i.'.?,,(,,fTj;, .aft ,iidiwjiiiiViiii fcOMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from hist week) Washington County North Caro lina. The Commissioners of Wash ington County in regular session this first day of January, 1917, realizing tne ne:d or a new Court, Ihnsse for the aforesaid county, and beliveing it to be de maiiutd bv a majority of the Qualified voters thereof, adopt. pass, ar.d ratify the following rtsolut'on: Th it a new Court H;u?e be bniit for Vvi-5;ingtv:i C.niniy in the town . Fiy.iV.-uth. North Caroliii i- i he pn-.-eit cjursty seal. :h said Court Iiuii-o to be V-uilt of brick, an i thc-said Court HoaHto be built is S)on possible. Tn -t :i uvj ioners f th; . on : Iw 5: ii ia v ceivo bids I'm said ne.v e. i.) . ra-t this first day if January, in ieq:i!a" session. 1917. .f. V. STAur. (sai ) T. I .SATTEiTIIV.'Atri-:, (jfar) A resolution providing for the issuance and delivery of bonds of W-i r.bigr.jn C mnty. North Caro liiii, in (he sum ot .;U 000 00 or m irv i ; Ui? purpose of building r,f ;.l no."' Cojrt liout'in and for said count, present ingthe form i th-'iot. ;.!id ratitviitg rr.u coii- tirming the sv.; of said bonds Bank, &ew York. N. Y. Each of said bonds shall be signed by the Chairman of -the Board of Commissioners ot Washington County, and attested by the Clerk to said Board with the corporate sea' of said county affixed there to. Upon each of the coupons shall be engraved or lithograph ed a facsimile of the siguature of the Chairman of said Board of said county, which fac-simile signature is hereby adopted and authorized as sufficient and au thentic execut ion of said coupons. Slid bonds and counons shall be substantially in the following form, to wit: i.p; of Commis1 , ii I county bee dh d .- of tj; rh. 1017 to Court Ucited States of America. State of North Carolina, Washington County. No. 1. .$1,(XH). Know all men by these presents, That the Countv of Washington, in the State of North Carolina, for value re ceived, acknowledges itself indebted to and he: ehv promises to pay the bearer t!i." sum of One Thousand Dollars on t .e 1st. dav or Jany., with interest th reun at'the rate of 0 per centum per annum, pavable semi annually ,on the tit st day of ".July and Jany., in each year on the presentation and surrender of i he respective coupons hereto attached bearing a fac-simiie of the signature of uo Chairman of said Hoard of Commis si .r.ers of said county, as ihey seveml lv become due. Both prineinal and in terest of this bond are payable in law ful monev of tne United Slates of A i)ie;ica at the Hanover National Bank of Now York City, N. ., and the said county is hereby held r.nd firmly hound ;:u! its faith, credit lvwiie.e and prop erty a:e heieby pledeil iortlie pay ment of the principal and hUre.d Ik-re or at maturity, This bond is one of a series nl bor.ds nf like date, tenor and effect, eM'epi as Wfiereas. the B ard of CoU'ity I to maturity, issued tor money 1 ,mny rnnmUw'i? r f vT-i -!"d I'-'-ton it'd for a necessary expeuse of said bounty, Nortn v. arohr.n. i.as ., f t r buildinr a new Coun House in said county pursuant to ami in strict compliance with he Constitution and found and hereby finds that'll' is necessary to build a nev Cutrl House in and for said cnty; ana VVnoreas, thi; esti.natf d amount necessary for this purio-'e is fo.0G0 nnd W r.ereas. 1 1 is recess iry tor tne dt,c!arotl that au acts, conditions aiu purpose of building a new Court ! ti;inrs required to exist, to happen am s;i-,-.i oi" kp.iH Stnie of Nordi Carolina, and a resolution reoubrly adopted by Hie Board of Commissioners of said county tn the 1st day of Jany., l'.'tT, and in a renera! and direct obligation of the County of Washington, it Jc ln-11-j-.v certified, recited and ana :ind Hc:ue that siid county borrow tb.. sum of Fifty Tb.ouHand Do lars upon the faith arid rrdit of said coanty; now therefore, Be t resolved by tha Board of C runty Commissioners of Wash ington County. Stile of North Ca - o;; i't'd'. :-:ec-:i(.m L. Tlnfc for the pur-p-.-3 of building a new Court House- in and for said county th-ve be borrowed the sum of $50,000 00 and that for such pur p is th"re be issued the negoti able coupon bonds of saiu county to me annua tof Fifty Taousind 13 )i'-nrs Sai .1 issue shall consist of 50 bonds of the denomination of Sl.i-00 each, numbered 1 to GO, inclusive, dated as of the 1st day of .ianuary. If; 17, shall be due and payable 10 to, 35 yer.rs with 25 yeyr average, and shall bear interest at the rUe of 0 per cent, per annum, payable semiannually on the 1st. d y of Juny. and Jujy in e:uh yar. the saver install mei'its of irterest rol) evidenced by oure-ns f.Ltaeh'-d to paid-'nd.-'. r. o-l both principal and iu-ij'-r s' "di be Dtivaidc in lawful money of tho Unif'-"d States of Aniftriea at Hanover National t.-i h,T lu-rformed. nreeeedeni to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happened and have been perform ed, in regular and dne form and man ner, as required by Jaw, and that this bond together with all oiher indebted ness of said county, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitu tion and Status of said S:a'.. In Witness Whereof, the s:t:dYash inrtou County in the State of North Carolina, has caused this bond to b signed by its Chairman and attested by its Clerk to said Board of Commission ers, and scaled with the seal of said Kiintv as of the 1st. day of Jany., 11)17 J. W. St.uu, Chairman of lj.jqrjj of County Commis sioners. Attested and countersigned: F. R. JouNSf.ix, ers. FORM OF COUPON. No. 1. On July 1 1017, Washington County, North Carolina, will pay to bearer Thir tv and no-100 Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America at the Hanover National Bank, New York City N. Y. bein (j months' interest then clue .';!) its coupon bond dated Jany., 1, 11)17. No. I, J. W. St a t:u. Chairman Board of Commissioner:-. Section 2. It is hereby declarer that ail recitals and statements in the afore said bond are true, and the full faith and credit of the County of Washington are hereby pledged to each successive holder of each of said bonds and coup ons for thb punctual payment of the principal hnd interest thereof when and as the same becomes due, and the said County of Washington hereby cov enants and agrees with each successive holder of each of said bonds, and coup ons, that there shall he levitedand col lected each year on all thetaxble prop erty in said county an annual tax suf ficent to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds at maturity, which tax for the payment of said prin cipal when collected shad be and re main a sinking fund to pay said bonds, and shall be safely and properly and properly kept for this purpose by said county. The tax authorized for the payment of the interest and principal of said bonds shall continue in force until the whoie amount ot the principal and interest shall have been fully paid. The tax hereby authorized for the pay ment of the principal and interest of saiil bonds snail be and the same is hereby levied and directed to be col lected each and every year while any of said bonds and c utpor.s are cut standing and unpaid upon all of the property subject t o taxation by said county. There sh 'll be '-d there is hereby pro vided a sinking fund to he kept by the Treasurer cf aid county and his suc cessors in office to he designated as the "Sinki ng 'Fund for t he payment of Slid bor.ds 11)17," ami the pro- I ceeds of the tax levied above mention- ed for tne purp le of paying the pri.i ' cipal ol said bones, shali be paid iiv.o 'said :;:. icing fun.l s s.ion as the . same has beer, collected and shall re main in the said sinking fund until re 1 quired i or ii:e payment of the princi n.ilofsaid bonds, ami when Hie res pective payments of the principal and interest of the said bands shali fall dee the Treasurer of said couuiv and his successors in office, shali and we here by each respects t-ly antlnrized, direcl ed and commanded to pay out of Ihe money collected for the payment of the interest upon the said bor.ds, and for the payment ed' the principal, thereof, the respective amounts of principal and interest of said bonds as soon as the same shall fall due. Section a. The proceeds of the of said bonds shall he niaced in the Trensurv of the county of Washington and ap plied and expended whollv in buildum" a new Court House in said county and lor sa iu purpose. Section 4. The sale of said bonds by the County of Washington to Sidney Spitzer and Comnany, Toledo, Ohio, at a price of par and accrued interest and free blank bends and a premium of 107 is hereby ratified, approved, and con firmed, and upon the payment by the said jUirch'i.M. rs to 1he Treasurer of said county of the purchase price of said bonds th:' said bonds shall be de livered to said purchasers Section fi. For the assurance of said bonds, and all future owners or holders thereof, it is hereby certified, recited NORTH CAROLINA. FHAUFORT COUNTY. IN THE SITKRIOR COURT. HEFORF THE CLERK. John L. Roper Lumber Company and ' others v s A. M. Lashuay, John Davis, and others. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that further heal ing on t'te preliminary report filed herein December lo. r.)l(, will be held by me at the court house in Washing ton. N. C. on Monday: January 1917, at eleven o'clock iu the forenoon, where and when any party to this proceeding or interested iand ow ner, who was not duly notified of the former hearing thereon, will he heard and objections or exceytions to said report may be fil ed by any such party or land owner in the meaiiiime, elso the said preliminary report and order thereon of January 'A, 1917, will stand confirmed. (liven under my hand and the seal of said Court, this January 1917. Ceo. A. Paul. Ill Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE. Hy virtue of authority vested in me by : mortgage execu o'd by J. II. Her ton X: wife on the 4th day of Manch 1911 and recorced in the Register of Deeds office iu Washington County in Hook ol) at page 90, I shall on the 14th day of January. 1917 at 12 o'clock offer for sale at the Court House door in Washington County the lands known and designat ed as follows: The land on w hich the parties of the first' part now lives, the suiu land is bounded on the South by G 11. Howen, on the West by the Joe lios ton land, on the East by the Roper Lumber Company land, and on the North by the Harrison lanu containing 12. ") acres' more or less. This land was com eyed to the said J. H. 'Horton by Joe Hateman, the aid land is known as ths MeCray tract, the home place joins , the Harrison land Joe Loston and the j Roper lumber Company, conveyed to ! said Horton by Annstead (larrett. A. L. Owens. Mortgagee. This the 1G day of D cember 191G. L. V. Gay lord, Attorney. 4t. Court House door in said County on the first Monday in May 1916. The undersigned purchased the one half un divided interest iu two certain Town lots, situated ou the South side of Main Street, in the town of Columbia and bounded as follows: by Main Street on the North, the Town Canal on the East, J. II. L'ateman on the South and by the land of Sarah Cooper on the West. The said land was sold as the property of I. Lavensteen, and listed for him, there s no one in the posessiou of the same, or in control of same for him aiM he is a nonresident bf the State, and a'ter due diligents caanot be found in the Stata a copy of this notice has been ma led to his supposed residence in the City of Baltimore Md. Mr. I. Lavensteen will take notice that unless he pay off the taxes and in terest, ihe uneersigned will apply for a! need at tne proper time which will be May first 1917. Cour $79, W Irs 2o:u 3irx' 17,921 This the I50th day of Dec. 1910. 4t 1-5 NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of R. C. Cooper, deceased, late of Washington County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Cresvvell, N. C, on or before November 14, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar to their recovery. All pe rsons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 14th dsy of November, 191G. A. L. Cahoon, Adinr. Zicn Vancr Njrmas, Atty. . Gt and d i tv.i the Legislature of the State of North Carolir-a has not passed any aet nr.-s.-ri; ; ig or limiting the a mount of expehdk-ures or said county for iH'ce-a expenses the.'ein, nor prescribing or i.' imukig the a-iount of money whic.'- said couaiy tr.ay borrow for S'leh OU.',e;s Adopted Jan. 1. 1:U7. J. W. .ii'A nr. Chairman of Hoard County Commis sioners. On m.tti-.n duly carried ihe offer of Sidney Sp'ier Co.. Toledo, Ohio, to purchase .'iV'.'K'.i or more of Washing ton County Court House bonds serial from 10 to years with a 2.1 year aver age at () per cent, interest, payable seini-annu thy, both principal and inter est at some bank in New York City, N. Y. , at a nice of par and accrued inter est, furnish blank bonds free and a premium of 107 on the issue, be accept ed and the CI.ar.man of the Hoard is hereby instructed to sign contract and the bonds wnen ready lor delivery. F. R. Jo:rxsTo,n Clerk. ATTOfiNEY-AT-LAVV Oiilci in Harney. Building Piymouth, N. C. NOTICE OP SALE. By virtue of the power and authority vesied in me by an order o.the Superior Court of,V.ashins?lon County in a special proceeding the.;ein penoing entitled, "J. W. Freeman, L. 11. Freeman, C. C. Sessoms and others, vs. W.J. Freeman," I will, on the first Monday of Eedruary, it hoinT the filh. fine of Fodruarv 11)17. : at 12 oVdctck M., at'the Courthouse duos ot ashington Count in tne town ol Plymouth,' N. C. sell to the highcat bid dor for r:i ;h the following re;d t -'ate I lying and being in the County of Wash j ington, and state of North Carolina, to wn: 1st: A tract of land in Washington County on swan Hay containing by es timation 791 acres more or less, bound ed as follows: Reginning at the center of black gum, belly and bay tree on the swamp, running North 1NU poles to a bay tree on the sound; thence up the sound north 75 degrees west (!4() poles: thence south ISO poles; thence 76 d-2 grees east 049 poles to the first station. 2nd: Iieginning at a bay standing near the sound or bay north S' degrees east ISO poles to a cypress and two gums; thence north 4") degrees west 25 poles In iho center of :i black o'um.' hollv nod a nay tree Titos. Redd ill's corner; thence 'along his line north 1G0 poles to the t'irnt vtiO inn. j Place of Sale Courthouse daor, Ply j mouth, N. C. i Time of Sale -12 o'clock M. Eedruary ! oth. 1917- ! Terms of Sale Cash. Jno. W. Davenport, Commissioner. Giliam & Davenport, Attorneys. FojUB Mules. Come to see me if you want a'Largain, C. S. Takkenton, R D 1, Box 20, Mackeys, N C aaui st FOB tUCKACHE KlON-EYSAND 6LADDKH EYPILIS 7,77 1,46 1,12 L9l G,33i TIic Washington Dank at Plymbuth, in the State North Carolina, at the close business D ec, 27, 1916. resources- , Loans aud discounts, Overdralts Secured Overdrafts unsecured, Furniture and Fixtures, Demand loans, Due from National Ranks, Due from State Banks aud Rankers, abh Items, Gold Coin, Silver coin, indluding all mi nor coin currency, National bank notes and other U. S. Notes, Total, $121,72 LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid in, Undivided proiits, less cur rent expenses ijlaxes paid, Notes and bills rediscounted, Deposits subject to check, Time certificates of Deposit, Cashier's checks outstanding, Certified checks, Total, $121,721, State of North Carolina County Washington, ,li)17. j I, W. B. Watts, ashierof the abo named Bank, do solemnly sweat tho above statement is true to the of my knowledge and belief. W. B. WATTS, ashiei Subscribed and sworn to before this 9 day of Jan., 1917. j Geo. W. Hardison, Notary PublicJ orrect Attest : 1 D. O. Br;.jkley, H. CSpruill, ' Harry Stell Directors.' $10,001 I 1,55' l,47i 74,27', 33,54f 72f 14: FORSALE-House and 1 where I now live, on Wshingt( Street, extended. See or vvri for terms and other inprmatio:! J, T. McNair, Plymouth. . . Subscribe to the Beacon. ife .NOTICE. North Carolina, Tyrreil County. Tha undersigned J, A. Swaiti hereby gives notice, that at a salo of lands for taxes made byF. L. W. Cahoon sheriff of Tyrcll Couvty North Carolina at the Kentucky Horse & Mule Exchange Under the Management of ' , J. S. SHUGAR, Plymouth, N. C. The very best that can be bought in HORSES and MULES for our friends and patrons. It is our aim too;ivealla fair deal. The first car-load of horses and mules have gone; the second is here, and the third is coming in this week. This is to show you that we arc selling horses and mules. We are here with the the stock to suit all and prices that will inter est and satisfy you. We propose to carry a complete stock from now on. BUGGIES & HARNESS We are handling a high grade line of the very best makes of of buggies, harness, robes, whips, blan kets and saddles, and we will be very glad to serve all V who arc in need of such. In our new brick stables ' we have ample room to take care of a large number of team and we invite the public to make our stables headquarters when in Plymouth. Remember that we are the people that will give you a guarantee of satis faction; therefore come to see us and don't be mislsd. fa I K 1 u & Il I '.J j! u U I tin 1 r Ma jinn w &V Jji:TtSJ'tH. f:-l 0 a H A Si 9i B' S 1 11H 11 r1 D ik w I ill W III 1.1 WIT 4 . i j Mil - i w k A NIGHT nw wr nw wit-- 7f o A 11 mJJ&q tfi " A v ilii 1 r tI.TL n 25c lMlfll 35c