We fcl sure those vo ii p a fcainst the special school tax 1 1 this county last week must not have ben properly informed as to the sad ...negligence of our children along educational lines. It can't be that they really in tended to rob the. children of the rural districts of what little ed ucation this insignificent addi tional taic would. give them, and had we &ny idea that our people" would not have anxiously availed themselves of the opportunity to vote for this tax we would have . had more to say about it before it was too late. .. We all feel proud of North Carolina, and we have a great state; rich in-resources and in material wealth, and yet we are robbing its children of what is worth more than wealth to them the education they are justly entitled to. just because it costs us a few dollars. It possibly may be nejvs to you, yet it is .true nevertheless, i.1 A. ii. - A. ? i i? . . mac me great majority vi uur states pay from $20.00 to 37.00 per capita for the education of their children, annually, while North Carolina only pays $4.00. Honestly, we feel ashamed to see this in the reports. And surprising as it may seem to you, France and England, . with four years of most devastating war upon them, each pay three times tas much for the education of their children as we do. We should feel ashamed to look a child in the face when we meet him, and if we pat hiM on the back and say we love him, yet are a party to this robbery, he knows we lie. Ever since the exposition at Jamestown we have repeatedly predicted that, with the Panama canal In operation Norfolk; would eventually become the most im portant city on the Atlantic coast, and with the war developments there it is hastening our prophe cy. But our people who are run ning to Norfolk to invest in real estate should stop and think for a moment. Conditions in and around Nor folk just now are abnormal. Thousands of people who" are there today as renters, are there because of the high prices paid for government work, and in consequence of these high prices can pay big rents. This work will, within a few years, possibly within a few months, be over, and then most of these thousands will be coming back to the farms and hundreds of these houses which now rent well, will' be vacant for many, many years, while people in Washington Countv will be clamoring for farm houses to live in, for to these farms they are coming. So, without discounting Norfolk property that lies within the city, common reason is bound to show us that the safer and bet ter place to invest your money is in Washington County. Even some of the Norfolk people them selves see this and are already investing heavily here. ' Farm lard is sure to always remain good, while city property, unless in favored localities, is always uncertain. You cannot live long in a city house unless you have either money or a job, while the farm house carries the job with it, with no chance for the landlord to lose. LET US DO YOUR PRINTING: CARDS. ENVELOPES. STATEMENTS. BILL HEDS, LETTER HEADS PACKET HEADS. DODGERS. ETC. NOTICE North ( Carolina, No 9343. Tyrrell County To B. 1. Jones, Regis ir of Deeds and Ex officio Entry Taker for the Couniy of Tyrrell and Stace of North Carolina : I, A. L. Walker, a citizen and residsntof the County of Tyrrell in the State of North t'arelina, enter in your office for 15S acres of land in Tyrrell County, Col umbia Township, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin a cor ner on the Josiah Collins Patent line, then along the Josiah Col lins Patent line the following courses; S. 65 deg. W. 6.74 chs. co an iron pin: N. 77. deg. VV . 60 ths. to an iron pin; N. 13 deg. E. 21.25 chs to an iron pin; then along the line of A. G. Walker and Miles T. Ansley S. 86 deg. E. 56 05 chs. to an iron pin Miles T. Anslev's corner;-in the line of Edmund Sexton's line S- 6 deg. E. 25.58 chs. to a dead pine, then S. 27 deg. E. 2 52 chs. to an iron pin the point of beginning. This February 25th, 1918. A. L.. Walker. Witness: B. B. Jones, Register Of Deeds and Ex officio Entry Taker. NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator upon the estate of J. K. Campbell, deceased, late of Washington County, N C this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present the same to the under signed on or before the 25th day ot February, 1919, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to saia estate will please make im mediate payment. This Febv., 25th. 1918. J. R- Campbell, Adm'r. EXECUTRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as executrix upon the estate of C. T. SpruiJl, deceased, late of Washington County, N. C, this is to notify allpersons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day erf March, 1919; or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ', All persons indebted to .said estate will please make immediate settlement. : Th;-s March 7th, 1918., . .. L. .C. SPRUILL, " Gt ; .- . Executrix. NOTICE OF SALE '. 'Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Halsey Ange and wite to the under signed trustee, and bearing date April 3, 1916, and of record in the Public Registry of Washington c6unty in Book 69, at page 177, and the stipulations therein contained not havingbeen com plied" w'ith and at the request of the request of the owner of the note se cured by said deed of trust, the under sighed trustee will, on Mouday, the 8th day of April, 1918, at 12:00 o'clock M., at the court house door of Washington County, at Plymouth, N; C, offer at public sale to the highest bidder for casn, tne following dosenbed lands, to wit: Beginning at a white oak on the East side of the Long Ridge public road; running thence East 70 poles to an iron post in the Roanoke Lumber Co. line; thence South 80 poles to an iron post in the Roanoke Lumber Co. line; thence West 70 poles to the Long Ridge public roid; thence North and paralel with the Long Ridge Road 80 poles to the -beginning, containing 33 acres, more or less. This 8th day of March, 1918. A. R. DUNNING, Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Washington . County In the buperior Court, Before the Clerk. Mrs. Jbsephine Powell aDd Sarah E. Hughes, Pl'ffs. vs. " ' G. W. Spruilland " Wm. Spruill, Uef'ts. The defenuants above mentioned will take notice that a petition has been de posited in the office of the clerk of said court asking for a sale for partition of the following described land in Skin nersville Township, Washington Coun ty, N. C, aHjoining the lands of Abram Swain, and further described as fol lows : Beginning in Jordafr Spruill's line in the line of Wm. D. Newberry, thence westerly along this,line to the west boundary of said land, thence northerly along the line of - Nathan ! Smith, deceased, , to the Main Swamp, thence along the swamp easterly to the east end of New Island, thrice north erly a straight course tat hie first sta tion, containing GO acres more or less, Book 53, page 263 And this summons is made returnable on the 9th day of April, 1918, at 2:30 p. irtM" at the court house in Plymouth, and the defendants are required to answer aid petition of plaintiffs, and let the defendants take notice that if they fail to answer said petition on said dato, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief de manded. This March 7th,. 1913. C. V. W. AUSBON, C. S. C. Mountain Tea Haslets A Bust Medicine (ar Busy Peoole. tfrlnijs Cokle H!lWvao(l Be.r.eweJ V?oor. Aspeciiiefor Constipation, liKtijrtMioii, Liv nd Klduey troubles, I'iinp' n, Ecreiaii,, Imfitr .Jlool,Biid nr,ath.S'.r.p?ish Uowfia, IIafl-b bM.t Biiokacbe. Its Roc icy Mvr.t.iin Tk;i in tali iet form, 35 cents a box. .- Oemuce Anade by HOLLlflTEtt DbLO C0Jf?'ANT, M.wIi40I), Wie. y)LDW tlUGCETS FOB SALLOW PEf)Pl " - ' Heport c.f the condition of at Crfsweii in the State of N. C. at the do.se of business taarch 4th, im. ..... . RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $05,121 25 Overdrafts unsecured .201 4u U. S. bonds and Liberty Bonds 66 00 Furniture and fixtures . 2,4oo oo Due from National banks 12,915 46 Cash items held over 24 hr's. 5,S56 03 Checks for cloaring :-;3 4(j uoiu com 50 oo' CiltrAffij-itn I'rtnlnJ.'M -.11 2 " nor coin currency 1,090 iNauonai oanK notes and other U. S. notes 3,150 00 Total $S0,8S4 16 LIABILITIES.. Capital stock paid in $ 5,000 co Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes p-V.aid ,, 3,447 55 Bills payable 7,50 00 Deposits subject to check 30,961 60 Demaud certificates of deposit 2,323oo havings deposits 2S,0?0 94 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,460 87 Certified checks 120 20 Total $50,831. 1G State of North CarolinaCounty of Washington, Mar. lyis. I, D. E. Wuodley, cashier, of the a-bove-named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. D. E. Woodiey, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20 day of March 191S. ' E. S. V ccdley N. P. W.H. Ilardiscn. Correct Attest Wm. Wiley, Alfred Alexander, Directors. Operates passenger trains from North Carolina into ' term inal station Norfolk, withcut transfer, N. B. Thefollowinsrschedale fimirrr. published as information ONLY and are not guar nieea. Trains leave Plymouth North bound. No. 43:54 A. M. daily Pulliar Sleeping car for Norfolk. No. 22:45 P. M. daily for Edcnlon, Hertford Elizabeth City .and iro: fo!k. South bound. No. 32:34 A. M. daily Xipht ex press for Fayettcville, Charlotte, full man S'eepin cars to .Ka'eifjJ), N'c, ern and int,eirnedi.ate.?1aliciis. No. :2S P. M. daily for Washing ton, Raleigh, Goldsbon, Beaulpft vand interipeSiate stations.- Puilmaii Parlor ar for New Bern. For further information or 1 ul'rnan reservations apply to M. T. Bradshaw, Ticket Agent, Plymouth, N. . E. D. Kyle, Traffic Mana: er J. F. Dalton, Gen'l. Passenger Agent. Norfolk, Va. NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the will of Irene OYertcn, dec ased. this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of Anril, 1919 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This April 24, 1918. 6t-p W. H. HARDISOV, Executor. Backache Hioneys and Blaqob' Subscribe to the Beacon. tlunk! Junk! ; I buy Scrap Iron of all kinds. and pay 40c per 100 i3)S. casb.' Also rubber, rags, burlap bags, and brass. , t in iiiimw mi mil i mi i ii 1 " ' " " Higlfict Prices jor DAVID ROSENBERG, 1 . Just received twenty five dozen Nobby French I Voiles Waists, prices from $1. to $3,50 Also 100 Silk and Satin Skirts, some of the of the newest from $6.48-to We are showing a lovely line of from 25c to $ 1 . per yard. ..iaccM, very cB3ry. JPracew $1.45 (pes' ysiird. . rr Livrin L; ruina, vvysriingiuii uu xi i- 7 v. : . . i UMty it'" the Superior Court., btiore the Clrk. i John L. Roper Lumber Company J vs. Eastern Caro uh Home & Farm Association, Inc.. Mgnoiia Land & Lumber Company. Tlu 3iiLwi'Ui.e C:cpf.i age Company ;;i.t;G. T. Bunvll. , NOTICE AM) SUMMONS. &'o Vv'ln.ni it May Corcern : The par ties above named aud ?.!l u'lhvi.s int iv 'elcJ will tuke notice-that en the nv c.f Ninembcr. 1317, thabove nam fed" petitioner filed a petition iu tru i .t!irV. nf tho Clerk ot the Sfpenci Court of Washington County to havi tr.e title to co. tfiia la?id . described therein' registered ot-'i confirmed, pur r.uai.t o Chapter W). Public Laws of 1,.'1L' a :::x2uf.ed, end hr.t sumtitons lVas" hoe n" issued, returnable into the office of the Clerk o? the Supenoi Couit of Washington County hi tht 30lh dav ot March, 1918, at one o' olock in'ihe afternoon. Said tract ot fand is situated hi Washington County, and is bounded on the North by Lake Phe ps aiiu the land of Magnolia Land & L- mber Company, en tha East by the county line wnich divides the coun ties of Washington and Tyrrell, on the South by the county line wnich divides the counties of Washington and Hyde, nr.d on the West by Ihe lands of the 1-cstei n Carolina Home & Farm Asso ciation. Inc., and Magnolia Land & Lumber Company, containing 13,812 acres, tiarticularlv described by metes and bounds in said petition and map thereto attached. Notice is given that upon the return iH summons, rtitk ntr will ask hot thA snmfi be referred to an Exami ner and that its title be registered and aSf??,rrnn' under iuv band and official k.5c Vnd dfev of February, 1U18 S'4l CV.W.AUSDON 8-t Clerk Superior Court. 4 HI F.R.S; patterns out $10.00. T!- "every- month 1 5 U N . MO M . TUE.S.I W E D. 1 TH UR.1 F R L I A X : j j i lgMpgfei 1 ill inc ccver.ir ci live: Habit. Hal its of Thrift bu!ld up the Ear.k Acccunt and lead to Satisfaction and Comfort. Habits of I.xtravagancc laid to Unhappinss and Destruction. If you have not starled, you will surprised how much pleasure ycu will get from saving and ad ding to a Bank Account. f Bank of the PEOPLE, for k POPl,roR YOU lirPLYMOUTlflil Kffl &LJ lui ata iwki caa tun uti iu a v interest Trfvri.,rrx PLYMOUTH, N.C. ON SAYINGS WATCH 7 IS SPACE EVERY WEEK... AT THE MAJESTIC TO-NIGHT AND SATURDAY THEDABARA AMI If A Big ; FOX Feature. PRESENTED BY WILLIAM FOX DON'T MISS IT ii. JLi'-1 i M- P races ransinsr wash skirt goods flroaza 15c -t r t IS mxh ixlu urn m& am van vu Tir'trj Kr cjrcsawized 1900 IN- V C '.fcj ii i i VrmS OFFICE. I 4 L X