I BEACON FLASHES. Mr. A. Swain returned from Indianapolis this ',v;k, Mrs A. VV. Swain is visiting friend-? in Raleigh this week. In event of a shortage in gold vii might use eggs as a circulat ing medium. Miss Martha Hornthal is visit ing friends and relatives in Suf folk this week. Cuite a numb :r of our county j people are here attending Court this week, Mr. Allen Dupree, who has been in Rocky Mount for some time returned home this week. No fluctuations. however. have been noted in the market quotations on postage stamps- A "Charity Ball" will be held at Blount's Hall tonight by ladies of the Episcopal Church. No, there is no selfishness a bout some men. They just grab everything in sight and then howl for the sight. Miss Had Campbell of Rocky Mount, is visiting her brother, Mr. J. R. Campbell, on Washing ton Street. Miss Elizabeth Burbage of Co mo, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. it. Campbell, on Wash ington Street. Rev. G. T. Adams, Presiding Elder, 01E. City district, will preach here Sundav at the Methodist Church. Coroner B. F. Halsey of Roper, ahd Treasurer A. L. Holmes of Creswell, were among our visit ors this week. The Grand Jury,' with C. V. .White as foreman, finished up their work and were discharged Tuesday afternoon. Hon. J. C. Coggins was home for a few days this week to look after the interests of his clients in the Court room. The business man of Plymouth gav a very delightful banquet last night. Next week we will publish a detailed account of the event. n f T c ri i e vi rs. j. ii'jgdr ana imam daughter, returned frcm Balti mora Sundjy been visiting her for sometime. Mr. T. J. Simmons and family left Monday for South Georgia. Mr. Simmons has been associat ed with the installation of water works here. orses & Mules! If You Are Looking For Sound Smooth Young Good "3 orses c& M"ies SEE LOUIS P. HORNTHAL tee met at Mackeys Jan. 17th. to make definate arrangements for County Commencement. i i Mrs Shugar has ! parents there Mr. J. S Shugar has just re ceived a new load of horses and mules, and complete stock of ex cellent buggies. He invites your inspection. "The Fall of a Nation" will be shown here next Wednesday night. This picture was shown here "some few days ago, and those who Witnessed it are not stingy with their utterance of praise. Among the visiting Attorneys attending Court here this week were: Messers. S. C. Bragaw, H S. Ward, J. D. Grimes and W.B. Rodman, Jr., of Washington, and J. N. Pruden of Edenton. FOR RENT House vacated by Dr Gi'mer for rent; Modern, 7-room dwelling, electrically lighted, can arrange for water works. Apply to Geo. W. Hardi son. city. tf Mr. L? P.- Hornthal received another load of very fine horses and mules Tuesday. As usual he,'ssuesan invitation to every body to come and inspect the stock he has brought here, which are offered for sa! with his per sonal guarantee of "satisfaction or no sale " L03T, STRAYED OR STOLEN Small bull do'.r, about 4 months old, disappeared about Jan. 1st. Answers to namo of "'Wooga," Suitable reward will be given for informat ion leading to his where? aborts Brown, with whi'elegs and white tins on rd rf tail. M. H Dix-n, Jr. Teachers Meet. j Jan 13th. at Mackeys thirty! of Washington County teachers met with County Sunt. John W. Dirdjn to organize themselves into a working body. Mr. E. T. Campbell was elected President and Miss Gussie Carstasphen Secretary and Treasurer. The asM nrlv voLd to have a courtv opm.nvM. cement at Ply mouth on March oO. 1917. A program committee was sppoint ed to begin work on the County Commencement. 1 his com mi t- Brilliant Affair at Roper. Probably the largest and most thoroughly enjoyed social event ever held at Roper, was the dance given last Friday night by the Cotillion Club of that place. Tneir capacious ball room was filled with invited guests from all nearby towns. Music was furnished for the occasion by Crocker's orchestra, of Norfolk. Those participating in the ev ening's enjoyment were: Miss Corrinne Smith, Ply mouth, Elmer Spruill; Mbs Car rie Smith, Plymouth, Jim Ches son; Miss Hattie Peacock, Nath an McAllister; Miss Jessie Spru ill, Claire Clayton; Miss Florence Way. E. S. Blount; Miss Kather ine Way, Belhaven, Linwood Hassell. Plvmouth; Miss Mar tha Hornthal, Plymouth, Rich ard Dixon, Edenton; Miss Ruth Bell, Edenton, Cyril Walker: Miss Bernice, Fagan, Asa John ston; Miss Dorothy Hart. Nath an Spruill; Miss Lou Inu-t, Nor man Chesson; Miss Annie Ca" boon, William Thompson; Miss Lula Cahoon, J- W. Buchanan; Miss Thelma Mathews, Joe Sam anee; Miss Mary Smith, Ply mouth, Elmer Cadell, Plymouth; Miss Isa Gaylord, Ben Peacock; Miss Margarett Williams, H. E. Clayton; Miss Aline Peacock, Amos Edwards; Miss Dorothy Willy, Plymouth, Geo. B. Dixon, Plymouth, Misj Sadie Chesson, Plymouth, Fenton Reid, Ply mouth; Miss laura Norman, Greensboro, Harry Walker, Cres well; Miss Lena Latham Ply mouth, Hal Williford, Plymouth Mrs. R. P. Walker, Plymouth, Harry Latham, Plymouth; Miss Millie Spruill, Clarence Ausbon, Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L. Smith,' Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Watts, Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hampton. Plymouth; Mrs. C. D. Loane, Jr Plymouth; Mrs. R. W. Johnston Plymouth; C. W. Cahoon, Ply mouth. Stag3: Messers Louis and Lloyd Horton, Edgar Latham and Emmitt Blount, of Plymouth Joseph Pinner of Columbia. J. M CJagon and Ben Halsey. Chaperones: Mesdames, W. T, Spruill, Ida Blount, A. G. Hart, J. S. Leary, J. 0. Highsmith, Jno. Sanford, H. M. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. C, Johnston, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Speight. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Halsey, and Miss A. C. Carstarphen. Delicious luncheons were ser ved at the homes of Mrs. War ren Cahoon and Mrs. W. T. Spruill. Those at Mrs. Cahoons were Misses Martha Hornthal, Lena Latham, Lula and Annie Cahoon and Mrs. R. P. Walker, Messrs. R. D. Dixon, Hal Williford, Harry Latham, J. W. Buchanan and Charlie Cahoon. Those at Mrs. Spruill's were Misses Corinne, Carrie and Mary Smith, Millie and Jessie Spruill Mrs. R. W. Johnston. Messrs. Elmer Spruill, Jim Chesson, Clarence Ausbon, Claire Clayton, Linwood Hassell and Teddy Blount. Superior Court. The January Term of Superior Court commenced here Monday morning at 10:00 o'clock with Judge F. A. Daniels presiding and Hon. J. C. B- Ehringhaus representing the Slate as Solici tor. The criminal was disposed of during the first two days, the following cases being heard; State vs. Leah Harrison, as sault, guilty, prayer for judge ment suspended. State vs. Si j Johnson, entering and larceny, not guilty. State vs, Tom Long, retailing, ! not guilty. j State vS, Robt. Rittersor, rc I ceiving, mistrial. I State vs, Claud Upton, assault, , (2 cases), guilty, defendant find $25.00 in each case, defend ant appealed to Supreme Court. State vs, Hoge Wood ley, a. d. w. not guilty. The following Civil cases, so far, have been disposed of: J. T. McAllister vs. J. C. Gat lin, compromised. Andy Lewis vs Annie E. Lewis divorce, judgement for plaintiff. W. I. Lanier, et al vs. N. S. R. R. Co. damages, compromised. Mrs. Nellie C. Beasley vs. N o. ic XV. bo. damages compro mised. J. U. Barnes, vs. N. S. R. R. damages (2 cases) compromised. W. H. Righter vs. W. U- Tel. Co. damages compromised, B. F. Bateman vs. N. S. R. R, Co.-damages compromised. Edward Saunder vs N. S. R. R. Co. damages, compromised. p. O. Brinkley, J. M. Arps et al vs J. L. Roper Lumber Co. damages .compromised. W. L. Harrison vs. N. S. R R. Co. damages compromised. Thos. Ausbon vs. Lossie Aus-? bon divorce judgement for plain tiff. G, M. Biggs vs J. S. Shugar damages, judgement in fayor of plaintiff. Southern Distributing Co , vs, Hallowell, Judgement for plain tiff. Rouse, Hepstone & Co., vs, Gaylorvd, judgement for plaintiff. Mrs. Robt. Bateman vs. Tele graph Co., judgement for de fendants, plaintiff appeals. Pearlie Pierce vs, John Pierce, divorce, judgement for plaintiff. A. L. Alexander vs. Thomas Blount; judgement for plaintiff. A. T. Ange, et al, vs, N. S. R. R. Co., compromised. H. C. Spruill, vs, A. J. New berry, et al., compromised. The week's calendar being dis posed of, Court adjourned sime die, yesterday evening. since attaining his judicial honors, is holding the Courts of the First Judicial District, has been presiding over our court this week. Judge Daniels, while person ally unknown to most of us. wss no stranger. As the law asso ciate of the late lamented C. B. Aycock, and brother of Secretary Josephus Daniels, he was well known. But to know him as Judge Daniels needs no intro duction through illustrious as sociates. His own personality at once captivates and you feel that you have met an old friend; a gentleman kind, courteous and considerate, yet upon the bench a Judge, quick to grasp all points at issue in a case and to rule with dignity, dispatch and firm ness of dicision. Judge Daniels will always find a warm welcome by our people. A Play For Patriots "The Fall of a Nation" is sure to stir patriotic enthusiasm when presented for the second time here on Wednesday, Jau. 24 at the MAJESTIC. In New York and Chicago the great spetacle was the mecca of many tnous ands of patriotic Americans who cheered the big scenes to the e cho. Thomas Dixon's play (as Victor Herbert's accomqanying music) vibrates with genuine A mericanism. The author des cribes it as "a bugle call to arms for the national defence!" The story is of an imaginary invasion of the United States by a foreign power. After the defeat of our puny army and the subsequent usurpation of authority at WashT ington, the women of the count ry come to the rescue and by means of a secret, oathbound conspiracy contrive to expell tie invaders. a i f! I H I ;V- 1 il T Irra i ll ! m ' I I I I I il ''.WW, -I K I mmM UT1 mis.'. , -li'M rT l V tM 'J ,'ri ft-" v . f K m . . . 0.0 ano, , JLOwnjunw 1 mcWnk(nr Bank your money to-day. You must do so to have it to-morrow. BANK WITH US. We pay 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit. Washington County Bank Plymouth, N. C. 2 CHERRY NEWS. Cherry School is another week on meales. stiil delayed account of Farmers are busy .hauling ash es and making preparations for another crop. Miss Heppie Carr of Kinston Miss Estelle Chesson of Plymouth returned Saturday to continue their school work, but owing to the epidemic of measles they are enjoying another week holidays. Mr. W. K. Ainsley returned Wednesday, to Rjxobel, where he will resume his work with C. T. Peele & Co. It is estimated about seventy- five cases of mumps and measles in the community of Cherry. Messrs. J. F. Snell, H, M. Ainsley and E. F. Spruill, were on a bird hunt Friday, bnt owing to tne inclemency of the weather did not have much success. Miss Carrie Davenport has been spending the week end with Mrs. H. M. Ainsley. Messrs. White and Shugar are making fne progress in the horse business. The new road just completed over the Creek adds quite an im provement to the lower part of Cherry- Good Clothes Good Manners Good Job. Get "RIGHT IN THE SWIM." You can wear Better Clothes at Less Cost. You'll enjoy paying us a visit for you'll learn a lot about clothes. You will find that vve, will save you money, and make you a better dressed man. Come in and see our display of woolens; it's without an equal anywhere at our prices. All cur garments guar anteed to fit and satisfy. We do not add 20 or 50 per cent. :o the cost to make good time prices or losses, but give you 100 per cent, value. If anyone can dup licate our style, fabrics, workmanship and prices we will not ask you for the order. No one in the country can meet our prices. i; EVERETT & SON When Yon' Build That Hoese You naturally want to consider Qualaty Judge Frank Daniels. Hon. Frank A. Daniels of Goldsboro, for the first time NOTICE, By virtue of authority vested in me by a iriortgage execu ed by J, II. Hor ton & wife on the 4th day of Maneh 1911 and recorced in the Register of Deeds office in Washington County in Book btt at page 90, I shall on the 16th day of February 1917 at 12 o'clock offer for sale at the Conrt House door in Washinut-n Connty the lands known and designat ed as follows: The land on which the parties of the first part now lives, the sBid land is bounded on the South by G II. Bowen, on the West by the Joe lies ton land, on the East by the Roper Lumber Company land, and on the North by the Harrison lanu containing 25 acres more or less. This land was conveyed to the said J. H. Horton by Joe Bateman, the ?aid land is known as the McCray tract, the home place joins the Harrison land Joe Boston and the Roper lumber Company, conveyed to said Horton by Armstead Garrett. A. L. Owens, Mortgagee. This the 18 day of January 1917. L. W. Gaylord, Attorney 4t. We are in a position to figure the cost of erecting a building of any size or of any architectural design, and the figures we will offer you will he almost amazing, when the quality of material, the 'efficient service and the expert workmanship we offer are considered. Let us submit plans and figures to you. WALKER-BURKMAN Construction Company, Plymouth, :-: :.: North Carolina Skinnersville News. Mr. L. II. Ambross spent th'? Week end near Roper with his wife and little child and return ed to work Monday. Prof. E. H. Arnold and Miss Lula Spruill attended the teach ers meeting held at Mackeys Saturday. f Miss Ethel Dunbar was the gnest oi' Miss Lula Spruill Sun day. We are glad to have Willie and Philip Stillman back to school again after several days of illness. Having purcnased the plant of theRoinoke Milling Co I will be prepaired to grind corn for the public each Saturday. Will also grind for wholesale trade at all times. P. H. DARDEN 4 Fish are still plentiful sound. in the Subscribe to the BEACON Mr. H. vv. Dunbar has pui chased an iron gray hoase. Joe Pritchett motored to Ply mouth Monday on businrss. NOTICE. North Carolina, Tyrreil County. The undersigned J. A. Swain hereby gives notice that at a sale of lands for taxes made by F. L. W. Cahoon sheriff of Tyrell Couvty North Carolina at the Court House door in said County on the first Monday in May 1910. The undersigned purchased the one half un divided interest in two certain Town lots, situated ou the South side of Main Street, in the town of Columbia and bounded as follows: by Main Street on the North, the Town Canal on the East, J. H. Bateman on the South and by the land of Sarah Cooper on the VVtst. The said land was sold as the property of I. Lavensteen, and listed for him, there s no one in the posessiou of the same, or in control of same fov him and he is a nonresident of the State, and a ter ! due dihgents caanot be found in tht Stata a copyo f this notice has been mailed to his supposed residence in the City of Baltimore Md. Mr. I. Lavensteen will take nntir that unless he pay off the taxes and in terest, ine uneersigned will apply for a deed at the proper time w hie n will be May nrst iyi7. Subscribe to the BEACON. This the 30th day of Dec. 1916. 4t 1-5 Subscribe tot the. BEACON. i