: r" .iliUP OF FIGS FOR HILD'S BOWELS cru01 to force nauseating, ahh physic into a sick child. Ik at your childhood days the "dose" mother insisted oil, calomel, cathartics. fcted them, how you fought ng them. children it's different. jo cling to the old form of hy don't realize what they iildren's revolt is well-found- tender little "insides" are them. child's stomach, liver and led cleansing, give only deli- llifornia Syrup of Figs." Its bositive, but gentle. Millions jrs keep this harmless "fruit f handy; they know children ((take it; that it never fails to y he liver and bowels and sweet ? stomach, and that a teaspoonful oday saves a sick child tomor- it the store for a 50-cent bottle fornia Syrup of Figs," which lirections for babies, children 38 and for grown-ups plainly ttle. Adv. fcked the Right Spot. (here a rich man has built a lower garden on top of an liOUsie." vould be just the place for a Arden." y?" don't see how th? neighbor's flkens could ever get up there." CUTICURA KILLS DANDRUFF The Cause of Dry, Thin and Falling ' Hair and Does it Quickly Trial Free. Anoint spots of dandruff, itching and Irritation with Cuticura Ointment. Fol- low at once by a hot shampoo with Coticura Soap, if a man, and next morning if a woman. When Dandruff goes the hair comes. Use Cuticura Soap daily for the toilet. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. His Double Duty. Jones walked up the street (he other evening with a box of chocolates under one arm and a bis package of meat under the other. Halloa, Jones!" said Jobson, "you housekeeping? I didn't know you were married." Tm not yet." tv n; i :i im 1 1 1 1 iiiiiii!' wiiii i 1 1 1 i: i- chocolates and that meat, thenV" "Going to see my girl." "Do you have to furnish the family s with meat already?" "Oh, no; the sweets are for the girl and the meat is for the dog. I have to square both." B SICK "CftSCMSETS" Sently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, dizzl aess, coated tongue, foul taste and foul fereath always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the towels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in v testines, instead of being cast out f the system is re-absorbed into the blood- When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick tuing headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A . Cascaret to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. Adv. ' Odd Troubles. "There is one thing queer about splurging on a limited income." "What's that?" "The more you live in a society round the harder you find it to make ends meet." MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Croup, Pneumonia and Asthma ; GOOSE GREASE LINIMENT for Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Sprains. For sale by all Druggists. GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, MFR'S., Greensboro, N. C. Adv. Suitable Kinds. "What measure would you select for a line of light poems?" 'Why not try a gas meter?" If jrou suspect that your child has Worms, single dote of Dr. Peerys "Dead Shot" will aettlo the question. Its action upou the Stomach and Bowels Is beneficial la either case. No secona dose or after pur (alive necessary. Aar. Grammatically Sure. "Can this actor make a .situation tense?" "Certainly, if he's Id the mood." AG HEADACHY 013 Lett .A : on American ivc voiuu Enemies of Washington and Franklin almost succeeded in wrecking the struggling cause. VST year during th" "Clean up week" in Philadelphia, some descendants of Robert .Morris, the financier of the L mm Revolution, worked their way to iiu unused attic. Having decided to dispose of an old desk, curiosity caused them to search its drawers, with the result that a pile of yellow and faded letters, written hy the men who created the nation, was uncov ered. A glance through them showed their great Importance, says Joseph .lackson in the Public Ledger. A reading of some of the letters shows that there will have to be a re arrangement of values of some of the leading characters of the Revolution. In the letters we see how cabals and intrigues and backbiting ranged through the whole governing and oili dal classes. Washington's place as coiiiniander-in-chlef was resented by some, Franklin was alleged by his companions in France to be too old and too indolent, one who should be sent home. Congress was removed to I'.altimore before there was any neces sity for the change, and the delegates murmured at being compelled to live in a town where there were such poor accommodations. Morris evidently was regarded as the true friend of both Washington and Franklin, and to him came the tales of the intrigues against them and how the fate of the war hung in the balance for a time, for had Washing ton been deprived of his command the whole campaign would have been thrown into confusion and into the arms of the British commander. Had Franklin been removed from France at the instigation of his companions, the support that eventually made the nation free would have been with held. It is very well known, of course, that John Adams had declared that lie was sick of the Fabian system and that he thanked God that it was an other and not Washington that re ceived the glory for the Saratoga con vention. But. in a letter written by Benjamin Harrison, one of the sign ers of the Declaration, under date of Williamsburg, Va., December IS, 1777, it is found that both Samuel and John Adams were in league to get rid of Washington. The 11. 11. L. noted in the letter is, of course, Richard Henry Lee. "We have a story circulating here," Harrison wrote, "that there has been a motion made in Congress to divide the command of the army and that R. H. L. was at the bottom of it. It makes much noise, and if true, will ef fectually do his business. We are also informed that Genl. Washington's char acter has been attack'd publicly by S. & J. Adams, and that the Genl. has been so inform'd. "Your being sent to Camp gives me some reason to fear that these reports may be true, and that my worthy Friend resents such treatment, I know his Value & would not loose him. If we do, America will repent it by the loss of her Liberty. The Confed eration is unanimously agreed to by both Branches of the Legislature. "There is one part of it I confess I couldn't have wish'd to have alter'd, which gives the Congress power of regulating the Trades, and of course granting a monopoly of the whole, 'or any part of it to any Nations it pleases, tho' some of our connoisseurs say they have no such power, there being no express grant of It, which tln'ty say is necessary to constitute the rigjit, and that it can't be obtained by implication. I shall be glad of your opinion on the matter. "The Men of War still keep us Blocked up and I dare say will do so all the Winter, In which case many Vessels will rot with their Loads in them, and yours amongst the Rest, and my Ships I fear will share the same fate on the stocks, which will be a most deadly stroke to me, if they do stay the Winter, it will be on aect. of the Frigate at Baltimore which they seem determined not to let proceed to Sea. "We have not a word of News, nor any thing that I know of worth your Notice, except that this Country will i act an Example I hope to the rest of her Sister States, by sending her full ' quota of Troops, and raising as much money as the People can bear. If all the rest do so we may once again meet with joyful countenances and Cheerful Hearts." In a letter dated February lu, 1778, Harrison savs: MUCH IN LITTLE Last year was a banner year for tin production of coal in Alabama. Los Angeles city is rich, holding in the treasury, money, bonds and securi ties of a total value of ?20,514,ir"). Only about W per cent of the na tives of Spain are able to read and write. An automobile coal wagon has been Invented with four separate compart ments, so well balanced that they can be dumped by hand Tt IT T 1 I ers i raw mw nam iv 1 Benjamin Franklin ft "It gives one great pain to be cer tainly inform'd that there are some in the Senate who dislike our Gen eral. I have long suspected it. nay, I something more than suspect it, but had my hopes that his continued Labours and the situation he has ever been in, of always being inferior to the Enemy in numbers, and his men in want of every necessary, circumstances well known in Congress, would in the end have made every man his friend, and have satisfied them that more than he has done would not have been done by any man, and that we have no one that could in any de gree have equal'd him; I am as confi dent of this as I am of my existence that the favorite of tho day Charles LeeV is as far inferior to him, as he is Inferior to any officer in the army, and this truth America will experience to her cost, if ever he should be placed at the head of her armies. Certain I am of one thing, that if this measure takes place a great part of the strength of this Country will be imme diately taken off. "The General is fully Inform'd of all these Cabals, they prey on his Consti tution, sink his Spirits, and will in the end I fear prove fatal to him. If this should lie the case excuse nie for once more repeating it, America will loose perhaps her only prop. He well knows bad consequences would follow his res ignation, or he would not leave it in the power of tiie wicked and designing, thus to insult him. With a few words more I shall finish tins painful Sub ject, Be Ware of Your Board of War. "I am truly sorry for the conduct of your brother, and the disagreeable Scrape he has brot you into, tho' it certainly can not operate to your dis advantage with thinking men. "If you should be under the disagree able necessity of removing your fam ily this way, and you think I can in any Manner be Serviceable to them, I beg you will command nie without reserve; and I think on this occasion you should not depend too much on what you expect Providence will do for us. Such Enthusiasm is very com mendable in the Statesman, but may be carried too far in the Husband and Father. "Let me earnestly recommend the immediate removal of your Family for it is my opinion Gen. Howe will open the Campaign by the first of April well knowing that our recruits can't join the army till May, in which case our Worthy General will once more be induced to the mortifying ne cessity of retreating." There are several letters by Wil liam Hooper, one of the North Caro lina delegation, in which one gets the idea t hat, more than even moderns do, the country then believed' its fate de pended upon the efforts of Washing ton as commander in chief, and that to change horses or to divide responsi bility with another commander would be fatal to the American cause. Three letters from Franklin, two of them written while the philosopher was in France, give a very comprehen sive view of the difficulties he encoun tered through the jealousy of his com panions. The first letter is dated at Paris, December 21, 1777, and shows that harmony was lacking among the American ministers sent there by con gress. "I remember that long before I was ordered here," he wrote, "you did me the Honour to say, you should not dis like being sent to France with me. Since being here, I have frequently wish'd that Appointment had taken dace. I think I should have pass'd my time more comfortably. We are now five of us in tills City, all honest and Capable Men (If I may include my self in that Description) and all mean- Along the Cornwall coast many miners earn a living by washing tin out of the sands, the sea shattering the metal-bearing rocks. An increase in parasitical diseases among poultry and game birds in England Is attributed to the distribu tion of dust through the air by auto mobiles. The population of Manila increased from 234,409 in 1912 to 206,943 at the beginning of 1914. Male inhabitants were more numerous than female by about 32,000. i 'N ft George Washington ing well for the Public, but our Temp ers do not suit, and we are got Into Disputes and Contentions that are not to our Credit, and which I have some times feared would go to Extremes. "You know the natural Disposition of some of us, how jealous, how cap tious, how suspicious even of real Friends, and how positive, after .sus pecting a while, that the Suspicions are certain Truths, Confirmations strong as Proofs from Holy Writ. You will, therefore, I am persuaded, if Com plaints of one another should come to your hands, make due Allowance for such Tempers, and suffer no Man to be condemn'd unheard, I do not write thus on my own Account, as I am not apprehensive of your receiving any Complaints of me; for tho' It is diffi cult to live in peace with such Char acters, how much soever one esteems them for the Virtue and Abilities they otherwise possess, I have, however, done it tolerably hitherto; but as I am not sure it can last, 1 wish most sincerely that we were separated; for our being together seems of no Use, and, as we hinted formerly in a joint Letter, is attended with many incon veniences. "Such Inconveniences being former ly experienced by other States, I sup pose the Reason, that no Power in Europe, for a Century past, has sent more than one Person to one Court. Possibly this desirable Event may soon take place, for if France & Spain ac knowledge us as independent States, the other Courts will follow, and re ceive our Envoys. "I have the Pleasure to assure you, that all Europe is of our side except the King of England and his Placemen and Pensioners, Contractors and Ins pectors. There is, however, a furious Ferment In his Parliament about his Measures, and if you could be fortun ate enough to treat Howe as you have done Rurgoyne, he would be in danger of the old House falling on his Head." In the next letter, which is dated from Pussy, June 3, 17S0, Franklin ex presses himself upon the subject of free ships and free goods. What he had to say must be illuminating in the present European struggle and its ef fect upon neutral commerce of the world. "We are impatient to hear from America, no Accounts of the Opera tions before Cliaiiestown later than the 9th of March having yet came to hand. Everything here in Europe con tinues to wear a good Face. Russia. Sweden, Denmark and Holland are raising a strong Naval Force, to es tablish the free Navigation for Neu tral Ships, and of all their Cargoes, tho' belonging to Enemies, except con traband ; that is, military Stores. "France and Spain have approved of it, and it is likely to become hence forth the Law of Nations, that free Ships make free Goods. England does not like tlds Confederacy. I wish they would extend it still further, and ordain that unarm'd Trading Ships, as well as Fishermen, ami Farmers, should be respected, as working for the common Benefit of Mankind, and never be interrupted in their Opera tions even by national Enemies, but let those only fight with one another whose Trade it is, and who are armed and paid for the purpose." The last Franklin item consists of a contemporary copy of a letter In cipher to Franklin acquainting him that Con gress had passed a resolution express ing the sense of that body that he was not exerting himself with the Govern ment of France In a manner to benefit America. On this Franklin added a line to Morris, saying, "I need not tell you that Messrs. Lee, &c, are among the foremost to make these asser tions." So thoroughly have the men been instructed to avoid it that trench foot is now regarded as a crime among Canadian troops in France. A patent has been granted u New York inventor for a guard to pre vent the fingers of a person using a sewing machine from being pushed under the needle. The Tasmanlan government has dammed a large lake and built a hydroelectric plant for light and power that will be distributed throughout the sta. telMTIONAL SWifSfflOOL Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director of Sunday School Course of Moody Bible Institute.) , (Copyright, 1917. Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 18 JESUS HEALS NOBLEMAN'S SON. LESSON TKXT John 4:43-54. GOLDEN TEXT As thou hast believ ed, so be it done unto thee. Matt. 8:13. This event occurred a few days aft er that of last Sunday's lesson. It was JesuV second miracle in Cana. John the Baptist is still preaching, and Jesus is closing the first year of his ministry and beginning his work in Galilee. Teachers should bring a vivid picture of Galilee to their classes, 'as that was one of the im portant fields to which our Master de voted much of his time. (For descrip tion see some good Bible dictionary.) The people of that land were more worldly, less bound by conventional ities, and more accessible to the-teachings which Jesus brought than those of Judea. Josephus says they were "fond of Innovations, and disposed to changes." I. Supplication (Testing) vv. 43-49. Jesus left the revival nt Samaria (vv. 39-44) and returned to Galilee. His own people of Nazareth refused to ac cept him "for a prophet hath no honor in his own country." It was in Galilee that he had his great victories. Here he was welcome (v. 45) because they had known the things that he did nt Jerusalem, the report of which was brought back by those who had visited the feast (John 2:14-17). In Cana (Ch. 2:11) one came to him who was a king's officer, one who was used to command, and whose great personal need overcame any prejudice (Matt. 9:1S; Luke 7:2). God uses afflictions ofttimes to drive us to him, and the ; most effective way to induce men to 1 come to Jesus is to bring them to recognize their need which he alone can supply. The lad was "at the point of death," hence the father's journey of twenty miles from Capernaum to Cana, seeking help. Wo have here the weakness of faith Indicated in verse forty-eight, in that the man would not believe except he should see signs and wonders. We have also the earnest ness of the man in verse 49. "Sir, come down ere my child die." ( Man's extremity is ever God's oppor- ' tunlty. Not only extreme cases of sickness can be brought to him, btit extreme cases of sin as well (I Tim. 1:15; Heb. 7:2."). He can heal not only those who are "at the point of death" but those who are already dead (Eph. 2:1). The child was dy ing, the father had not strength to wait to see wonders, but he could and did trust Jesus to heal his son. II. Surrender (Trusting) vv. 50-51. When the soldier took Jesus at his word, he surrendered his previous con ception, and accepted the word of God ; literally acting upen his belief. He went his way because he believed. He did not ask Jesus again to go to Capar natim. We must not confuse this kind of faith, however, with his having ac cepted Jesus as Savior. lie accepted Jesus only as healer. We have men today who will accept Jesus Christ in the perfection of his character and the purity of his teachings but who will not accept him to be their personal Savior. Such men want to receive the benefits of Christianity, failing to rec ognize its spiritual power and author ity. III. Satisfaction (Triumph) (vv. 52 54). The father's faith rose to the need for "he believed the word that Jesus spake." That word did not seem at all probable, but it was enough. The word of Jesus who Is, himself, the truth, is a sure and more reasonable ground of faith than any amount of speculation. This father's walk from Cana to Capernaum was a walk of faith. He had nothing but a bare prom ise to support him, yet on his return he found his son living (v. 52). On this word of Jesus he, himself, be lieved, and his whole house. It seems Improbable that this could be otherwise if he were an honest man. IV. Suggestions (1) The living, per sonal presence of Christ is not need ful. It was a wise provision of God's economy that Christ should have re turned to heaven. (2) Acts are the true indications of our faith. God's written revelation and the revelation of his son, the Liv ing Word, and the witness of the ex perience of God's saints are sufficient facts upon which to base faith. (3) Faith is progressive. Notice the growth from verses 48 to 50 and 53.. At first the man believed in Jesus' power; then he beleived In Jesus' word, and believed In Jesus, himself; then he reaches the highest point in that he does not believe alone, for his whole house believed with him. (4) Faith is the source of all Christian gifts and graces. We have an advantage over these Galileans of nearly nineteen centuries of what Christ has wrought among the peoples of the earth among those who have believed on him. He has been tried and proved, and the gifts of God's grace, eternal life, the gifts of the Spirit are all conditioned upon our faith in him and in the Lord Jesus. Our salvation from sin, our effective ness as disciples and followers depend upon our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin, and as our Lord and Master. Your -Health IS Paramount and deserves utmost care One of the greatest drawbacks to health is a weak stomach, but in many cases this can be corrected by careful diet and the assistance of fWOSTETTER'S UliSfomach Bitters It is a Splendid First Aid Houe you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take KnGUM ACIDK to remove tbeoaosa ana drive the poiuon from the system. "BIUC5UCIM Oil TIIK 1581 1)1 PITS RHKIUATIBI ON THS OCTSIDI" At AU Druggist its. Bail & Son, Wholesale Distributers Baltimore, Ma. Salesmen Wanted We can tise the services of several responsible men to represent us for the sale of Hoods-Virginia Grown Nursery Stock. Farmers, School Teachers, Students and others can make the work profitable canvassing all or part time. Liberal proposition; cash weekly advances ; ample territory. Write at once for our SPECIAL OfrER. Outfit free. W. T. HOOD A CO Old Dimioioi Nurseries, Dept. W. N., Richmond, Va A Tale of Trieste. The Italians are fighting to set back Trieste. How some of the inhabitants of that city feel toward their Austrian masters is shown by the following story : A traveler went into a church there and noticed among a large num ber of votive offerings a silver mouse. This, he was told, was presented by a lady whose house had been overrun with these little pests. After her gift to the Madonna, the mice entirely dis appeared from her place. "You don't believe that yarn?" re marked the skeptical traveler. "Of course not," replied the sacris tan, "or we should have made a silver Austrian long ago." MOTHER, ATTENTION! Gold Ring for Baby Free. Get a 25c Bottle of Baby Ease from any drug store, mail coupon as di rected and gold ring (guaranteed), proper size, mailed you. Baby Ease cures Bowel Complaints and Teething Troubles of Babies. Adv. Akin to M;rriage. Willis What system do these mili tary airplanes work on? Clillis One person runs the ma chine, and the other is just an observ er, but both of them fight. Willis I see; just like being mar ried. NrrilINJ HO EFFECTIVE AS EI.IXIK UABKK For Malaria, Chills & Fever. Chief of Police, J. W. Reynolds, Newport News, Va., says: "It is a pleasure to recommend Itstbek for chillsand fever. Have used it when necessary for SOyears and have found no remedy as effective." Elixir Ilabek 50 cents, all drug gists, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczew ski & Co., Washington. D C. A Good Move Ilabek Liver Pills. 60 pills .... 25 cents Poor Fellow Had to Walk. "Tell me of your early educational hardships." "Well, I lived seven blocks from a trnegie library, ftnd we had no auto mobile." Louisville Courier-Journal. Constipation generally Indicate disordered stomach, liver and bowela. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills restores regularity without griping. Adv. The actuality of today seldom looks ar? good as the theory of yesterday. Meat Eaters' Backache Meat lovers arc apt to have back aches and rheumatic attacks. Unless you do heavy work and get lots of fresh air, don't eat too much meat.' It's rich in nitrogen and helps to form uric acid a solid poison that irritates the nerves, damages the kidneys and often causes dropsy, gravel and urinary dis orders. Doan's Kidney Pills help weak kidneys to throw off uric acid. Thousands recommend them. A North Carolina Case , ... . C. Townsend, 450 'tntitjcneSMl Arlington Sr. laUsiHoa IJtc j Greensboro. N. r' says. "I had such a bad case of kidney disease that I didn't thins I would get rid of it. The pains in my back were almost unbearable and it was hard for me to stocp. My kidneys acted far too freely. Doan's Kidney Pills VtAlnorl Y,A ..W frnm tho first tnnt T s,r.,Mn,,A.4 them and was restored to good health. It ha3 been several years since I have had any further trouble from my kid neys." Cat Doan's at Any Storo, 50c a Box DOAN'S "pJLV FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N.Y. APPENDICITIS ir vou have dmb threatened or bar O AIXSTOMBfl. INDIOBSTlON.QAg or palas la tb HUCDtC Id write for valaabU Book of Information I 11 tw ii Mwaua, mit.'w-, tot . uiti vt.. ciueta )

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