v HOW FIELD PEAS ARE HARVESTED AND UTILIZED AS FEED FOR FARM ANIMALS Ugh! Calomel Sickens; Salivates! Please Try Dodson's Liver Tone I am sincere! My medicine does not upset liver and bowels so you lose a day's work. You're bilious! Tour liver Is slug gish 1 You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head Is dull, your tongue is coated ; breath bad ; stomach Bour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick; you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and CrUmp If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen tlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to night. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for n few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoon Late Bottle For 35c When you buy Yager s Lini ment you get splendid value I The large 35 cent bottle contains more than the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. Try i t f or rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises. At all dealers price 35 cents. GILBERT BROS. & CO., Baltimore, Old SEWER AND CULVERT PIPE For Sewers, Culverts, Drains. We manufacture all sizes up to 48" in diameter, also Farm Drain Tile. Free Literature on Farm Drainage for the asking. GRAY CONCRETE CO. Thomasville, N. C. WHAT DID SHE MARY JOHNSON'S HAIR Was Short and Kinky Now its Long and Fluffy She Used NOAH'S HAIR DRESSING Price 25c. If your dealer can't suprly you send lo us. Refuse substitutes. Manufactured by NOAH PRODUCTS CORP.. RICHMOND, VA .lake Ion Learn from successful real estate men how to sell real estate, farms, stores, tire Insurance, businesses of all kinds. Have j our office In your own home. No capital required. Rep resentatives wanted everywhere. Write today for free Information. Hayes Realty Associa tion, Fourth and Plum, Cincinnati, Ohio r WANTED 800 bands. White men and women and boys and f lrls oyer 14 years of age. One of the best mills a the state, located in the bust pan of the state, and paying the highest wages. We waDt the best and are willing to pay for It. Write or see us in person for terms and prices, u. i HOLDEN. BuDt.. ROCKY MOUNT. N. C Address ROCKY MOUNT MILLSy WONDERFUL WATER SYSTEM Ever Offered lor the Country Home Water coming from the bottom of the well with more force thun is found In the city direct pres sureno pump to get out of fix. Cost less than five cents per day to operate. STEGALL-MANESS WATEK STbitM, inu. UOnCOra. norm taruuna EGGS-POULTRY Wo are the largest handlers of Bggs and Poultry In tbe South. WHAT HAVE YOU TO SHIP? Tbe highest market price guaranteed with quick returns. Give us a trial. References, 1st National Hank, Richmond, Va. WOODSON-CRAIG CO. Commission Merchants. RICHMOND, VA. BL!LHEIIIS Sc!4 for 59 Tews. FOR ALARM, CELLS ASD FEVT5. Kso i r frtwr! Shrti--n!ii Tonic. At All Dm( Stores. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Reitnrinn Color and -4 Beauty toGray or Faded Hair. sfl 6O0. anil St . at I'rm'k'lete. KODAKS & SUPPLIES : 'i We also do highest class of finishing:. fcS-Uw Prices aad Catalogue upon request. svEasv! mmm UJ sVJ 1 u; ; i c r.i..un.i:..ir. d:,i..-J V. ful will clean your sluggish liver bet ter than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of dangerous calo mel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here. Adv. STRANGLES Or Distemper in stallions, brood mares, colts and all others Is mcEt destructive. The germ causing tho disease must be re moved from the body of the animal. To prevent the troubla the same must be done. SPOHN'S COMPOUND Will do both cure the slc'.t and prevent those "exposed" from having the disease, 50 cents and 1 a bottle; (5 and $10 the dozen. All drug-gists, harness houses, or manufacturers. SPOIIN MEUICAXi CO., Manufacturers, Goithen, lad., U.S.A. Just Acquired Ownership. Sallie came home from school one day with the news that Carolina was not an own child of the Woods, but was adopted. "What's 'adopted,' mother?" she asked. Her mother explained that when children were sent to parents in the usual way they took what came, but if none was sent they went out and selected one that just suited them Sallie studied the problem, then said : "Oh, I see, the Woods don't own Caroline, they just rented her." PROVEN SWAMP-ROOT AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS The symptoms of kidney and bladder troubles are often very distressing and leave the system in a run-down condition The kidneys seem to suffer most, as al most every victim complains of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these ' danger signals often lead to more dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which, so many people say, soon heals and strength ens the kidneys, is a splendid kidney. liver and bladder medicine, and, being an herbal compound, has a gentle heal ing effect on the kidneys, which is al most immediately noticed in most cases by those who use it. A trial will convince anyone who may be in need of it. Better get a bottle from your nearest drug store, and start treat ment at once. However, if vou wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Not the Kind Expected. "A good many ladies were disap pointed this afternoon." "How was that?" "The guest was spoken of as a bridge expert and he turned out to be nothing but a famous engineer." Bos ton Evening Transcript. VARIOUS ORGANIC TROUBLES LEAD TO BAD CASES OF PILES. Farmers, laborers, mechanics, rail road men and office men, whose hours are long and labors hard, are more or less subject to piles. Strain, overwork and organic troubles combine to bring distress and oftimes loss of many hours at employment. Sufferers can start today to take Eagle Pile Remedy and be certain of having their pile troubles removed. Your case is no exception to the thou sands that have written of the suc cessful use of Eagle Pile Remedy in the worst cases. At the last moment it has saved many expensive oper ations, as Mr. Quackenbush of Clif ton, N. J., writes: "The day before I was to go to the hospital I began tak ing Eagle Pile Remedy and today I feel thoroughly cured." The hospital bill was saved and the operation was not necessary. Eagle Pile Remedy sold direct from the makers. Price $1.00. Reed Dis tributing Co., 14G Godwin St., Paterson, N. J. Adv. Quite Enough. "You can't fool the people all the time." "I don't want to fool 'cm all the time," declared the alleged statesman. "Just a few weeks before election will do me." Louisville Courier-Journal. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature of (LaSVy&ZdAtte, In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorio If a man is inclined to lead a fast life he should lead it to the nearesi hitching post and tie it. When you have decided to get rid of worrna or Tapeworm, use "Dead Shot," Dr. Peery's Vermifuge. One dosa will expel them. Adv. A (laughter is an embarrassing and ticklish possession. Menander. When Vour Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy Ho Bmartinii Jnst Hve Comfort. 60 ceuts at OrnKKlsU or tnall. Write for Free Bye Hook. ?3f , . a. ... ; ., TrTTi'TsrVl Mowing Machine Equipped for Cutting Field Peas Attachment to Cutting Bar Automatically Removes Hay From Swath and Places It in Windrows. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.! The proper time to cut field peas for hay is when most of the pods are well formed, since considerable of the nu trient value of the plant is contained in the seed. When seeded in mixtures with grain., the time of cutting may be governed to some extent by the ma turity of the grain, but the varieties of peas and grain used in the mixture should be chosen that the crop can be harvested at the most favorable pe riod of maturity for both. Formerly, a crop of field peas was considered very difficult to harvest, and much of the harvesting was done with a scythe or an old-fashioned cradle. This was thought necessary, first, because the vines are often tangled and, second, because of the loss from shattering where mower and rake are used. There is now available, however, an attach ment for the ordinary mower which consists of guards that extend in front of the cutter bar. lifting the vines off the ground, so that the mower can pass underneath without becoming entang led In the vines themselves. There is also a windrow attachment which ef fectually removes the peas from the swath and leaves them in a windrow behind the mower. Where such an at tachment is not used it is necessary to have a man with a fork follow the mower and move the vines to one side, so that the team and mower will not pass over the peas in the following round. The peas can be left in the wiEdrow or bunched with a rake and left until dry and ready to stack. When stacked In the open It Is neces sary to protect the stacks by means of canvas covers or with a layer of green grass placed over the top. The field pea should be cut for seed when the pods are fully mature and the peas hove become firm. It is not well, however, to wait until the vine and pods are both dry, since If that is done the loss from shattering Is sure to be large. If the peas &re rained on during the period while they are curing in the windrow or In bunches, they should be turned over as soon as the top of the bunch Is dry. If this is not done the peas underneath will swell and burst the pods, so that when they become dry a great percentage will shell out and be left on the ground. Whenever possible, the peas which are intended for threshing should be stacited under a fehed, but if necessary to build the rick outside, it must be protected as noted for hay. The threshing of the field pea is usu ally done with an ordinary grain sep arator fitted up especially for the pea tV the substitution of blank concave Uvth below the cjiindr. Usually four concave teeth are sufficient to retard the passage of the vines long enough so that the cylinder will break up the pods and release the seeds. Py thus lihiiting the number of concave teeth and reducing the speed of the cylinder about one-half it Is possible to thresh the field pea without cracking any con siderable percentage of the seeds. Pasturing Field Peas. It is a common practice In some lo calities to harvest the crop by pas turing with hogs or sheep. Many farmers, however, are discontinuing the practice of pasturing their field peas on account of waste and are har vesting all or part of their crop and feeding it in a feed lot. A combina tion of pasture and dry feed has been found best. The animals after a pe rk d of pasturing make better gains on dry feed than where given dry feed during the entire, feeding period. Al falfa or sweet-clover pasture used In connection with field peas noticeably Increases the rapidity of gain. The field pea is often sown in mix tures with small grains, primarily to hold the vines off the ground and thus make the harvesting of the crop easy. Outs are more often used for this pur pose than the other grains, although barley Is used to some extent and wheat In a few cases. The yield is nearly always larger when oats are uwd than with either barley or wheat. Mixtures nre recommended in ail cases where the crop to !o used exclusive ly for hay. The presence of outs or barley In the pea hay mnkes a better quality of feed thun pesi hay alone. Fie'd Peas as Silage. It Is not economical to put the field r"a In the Mlo nioTp, on nn-oimf p7 Its high protein content. It makes a better balanced ration and keeps better when combined with small grain, which should be mixed with the peas In sowing if the crop is intended es pecially for ensilage. The field peas intended for ensilage usually are planted in mixtures with bald barley and cut when the barley is ripe. Yield average from eight to twelve tons to the acre. Pea ensilage has a higher feeding value than corn ensilage, but should be fed in connec tion with a grain ration. For fatten ing both cattle and sheep it has given excellent results, but is most popular with the dairyman. One source of pea ensilage Is the refuse of pea canneries. - This material is not often placed In a regular silo, but is stacked up green as It comes from the cannery and allowed to ferment In the stacks. Field Peas as a Green-Manure and Cover Crop. The field pea Is well suited for use as a green-manure crop in orchards and is used quite extensively for this purpose in the citrus orchards of Cal ifornia. No other crop except vetch is so well adapted for this use In the southern part of that state. When used for green manure the peas siiould not be plowed under un til they have reached their maximum growth, unless other conditions con nected with the main crop require that the plowing be done earlier. The most favorable time will prob ably be reached, about the time the fir.it pods are well filled. The varieties selected for use as a green manure or a cover crop should be those which are known to be adapt ed to the locality, and one with a good sized vine is to be preferred over those that make a heavy yield of seed. The large Marrowfat peas, such as the Ca nadian Beauty, Arthur, Paragon, and Mackay, are well adapted for this pur pose, as are also the Prussian Blue and Wisconsin Blue. The use of a green-manure crop is profitable only In sections where suffi cient soil moisture is present to cause the quick decay of the vegetable mat ter turned under. BLACKLEG CAUSED BY GERMS Highly-Bred Calves Should Be Vac cinated Before It Picks Up Little Organisms. Blackleg Is caused by a small germ, an organism about one three-thousandth of an inch long. This organism multiplies very rapidly by one organ ism dividing into two individuals and these again dividing in the same way. Also by producing very much smaller spores or seeds. These spores are very hardy and resist extreme heat and cold, remaining alive sometimes for many years. As a consequence when a pasture, corral or feedlot is once contaminated with the organism there Is no telling how long It will harbor the infection. Disinfecting such prem ises is impractical. Safety lies in vac cination. In all contagious or germ diseases thp animals most likely to get sick are those whose constitution Is more or les weakened from any cause at weaning time, after changing from poorly fed to heavy feeding or vice versa. Immunizing beforehand Insures safety. Highly bred calves are. also more susceptible than scrubs. Many operators report perfect results when they vaccinate at the same time they brand, dehorn, or castrate. Vaccinate any time for blackleg. When a calf Is turned upon Infected ground It picks up some of the spores which gain entrance to the body in various ways through the bruised skbi, through the mouth either with animal licking itself. These spores immediately come into active life, begin to crow and multiply, and If the the food and, water or merely by the animal is n susceptiMo one it con tracts the disease. If it is immune the germ wiH have no effect whatever upon it. Therefore, immunize the calf with a reliable vaccine before it picks up these organisms. Manure Rich in Plant Food. Manure from grain, meat and bone fed hens Is very rich In plant four1 Six y I Steadies nerves 2 Allays thirst 3 Aids appetite 4 Helps digestion IJ 5 Keeps teeth clean ' 6 It's economical iteep the soldiers and sailors supplied I x JX Couldn't Tell. Two farmers met at the county seat shortly after a cyclone had visited that neighborhood. "Well, sir," said one of them, "she shook up things out my way, to be 3ure. By the way, Henry," he added, 'did that new tarn of yours get hurt my?" "I can't say," replied the second farmer. "I haven't found it yet." . A SOFT, VELVETY SKIN should be the ambition of every wom an as there is nothing so attractive is a fair, smooth skin. Neither soaps lor powders can give this. Thou sands of southern women know from experience that Tetterine will quickly rid the skin of its disfiguring pimples md blotches and give It that bright :lear appearance so much admired. Tetterine Is sold by druggists or sent Dy mail for 50c. by Shuptrine Co.. Savannah, Ga. Adv. Described. "Pa, what Is a profiteer?" "A man svbo would rather get rich quickly :han win the war quickly." $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh la a local disease greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It :herefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE s taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE iestroya the foundation of the disease, fives the patient strength by Improving :he general health and assists nature in loing Its work. $100.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE fails to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Gossips are superintendents In :rouble factories. For PATRIOTISM Lend Him AHandy BDDS "Actions speak louder than words "Act - Pont Talk - Buy Now It meana a miserable condition of ill health that leads to all sorts of special ailments such as headache, backache, dyspepsia, dizziness, indigestion, pains oi various kinds, piles and numerous other disorder CONSTIPATION is a crime against nature, and no human being can be well for any length of time whilo constipated. DK. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS is the remedy and has been used successfully all over this country for 72 years. Get a box and see how it feel to have your liver and bowels resume their health-giving natural functions. For eale at all druggists and dealers everywhere. Chew it after every meal The Flavor Lasts! Patriotic Talk. "Money talks." "And just now It Is shouting th battle cry of freedom." A Valuable Iron Tonic for the Blood GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIO Purifies U Kd riches the Blood. It arouses the liver, driTeAouft malaria and builds up the whole system. A Qe eral Strengthening Tonlo for Adults and CbUdxea. 60& Society may set itself up on the tojs of a mountain, but any donkey ladem with gold can reach It. Roman Eye Balsam Is an antiseptic otnt ment, applied externally and not a "wash. It heals the Inflamed surfaces, providing prompt relief. Adv. Jealousy before marriage means sus picion afterward. Do Your Cows Fail to Cleaa? This Is a serious condition and re quires prompt attention Ir. David Roberts Cow Cleaner Rives quick relief. Keep It on fcso and prevent the ruin of your cue Read the Prscfica I Home VeterbarUa Send for rn booklet a AbortlM U Cmm If no dealer in vour town, writ Or. David Roberts' lei. Co.. 100 Grand Annus, Waukesha. Vh, Kill All Flies! TH< Placed anywher, Daisy Fly Killer attract aad kSM mil file. Neat, clean, ornamental, oon Ten lent and c&m Lute all wiMon, ttsdtf 'of metal, ru't ipia m tin nvuri wfll rwvt mrit a Injur anythieff. Gumm ted crlecuv. Ak Cut- alsy Fly Killer Sold by doatera. or 6 Mas ly express. prepaJd. II. M. HAROLD SOMERS, ISO OK KALS AVE., BROOKLYN, N. . DROPSY TREATMENT. Gives quicK wimb, Soon removes swelling and Short breath. Never beard of its eqp&l for drpJ Iry la Trial treatment sent PRES. br mH Writs to DR. THOMAS E. CREEK Baok Bis, Bo 20, CHATSWOCTeV k llffeC DnWDP You load, others ftllotr. R dUGCess, CWer a leader. Particulars fre sUeawtleul Iorormelioa Bareea, tol W. litrd St., Se lartjl W. N. U CHARLOTTE, NO. 18-1911 ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. Buy SAPOLIO For ECONOMY ' la t HI yUbli ti ban IflUVJ P. ft." Ti'ii "-"Jirt . :- -: - A"1