal for ton of seed, 2500. Maxton. Corn, $1.10 bu; oats, 58c bu; sweet potatoes, 75c bu. Western butter, 40c lb; N. C. butter, 40c lb; eggs, 25c doz; spring chickens, 21c lb; hens, 12c lb. Cotton, middling, 15c; cotton seed, 75c bu; lbs. of meal for ton of seed, 2500. Monroe. Corn, $1.10 bu; oats, 60c bu; Irish potatoes, $3.75 bbl ; sweet potatoes, 75c bu; apples, $3.50 bbl. N. C. butter. 31c lb; eggs, 26c doz; spring chickens, 18c lb; hens, 11c lb. Cotton, middling, 15.85c; cotton seed, 74c bu. Newton. Corn, $1.05 bu; oats, 65c bu; Irish potatoes, $3.60 bbl; sweet potatoes, 55c bu; apples, $1.50 bbl. - Eggs. 26c doz; spring chickens, 15c lb; hens, 11c lb. Cotton, middling, 15c; cotton seed, 60c bu; lbs. of meal for ton of eed, 2000. Raleigh. Corn, $1.02; oats, 56c bu; Irish potatoes, $3.75 bu; sweet potatoes, 50o bu; apples, $3.50-$4.00 bbl. Western butter, 38c lb; N. C. butter, 33c lb; eggs, 27c doz; spring chickens, 18c lb; hens, 14e lb. ' Cotton, middling, 15c; cotton seed, 65c btt. Salisbury. Corn, $1.10 bu; oats, 58c bu; Irish potatoes, $4 bbl; sweet potatoes, 75o bu. Western butter, 35c lb; N. C. butter, 32 lb: spring chickens, 30-40c each; hens, SOc each. Scotland Neck. . Corn, $1.05 bu; oats, 60c bu; Irish potatoes, $3.25 bbl; sweet potatoes, 75c bu. Western butter, 35c lb; N. C. butter, 35c lb; eggs, 25c doz; spring chickens, 18c lb; hens, 12Vc 1 Winston-Salem. Corn, 95c bu; oats j bu; Irish po tatoes, $3.35 bbl; sweet potatoes, 55c bu; apples, $2-$3 bbl. Chicago, III. No. 2 white corn 87-89c (delivered in Ral4eh $1.02-$1.04) ; No; 2 yellow corn. 87-88 c (delivered In Raleigh, $l.02-$103). Butter, 29-32c (creamery); eggs, 299-30c (firsts). New York. Irish potato-'- " ' $3.50 bbl; sweet potatoes, $1.50-$2 bbl. Butter, 34-35c (extra) ; eggs, 37-38c (extra fine). Thread In Your New Wick. To put a new v.ick in any lamp burner carefully . and quickly, first thread a needle, then run the thread across the wick and pass the needls through the burner. i BAD HOUSING CAUSES MISERY New Vork Tenement Expert Describes Evil Conditions Llvlnu in Small Place Best After All. Tfte three great scourges of man kind, disease, poverty and crime, are largely due to bad housing, accord ing to John J. Murphy, New York's tenement house commissioner, whose official task it is to study and remedy as far as possible improper housing conditions In New York city. Mr. Murphy, who is the only tenement house commissioner in the United States, recently had published an ar ticle on housing conditions, based on his Investigations in large centers of population, In which he said : "There can be no question that the three great scourges of mankind, dis ease, poverty and crime, are in a large measure due to bad housing, In its broadest sense. Intemperance in many of Its most repugnant forms may be traced to the fact that so many citl rens are obliged to live in homes In which they can take neither pride nor comfort and which make the saloon seem desirable by contrast.'. "Bad housing is especially detri mental in its consequences to the chil dred reared under Its Influence. In many cases the evil Influences of en vironment can never be eradicated. The need for the erection of Institu tions for the blind and hospitals for the child victims of tuberculosis, spinal meningitis and other diseases of like character is greatly intensified by bad home conditions. . The employee liv ing In a house inadequately lighted and ventilated is unable to perform his task with proper energy and intelli gence. Women compelled to live in such houses develop tendencies to irri tability, which frequently lead to fam ily disruption. "Bad housing tends to Increase the tax burdens of a community by requir ing larger expenditures for remedial service,, which might otherwise be elim inated. . The lack of proper cleanliness and decency In the exterior and Inte rior of houses tends to reduce the self respect of the occupants. Note how eagerly the family which has . even slightly Improved its financial stand ing seeks buildings with more attrac tive exteriors and better decorated rooms. It will also be. found that as families descend in the social scale one of the pangs most keenly felt is the necessity for the occupancy of quarters in buildings whose general ap pearance Indicates that they are occu pied by the miserably poor." WATCH THE PAINTER AT WORK Poor Economy in Using Shoddy Mate rial and Cheap Labor Where Looks of Homo Are Concerned. In no branch of the building game is poor material and workmanship so common as in exterior painting, says a writer In Popular Mechanics Maga zine. The architects specifications for painting generally set forth that the painting contractor must pro vide all the materials of every descrip tion, Including ladders, scaffolding, ropes, brushes, etc., for the proper per formance of the work In a substantial and workmanlike manner; all the ma terials to be of the best of their re spective kinds, and all woodwork to be thoroughly cleaned before being painted; all nail holes, Joints, cracks and defects In materials to be filled with putty ; all jointed work to be sand ed smooth before applying the second coat. The specifications then itemize what work is to be done, and how, as fol lows: All outside woodwork to be given a certain number of coats of good white lead and linseed oil paint, mixed to correspond with the color se lected by the owner on outside blinds or shutters, exterior of sash, window screens, door screens, outside doors, tin and galvanized Ironwork, Ironwork, roofs and cement work. The homebuilder should know wheth er his specifications are rightly drawn and whether they are being followed by the painting contractor. Undoubtedly the best way of know ing If the work is being rightly done, Is to know how to do it.' Wordless Traffic Signs. - Unlettered road signs are being used to regulate motor-car traffic on the driveways of a Fargo, N.. Dn park. Although they do not give a motorist a single word of Instruction or warn ing, they have served their purposes efficiently. At best, road signs detract more or less from the appearance of a parkway or boulevard, especially when they are literally signboards. While those used in Fargo are only a small improvement In this respect, they hold a good suggestion. One of these signs was recently erected to di rect traffic Into a new artery branch ing from an old and much-traveled one. It consists of a white post, at the top of which are two arms, the right one pointing in the direction to be pursued, while the other hangs down. Although this means a reversal of the accustomed direction of travel, from the beginning motorists turned in to the new road without hesitation. Popular Mechanics Magazin. Calomer - Every druggist here, yes! your ch everybody's druggist has noticed a gi, off in the sale of calomel. They alK, same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taKtfiy place. - "Calomel is dangerous and people know it while Dodson's Liver Tone is safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist. A large family-sized bottle costs only 50 cents and if you find it doesn't take the place of dangerous, salivating calomel you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant-tasting, pure ly vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine, no sick headache, biliousness, ague, c a dose of calomel torTfth, you will feel sick, weak and naus a day s work! Dodson's Liver Tone is-'real liver medicines You'll know it next morning because you w22 wake up with your head clear, your liver active bowels clean, breath sweet and stomach regulatedL You will feel cheerful and full of vigor and readyr for a. hard day's work. - You can eat anything afterwards without risfc oi salivating yourself or your children. Get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and try hz o.i my guarantee. You'll never again put a doefii of nasty, dangerous calomel into your stomach. Adr. An Eye to Business. "This play Is the worst ever. I am going to demand my money back." "Walt until after the next act, old man. Ten years elapse between acts X and 3, and you can demand interest on your money for that length of time." St. Louis Lady Cured of Eczema. 6639 Vernon St., St Louis. Mo. I have had Eczema for four years and lave tried everything possible to cure It, without success, unUl I tried Tetterine. Tour medicine has cured me after six months' trial. Miss A. B. King. Tetterine cures Eczema. . Itching1 Piles, Ring Worm, Dandruff and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterine 60c: Tetterine Soap 25c. At druggists or by mall direct from The Shuptrine Co., Sa vannah, Ga. With every mall order for Tetterine we rive a box of Shuptrine's 10c Liver Pills free. Adv. There are 1,390 fish preparing fac tories in Spain. Harbinger of Autumn. "You are as merry as a cricket this morning." "Yes," replied the cheerful subur banite. "When I issued forth from my dwelling I saw something on a vacant lot that convinced me this terrible summer Is about ended." "What did you see?" "A billboard carrying nn advertise ment of fall overcoats." Dr. Peerjr'i "DEAD SHOT" la aa effecUre medicine for Worms or Tapeworm in adults or children. One dose is sufficient and no supplemental purge Beeessarjr. Adr. Constant Reader. "Bliggins is a pessimist, Isn't he?" "Yes. He's so fond of bad news that he goes down cellar every morning to read the gas and electric meters." No Fun in That. "Why did you break the engags- ment?" "Well, my fiancee got to Lmitatfnge one of these movie queens. SSMfc thought It was cute to shoot me & swift kiss tinder the ear." MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Croup, Pneumonia an? Asthma ; GOOSE GREASE LINIMENT: for Neuralgia, Rheumatism aCL Sprains. For sale by all Druggl9t&. GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, MFBTB Greensboro, N. C. Adv. The Usual Way. Browning I understand you wers at the races yesterday? Greening Y-yes, but I happened ft pick one before he was ripe. HOW TO MAKE COFFEE By the greatest coffee merchants in the world T4A, pictures oflknee wives and what their husbands say of their coffee There has been a great deal written and said about making coffee, and wherever you go, each woman thinks her way i3 best. Yet we all know how much coffee varies; good one meal bad the next often so bad you simply can't drink it. Don't be discouraged if you are not getting coffee as fine as you would like to have. Don't be satisfied to drink coffee which is "just me dium." A million other women make coffee their husbands brag about, and it is so easy for you to do it. Instead of coffee which you only put up with because you can't get the kind you would like to have, you can get coffee which every mem ber of your family will enjoy, coffee whichu every visitor will praise, coffee which you your self couldn't do without. toil Mlri. Jen krciffm How to make BoiUd Coffee; the wit moet people make cof fee! Be snre that the pot ia elan. Have your coffee ground medium fine, juit the aize Ar bucklea' Ground coffee U. Al low one heaping tableepoonfut to each cup of water, with one 'extra spoonful of coffee for the - pot: Put the coffee into the pot. add cold water. Let boil until it is just thefctrentrth you like. Settle with a dash of cold wa ter. The Drip Method, the aim. . plest way s Have your coffee : ground very fine, almost to a powder. Use only half a table, spoonful toa cup. w ith an extra one for the pot. (Thia method requires only half as much cof fee as used for other methods.) Put the coffee in a pieccjof oitan cheesecloth; pour boiling water through it slowly through once only. Be sure to have water boiling. This does not make aa strong coffee aa boil ingif you want it stronger, don't mcJce it this way in creasing the amount of coffee won't make it any stronger. Percolator coffee the ur. est method i Use a medium fine ground coffee for percola tors, (just the size Arbuckles Ground coffee is). Allow a table spoonful to each cup of coffee and one extra; let the waterper coiate up through the coffee un til it is just the right strength. Making coffee this way. you can have it just as mild or strong as you like, and you can rely en its being good every tune. tin, Grun utvr un aaytAta ttU a yirwiatet To get these results, the coffeo itself must be right and must always be the same Thing you ahould watch ovt for Mr. Smith bmUm drip oojjtt The caff ee itself t There are hundreds of varieties of coffee grown. The coffee itelf must be put tip by men tsho lenovt cojfe I Arbuckles' Coffee is. It ia put up by ArbuckJ Bros., the greatest coffee merchants in the world. They can give you the value in coffee which noon else can afford to give. Clean and fresh i No matter how good coffee itself is, if it isn't well taken care of, it makes a poor drink. Arbocklea' Coffee is put up in sealed, dual., proof packages, carefully wra. ped to protect it from moisturv dirt, store odors. It ar.ives i s your kitchen strong, full cf flavor. Always the same: Arbuckles' Coffee today is the biggest sell ing coffee in the United States. Did you ever stop to think what this means? To think how good a coffee must be to be the bfg gest seller in the United State? From the moment i t was put on the market, it waa a success. Today, it ia used in over a mil lion home in the United State. Beautiful Glftst We share our profits with you by giving you useful and beautiful premiums for signature aaved from Ar buckles' packages. We buy pre miums for over million users of Arbuckles' Coffee. Buying in such largequanti ties makes it possi ble for ua to gi ve t he great est premium values ever seen. In every package of Arbuckles Coffee there is a circular show ing our premiums. Be sure to get it and see how quickly and eavily you can get what you want, all without any cost. Get Arbuckles Coffee from your grocer today, either the Whole ilean or the new Ground, Arbuckle Bros., 71Ch-l Water Street, New York (Ma.Jonu) (MlSmtm) MW V 1MMK WM SOHJ HIS CSU TM( Af VOW " HT I f VIA MUttOU (Mem) " V7' J r . m.X7. Nottingham Lace Curtxunm. t,fh curtain si yard mi nd Am and thrw-qurUr yaramlonq. On woman wrxtm . hoe had tr af trovr 6iiu(tul carlaiM In ytar and (Ay arc ttxit good." Hi r-'rnr vrr r nr-i trt bus, or too and MS txenatvrta. All their VTEves use Arbuckles' start to use it yourself give your husband a chance to brogS j 4

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