1X0 Ymr in Advance" -FOR QOD, FOR COUNTRY" AND FOR TRUTH." Single OoplM, Cta! ' VOL. XXVE PLYMOUTH, H. 0., TODAY, JUNE 8, 1917 - NO. 49. SPY SYSTEM IN IS GERMAN SPIES SHIPPED HIGH POWER WIRELESS OUTFITS TO MEXICO. MAIL WAS SENT TO GERMANY It Was Intimated That Through This System Germany Learned of Ameri can Destroyer Fleet Movement to England. New York. Evidence that two com plete high-powered wireless installa tions, assembled here from various sources, were shipped piecemeal to Mexico, supposedly for use of a Ger man spy system in this country, was unearthed in connection with the ar rest of three men on charges of con spiring to send mall containing mili tary information, surreptitiously from the United States to Germany through members of Norwegian ship crews. It was intimated by the United States Commissioner, before whom the alleged plotters were arraigned, that it was through their instrumentality that advance news of the impending arrival in England of the American, destroyer fleet was sent to Germany before it even became generally known in this country that it had sailed. With only a scratching of the sur face of the mass of evidence in the Government's hands, indications have been found that the secret mail sys tem was operated both ways between the United States, Germany and Mex ico. Several hundred letters have been seized, written in English, Ger man and Spanish, and some apparent ly in code. They are being translated in the expectation that they will open the way to full revelations of the al leged spy plot which is said to point to other persons besides those under arrest. The prisoners are Harry F. Perissi and Irving Bonaparts, both said to "be American born, employed by a Ger man electrical company here, and Axel B. Melcher, said to be a naturalized citizen from Sweden. PROHIBITION TAX IS NOW PROPOSED ON WHISKEY Committee 'Measure Would Prevent Manufacture During Period of War Washington Prohibition legislation was approved by the senate finance committee as a new feature of the war tax bill. Prohibitive taxes upon distillation of whiskey and other spirits for bever age purposes, with a ban upon their importation, were agreed upon by a substantial majority of the committee Taxes fixed by the house on beer and wines were left unchanged though they have not yet been finally approved. General suspension of beverage pro duction by distilleries and use of liquor now in bonded warehouses prob ably would be the effect of the new tax section if enacted into law. Curtailment of liquor consumption during the war and conservation of foodstuffs used In manufacturing dis tilled spirits, Chairman Simmons said constituted the dual object of the com mittee in adopting the substitutes for the house rates. In addition to the present tax of ?20 a gallon on the liquor, a tax of $20 per bushel (from $5 to $9 a gal ton) upon all grain, cereal or other Jrwdstuffs used in manufacturing whis key or other distilled spirits for use as beverages was written Into the bill. Senator Simmons said the In creases would be prohibitive upon manufacture while the law is in effect or during the war. Increased taxes of J5 per gallon upon molasses, syrups and substitutes used In distillation for bev erage purposes also was agreed upon. Permits for exportation would be given only for war purposes upon applica tion by a nation at war with Ger many. As supplementary legislation, the committees further approved an amendment prohibiting Importation into this country, Porto Rico, and the Philippines of distilled spirits made from any foodstuff except for indus trial, mechanical or scientific pur poses. AVIATRIX BOOSTING LIBERTY BONDS SALE. Cleveland, O. Ruth Law, aTlatrix, in a biplane, circled over Cleveland and environs dropping "liberty loan bcuibs." She has been secured to make another flight, but the weather was so fine she decided to make the trip now She started from Nela Park In East Cleveland and flying at a height of 5,000 feet, dropped liberty bond lit erature. Thousands watched her flight a3 she circled along the lake front MORE TRAINING GAMPS ORDERED EIGHT CAMPS TO TRAIN OFFICERS TO BE ESTABLISHED IN JULY. MATURE MEN ARE WANTED Volunteers Between 31 and 44 Will Be Trained to Officer Second Incre ment of Half Million Men to be Ordered. Washington. A second series of of ficers' training camps will be held be tween August 27 and November 25 in eight locations, to develop officers for the second Increment of 600,000 men to be called Into service by the selec tive draft, Adjutant General McCain announced. In general, quahflcatkma for admission to these camps will be the same as for the first series, but a strong effort win be made to obtain men above 31 years of age and the number admitted to training will be smaller than in the present camps. Applications must be sent to the commanding generals of the depart ment in which the applicant lives, be tween June 15 and July 15th. Citi zens between the ages of 20 and nine months and 44 years are eligible. The camp sites chosen and the areas from which applicants will be assigned are as follows: Fort Myer, Va. Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Del aware, Maryland, Virginia and the Dis trict of Columbia. Fort McPherson, Ga. New York City and continguous territory. Ala bama, Georgia and Florida. Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. The greater part of New York State, the northern part of Pennsylvania, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina. Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. The southern part of Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana and Kentucky. Fort Logan, H. Roots, Ark. (or oth er place to be designated) Wisconsin, Michigan, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas. Fort Leon Springs, Tex. Illinois, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Okla homa. Fort Riley, Kan. Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. The Presidio, San Francisco Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and California. SENATE PASSES BILL PROVIDING FOOD SURVEY Already Passed In House and Now Goes to Conference. Washington. The first of the ad ministration food bills, already pass ed by the House, passed the Senate without a record vote. Numerous amendments were attached to the measure, which provides for a food survey and crop stimulation, and it was sent to conference where the dif ferences will be threshed out while the two houses are considering the sec ond administration measure, providing for food control and price-fixing. The bill, as finally accepted by the Senate, provides for a comprehensive survey of food resources, and for the stumulation of agriculture, and re stricts drastically the storing of food stuffs, fuel and other necessities and fintnroa Thfl rflStriCtlVB ByBVUId UVU i" - j provisions were aaaea Dy me aenme. Hoarding or storage of food, fuel or other necessaries of life in order to limit the supply or affect the prices would be made a felony under the sen ate hoarding amendment, but farmers who hojd their own products would be excepted. GREY VETERANS HONOR MEMORY OF THEIR FALLEN Washington. Confederate veterans, here for their annual reunion, went to Arlington and paid tribute to the South's dead. President Wilson and Mrs. Wilson attended the services, but the president did not speak. He received an ovation from the old sol diers, however, and many shook hands with him. The exercises held in the shadows of the monument erected to the Con federate dead by the women of the Confederacy, were opened with the sound of the assembly call by the Marine Band and the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner" by a special choir, the old soldiers and the audience helping to swell the refrain. Flowers were strewn on the graves and special services were held at the tomb of the unknown dead and the grave of Gen. Joe Wheeler. Gen. Bennett H. Young, past commander-in-chief of the veterans, and Clark of Florida were the orators. DO YOUR BIT j (Copyright) DEFEAT CENSORSHIP CLAUSE MEMBERS DECLINE TO ACCEPT PROVISION IN MODIFIED FORM. Espionage BUI Will Be Reported to Both Houses Now With Censorship Measure Omitted. House Vote 184 to 144. Washington. The Administration's fight for a war censorship on news papers was lost in Congress, at least for the present, when the House re fused by a rote of 184 to 144 to accept even the modified, censorship section written into the espionage bill in con ference. As the Senate already Is on record as opposed to a censorship, the leaders in Congress do not expect any further Administration effort to enact one in the Immediate future. The test in the House came on a motion to recommit the espionage bill with instructions that the censorship regulation be eliminated. Despite a determined effort by Democratic man agers to line up the party strength be hind President Wilson's demand for censorship, 37 Democratic Represen. tatlves joined the Republicans voting for the motion.- Eleven Republicans, disregarding their party's caucus de cision, voted in the negative. Conferences for the House will re port their instructions back to the Senate conferees and the bill, short of the censorship provision, probably will be reported to both Senate and House within a few days and finally accepted. It carries important modifi cations of the spy laws and authoriza tion for the .President to lay embar goes In war time, but most of the con troversy regarding it has centered about the censorship proposal. No comment on the outcome in the House was forthcoming from the White House. The section which had been agreed on by the conferees was somewhat similar to one which the House had substituted during first consideration of the bill for the more sweeping provision drawn up and sub mitted by the Administration. The Senate, while the bill was under de bate, threw the censorship section out entirely by a vote of 48 to 34. In the House debate opponents of censorship argued that a restriction such as the conferees proposed would violate the right of a free press. The voluntary censorship under which the country's newspapers now are work ing was pointed to as demonstrating the patriotism of editors and as prov ing that no legal restrictions are needed. FOURTEEN MEET DEATH IN MISSOURI STORM. Wayne County Is Devastated By Tor nado. Scores Injured. St. Louis, Mo. Fourteen persons were killed and scores injured in a tornado that devasted Wayne County, according to a telegram received from Piedmont, Mo. Rumors that more than a score of persons were killed in Bollinger coun ty, Missouri, could not be confirmed. It was known that at least thcee per sons met death near Zalma and ad vices from Cape Girardeau said that a family of seven was drowned when their home was blown into the Castor River. The tornado evidently began near Salem, Mo. Some property damage was done, but there was no loss of life until the" storm reached Mineral Point, in Washington county, where four per sons were killed and twenty-six in jured. Relief has been sent to stricken points from St. Louis. WILSON SPEAKS AT ARLINGTON DELIVERS MEMORIAL DAY AD DRESS AT ARLINGTON NA TIONAL CEMETERY. There Great Work For Liberty Accom plished While We Are In the Midst of a Work Unfinished, Says PresI dent. Washington. America's response to the call of liberty In the struggle of the world will hold the attention of all mankind, President Wilson said in a Memorial' Day address at Arlington National Cemetery. In observing tho day, he said, the natural touch of sor row is tinged with reassurance be cause, knowing how the men of Ameri ca have responded to the call of lib erty .there is perfect assurance that the new responses "'will come again in equal measure, with equal majesty." The President spoke in the natural amphitheater in the cemetery at a meeting arranged by the local G. A. R., and attended by a crowd of thou sands. He said he did not pity the men in whose honor the ceremonies were held. "I envy them, rather." he went on, "because theirs is a great work of lib erty accomplished, and we are in the midst of a work unfinished, testing our strength where their strength has al ready been tested." The time for action, he said, has come, "and in the providence of God, America willcome once more to have an opportunity to show to the world that she was born to serve mankind." ENTRY OF JAPAN INTO WAR WITH ALL RESOURCES. Is Necessary to Insure Safety of Amer ican State Say Chilean. New York. Alejandro Alvarez, of Chile, secretary general of the Ameri can Institute of International Law, ad dressing the conference on foreign re lations of the United States at Long Beach, declared that "the safety of the American State demands that Japan should enter the war with all . re sources." "Japan," he said, "has already reap ed important material advantages, and is exercising certain supremacy on the Asiatic Continent. The American State should not be left to exhaust her self to the point of falling under the menace of another's domination." Prof. George Grafton Wilson, of Har vard, speaking on the status of the Monroe Doctrine, said that In a broad sense, the principles of the Monrae; Doctrine as supported by the United States "have made the Western Hem isphere 'safe for democracy.' " WAR TAX BILL NOW ASSUMING DEFINITE SHAPE Washington. The war tax bill as sumed rough but nearly final form in the revision of the $1,800,000,000 house measure by the senate finance com mittee. After working all through the holi day with treasury experts, recapitu lating the committee' srevision, Chair man Simmons announced that as re drafted, the estimated revenue to be brought in by the bill now totals $1,- 450,000,000. A bill aggregating slight ly above $1,500,000,000 now Is gener aly expected. Germany Looses Many Prisoners. Although Field Marshal von Hin denburg and Emperor William assert that the Anglo-French offensive on the western front has failed after seven weeks of effort, a French official state ment declares that the Germans lost more than 52,000 prisoners alone dur ing the French and British drives -rainct the German lines- REVISE PLANS FOR TRAINING WAR ARMY SIXTEEN CANTONMENTS INSTEAD OF THIRTY-TWO WILL BE LOCATED. PLACE MANY UNDER CANVASS Shortage of Funds, Material, Labor and Transportation Facilities Caus ed the Number of Cantonments to Be Reduced. Washington. Important revisions in the plan for training the war Army have been made by the War Depart ment, which announced that the half million men to be called to the colors in September will be concentrated in sixteen cantonments instead of thirty two, and that many of the forces prob ably will be put into tents instead of wooden barracks. Lack of funds, material, labor and transportation facilities, Secretary Ba ker said, caused the decision to reduce the number of cantonments. The lar ger number seemed practicable, but that would have made a much greater demand on the overtaxed resources at the Department's command. Although the change will upset all the tentative plans for camp locations made by department commanders, It is not expected to delay beyond Sep tember 1 the mobilization of the great draft Army. Four of the sixteen can tonment sites provided for under the new plan already have been selected, and choice of the others Is expected scon. Secretary Baker indicated that building would proceed as rapidly as possible. The four sites selected are at American Lake, Wash.; Atlanta, Ga.; Ayre, Mass., and Wrightstown, New Jersey. A more plentiful supply or canvas than expected made it possible to put some of the troops under tents. Most of the tents used probably will be placed at Southern camps. In making the announcement," Sec retary Baker said also that forces in excess of those which could be cared for In the sixteen cantonments would be placed under canvas. This was taken as referring to National Guard divisions, although the Militia Bureau has received no instructions In this regard. There is no indication of an inten tion to alter the plan for formation of sixteen divisions of the guard. The questions of filling these up to war strength probably will not be settled until selection of men for military service in the draft Army begins. Under the law, either .he Regulars or Guard can be filled up with men from the selected lists if that is desired. MANY LIVES LOST IN STORMS IN MIDDLE WEST Towns in Kansas, Oklahoma and Mis souri Are Stricken. Kansas City, Mo. Twenty-one known deaths, more than one hundred injured and unestlmated property dam age resulted from a series of torna does that swept several towns and sections of south-eastern Kansas, north central Oklahoma and southern Mis souri. With 400 houses reported destroy ed at Coalgate, Okla., a town of 3,000 inhabitants, and possibly 200 at Cof feyville, Kan., it was feared that the death total at these two places woul be high. One message said that bodies had ben counted at Coalgi and that the business section of town was virtually destroyed. Three persons were killed, seriously injured and much was damaged by a torn ad struck Moore, five miles soirf Olathe, Kan. Unconfirmed reports fro: Mo., told of considerabi, there. Another storm was have passed between Sptf Lebanon. All wires were! directions. 2 Nine persons were injum i sons fatally, Dy tne ton.j passed north of the town of Okla. Much livestock wasV crops in. the path of the st badly damaged. h THREE AMERICAN SHIPS ARE SENT TO BOTtUtW London, The sinking of three American ships wa.s announced. The vessels were the Dirigo, the Frances M. and the Barbara. All were shelled without warning and then sent to the bottom with bombs, but the only loas of life reported was that of Third Mate John Ray, of the Dirigo, who was drowned while attempting to enter a small boat. The Dirigo was sunk May 31, the Frances M. May 18 and the Barbara May 24- I 1 2f .9 1 if or FOOD EIRGEtlCf PROBLEM FOR ALL PEOPLE HAVE HAD TOO MUCH OF SPIRIT "LET GEORGE DO IT SOME WORK FOR ALL TO DO List of Recommendations Made to Farmers, Housewives, Gradeners and Citizens Generally. Raleigh. John Paul Lucas, execu tive secretary of the North Carolina Food Conservation Commission, in re viewing the food situation in this state gave out a lot of good advice In his suggestions of ways every person can help Improve the food situation. Mr. Lucas wrote as follows: Too many of our people are regard ing the food emergency, which is real ly Just In Its lnciplency, as a prob lem for the farmer, the trucker, their neighbor or someone else more or less remote from themselves. There is something of .the spirit of "Let George do it." Fortunately, this spirit has been rapidly disappearing and it is not too much to hope that all the people of North Carolina will quickly realise that, while the farmers' responsibility and opportunity are greatest possibly, each person has an individual duty and responsibility. A large number of people who real ize their individual responsibility hare asked themselves and others, "What can I do?" In answer to this question and for the information of others who may have given the matter no thought I am giving below a list of recom mendations that are being made to farmer, housewife, gardener ,and citi zen generally. I can think of no one In any position or condition to whom some of these suggestions are not ap plicable. Here they are: Cultivate and fertilize every avail able foot of tillable land that you can possibly take care of. Cultivate more carefully and fertilize more heavily than under normal circumstances. Put stubble land in corn, soy beans, peas, potatoes or sorghum as soon as the grain is off. Here lies one of our greatest opportunities for increastog the acreage in food and feed crops. Where there is a poor stand of cot ton replant with soy beans or peas. Also plant these crops in corn. Save all the clover and vetch seed possible. Both are going to be un usually scarce and high priced. Vetch can be threshed with oats or by them selves. If you don't know how to har vest clover seed write the U. S. De partment of Agriculture for Farmers' Bulletin No. 656. Breed all sows and gilts for fall pigs and be sure to raise sufficient feed for them in the form of pastures principally. Raise meat not only for your own demands but for the market. Prices are sky-high. Raise all the chickens you can, whether you live In the country or In town. Shut up the cocks and cock erels and preserve your surplus eggs In water glass solution. Raise and eat all the fresh vegeta bles you can and can all the surplus you can't eat. See that every glasa jar is filled with vegetables and fruits and if you still have surplus buy more jars or cans. Don't throw away scraps of meat and fat. Use meat in soup, hash, cro quets, and fats for frying and short- Sening. Cook potatos in the peel. Test have shown that 20 per cent Is lost when potatoes are . peeled before Rooking. c.Dont waste bits of bread. Use them tjuddings or to dressings for meat. 't despise eklm milk and butter- They have a high food value generally cheap. Use them especially for children. all labor as well as food- pronerly used. The farmers .pped for lack of labs, wn and city or of vrir-s far V Jx Freight Claln'l Washington. iv , fklm r ona rm p.nt D A Bt i'Vothern Railway System more c"'.Jy in touch with the shipping public to the end that quicker action may be had in the adjustment of freight claims, a central freight claim office will be established at Chattanooga. Tenn., effective June 1, with branch freight claim offices at Charlotte, N. C, Atlanta, Ga-, New Or leans, La., and Louisville, Ky. The present freight claim offices at Wsah lag. D. C, and Cincinnati, Ohio, win le continued. 5 fhat 5 I