IPti Mut$n $1.00 a Ymt In Advanoe "FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." 8lngle Copies, 6 Cants. VOL. XXVIII. HEAVY ATTACKS BY GERMS IN WEST BRITISH EVERYWHERE ARE RE PORTED TO BE HOLDING LINE FIRMLY. GREAT FORGES OF INFANTRY Germans Use Masses of Artillery About Twenty Divisions. General Byng's Forces Make Gains In Sev eral Places. Extremely hard fighting, with th3 Germans using great forces of infant ry in mass formation, is taking place along the southwestern and south eastern sections of the Cambrai salient.- In the region of Gonnelieu, La Vac querie and southward to Vendhuile and northward toward Masnieres, bat tles waged with great fierceness throughout Monday, but with the Ger mans nowhere sucessful in breaking the British front. At La Vacquerle they again succeeded in penetrating the village from which they were ejec ed previously, but a strong counter attack again turned the scales in favor of General Byng's forces, who threw out the enemy, inflicting heavy casual ties on him. As in their previous attacks, the Germans used great masses of artil lery, but the British forces every where met their onslaughts stoically and at last accounts were firmly hold ing their line at all points. Although the Germans in their of fensive have been using men reckoned at 20 divisions, the British have been able at several points to regain some of the ground they lost in the initial attack which was delivered with a suddenness similar to that of Byng'a big drive toward Cambrai. Sunday night they had gained the eastern edge of the village of Villers-Guislain and driven out the Germans from La Vacquerie. They hold this latter po sition until Monday morning, when they were compelled again to cede it to the enemy, only to take it again later in the day. Southwest of Bour lori village, at the west of Cambrai, the British also have recovered lost terrain. THIRTEEN BILLION DOLLARS IS ASKED OF CONGRESS Greatest Budget in Nation's History For Prosecution of War. Washington. Estimates of more than $13,500,000,000 the greatest in the nation's history for the conduct of the government and prosecution of the war during the fiscal year 1919 were submitted to Congress by the treasury department. In round figures more than $11,000, 000,000 is for the war alone. Only part will be realized from taxation; the remainder will come from liberty bonds. Deducting an item of $153,000,000, intended as an annual appropriation toward a sinking fund for the dis charge of the old public debt, and some $330,000,000 which will be turn ed back to the treasury from postal revenues, the estimated sum for which Congress actually is expected to ap propriate Is $13,018,725,595. No pre vious estimate ever has exceeded two billion. Here follows a general statement of the estimates by general headings: Legislative, $8,026,325. Executive, $65,329,369. Judicial, $1,396,190. Agriculture, $26,458,551, Foreign intercourse, $6,535,072. Military (army), $6,615,936,554. Navy, $1,014,077,503. Indian, $12,255,210. Pensions, $157,060,000. Panama canal, $23,171,624. Public works (practically all fortifi cations), $3,504,918,055. Postal service, $331,818,345. Miscellaneous, $1,026,208,317. Permanent annual appropriations, $711,166,825. Total (cents omitted here and ohnvnV S13.K04.357.940. Deduct sinking fund and postal re turn, $485,632,345. Total, $13,018,725,595. RELEASED BALLOONS ARE BROUGHT DOWN IN SAFETY Kansas City, Mo. Two United States army observation balloons, un leashed by accident and shot unguided into the air, have been brought to the ground. One, a huge bag of the new French type, escaped from students at Fort Omaha, Neb., and trailing 6,000 feet of steel tethering cable, traveled a spectacular course through Nebras ka, Kansas, Oklahoma and thence back into Nebraska, where it was captured. SECOND SESSION CONGRESS BEGINS BIG WAR SESSION IS EXPECTED BY ALL CONGRESSMEN TO BE LENGTHY ONE. BIG CALENDAR OF BUSINESS Appropriation Estimates Are Receiv ed. Members Say Amerloan People Everywhere Favor Vigorous Prose- ' cution of trie War. Washington Congress reassembled Monday for its second war session. Most of the Benate and house mem bers had arrived and arrangements were complete for the first meeting of what promises to be another epochal session. Increased determination of the American people for vigorous pros ecution of the war was the message universally brought by the returning members. Brief and routine opening session were held by both senate and house. Immediately after convening and ap pointing committees formally to notify President Wilson and each other that the second session of. the sixty-fifth congress in In readiness, adjournment was taken out of respect to members who died during the recess, Senator Husting of Wisconsin, who was acci dentally shot, and Representative Martin, of Illinois. Another feature of the opening day was receipt of appropriation estimates, aggregating many billions of dollars, for war and general governmental purposes for the next fiscal year. Before the holiday recess, which Speaker Clark and others favor aban doning disposition fthe national pro hibition question is to be pressed. Revenue legislation will not be tak en up immediately, but a deficiency appropriation bill before the holidays to care for unexpected war expendi tures is probable. The senate demo crats' steering committee and house ways and' committee may meet this week to discuss tentative legislative programs, but no party caucuses or conferences for that purpose are plan ned. I General Who Smashed ? the HinaenDurg Line i .5-Sy 3 4 & Lieut. Gen. Sir Julian Byng, com mander of the British Third army In France, who has smashed a great gap through the Hlndenburg line between St. Quentln and the Scarpe. WILL ENTER RACE FOR SENATOR HARDWICK'S SEAT, Atlanta. Oa. Chairman William J. Harris, of the federal trade commis sion, will resign at an early date for the purpose of opposing Senator Hardwick, of Georgia, for re-election, according to a statement made public here by Mr. Harris. BEGIN CURTAILMENT OF NON-ESSENTIAL INDUSTRIES. Washington. The government's first move toward curtailing non-essential Industries during the war was made when the fuel administration sent to coal producers a preferred list of con sumers to serve when filling orders. The list establishes preferential ship ment for government orders, railway fuel, household requirements, public utilities, steel plants, coke ovens and munitions plants. 1 'ft- "I will PLYMOUTH, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1917 WHERE GREATEST Smashing Forward on a 32-Mile Front Halo Surprised the Foe and Won The battle line (1) extended from the River Scarpe to San Quentln. The entire German line from Bapaume Cambrai road (2) to the Canal du Nord (3) was captured. Noyelles (4) was one of the advanced positions reached by the English. . M. GLEMENGEMI PRESIOING CONFERENCE HELD ITS FIRST SESSION IN PARIS THURSDAY MORNING. Delegates Lose No Time Getting Down to Work, Subdividing into Commit tees. Many Americans Were Pres ent. Paris. The inter-allied conference, which has been called for the purpose of discussing closer unity In the pros- arnition of the war and co-ordination of resources, opened in the ministry of foreign affairs shortly after 10 o'clock Thursday morning, with 15 na tions represented. The French pre mier, M. Clemenceau, presided ana welcomed the delegates. The Italian representatives were the first to reach the conference hall. They were followed by the envoys of Japan. The American war mission, augmented by Ambassador Sharp, Gen eral Pershine and Vice Admiral Sims conferred at their hotel headquarters before going to the foreign office, which they reached promptly at ten nVlock. The British delegates came right on the .heels of the Americans. There were large crowds outside the hotel where the Americans and Brit ish are quartered anad also in front of the foreign ministry, but there was no cheering nor demonstration or any kind. Meetines of the supreme war coun cil in which only France, Great Brit ain, the United States and Italy are rnresented. will follow the inter-ai- lied conference. This war council is a nprmanent body and will deal only with Questions relating to mililtary operations on the western front, DIFFICULT FOR REGISTERED MEN TO GET COMMISSIONS Washington. So-called "slacker commissions," by which men of draft age seek to escape service in the ranks and get officers' places In non combatant branches of the army, have struck a snag in two general policies laid down by Secretary Baker. These are, first, that no men of draft age be commissioned unless It is shown clearly that they are better fitted for the special work of which they are called than any civilian be yond the draft age whose services can be secured; second, that no func tion of the army that can -je carried on efficiently with civilians shall be placed on a military footing by com missioning the men needed to super vise the work. from the liability of service at the front. JACK TAR LOSES LIFE TO SAVE HI SCOMRADES Washington. Osmond Kelly Ingram, of Pratt City, Ala., the gunners' mate lost overboard when a German sub marine attacked the American de stroyer Cassin in the war zone on Oc tober 16, deliberately sacrificed hi-; own life to reduce the risk to his messmates. VICTORY WAS WON In an Unexpected Quarter General Britain's Biggest Victory pf the War. DISCUSS PROSECUTION OFWAR AMERICAN, BRITISH, FRENCH AND ITALIAN MISSIONS ARE AL READY PRESENT. OiiActir.no for Unified Action Will Oo- cupy Attention The Situation In Russia House and Lloyd-George Among Those Present. The representatives of the chief na tions at war with the Teutonic allies are assenibiingr in Paris for the Inter allied conference at which are to be discussed momentous questions for more unified action on the prosecution of the war. The American, British and Italian missions already have reached the French capital. They are led respec tively by Col. E. M. House, David-Lloyd George, the British prime minister, and Vittorio Orlando, the Italian pre mier. In addition to determining a basis for stronger joint action against the enemy countries, the conferees doubt less also will discuss at length the anomalous situation in Russia, where the Bolshevik! factions are in control and where German staff officers are reported to be acting as military ad visers to the Lenine government. Pos sibly a most pertinent point in the discussion will be the future attitude of the allied countries toward Russia whether the situation as it now stands does not place the Bolshevik! government and its followers in the category of allies of the central powers. Inside Russia the unsettled condi tions of affairs daily seems to be grow ing more serious. All communications now has been severed between north and south Russia, even the foreign embassies in Petrograd being -unable to get in touch with Odessa and other points to the south. Unofficial advices are to the effect that the Russian northern army is in dires traits. WHERE BATTLE WAS FOUGHT 75 lDixmude-t Ghent 1 I :tt i w lourwu ft m " . - Bethufie T?" Couai Lens I Arras (atenciennca" o evillc rerun n a Map in the V-.iuihvhx d.sirlct ia relation to the yem-rul battle liu. I V StQuenlki ill guards NOW FRANCE MEN FROM EVERY STATE IN THE UNION NOW WITHIN WAR ZONE. H IS M -DISCLOSED All Those Who Sailed From United States Arrived Safely and Some Are Already In Training French Popu lation Give Welcome. With the American Army in France. National guardsmen from every state in the Union have arrived in France, it is permitted to be an nounced. They are among the troops now training, or lately arrived. While it is not permitted to dis close the identity of units it may be said that all those which sailed from the United States have arrived safe ly and that some already are in train ing, within sound of the guns on the battle front. Thev are showing a spirit in keep ing with the purpose to make the .American expeditionary force a ho mogeneous American army in which each division, whether regular, na tional guard, or national army, cannot be distinguished in efficiency from the others. The former state troops are billeted over a wide area and are pronounced excellent soldiers. The guardsmen have been arriving in the American zone for many weeks. They are scattered somewhat, but as far as possible the units from the same state have been kept close to gether. They found the regular army had made good preparations 'or them, and whrle many are billeted in houses in French towns, others have been quartered in low wooden barracks specially erected. The troops from the various states have been recognized by the French population and hare been welcomed enthusiastically. Many of the units wore the French red, white and blue cockade pinned to their campaign hats. After a sufficient time to rest from the journey, the troops have been set to work training for actual service at the front. In all quarters they are declared to be most enthu siastic and their soldierly qualities have drawn high praise from the French instructors. For the information of the rela tives and families of the men, every one who sailed from the United States has arrived safely in France. MRS. De SAULLES ACQUITTED OF MURDER CHARGE BY JURY Required Less Than To Hours Gets Custody of Son. Mineola, N. Y. It required but on hour and forty-three minutes for a jury in supreme court here to reach a verdict of not guilty in the trial of Mrs. Blanca de Saulles for the murder or tier aivorcea nusoana, juuu i. uw - - . . , T1 T T- Saulles, former Yale football star and clubman, at his home near Westbury, Long Island, the night of August 3. In the verdict no reference what - ever was made to insanity. It was a . ..in aP tftrvinnr'ii'v i acq ni nrrn n th n itv which formed the basis of the defendant's case. Mrs. de Saulles, who had mantained an air of extreme self possession throughout the two weeks of the trial, received the verdict smil- inelv. She shook hans with each ingiy. one shook uu. w.iu of the jurors as they left the box and to each gave a nod of appreciation As Mrs. de Saulles left .the court room, a newspaper photographer touched off a flashlight. The shock of the explosion coupled, with the young woman's heigtened nervous ten sion, caused her to stagger, but she was prevented from falling by Dr. J. Sherman Wight, her physician. She was taken into a nearby room, where she soon recovered tt-q cjoniinc' onmiittjii nut niriatl- jll n. uo k i i w ijuiivi h cally establishes her as the only legal riictnr?inn nf hpr son. John L. dO Saulles, Jr., according to her attorneys WOULD TURN FACILITIES OVER TO GOVERNMENT Detroit Mich. Approximately 150 i. .... t-.u automohiie manufacturers at a meetas the addreS8 ay ins of the National Automobile Cham- j evening at the First Baptist church by bcr of Commerce iiere today pledged ; Governor Thomas W. Bickett. It was their support to the government and expressed their readiness to turn fa cilities over to the government as rapidly as required. In the mean time, it was decided, the manufac turers will keep their organizations i infant tn rnnscrvp tViA pre-.i toet nn. I t th 'slUe strpnStn- NO. 23. WALKER PRESIDENT OF STATE TEACHERS SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION AT CHARLOTTE ENDS WITH PATRIOTIC RALLY. ADDRESS BY GOV. BIGKETT Appeal Is Made for Higher Salaries for Teachers and Fireproof Buildings for Pupils. Charlotte. The thirty-fourth annual convention of the North Carolina Teachers' assembly, after a thre days' session in this city, was concluded with a mammonth patriotic celebra tion at the city auditorium, when Honorable Thomas W. Bickett, gOT ernor, was the principal speaker. Fully 1,000 delegates from over tha state, and a number of notable edu cators from out of the state, have been in attendance. ELECTED PRESIDENT OF NORTH CAROLINA TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY ProfTN. W. Walker. Officers of the assembly and local committeemen express themselves as the convention, and with the co-operation of the citizens and organizations of Charlotte toward that end. Re tiring president, A. T. Allen, Superin tendent H. P. Harding and others especially commend the hotels for their courtesy to visitors, for their able handling of the large number of transients at a time when all the hotels have been crowded, and de clare that the service has been su perior on this occastion to that of any previous convention. To those citizens who opened their homes for the entertainment of guests, public thanks are also given. So well had the committee on accommodation done its work, that there were at least 100 reservations in local homes not assigned to teachers, although dele- - . . , AAi. . : "a j PernaPs more- 1 The annual business meeting of the j assembly was conducted at the First Baptist church at 12 o clock Friday A T. Allen, of Salisbury, the effl - ' clent president for the trm 1916-17, presided. Following ' are the offi cers elected for the year 1917-18: President, N. W. Walker, of Chapel Hill; vice-president, S. B. Underwood, of Greenville; secretary, E. E. Sams. ( Qf Ralel h Members appointed to ; vnnnr,pa on tha executive corn- mittee are, Superintendent A. S. Webb, Miss Mary Arrington and Supt. R. H. Latham. Especial stress was placed by the convention on the need for increased school funds throughout the "state. An immediate campaign in the in terest of school funds, raising teach ers' salaries, and erecting fire-proof buildings, will be substituted at once, and in every possible way pressur will he broueht to bear unon the state u - j legislature toward that end. The cam- palgn will include personal contact with state officials, educating the pub lic to the needs, and stimulating In terest through every possible medium. The concluding and crowning fea. ture of the three days' session of the VrtVi Pornllna Ton rh prs' RSSPmblT , termed "patriotic night," and the ad- dress of the governor, as was that or Dr. Edward K. Graham, president of the University of North Carolina, was an eloquent and convincing appeal for some form of patriotic service and a thorough Justification of this coun try's entry into the present world war. ,?-if f-; J. .4 r