mm - FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." 8lngle OoplMT Cents. - - - ' '"' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' 1 " ' - -- ' "' ' " 1 11 .1. 1 ..I. l.'i. ! . ,', V VOL. XXVIII. FORM LEAGUE FOR NATIONAL UNITY WILSON ENDORSES MOVEMENT IN ADDRESS EMPHASIZING NEED OF TEAM WORK. EDUCATIONAL PATRIOTIC MOVE New League Represents Church, Po litical, Labor, Agricultural and In dustrial Organizations Which Will Work for Unity of Thought. Washington. An extensive move ment to lead and express public opin ion on the war was inaugurated here by formation of the League for Na tional Unity, representing church, po litical, labor, agricultural and Indus trial organizations, to which Presi dent Wilson gave his endorsement in an address emphasizing the need for . team play by the forces of American thought and opinion. Welcoming the leaders of the movement at the white house in a brief speech, the President expressed the belief that American public opin ion, although understanding the war's causes and principles, needs guidance to remember that the war should end only when Germany is beaten and Germany's rule of autocracy and . might are superseded by the Ideals of democracy. This is the issue, which the Ameri can people should always keep in mind, the President said, in order to avoid being misled Into byways of thought and of the resultant scatter ing of the force of public opinion Talk of early peace before Germany is defeated is one of the evidences of misdirected thought, he suggested, and should not cloud the vision of those who understand that the United States is fighting now for the' same ideals of democracy and freedom that have always actuated the nation. President Gives Warning. The President gave warning that it should not be forgotten,. that German success would mean not only preven tion of the spread of democracy, but possibly the suppression of that al ready existing. , ' The league, which will, have head quarters in New York, chose as hon orary chairmen Cardinal Gibbons and Dr. Frank Mason North, president of the federal council of churches. The odore N. Vail, president of the Ameri can Telephone & Telegraph Co., Is active chairman, with Samuel Gom pers, president of the American Fed eration of Labor; Charles Barrett, president of the Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union, and George Pope, president of the National Asso ciation of Manufacturers, as vice chairman. The object was stated as follows : "To create a medium through which the loyal Americans of all classes, sections, creeds and parties can give expression to the fundamen tal purpose of the United States to carry on to a successful conclusion this new war for the independence of America and the preservation of dem ocratic institutions and the vindica tion of the basic principles of hu manity." WIDE DIFFERENCES IN BREAD PRICES SHOWN In Consumers' Reports to Food Ad ministration from 52 Cities , and Towns. Washington. Consumers' reports to the Tood administration from 52 cities and towns in all parts of the country show wide differences in bread prices. The lowest price re ported was from Pleasantvllle, N. J., where a 16-ounce loaf sells for six cents. The same size loaf sells for 15 cents In Rock Falls. 111.; Eastport, Me.; Red Bank, N. J.; Miami, Okla.;' Nashville, Tenn.; Laramie, Wyo., and Newport, R. I. A 16-ounce loaf is sold for eight cents in many cities throughout the west and in some cities- In the eats. A five-cent loaf of 12 ounces is sold in a few cities. ITALIAN U-BOAT FIRED UPON BY U. S. PATROL Washington. Vice Admiral Sims cabled the navy department that an American patrol vessel had fired on an Italian submarine which failed to answer recognition signals, killing one officer and one enlisted man. Secre tary Daniels at once sent a message to the Italian ministry of . marine, ex pressing the deepest regret over the unfortunate occurrence ,and tendering his and the American navy's sympathy for the lc8 of life. DR. E.O. HOVEY jtT..: -,v .:..5.v W.n ! LJaZ 2Jl J Dr. E O. Hovey curator of geology at the American Museum of Natural History and member of the Donald McMillan polar exploration party, who has returned to New York. Hovey was in charge of the relief expedition which 'found McMillan in the North. BILL IS PASSED WITH THE TEN THOUSAND DOL LAR MAXIMUM INSURANCE PLAN RESTORED. Provision is Inserted Which Raises Major General Pershing and Major General Bliss to the Rank of Gen eral. Washington. With the $10,000 max imum insurance plan restored, as urged by the administration and with an addition provision raising Major General Pershing, commanding the American forces in France, and Major General Bliss, chief of staff, to the rank of general, the soldiers' and sail ors' insurance bill, carrying an appro priation of $176,00000, was passed by the senate by a vote of 71 to 0. An amendment by Senator Smoot, adopted, 37 to 33, provides that $25 a month shall be paid widows of Civil War and Spanish-American war vet erans as well as to the widows of men who may be killed in the present war. This will mean an increased cost to the government of $3,500,000 annually and an advance of $15 a month to 4,141 Spanish war widows and $5 a month to 43,544 Civil War widows. Other amendments offered by the Utah senator authorizing the bureau of war risk Insurance after the war to turn over to life insurance compa nies at government expense policies held by soldiers and sailors, and pro viding for the payment of $100 a month to men permanently incapacita ted because of wounds or disease were rejected. Reductions were made by the sen ate in the house provisions for com pnesation paid for death or disability of soldiers and sailors or members of the army and navy nurse corps. Un der the bill as it now stands a widow would receive $25 a month, compared to $35 fixed by the house, while a widow with two children would re ceive. $47.50, a reduction of $5. The other sections of the house bill were accepted with only minor changes with the exception of the insurance section which permits a soldier now not later than five years after the war ends to convert his life insurance without med ical examination Into any other form of insurance he may request. GERMAN RAIDERS ARE OPERATING IN SOUTH SEAS Washington, y- Two German com merce raiders, 1 manned by the crew of the famous Sea Adler, which it now develops stranded on Mopeha island, in the South Pacific, after roaming the seas for seven months preying upon American and allied shipping, are oper ating somewhere in Ihe South seas, according to a report received at the navy departmett from the command er of the naval station at Tutuila, Sa moa Islands. The dispatch .transmitting the story of Captain Hador Smith of the Amer ican schooner C. Slade, one of the See Adler's victims, was sent on Sep tember 29, several weeks after the two new ralder3 left Mopeha Islands, where they had been captured by the Germans. The first put to sea on Aug ust 21, and the other on September 5, and it probably was their operations which led to recent reports of raiders in the Pacific. PLYMOUTH, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1917 ADJOURNS BIG I LAST DAY OCCUPIED IN DEFENSE AND CRITICISM OF LA FOLLETTE. SESSION BEGAN APRIL 2ND Generally Regarded as Most Momen tious ivi American History Gal leries Were Packed to Capacity During Last Hours. wasmngton. in the midst or a day's thrilling debate on alleged dis loyalty of Senator LaFoIlette, of Wis consin, the extraordinary session of Congress, which began April 2, and generally regarded as the most mo mentous in American history, was ad journed sine die at 3 p. m. Vehement criticism of the Wiscon sin senator and his own defense occu pying virtually the entire day, mark ed the close of the war session, with other customary adjournment and legislative procedure, including Pres ident Wilson's attendance at the capitol. The usual eleventh hour grist of legislation was put through, fol lowing six months of important war action, and most of the members who had remained for the final days were en route home to await the call of the next session, December 3. With galleries crowded to their ca pacity, the senate chamber was the scene of five hours stirring discussion of Senator LaFollette's attitude, but in the house there was little to mark the occasion except submission of a committee report mildly censuring Representative Hefiln of Alabama for criticising fellow members in connec tion with Count von Bernstorff's re quest for Berlin to furnish funds to influence Congress. Speaks Three Hours. The day began with a three hours speech by Senator LaFoIlette In de fense of his criticisms of war ques tions. Without mentioning his recent address before the Non-Partisan league at St. Paul, for Investigation of which arrangements were com pleted by a senate sub-committee, or naming any of. his critics, Mr. La FolleWe read a carefully prepared defense of his course and declared his intention to follow it in the fu ture. He was Interrupted only once and was applauded by the galleries when he closed. ANOTHER NATION TAKES UP ARMS AGAINST GERMANY Uruguay Follows Peru In Severance of Relations. Germany has still another nation arrayed against her in the world war. Following closely the action of Peru, the republic of Uruguay has severed diplomatic relations with the imperial government and the German minister has been handed his passports. Al though Germany had committed no direct act of hostility against Uru guay the president of the republic In his message to parliament said it was necessary for Uruguay "to espouse the cause of the defenders of justice, democracy and small nationalities." Montevideo, Uruguay. Uruguay has severed diplomatic relations with Germany. A presidential decree an nounced the rupture in a vote in fa vor of it by the chamber of deputies, 74 to 23. The German minister has been sent his passports. The vote in the chamber was taken at 2 o'clock this morning. President Viera in his message to the parliament declared that the Uruguayan government had not re ceived any direct offense from Ger many, but that it was necessary to espouse the cause of the defenders of justice, democracy and small nation alities. 8,000 RUSSIAN TROOPS REFUSE TO GO TO FRONT Petrograd. Eight thousand soldiers at Gomel in the province of Mohilev, after a meeting, refused to go to the front, says a telegram from Gomel. REICHSTAG TO DISCUSS WAR AIMS THIS WEEK Amsterdam. The Cologne Gazette, a copy of which has been received here, in its report of the address of Dr. Karl Heifferlch. German minister of the interior, in the reichstag Satur day, represents him as saying: "The question of war aims will be discuss- ed in the course of a big debate next l Zeitung in its version says "the big debate will take place Monday." WAR S CURTIS H. LINDLEY x p- 'y ... .!, ..! J Judge Curtis H. Llndley, prominent California jurist, Is head of the legal department of the food administra tion. SENATE ACTED SPEEDILY NO FORMALITIES ATTENDED SIGNING OF. BILL WHICH 18 NOW LAW. Within Three Months Senate Adopted War Appropriation Bill, Said to be Largest of Kind in History of the World. Washington. The war tax bill be came a law with President Wilson's signature. No formalities attended the signing of the measure, which levies for this year more than two and a half billion dollars new taxes to provide war reve nues. It touches directly or indirectly the pocketbook of everybody in the country, through taxes or incomes, excess profits, liquor, tobacco, soft drinks, passenger and freight trans portation, proprietary medicines, chew ing gums, amusements, musical in struments, talking machines, records and many other things. One of the immediate effects of the signing of the law will be an increase in distilled beverage prices to meet the new tax of $2.10 a galloc, which reaches even the stock of the retailers in excess of 50 gallons. Within Jess than three minutes the senate adopted the conference re port on the war urgent deficiency ap propriation bill carrying $7,757,434,410 in cash and authorized contracts. Tomorrow- the house is expeted to adopt it and send it to President Wilson. The measure is said to be the great est of the kind in the history of any government. It emerged this after noon from conference between the two houses in which sections involving over $780,000,000 had been In dispute and went through the senate in record breaking time without the. formality of a roll call. The bill carries $5,355,976,016.93 of direct appropriation and authorizing the government to enter into contracts for $2,401,458,393.50 more, almost en tirely for war purposes, including the navy's great destroyer program. In conference, subsistence of the army, for which the house had voted $175, 000,000 and the senate $321,000,000. was provided for in a compromise of $250,000,000. For aimy transportation for which the house had voted $35,- 000,000 and the senate $413,000,000, the conference substituted $375,000,- 000. For regular quartermaster sup plies. $125,000,000 was agreed to after the house had voted for $100,000,000 and the senate $163,000,000. Probably the largest appropriation in the bill is for the ordnance depart ment of the army, v!iich gets $695,- 100,000 for purchase, manufacture and test of mountain, siege and field cannon, and $225,000,000 more of con tract obligations authorization, to gether with $663,000,000 of cash and ?4 4,VVU,UUV UL lUHUatl UUllgllIUU9 authorized for ammunition. LABOR TROUBLES THREATEN FULL WAR PRODUCTION Washington. The government is working to develop some comprehen sive system of dealing with the labor unrest which threatens to hamper war production. It is concerned over the pronounced upward movement of waEes disproportionate for various In1 irilno orifl t Vi 1 A rft I f XT iT Cj - bilizlng conditions without doing in justice to workers or employers. ARRANGE TRAINING: IRK MAPPED OUT IS BASED UPON SIXTEEN WEEKS OF INTENSE TRAINING WORK. SCHEDULES ARE ANNOUNCED Work Will Be Varied With Lectures by American and Allied Officers Who Are Experts in Modern War fare Tactics. Washiggton. Training work map ped out by the war department for national guard and national army di visions before they will be regarded as ready for duty abroad is based on a 16-week course of the most in tensive kind of work in the open, varied with lectures by American and allied officers, who are experts in modern warfare, he schedules have been announced. Great stress is laid upon the ne cessity for night ' training. Trench raiding, scouting, trench building and operations of all kinds which may be called for in actual combat will be duplicated at the camps through the night hours. To give the men some respite, their Wednesday and Satur day afternoons will tie kept free, ex cept in the case of backward indivi duals or units. Target praactice runs through the entire course and the schedules call for 40 hours' training each week. A striking feature of the program is the fact that practically the entire 16 weeks will be devoted to training individuals, platoons and companies Brigade, divisional and even regimen tal exercises are reserved for a later period with some minor exceptions during the last weeks. Since the pla toon, commanded by a lieutenant, is the actual fighting unit in trench bat tles the new regulations fix upon the lieutenants of each company the re sponsibility for training of less tha company units, so that they may get in close touch with their men. Rijgid requirement is made that of ficers be present with their commands at all drills. The whole system is to be prepared in advance so that each officer and man will know just the work to be done during the day and night before him. New elements will be injected into the training each week. The lecture program with graphic illustrations will show all that three years of war have brought of gas attack, of bomb ing and of bayonet work. First aid instruction holds a high place for wounded soldiers today must depend largely, on themselves. At regular intervals review courses will be given and a program of test courses to determine the proficiency of each man in each phase of his work has been devised which will give a perfect line upon every sol dier's ability and be the stepping stone of promotion. COAL MINERS WIN FIGHT FOR INCREASE IN WAGE8 Operators' and Miners' Represents tives Reach Agreement on Terms of New Contract. Washington. Bituminous coal min ers of the central competitive field who their fight for a general wage in crease when operators and miners' representatives in conference here reached a compromise agreement on the terms of a new contract. The agreement pressages a wage raise throughout the industry since the cen tral field scale serves as a basis for all other districts and a consequent advance in the government's fixed price for coal. Operators' representatives agreed to the new wages no condition that they be absorbed in higher coal prices. After the agreement, drawn by a sub committee, is ratified by the full con ference, they will go to the fuel ad ministration and ask a revision up ward of present coal prices to meet the raise. The wage increase, accord ing to operators' estimates, will add from 25 to 50 cents a ton to the cost of producing coal in thickrrMEniTies 1 REVOLT AGAINST ME, GOVERNMENT IS t. JLO Brownsville. Texas. A revolt against the Mexican government has been started by Gen. Porfirio Gonzales, former Carranza commander, who has mobilized 800 folowers at Aldamas, near the Nuevo Leon-TaTmaulipa3 line, 150 miles west of Matamoras, ac cording to reports reaching here. Alda mas is 100 miles south of Roma, Tex. All trains out of Matamoras, ad vices received here say .have beet cancelled. NO. 15. WILL BEGIN EOOD PLEDGE CAMPAIGN TO ENLIST EVERY HOUSEWIFE IN NORTH CAROLINA IN CRU8ADE. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT First Note in Big Drive Sounded by Hoover. Page Has About Per-" fected Plans for 8tate. . Raleigh. The first note in a, :-bit drive to enlist every American house hold in a definite organization to win the war by the saving and the sub stitution of foodstuffs was sounded today by Federal Food Administrator Herbert Hoover, who made formal announcement of a food pledge enroll ment campaign which will be conduct ed in every state and territory in the Union the week of October 21-28th. Mr. Hoover's statement follows: "The week of October 21-28 has been selected for a nation-wide cam paign to complete the enrollment of our forces in the conservation of our food supply. "The harvest is now in hand and we can measure the world's re sources. The available supulles from this harvest are less than the. last har vest; we exported more than we could readily afford. We can only meet the call upon us next year by savings and by substitutions of commodities which cannot be transported. 1 "The Allies are our first line of de fense THEY MUSTvBE FED. Food will win the war. All Europe is on rations or restricted supplies only in our own country is each one permit ted to Judge for himself the duty he owes his country in food consumption, although the world depends upon us to guard and provide its food supply. "This is a duty of necessity, human ity and honor. As a free people wt have elected to discharge this duty not under autocratic decree but with out other restrictions than the guid ance of Individual consoles ee. "On this success of this unprece dented adventure in democracy will . largely stake the issue of the war. We are asking every householder, every hotel, restaurant and dealer in foodstuffs in the nation to become a member of the food administration tor conservation and to pledge them selves to follow Insofar aB circum stances permit the suggestions that would be offered from time to time as to measures of food savings. "For us, there is no threat of priva tion. We wish only that our people should eat plenty but wisely and with out waste. Wisdom in eating is to make possible much adjustments in our food consumption, shipping and war necessities as will allow us to fulfill our duty in exports to our Al lies. By elimination of waste we serve ourselves economically and morally, "I, therefore, appeal to the churches and to the schools for their assistance in this crusade, to all the organise tions for defense, local and national, to all the agencies, commercial, so cial and civic, that they join the ad ministration in this work for the fun damental safety of the nation." Nearly 2,000,000 housewives have al ready taken the pledge to furnish the food that our Allies and over-seas armies require, and already their ef forts are visibly increasing the avail able supply. The small amounts which each individual is asked to save through substitution arid avoidance of waste when multiplied by millions be come an effective total. The whole problem will be solved if the American people will eat less of the foods, which because of their concentrated nutritive value must be sent abroad and more of other foods of which there is an abundance. The foods that must be saved are wheat, pork, dairy products and sugar. Those that should be used generously are . fish, poultry, vegetables and all ce reals except wheat. Federal Food Administrator, Henry A. Page has practically perfected plans for the campaign in Nerth Carolina Miss Rankin to Visit Winston-Salem. Winston-Salem. Miss Jesnnette Rankin, member of Congress from Montana, the first woman to ever oc cupy a seat in this great law-making body, will visit Winston-Salem Tues day, October 16. She comes In re sponse to an invitation from the local Rotary club, and will speak in Memo rial hall, Salem college. This will be the first visit of Miss Rankin to the South since her election, and will be the first speech she has made outside ot Washington, on account of attend ine strictly to congressional duties. 4 i 1 I

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